Friday, February 09, 2018

Obama Administration, Convinced of a Hillary Victory, They Thought Nobody Would Ever Know

Daniel J. Flynn

An administration siccing the surveillance state on the opposition party’s presidential candidate based on dubious reports compiled by the favored presidential candidate’s campaign ranks as a terribly reckless strategy risking the future freedom of its architects for their future power, no?

“Not if you think you will win the election and no one will ever find out,” an animated Joseph diGenova tells The American Spectator. “That’s why they did it. They thought she would win and no one would ever find out.”

Alas, Hillary Clinton did not, as so many expected, win the presidency. So, the incoming administration, investigated by dubious means, got to see what the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and various Justice Department officials believed it would never see.

DiGenova, a former U.S. attorney and independent counsel tasked with investigating the George H.W. Bush administration’s accessing of candidate Bill Clinton’s passport file, believes the malfeasance surrounding the Department of Justice securing warrants to electronically surveil Donald Trump adviser Carter Page rose to a criminal level. And he thinks the conflict of interest inherent within tasking the Justice Department investigating criminal wrongdoing within the Justice Department strikes as just the type of situation imagined when the Office of the Special Counsel was created.

“There are a number of people in the high ranks of government in both civil service and political positions who have an animus toward the president and engage in activities that clearly violate the law,” diGenova tells The American Spectator. “It is my understanding that an investigation into the leaking has been ongoing.”

Specifically, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence memo’s finding that the Justice Department knew that the information justifying its application for a FISA warrant to obtain electronic surveillance came from a Hillary Clinton campaign opposition research operation, i.e., Christopher Steele’s “dossier,” yet withheld that information, possibly constitutes a legal problem for James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and others involved in applications to the court. Beyond this, reports that the Justice Department relied on a second dossier compiled by Cody Shearer, a political hatchet man without the pretense of credibility that Steele, a longtime British intelligence agent, provided for his “dossier,” further complicates legal matters for government employees involved in what increasingly looks like partisan work done on the federal government’s dime.
“The fundamental scandal that is at the heart of this,” diGenova notes, remains “the weaponization of intelligence and law enforcement against an opposing candidate.”


  1. I am waiting hopefully and expectantly for the IG's Report.

  2. .

    Well this certainly wasn't hard to predict

    Trump won't release Democratic memo

    Trump cited concerns from the Justice Department and FBI in his objection to releasing the Democratic memo. But Trump ignored those concerns when he decided to release the Republican memo last week -- despite the FBI releasing a rare statement to say the Nunes memo omitted key information and the Justice Department raising "grave concerns" about its release without proper review.

    Trump's objection puts the committee in uncharted waters, as the committee used an obscure rule that had never been invoked before to vote to release both memos.

    The White House allowed the Nunes memo to be made public. But with the objection to the Democratic memo, there is a procedure available to the House to override the objection and make it public anyway...

    Any bets on what the Republican controlled House will do?


    1. And he shouldn't either, not the ticky way it was put together like a poison pill.

      You swallow it if you like, The Donald has more brains in his noggin than that.

    2. Tucker Carlson says The D is going to release a redacted version but don't know if that is correct or up to the moment or not.

    3. .

      You are the one that is ticky you simpering Trump shit poodle.

      You haven't a clue as to what's in it. You haven't seen it. No one has.

      Over the last couple of days, I've seen 3 or 4 GOP House members on TV and when they are asked about the Dems memo they say 'Sure I'm all for the Dem memo being released. I voted for releasing it.' When asked if there were any concerns, they all answered, well it has to be cleared by the White House for security reasons.' Well, did you see any concerns before voting to release it? "Well, I actually didn't read it." Of course not. Most of them didn't bother reading the Nunes memo before it was released.

      You know Trump didn't read. Heck it's 10 pages long and he's got the attention of a gnat. The Nunes memo was 4 pages long and you know Trump didn't read that either. He merely had Hope Hicks paraphrase it for him as she was steaming his crotch.

      Before he had even seen the Nunes memo he was promising it would be released, 100%. Despite the fact that the FBI and DOJ told him not to release it, he said the public deserves transparency and he was going to declassify everything in the memo and have it released.

      Now, after stalling for two weeks and with time running out he suddenly gets religion and decides to start listening the organizations he has insisted were corrupt liars. The hypocrisy is palpable.

      The man is an habitual liar and a hypocrite and no better than a third world country's tinpot dictator.

      And you making excuses for him is just as bad.


    4. MSM Moron!

      Too dumb or ignorant to be aware of Schiff's strategy?

      "House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Friday he was not surprised that the Justice Department and FBI advised against the release of a memo authored by the panel's Democratic members.

      "Ranking Member Schiff pledged to seek the input of the Department of Justice and FBI regarding the memo’s public release, and it’s no surprise that these agencies recommended against publishing the memo without redactions," Nunes said in a statement referring to the committee's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.).

      Nunes urged committee Democrats to make "the appropriate technical changes and redactions" to the document as recommended by the Justice Department "so that no sources and methods are disclosed and their memo can be declassified as soon as possible."

    5. Cover your eyes and blame Trump!'s the easiest thing to do, and does not conflict with your programming.

    6. Hint:
      Schiff loaded it up with stuff that would have to be redacted so he could get the moron choir to cry on command. you have done.

    7. You are the one that is ticky you simpering Trump shit poodle.


      Very good !

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. We must learn to allow Quirk his leeway, recognizing he doesn't know what he is talking about.

      While at the same time taking delight in some of his constructions.

    10. OK, but YOU can read the long ones!

      I'll take a scroll.

    11. .

      You are the ignorant moron, Doug. You piss, and moan, and whine, and yell MSM as if that is some kind of rational argument. All the time ignoring the arguments presented. You're willing to look like a fool as much as it takes, offering up the same silly memes over and over as the latest form of Chinese water torture, 'yelling' your unintelligent burble 'MSM MSM' at the top of your thumbs like some retarded Trump muffin.

