Friday, February 23, 2018

First- and second-generation immigrants have committed more than 40 percent of all mass shootings in US since 2000


As fun as it is to ridicule the FBI for devoting massive resources to chasing down Hillary Clinton's oppo research while blowing off repeated, specific warnings about school shooter Nikolas Cruz, we've put a lot on the agency's plate.

We're hauling in nearly 2 million manifestly unvetted Third World immigrants every year, leading to a slew of FBI "Watch Lists" with a million names apiece. In 2015, Director James Comey said that there were ISIS investigations in all 50 states -- even Idaho and Alaska! And that's just one terrorist organization.

Maybe the FBI brass would still be a bunch of incompetent, PC nincompoops if we weren't dumping millions of psychotic and terrorist foreigners on the country. But even the most efficient organization would have trouble keeping track of the Nikolas Cruzes when our immigration policies require approximately one-third of the country to be constantly watching another third of the country.

Thanks to our Second Amendment, the United States has fewer mass shootings per capita than many other developed countries, including Norway, France, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium and the Czech Republic. (And 98 percent of our mass shootings occur in "gun-free zones.")

But imagine if we could cut our mass shootings in half?

There have been about 34 mass shootings since 2000. Forty-seven percent -- 16 -- were committed by first- and second-generation immigrants, i.e. people who never would have been here but for Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration act.

And the immigrant mass shootings have been some of the most spectacular ones, such as Fort Hood and San Bernardino. Two of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history, at Virginia Tech in 2007 and at the Pulse Nightclub in 2016, were committed by first- and second-generation immigrants, i.e., people who were in this country because Teddy was pouting in his room and refused to come out until he got his own legacy.

(Excluded from both lists: the Las Vegas shooting, because law enforcement has released nothing but lies about it, so that shooting remains unclassifiable; family dispute shootings; targeted assassinations of police officers; and shootings on Indian reservations.)

Here's the list of immigrant mass shootings, defined as a shooting at the same general time and location, not during the commission of another crime, that leaves at least four people dead -- i.e. no gangland shootings, no "man kills family, then self" and no drug deals gone bad.

On account of the Rule of Journalism that permits the word "immigrant" to be used only in sentences with the word "valedictorian," you may not have heard of some of these mass shootings at all.

1) Omar Mateen, son of Afghan immigrants, killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando on June 12, 2016.

2) First- and second-generation Pakistani immigrants Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik opened fire at a community center Christmas party in San Bernardino, California, on Dec. 2, 2015, killing 14 people.

3) English immigrant Christopher Harper-Mercer killed 9 people at Umpqua Community College in southwest Oregon on Oct. 1, 2015.

4) Kuwaiti immigrant Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez shot and killed five people in attacks on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on July 16, 2015.

5) Second-generation Malaysian immigrant Elliot Rodger killed six people on May 23, 2014, around the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

6) Second-generation immigrant John Zawahri opened fire at his Southern California home and later at the campus of Santa Monica College on June 7, 2013, killing five in all. (The New York Times never mentioned that he was the child of Lebanese immigrants. The Times didn't even mention that his father used to beat up his mother, despite that paper's usual heightened interest in stories about men being mean to women.)

7) Cuban immigrant Pedro Alberto Vargas fatally shot six people in his apartment complex in Hialeah, Florida, on July 26, 2013.

8) Probable Barbadian immigrant Aaron Alexis shot and killed 12 people inside the Washington Navy Yard on Sept. 16, 2013. (See this.)

9) South Korean immigrant One L. Goh opened fire at Oikos University in Oakland, California, killing seven people on April 2, 2012.

10) Mexican immigrant Eduardo Sencion shot up an IHOP in Carson City, Nevada, on Sept. 6, 2011, killing four people -- three National Guardsmen and a 67-year-old woman.

11) Second-generation immigrant Nidal Malik Hasan, son of Palestinian immigrants, killed 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, on Nov. 5, 2009.

12) Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong shot up the Binghamton, New York, American Civic Association on April 3, 2009, killing 13.

13) Bosnian immigrant Sulejman Talovic fatally shot five people at the Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake City on Feb. 12, 2007.

