Sunday, December 03, 2017

Liars on the Potomac

New documents reveal FBI's Clinton cover-up

Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting triggered FBI hunt for leaker

American Center for Law and Justice says documents show FBI was more focused on keeping the meeting quiet than the meeting itself.

In Washington, the ostensible story is rarely the real story. We know, for example, that former President Clinton engineered a meeting with President Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, on the tarmac of the Phoenix Airport on June 27, 2016.

That’s the official story, replete with the charming and intentionally disarming detail that all they talked about was their grandchildren. It was just coincidental, don’t you know, that at the time the FBI was looking into Hillary Clinton’s use of a “personal” email server to send, receive and store classified information.
And it was also simply coincidental that just a few days later, the director of the FBI – who served under Attorney General Lynch – announced that he wouldn’t recommend a prosecution of Hillary Clinton.
Richard Nixon must be rolling over in his grave.
What we haven’t known, until now, is that a frantic scramble erupted in the halls of the FBI to cover up this meeting. 
What we haven’t known, until now, is that a frantic scramble erupted in the halls of the FBI to cover up this meeting. In fact, the FBI turned its sharp light not on the scandalous meeting between the attorney general and Bill Clinton – but rather on one of the whistleblowers who got the word out.

The organization I head, Judicial Watch, asked the FBI on July 7, 2016, for any records that might pertain to the infamous tarmac meeting. We had to sue after we were ignored by the agency.

Then the FBI told us flat-out that it couldn’t find any records. And we now know that was flat-out untrue. Because, in responding to another one of our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, the Justice Department gave us heavily redacted documents that showed there were additional documents tucked away at the FBI headquarters.

If not for Judicial Watch's lawsuits these documents would still be hidden today.
Because of the revelation in our other lawsuit, the FBI – without our knowledge—"reopened" our FOIA request. The agency supposedly found about 30 pages of information, which it needed six weeks to review. The FBI finally gave them to us late Thursday.

Now we know why the FBI played shell games. The documents show that FBI officials were concerned solely about the leaking of details of the tarmac meeting. None of the documents show top agency officials cared one whit about the propriety of the meeting itself, but only about who blew the whistle on the covert tête-à-tête.
In one email, an FBI official writes “we need to find that guy.” And in another we learn that the Phoenix FBI office was contacted “in an attempt to stem any further damage.” An FBI official working on Lynch’s security detail even goes so far as to suggest non-disclosure agreements to keep the full facts from coming forth.
No wonder the FBI didn’t turn these documents over until we caught it red-handed, hiding and lying about them.

Simply put, the FBI appears to be fully complicit in a cover-up that attempted to influence a presidential election for a favored candidate – Hillary Clinton. And the truth was trampled on a Phoenix tarmac.

Tom Fitton is president of Judicial Watch. Founded in 1994, Judicial Watch Inc. is a constitutionally conservative, nonpartisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.


  1. There you go, then

    Ms Clinton lost
    No harm, no foul.

    Mr Trump won
    Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    The House spent $7 MILLION chasing Ms Clinton around Benghazi.
    We got an 800 page report that cleared her, in return

    Mueller will baste Mr Trump, then serve him up to the Democraticly controlled House of Representatives on 21Jan2019.

    They will bring Impeachment charges
    Only real question, does Mueller get Mr Pence in the obstruction net.

  2. There's one rat here fond of making predictions.

    Once, while claiming he had in depth military expertise, this rat predicted ISIS would be defeated in Iraq, and gave a date certain.

    Alas, the rat was off by two years, and made a huge fool of itself, to the merriment and jollity and mockery of many here.

    One ought be cautious in making predictions, lest one prove oneself the fool.


  3. Well, Robert "Limp Dick" Peterson, I can rightously predict you'll not get laid, ever again.

    Nothing foomish about that ...
    ... it is guaranteed.

    1. The Left Sets Honduras on Fire
      Socialists rampage through the country after an apparent election loss.

      Time for you to 'saddle up', War Criminal, if you had a horse, which you don't, and head the Central America to put things to right. You used to brag about your truly sinful exploits right here, War Criminal.

      As for getting laid, I'm getting more than you, which doesn't say much, and as much as Quirk, and that's a lot.

      I'm almost tired of getting laid and sometimes feel I'm getting laid too much, and often feel like screaming:

      "I'm tired of getting laid, I'm getting laid so much"

      But I persevere, for the sake of the Ladies.

    2. If you are getting any, Dead Beat Dad, which I doubt, make damned certain the poor woman has had her tubes tied up tight, and is on birth control pills as well.

    3. You told us you could no longer perform, Limp Dick.

      Why you insist upon describing your enemas and subsequent sexual malfunctions is beyond me ...

      But since yoy brought the subject up ....
      I am happy to comnent on your situation
      If you did not want us to discuss ykur sexual inadequacies, you should have kept them to yourself.

