Saturday, December 30, 2017

Nothing Will Get Cleaned Up Without Getting Rid of Jeff Sessions

Larry Klayman: Sessions Not Looking Out for Trump

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is looking out for his own interests, not those of President Donald Trump, when it comes to special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian tampering with the 2016 presidential election, Larry Klayman told Newsmax TV on Friday.

"Jeff Sessions has his own back," Klayman, founder of the government watchdog Freedom Watch and a former federal prosecutor, said to Newsmax's John Bachman on "America Talks Live."

"Jeff Sessions, No.1, should fire Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, to get somebody who will really supervise what [special counsel Robert] Mueller is doing, because Mueller, in effect, works for the Justice Department.

"This guy, Rosenstein, he's a Democrat, he's a holdover U.S. attorney from Maryland under [President Barack] Obama. He's rubber-stamping everything Mueller is doing and someone needs to rein Mueller in."

Klayman said he believes Mueller has pushed the boundaries of his investigation too far.

"He's supposed to be investigating so-called Russian collusion, not alleged financial crimes by the president's son-in-law Jared Kushner, not dealing with [former Trump campaign manager] Paul Manafort and his partner Rick Gates [who] had nothing to do with the Trump campaign," Klayman said. "[Mueller is] trying to squeeze them to say things that aren't true."

That said, Klayman believes Mueller, who once ran the FBI, is "a man of integrity."

"But I do believe that we need to rein him in and the person to do that is the No. 2 at the Justice Department, Rod Rosenstein. But he's not doing it so Sessions should have somebody else put in that place so it is done," Klayman told Bachman.

But "Mueller is off in Never Never Land, like Tinker Bell at this point . . . [He] is going to drag it out to the congressional elections in 2018 hoping the Democrats take control of Congress and therefore that the president is impeached. I mean you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure all this out."

© 2017 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


  1. Mr Sessions job in the Justice Department is NOT to

    Look out for Trump

    Anyone who believes that Mr Sessions job is to protect Mr Trump ....

    ... is ...

    ... just plain WRONG

  2. .

    Some might disagree.

    Yesterday, Trump said that Erik Holder 'totally protected Obama' and that he (Trump) 'respected that', this after his constant complaints about his own AG's and Session's recusal from the Mueller investigation.


  3. .

    Police Arrest alleged 'Nigerian Prince' email scammer

    Not sure how I am going to get that $123,000 I was promised now.


  4. .

    US signs secret agreement with Israel on Iran - Commits to keep US troops in Syria

    Israel’s most pressing concern during a recent meeting in Washington on future cooperation on the Iranian threat was the Islamic republic’s entrenchment in Syria and US plans to counter Tehran’s ambitions, Channel 10 news reported Friday.

    A senior administration official told Channel 10 that Israeli national security advisers Meir Ben-Shabbat wanted to know during the December 12 meeting in the White House whether the US was preparing to withdraw its forces from Syria. The Israelis, he said, were concerned as to whether the US was planning to remain involved militarily in Syria, as well as in diplomacy to end the civil war there.

    “We answered the Israelis clearly,” the unnamed US official told Channel 10. “We are staying in Syria, both with our troops and with regards to our involvement in any future diplomatic deal in the country.”

    Channel 10 further reported that this approach was later ratified by US President Donald Trump in internal White House discussions.

    Channel 10 on Thursday first reported that Israel and the US had secretly signed a far-reaching joint memorandum of understanding providing for full cooperation to deal with Iran’s nuclear drive, its missile programs and its other threatening activities...


    1. .

      Washington's Warning

      In his farewell address, Washington makes an extended reference to the dangers of foreign nations who will seek to influence the American people and government; nations who may be considered friendly as well as nations considered enemies will equally try to influence the government to do their will. "Real patriots," he warns, who "resist the intrigues" of foreign nations may find themselves "suspected and odious" in the eyes of others, yet he urges the people to stand firm against such influences all the same. He portrays those who attempt to further such foreign interests as becoming the "tools and dupes" of those nations, stealing the applause and praise of their country away from the "real patriots" while actually working to "surrender" American interests to foreign nations...

      He argues that the country should avoid permanent alliances with all foreign nations, although temporary alliances during times of extreme danger may be necessary. He states that current treaties should be honored but not extended...



      Note: Washington's 'Farewell Address' was a work in process over the two terms of his presidency. He was aided in writing it by James Madison in his first term and by Alexander Hamilton in his second.