      The questions are,

      1. Why was Trump determined to publish the GOP memo before even reading it? Why did he promise to do so.

      2. Why did Trump ignore all appeals by the FBI and DOJ to 'not' release the Nunes Memo?

      3. Now, after calling the FBI and DOJ every name in the book, corrupt, liars, biased, you name it, does he now accept them as authoritative, independent, and honest when they offer the same arguments against releasing the Dems memo as they offered against the Nunes Memo, arguments he ignored.

      4. Why does he say he declassified what was in the one-sided Nunes Memo in order to provide the American people 'transparency' but now refuses to do the same for what is likely the one-sided Shiff memo in order to be transparent about the other side of the argument.

      5. Why wasn't the Dem memo released at the same time as the Nunes memo? Why did it take two weeks to tell the Dems their memo wasn't going to fly and would be delayed for some additional undetermined time.

      Schiff loaded it up with stuff that would have to be redacted so he could get the moron choir to cry on command.

      Of course he did, dipshit. Nunes did the same thing. The FBi/DOJ said neither memo should be released. The difference is Trump ignored ALL recommendations and 'declassified' the Nunes Memo on 'his own authority' and is now refusing to do the same thing for the Dem memo.

      Try and get up to speed, Doug. This whole episode has been a bipartisan clusterfuck from the beginning. Everything in both memos is political spin.

      If you don't understand that or aren't able to answer the questions above, you are too friggin stupid to waste my time on.

      Go waste someone else's time.


    12. I'll consider spending time on it if and when you are willing to admit the slightest hint of corruption at the FBI and DOJ.

  3. Nuclear scientists arrested for 'Bitcoin mining plot'....DRUDGE

    "The love of Bitcoin is the root of all evil"

  4. Classy! (For a bottom.)

    The first two openly gay male U.S. winter Olympians are doubling down on their feud with Vice President Pence over his record on LGBTQ rights.

    Freeskier Gus Kenworthy posted a photo on Instagram of himself and figure skater Adam Rippon with a caption that calls out Pence, who is leading the U.S. delegation to the 2018 Olympics, by name. Rippon was named to the U.S. Olympic team first, making history as the first openly gay man to represent the country in the Winter Olympics. Kenworthy was named to the team a few weeks later.

    “The Opening Ceremony is a wrap and the 2018 Winter Olympic Gaymes are officially under way!” Kenworthy wrote. “I feel incredibly honored to be here in Korea competing for the US and I'm so proud to be representing the LGBTQ community alongside this amazing guy! Eat your heart out, Pence.”

    He also used the hashtag “TeamUSGay,” adding American flag and Pride flag emojis.

    1. .

      Right, Pence, is a righteous individual. So holier than thou that despite being an Evangelical he wears 'holy underwear' in a belt and suspenders strategy to assure himself a good seat on the trip to the rapture.



  5. .

    I've seen nothing to indicate to me any corruption at the FBI or DOJ.


  6. An administration siccing the surveillance state on the opposition party’s presidential candidate based on dubious reports compiled by the favored presidential candidate’s campaign ranks as a terribly reckless strategy.

  7. Cody Shearer:

  8. Devin Nunes is investigating me. Here’s the truth.

    ...about BS Artist Steele as told by another BS Artist.

  9. This week Kathleen Willey, whom Bill Clinton pawed in the White House, tweeted out her remembrances of Shearer:

    "Cody Shearer intimidated and terrorized me for well over two years at the behest of HRC. I came home to a 1 yr. old, healthy pet. Another went missing. My car was vandalized. I encountered a stranger under my deck at 3 am one morning. Now he produces a bogus dossier?"

    Shearer has also been tied to Terry Lenzner, another beauty from the Lewinsky era who organized harassment of Bill’s female accusers. All of this tawdry work prepared Shearer for his final smear in service to Hillary: claiming that the Kremlin was holding a “pee tape” and other ludicrous kompromat over Donald Trump’s head.

    1. The aforementioned Post story says that Steele was counseled by a British diplomat to work with the “right sort of people” in America to publicize his dossier. You know, upstanding types like Cody Shearer. In this despicable debacle, we have seen what happens when the “right sort of people” vouch for each other and their hyperventilating.

      Out of this echo chamber of the entitled came the only collusion in the race: the United States government spying on the Trump campaign on nothing more than the say-so of smear artists financed and groomed by Trump’s opponent.

    2. That Cody is one hell of a sweetheart.

  10. February 9, 2018
    Sudden FBI departures indicate that the jig is up
    By Thomas Lifson

    Choose your metaphor: rats leaving a sinking ship, cockroaches scurrying away from the light, or maybe just people cutting deals to save their butts. Yesterday saw the FBI fan feculated.

    The blandness of this Politico story, titled "Two more officials cited in FBI texts step down," conceals really, really big news. The jig is up. Each of the "officials" who is "stepping down" is leaving under duress and likely facing serious legal consequences for acts that have been disclosed – acts that go to the heart of the fraudulent application for the Page FISA warrant and the obstruction of justice in the Hillary email probe.

    Hugh Hewitt explained the departure of David Laughman on Twitter, as noted on the Washington Post. Via Twitchy:......

    1. Here ya go, Quirk -

      Essentially, Sundance unravels the conspiracy to suppress evidence from the public prior to the election. If you want to be ahead of the game in understanding who did what in the FBI conspiracy to fix the election, and when the "insurance policy" had to come into effect, this post, also linked above, is essential reading, with its organization charts, timelines, and contextual information.

    2. That Mr. Laughman is a real gas.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. .


      Get back to me when you have an article that's not filled from end to end with claims that start off with 'likely played' and 'may have had'.


  11. .

    Pence's bid to isolate North Korea at Olympics falls flat

    Associated Press

    PYEONGCHANG, South Korea — For all of Vice President Mike Pence's efforts to keep North Korea from stealing the show at the Winter Olympics, the images of the two Koreas marching together — and their officials shaking hands — at a time of heightened tensions on the peninsula proved impossible to counteract.

    Pence spent the days leading up to Friday's opening ceremonies warning that the North was trying to "hijack the message and imagery of the Olympic Games" with its "propaganda."