      But yku did not, DdrFt Dodger, you climbed up on a soapbox and told tbe world that you have a limp dick

      Enjoy the view from up on that box


    4. But yku did not, Draft Dodger, you climbed up on a soapbox and told tbe world that you have a limp dick

    5. Only a temporary passing problem stemming from my prostate radiation treatment, Dead Beat Dad.

      I have come roaring back like a lion in spring time.

      My consorts complain, We're tired of getting screwed, We're getting screwed too much.

      I've had this problem with women all my life, enough, I can't take anymore.

      Say, here's another place you can go, Dead Beat Dad -

      Venezuela's big oil purge: Auto-extinction of a socialist enterprise
      December 2, 2017
      Venezuela has launched a purge of the most powerful names in its oil industry. Unlike the Saudi or Hollywood purge, however, this one isn't about change – just gang warfare. More

      You are desperately needed south of the border.

      Saddle up, 'cowboy', and head towards where the sun is higher.

      And, make it a one way trip, no need to come back....

  4. From today's perspective, nearly a year later, it has become apparent that, farfetched as it might seem, the Logan Act made it possible for the Obama administration to go after Trump. The ancient law that no one has ever been prosecuted for violating was the Obama administration's flimsy pretense for a criminal prosecution of the incoming Trump team.

    And by the way, when it finally came time to charge Flynn with a crime, did prosecutors, armed with the transcripts of those Flynn-Kislyak conversations, choose to charge him with violating the Logan Act? Of course not. But for the Obama team, the law had already served its purpose, months earlier, to entangle the new administration in a criminal investigation as soon as it walked in the door of the White House.

    1. Whole thing sucks.

      It's like a Star Chamber.

      I thought we'd gotten rid of Star Chambers.

      On top of it all, Sessions turns out to be a failure.


    2. Mr Trump kneq the best people, and brought them to Washington.
      Not just good people, the best people.

      Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein were two of his first "best people" choices.

      Sessions will be remembered as one of, if not the VERY BEST, Attorney Generals, ever.
      Rod Rosenstein is a great lawyer and even better American

      Mr Trump told US so.

  5. The Democrat, DOJ, Media, FBI Alliance.

  6. Unbelievable as it may seem, Hillary is looking likely to skate.


    1. $7 MILLION spent
      An 800 page document produced

      No indictments

      No convictions

      No crimes committed by Hillary

  7. The Democrats and liberals are reckless beyond belief. They are risking everything, including our national security to protect the Clintons and Obama to get Trump. The Republican establishment is almost as bad:

    WASHINGTON -- President Donald Trump over the summer repeatedly urged senior Senate Republicans, including the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, to end the panel's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election, according to a half-dozen lawmakers and aides.

    Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., the intelligence committee chairman, said in an interview this week that Trump told him he was eager to see an investigation that has overshadowed much of the first year of his presidency come to an end.

    "It was something along the lines of, 'I hope you can conclude this as quickly as possible,'" Burr said. He said he replied to Trump that "when we have exhausted everybody we need to talk to, we will finish."

    In addition, according to lawmakers and aides, Trump told Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., a member of the intelligence committee, to end the investigation swiftly.

    Of course we should stop trying to claim Russia threw the election to Trump. We spent the best part of half a century to normalize relations with Russia and end the nuclear standoff. It was an outstanding military and political achievement ruined by Clinton, Bush, Obama and Clinton.

    Trump needs to go all in. He needs to fire Sessions and make a recess appointment when Congress goes on Christmas break.

    Jeff Sessions is the worst political pick since Spiro Agnew. Sessions has to go and Mueller with him.

  8. Frustration is mounting on the right over Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s apparent reluctance to open investigations into Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

    President Trump has openly expressed his disappointment in Sessions and what he views as the attorney general needlessly recusing himself from the investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election, which paved the way for the special counsel investigation that is in part probing the Trump campaign.

    Conservative media has started to join in, with Fox News anchors, analysts and pundits cutting loose on Sessions with stinging and increasingly personal attacks.
    GOP lawmakers and conservative operatives say a range of activities are ripe for investigation, from reports that the Clinton campaign had inappropriate power over the Democratic National Committee (DNC) during the primaries to allegations about the sale of a uranium mining company to a Russian state-owned firm.

    They believe Sessions has everything he needs to start dropping indictments on Clinton and her inner circle, and they’re increasingly frustrated by his failure to do so.

    “Resign if you won’t do the job,” said conservative lawyer Larry Klayman, whose group, FreedomWatch, is suing to remove Robert Mueller from his position as the Justice Department special counsel investigating Trump’s campaign and Russia. “Sessions lasted this long because he’s very personable, and you want to believe the guy. But he just doesn’t have the guts for this.”

    An administration official pushed back on that the criticism, arguing that the Justice Department doesn’t publicize or leak its investigations and so those criticizing Sessions have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes.

