Monday, February 26, 2018

Government doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because it’s too often run by political hacks, usually of a leftist variety, incapable of doing a proper job. We are, at the end of the day, on our own — and we must act accordingly.

The Cowards of Broward County


CNN put on an atrocious spectacle last week, hosting a “town hall” production that was, as Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and the Chicago Tribune’s John Kass both remarked, a re-enactment of the Two Minutes’ Hate scene in George Orwell’s classic novel 1984. It was a remarkable example of shameless exploitation and ideological hate-mongering put on by the failing news network directed at the National Rifle Association.

Among the worst actors in CNN’s disgraceful play was Scott Israel, the partisan Democrat political hack masquerading as the sheriff in Broward County where the Parkland massacre took place. Israel engaged in a ridiculous back-and-forth with National Rifle Association spokeswoman (and stand-in for Emmanuel Goldstein) Dana Loesch, in which Israel offered one of the stupidest and most demagogic statements in recent memory, notable mostly for its having captured the zeitgeist of the gun-grabbing Left in the aftermath of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School carnage.

“You just told this group of people that you’re standing up for them,” Israel scolded Loesch. “You are not standing up for them until you say, ‘I want less weapons.’”

Loesch was attempting to explain that the NRA is for improving the federal system of background checks which failed to identify Parkland killer Nikolas Cruz as a dangerous psychopath when Cruz attempted to spend a chunk of the life insurance payout from his adopted mother’s death on a personal firearms arsenal, and that a better-functioning government implementing the laws already on the books, which the NRA has long argued for, would do more to stop the next Parkland from happening than any leftist gun-control fantasy. For her statements she was hooted at and called a murderer by the unhinged children in the audience.

But as Kass noted, Israel may have had his big moment playing to the crowd on CNN — but things have gone south from there…
What the public didn’t know at the time of Israel’s speechifying was that on the day of the shooting, a Broward deputy sheriff was stationed at the school.
When the shooting began, Israel’s armed deputy hid outside in safety and remained there. 
But if the good sheriff — a political cat — had explained that business about his frightened deputy, he’d have ruined the show. So he kept his mouth shut.
That wasn’t the half of it. By the weekend it came out that Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who neglected to engage the shooter as he was duty-bound to do, wasn’t alone
Not one but four sheriff’s deputies hid behind cars instead of storming Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS in Parkland, Fla., during Wednesday’s school shooting, police claimed Friday — as newly released records revealed the Broward County Sheriff’s Office had received at least 18 calls about the troubled teen over the past decade. 
Sources from Coral Springs, Fla., Police Department tell CNN that when its officers arrived on the scene Wednesday, they were shocked to find three Broward County Sheriff’s deputies behind their cars with weapons drawn.
Peterson resigned Thursday once it became national news that he failed to run to the sound of the guns.

And the upshot is that Israel, who unquestionably knew his people had abjectly failed to protect the young people of Broward County, spent the week after the shooting pushing a political narrative that is irrelevant — demonstrably irrelevant — to solving the problem of school shootings.

How many times was Israel’s department called to deal with the domestic incidents Nikolas Cruz precipitated at his house? There had been 23 calls to his department involving Cruz, 18 of which directly involved his behavior. What had Israel done within his current powers as a law enforcement officer to prevent that tragedy?

And his answer when his failure results in 17 murders at the hands of a madman known to the authorities? Raise the stakes further so the same people he couldn’t protect have less opportunity to protect themselves. And demonize as irresponsible those with a different view.

It’s even worse than you know. A viral indictment of Israel making its way around the internet connects this manifest failure to a collaborative plan between the school district and sheriff’s department not to investigate crimes committed by schoolchildren in Broward. If that indictment is true, Cruz’s massacre was a lot more foreseeable than we realize.

Sunday morning CNN’s Jake Tapper bolted from his network’s promotion of Israel to utterly dismantle the sheriff in an interview after he boasted of “amazing leadership” in Broward County, in an example of actual journalism rarely practiced there.

The lesson of Parkland is that government doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because it’s too often run by political hacks, usually of a leftist variety, incapable of doing a proper job. We are, at the end of the day, on our own — and we must act accordingly.


  1. No Courage, No Virtue, No Honor: Runts of Men

  2. The argument, made by the Democrats and the left, (an argument they are stuck with) is that private citizens should not own guns because government will protect us.

    Yesterday, I renewed my lapsed membership in the NRA.

