Wednesday, January 10, 2018

No Free or Subsidized Citizenship

Switzerland Rejects Citizenship Bids of Residents Who Have Been on Welfare


A new civil rights act has come into force in Switzerland that prevents residents who have been on welfare in the past three years from becoming citizens unless they pay back the money they received to the state.

The new regulations will make it impossible for asylum seekers and migrants who have lived off state handouts in the last three years to become citizens even if they have lived in Switzerland as permanent residents for the required time to make a citizenship application, Kronen Zeitung reports.

The previous law allowed migrants to apply for citizenship as long as they were not on state benefits at the time of their application.

Along with the welfare stipulation, the new act requires migrants to demonstrate a greater level of integration than before including making them prove they have a certain number of Swiss friends and acquaintances.

Language requirements vary by canton with most expecting an intermediate level of language proficiency judged on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the B1 or B2 level.

While Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, asylum seekers have attempted to flood into the country through the southern Italian border. While many have used Switzerland as a transit country to reach Germany, others have remained in the Alpine state.

Various cantons and cities in Switzerland have attempted to push back against the tide of migrants by making it less appealing for them to come to the country. Late last year, the city of Zurich voted to dramatically cut benefits to failed asylum seekers who were in so-called “F-status” in which they cannot be deported.

Many of the migrants entering Switzerland have also come without any form of identification, making it even more difficult to process their asylum claim or deport those not approved for asylum status.

Swiss national councillor Simonetta Sommaruga revealed late last year that the government is unaware of the true identity of nine out of 10 asylum seekers in the country.  
Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at) 


  1. Good for the Swiss.

    Moslems don't ski anyway that I know of.


  2. RASMUSSEN POLL SHOCK: OPRAH 48% TRUMP 38%....drudge

    I am beginning to think my Grandfather might well have been right.....

    'Vat dis cuntry needts isst a gooooot KING!'

    1. Couple on a boat with 2 cats that cruise the dock, two pelicans dive for fish, much more...

  3. Some immigration hardliners have been pressing Trump to move against employers. Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies, said Wednesday events offered "a good sign" that the administration was serious about going after employers.


    But, he said, the administration would need to go beyond audits.

    "It's important for Trump to show that they're not just arresting the hapless schmo from Honduras but also but also the politically powerful American employer," he said.


    Federal immigration agents stormed into nearly 100 7-Eleven stores nationwide in an unprecedented search for undocumented workers under President Donald Trump, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday.

    And Immigration and Customs Enforcement says it is only getting started.

    “This is what we’re gearing up for this year, and what you’re going to see more and more of is these large-scale compliance inspections, just for starters,” Derek Benner, acting executive associate director for ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations, told the AP. “It’s not going to be limited to large companies or any particular industry, big medium and small. It’s going to be inclusive of everything that we see out there.”

  5. By the way on the "latency" on the comments; I believe Google is using AI to analyze the comments to identify the author.

    1. Quirk better ditch the:




    2. .

      Or, they could just analyze the name Quirk to identify The Quirk.


    3. In your case the name is indeed indicative of the man behind the mask.

  6. The United States Department of Justice has revoked an Indian citizen of his American citizenship under Operation Janus, a government initiative to crack down on illegal immigration.

    Reportedly, the first Indian to face such an action, the authorities believe that the former Indian citizen Baljinder Singh alias Davinder Singh entered United States by marrying a US citizen and then later, acquired American citizenship through fraudulent means.


    The Operation Janus has identified nearly 315,000 cases where the fingerprints of the individuals are missing from the database, as per US Department of Homeland Security.

  7. Well if the s o b 's want to identify me Im5 BOONDOCKS BOB out of Worley. Idaho.

    Place guarded by Mr Smith and Mr Wesson...a large fierce dog and my night watchman Quirk.

    Send correspondence to Worley P.O.

    1. QUIRK only on duty in July and August his escape time from Detroit.

      Those months being the most dangerous in Detroit.

    2. QUIRK is generally up all night that time of year drinking and sexing with MeMe etal so he might as well watch over things too. I'm usually at the Casino.

  8. China May End Purchase Of US Treasuries


    I have no idea what this really means but I have ceased buying Chinese made goods.

    By the way a new Toyota plant has just been announcd for Alabama.

    The Jap Imperialists taking advantage of cheap American labor again!!

  9. Hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico on Wednesday launched a new drive to become the 51st US state, with the island's governor demanding an end to "second-class" treatment of its citizens.

    Puerto Rico's more than three million residents are US citizens, with no obstacles to living and working on the mainland.


    Puerto Rico has chosen a shadow Congressional delegation of five representatives and two senators to demand recognition in Washington and lobby for statehood.

  10. I'm the only one here with fastpass past the AI?

    1. Your problem is you are too sane for this joint.

      You need to QUIRK OUT a bit

  11. Speaking of QUIRK....

    Psychiatrists: Discussing President Trump's mental state is how we will prevent the rise of another Hitler

    See: Hot Air

    Some of the TDS nutcases want to forcefully 'examine' the man.

    1. Goldwater, Reagan, Bush and now Trump....all Hitler....only Republicans can be Hitler

    2. Hitler was a 'socialist' whatever the hell that is supoosed to mean, but only Republicans can be Hitler.

      Go figure....

  12. A naturalised American from India has been stripped of his US citizenship, the first case under a government initiative designed to clamp down on fraudulent immigration, widened under the Trump administration.