    “The fact that the Justice Department hasn’t come out and confirmed an investigation or talked about one publicly shouldn’t be interpreted in any way that the investigation does or does not exist,” the official said. “It’s only a confirmation that this Justice Department doesn’t look for snappy headlines or leak under pressure.”

    Independent legal experts say the attorney general is in a tough spot.

    There is roiling anger on the right at Mueller’s investigation, prompting new demands that Sessions open probes into Democrats as well.

    The Hill

    1. MORE

      Many believe the investigation into Clinton’s server and email arrangement was botched by former FBI Director James Comey and deserves renewed scrutiny, along with the tarmac meeting between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, which took place before Comey cleared Hillary Clinton of criminal misconduct in the handling of her emails while secretary of State.

      Apart from the campaign, there is frustration that Sessions has not taken up an investigation into IRS scrutiny of conservative groups’ tax-exempt status or new details that have emerged surrounding the Obama administration’s approval of the sale of Uranium One to a Russia-backed firm while Clinton was at the State Department.

      “Many of us feel defrauded by Jeff Sessions,” said Ned Ryun, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush and founder of the conservative group American Majority.

      “He was a conservative stalwart in the Senate, but as attorney general he’s been deeply disappointing. After eight years of Democrats politicizing the Justice Department, there are countless investigations he could take up to restore the public’s trust and faith in the department. I have no idea why he hasn’t, but it’s best for him to resign sooner rather than later.”

      Until recently, Sessions had been shielded from criticism in conservative media by the overwhelming anger directed at Mueller and his team.

      That has changed in recent weeks, as prominent figures on Fox News have described Sessions as weak and in over his head.

      On Monday, former Trump campaign aide Steve Cortes called Sessions a “terrible attorney general” in a Fox News appearance.

      Over Thanksgiving weekend, Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett said on Sean Hannity’s show that Sessions is “utterly ignorant of the law or gullible and naive to the facts.”

      Earlier this month, Hannity reluctantly went on the attack.

      “I’ve always liked Jeff Sessions, but I am now at the limit,” he said. “Where is he? What is he doing?”


    2. Hannity is a hack.

      Mr Trump, an emasculated apprentice

      Mr Sessions, the best Attorney General, ever.
      Even if his memory is a bit spotty


    In this first 300 days, President Trump has faced intense opposition from a variety of enemies. Of course, Democrats and the media have been opposed to everything he has proposed. The “deep state” bureaucrats have proven to be a formidable adversary as well. Unfortunately, “Never Trump” conservatives and establishment Republicans have also been very uncooperative. His legislative agenda has been stalled as Obamacare has not been repealed, despite eight years of GOP promises, and the prospect of the tax reform package passing the U.S. Senate looks very questionable.

    Acting on his own, President Trump has been successful in issuing executive orders and slashing regulations. He has brought a new attitude to foreign relations, trade deals and has shown his unflinching support for our military, both active service members and veterans.

    Despite an impressive track record of presidential actions, Trump has been needlessly hampered by the ongoing Russian collusion investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It has been like an ominous cloud hovering over his administration.

    This would have never happened had Attorney General Jeff Sessions not removed himself from all investigations into potential Russian interference in the 2016 election. His action led the Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint Mueller, who has spent months recruiting a partisan team of Democratic attorneys to join this investigation.

    The first set of Mueller indictments targeted former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, his aide and a low level national security volunteer. The illegal behavior alleged by the Special Counsel did not involve the President or “Russian collusion.”

    Mueller will not be deterred from issuing more indictments in the days ahead. While these proceedings are supposedly secret, the media was given advance notice of the decision to issue criminal charges. A member of the Special Counsel’s office may very well have committed a crime.

    It is not a surprise that more leaks are coming out that former Trump National Security Advisor Lt. General Michael Flynn may be the next target for the Special Counsel. At this point, no one knows how long this investigation will last or how much it will cost the American people. In essence, Mueller is operating a shadow Justice Department with Donald Trump in his legal cross-hairs. ( NOTE: Obviously this has already occurred)

  10. It is little wonder why the President was furious with Sessions who created this Mueller monster.

    In addition, Sessions, in congressional testimony, vowed to remove himself from investigations involving Hillary Clinton, her foundation and the 2016 election. Thus, despite compelling evidence of potential criminal behavior by Hillary Clinton involving the Uranium One deal, the Clinton Foundation fundraising activities, her campaign’s suspicious funding of the Trump dossier and her scandalous treatment of top secret emails, no formal investigation of Clinton has been announced by the Justice Department.

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions is handicapped by his vows to remove himself from the serious issues that need his attention. While he has been vocal on the issue of combating illegal immigration, he has been unwilling to act on critical matters that impact the survival of the Trump administration.

    Due to these significant failings, the President needs to fire Sessions, along with Rosenstein and Andrew McCabe, two Obama administration holdovers in senior positions in the Justice Department. A new Attorney General should fire Special Counsel Mueller, who is hopelessly compromised in his investigation by his close friendship with former FBI Director James Comey. The next move should be the appointment of an independent and reputable Special Counsel to investigate the numerous Hillary Clinton scandals.

    Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian and his award winning program, “Ringside Politics,” airs locally at 7:30 p.m. Fridays and at 10:00 p.m. Sundays on PBS affiliate WLAE-TV, Channel 32, and from 7-11 a.m. weekdays on WGSO 990-AM & He is a political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on For more information, email him at


    1. Mr Trump knew exactly who he was getting in Jeff Sessions.
      He got the "best"
      He told us so.

      The only real question, will Mr Kushner cop a deal or go to trial?


    2. If only Mr Sessions had a better memory.
      He'd not have forgotten his meetings with Russians or the 2meetibg with Popadopolous and Carter Page's trip to Moscow.

      If only he had a better recollection of the events he was associated with, regarding Russian contact with Team Trump

    3. If Mr Sessions had not misled the Senate, during his confirmation hearings about meeting with Russians . . .

      He would not have had to recuse himself. Self inflicted wounds abound among the members of Team Trump...

    4. .

      He is a political columnist...

      No one could doubt it just as old Jeff's column above is a political document and as such provides the usual 'political' misrepresentation of facts.


  11. Here's the whole indictment -

    Making The Clintons Pay

    Scott Powell

    ....Before the Declaration and the U.S. Constitution were even written, Samuel Adams observed that, “neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.” Political corruption in America has now become a cancer destroying people’s trust in government and their respect for the rule of law.

    The inclination to give a pass to high profile politicians once out of office would be a grave mistake. Boldness is needed and there is simply no more important or cathartic action to take to restore equality before the law and bring an end to cronyism and double standards than the prosecution of the masters of political corruption -- the Clinton crime syndicate.

    The Clinton Crime apt title.

    1. That's the whole point Robert "Limp Dick" Peterson. ...

      There ...

      Not one naming Hillary.Clinton, anyway.

      You really should come to terms with that reality.

      It really would ease your symptoms .

    2. Well, duh, dickhead, that's a brilliant comment.

      Go back to Central America and commit some more War Crimes.

      At least you are competent at that.

      Around here you make a fool out of yourself day after day.

    3. By the way, Hannity is a genius compared to you.

      Also he has decent manners, totally lacking in yourself.

    4. .

      A simpler version of the quotes in the post Bob started this stream with, They are all dicks. I appreciate the pithiness of the latter version. It's been true since the beginning.

      Unfortunately, some dolts try to use that truism on a selective basis for their own political ends, an excuse to cover up their own sins. It's always the other guy. The big whine.



  12. New documents reveal FBI's Clinton cover-up
    Tom Fitton By Tom Fitton | Fox News

    Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting triggered FBI hunt for leaker

    American Center for Law and Justice says documents show FBI was more focused on keeping the meeting quiet than the meeting itself.

    In Washington, the ostensible story is rarely the real story. We know, for example, that former President Clinton engineered a meeting with President Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, on the tarmac of the Phoenix Airport on June 27, 2016.

    That’s the official story, replete with the charming and intentionally disarming detail that all they talked about was their grandchildren. It was just coincidental, don’t you know, that at the time the FBI was looking into Hillary Clinton’s use of a “personal” email server to send, receive and store classified information.

    And it was also simply coincidental that just a few days later, the director of the FBI – who served under Attorney General Lynch – announced that he wouldn’t recommend a prosecution of Hillary Clinton.

    Richard Nixon must be rolling over in his grave.

    What we haven’t known, until now, is that a frantic scramble erupted in the halls of the FBI to cover up this meeting.

    In fact, the FBI turned its sharp light not on the scandalous meeting between the attorney general and Bill Clinton – but rather on one of the whistleblowers who got the word out.

    The organization I head, Judicial Watch, asked the FBI on July 7, 2016, for any records that might pertain to the infamous tarmac meeting. We had to sue after we were ignored by the agency.

    Then the FBI told us flat-out that it couldn’t find any records. And we now know that was flat-out untrue....


    1. A repeated story ...
      A derangement syndrome symptom

      Get help "Limp Dick", while you still can.
      Find a little piece of reality and hang on. . .


  13. Really fellas ...
    Some of you have developed an extreme case of HDS

    Hillary Derangement Syndrome

    2016 is over.
    Hillary lost, .. Get Over It.

    Mr Trump is President, now.
    The GOP owns DC.

    Enjoy it while you can

  14. Some of us have an urge towards justice which you do not have.


    Cheers to all except ratsass

    1. So says the Limp Dick that ripped off a bank and institutionalized his Auntie to avoid prosecution.

      Robert Peterson has no interest in justice.
      He is a liar and a thief.

    2. Go get some sleep, War Criminal.

      It's past your bedtime, Dead Beat Dad.

      You'll need your strength for tomorrow, Jew Hater.