  3. This republic was not established by cowards; and cowards will not preserve it. Elmer Davis

  4. I'm going to rejoin the NRA too, even though I'm still pissed they never sent me the copy of The Shooter's Bible they promised me.

    1. I think the membership is in the 5 million range, not the 12 million range I cited a couple days ago.

      I think they will be gaining some now.

    2. February 26, 2018
      The Left's Objective in Its War on the NRA
      By Steve McCann

      The litany of major American companies severing their ties to the NRA continues to expand. They are succumbing to the drumbeat of false accusations and hysteria ginned up by the left and its political arm, the Democratic Party, as well as the left's cohorts in the media. The NRA has been in leftists' crosshairs for the past two decades. However, the actual purpose of this targeting is far deeper than what the left proclaims to be its objective: the passage of "commonsense" gun laws and restrictions on gun ownership as an antidote to gun violence.

      Beginning in the first part of the twentieth century, the disciples of Hegel, Nietzsche, Marx, and later Alinsky (the American left) understood that in order to establish their version of a uniquely American socialist state, virtually all traditions, history, and societal underpinnings would have to be fully undermined and replaced. This process, while time-consuming, would eventuate in a new American society subservient to the central government.

      The major tenets of their long-term strategy of ultimately controlling a potentially all-powerful central government in perpetuity are:

      The subtle but persistent annexation of the education establishment, thus creating succeeding generations of indoctrinated and ill educated voters.
      The stealth placement of true believers throughout the entertainment complex, transforming it into an instrument of socialist and anti-American propaganda.
      As a byproduct of transforming the education and entertainment establishments, the reshaping of the so-called mainstream media into another subsidiary of the left's propaganda leviathan.
      The takeover of one of the two major political parties.
      Undermining the religious foundation of the country and its cultural institutions by proclaiming a new panoply of rights as granted by the government. Any opposition is to be ridiculed, intimidated, and if necessary threatened.

      The measured elimination, utilizing coercion and harassment, of all political opposition, particularly grassroots organizations representing a vast number of citizens that potentially stand in the way of the ultimate objective.

    3. The NRA is perhaps the most powerful grassroots organization in the nation still dedicated to preserving the rights as enumerated in the Constitution. Because of its over 5 million members, it has influence not only in Washington, but in the state capitals as well. Through its offices and media activity, it can influence and mobilize exponentially far more than just its dues-paying membership.

      Therefore, the left-wing cabal must mobilize and utilize all tactics possible in order to marginalize the NRA. The fact that the primary purpose of the NRA is the defense of the 2nd Amendment plays into the left's hands, as leftists have a cudgel – gun violence – to use whenever mass shootings occur. With a compliant media (see C above), a woefully ill educated populace (see A above), and an entertainment complex to do their bidding (see B above), the forces arrayed against the NRA or any other similar organization dedicated to preserving the tenets of this nation's founding are formidable

      Leftists know they cannot confiscate all the guns in the nation and have no intention of attempting to do so. But by eliminating the influence of the NRA they can by legislation, taxation, and regulation incrementally make gun ownership increasingly problematic and progressively more expensive, as there will be no organized and powerful voice to defend the unfettered right to bear arms or promote the tenets and spirit of the Constitution.

      The left is hoping everyone will not see the forest for the trees. While it has virtually the entire country focused on gun control, the American left is beginning to realize the very real possibility of success in its original objective. If the NRA collapses or is marginalized, no other conservative grassroots organization will be able to survive. The left will have achieved another and perhaps the most important of its major goals.

      The election of Donald Trump was a major setback to the ongoing machinations of the left. However, they are more determined and devious than ever as they endeavor to get their "revolution" back on course. Whether it is gun control, immigration, spending, or a myriad of societal and cultural issues, there can be no good-faith compromising with such a Machiavellian and callous group that would exploit a tragedy purely for political gain in order to destroy one of its most outspoken nemeses: the NRA.

      I have owned firearms for over 60 years, yet I had never joined NRA. However, in light of what is happening now, I have joined. So should all Americans who value liberty, whether they own a gun or not. The stakes are far greater than many realize.


  6. Initially the police were excusing misdemeanor behaviors. However, it didn't take long until felonies, even violent felonies (armed robberies, assaults and worse) were being excused.

    In time, the situation got so bad that to keep lowering their statistics, they were hiding evidence and failing to recover stolen merchandise because to return it would be to admit that the stuff was the fruit of criminal activity.

