Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Trump Helps Free Three Thieves so They can Resume Their Thieving at UCLA, Where they are on scholarships.


  1. UCLA gives out scholarships for theft. Why not? Elementary schools allow boy students to wear tutus to school. Fags and Dikes can marry each other. What the hell. Keep it rollin'.

  2. In an update to this article posted Tuesday, the UCLA President spoke after the release of three of his basketball players after stealing in China, but he did not mention President Trump for saving them from a jail sentence which would have been somewhere between two and ten years. The players haven’t thanked the President either.


    This received no coverage on any of the sports networks but LeBron trashing Trump on Instagram was news for days. Jemele Hill wass silent at first. Hill thinks Trump is a white supremacist — doesn’t this action go against that claim? She has since reacted. She found a way to insult him with someone’s tweet after he got these thieves freed.

    Flying in off the top rope …

    — Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) November 15, 2017

    1. .

      Evidently, it just takes awhile for the news to get all the way down to Australia, Sam.

      It's been reported on sports stations here all day and by this afternoon the ballplayers had apologized and thanked Trump.


  3. .

    Euphemism or Lie, Either Way Trump's 'Tax Cut for the Middle Class' is Snake Oil

    Evidently, the GOP is still struggling to get the cost of their tax cuts for the rich down below $1.5 trillion. They added repeal of the Obamacare mandates to the bill in order to claim $340 billion in savings. Of course, that will also drive insurance prices for the poor up and with the cancelling of subsidies will once again stick it the poorest of Americans.

    Looks for the fun to begin as soon as they get through the reconciliation process of House and Senate bills. It will quickly become clear that the only 'permanent' cuts the GOP are looking at are for corporations. Any cuts for individuals or small business will be temporary and phase out over time.

    Two U.S. Senate Republicans critical of party's tax plan


    1. You've started out your comments with the word 'evidently' twice now.

  4. Evidently, Manson kicking the bucket:

    Charles Manson is in the hospital and, as one source familiar with his situation tells TMZ, "it's not going to get any better for him."

    We're told Manson was rushed to a Bakersfield hospital 3 days ago, and has been wheeled around on a gurney for various treatments ... escorted by 5 uniformed cops.


    Manson had serious health issues back in January as well, when he was hospitalized for severe intestinal bleeding and needed surgery to repair a lesion ... but was deemed too weak by doctors and sent back to prison.

  5. Evidently, Quirk writes in a sort of pseudo conscious stream of consciousness mode of discourse, and evidently chirping with the birds would often make as much sense.

    Manson - evidently Charlie is about to experience a shit load of Bad Karma.

  6. MSMBC is reporting, with great glee, four Moore bimbos have erupted.

    It's all part of a Great Left Wing Conspiracy I tell ya !!

  7. Fatso Kim III has been uncharacteristically quiet of late.

    The Chinese must have told him to shut the F up.

    Evidently some progress is being made.

    1. On the contrary, Kim Fatso III has sentenced the Donald to death.

    2. My attention must have wandered again.

    3. That's how they got Nam.

  8. The US President's helicopter turned back after five minutes into the trip to the DMZ due to bad weather.

    "It wasn't the weather. He was just too scared to face the glaring eyes of our troops," the editorial added.

    On the same day the editorial came out, Mr Kim resumed his public outings after a two-month hiatus during heightened tensions with the US and its allies.


    Female lawmakers, staff, and interns have a secret “creep list” of men on Capitol Hill who are known for allegedly making sexual comments and gestures or seeking physical relations with younger employees or interns.

    “Amongst ourselves, we know,” a former Senate staffer told CNN of the lawmakers notorious for their inappropriate behavior. “There is certain code amongst us, we acknowledge among each other what occurs.”

    The informal roster has been spread by word of mouth, CNN reported Tuesday. It’s weighted heavily with the names of House representatives, which has more members than the Senate.

    The news outlet spoke to more than 50 lawmakers and current or former congressional staffers, all who said they experienced sexual harassment on the Hill or knew of someone who had.

    The House Administration Committee on Tuesday is holding a hearing on preventing sexual harassment in Congress after high-profile allegations against celebrities and politicians have surfaced in recent weeks.