      You'll need the rest to continue your lying tomorrow, Liar.

      Good night, now.

      May you experience the dreams you have earned.

    3. There's something really wrong with you, rat.

    4. Really, Limp Dick you're still tryin to be a woman.

      You're quitte the transvestite

  15. There is this -

    When an investigation generates crimes, it’s a crime.
    December 4, 2017 Daniel Greenfield


  16. You didn't like Obama and now you tell US that Trump is a failed President, too

    Really, Limp Dick, you should face reality. You are a nut case.

    1. Tell us Robert" what's it like...

      Losing your manhood ...
      Pretending to be a woman?

  17. There's something really wrong with rat.

  18. .

    The Democrats and liberals are reckless beyond belief. They are risking everything, including our national security to protect the Clintons and Obama to get Trump. The Republican establishment is almost as bad:

    Cray cray.

    Democrats and liberals don't give a shit about Clinton. They would prefer she just go away. No one gives a shit about Clinton. Everyone wishes she would just go away. She lost the race. She is old news, an old lady sitting on the edges of the political system whining about things that might have been. The only people who give a shit about Clinton are the ones trying to use her as a distraction and an excuse to justify Trump and his actions. It's an excuse, a whine. It's like Doug and his MSM meme.

    Clinton will have no effect on what happens in 2018 or 2020 or 2024. The people who keep bringing her up will keep on bringing her up ad infinatum like they do Obama's birth certificate or Big Foot. Most of American has moved on from Clinton and they are unlikely to go back.

    National security? I won't even ask.


    1. .

      It's become comical.

      The whole country has ridiculed Clinton for her 'excuse tour'. She has become a non-entity in politics and a joke.

      Now, we have the Trumpkins doing exactly the same thing in trying to defend Trump. Sure Trump is a narcissistic egoist who can't control his impulses and causes most of his own problems but it is actually Hillary's fault. McConnell in his job of herding cats gets all but 3 (out of 51) of the GOP senators to vote to repeal Obamacare but the failure is McConnell's fault. Trump tells us so and the Trumpkins agree. Trump's legal problems are Sessions fault. They are Mueller's fault. The are Rothstein's fault. The are the 'never Trumper's' fault. They are the MSM's fault. They are the 'deep states' fault. They are the liberals fault. They are the conservatives fault. they are Tillerson's fault. They are Germany's fault. As Yul Brynner was wont to say in The King and I, 'etc., etc., etc.'



    2. I think all the problems are Quirk's fault, not The Donald's fault.

      Talk about your clueless voice, and voter too.

      Throws his vote away on a nitwit who is invested in the tobacco industry.

      Quirk ought to be run out of town by an enraged mob.

      O wait, he was once....

    3. What am I saying ?

      Actually things are going pretty well.

      Stocks are way way up.

      Unemployment is way down.

      MS-13 ks feeling some heat.

      The Donald doesn't seem to be about getting us into Syria.

      North Korea is an inherited problem....

      We have a wonderful First Lady.

      Things are much better then when O'bozo was sucking on joints in The White House.

    4. We have a tax cut coming as a Christmas present, too.

      Things could be a lot worse.

    5. Plus, the President doesn't drink, or smoke.


      Hillary or Donald?


      She has always been a warmonger.

      Clinton has been a keen advocate for the expansion of an antiquated Cold War military alliance that persists in provoking Russia.

      As New York senator Clinton endorsed the murderous ongoing sanctions against Iraq, imposed by the UN in 1990 and continued until 2003.

      She was a strident supporter of the Iraq War.

      She actively pursued anti-democratic regime change in Ukraine.

      She wanted to provide military assistance to the “moderate” armed opposition in Syria, to effect regime change, and after leaving office criticized Obama for not supplying more than he did.

      She has been an unremitting supporter of Israeli aggression, whenever it occurs.

      Hillary tacitly endorsed the military coup against elected Honduran president Manuel Zelaya in 2009, refusing to call it such (even though Obama did).

      She provoked China by siding with Japan in the Senkaku/ Daioyutai dispute.

      She helped bring down a Japanese prime minister who heeded the feelings of the people of Okinawa, who opposed the Futenma Marine Corps Air Force Station on the island.

      She made countless trips to India, signing bilateral economic and nuclear cooperation agreements with a country her husband had placed under sanctions for its nuclear tests in 1998.

      Hillary was an avid fan of regime change in Libya and championed the murder of Ghadaffi.

      It is hard to choose who had the most blood on their hands for the creation of ISIS: Bush, Clinton or Obama.

      Hillary's public lies are a matter of record, in depth and at battalion levels in number.

      Not voting for Trump, with all his foibles and flaws, so that Hillary would win the position of Potus, Pathetic, Petty and Petulant.

    7. .


      More rationalizing from the Trump apologists.

