Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Warning to President Trump

Attorney General Jeff Beauregard Sessions
Sessions was likely wiretapped by Comey and his FBI, as well as the Obama-Clinton Deep State intelligence agencies, then run by the criminally minded and Trump-hating CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper – two dishonest political hacks of the highest magnitude – and there you have it. This wiretapping we now know was triggered by the now-infamous Fusion GPS phony Russian dossier, paid for by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic Party.
Using the fake pretext that Trump, while a businessman, was engaged in potentially treasonous and degenerate sexual acts during a prior visit to Moscow before his presidential campaign, the Fusion GPS dossier was used by Comey’s FBI to have the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court rubber-stamp a warrant to wiretap Trump Tower, during the time Sessions was in contact with presidential candidate Trump as one of the future president’s top advisers and supporters.
I am therefore certain that the Obama-Clinton Deep State, and of course its lackey, Robert Mueller, have copies of recorded Sessions’ telephone conversations with the president, his family and other associates, such as former campaign adviser and later National Security Adviser Mike Flynn. During these conversations, contact with Vladmir Putin and other Russian officials was likely discussed. Thus, while benign in all likelihood, Sessions is obviously worried that something he said and now recorded through the wiretaps could incriminate him in alleged crimes, however “trumped up” by Mueller, pun intended.
All of this explains, without even a reasonable doubt, why the attorney general has buried his head in the sand, not appointed a special counsel to investigate and prosecute Hillary and Bill Clintons’ felonious crimes and has failed to do his job and truly oversee his own department, which includes the FBI. He is concerned that if he pushes on and orders meaningful law enforcement against the Obama-Clinton Deep State and its surrogates in the Mueller Office of the Special Counsel, he will be subject to their blowback.
In this context, fellow patriots and readers of this column each week, do not be fooled by those who are now applauding Attorney General Sessions for allegedly ordering investigations of the Clintons over the Fusion GPS and Uranium One scandals. Sessions was simply relieving the pressure some conservative congressmen and yours truly were putting on him to resign his post if he would not finally do his job.
Indeed, over my 30 plus years as the People’s Special Counsel, first at Judicial Watch and now at Freedom Watch, both of which I founded, I have seen it all. Left to my once-proud alma mater, the U.S. Department of Justice, and Congress, in Clinton scandals ranging from Monica Lewinsky, to China-gate, to File-gate, to Vince Foster-gate, to Travel-gate, to IRS-gate and a host of over 50 others, these professed “agencies of We the People” have never brought these hardened criminals to justice. In fact, for the same reason Sessions has taken an exit stage left – again, pun intended – these so-called servants of the citizenry and the nation do not want to stick their necks out for fear that they will be retaliated against in ways President Trump and his family and associates now know full well.
And, when all is said and done, this is why our compromised Attorney General Jeff Beauregard Sessions should now return to the genteel ways of the South and retire now. But on his way out, I would recommend that he appoint me as special counsel since I will – with this considerable law enforcement power at my disposal – put the Clintons in prison where they finally belong, come hell or high water! The Clintons will thus be the poster children for remedying our current dual system of justice!


  1. Fox News host Sean Hannity’s Twitter account appears to be deleted as of early Saturday morning. It is currently unclear what caused the account to disappear.

    Visitors to Hannity’s twitter page are currently greeted by a message informing them that the account no longer exists.

    1. It now seems to have been reactivated at around 5:00 am EST

  2. .

    Sessions was likely wiretapped by Comey and his FBI, as well as the Obama-Clinton Deep State intelligence agencies, then run by the criminally minded and Trump-hating CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper – two dishonest political hacks of the highest magnitude – and there you have it. This wiretapping we now know was triggered by the now-infamous Fusion GPS phony Russian dossier, paid for by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic Party...


    Clayman may be right. It could be that the not so secret society within the FBI leading the charge. On the other hand, my right wing contacts tell me consensus seems to be centering on rumors of a cabal within the Tribunal of the New Templars being involved. Despite this, I personally am convinced it was key one-worlders within the High Council of the Bilderbergers that had a hand in it. It sounds exactly like something they would do.


  3. Sessions must go, he's basically anti-Trump. Forget him, instead, Read the book so Pro-Trump that even Reddit (and sub T-D) banned it, “KEK II: Trump year One, Hillary year None” (JUST RELEASED 2018), the sequel to the bestseller, “KEK: The Rise of Donald Trump”.
