Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Crooked and Dishonorable FBI


  1. Deuce ☂Sun Dec 17, 07:59:00 AM EST
    Explosive Texts Point To FBI, Not Russian, Meddling In 2016 Election

    Scandal: For 18 months, the FBI has been fixated on determining whether President Trump worked with Russia to influence the 2016 election. But explosive text exchanges between top FBI agents suggest it should be looking in the mirror.

    The text messages sent between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, which became public on Wednesday, provide a rare and illuminating window into just how rabidly partisan putatively nonpartisan law enforcement officials can be.

    In the exchanges, they called Trump an "idiot," a "loathsome human," an "enormous do-che," and said "this man cannot be president."

    When not berating Trump, they were praising Hillary Clinton. In one text, Strzok said: "God Hillary should win 100,000,000-0." In another, he said that "a lot of people are holding their breath hoping" about Clinton.

    When Hillary accepted the party's nomination in July, Strzok texted "Congrats on a woman nominated for President in a major party! About damn time!" During one of the presidential debates, he texted: "Oh hot damn. HRC is throwing down saying Trump in bed with Russia." In one of Page's texts, she said Hillary "just has to win now."

    1. QuirkSun Dec 17, 11:53:00 AM EST

      Abuse of Power? Corruption?

      Not surprisingly, the Trump administration appears poised to approve the FOX/Disney merger.

      Perhaps also not surprisingly, there are a number of stumbling blocks holding up the AT&T/Time Warner deal. One of the major issues is CNN which the Financial Times reports DOJ is demanding be sold before the deal goes through.

      Given Trump's character and his respective relationships with FOX and CNN, none of this surprises.

    2. .

      Corrupt FBI?

      What FBI?

      Who cares?


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. President Trump ought to fire Director Wray, if the FBI is in such sad shape.

    Mr Trump just bad mouths Federal Law Enforcement, even when he is in charge.

    Is he such a governing Apprentice that his Administration just ignores him?

    The Emasculated President.

    No one to blame but himself

    1. .

      No one to blame but himself

      And that will never happen.

      Trump doesn't want to have to fire Mueller himself because of the attendant criticism he'd have to endure but, like Henry II, he continues to ask the question of those around him, 'Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?'



    SWEDEN: The increasing costs of population growth in Sweden, driven almost entirely mass migration, have forced the government to seriously consider raising the national retirement age to pay for the additional costs.

    Swedish Socialist party Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson announced that the retirement age would likely be raised in the near future in order to offset increased welfare costs, Swedish newspaper Expressen reports.

    “Looking at those who start working at 30, there should be opportunities to work longer than 65,” Andersson said.

    The minister made her remarks following an economic report from the Local Authorities and County Council (SKL) released earlier this week. The report claimed that the welfare state would grow faster than revenue obtained through taxation due to the dramatic rise of Sweden’s population.

    Due to the influx of migrants during the migrant crisis and Sweden’s growing birthrate, the population of the country has expanded faster than almost any other European country.

    Some Swedish cities, like the southern city of Malmo, owe their population growth almost entirely to mass migration from predominantly Middle Eastern countries.

    The SKL study claims there is a 47 billion SEK (£4.1 billion) gap between current revenue and welfare state costs that will have to be made up either by tax increases or increasing the retirement age.

    While migrants are increasing the cost of the Swedish welfare state in terms of added infrastructure and cost for services, many are unemployed and directly on welfare. A recent report showed that while the native Swedish unemployment rate was around 3.9 percent, it stood at 21.8 percent for Swedish residents from foreign backgrounds.

    A 2016 report claimed that the one-year cost of the migrant crisis for the Swedish taxpayer could amount to as much as 600 billion Swedish Kronor (£48.3 billion), enough to pay for the national armed forces for the next 14 years. Stockholm University associate professor Jan Tullberg made the calculations based on welfare and housing costs, education costs and other factors.