      Prior to Trump's win, an argument could be made that he couldn't be worse than Hillary when it comes to foreign policy and foreign entanglements. And if US foreign interventions was your primary concern, it might have justified a vote for him (although based on his performance throughout the primary contest it would also indicate that you were also suffering from a terminal case of credulity overload.)

      The man is a congenital liar. If you didn't know it prior to his election, you know it now. He lied about getting rid of lobbyists instead he hired them, he lied about draining the swamp, he lied about looking out for the little guy, he lied about taking on Wall Street and instead hired most of it, he lied about taking on the 1%, he lied about middle-class tax cuts, he lied about having a new healthcare policy to replace Obamacare that would be the best ever (he didn't and in fact he is cutting benefits for the poor and middle class, cutting Medicare benefits, cutting Medicaid benefits, cutting CHIPS, cutting public school funding while increasing private school funding, he is cutting health and safety regulations, environmental regulations, we are still waiting for those jobs in the coal industry and at Carrier), he lied about everything. I could go on all night with specifics.

      Hillary is gone. You might not realize it but she actually is gone. Trump is still here.

      So let's talk foreign policy.

      Trump has managed to damage all of our security relationships, the only people he hasn't criticized (in fact has gone out of his way to not criticize are authoritarian states), he has insulted our allies and praised our enemies, he has emasculated his Secretary of State and it's now rumored he will replace him with a man guaranteed to militarize the State Department. If you refuse to negotiate, the only other option you have is military, clearly Trump's first choice.

      Trump's a bully. He's the Scut Farkus of presidents, the Nurse Ratchet. Just what you need when dealing with his mirror image in North Korea. Maybe you haven't noticed but Hawaii is now testing air raid signals for the first time since the end of the cold war.

      Afghanistan, Trump is expanding troop levels there. Syria now has the highest troop level in recent history. Yemen, we are still supporting Saudi Arabia there and taking a hit in world opinion for it. We have written off the Shia and thrown our lot in with Sunni regimes throughout the ME. Trump is getting ready to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. In Africa, we have thousands of troops scattered throughout Niger, Djibouti, and 48 other African nations.

      Trump has budgeted a massive increase in military spending.

      Heck boy's, Trump's only been president for 10 months. Give him a little time. He'll get more of our boys killed. Count on it.


  19. Anti-Trump Text Messages Show Pattern Of Bias On Mueller’s Team

    Nunes also questioned whether Strzok handled the dossier.

    “This is part of a months-long pattern by the DOJ and FBI of stonewalling and obstructing this Committee’s oversight work, particularly oversight of their use of the Steele dossier,” Nunes said in a statement on Saturday.

    Strzok’s text messages with Page, his mistress, were first discovered by the Justice Department’s inspector general as part of an investigation that has been conducting into the FBI and DOJ’s handling of the Clinton email investigation.

    Strzok’s text messages with Page, his mistress, were first discovered by the Justice Department’s inspector general as part of an investigation that has been conducting into the FBI and DOJ’s handling of the Clinton email investigation.

    Strzok, a former Army officer, was the lead FBI investigator on that inquiry, too. He conducted the July 2, 2016, interview with Clinton herself. He was attended by David Laufman, a Justice Department lawyer and Obama donor.

    Strzok was also one of a handful of top FBI officials who was asked to review a rough draft of remarks that Comey planned to make in the Clinton case. Comey circulated the rough draft in May 2016.

    Republican lawmakers have seized on the draft of the so-called “exoneration” statement because it suggests that Comey had already reached a decision about the Clinton investigation before all witnesses — including Clinton — had been interviewed.

  20. Do you contend that Mueller is not corrupt, Quirkie?

    1. One can't prove a negative Doug. It is up to you to demonstrate corruption. Let me help you by offering you the definition so you at least have an inkling of what is required:


      dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery:
      "the journalist who wants to expose corruption in high places"
      synonyms: dishonesty · unscrupulousness · double-dealing · fraud · fraudulence · [more]

      Unless you can provide convincing evidence of corruption the answer to your question is NO, Mueller is not corrupt.

    2. Why did he hire almost all Democrats and Hillary supporters on his investigation team ?

      I call that 'dishonest or fraudulent conduct'.

      There, I've proven his corruption.

      One guy was so bad that when some of his emails got out he had to be let go, hoping to at least retain the appearance of propriety.

    3. .

      Why did he hire almost all Democrats and Hillary supporters on his investigation team ?

      They were the only ones available who could speak English and hadn't gotten their law degrees from Donald Trump University Law School.


    4. Even if you could support you assertion, bob, that he in fact hired "almost all Democrats and Hillary supporters on his investigation team" that does not amount to corruption. I don't believe you can support that assertion in any case.

    5. .

      In response to Dougie, I don't contend Mueller and/or Comey are corrupt. I don't contend either are not corrupt. I've had no reason to ask myself that question. Only the Shadow knows what evil lurks in the heart of men.

      That said, I've seen nothing to date that would convince me either one of them is corrupt.