    Criminal gangs soon realized that the way to avoid arrest was to recruit students to carry out their actions, and they also realized that when the quota for arrests near the end of the month was reached was the best time to get away with crimes.

    The system had in a short time become totally corrupted, and the SROs were the "most corrupt." The local media cooperated in covering it all up, and the cops who wanted to do their jobs were demoralized and deprived of the benefits the corrupt ones got, including free housing close to the schools to which they were assigned.

    Indeed, Broward County sheriff Scott Israel used the public funds he got by faking crime statistics and ignoring crimes to hire political supporters for his re-election campaign.

    This is the story worth telling, not the scripted anti-gun pap CNN offered up or the ten-minute hate town hall designed to play on your emotions while ignoring the truth. But only one blogger, Sundance, did the work to expose it.

    The rest of the MSM seem to be fine with jeopardizing students' lives, enabling criminals, and using public funds to advance the fortunes of Democrat candidates who allowed this tragedy to occur. As the press in South Florida stinks, do me a favor – pass this one to friends and relatives who live there and who have elected to Congress these avatars of a one-party system:
    Alcee Hastings, Ted Deutch, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Frederica Wilson.

    1. ...Indeed, Broward County sheriff Scott Israel used the public funds he got by faking crime statistics and ignoring crimes to hire political supporters for his re-election campaign.

      The employee log shows six hired into community affairs roles, their salaries totaling $388,729.


    2. .

      There's no money to hire guards, Trump's a Dick!
      Some teachers are homeless!


    3. .

      Ah Dumberer is back.

      Offering up ad hoc examples of corrupt officials who waste $hundreds of thousands as his argument excusing federal government tax and budgetary policies that every year take $hundreds of billions away from programs that support law enforcement, health and human services, and the environment in order to gift it to the wealthy, the corporations, and the military.

      And in response to those priorities he gleefully shouts, "Thank you, sir, may I have another."

      In the past, I used to despair of the youth in this country. After watching the kids down in Parkland and comparing them to some here I've come to think maybe there is a little hope for this country.


    4. In the past, I used to despair of the youth in this country. After watching the kids down in Parkland and comparing them to some here I've come to think maybe there is a little hope for this country.

      Me too. I like them.

      Yes, I too have despaired of someone here, and think there may be hope for the country.

    5. Wow, Dude! I must have really gotten into your head!

      Just kidding.

    6. Quirk Sun Feb 25, 09:38:00 PM EST


      The Dem's response memo says the FBI investigation was initially launched because of information on Popadopolous.

      The Nunes memo says the same thing.

      But Andrew McCarthy says no it wasn't.


      Doug Mon Feb 26, 12:17:00 AM EST

      Please provide the quote where Andrew McCarthy says it wasn't.

    7. .

      Look it up, dipshit.

      The article was on the last stream. Sam even put it on a clickable link so that even you ought to be able to reach it.

      There isn't a 'quote' saying "No it wasn't."

      McCarthy puts up the Dem's statement saying that the FBI investigation was launched after the Popadopoulis story came to light. Then ignoring the fact that the Nunes memo said the same thing, McCarthy spends four or five paragraphs disputing the fact, arguing Popandopoulis was a nothingburger merely a prelude to the real meat in the Steele memo.

      I put up my impression of McCarthy's article. You got a different interpretation put it up instead of acting like a tardvaark.


    8. Look it up, dipshit.

      You'd be testy too, after repeatedly being caught in a lie.

    9. I read it already, Mr. Two Dot Complainer.

      McCarthy didn't say it wasn't.

    10. Your impression was wrong:
      McCarthy said it started with Popadopolous, but didn't get going big time until Steele:

      The fact that the Bureau administratively opened a case on Papadopoulos does not mean that much of anything was done on it. As we know, investigators did not even interview Papadopoulos until late January 2017, after Trump had already taken office and about six months after they received the info about Papadopoulos.
      By contrast, once the “closely held investigative team” got the Steele dossier, the FBI and the DOJ were at the FISA court’s doorstep tout de suite.

      What Democrats fail to mention is that the surveillance enabled the FBI to intercept not only his forward-going communications but also any stored emails and texts he might have had. Clearly, they were hoping to find a motherlode of campaign communications. Remember, Page was merely the vehicle for surveillance; the objective was to probe Trump ties to Russia.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. .

      Tell it to Nunes, Bot Boy.

      He said the same things the Dems did.


    13. .