    On Monday, the US government announced the end of a special protected status for about 200,000 Salvadoran immigrants, which threatens with deportation tens of thousands of well-established families with children born in the United States.

  13. .

    Fake News in the News

    Trump delays the Fake News Award citing unexpected excitement and anticipation (?)

    President Donald Trump said on Sunday that the "fake news awards" he teased recently will be postponed, saying interest had exceeded his expectations.

    "The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday," the president wrote on Twitter. "The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!"

    We can assume Trump is indulging in hyperbole in referring to the level of excitement unless, of course, he is talking about the interest among late nights comics who seem ready to duke it out in order to secure the award; billboards, TV spots, testimonials, you name it, they are going all out to get the awards. It's worse than the grovelling and pandering the stars do to get an Oscar.

    But a on a more serious note...

    Macron’s fake news law will threaten democracy

    PARIS — Emmanuel Macron is the latest political leader to hop on the anti-fake news bandwagon, as regulators lose patience and promise to crack down on the proliferation of online disinformation across the bloc.

    The French president has proposed a law that would include measures to make the backers of sponsored content transparent and empower the government to either scrap “fake news” from the internet or even block websites altogether during political elections.

    It’s not a good idea.

    The proposed “emergency legal action” would enable an incumbent government to step in during the elections and constrain the freedom of expression of its opponents, be they citizens writing on their blogs or accredited journalists writing for major publications.

    It may seem counterproductive to take issue with the idea that the dissemination of false news poses a threat to public order. Europe has been confronted by countless disruptive and dangerous examples of it, especially during elections. But limiting news output to “true” — essentially state-sanctioned — information could pose an even greater threat...

    The term PC originated with the Communists of the 1930's. It was used to designate that which was politically 'correct' for the party regardless of whether it was factually correct.

    The biggest danger from fake news lies in the credulity of it's audience. Only a true simpleton would accept an outrageous story without confirmation or a fact-check. Unfortunately, there are many simpletons out there. Still, that fact doesn't justify first amendment rights.


    1. .

      that is...

      'Still, that fact doesn't justify gutting first amendment rights.'


    2. Freudian slip there ?

  14. .

    Dems to invite sex misconduct victims to Trumps state of the union

    There is no doubt that in general women have been treated as second class citizens since the beginning. There has been a lot of progress to reverse the situation but there remains a long way to go. That said, it didn't take long for me to grow tired the way this issue is trending.

    If you try to make a distinction between rape, assault, or inappropriate comments, you are called a sexist pig. Mere charges are automatically considered proof. Due process is out the window as we are told we are expected to automatically accept the story of every accuser until she is proven wrong. However, if a male victim of the same abuse whether by a man or a woman it is ignored.

    And then, you have the Dems jumping on the bandstand trying to buy votes at the State of the Union.

    Oy vey.


  15. A sentencing date has been set for an Ohio man who admitted he plotted to kill military members in the U.S.

    Columbus resident Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud (ab-dee-RAH'-mahn shayk moh-HAH'-mud) is scheduled to be sentenced on Jan. 19.


    Mohamud's attorney is asking for leniency, saying he abandoned his attack plans.

  16. Google Caught In Censorship Cookie Jar Again ?

    See: American Thinker

  17. The military veterans playing cards in the Albany County jail wear the same orange uniforms as everyone else, with "INMATE" printed down the legs. But their service offers one distinct privilege: a special cellblock where they can work through problems they often share, such as substance use and post-traumatic stress disorder.


    It helps that Soldier On also provides post-release services like housing. So when Tommy Hartmann was released from the Albany jail last year after 90 days he had a place to go.

    The 29-year-old Army veteran moved into Soldier On's transitional housing in Leeds, Massachusetts.

    He also got a job with Soldier On, on the resident staff. When the group helped serve a holiday meal recently, Hartmann returned to his old block to chat up inmates he knew.

    This time he wore khakis and a tie. And he got to go home at the end of the night.

    Special Cellblocks

    1. I couldn't believe what I read the other day....that 20 Vets commit suicide each day but it seems to be true..

      That's over 7000 a year....


    Senator Elizabeth Warren:

    Senator Running Mouth

    Heh....nailed her !!!

  19. Indian techies in the US can heave a sigh of relief after the Trump administration said it was not considering any regulatory change that will force H1-B visa holders to leave the country.

    The announcement by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) came on Monday after last week’s report by US-based news agency McClatchy DC Bureau that Washington was considering new regulations to prevent the extension of H-1B visas, largely availed of by Indian IT firms.


    The US Chamber of Commerce had warned it would be “tremendously bad policy” to tell highly skilled people they were not welcome to stay in the US.

    1. Send rhose Hindus home!!!

      US jobs for US citizens.

      Semd those Hindus home!!

  20. Free at last free at last Julian Assange soon to be free at last

    The Donald paved the way and the Ecuadorians have made Julian a citizen...

    Next stop for Julian appears to be Switzerland.


  21. Free at last free at last Julian Assange soon to be free at last

    The Donald paved the way and the Ecuadorians have made Julian a citizen...

    Next stop for Julian appears to be Switzerland.


    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Ignoramus, stable not stupid.

    3. Jack you're back

      Everyone is so displeased...

      Even put up a Post using my name I see.

      Shame on you Jack.


      Big day tomorrow.

      Good night to all the others.