      I've got little to go on with regard to Mueller except the view that he seems to be proceeding with his investigation, quietly, methodically, and with little fanfare. Well, that, and that he doesn't appear to be terribly concerned with the fact that the award winning Drudge Report has put him and his investigation 'on notice'.

      Comey on the other hand seems to be a pompous, self-serving, sanctimonious twit, very annoying on many fronts, but none of which is indicative of him being corrupt. In fact, I have much the same view of Neil Gorsuch.

      I hope this answers your question, Dougie.


    6. .

      Ash, you are trying to explain the basics of the English language and the law to Bob. To Bob for heavens sake.

      What in the world is wrong with you?


    7. As expected, Ash denies the obvious.

      And then we are graced with this beaut by The Quirkster -

      In response to Dougie, I don't contend Mueller and/or Comey are corrupt. I don't contend either are not corrupt. I've had no reason to ask myself that question.

      I've had no reason to ask myself that question.

      Let's face it.


      Democracy depending upon an informed citizenry, as our Founding Fathers taught us.....

    8. What, me worry ? Nah, too much work.

      Alfred E. Quirk

    9. Besides, the hockey game in on TV.

      A.E. Quirk

    10. The very fact the tweeting FBI agent was reassigned is an indicator that bias is not permitted on Team Mueller.

      A proof that there is no corruption

    11. .

      Not in the alternative universe holding Dougie-Bob World rat.

      Not in Humpty Dumpty Dougie-Bob World.


    12. .


      I assume you are talking about you and Dougie, Bobbie.


    13. .





      Alternative facts, fake news, and conspiracy theories are pumped out daily by Project Veritas, Magapill, Hammity, Alex Jones, Donald Trump, American Thinker and dozens of other phony sources and you and Doug buy it all.

      Then you get upset when no one takes you seriously.


    14. .

      If you are looking for someone to agree with you, it's simple.

      Just put up the proof.

      Not speculation, not assumptions, not 'what-ifs', not conflating despicable or partisan conduct with actually breaking a specific law, no whining, just proof.

      In a nation of laws, it's the minimum a person should be able to expect and demand.

      Quit your phony and hypocritical umbrage, Bobbie, and put up some proof not some hyperbolic headline in question form from that 'Internet news powerhouse Drudge Report'.


    15. He read it on the internet so it must be true.


    That'll shut the 9th Circuit Court of Schlemiels up for awhile

  22. To my list of the achievements of The Donald above, I must add the appointment of an excellent tie breaking Justice on The United States Supreme Court.

    Lord only knows what kind of a whack-job Hillary might have appointed.

  23. Just because they are constantly covering up their lies doesn't mean THEY are corrupt!

    Our two MSM Fools/Tools

    1. Quirkie: I've had no reason to ask myself that question.

      Quirk is floating above all this petty shit, watching the hockey game.

    2. :):)

      Ho Ho Ho.....M E R R Y CHRISTMAS !!

    3. Quirk only bothers himself with Matters of Great Moment, war with the Anti-Earthlings perhaps, something big that forces him off his comfy couch. For the rest of it he has no reason to ask himself about the petty day to day goings on in the Government.

      Ho Ho Ho And A Happy New Year To You !


    4. Do you mean to say, Doug, that Mr Trump's many lies are proof positive that Mr Trumo is corruot?

    5. .

      Just because they are constantly covering up their lies doesn't mean THEY are corrupt!

      Which lies, Doug?



    1. Question marks designate questins Robert "Limp Dick" Peterson, not answers

      Figured you would want to know that.

      It's an inportant part of writing, son't you know.

      Well, you didn't, but you do now.

    2. Looks like you've been drinking again, asshole.

      Deuce really ought to kick your ass out of here.

      You contribute nothing of value.

  25. I want to put this up for Quirk and Ash. Then I'll retire for awhile, as Jack Ass has arrived, and it always goes straight downhill from there.

    WHOA! The Deeds Of The Fired FBI Agent In Mueller’s Russia Probe Are SO MUCH WORSE!!
    Posted at 6:00 pm on December 4, 2017 by Susan Wright

    Hold up… Seriously. Who is Peter Strzok, the FBI agent Robert Mueller bounced from his investigatory team for sending what was considered inflammatory text messages to his girlfriend about Trump?

    This guy’s name keeps popping up, and not in a good way.

    Apparently, he’s the worst kind of partisan, and in fact, former FBI Director James Comey has carried heat for something this guy did.

    Namely, the change in language in the statement Comey gave in the Hillary Clinton email investigation was Strzok’s handiwork.

    From The Hill:

    Peter Strzok, who served as a counterintelligence expert at the bureau, changed the description of Clinton’s actions in Comey’s statement, CNN reported Monday, citing U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

    One source told the news outlet that electronic records reveal that Strzok changed the language from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” scrubbing a key word that could have had legal ramifications for Clinton. An individual who mishandled classified material could be prosecuted under federal law for “gross negligence.”
    This is unbelievable, and it raises the question as to if the case can be revisited.

    It gets worse, if you can imagine that.

    Strzok was the second-in-charge of the investigation into Clinton’s email scandal.

    And if you’ve got a sick, queasy kind of heat building in the pit of your stomach, it’s not your dinner repeating on you.

    A group of people were part of the drafting process, using a red pen on Comey’s statement before he publicly came forward, another U.S. official familiar with the matter told CNN.

    So Strzok knew if the language stayed as it was, it would mean Clinton was going down, and it was his goal to protect her.

    Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, had questioned the revised language after getting a look at the FBI records last month.

    I don’t know where they go from here, but just firing him from the Russia investigation isn’t enough. Besides some sort of disciplinary action against Strzok, there needs to be a complete revisiting of that case.

    1. Ciao

      Cheers to all except ratsass

    2. Also this:

      Another Hillary Mole
      Daniel John Sobieski
      The exposing of Agent Peter Strzok is just another shoe dropping in the course of a corrupt and criminal enterprise masquerading as an investigation. More

    3. That is nothing of consequence...
      Limp Dick

    4. Unnamed, anonymous aources


      Robert "Limp Dick" Peterson

  26. Andy McCarthy - National Review Writer & Editor, Former Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of NY
    "Mueller is trying to build an obstruction case"

    James Rosen - Fox News Chief Washington Correspondent on Nunes Panel demands:
    "The DOJ and the FBI claim that they have been very responsive to the House Intelligence Committees request for documents"

    1. Quirk and Ash:

      Of course they have been!!!

    2. Hillary, Mueller, and Quirk should have a threesome.

    3. Nothing to see here:

      Mueller inherited the Russia investigation this May, when he was appointed special counsel after Trump fired James Comey as FBI director.

      Strzok’s departure from Mueller’s squad, reported in August, puzzled reporters covering the Russia investigation beat.

      Mueller’s press shop refused to provide an explanation for the move, characterizing it only as a personnel move. Congress was also kept in the dark. Requests for interviews with Strzok pushed by House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes were rejected by DOJ and FBI officials for months.

      Saturday’s report of Strzok’s text messages caught Nunes by surprise. The Republican issued a statement blasting the FBI and DOJ for “hiding” information and “stonewalling” congressional inquiries

    4. .

      DougMon Dec 04, 08:40:00 PM EST
      Quirk and Ash:

      Of course they have been!!!

      Once again, Dougie puts up the fake news.

      Quirk hasn't said anything about the Nunes investigation just as he hasn't said anything about specifics in the Mueller investigation.

      I have been saying since day one that I can wait until the investigation(s) is/are complete. When the facts are in and made public, I'll form an opinion at that point.

      Not sure how long Nunes' investigation will go on but I expect Mueller's will go on for months if not years. When we have Trump and the GOP sticking it to the American people on a daily basis, when Hawaii is now testing air raid warning systems for the first time in decades, when Trump is turning back environmental and health and safety progress that took decades to put in place, I've got more important things to worry about that the day to day whining of nut job conspiracy theorists.

      If you want me to take you seriously, I repeat what I said to Bob above.

      If you are looking for someone to agree with you, it's simple.

      Just put up the proof.

      Not speculation, not assumptions, not 'what-ifs', not conflating despicable or partisan conduct with actually breaking a specific law, no whining, just proof.


    5. .

      Hillary, Mueller, and Quirk should have a threesome.

      Doug's SOP, assume the childish antics of his hero, Trump.


    6. It was an obstruction case from the moment Mr Trump said, on camera, that Comey was fired because of the Russia investigation.

      Mr Trump tweeted he fired Lt Gen Flynn because he lied to the VP & FBI.

      Knowing Flynn had lied to FBI, a felony, and then trying to bury the investigation, then firing Comey because of it ...

      In short, obstruction was the firdt count in the Nixon articles of impeachment and obstruction was the third count in Clinton's impeachment.


    7. "May you live in interesting times"

      Said to be an ancient Chinese curse

    8. I thought Trump said he fired Comey because of the Clinton investigation?

    9. Lester Holt, I think was the interviewer.

      Mr Trump has said a variety of things regarding firing Comey.
      Written, as well.


  27. Mr Trump's tweets are offical White House statements

    That is the stated policy of the Trump Administration, as articulated by Sean Spicer, and never changed after his departure.

    The President tweeted evidence of his obstruction, an Apprentice.

    And it is not vino veritas, the man doesn't drink.

  28. Shifting explanations for why President Donald Trump fired National Security Adviser Michael Flynn are renewing questions over whether Trump may have obstructed an ongoing investigation of potential contacts between his campaign and Russia.


    The White House has since said Trump did not write the tweet.

    1. It's on his account, under his name.

      If the lawyer is not immediately fired, the WH story is probably another lie.