    But the North was still welcomed with open arms to what South Korean President Moon Jae-in called "Olympic games of peace" and the U.S. appeared to be the one left out in the cold.

    Pence sat stone-faced in his seat as Moon and North Koreans officials stood together with much of the stadium to applaud their joint team of athletes. White House officials stressed that Pence had applauded only for the American team, but Asia experts said the vice president's refusal to stand could be seen as disrespectful to the hosts.
    U.S. officials have been urging South Korea to be cautious in its rapprochement with the North — a point Pence drilled home in private meetings with Moon on Thursday...

    Looking childish and petty on the world stage, IMHO.


    1. It is well past time to take all US troops out of South Korea and let them sell washing machines to North Korea.

  12. Devin Nunes' next targets: Obama officials, Clinton operatives - Washington Times

    House intelligence committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes‘ next target in his quest to expose government surveillance abuses of the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election: Obama-era State Department officials and Clinton family operatives.

    With Capitol Hill bracing for the White House to soon release a Democratic rebuttal to Mr. Nunes‘ highly publicized memo last week, sources say his staff is preparing up to five more broadsides calling into question the FBI’s and Department of Justice’s handling of the Russian election-meddling investigation.

    As stakes mount, some congressional Republicans privately acknowledge that they fear the Democrats’ 10-page rebuttal contains so much sensitive material that President Trump will be accused of censoring the documents when he makes omissions, which he is expected to do.


    Adding to the overall Russia-related tension on Thursday, former President George W. Bush, while on an overseas trip, appeared to take a swipe at the partisan bickering in Washington’s multiple investigations.

    Addressing a think tank {IRONY ALERT George Bush Addressing a "Think tank"} in Abu Dhabi, the Trump critic said that while it was unclear if the Kremlin impacted the overall result of the presidential vote — there was “pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled.”

    Amid the rancor, Mr. Nunes‘ sites are dialed in on what he calls the “second phase” of his inquiry, he recently told Fox News.

    His first memo said FBI and Justice Department officials misled the nation’s secret surveillance powers while seeking a warrant to monitor the communications of former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. They did this by misrepresenting former British spy Christopher Steele, the dossier author who opposes Mr. Trump.

    The second salvo, sources close to the California Republican tell The Washington Times, will rely on an argument promoted by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican.

    The two senators say Clinton family associates fed Mr. Steele accusations against the Trump campaign.

    Last month, the senators asked the Justice Department in a letter to consider opening a criminal investigation into Mr. Steele’s relationship with the FBI.



    1. {...}
      In a heavily redacted, declassified version of the referral, the senators allege an Obama-era State Department special envoy to Libya, Jonathan Winer, received a memo written by a political activist and associate of longtime Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal, Cody Shearer. Mr. Winer then passed on the information to Mr. Steele.

      “It is troubling enough that the Clinton Campaign funded Mr. Steele’s work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility,” the Grassley-Graham letter reads.

      Civil libertarians applauded the first Nunes memo for piercing the veil of secrecy they say has been used to hide wrongdoing in the government’s security agencies.

      But Democrats { virtuous to a non-sexual specified person} contend that Mr. Nunes purposefully worked to trash the image of the FBI and Justice Department to protect Mr. Trump and undermine special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

      Several prominent Republicans senators were also lukewarm, including Richard Burr, chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Asked why his committee did not craft a similar document, the North Carolina Republican said, “I don’t think there was any need for a memo to be released.”

      Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, was even more harsh. “Our nation’s elected officials, including the president, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows,” Mr. McCain said in a statement. “The latest attacks on the FBI and Department of Justice serve no American interests — no party’s, no president’s, only [Russian President] Putin’s.”

      As for Democrats on Mr. Nunes‘ committee, they want to move back to interviewing witnesses. Asked about the Grassley-Graham letter regarding Mr. Steele’s links with the State Department and Clinton associates, Rep. Eric Swalwell told The Times, “This is just the newest confetti bomb designed to prevent the public from connecting the dots.”

  13. Former Obama State Department official Jonathan Winer, in an attempt to come clean and shape the narrative before being exposed, confirmed that he passed on a dossier from Clinton operatives to the author of the infamous Trump dossier.

    In an op-ed in the Washington Post on Thursday titled “Devin Nunes is investigating me. Here’s the truth,” Winer publicly confirmed reports that he had passed on a report he received from Clinton operatives to dossier author Christopher Steele in fall 2016, right before the election.

    He also confirmed that those Clinton operatives were aware of the dossier effort — making Hillary Clinton’s denials of knowing about the dossier even less credible than they were already.

    Winer purported to tell “the real story” in his piece, in which he claimed his actions were taken because he was “so alarmed” by Russia’s role in the 2016 election.


  14. Get back to me when you have an article that's not filled from end to end with claims that start off with 'likely played' and 'may have had'.


    Winer’s confession comes after Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) published a memo earlier this week recommending a criminal referral for Steele.

    In their memo, which was vetted by the Justice Department and the FBI, they said that Steele had passed on to the FBI a report he got from a State Department official, who had gotten it from a Clinton friend, who had gotten it from someone else.

    His confession also came after House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) said he planned next to expose the role the State Department had in the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign.

    Both the House Intelligence Committee and Grassley and Graham have published memos detailing how the FBI relied heavily on Steele’s dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, to obtain a warrant to spy on former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page.

    Grassley and Graham’s memo also said then-FBI Director James Comey admitted to Grassley and Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) that they used a piece of uncorroborated information because they had worked with Steele before and trusted him.

    The FBI used the dossier four times to obtain and renew spy warrants on Page, even though in October they found out Steele had lied to them about contacts with the media and thus suspended him.

    The FBI continued to believe Steele had not been behind a September 2016 Yahoo! News article that they also used as evidence to obtain the warrants — even though Steele had admitted it in a British court, and continued to tell the court granting the warrants that Steele was not behind that report.

    1. .

      I see the confession.

      I don't see a crime where criminal charges can be brought.