  5. You don't think he will be able to get his shipping container with your cut of the 350 gold bars under a false floor out of customs?

    1. .

      I ask about that but he finally agreed it was going to be paid in Bitcoins. But my fear is that he will call his lawyer with that one phone call instead of his broker to make the wire transfer.

      I've been having trouble contacting him ever since I sent him that money through Paypal.


  6. There is a new blockchain crypto currency ready to launch. It is the "Nigerium" , better than gold and untraceable. For a short time only they will accept USD for this, to be, rapidly appreciating asset. The Nigerium is limited to 16.333 million coins.

  7. But wait, there is more. For a very limited time, they will double your coin for astute pre-launch investors, such as yourself.

  8. If you miss it, worry not. The EB (Elephant Bank) is soon to be issuing the" Pachydurmium". Hu Dat has sent me an encrypted document informing me that he in no longer blocked but is now block chained.

    I'm hoping the non diverse side of the bar does not refer to it as the Paki.

    1. .

      Bank of England plots its own bitcoin-style digital currency

      The Bank of England could green light its own Bitcoin-style digital currency as early as 2018, The Telegraph can disclose.

      A research unit set up by the Bank is investigating the possible introduction of a crypto-currency linked to sterling.

      If approved, a virtual currency issued by the bank would pave the way for a revolutionary shake up of high street banking.

      A Bank of England-issued digital currency would potentially allow British citizens to keep their money - in digital form - with the central bank itself, dispensing with the need for a retail bank. Big-ticket transactions, such as buying a house, could happen in nanoseconds...

      Starting to get crazy. I'm going to have to learn more about cryptocurrencies. I see you can now buy Bitcoins through Fidelity and other legitimate brokerage firms. Not really interested in buying but this seems to be a growing trend.


    2. Is that new one coming out of the Detroit area ?

      I've heard some rumours.

    3. I'll think of it as The Bull Elephant.

  9. .

    Nicki Haley get pranked and then punk'd by Russian jokesters

    Two Russian men posing as Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki prank called US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, leading the American stateswoman to thank the couple for Poland’s abstention from voting on a resolution condemning President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

    “Let me start with very much thanking you for the support we received on the vote today. We will never forget it,” Haley can be heard saying in a video posted online by Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexei Stolyarov.

    Haley goes on to explain that she believes Egypt was the leading force attempting to advance the vote on Jerusalem in the UN.

    The General Assembly passed the resolution condemning Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, with 128 nations in favor, 9 voting against, 35 abstaining and 21 no-shows.

    Later in the video, the pranksters are heard asking Haley if she is familiar with the fictional island of Binomo in the South China Sea.

    “Yes, yes,” Haley tells the man on the line.

    “They had elections and we suppose Russians had its intervention,” he can be heard replying.

    “Yes, of course they did, absolutely. We’ve been watching that very closely, and I think we will continue to watch that as we deal with the issues that keep coming up about the South China Sea,” answered Haley.

    When asked what the US was going to do about the fictional diplomatic row, Haley said she would look into the White House’s stance on the matter.

    “Let me find out exactly what our stance is on that, and what if anything the US is doing or thinks should be done, and I will report back to you on that as well,” she said.

    John Degory, Haley’s spokesman, told the [Charleston] Post and Courier that Haley and he “have nothing to share at this time” regarding the prank call.


    1. That's all you've got today ?

      You must try to do better !

  10. Replies
    1. Resolutions

      Thank Deuce more often for his efforts.

      Don't interact with Jack. Pray for him instead.

      Pray pray pray for wisdom and discernment and knowledge be given Q Quirk daily. Pray FERVENTLY.

    2. Pray that Jeff Sessions is replaced.

  11. For Quirk:

    Entering 2018 With Gratitude To God And Donald Trump

    See: American Thinker

  12. Niagara Falls has frozen.

    An older retired farmer once told me that if Niagara Falls freezes in December the next year will be a great year

    He was never wrong, and had gotten much of his knowledge and wisdom from the Crows.

  13. Did The FBI Really Fall For The Steele Dossier's 'Dezinformatzia' ?

    Monica Showalter

    Yup, they did, really.

    See: American Thinker

  14. Robert J. O'Neill

    Verified account

    13h13 hours ago
    I got lazed in my right eye in a gunfight on the Pakistan border. Told my wife about it... her response:

    “What if you go blind and I’m pretty for no reason?!”

  15. M. Zuhdi Jasser‏Verified account
    Follow Follow @DrZuhdiJasser
    Crowds chanting “Death to Hizballah” and “Death to the dictator” — on the streets of Iran—-powerful images that would sure impact the monolithic view of Muslims as Islamists in the West?? Where is the coverage???


    1. .

      Google Search: Riots and Demonstrations in Iran against conditions there

      News about Demonstrations And Riots In Iran Again…

      6,760,000 links

      1st page

      Five things you need to know about protests in Iran
      Al Jazeera · 1h
      There are ... frustration against the government. At least 50 people were arrested in Masshad, according to reports. The demonstrations have gained momentum and are described as the largest in nearly …

      New economic protests in Tehran challenge Iran's government
      ABC News · 14h
      A wave of spontaneous protests over Iran's weak economy ... and others chanting against the government just hours after hard-liners held their own rally in support of …

      Why Is the New York Times Playing Down the Protests in Iran?
      Yahoo News · 11h
      In the last few days there ... protests in Isfahan, Hamadan and elsewhere. The protests began against rising prices but have spiralled into a general outcry against clerical …

      Iran protests: Several shot on Dorud, source says - CNN
      Dec 31, 2017 · ... after Iran's government warned citizens against ... purporting to show a protest in Mashhad,
      Iran. ... "There are many reports of peaceful protests ...

      Iranian cities hit by anti-government protests - BBC News
      Anti-government demonstrations that began in Iran on ... What began as a protest against economic conditions and ... How big are the protests? There have been ...

      Iran protests: How Trump can strike a fatal blow against a ...
      Fox News · 20 hours ago
      Dec 30, 2017 · There have unquestionably been ... Each new protest against the rulers of Iran ... MEK activists have provided live reports of the new round of protests in ...
      Iran Confronts 3rd Day of Protests, With Calls for ...

      New York Times · 1 day ago
      Dec 30, 2017 · ... counter-demonstrations against those who ... demonstrations are rare in Iran, ... demonstrations — the largest protests in years ...

      Iran protests: Violence on third day of demonstrations ...
      BBC News
      20 hours ago
      Videos filmed elsewhere in the country show protesters setting fire to police vehicles and there ... Iran were behind the initial protests, ... protest against ...

      What's at play in Iranian protests? - CNN
      Dec 31, 2017 · Why are these protests happening? There ... after Iran's government warned citizens against ... "That had a chilling impact on the protests in Iran and ...
      Scattered Protests Erupt in Iran Over Economic Woes - The ...

      New York Times · 1 day ago
      Dec 29, 2017 · Many of the international sanctions against Iran were lifted ... Protests over economic conditions are ... said that a protest in the ...

      Protests erupt in Iran over high cost of ... -
      Protesters have rallied in Iran over price increase and unemployment [Youtube screenshot] Hundreds of protesters have rallied in several Iranian cities against rising ...

      New economic protests in Tehran challenge Iran's government
      Dec 31, 2017 · TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — A wave of spontaneous protests over Iran's weak economy swept into Tehran on Saturday, with college students and others chanting ...

      The Iran Protests -- and The New York Times | Council on ...
      In the last few days there have been anti-government protests all over Iran. ... What began as a protest against economic conditions ... There is also anger at Iran's ...

      What to know about the Iran protests over rising prices ...
      Dec 30, 2017 · Iran was rocked by protests this week that pit protesters angry with the country's economic downturn against pro-government hardliners. The demonstrations ...



    2. .

      Change a few words in the search and you get stuff like this...

      Iran Updates (VIDEO): Live-Blogging The Uprising | HuffPost
      Jun 13, 2009 · Our Iran live-blog has moved ... Iran Demonstrations Iran Election Iran Election Video Iranian Riots Iran Violence

      Protests hit Tehran, two demonstrators reported killed in ...
      Reuters · 16 hours ago
      Social media footage showed riot police using clubs to ... Though purely political protests are seldom seen in Iran, demonstrations are often held by workers over ...

      U.S. warns Iran 'the world is watching' as new protests ...
      Dec 30, 2017 · More From NBC. Sports; CNBC; MSNBC ... Iran — A wave of protests over Iran's weak ... The demonstrations appear to be the largest to strike Iran …

      Author: Ali Arouzi and Associated Press
      Riot police crack down on Iran protesters -
      Riot police cracked down anew on demonstrators in Iran's capital on Monday hours after the feared Revolutionary Guard threatened to crush any further post-election ..


    3. .

      If you plug in a specific source like NPR you get stuff like this...

      News about Demonstrations And Riots In Iran Npr

      Protesters Take To Streets In Iran : NPR

      Protesters Take To Streets In Iran Thousands of students and other protesters took to the streets of Iranian cities Monday, a repeat of nationwide demonstration's ...

      Protesters Killed As Anti-Government Protests ... - · 3 hours ago

      Dec 31, 2017 · 2 Protesters Killed As Anti-Government Protests Enter Fourth Day In Iran : The Two-Way The demonstrations are the ... Breaking News From NPR. America;

      Videos of demonstrations and riots in iran npr
      Iran: Students burn American flag during anti-US protest in Tehran
      YouTube · 12/13/2017 · 896 views
      Iran stages anti US protests
      YouTube · 11/4/2017 · 504 views
      Iran: Trump's remarks on Iran at UNGA sparks protest in Tehran
      YouTube · 9/22/2017 · 692 views
      See more videos of demonstrations and riots in iran npr

      Iran Protests On Republic's Anniversary : NPR

      The government also mustered a big display of police power to prevent significant demonstrations by the opposition. NPR's ... riot police, some of ... Iran. Mike ...

      In Iran, Pro-Government Demonstrations Mark Revolution ...

      In Iran, Pro-Government Demonstrations Mark Revolution; Some Protests : The Two-Way Large pro-government demonstrations in Tehran on 31st anniversary of the revolution there.

      Iranian Protests Show Opposition Is Still Strong : NPR

      Iranian Protests Show Opposition Is Still Strong Tens of thousands of demonstrators poured into the streets of Tehran again on Wednesday to protest against the ...

      Expert: Iran Protests Full Of Symbolism : NPR

      Expert: Iran Protests Full Of Symbolism Iranian ... only at "those who made riot, ... protest, state radio reported that Iran's powerful Guardian ...

      NPR News: 2 Protesters Killed As Anti-Government Protests ...

      Dec 31, 2017 · 2 Protesters Killed As Anti-Government Protests Enter Fourth Day In Iran The demonstrations are the biggest since ... Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.Read more on NPR.

      Can the talking points you get from Trump, FOX and Rush and re-join the real world, Doug.


    4. .

      The stories are out there, Doug. What you are actually saying is that they are not telling the story you want them to.


  16. .

    Or perhaps, you are not seeing stories from CNN and NPR because the only sites you watch or listen to is FOX.

    Perhaps, you are not seeing news reporting from Reuters and AP because you would rather listen to the bullshit that flows daily from Rush.

    Perhaps, you don't see stories from the sources you mentioned because you don't look for them, not when you have a daily shit storm of tweets from Trump to feed you your daily talking points.


    1. Perhaps you did not notice that was not my tweet.

    2. Perhaps you are not aware, I do not watch Fox.



    Anti-government demonstrations that began in Iran on Thursday have now spread to several major cities.

    Large numbers reportedly turned out in Rasht, in the north, and Kermanshah, in the west, with smaller protests in Isfahan, Hamadan and elsewhere.

    The protests began against rising prices but have spiralled into a general outcry against clerical rule and government policies….

    What began as a protest against economic conditions and corruption has turned political….

    Slogans have been chanted against not just Mr Rouhani but Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and clerical rule in general.

    Demonstrators were reportedly heard yelling slogans like "The people are begging, the clerics act like God". Protests have even been held in Qom, a holy city home to powerful clerics.

    There is also anger at Iran's interventions abroad. In Mashhad, some chanted "not Gaza, not Lebanon, my life for Iran", a reference to what protesters say is the administration's focus on foreign rather than domestic issues.

    Other demonstrators chanted "leave Syria, think about us" in videos posted online.

    Videos posted on social media appear to show clashes between security forces and some demonstrators in Kermanshah.

    Now compare today’s New York Times coverage. It is entitled “Scattered Protests Erupt in Iran Over Economic Woes.” More remarkably, consider the very first line:

    Protests over the Iranian government’s handling of the economy spread to several cities on Friday, including Tehran, in what appeared to be a sign of unrest.

    Ya think? “ Appeared” to be a sign of unrest?