14) Seung-Hui Cho, a South Korean immigrant, slaughtered 32 people at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007.

15) Hmong immigrant Chai Soua Vang killed six hunters in northern Wisconsin on Nov. 21, 2004.

16) Mexican immigrant Salvador Tapia shot up the Windy City Core Supply warehouse in Chicago in 2003, killing six of his former co-workers.

If you missed your favorite immigrant mass shooting, please note that I excluded Jamaican immigrant Colin Ferguson (Long Island Railroad massacre in 1993); Nigerian immigrant Peter Odighizuwa (Appalachian School of Law shooting in 2002); Haitian illegal immigrant Kesler Dufrene (North Miami shooting in 2012); and Nigerian immigrant Henry Williams Obotetukudo (Bronx-Lebanon Hospital shooting in 2017). We are only counting mass shootings since 2000 that left at least four people dead.

First- and second-generation immigrants have committed more than 40 percent of all mass shootings since 2000. I know we've been admitting Third World immigrants at a breakneck pace, but I don't think immigrants make up nearly half the population yet.

Once we exclude the immigrant mass shooters, a clearer pattern emerges. The typical American perpetrator is a young man with paranoid schizophrenia -- or, as we're now euphemistically calling it, "autism" -- probably exacerbated by pot, a deadly combo platter.

An immigration moratorium and widespread deportations would not only cut mass shootings in half, but it would also free up the FBI's time to focus on these delusional young men with the terrifying stare, who hear voices no one else hears.

Young men like Nikolas Cruz. 


  1. Tashfeen was first gen, Syed, second.

    1. By all appearances one would have thought they would fit right into American Life.

  2. Let's let immigrant D'souza squeeze in a few more Venezuelans like his wife:

    1. :)


      I like D'souza, never seen his wife before.

      She's welcome in the Isolate Kingdom of Idawyotana !

    2. "If you ever have the choice between being a slave, or a serf, by all means choose to be a serf"


  3. Canadian Indian

    1. In truth, just another member of Peoplekind.

    2. :)

      I read they told him we don't dress this way all the time.

      Don't know if he finally knocked if off, or not.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. He should dress as an Eskimo and build an Igloo.


    Is Caitlyn Jenner a woman? A growing body of research from scientists, philosophers and feminists says no.

    The latest contribution to the debate is “When Harry Became Sally,” a just-released book by Heritage Foundation senior research fellow Ryan T. Anderson, who critiques the transgender movement on the grounds of metaphysics, medicine and public policy.
    Contrary to the transgender movement’s central claim — that “gender identity” determines whether someone is a man, a woman or something else — Mr. Anderson said the only rationale for determining an organism’s sex is “by that organism’s organization with respect to sexual reproduction.”
    “Apart from that, all you have are sex stereotypes,” Mr. Anderson said Wednesday at a Heritage Foundation gathering. “There’s no other objective standard for identifying the sex of an individual.”
    Human beings are a “sexually dimorphic species,” with complementary reproductive systems that are either male or female, Mr. Anderson said. One’s sex is evident in DNA, can be tracked in the womb and manifests itself “in many of our bodily systems and organs all the way down to the molecular level.”

  5. I was just at the stage of lost conviction, previously sure Jenner was a pervert, a freak, a transgender collision and now this. A dick or a pussy? Both? The ultimate "hide the weinie" A Ponzi or a Murphy? Assuredly, an asshole of galactic proportions and distortions.

    1. "He call me Sir!"
      (That gives me the right to threaten him with serious bodily injury as Pinsky and company look on approvingly.)

  6. .


    Xenophobic Nativist!


    Hey, one maybe two more levels of winnowing and old Ann could have had her list down to muzzie illegal immigrants from Mexico who snuck across the border and are despoiling the land in Southern California as they soak up our resources and prepare for a mass murder. Then she would have hit the hot buttons for each of the Three Amigos here.

    Here's one I love...

    Excluded from both lists: the Las Vegas shooting [the biggest mass shooting in US history], because law enforcement has released nothing but lies about it...