      Tell me if I'm wrong. I don't have a law degree and I realize the possibility exists.


  15. Rest easy lads, we have it on authority that this is all a figment of a disturbed particle of a sliver of imagination in our politically charged heads.

  16. Move along, avert your eyes, this too shall pass. We have been so assured by the Apologista Democraticus

  17. I added a little video at the top of the post, just to be helpful.

  18. Watch the video for the facts or alternately you can rely on the advice given to Doug:

    You are the ignorant moron, Doug. You piss, and moan, and whine, and yell MSM as if that is some kind of rational argument. All the time ignoring the arguments presented. You're willing to look like a fool as much as it takes, offering up the same silly memes over and over as the latest form of Chinese water torture, 'yelling' your unintelligent burble 'MSM MSM' at the top of your thumbs like some retarded Trump muffin.

  19. The Judicial Watch video is superb, if you want the facts.


  20. The Obama Administration is history.

    Catch up fellas, it's 2018 and there is a new incompetent in the White House.

    Trump Lied About What He Paid For Melania's Engagement Ring

    We're still not clear on who is really responsible for the MASSIVE SECURITY BREACH at the White House.

    Looks like John Kelly is lining up to take tbe hit.

    LOCK HIM UP!!!


  21. The former Navy SEAL who claims he fired the shot that killed Osama bin Laden is blasting President Donald Trump's desire for a military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.

    "A military parade is third world bullshit. We prepare. We deter. We fight. Stop this conversation,"
    Robert O'Neill tweeted


  22. The U.S. Federal deficit was $587 billion in Obama’s last year and it grew to $666 billion in Trump’s first year of his Presidency.

    I’ve been reviewing a report from the U.S. Treasury Department, which shows that the U.S. Federal Deficit will probably increase this year (fiscal 2018), could come close to if not exceed $1 trillion in fiscal 2019 and will likely exceed $1 trillion in fiscal 2020 and beyond


    1. Notice how the number 666
      Keeps reoccurring in Trump World?

      Did Cadet Bone Spur cut a deal with the Devil?

      Har de har har

  23. Trump--Middle American Radical

    Trump the conservative?

    Yet not even his allies would describe him as a conservative in the tradition of Robert Taft, Russell Kirk or William F. Buckley.

    In the primaries of 2016, all his rivals claimed the mantle of Mr. Conservative, Ronald Reagan. Yet Trump captured the party's heart.

    Who, then, and what is Donald Trump?

    In a Federalist essay, "Trump Isn't a Conservative -- And That's a Good Thing," Frank Cannon comes close to the mark.

    Trump, he writes, "would more accurately be described as a 'radical anti-progressive'" who is "at war with the progressives who have co-opted American civil society." Moreover, Trump "is willing to go further than any other previous conservative to defeat them."

    Many "elite conservatives," writes Cannon, believe the "bedrock institutions" they treasure are "not subject to the same infectious politicization to which the rest of society has succumbed."

    This belief is naive, says Cannon, "ridiculous on its face."

    "Radical anti-progressives" recognize that many institutions -- the academy, media, entertainment and the courts -- have been co-opted and corrupted by the left. And as these institutions are not what they once were, they no longer deserve the respect they once had.

    Yet most conservatives will only go so far in criticizing these institutions. We see this in how cradle Catholics find it difficult to criticize the Church in which they were birthed and raised, despite scandals and alterations in the liturgy and doctrine.

    Trump sees many institutions as fortresses lately captured by radical progressives that must be attacked and besieged if they are to be recaptured and liberated. Cannon deals with three such politicized institutions: the media, the NFL and the courts.

    Trump does not attack freedom of the press but rather the moral authority and legitimacy of co-opted media institutions. It is what CNN has become, not what CNN was, that Trump disrespects.

    These people are political enemies posturing as journalists who create "fake news" to destroy me, says Trump. Enraged media, responding, reveal themselves to be not far removed from what Trump says they are.

    And, since Trump, media credibility has plummeted.



    1. {...}

      Before 2016, the NFL was an untouchable. When the league demanded that North Carolina accept the radical transgender agenda or face NFL sanctions, the Tar Heel State capitulated. When Arizona declined to make Martin Luther King's birthday a holiday in 1990, the NFL took away the Super Bowl. The Sun State caved.

      This year, the league demanded respect for the beliefs and behavior of NFL players insulting Old Glory by "taking a knee" during the national anthem.

      Many conservative politicians and commentators, fearing the NFL's almost mythic popularity in Middle America, remained mute.

      But believing instinctively America would side with him, Trump delivered a full-throated defense of the flag and called for kicking the kneelers off the field, out of the game, and off the team.

      "Fire them!" Trump bellowed.

      And Trump triumphed. The NFL lost fans and viewers. The players ended the protests. No one took a knee at the Super Bowl.

      Before Trump, the FBI was sacrosanct. But Trump savaged an insiders' cabal at the top of the FBI he saw as having plotted to defeat him.

      Trump has not attacked an independent judiciary, but courts like the Ninth Circuit, controlled by progressives and abusing their offices to advance progressive goals, and federal judges using lifetime tenure and political immunity to usurp powers that belong to the president -- on immigration, for example.

      Among the reasons Congress is disrespected is that it let the Supreme Court seize its power over social policy and convert itself into a judicial dictatorship -- above Congress.

      Trump is no Beltway conservative, writes Cannon.

      "Trump doesn't play by these ridiculous rules designed to keep conservatives stuck in a perpetual state of losing -- a made-for-CNN version of the undefeated Harlem Globetrotters versus the winless Washington Generals. Trump instead seeks to fight and delegitimize any institution the Left has captured, and rebuild it from the ground up."

      The Trump supporters who most relish the wars he is waging are the "Middle American Radicals," of whom my columnist-colleague and late friend Sam Francis used to write.

      There was a time such as today before in America.

      After World War II, as it became clear our long-ruling liberal elites had blundered horribly in trusting Stalin, patriots arose to cleanse our institutions of treason and its fellow travelers.