    1. Rigoberto Gracida Paucene
      Hamilton Dias Bonilla
      Ricio Arroyo Cortes
      Salvador Zaragoza
      Antonia Bautista Santiago
      Antonio Rafael

  4. Why hasn't a single patriotic FBI Agent come forward?

    What happened to the guy that was given immunity?

    1. There is, was NOTHING for any of them to testify to, Doug ...

      Or they would have.

      $7 MILLION and i00 pages all about Clinton and Benghazi.

      All added up to equal zilch.

    2. .

      Bobbsey Twins Big Book of Words Meanings:



      Any action that the Twins agree with.

      Used in sentence: Hannity says 'Anyone who agrees with me is patriotic and a true American hero.'


  5. .

    Corrupt FBI?

    What FBI?

    Who cares?

    You obviously.

    But to be clear, where is the corruption? What crime was committed?

    Who are you accusing and of what?

    Rosenstein (Republican appointed by Trump)?

    Mueller (Republican doing what prosecutors do)?

    Wray (Republican just recently appointed by Trump)?

    Sessions (Republican appointed by Trump)?

    Strozk and Ohr (Both now demoted and under investigation as part of the year long DOJ IG investigation into the actions of the FBI and DOJ during the 2016 election, an investigation that appears will be completed soon.)?

    Or, are you accusing the 13,500 agents and like number of support personnel in the FBI?


    1. Writing off Hillary's unsecured private server, for one.

    2. .

      While, I agree Clinton got off way too easy with the private server investigation, I fail to see why you continue to bring up that investigation in reference to the current Mueller investigation or, even much less, why you would bring it up in connection with anti-trust determinations by this administration.

      It's almost as if you are a bit fixated, son.

      Perhaps, you haven't heard...

      - The FBI (read Comey) decided to allow Clinton off with a slap on the wrist in the private server investigation, a real bullshit decision IMO; however...

      - About 7 other investigations (including Benghazi) were being conducted at about the same time, and all interfaced in some way with the Clinton email issue. NONE of those investigations found proof sufficient to charge Clinton criminally.

      - Clinton lost the election. I'll repeat. Clinton lost the election. Since then she has become a laughing stock with her ongoing 'explanation (read excuse) tours. She is mocked in the media. Even the Democratic party wants her to simply go away. Her influence at this point is nil. While her criminal prosecution might provide catharsis to some it would provide zero help for the many problems this country faces right now. You can stew if you want but most people have moved on.

      I repeat. Who in the FBI are you accusing of corruption? Be specific.

      Are you accusing him/them of a crime or just some action you don't approve of?

      The only name you mentioned was FBI. Are you saying that the entire organization and its 30,000 employees are corrupt? Are you arguing that the FBI is part of your bullshit 'Deep State' meme and like you're bullshit MSM meme it, as an organization, is out to get Trump because he is such an honest, stand-up, straight shooter and they are blinded by his light?

      Try being a little bit more specific, Doug.


    3. Strzok was involved in the Clinton server affair and in the "Russian Collusion" fiasco.

      If you choose to refuse to see the obvious corruption in the FBI, that is your problem, not mine.

      "Mueller - Republican" :-)

      ...that's why he selected only Democrats.


    4. MSM?

      Pure and unbiased as the wind driven snow. QuirkWorld.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. .

      The simplistic thinking of Doug-world.

      Strozk wrote his emails long before he came to the Mueller investigation.

      As soon as the emails surfaced, he was booted from the investigation.

      He wasn't heading up anything in the Mueller investigation. Mueller is calling the shots.

      You offer up bubblegum and bullshit.

      Try again. Preferably when you have something substantial.


      As soon as he

    7. .

      ...that's why he selected only Democrats.

      Based on Trump's choices for judges and Trump's own comments on the PEOPLE HE HIRED in the FBI/DOJ, the Dems were probably the only ones Mueller could find that knew the law.

      You continue to offer us the great whine. It would be nice if you provided some real, actionable evidence.