    I've recently seen Ann included on a list of prominent people who are addicted to the logical fallacy of Jonanism defined as...

    1. The belief that everybody you hate is exactly the same.

    2. The belief that evidence that nobody takes you seriously means you are very serious.

    3. Any attempt to popularize these beliefs in book and associated website form.

    That's our Ann (especially the last one).


    After each of these mass shootings we see various media outlets put out a list of mass shootings that have occurred. The ones I've seen in the last few weeks indicate that there were more than 300 mass shooting in the US during 2017.

    The definitions of 'mass shooting' may vary a little (although we can say that Ann's is a bit of an outlier) and even the FBI has a definition for it. The following is a typical one...

    FOUR or more shot and/or killed in a single event [incident], at the same general time and location, not including the shooter.

    At one site that tracks these shootings, Gun Violence Archive, they say there were 346 mass shootings in the US during 2017. This is down from 384 in 2016.


    1. Get serious, Quirk.

      How many of those 'mass shootings' were dust ups between gangs in the usual places, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, etc ?

      2. The belief that evidence that nobody takes you seriously means you are very serious.


    2. Who are The Three Amigos ?

      Taco, Burrito and Nacho ?

      Is Jonanism related in any way to Onanism ?

    3. .

      They both involve dicks.


    4. .

      How many of those 'mass shootings' were dust ups between gangs in the usual places, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, etc ?

      Damn, Bob. I was going to ask what is it you don't understand about statistics but it's way easier to just ask what is it you do know about statistics.

      If Coulter keeps winnowing down the number of mass shootings in the US since 2000, she would eventually be able to say that 100% of them were committed by a black, Mexican, Muslim, illegal immigrant. The trouble is she would have also winnowed down the number of incidents from thousands to one or two and the number of deaths down in the same proportions.

      Here, write down this number...


      That's the Help Line for University of Phoenix (online). Ask for Dr. Tony Donut, PHD. I've asked him to walk you through the registration process. I've talked to him about you and he has suggested the following class for you...

      Critical Thinking for Real Dummies 101

      The cost is minimal but I told Tony all about you and he indicated you can probably audit the course for free if you are willing to submit to some brain scans that their Anthropology department needs for a research project.


    5. It is easy to imagine Ann's thinking process for this piece:

      'oh, oh, I want to pin Mass Shootings on Immigrants. hmmmm, no immmigrants have committed mass shootings, how about First generations immigrants? oh, we've got a couple. Let's go to Second generation immigrants - now we've got 16 but, but there have been hundreds since the year 2000. I know, let's subtract out all the ones done by Blacks, and Families, and, of course, that nasty one in Vegas, cause, well, it was really nasty. HEY, Look, that leaves the puny amount of 34 mass shootings in the US (heh Norway, you got way more than US!) with 16 done by First and Second generation immigrants. HOLY SMOKES those immigrants gotta go! 47% of ALL MASS SHOOTINGS are done by them.

      And the 3 stooges (Deuce, Bob, and Doug) hail the great statistical analysis of Ann Coulter proving that America truly is GREAT AGAIN.

  7. What a dipshit.
    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, normally a darling of Western media, has been roundly, and sometimes savagely, mocked for a trip to India that included cultural, fashion, and political blunders at every turn. Trudeau's trip began to go awry right off the bat. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, known for his social-media savvy, did not make any posts welcoming Trudeau, who was greeted off the plane by a low-level agricultural minister. On Tuesday, Trudeau's wife, Sophie, posed for a photo with Jaspal Atwal, a Sikh separatist who was once convicted of trying to assassinate an Indian politician.

    Back in Canada, Trudeau's liberal party has ties to the country's Sikh community, some of whom support the Khalistan movement, which backs a new Sikh state in India's Punjab region. When Outlook India magazine pointed this out, it found itself disinvited from a dinner with Trudeau. "Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau feted the world over as the new face of 'liberalism' seem to find it difficult to accommodate critical media coverage," the magazine wrote. Though Trudeau assured India's government that he didn't back the separatist movement, Canada's diplomatic mission had also sent a dinner invitation to Atwal — which it later rescinded.