      The Hollywood Ten were exposed and went to jail. Nixon nailed Alger Hiss. Truman used the Smith Act to shut down Stalin's subsidiary, the Communist Party USA. Spies in the atom bomb program were run down. The Rosenbergs went to the electric chair.

      Liberals call it the "Red Scare." And they are right to do so.

      For when the patriots of the Greatest Generation like Jack Kennedy and Richard Nixon and Joe McCarthy came home from the war and went after them, the nation's Reds had never been so scared in their entire lives.

    2. REPEAT:

      Trump supporters who most relish the wars he is waging are the "Middle American Radicals," of whom my columnist-colleague and late friend Sam Francis used to write.

      There was a time such as today before in America.

      After World War II, as it became clear our long-ruling liberal elites had blundered horribly in trusting Stalin, patriots arose to cleanse our institutions of treason and its fellow travelers.

      The Hollywood Ten were exposed and went to jail. Nixon nailed Alger Hiss. Truman used the Smith Act to shut down Stalin's subsidiary, the Communist Party USA. Spies in the atom bomb program were run down. The Rosenbergs went to the electric chair.

      Liberals call it the "Red Scare." And they are right to do so.

      For when the patriots of the Greatest Generation like Jack Kennedy and Richard Nixon and Joe McCarthy came home from the war and went after them, the nation's Reds had never been so scared in their entire lives.


    3. Rupurt Murdock just signed a five year deal with the NFL, for Thursaday N ights at record revenues for the NFL.

      The proof is in the tasting and who is paying the cook.

    4. The Neo-Liberal "Culture War" is a fraud.

      Nothing more than a marketing tool for those that wish to reside "behind the curve" of historic advancement into the Brave New World.

      But doing nothing to slow tbe march

      The U.S. Federal deficit was $587 billion in Obama’s last year and it grew to $666 billion in Trump’s first year of his Presidency.

      Promises Made - Promises Broken

  24. Some ordinary people see the big picture.


    1. a report from the U.S. Treasury Department, which shows that the U.S. Federal Deficit will probably increase this year (fiscal 2018), could come close to if not exceed $1 trillion in fiscal 2019 and will likely exceed $1 trillion in fiscal 2020 and beyond

      Future so bright. ..
      Deuce has to wear shades.


    2. It takes "Special Glasses" to ferret out the Illuminati

  25. Don't worry about me, focus on your bone spurs, testosterone and your brand of antidisestablishmentarianism.


    An IBD/TIPP poll shows that “Americans overwhelmingly believe the Obama administration ‘improperly surveilled’ Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.”
    Despite the disgraced American media’s best and most cynical efforts to bury the truth, and to even stop the truth from ever seeing the light of day, this poll (and another addressed below) demonstrate that the American people are almost entirely tuning the partisan, mostly-hysterical news media out and looking to alternative media for the truth.

    There is simply no other way to explain these poll results, which unambiguously prove that a majority of the public believe the exact opposite of what an unceasing, coordinated media campaign wants them to believe — which is that President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 campaign and that the heroic FBI is being unfairly smeared by Trump’s eeeevil defenders.

    Well, despite more than a year of this relentless propaganda coming from all four corners of the mainstream media’s fabricated reality, here are the results from all four corners of actual reality…

    A clear majority of 55 percent believe it is “likely” that the Obama administration “improperly surveilled the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.” That includes 31 percent of Democrats, 87 percent of Republicans, and 55 percent of Independents.

    A clear majority of 54 percent want a special counsel to investigate “whether the FBI and the Department of Justice improperly surveilled the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election.” Only 44 percent said no. The partisan breakdown shows that 74 percent of Republicans and 50 percent of Independents want a special counsel — as do a full 44 percent of Democrats.

    1. .

      A clear majority of 54 percent want a special counsel to investigate “whether the FBI and the Department of Justice improperly surveilled the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election.”

      The IG investigation is reportedly investigating these very things.

      The has been talk of a second special prosecutor being assigned to discuss these matters for months. As far as I know, no one here have objected and in fact most approve it. The entire government is in the hands of Trump and the GOP. If it's that critical why hasn't it been done?



    In this particular poll, one fairly positive result for the FBI and Justice Department is that only 35 percent believe these institutions attempted to outright frame President Trump for colluding with the Russians.

    A just-released Rasmussen poll, however, shows that a full 50 percent of Americans “believe it’s at least somewhat likely senior federal law enforcement officials broke the law in an effort to prevent Donald Trump from winning the presidency.” Only 40 percent disagree.

    Another Rasmussen poll from this week shows that only 42 percent of Americans believe Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election more than the FBI. Moreover, a full 34 percent believe the FBI meddled more than the Russians, while 24 percent are unsure.

    In other words, we now live in a country where 58 percent of Americans either believe our own FBI meddled in a presidential election more than a hostile foreign government, or are not sure the FBI did not.

    Meanwhile, Trump’s approval rating is running ahead of former-President Obama’s at this point in his failed presidency.

  28. Some of us were less than dazzled by Hussein from the beginning.

  29. Four Obama holdovers entirely sympathetic to the ideological agenda of the previous administration are still in absolute control of an entire layer of political oversight at DOJ.

    The recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions from all things Russia has unexpectedly revealed the political proclivities of so many deeply embedded Justice Department and FBI employees. Texts, memos, FISA warrants and dossiers have the Russia scandal boiling over, but not in the way some anticipated.

    None of this is surprising to anyone aware of the lopsided support for Democrats in campaign donations by Justice Department employees. The unraveling over the last few weeks of the texts, actions and emails of FBI agents, FBI leaders and Justice Department enablers — some even appointed by President Trump, such as Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — has revealed a federal law enforcement apparatus that wished the 2016 election never occurred.

    But the problem at the Justice Department is even worse. Unfortunately, in important components of the Justice Department, the deep-state strategy of seeking to nullify the results of the 2016 election is being employed without garnering as much attention.
    Consider the Justice Department Civil Rights Division, where a Senate-confirmed nominee for assistant attorney general has yet to be installed, 13 months into the administration. The Civil Rights Division wields enormous power over housing, banking, voting, police, education, immigration, employment, lending, prisons and more. During the Obama years, the division lurched hard left, and many of the most extreme positions were explicitly criticized by President Trump in his victorious campaign.