    What else was it, a sign of support for the ayatollahs?

    And note the Times title again, telling you these protests are all about the economy—a conclusion contradicted by the words being shouted by the protesters, as the BBC tells us.

    In fact, buried down in the Times story we do find that in Kermanshah “protesters shouted anti-government slogans like ‘Death or freedom,’ ‘Care for us and leave Palestine’ and ‘Political prisoners must be freed’….” Does that sound like a "protest over economic woes?"

    The Times story is written by its bureau chief in Tehran, Thomas Erdbrink, one of the very few Western reporters (he is Dutch) accredited to report for U.S. media.

    Must he pull punches for fear of being expelled from Iran? After all, this is a regime that has invaded embassies (most recently, for example, the British Embassy in 2011) and in 2009 the entire BBC bureau there was shut down and the BBC’s correspondent expelled.

    1. In 2014, Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian was arrested and then imprisoned for 18 months. He and his wife are now suing the government of Iran for their maltreatment and torture while in captivity.

      So perhaps it is wise for reporters in Tehran to watch what they say. But the Times’s report and headline that these are merely economic protests are misleading. Both should be corrected.

      Meanwhile the U.S. Department of State issued a very strong statement on these protests—which rightly regards them as political:

      We are following reports of multiple peaceful protests by Iranian citizens in cities across the country. Iran’s leaders have turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos. As President Trump has said, the longest-suffering victims of Iran's leaders are Iran’s own people.

      The United States strongly condemns the arrest of peaceful protesters. We urge all nations to publicly support the Iranian people and their demands for basic rights and an end to corruption.

      On June 14, 2017, Secretary Tillerson testified to Congress that he supports “those elements inside of Iran that would lead to a peaceful transition of government. Those elements are there, certainly as we know.” The Secretary today repeats his deep support for the Iranian people.

      The Iranian people rose up against their oppressors in June 2009. Now we are again seeing that this regime rules by brute force, is widely despised, and would be dismissed by the people if ever they got a chance to vote freely.

  18. A wave of spontaneous protests over Iran's weak economy swept into Tehran

    About 72,100 results

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. “Death to Hizballah” and “Death to the dictator”

    About 477 results

    Dr. Jasser, idiot.

    Quirk, NY Times, MSM, genius.

    1. .

      Aw shucks. I wouldn't go that far, Doug.

      Sure Dr. Jasser is FOX News' go to Muslim but he is a pretty well respected doctor I've heard.



  20. There were also messages aimed at the United States, such as "Obama, Obama, you are either with them or with us" — a message that defied the purpose of the pro-government rally Wednesday.

    And some in the crowds picked up on the ongoing tension over Iran's nuclear activities by chanting: "A green and blooming Iran does not need an atom bomb." Green is the symbolic color of the opposition movement.

    1. Why Obama Won't Talk About Islamic Terrorism

      Take a closer look for example at another much-discussed recent statement by President Obama about terrorism, his remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast. The president’s claim that “people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ” ignited a major ruckus. The fuss obscured something more remarkable in the speech, which is that there was no bookend reference to “terrible deeds in the name of Islam.” Instead, in every place where the word “Islam” might have been expected, the word “religion” was substituted. Thus, “we see a rising tide of anti-Semitism and hate crimes in Europe, so often perpetrated in the name of religion.” Thus, "we are summoned to push back against those who try to distort our religion—any religion—for their own nihilistic ends.” Thus, most strikingly, the group that calls itself the Islamic State, referred to only by the acronym ISIL, is condemned as a "a brutal, vicious death cult” that "carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism,” and does so “in the name of religion.”

      When mention of the Islamic inspirations of terrorists becomes truly inescapable, administration spokespersons will emphatically insist that their actions do not represent the true Islam. At times, the president has baldly claimed that “ISIL is not Islamic.”
      That locution soon collapsed of its own ludicrousness. As Graeme Wood details in his new cover story for The Atlantic, ISIL is nothing if not Islamic:

      In fact, much of what the group does looks nonsensical except in light of a sincere, carefully considered commitment to returning civilization to a seventh-century legal environment, and ultimately to bringing about the apocalypse.
      President Obama has accordingly reformulated his denial that ISIL is Islamic to argue instead that it has somehow up-ended Islam, that ISIL’s terrorist have “perverted one of the world’s great”—and of course unnamed—“religions.” Perhaps indeed they have done so. Yet it seems a strange use of authority for an American president to take it upon himself to determine which interpretations of Islam are orthodox and which are heretical. President Obama would be unlikely to venture an opinion as to whether Mormons are Christians or whether Lubavitcher Hasidim are correct to revere Menachem Mendel Schneerson as the Messiah.