    Cultural appropriation, or just trying too hard? But the political blunders paled in comparison with the more visible cultural missteps. On several occasions Trudeau and his family appeared dressed in traditional Indian clothing, something other Western politicians don't usually attempt with such vigor.

    Prominent Indian personalities expressed their distaste for Trudeau's dress, with India Today calling it "tacky." Trudeau showed up at an event full of Bollywood stars in full traditional dress, while the movie stars themselves simply wore black suits. On social media, popular Indian personalities put it more bluntly, calling for Trudeau to "have some chill" and calling his outfit choices "fake and annoying."

    At one point, Trudeau, wearing traditional dress, broke into the Indian dance called the Bhangra, to a mixed reaction on Twitter. Back at home, the trip hasn't played well for Trudeau, who was criticized for making his visit largely about photo opportunities and less about handling business. "I don't know if Justin Trudeau thinks that international trade missions are reality-TV shows, but they are not," the Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer, Trudeau's main opponent, told Reuters.

    On CTV, a major Canadian news broadcaster, the host Don Martin said, "If this is Trudeau putting Canada 'back' on the world stage, we should get off." Trudeau's hometown paper, the Ottawa Citizen, compared Trudeau's India trip to George H.W. Bush's 1992 trip to Tokyo, where Bush vomited on Japan's prime minister. "As for what 'the work, achievements and objectives' of this cavalcade of embarrassment might amount to, it would have been better, in hindsight, if Trudeau had gone to India alone, invited himself to dinner with Modi, and thrown up in his lap," the Citizen wrote.

  8. Trump is speaking at CPAC within the hour.

    1. I think The Donald could use a new speechwriter.

      He rambled on and on....way too long


    People like tax cuts and jobs.

  10. Dusting of snow, ...cold.
    California's in deep shit drought-wise this year.

    1. Drew Pinksky says homeless camps now have large dump areas, says something like a plague outbreak, or more likely murine typhus now inevitable. used to be paradise.

    2. Move up from Mexico, get typhus in California!

    3. No pedestrian traffic in Truckee today that I could see.

      Too much snow ?

    4. There's nothing better than the Truckee Cam.

    5. Last night the streets remained white after traffic passed over.

      This warm weather creature had never seen that before.

    6. Dang, sorry I missed that.

      Up this way we used to go hooky bobbing behind the cars on the snowy streets.

    7. At college summer school we used to tow each other behind a car on skateboard.
      A girl I was towing hit a manhole cover and wiped out.
      She was my boss's sister.
      I got fired.

    8. Ouch ! For the both of you.

      Hooky bobbing we had the manhole cover hazard too. Never got me but some others suffered a bit.


  11. The MASSIVE Security Breach @
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave


    Promises Made - Promises Broken

  12. .

    Can it be called cruel and unusual punishment if the guy goes out smiling?

    Because of all the issues associated with various forms of capital punishment some states are now looking at asphyxiation by nitrogen gas as an alternative.


    1. America, Iran, and the Taliban

      Where methods of execution titillate.

    2. The EB’s Black Panther HATES the US and really hates blonde white women.

    3. Which makes you quite the racist, ole ASH!

    4. I do have a problem with American culture (especially as expressed here) but what gave you the impression blonde white women were an issue?

    5. Oh, Coulter is a blonde white woman. She gives you a Chubb eh MOME? Heh. She's still an idiot. A right wing media hag.

    6. Trudeau made a world class laughing stock out of himself on his recent trip.

      You ought to be really embarrassed, Ash, as I recall you worked to get out the vote for the clown.

    7. And your country is unable to defend its 'superior' culture by itself. Rather you depend on the USA in that regard. Show a smidgen of gratitude, Ash, is all we ask.

    8. .

      Are you embarrassed by Trump, Bob? If yes, you are in a position to share your wisdom with Ash. If no, you should do a little soul searching before offering advise to Ash.


    9. .

      And what does Canada have to be grateful to the US for?


    10. .

      And by the way, did you call that phone number I gave you above?


  13. John McCain Associate Pleads the Fifth in Russia Dossier Probe