    Elections must carry consequences, or the victorious electorate will question the utility of the process. Yet four Obama holdovers entirely sympathetic to the ideological agenda of the previous administration are still in absolute control of an entire layer of political oversight. There are four deputy assistant attorney general positions at the Civil Rights Division, and all are occupied by committed Obama holdovers.

    Alberto Ruisanchez and Rebecca Bond were elevated into these slots out of the career ranks, on an acting basis, just days before President Trump’s inauguration. The pair were elevated by the previous administration for their familiarity with the bureaucracy and their skills at slowing down anything President Trump wanted to do. Incredibly, they still haven’t been dislodged and replaced with political appointees who, of course, require no Senate confirmation.

    Meanwhile, Robert Moosey and Greg Friel — two other committed liberal bureaucrats — were sneakily slotted by the Obama administration into permanent deputy assistant attorney general roles that are normally reserved for political appointees. In other words, they were elevated into career political slots, an oxymoron if there ever was one.

    People familiar with their behavior since the inauguration tell me these four have stymied Team Trump and have preserved their day-to-day control over the nearly 1,000 employees of the Civil Rights Division. They serve the bureaucrats and the outside activist groups more than they serve this administration.


    1. {...}

      Some might excuse this circumstance and say they serve “the department.” But these days, with manipulators like Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe becoming household names, that excuse has become a laugh line. Having four long-haul bureaucrats in political slots mount a rear-guard delaying strategy to preserve the Obama legacy is the sort of thing that ignites fury among the President Trump’s most dedicated supporters.

      Regular folks outside the Beltway that I have spoken with, in places like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, want holdovers like Moosey, Ruisanchez, Bond and Friel to endure something more than gentle reassignment. The fact that 13 months into the administration these deep-state embeds still hold power enrages Trump’s base. They want bureaucrats like these four frog-marched out of the federal government and into oblivion. Beware the Trump supporter scorned.

      This sort of obstructionism isn’t just a nuisance, it’s undemocratic. I was at the Justice Department in January 2009 when President Obama was inaugurated. Justice Department policy turned on a dime. Bush-era holdovers in positions of authority, even career civil servants, were circumvented, blackballed, removed and run off. Policies were instantly altered. Cases brought by the Bush administration were jettisoned.


    2. {...}

      The 2008 election had consequences at the Justice Department right away. There was no layer of Bush-era political appointees allowed to linger for more than a year, serving as the hands-on managers of an entire division of the Justice Department. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) should take careful note and move Justice Department appointees as fast as possible to fix this disgraceful, undemocratic circumstance.

      Topping the list to confirm should be Eric Dreiband, President Trump’s excellent and brilliant pick to head the Civil Rights Division. No Justice Department division is in greater need of fumigation than the Civil Rights Division. Acting Assistant Attorney General John Gore only has 24 hours in a day, and cannot possibly fully implement Trump priorities, especially with so many Obama political holdovers in key political slots undermining the outcome of the 2016 election.

      To be sure, the Civil Rights Division under Sessions and Gore has been able to slow down or stop a few of the most outlandish Obama-era policies. No longer are huge litigation-settlement slush funds being permitted to fuel left-wing activist groups, even though the architects of those slush funds remain in positions of power.

      No longer are peaceful pro-life protesters at abortion clinics subject to abusive federal lawsuits that were repeatedly thrown out by federal judges, even though the lawyers who brought those frivolous cases still hold jobs. No longer are states such as Ohio and Texas subject to Justice Department attacks for election-integrity laws, even though the chiefs of the Voting Section are the exact same lifers as they were under Obama.

      But that’s not enough. It’s one thing to stop the worst abuses of the Obama-era Justice Department. It’s quite another to implement the policies that won an election in 2016. It’s time for the Senate to get to work and finally bring an end to the Obama administration.

      J. Christian Adams is president and general counsel for the Public Interest Legal Foundation and a former lawyer at the U.S. Department of Justice. He also served on the Presidential Advisory Commission for Election Integrity.

  30. .

    Trump ADHD

    In speaking of the Dem memo he refuses to release Trump says, 'it's very political and long'.


    I think we all know which of those two bothers Trump the most.

    To a man who reportedly doesn't read and has the attention span of a gnat, anything that can't be explained in a tweet isn't worth reading.



  31. I just read a report that said that The Donald does, indeed, read, contrary to other reports.

    Which report should I believe, O Quirk ?

    I think I'll go with 'The Donald can read' option on the grounds he went to college, and is a billionaire, and not from winning the lottery.

    Besides, I've actually SEEN him read stuff right there on TV, unless he was faking it.

    It that case the guy must have a phenomenal memory.

    Don't believe everything you read, O Quick !

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We know from cultural studies that reading destroys memory.

      Perhaps it would be better for once to have a Prez that doesn't read ?

      If you can read this, O Quirk, what is your opinion on these matters ?

    3. .

      I think you are an idiot, Bob.

      I think a factor in the debasing of our culture, that which Deuce continuously decries, is that people don't read anymore, they tweet and they text and they get their news from youtube.

      As to Trump, if what you suggest is true we're all set. What the hell, Trump gets his foreign policy and other views from Fox and Friends and then simply tweets them out. Easy peasy. Why bother reading or getting other views. Heck, that would require the troublesome process of actually thinking. Much simpler to live in the bubble, fat, dumb, and happy.


  32. I don't get it.

    If The Donald can't read, how can he Tweet ?

    It not it ?

    1. Or does The Donald hire a secret Tweeter ?

    2. .

      If The Donald can't read, how can he Tweet ?

      Once again, the English major displays his ignorance of the English language.

      'Doesn't read' doesn't mean 'can't read'. Trump is not forced to be an ignorant twit, he chooses to be one.

      You really could use a remedial reading class, Bob.


    3. 'Doesn't read' doesn't mean 'can't read'.

