Friday, November 24, 2017

The Mindset of German Apologists

German Coalition Talks against Backdrop of History - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Sometimes we in the West forget that our view of the world is just one among many that are possible. And that neither our understanding of human rights nor our adherence to liberal democracy are attractive across the globe. Is the Western way of life morally superior? And even if it were, is it the most constructive or effective way of organizing human societies?

We in the West also tend to interpret history to reflect positively on ourselves. Were the many centuries during which Europe or the United States were at the center of global events not inevitable? Were they not based on the Enlightenment and the Renaissance, on our engineering prowess, on our technological preeminence? Was it not based on our overall brilliance? After the collapse of communism in 1989, Francis Fukuyama wrote "The End of History," by which he meant the triumph of Western values. Soon the entire world would be democratized, the victorious political order seemed clear. 

How absurd that worldview seems now, in November 2017. 

Since September 2001, the West has made a number of missteps. There were the aimless interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. There was the self-inflicted economic crisis of 2008, which was actually not a global disaster but a trans-Atlantic one, as China, Indonesia and India all continued to grow. For too many years we have clearly demonstrated to non-democratic states that democracy may no longer be reliable and is far too fragile: It installs incompetent leaders like Donald Trump in power and leads to blunders like Brexit. It has long been clear that democracy is slow, but now it's obvious that it also makes terrible mistakes. What country would look to today's United States as an example?

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Which brings us to Germany, that stable center of Europe.

It must first be said that the government crisis, which has arisen out of the failed coalition talks, is not a crisis of state - at least not yet. A caretaker government is in office, the federal president is exhibiting prudence, the country's economy is robust, and the system is working as it should. Even the chancellor - whose enthusiasm for political communication is limited at best and whose 12 years of leadership have brought the country to where it finds itself today - is proceeding carefully and maturely. 

The Social Democrats, meanwhile, twice hastily - indeed, childishly - rejected the idea of joining Merkel in a coalition. There is now no safe way back. Joining a grand coalition would marginalize the party; in four years, it could plunge to just 15 percent. Therefore, rapid new elections are the only thing that makes sense. Hopefully they will result in a clear governing mandate and to a greater sense of urgency and responsibility in the ensuing coalition talks.

Complacent Prosperity

That, in fact, is the most disturbing thing about the way Christian Lindner of the Free Democrats backed out of the talks, about the constant complaining from the Bavarian conservatives, about the weeks of haggling over details without any sense of the bigger picture. This irreverence. The prioritization of the individual over the common good. This desolate narcissism born of complacent prosperity. 
In truth, the domination of the world by Europe and the United States has only lasted two centuries. Before that, China was already an economic leader. And the history of the rise of the West cannot really be attributed to but a single cause. This ascent was helped along by genocide and slavery; colonialism allowed Europe to plunder ideas. It was in China that the technologies for iron and steel production were first invented, as well as paper currency, gun powder and the compass. 

In human history, there has hardly ever been such a rapid rise - which really is just a return to form - as that of China over the past 30 years. The country has long since begun financing other states without paying attention to issues like democracy and human rights: The old "Washington Consensus," is being replaced by the "Beijing Consensus." The Chinese model fascinates those that wish to replicate it because the party appears so resolute and closed while the society is so young, vibrant and hungry for start-ups. Western societies on the other hand are aging. Many citizens see their wages stagnating, while education, homes and healthcare are becoming unaffordable. The old maxim that rising GDP translates into prosperity for all is being exposed as a fallacy. 

The idea that democracy was somehow the endpoint of development was megalomaniac. As long as there is something to redistribute, every system has it easy. But in the past 11 years, freedom around the world has receded. Of 195 states only 87 are still free, 59 are partially free and 49 are not free at all according to the NGO Freedom House. Turkey and Russia have turned their backs on the group of democracies while Poland and Hungary look to be not far behind. Meanwhile, the United States is foundering. One would hope that should be enough to focus minds in Berlin. There is, after all, a lot at stake.

Klaus Brinkbäumer was born on January 27, 1967 in Münster / Westphalia.

After graduation he did an internship at Weltbild. After studying at the University of California at Santa Barbara / USA he worked for the "Abendzeitung" in Munich and the "Berliner Kurier".