      You'd be testy too, after repeatedly being caught in a lie.

      A lie?

      That's rich coming from a guy who got exposed just the other day trying to pass off fake news from Gateway Pundit.

      You've got chutzpah, I'll say that for you.


  7. Parkland Shooting Survivor Walks Back Defense of Officer Who Stayed Outside

    “He — just like every other police officer out there at heart — is a good person,” Hogg said of the security officer last week on MSNBC. “Who wants to go down the barrel of an AR-15, even with a Glock? And I know that’s what these police officers are supposed to do, but they’re people too.”

    The 17-year-old had a change of heart on Monday, however, slamming the “cowardly Broward County Sheriff officials.” Governor Scott and other elected officials should be “held accountable” since “they’re in charge of them,” he stated.

    “This is their fault,” Hogg told Morning Joe on Monday. “These elected officials are the boss of these sheriff personnel and just like the president is the boss of the FBI, Governor Rick Scott is essentially the boss of Scott Israel, the sheriff, and as such he should be held accountable.”

    “Sadly, these are a few individuals that did not conduct their job correctly,” the student activist said of the deputies, “but I don’t think it’s right that Governor Rick Scott is trying to blame this on the bureaucracy in an effort to get reelected.”

    In fact, Sheriff Israel, a Democrat, is himself elected, not appointed by Scott or any other elected official.

    1. Purebred FBI DNA: Blame a Republican for a Democrat Fuckup.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. .

      Pureblood Doug, the Big Whine, DNA.

      If you can't make it political, what's the point?


    4. Others whine, two dot complains.

    5. FedEx Rejects Boycott By Stoneman Student Tyrant David Hogg, Announces Will Not Drop NRA Member Discounts

      FedEx released a statement Monday afternoon announcing it would not be dropping a discount for NRA members. The FedEx announcement was in response to a boycott campaign led by celebrity student activist David Hogg in the wake of the February 14 massacre at Hogg’s high school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, in Parkland, Florida, that killed seventeen students and faculty.

      Earlier Monday Hogg posted a tweet urging stockholders to sell their FedEx stocks. FedEx is just one of many targets of Hogg’s boycott tirade. In addition to companies doing business with the NRA facing his boycott calls, Hogg also called for a Spring Break boycott of Florida.

    6. .

      FedEx's full statement on why NRA members will continue to receive discounts:

      FedEx Corporation’s positions on the issues of gun policy and safety differ from those of the National Rifle Association (NRA). FedEx opposes assault rifles being in the hands of civilians. While we strongly support the constitutional right of U.S. citizens to own firearms subject to appropriate background checks, FedEx views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused. We therefore support restricting them to the military. Most important, FedEx believes urgent action is required at the local, state, and Federal level to protect schools and students from incidents such as the horrific tragedy in Florida on February 14th.

      FedEx is a common carrier under Federal law and therefore does not and will not deny service or discriminate against any legal entity regardless of their policy positions or political views. The NRA is one of hundreds of organizations in our alliances/association Marketing program whose members receive discounted rates for FedEx shipping. FedEx has never set or changed rates for any of our millions of customers around the world in response to their politics, beliefs or positions on issues.


    7. .

      Others whine, two dot complains.

      Usually, about all the whining.


  8. I've been impressed with the students I've seen on Fox from that High School.

  9. Coward Broward Deputy Breaks His Silence After Refusing To Confront Parkland School Gunman

    Akin to his boss, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, Deputy Scot Peterson is refusing to take responsibility for failing to confront gunman Nikolas Cruz as he shot dead 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

    Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson, in a statement released through his lawyer Monday, said his actions during the Valentine’s Day massacre “were appropriate under the circumstances.”

    Peterson “heard gunshots but believed those gunshots were originating from outside of the buildings on the school campus,” according to the release. “BSO trains its officers that in the event of outdoor gunfire one is to seek cover and assess the situation in order to communicate what one observes with other law enforcement.”

    “Allegations that Mr. Peterson was a coward and that his performance, under the circumstances, failed to meet the standards of police officers are patently untrue,” according to the statement sent from the office of Fort Lauderdale attorney Joseph DiRuzzo.

    Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is currently investigating why Peterson failed to act during the shooting.

  10. Five Star Movement looks to shake up Italy and EU.

  11. George W. Bush is paying his respects to Billy Graham.

    Any chance you can find a Billy Graham Casket Cam, Doug ?

    1. Best I cam do is snow in Truckee:

  12. To claim Sheriff Joe a leftist, hust because he was ineffectual ..

  13. Trayvon Martin, Nikolas Cruz, Erik Holder and President Obama.

  14. Reversing Broward County's School-to-Prison Pipeline


    The story behind the so-far successful crusade to end disproportionate student arrests and suspensions in one Florida school district.

    1. School to prison pipeline replaced by school to morgue pipeline.

  15. Jeff Zucker has called upon advertisers and tech firms to help find new way to monetize news content on mobile platforms, and on authorities to pay closer attention to the power wielded by Google and Facebook, as news providers try and adapt to the changing digital landscape.


    The CNN boss and his news network have regularly found themselves in the crosshairs of president Donald Trump and his supporters, who accuse it of liberal bias and putting out fake news. Asked what he would call the upcoming TV adaptation of Michael Wolff’s explosive Trump book “Fire and Fury,” Zucker suggested “Crazy Town.”

  16. Good Grief !

    Even THE SHOOTER HIMSELF called the Sheriff's Office and reported himself as a threat !!, according to Tucker Carlson.

    This is all new territory.....

    1. That High School amounted to a Free Crime Zone.

  17. The state of California has joined several environmental and advocacy groups in lawsuits challenging DHS's plans to fast-track its construction plans. They are seeking to compel the administration to follow standard environmental review procedures, while the government argues it has the authority to bypass them, as a matter of national security.

    The suits are under review by U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, whom Trump characterized during his campaign as "a Mexican" and therefore biased against him. Curiel, who was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrant parents, is expected to announce a decision in the coming days.

    It would be Trump's first visit to the border with Mexico as president, and he has consistently spoken of the area as a dangerous, lawless place. In reality, crime rates in several U.S. border cities, including San Diego, are among the lowest in the country.

  18. Battle of Athens

    The Battle Of Athens – When WWII Veterans stood up to the corrupt Local Government in Tennessee

    In 1946, the small town of Athens, Tennessee, became a battleground. A siege was laid on the town jail by a crowd mostly consisting of WWII veterans who decided to take justice into their own hands, as their local politics was plagued by corruption, police brutality and electoral fraud.

  19. Carter Page was just interviewed on Hannity.

    Immediately liked the guy, an Annapolis grad.

    Seemed like a straight shooter to me.

    Didn't have anything to do with the Russians, never met The Donald, the Steele Dossier is just total crap..gave some talks in Moscow....

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Could you please put that comment back up ?

      I missed it as I was reading about Fed-Ex.

      Thank you.

    2. .


      I know the video on this link won't be appreciated by this crowd; however, there is one part everyone should see.

      A Closer Look (second video)

      You don't have to waste your time on all the video. Just go to the 11:00 min. mark for the start of the good stuff.


    3. :)

      A real knee slapper !

      Psheeng !'re dead....

    4. .


      Make that the 9:30 min mark.


    5. :)

      The Donald should have gone into Police work.

  21. FedEx: We’re keeping our NRA discount program in place, TYVM
    ED MORRISSEY Feb 26, 2018 6:01 PM

    1. .

      FedEx's full statement on why NRA members will continue to receive discounts:

      FedEx Corporation’s positions on the issues of gun policy and safety differ from those of the National Rifle Association (NRA). FedEx opposes assault rifles being in the hands of civilians. While we strongly support the constitutional right of U.S. citizens to own firearms subject to appropriate background checks, FedEx views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused. We therefore support restricting them to the military. Most important, FedEx believes urgent action is required at the local, state, and Federal level to protect schools and students from incidents such as the horrific tragedy in Florida on February 14th.

      FedEx is a common carrier under Federal law and therefore does not and will not deny service or discriminate against any legal entity regardless of their policy positions or political views. The NRA is one of hundreds of organizations in our alliances/association Marketing program whose members receive discounted rates for FedEx shipping. FedEx has never set or changed rates for any of our millions of customers around the world in response to their politics, beliefs or positions on issues.



    2. Decent statement.

      Keep all the customers happy....

    3. .

      Also it's likely illegal for them to do otherwise in their business.


  22. White streets again. Low 5 degrees.

    1. Billy to be moved to D.C. tomorrow. All dark now. No snow. 76 degrees.


    2. Snowplow in downtown Truckee spotted !!!!!

  23. Get your free pancakes at IHOP today, National Pancake Day.

    1. 7am to 7pm

      Free short stack.

      Donations welcome.