      Where did you come up with this horse shitty ?

      'Doesn't read' CAN AND OFTEN DOES mean 'can't read'.

      You are correct in indicating however that it is not restricted to that reading.

      You need to learn some enhanced readin', Quirk, and maybe more 'writin' too.

    4. More readin', writtin' and less horse shitty will be your lessons for one month, Quirk.

      At that point we will evaluate your progress.

  33. Hello.

    I am a Blog Scientist. My specialty is blog spasms of incoherence.

    We have all come upon this phenomenon occasionally in our blog readings.

    I track the duration, intensity and incoherence of such episodes.

    My subject of study on this blog is Jack Hawkins.

    I can report, after much observation and 'running the numbers' that Jack's episodes of incoherence are, happily, becoming less intense, more incoherent, and of shorter duration in the last few months.

    I urge you others here to take heart in my observations.

    Our studies show that such trends are likely to continue into the future resulting, finally, in what we in our study group call the 'poop out finale'.

    This is the last gasp effort before the blogger finally ends his participation in the blog.

    Take heart ! gentlemen and ladies.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Saudi's next reform: Scrapping womens' abaya headcoverings? - 2/10/18
      An end to black garbage bag fashion statements? More

      Current developments in Saudi Arabia are a long overdue and happy surprise.

  34. * Another indicator is repetition of words and phrases.

    An increase in RWAP precedes the finale poop out event.

    1. Thank you for all that BS, all the info and exciting news.

      I am certain it gives many here hope and determination to live to the future.

    2. .

      * Another indicator is repetition of words and phrases.

      You mean like 'MSM'?


  35. .

    Watch the video for the facts or alternately you can rely on the advice given to Doug:

    'You are the ignorant moron, Doug. You piss, and moan, and whine, and yell MSM as if that is some kind of rational argument. All the time ignoring the arguments presented. You're willing to look like a fool as much as it takes, offering up the same silly memes over and over as the latest form of Chinese water torture, 'yelling' your unintelligent burble 'MSM MSM' at the top of your thumbs like some retarded Trump muffin.'

    Started to look at your video but stopped after a couple minutes. In the time I watched it, the guy was explaining that the video would be talking about the ongoing FBI investigation, the crookedness of Comey, Rosenstein, Meuller, et al, the idea that Obama ‘may’ have known about the crookedness, the Comey book deal, Trump travel costs, etc. Then he started explaining who he was and what he does…and at that point I noticed the video was nearly 1/2 hour long and I shut it down.

    I’ve seen videos by this guy before and didn’t expect a lot new. I was willing to listen to that but not to sit through discussions of the Comey book deal or Trump travel costs.

    In the future, if you could note the point in these videos you really want us to see, it would be appreciated.


    1. and at that point I noticed the video was nearly 1/2 hour long and I shut it down

      This has been duly noted in our Quirk file.

      A very short attention span such as this is a widely recognized 'negative indicator' in our field of study.

    2. .

      Deuce doesn’t appear to appreciate my comment to Doug, here…

      You are the ignorant moron, Doug. You piss, and moan, and whine, and yell MSM as if that is some kind of rational argument. All the time ignoring the arguments presented. You're willing to look like a fool as much as it takes, offering up the same silly memes over and over as the latest form of Chinese water torture, 'yelling' your unintelligent burble 'MSM MSM' at the top of your thumbs like some retarded Trump muffin.

      That was from a comment in response to one Doug directed at me that started out…

      DougSat Feb 10, 12:36:00 AM EST

      MSM Moron!

      MSM is Doug’s number 42, his go to response and answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. He has used it here thousands of times. It is his analog to Tourette’s Syndrome. It’s a compulsive tic that comes unconscious from somewhere deep in his being.

      Talk about Trump. “MSM”

      Don’t talk about Trump. “MSM”

      Put up and argument on the ongoing FBI investigations. “MSM’

      Put up an argument about spousal abuse. “MSM”

      Put up an argument about immigration. “MSM”

      We don’t need Doug, all we need is a continuous loop recording of the term MSM.

      All bad enough, but worse is that Doug refuses to even give us his definition of exactly what the MSM is.

      When he uses MSM, we can only assume that he means anything he disagrees with. But hell, who knows. It is Doug we are talking about.


    3. February 10, 2018
      Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger

      By Peggy Ryan

      Most associate the term "radicalized" with ISIS. But radical movements aren't limited to a religion. A jihad is a crusade for a principle or belief involving struggle" and "resistance."

      The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and special interests have launched their own jihad, built on a battle cry to "resist." Today, calls to "resist!" echo through Congress as half of the House and Senate stage a mutiny against a duly elected president.

      "Resist!" is the call to arms from Democrat leaders (Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) and radical activist groups (Black Lives Matter, Antifa).

      More than 50 organizations have formed to "resist!" the Trump administration.

      Just as ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi calls on his followers to resist infidels, so this Washington cabal calls on its warriors to resist our government, to obstruct the president.

      These machinations are not conducted in the shadows, not a secret plot carried out in the dead of night. It's all in our faces. Rush Limbaugh warns of a silent coup, Sean Hannity a "soft coup," Ambassador Bolton the "first coup d'état in [U.S.] history."

      Wow – a domestic plot to take down our government, and the best we can do is chronicle the uprising? How did we get to the place where we witness a coup and tacitly accept it?

      In a word, the media, the left's super-soldiers, brought us to this point.

      This powerful propaganda tool is utilized to take the state message into every living room, bedroom, workplace, and gym, anywhere there's a TV or internet, omnipresent, Big Brother.

      Like Hitler's "Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda," the media control information, reporting only news that attacks our president and those working to exonerate him. They bury news of lawlessness that implicates Democrats – Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, any member of the leftist cabal.

      But why are the media protecting the bad actors? Is it their liberal bent, their far-left ideology? Well, yes and no. Yes, the media are radicalized, wholly devoted to the progressive dogma of the left, but it's more than that. These faux journalists couldn't spew their poison, advocate the overthrow of a president, without their boss's permission, without government approval.