    8. .


      Major newspapers, NYT and WaPo, report on Trump all the time. It's their job. He's the president of the US and he continually forces his way into the news on a daily basis with dumb ass statements and tweets. Do they call them dumb ass statements and tweets? Of course, what do you expect? They are also the sources breaking major news stories such as the one about Strozk. Does their editorial board general dislike Trump? Sure, who can blame them? The man is obnoxious.


      Admittedly, CNN has gone batshit crazy lately with their 'reporting' on Trump. MSNBC is probably as bad though I never watch it. However, FOX is just as bad in the opposite direction with idiots like Hannity, Gorka, Pirro, etc. and their bullshit about conspiracies and coups plus FOX dwarfs the other two networks in the number of people they draw.

      The Voice of Doug-land

      - If you don't have the facts, cite the law.

      - If you don't have the law, cite the facts.

      - If you don't have the facts or the law, cite the MSM.



    9. .

      Dumb Trump-tweet of the Day

      Trump slammed by critics after using Amtrak derailment to tweet about his infrastructure plan

      Train derails in Washington state.

      6 dead, 70 injured.

      Trump tweets...

      Donald J. Trump


      The train accident that just occurred in DuPont, WA shows more than ever why our soon to be submitted infrastructure plan must be approved quickly. Seven trillion dollars spent in the Middle East while our roads, bridges, tunnels, railways (and more) crumble! Not for long!

      The criticism was immediate. Why?

      1. This was the inauguration run of a 'new' high speed rail service between Washington and Oregon.

      2. Trump's first thought was in how he could politicize the event. He said nothing about the dead or injured.

      It was only 10 minutes later after the criticism started pouring in that Trump got around to putting out another tweet expressing sympathy for the victims.

      It didn't seem to help with the criticism.

      Doug, will no doubt blame the MSM for covering this story.


  6. .

    Pumping up the Peasants

    The level of today's journalism.

    One only has to view the way stories are presented in the news and the words used to realize how polarized and degraded our national conversation has become. Stories on CNN and MSNBC talking about Roy Moore being a 'pedophile'.
    Stories on FOX and Limbaugh talking about 'Deep State' and 'coups'. Bullshit press mirroring bullshit opinions by a bullshit sheeple. Pretty disgusting.


    1. That's America. The rest of the world is shaking it's head in wonder.

  7. A man was arrested Monday afternoon after attempting to force his way onto a Royal Air Force base in Suffolk, England, which is the primary home of the United States Air Force in the United Kingdom.

    RAF Mildenhall was locked down around 1300 UK time as a vehicle reportedly attempted ramming the front security gates. Shots were fired by security personnel, reports the Daily Telegraph, and the suspect is reported to have sustained “cuts and bruises”. There were no other injuries.

    The official Facebook account of the airbase was used to release a short statement on the incident, which said “RAF Mildenhall locked down at 1 p.m. today following reports of a disturbance on base. The base was locked down and emergency personnel are responding to the situation.”


  8. Shots were fired by security personnel, ... the suspect is reported to have sustained “cuts and bruises”.

    Air Force Security were notoriously bad shots.
    Seems that their Standard remains shoddy.

  9. Heh...

    Bob, what's up with the love of your life Sarah Palin?

  10. Quirk:

    "Strozk wrote his emails long before he came to the Mueller investigation.

    As soon as the emails surfaced, he was booted from the investigation.

    He wasn't heading up anything in the Mueller investigation. Mueller is calling the shots.


    Strzok oversaw the interviews of Flynn.

    Strzok changed Hillary's actions wrt her server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.”

    Bubblegum and bullshit, indeed.

    "As soon as the emails surfaced, he was booted from the investigation."

    ...when he got caught, NOT when he subverted justice.

    1. Steyn: Mueller should never be an independent counsel

      Special counsel Robert Mueller is an 'insider's insider' who's connected to everybody and is the last person who should have been appointed as an independent counsel to investigate alleged Russia collusion.

    2. .

      More Fake News from the Big Whine of Wailua

      ...when he got caught, NOT when he subverted justice.

      When he subverted justice?

      Whoa. Breaking news alert here.

      When did he subvert justice? I was taking a nap and must have missed it. Please tell us more. I will be interested in the evidence.

      Strzok changed Hillary's actions wrt her server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.”

      Once again, Dougie, that has nothing, nada, zip to do with the Mueller investigation. Try and keep up.

      Strzok oversaw the interviews of Flynn.

      He did, did he? If so, he was a piss poor interrogator and should have been booted from the case for incompetence rather than potential prejudice. He was kicked off the team back in the summer and Flynn didn't cop to the plea bargain until the beginning of December.

      Are you saying Flynn isn't guilty of anything? Papadopoulos? That Manafort or Gates shouldn't have been indicted?

      Why, gee, that sounds a lot like bullshit and bubblegum to me.


    3. .

      If there is something there. one way or the other, it will eventually come to light. It always does.

      Until then, spare us the ranting, Doug.

      Right now you simply offer us inference instead of evidence, assumptions instead of facts, and talk of conspiracies and coups from FOX because that is what is in the talking points.


    4. The fact that FBI folks are provably corrupt has nothing to do with Mueller's investigation. QuirkWorld.

      ...he subverted justice when he changed “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.”

      Allowing Mueller's buddy Comey to wiggle out of a black and white case of lawbreaking.


      "If there is something there. one way or the other, it will eventually come to light. It always does."

      The unsecured server was there, the law was there, the FBI was there, and nothing happened.

    5. Quirk is blinded by the light of truth. he hates The Donald that much. It is peculiar as he is the guy that says they are all dicks. His focus on The Donald is chilling !!

    6. That is what is wrong with the Mueller investigation. It has nothing to do with what Doug is talking about.

    7. .


      May I say, Robert, that you have finally got it.


    8. .

      The fact that FBI folks are provably corrupt has nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.

      And yet you have proven zip.


    9. .

      You continue to use the word hate though I have pointed out that I hate no one.

      I might dislike them. I may find them vulgar, arrogant, and boorish. I might find them hypocritical or narcissistic. I might not like the way they look or smell. But I can't think of anyone I hate.

      Not Trump (though he forces himself in your face everyday with his tweets), not you though you a bit frustrating at times, not even the Hawaiian Haole though his obsessions with conspiracy theories does get a bit old.


    10. The unsecured server was there, the law was there, the FBI was there, and nothing happened.

      ...but I repeat myself.

      No proof of corruption there, in QuirkWorld.

  11. Robert Mueller's appointment as special counsel to lead the Russia probe in May caught President Donald Trump by surprise. Seven months later, the President's defenders have gone into overdrive hoping to discredit the investigation as Trump insists publicly he has no plans to fire Mueller.


    Under the special counsel regulations, Mueller may be "disciplined or removed from office only by the personal action of the attorney general."

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from all matters related to the 2016 presidential campaigns, so the power to fire Mueller falls to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.


    Harvard Law School Professor Jack Goldsmith, former head of the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel during George W. Bush's administration, has suggested the President will only come under further scrutiny if he tries to fire Mueller.

  12. My computer failed. Then I lost my good phone. Now I am using this little shitter. Carry on boys. I see Quirk has taken up quoting Shakespeare !Most excellent !

  13. It beats his usual quoting Moe and Curly to me !!

  14. Never buy an HP with the shitty little power plug in. It failed ONE day after the extended warranty expired.

    1. I'm going to look for something that has the same battery but a better plug in, then I'd have a backup. If it exists.

  15. Quirk, you could not say something complimentary about The Donald if your life depended on it. I am thankful it does not.

  16. I'm pissed Hillary seems to be getting away with. What happened to a Country of Laws ? I voted for LOCK Her Up!