      In the mouths of less nimble speakers than the president, such as Attorney General Eric Holder, the refusal to accept any Islamic content to Islamic terrorism can collapse into comedy.

      Michael Doran of the Brookings Institution reminds us of a revealing line from a profile of the Obama administration’s foreign policy decision making: “The thing we spent the most time on” was also the thing “we talked least about in public.” In that case, the “thing” was the project to achieve détente with Iran. But other projects also signal their importance by going undiscussed, and near the top of that list is the Obama administration’s distinctive counter-terrorism policy.

      You see the impress of this policy in the Obama administration’s distance from, and discomfort with, the mourning for the slaughtered Charlie Hebdo satirists in France. You see it in Obama's twinned condemnations of anti-Islamic blasphemy and Holocaust denial at the United Nations in 2012, and in his declaration in that same speech that the future will “not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” It is this impress that we see again, so very clearly, in the otherwise-baffling claim that the post-Charlie Hebdo attack on the Hyper Cacher kosher market was “random.”

      The MSM generally followed suit.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. 2019.09.19根據台北知名酒店經紀調查酒店工作顯示,2019年八大行業酒店打工有將近7成的上班族有意願酒店兼差在八大行業擔任酒店兼職坐檯小姐或打工,其中在中山區林森北路以及忠孝東路上的便服店酒店上班的有(45.1%),比在白天正職的比例(21.8%)更高。進一步女大學生、上班族詢問未來想投入八大行業酒店上班的比例達到6成3,其中想在八大行業擔任酒店小姐兼職有(30.7%),想擔任正職的有(24.9%)。知名酒店經紀專業指出產業來進行交叉分析,結果發現,目前在傳產製造業的上班族想在八大行業兼職酒店小姐的比例最高,而服務業想投入兼職酒店小姐擔任正職的比例最高。主要的原因包括對客人買全場接S(性交易)額外收入感到有興趣(39.5%)想為未來事業多認識企業的大老闆(40.2%)、喜歡跟人相處(36.8%)以及酒店工作機會多(29.1%)、酒店工時彈性(27.0%)等原因。

  23. 2020.05.22酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容公關、陪侍乃至於性工作者通常不是酒店、舞廳、包廂KTV或養生館的直屬員工,他們我在酒店上班的日子在經紀人的帶領下,前往與經紀公司合作的酒店打工地點上班,比起雇傭更貼近承攬,沒店可以上工時就直接放無薪假,在政府勞動統計上他們等於是失業人口,申請失業救濟金是天方夜譚。酒店並無底薪保障,公關酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金要客人點選坐檯才有薪水,而且店家會在發薪時扣除稅金,卻不會幫忙投保勞健保。依照 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?業績高低,酒店從公關的薪資中扣除400元到1,000元不等的營業稅,檯費也不是公關全部收進口袋裡,必須與酒店和趴客幹部、經紀人分潤,以350元的節薪而言,常見酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境? 的配比是酒店與趴客幹部150元、小姐150元、經紀人50元,這個配比會依照小姐的外在條件、與經紀人和經紀公司的協議、是否有債務和借貸關係而有調整。錢的問題一向複雜,八大行業金流不患寡而患不均,事情每經過一個人的手,就必須給人抽成,如何打點每個關卡是極為細膩的功夫。客人的帳單上看不到公關們被扣款的部分,也看不到勞動權益被忽略的細節,更不要提酒店內物價奇幻,小姐們別在身上的名牌,一個要收500到1,000元的製作費,在公司休息室租用儲物櫃,也是以每星期千元為計價單位,小姐向公司團購質料粗劣的應景服飾,價格是網拍的十倍,並且每個星期收送洗費上千元,化妝、髮型與服裝不符合規定一項扣500元以上,店家也有各自的內規,例如遲到一分鐘扣50元,開會不到扣3,000元,遲到兩小時就要自己大框自己,也就是買下一整天60節的上班時間,立刻失血21,000元--要在這些條條框框後賺到錢,沒兩把刷子真難,八大也分三六九等,一張酒店收據不代表整個產業的全貌。