      Oh, I know: Time Warner, Comcast, and other private corporations, not government, own the media. Except corporate America and government are one and the same, partners in a corrupt merger.

      The roots of this merger are in the iron triangle, a mutually beneficial three-way relationship among Congress, government bureaucrats (the Deep State), and special interests (corporate).....

    4. .
      Deflection not Argument

      Doug’s use of the term MSM is also a defense tactic used not only by Doug but by his functionally illiterate butt buddy with the multiple personality disorder currently seen using the identity Blog Editor an identity used in place of other he’s used here such as Bob, me-me, and pangender.

      By using the term MSM, Doug attempts to avoid actual argument. It’s a deflection. He would simply prefer to throw out the term MSM in a drive by attack and hope that no one sees his license plate number and challenges him. Less thinking that way. Less stress.

      Here are the questions I asked Doug in response to his comment…

      The questions are,

      1. Why was Trump determined to publish the GOP memo before even reading it? Why did he promise to do so.

      2. Why did Trump ignore all appeals by the FBI and DOJ to 'not' release the Nunes Memo?

      3. Now, after calling the FBI and DOJ every name in the book, corrupt, liars, biased, you name it, does he now accept them as authoritative, independent, and honest when they offer the same arguments against releasing the Dems memo as they offered against the Nunes Memo, arguments he ignored.

      4. Why does he say he declassified what was in the one-sided Nunes Memo in order to provide the American people 'transparency' but now refuses to do the same for what is likely the one-sided Shiff memo in order to be transparent about the other side of the argument.

      5. Why wasn't the Dem memo released at the same time as the Nunes memo? Why did it take two weeks to tell the Dems their memo wasn't going to fly and would be delayed for some additional undetermined time.

      Did Doug answer any of these questions? Of course not,

      Here was his response…

      DougSat Feb 10, 02:20:00 AM EST

      I'll consider spending time on it if and when you are willing to admit the slightest hint of corruption at the FBI and DOJ.

      Any reasonable person would likely assume that some 'hint of corruption' exists in the FBI and DOJ given the size of these organizations, 35,000 at the FBI and 113,000 at DOJ. However, does anyone here think that Doug is actually talking about the totality of these organizations? I think not.

      What Doug is actually looking for is for me to say I believe the people involved even tangentially with the Russian investigation are part of a huge conspiracy to take down Trump something I am not prepared to do. He knows this but his question is merely a diversionary tactic, an excuse for getting out of responding to the questions I’ve asked above.

      Diversion is always easier than engaging and defending. It requires facts instead of suppositions and conspiracy theories.


    5. .

      BobSat Feb 10, 03:05:00 PM EST
      February 10, 2018

      Our Radicalized Media: A Clear And Present Danger

      By Peggy Ryan


      Good one, Bob.

      I would call the article on the Godwin Rule but where to start. I mean old Peggy has hit every trigger word in the book, Hitler, coup, silent coup, soft coup, coup d'état, jihad, ISIS, radicalized, Deep State, cabal, al Baghdadi, plots, heck, Doug will complain the only things she left out were the terms MSM, secret society, and Illuminati.

      I understand in addition to the journalism degree Peggy got online from Phoenix University, she also has a cryptozoology degree from Disney World and a creative writing diploma from the Edgar Allen Poe Institute.

      American Thinker the new World News Daily.


  36. Our next subject of study here on this blog shall be Quirk, aka, "Magic Man".

    We are even now gathering preliminary materials.

    1. See directly above:

      Blog ScientistSat Feb 10, 02:14:00 PM EST

  37. Danger! This video is almost FOUR Minutes Long!


    1. .

      What DOJ/FBI Corruption?



    2. Video does not appear on YouTube or MSM!

      Must be FAKE NEWS!

    3. Search these two entries on youtube to confirm THERE IS NO LEFT WING BIAS!

      "kevin mccarthy video on nunes and schiff memos"

      "RNC video on nunes and schiff memos"

    4. (Worst case I've found to date: RNC query gives SCHIFF results!)

    5. Finally found it on YouTube!

    6. Gowdy reminds us that Schiff and Company went to court to try to keep us from finding out WHO PAID FOR THE DOSSIER!

      (And did not EVER tell a FISA Judge!)

  38. .

    And still no responses to my questions.

    As expected.


    1. .

      Time to go.

      Beam me up Scotty. No intelligent life down here.


    2. There being:

      No intelligent life down here

      Scotty don't want you.

      You are stuck with us and we with you. :(


    3. Back to your programmers, slave.

    4. If Q-Magic had a lick of good sense, which, of course, he proves he doesn't multiple times each day, he would have said:

      I being the only intelligent life down here, beam me up, Scotty

      But of course he didn't, but rather said:

      There being NO intelligent life down here...

      We can now affirm, at least, that Quirk is of the opinion that he himself doesn't qualify as 'intelligent life'.

    5. Though it's a strange thing.....there is a glimmer there.....


  39. Looks as if the Israeli lost two aircraft ...
    One in Israel
    The other in Syria.

    Meanwhile the US stands ready to keep watching.


  40. Deuce ☂ Sat Feb 10, 10:17:00 AM EST
    Don't worry about me, focus on your bone spurs, testosterone and your brand of antidisestablishmentarianism

    I have no bone spurs, never did.
    Neither did Donald J Trump.
    He is a draft dodging Chicken Hawk.

    That the US is now persuing a "No Testosterone" foriegn policy, not my responsibility.
    Go tell it to "Treasonous Trump" the Military Academy Cadet with bone spurs

    My brand of politics is reasonably clear. "Protect and Defend the Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic"

    Go read Don Jr's email from the Russian agent
    Then track the timeline of events.

    Don't be blinded by the Illuminati Third World bullshit being peopagated by Republican Swamp Masters.

    Hugh tax cuts
    Hugh spending increases.

    Neo-Liberalism still rules in DC.

    Promises Made - Promises Broken

  41. An episode is appearing....all being tracked and logged into our JH files for future study.....our immediate job is track the development.....

  42. CNN unaware Otto is unavailable:
