Wednesday, December 27, 2017

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished on the Road To Cultural Enrichment and Diversity

Network of 40 Salafist sisters preach hate and indoctrination online – German intel

Network of 40 Salafist sisters preach hate and indoctrination online – German intel
Germany’s intelligence services have identified an Islamist terrorist network made up of 40 women. Female extremists with hundreds of Facebook followers are increasingly filling the gap left by their imprisoned husbands.

Burkhard Freier, the head of the North Rhine-Westphalian Office for the Protection of the Constitution, told Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper that the local female extremist network of “40 sisters” followed a strict Salafist doctrine —informing their advice on everything from raising children to interpreting the religious rules of Islam and stirring up hatred against so-called “non-believers.”  The network was active on the internet, determined to proselytize their Salafist ideology (an ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam) aggressively to other would-be members.

“The women are now ideology promoters," Freier said.

Additionally, the women indoctrinate their own children from an early age. “This makes Salafism a family affair,” and the result, Freier said, could be something “much more difficult to dissolve, namely Salafist pockets within society.”

What’s worse is that these female extremist leaders, some of whom have several hundred Facebook followers, now have a new role in society, feeling accepted and included. “The men have realized that women can network much better and are therefore more capable of expanding the scene and keeping it active,” Freier said.
Although not every Salafist is a terrorist, “every jihadist terrorist we’ve seen in Europe in recent years came from the Salafist scene,” Focus Online reported, citing the official. “There is an increasing number of minor Salafists fantasizing about violence,” he added.

While there has been a drop in the number of jihadists leaving for Syria and Iraq, the number of returnees was on the rise – an increasing number of women among them, Freier said.

German intelligence chief Hans-Georg Maassen said earlier this month that the security services are facing a record number of Islamists.

According to Maassen, the president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), the number of Islamist sympathizers is at an “an all-time high”.It has gone up from 9,700 to 10,800 over the past year, with the fundamentalists increasingly abandoning radicalization in mosques in favor of “small conspiratorial circles, primarily on the internet,” which is proving a “particular challenge” for the security services. The splitting up of Islamist groups into smaller factions has also made them harder to monitor, Maassen noted.
Salafists follow an ultra-conservative, fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, and Salafist organizations such as Hizb ut-Tahrir are seeking to live under Sharia law, perceiving Western-style democracy as incompatible with obeying God. Their beliefs provide the spiritual basis for groups like Al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS). The BfV head added that women returning to Germany from Islamist strongholds “had become so radicalized and identify so deeply with IS-ideology that, by all accounts, they must also be identified as jihadis… we have to keep them in our sights.”


  1. Barack Obama has revealed he had mixed feelings handing over power to Donald Trump, but added there was a surprising “serenity” following the president’s inauguration.

    Obama did not hand power over to Trump. His contract was up and it was time for him to pick up and leave.

    Obama was the most shallowed rooted "American" ever to occupy the office. He never did get the constitutional thingy.

  2. .

    Sessions Did It

    Still smarting from the Roy Moore loss and evidently casting about for more scapegoats, Trump blames Jeff Sessions for accepting the job Trump offered to him.

    You can't make it up folks.


    1. Yeah, that's ripe alright.

    2. Of course Mike Huckabee is right when he says we have a Churchill in Trump, though not so gracious

      Churchill was even polite when declaring war on Japan.

      Read his letter to The Japanese Emperor.

      "When you declare war on someone it takes little effort to be polite about it" Winnie wrote.

    3. I believe Trump was perplexed, as I would be. The Attorney General position is critical to any president and every administration. It is chief operating officer of the US justice system. Within days of accepting the position and after being confirmed, Sessions stated the he had a potential conflict of interest in a case that was clearly designed to destabilize Trump's presidency. He then, without consulting with Trump and his staff, recused himself turning over authority to Obama appointee.

      Personally, rather than tweet about it, I would have shot the son of a bitch and then pardoned myself.


    4. Mr Sessions has a truly faulty memory when it comes to his meeting with Russians.

      A faulty memory when it comes to Trump campaign subordinates communicating with Russians

      A faulty memory when it comes to Trump campaign subordinates traveling to Russia.

      It is comforting to know that Mr Trump knew all the best people.
      Mr Sessions exemplifies the quality of the staffing hired by Mr Trump.

      Mr Sessions being the best of the best.

  3. Venezuelans are beginning to use The Greenback when they can instead of their own toilet paper currency

    Fancy that.....

  4. Israel will name a new train station near Jerusalem's Western Wall after TRUMP for his 'historic and brave decision' to recognize it as the capital and move the U.S. embassy there. That will get a lot of NY liberal Jews twitching.

    1. Yep, progressive liberal Jews have left the station...

    2. Hey nice to have you show up again, WiO !

      Make it a habit....

    3. no need, i look and see, deuce's comments are much of my own point of view, no need to be an echo chamber....

      he's doing a fine job...

  5. The Huckster Huckabee, though, doesn't go nearly far enough in his praise of The Donald in comparing him to a mere historical figure like Churchill.

    Being the religious fellow he is one would think Huck would have recognized in The Donald's descent on the elevator the descensus of a Divine Figure come to save the earth from it's evil and erring ways.....

    As is said in Hindu Scriptures:

    'When evil goes strong I create for myself yet another body, when the people are fully lost and in despair I descend to them and bring them Light and Leadership and the renewal of Laughter and Joy'

    Such a figure has yet again appeared among us !

    1. .

      You mean there's a chance we can dump him on India?


  6. And if Quirk would ever actually think about it, being Mensa Minded as he is, he would quickly come to agree....

    1. The people are beginning to get it even if Quirk uncharacteristically lags behind....

      Year End Pop: Trump Approval Rating Jumps To 45 Percent



    2. Poll: Nearly one-third of Americans think Trump repealed ObamaCare

      Ignorance is bliss.

      That's why Robert "Bank Fraudster" Peterson is always so happy with Mr Trump


    3. President Donald Trump snagged a major legislative victory with the signing of his landmark tax reform bill last week, but he’s still living in his predecessor's shadow when it comes to public admiration, according to a new poll.

      Trump trailed former President Barack Obama as the most admired man for 2017, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday


    4. “Trump's unpopularity is holding him back from winning the most admired distinction,” Gallup’s Jeffrey Jones said Wednesday. “The incumbent president is the usual winner since he is arguably the most prominent figure in the country -- but when the president is unpopular, other well-known and well-liked men have been able to finish first.”


    5. Mr Trump's approval rating at just 37.1 per cent over the Christmas holiday. Every other President has had a rating at least 10 per cent higher on the 337th day of their first terms, making Mr Trump the most unpopular leader in modern US history at this point of his time in office

    6. ...
      Our focus groups for Emory University underscore that even Trump voters find him personally erratic."

      Among the words used to describe him are: incompetent, bad, child like, troubled, loose cannon, despicable, cold, immature, narcissist, crazy, embarrassing, ignorant, and fights back, Hart told reporters in an email.

      Only 26 percent of voters say he will be a successful president and 44 percent say he will be unsuccessful, with the remainder withholding final judgment, ...


    7. Poll: Most People Believe the Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Trump Are True



    9. .

      POLLS: RCP Average

      President Trump Job Approval

      Approve 39.3
      Disapprove 56.2

      Disapprove +16.9

      Direction of Country

      Right Direction 32.3
      Wrong Track 59.3

      Wrong Track +27.0

      Trump Favorability Ratings

      Favorable 38.1
      Unfavorable 57.1

      Unfavorable +19.0


    10. .

      If you are talking solely the polls, there is little doubt based on an average of the polls Trump is the least popular president in modern US history.

      Drudge is simply a right wing hack, running a right wing blog, who picks and chooses stories to support his right wing views. Though I haven't specifically heard it, I suspect Trump probably likes the guy. They are a lot alike.

      Yesterday, Trump met with a bunch of firemen in a photo op supposedly designed to praise the firemen and the job they do. As is usual, he spent more time praising himself and his accomplishments, some true like the tax bill and some more than questionable like his claim that he got more laws passed than any other president in US history during the first year. [In fact, of the last 10 presidents, he comes in last.]

      Perhaps, he is merely talking about the unilateral negatively based actions he took in removing regulations on a wholesale basis, many of which moves have been widely criticized. However, we will never know for sure what he's talking about since as in the case of his tax turns he usually refuses to actually release any evidence to back up his absurd claims.

      Just saying.


  7. John Kennedy - drug addict - Marilyn Monroe dead

    Bobby Kennedy - Marilyn Monroe dead

    Ted Kennedy - drunk - Mary Jo Kopeckni dead

    Lyndon Johnson - philanderer of the first order

  8. Bill Clinton - rapist - philanderer

  9. .

    Trump E.P.A. Wanted Years to Study Lead Paint Rule. It Got 90 Days.


    A federal panel told the agency to propose a revised standard for dangerous levels of lead in paint within 90 days, instead of the six years the Trump administration had requested.

    The Trump EPA under Scott Pruitt, lord help us.


  10. .


    Throughout his election campaign, Trump lambasted Obama for playing golf as president. Now, with Trump out-golfing Obama as president, the story has changed.

    As of last count, Trump has played golf 84 times since his inauguration. Given almost a month to go in his first year, there is little doubt Trump will get a full 3 months worth of golf days in.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. .

      Trump’s Mini-Me, Roy Moore

      Sub-title: ‘More Roy Moore and the horse he rode in on’

      24 hours before Alabama officials were due to certify the senate elections there, Roy Moore has filed a lawsuit to halt that certification citing voter fraud.

      Throughout his senate election campaign, Roy Moore followed the Trump playbook to a tee. When accused of sexual misconduct, he denied the charges then he said the women lied and eventually he said he never met any of them. When negative stories were raised about anything he called it all ‘fake news’. And now, he disputes the election results on the basis of it must have been voter fraud simply because ‘he lost’. Something inconceivable in Moore mind. This rises to the level of Trump’s charge that Jeff Sessions contributed to Roy Moore’s loss by ol Jeff accepting a post Trump had offered to him.

      The Trump Effect: Why Roy Moore Won’t Concede

      Late on Wednesday night, former Alabama Senate candidate and accused child molester Roy Moore filed a lawsuit to contest the results of a special election he lost by more than 20,000 votes earlier this month.

      The suit comes just one day before Alabama’s canvassing board is set to certify the results of the election and could delay the official recognition of Democrat Doug Jones’s victory.

      What is the basis for this lawsuit? In short: There is none.

      But Moore has taken his cues directly from the president of the United States in this case, and has seemingly decided that reality is not a constraint in the pursuit of vindication. That’s why Moore is alleging — you guessed it — voter fraud…


    2. Good ole Roy Moore brings to life the old saying "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!"