    Washington Examiner

    1. QUESTION:

      If Republicans are running both houses of Congress and concerned about workplace sexual harassment and calling out Roy Moore, why stop there?

    2. I blame the porn industry for all this. It glorifies the degradation of women and erroneously pumps out the message that all women secretly like to be treated the way they are depicted in porn films.

    3. They're not stopping there. The Examiner piece says they're holding a hearing on preventing sexual harassment in Congress.

    4. "Democracy is the worst form of Government until you've tried all the others"

      Winston Churchill

      Hard to disagree but it's sad to think we may be holding workshops to teach our representatives how to behave themselves in polite society.

    5. Senator Larry 'Toe Tapping' Craig, R-Idaho, retired, caught soliciting homo sex in a restroom at an airport, at least seemed to keep his hands off the women.

    6. Nick the Bartender, may he rest in peace, knew Larry was "gay as goose, Bobby, the guy is gay as a goose" long long before it became common knowledge.

    7. The fellow that arrested Larry in the airport was quoted in the papers as saying:

      "No wonder out country is going down the toilet"

      That fellow from back east, what was his name, that fat ass with the lisp, his chief of staff was running a homo borderllo out of his Congressional office.

      Being a Democrat, no one cared.

  10. Damn human race.....

    China builds world’s fastest wind tunnel to test weapons that could strike US within 14 minutes
    Researchers want new facility to be up and running by 2020 as race to develop hypersonic technology intensifies

    PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 15 November, 2017, 9:01pm
    UPDATED : Thursday, 16 November, 2017, 12:14pm

    Stephen Chen

    China is building the world’s fastest wind tunnel to simulate hypersonic flight at speeds of up to 12 kilometres per second.

    A hypersonic vehicle flying at this speed from China could reach the west coast of the United States in less than 14 minutes.

    Zhao Wei, a senior scientist working on the project, said researchers aimed to have the facility up and running by around 2020 to meet the pressing demand of China’s hypersonic weapon development programme.
    “It will boost the engineering application of hypersonic technology, mostly in military sectors, by duplicating the environment of extreme hypersonic flights, so problems can be discovered and solved on the ground,” said Zhao, a deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of High Temperature Gas Dynamics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.
    The ground tests will significantly reduce the risk of failure when test flights of hypersonic aircraft start.
    The world’s most powerful wind tunnel at present is America’s LENX-X facility in Buffalo, New York state, which operates at speeds of up to 10 kilometres per second – 30 times the speed of sound.....

  11. Damn!

    I didn't know someone was "filming" me!

    1. Always assume you are on camera, even if in a Lava Tube, that's my advice to everyone these days.

  12. The US Army is accelerating a number of emerging counter-drone weapons in response to a warzone request from US Central Command - to counter a massive uptick in enemy small-drone attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan.


    Elements of the fast-tracked counter-drone effort, with respect to forward base protection, involves collaboration between the Army's Rapid Equipping Force and the service's program of record Forward Operating Base protective weapon -Counter-Rocket Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM).


    CRAMis deployed at numerous Forward Operating Bases throughout Iraq and Afghanistan and the system has been credited with saving thousands of soldiers’ lives and is now being analyzed for upgrades and improvements.

  13. .

    From TomDispatch,

    Tomgram: William Hartung, How to Wield Influence and Sell Weaponry in Washington

    When it comes to the art of the deal, at least where arms sales are concerned, American presidents, their administrations, and the Pentagon have long been Trumpian in nature.  Their role has been to beat the drums (of war) for the major American weapons makers and it’s been a highly profitable and successful activity.  In 2015, for instance, the U.S. once again took the top spot in global weapons sales, $40 billion dollars of them, or a staggering 50.2% of the world market.  (Russia came in a distant third with $11.2 billion in sales.)  The U.S. also topped sales of weaponry to developing nations.  In these years, Washington has, in fact, peddled the products of those arms makers to at least 100 countries, a staggering figure if you stop a moment to think about the violence on this planet.  Internationally, in other words, the U.S. has always been an open-carry nation.

    Donald Trump has, however, changed this process in one obvious way.  He’s shoved the president’s role as arms-purveyor-in-chief in everybody’s face.  He did so on his initial trip abroad when, in Riyadh, he bragged ceaselessly about ringing up $110 billion dollars in arms sales to the Saudis. Some of those had, in fact, already been brokered by the Obama administration and some weren’t actually “sales” at all, just “letters of intent.”  Still, he took the most fulsome of credit and, when it comes to his "achievements," exaggeration is, of course, the name of his game.

    And he’s just done it again on his blustery jaunt through Japan and South Korea.  There, using the North Korean threat, he plugged American weaponry mercilessly (so to speak), while claiming potential deals and future American jobs galore.  In the presence of Shinzo Abe, for instance, he swore that the Japanese Prime Minister would "shoot [North Korean missiles] out of the sky when he completes the purchase of a lot of military equipment from the United States." Both the Japanese and the South Korean leaders, seeing a way into his well-armored heart, humored him relentlessly on the subject and on his claims of bringing home jobs to the U.S.  (In fact, one of the weapons systems he was plugging, the F-35, would actually be assembled in Japan!)

    And this is merely the beginning of the introduction to a longer article previously published in Sleepwalking to Armageddon...


    1. .

      Fire and Fury and Stuff Like That

      Until recently, few of us woke up worrying about the threat of nuclear war. Such dangers seemed like Cold War relics, associated with outmoded practices like building fallout shelters and “duck and cover” drills.

      But give Donald Trump credit.  When it comes to nukes, he’s gotten our attention. He’s prompted renewed concern, if not outright alarm, about the possibility that such weaponry could actually be used for the first time since the 6th and 9th of August 1945. That’s what happens when the man in the Oval Office begins threatening to rain “fire and fury like the world has never seen” on another country or, as he did in his presidential campaign, claiming cryptically that, when it comes to nuclear weapons, “the devastation is very important to me.”

      Trump’s pronouncements are at least as unnerving as President Ronald Reagan’s infamous “joke” that “we begin bombing [the Soviet Union] in five minutes” or the comment of a Reagan aide that, “with enough shovels,” the United States could survive a superpower nuclear exchange.

      Whether in the 1980s or today, a tough-guy attitude on nuclear weapons, when combined with an apparent ignorance about their world-ending potential, adds up to a toxic brew.  An unprecedented global anti-nuclear movement -- spearheaded by the European Nuclear Disarmament campaign and, in the United States, the Nuclear Freeze campaign -- helped turn President Reagan around, so much so that he later agreed to substantial nuclear cuts and acknowledged that “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” 

      It remains to be seen whether anything could similarly influence Donald Trump...


    2. .

      Massive Overkill
      Brought to You By the Nuclear-Industrial Complex
      By William D. Hartung

      [This piece has been updated and adapted from William D. Hartung’s “Nuclear Politics” in Sleepwalking to Armageddon: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation, edited by Helen Caldicott and just published by the New Press.]


    3. .

      The article mentioned above is quite long but worth reading IMO. In summary form, it describes the military industrial complex Ike warned of and how to a large extent it drives US foreign policy.


    4. That's all fine and well, Quirk, but what do YOU suggest be done to prevent N. Korea from, say, selling nuclear weapons to the highest bidder ?

    5. .


      What's that got to do with the subject of the article?

      Are you suggesting that if the US doesn't sell those weapons the Norks might try taking over our corner?


    6. What does Reverend Ike know about Nukes?

    7. "You can't lose with the stuff I use!"

  14. Hannity is doing his best tonight trying to change the focus of his viewers back over to the Clintons.

    Doing fairly well at it, too.

    1. .

      Come on, you know the focus of Hannity fans never shifted away from the Clintons.


    2. Hannity yesterday gave Roy 24 hours to explain his behavior, or he was turning on him.

      Roy has written Hannity a letter in the given time span, and Hannity is going to read it on air soon.

      Towards the end of the program most likely, so as to keep one glued to the tube.

      Surely, Quirk, you don't want to miss this !

      Tune in and catch Hannity tonight !

  15. The situation with North Korea is terrifying – I see the stealthy build-up of pressure on the Security Council, similar to that preceding the Iraq and Libya invasions. The Russian-China veto prevented an attack by the UN on Syria, but Russia and China are not vetoing these vicious sanctions on North Korea, and permitting this incredibly provocative US-ROK military surrounding the DPRK.


    On November 13, the DPRK sent another emergency letter to United Nations Secretary-General Guterres; this was the third letter sent to the UN since November 20, three letters in 23 days attempting to alert the United Nations to the crisis situation in Northeast Asia jeopardizing International Peace and Security, a crisis that could precipitate nuclear war at any moment. All three letters have been ignored, raising alarming questions about the UN’s commitment to “save humanity from the scourge of war.


    Ambassador Ja Song Nam stated:

    “I write to you with respect to the worst ever situation prevailing in and around the Korean peninsula, which is making it impossible to predict when nuclear war breaks out due to the US nuclear war equipment of unprecedentedly large scale being massively deployed taking up a strike posture. The United States, based on the deployment of three nuclear powered aircraft carrier strike groups in the sub-region, is holding another joint military exercise with south Korea, involving different types of destroyers and submarines, beginning from November 11, 2017.

    Nuclear War

    1. .

      Yesterday, on the news, I saw video of the three US carriers currently in the South China See cruising side by side with their support vessels in tow. Impressive. And a mouth-watering target.

      One can imagine what one nuclear bomb introduced into the middle of that formation by whatever means would do.

      No doubt the same day it happened the arms dealers would have their lobbyist contacting, texting, phoning the usual suspects in Congress demanding their piece of the replacement pie.


    2. Ambassador Ja Song Nam is only saying/writing what Kim and Company orders him to say/write.

      The alternative for himself, his friends, his family, going out to the furthest cousins, is too awful to describe.

    3. One can imagine what one nuclear bomb introduced into the middle of that formation by whatever means would do.

      It would render the ships 'inoperable', and and the country doing the 'introducing' too.

      I have, Quirk, a supply of potassium iodine pills stored out at the farm.

      Wayne has a supply of beef that would last years and years.

      I know to three or four good springs just on my place alone.

      You are still a Welcome Guest.

      You are allowed a maximum of only four female companions, though.

      Please keep this restriction in mind.

  16. :) Hannity is 'demanding' the Year Book with the 'Christmas wishes' purportedly signed by The Roy in the spring at graduation time be handed over to hand writing experts to get to the bottom of this fraud.

    I fully support this move, in the interests of truth, justice, and the American Way, and am in contact with my people back in D.C. and NYC even now.

    Alas, they are telling me they don't have a sufficient lever to move this boulder, so, we may never the truth of the matter.

    1. know the truth of this matter

    2. Sebastian Gorka, Quirk's favorite, is on !

    3. The only fraud, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, we know of, for sure of, was tbe one you perpetrated on the bank when you "ripped 'em off".

    4. There is something really wrong with you, rat Jack.

  17. Is The Donald channeling Henry Kissinger on China/N. Korea ?

  18. Freedom of Speech in Canada(canuckistan) - Jews blamed for Holocaust - which, oddly, manu muzzies claim never happened -

    Ontario Arabic-Language Newspaper Blames Jews For the Holocaust

    By Geller Report Staff - on November 15, 2017

    An article in an Arabic-language newspaper that’s distributed around parts of Ontario outright blames Jews for the Holocaust.

    It also promotes other anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, according to N’nai Brith Canada.

    The article’s entitled “Hidden Khazaria,” and it was published without a byline, with attribution, on the November 10 issue of al-Meshwar.

    From B’nai Brith:

    The article in question, entitled “Hidden Khazaria,” appears without attribution on page 17 of the Nov. 10 issue of al-Meshwar, which is owned and edited by Nazih Khatatba. While it takes the form of a review of an antisemitic book written in Russian by Tatyana Gracheva, the author of the al-Meshwar article makes it clear that he agrees with Gracheva’s conclusions, stating that she “corroborates all of these facts using historical sources.”

    In particular, the article claims that “the Zionist movement and the banks affiliated with it worked with the fascists in Germany, and funded Hitler’s election campaign and his rise to power in 1933.” It goes on to assert that there are “facts which confirm their defence of the fascists’ wealth in order to commit massacres against the Jews in Europe to compel them to migrate to Palestine.”

    The article also insists that “the United States is the hidden second Khazaria and that it is secretly ruled by descendants of these Jews, and that there are multiple techniques that their descendants now use to subjugate the governments and the states which refuse to become part of their global empire.” Khazaria is a reference to a Turkic state based in southern Russia that partially converted to Judaism during the eighth century CE.

    “This article is yet another anti-Jewish libel promoted by an Arabic-language newspaper in Ontario,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “Al-Meshwar has a long record of antisemitism, and it is disturbing to see that some members of the community continue to distribute it and place advertisements in it.”

    Khatatba is a former board member of Palestine House, based in Mississauga. In August, federal NDP leadership candidate Niki Ashton disavowed his support after B’nai Brith exposed Khatatba for promoting Holocaust denial on an Arabic-language television program in May of 2016. Khatatba denied the allegations at that time and lashed out at B’nai Brith instead of issuing an apology.

    Last week, Palestine House led a demonstration at Celebration Square in Mississauga where protestors chanted, “Oh youth, join him, join him – the martyr has sacrified his blood!” B’nai Brith has launched a petition demanding that the City of Mississauga publicly condemn the protest, impose fines on Palestine House for violating the rules of conduct at Celebration Square, and prevent it from taking advantage of city property for similar future rallies.

    1. 'many muzzies claim never happened'


      from Comments -

      Ziggy46 Mahou Shoujo • 14 hours ago

      Indeed, Mahou, the Muslims are apparently are immune to prosecution of their bold-faced hatred of Jews. It is guaranteed no anti-Bigotry law will affect this Muslim/Arab newspaper or any other anti-Semitic attack by Muslims.

      These Jew-bashers have become emboldened by the biases of the Liberal government of Canada; under the leadership of the disingenuous and 'Give Muslims a hug', Justin Trudeau. Needless to say, if a Jew or Christian were to utter such hatred about Islam, they would be prosecuted. Jews in the minds of these hate mongers have no Human Rights; the amoeba-like Liberals are of the same anti-Semitic sentiment. They will deny it and will spew platitudes; however, they cannot fool everyone.

    2. Justin 'Jihadi' Trudeau

      Freedom of speech no longer exists in Canada.

    3. The Jews are responsible for the Holocaust which never happened.

      Yup, yessiree, whatever you say.....

      O Canada !

  19. I was thinking of skipping a funeral on Friday but now I am determined to go -

    Who first buried the dead?

    Evidence of burial rites by the primitive, small-brained Homo naledi suggests that symbolic behaviour is very ancient indeed

    ‘Lucy’ skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis, 3.2 million years old (left), and ‘Neo’ skeleton of Homo naledi, roughly 250,000 years old (right). Photo: Wits University/John Hawks

    Paige Madison is a PhD candidate in the history and philosophy of science at Arizona State University. She is interested in the history of paleoanthropology, Neanderthals, Australopithecines and Homo floresiensis.

    2,500 words


    A mysterious cache of bones, recovered from a deep chamber in a South African cave, is challenging long-held beliefs about how a group of bipedal apes developed into the abstract-thinking creatures that we call ‘human’. The fossils were discovered in 2013 and were quickly recognised as the remains of a new species unlike anything seen before. Named Homo naledi, it has an unexpected mix of modern features and primitive ones, including a fairly small brain. Arguably the most shocking aspect of Homo naledi, though, concerned not the remains themselves but rather their resting place.

    The chamber where the bones were found is far from the cave entrance, accessible only through a narrow, difficult passage that is completely shrouded in darkness. Scientists believe the chamber has long been difficult to access, requiring a journey of vertical climbing, crawling and tight squeezing through spaces only 20 cm across. It would be an impossible place to live, and a highly unlikely location for many individuals to have ended up by accident. Those details pushed the research team toward a shocking hypothesis: despite its puny brain, Homo naledi purposefully interred its dead. The cave chamber was a graveyard, they concluded.

    For anthropologists, mortuary rituals carry an outsize importance in tracing the emergence of human uniqueness – especially the capacity to think symbolically......

    Elephants have been known to mourn their dead, and even try to 'bury' them by tossing dirt over them with their trunks and kicking dirt over them with their feet.