In 1993, Brinkbäumer moved from the "Focus" development editorial office to the SPIEGEL, where he initially worked as an editor and then as a reporter for the sports, Germany, foreign and society departments. He won u. a. the Egon Erwin Kisch Prize, the Henri Nannen Prize and the German Reporter Award and wrote books such as "The Dream of Life - An African Odyssey" or "The Last Journey - The Case of Christopher Columbus" (with Clemens Höges).

After reporting for four years as a New York correspondent, Brinkbäumer joined the editorial board of SPIEGEL in January 2011 as editor-in-chief and from 1st September 2011 deputy editor-in-chief of SPIEGEL.

In January 2015, Klaus Brinkbäumer was appointed Editor-in-Chief of SPIEGEL. In this function, he also performs the tasks of the publisher at SPIEGEL ONLINE.


  1. The idea that democracy was somehow the endpoint of development was megalomaniac. As long as there is something to redistribute, every system has it easy. But in the past 11 years, freedom around the world has receded. Of 195 states only 87 are still free, 59 are partially free and 49 are not free at all according to the NGO Freedom House. Turkey and Russia have turned their backs on the group of democracies while Poland and Hungary look to be not far behind. Meanwhile, the United States is foundering. One would hope that should be enough to focus minds in Berlin. There is, after all, a lot at stake.

    There is no European institution more hostile to individual national freedom than the EU, dominated by Germany.

    1. Victoria Nuland says we must have a "rules based international order"


  2. Mr Trump told us that he was going to hire the smartest, best people to work in his administration.

    What he did not say ...
    Those people were already working ...
    In the Obama administration

    Stay the Course


  3. Paul Manafort had taken 18 trips to Moscow and was in contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s allies for more than a decade before running President Trump’s 2016 election campaign, a new report said Thursday


    1. Even after the February 2014 fall of Ukraine’s pro-Moscow President Viktor Yanukovych, Manafort continued to go to Kiev another 19 times in fewer than two years while working for the smaller, pro-Russian Opposition Block party, McClatchy reported.

      Some have suggested Manafort had been turned into an asset acting on Moscow’s behalf.

      “You can make a case that all along he ...was either working principally for Moscow, or he was trying to play both sides against each other just to maximize his profits,” Daniel Fried, a former assistant secretary of state who communicated with Manafort during Yanukovych’s reign in President George W. Bush’s second term, told McClatchy.

  4. November 24, 2017
    I Echo Belloc
    By Bill Schanefelt

    Joseph Claire Pierre René Belloc, an Anglo-French writer and historian, wrote tellingly and presciently in 1938 about the then quiescent Islamic Movement (Hat tip: Blazing Cat Fur)

    Millions of modern people of the white civilization – that is, the civilization of Europe and America – have forgotten about Islam. They have never come into contact with it. They take for granted that it is decaying, and that, anyway, it is just a foreign religion which will not concern them. It is, as a fact, the most formidable and persistent enemy which our civilization has had, and may at any moment become as large a menace in the future as in the past.

    Like most of us of a certain age, Mohamadism (as it as called) was a part of some vague, nonthreatening, Abrahamic continuum. Little did we suspect that it was a lion-in-waiting.

    I remember a conversation with a long-ago girlfriend who was a daughter of a missionary, and who was born in Tehran. When I, naively, said that Mohamadism was a benign part of our shared great heritage I almost lost my head, such was her fury about what Christians, Zoriastiams, and others suffered even then under the then-Shah.

    Boy, was I dumb!


    Imagine Belloc now. What would he think? Of course, he would think that he was right all those years ago. But he would surely be amazed that the threat had grown so large, had penetrated the very bosom of the West, under our very noses, so to speak, without it causing profound alarm. He surely would think that our political leaders had turned traitorous or stupid to continue to preside over Muslim immigration.... Imagine Belloc now. What would he think? Of course, he would think that he was right all those years ago. But he would surely be amazed that the threat had grown so large, had penetrated the very bosom of the West, under our very noses, so to speak, without it causing profound alarm. He surely would think that our political leaders had turned traitorous or stupid to continue to preside over Muslim immigration.

    Nowhere in the cited pieces could I find exactly when it was that Belloc supposedly make those statements, but they are certainly telling 70+ years on.

    As noted in the piece, “I confess to having read nothing else of Belloc which I now intend to put right.”

    I hope also that the rest of us will recognize that Winston had it exactly right:

    How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

    Spend a little time on the linked pieces to remind yourselves of the challenges we face.

    p.s. Read a little more about Belloc to see what an interesting character he was, hiking, walking, writing, serving in Parliament and more.

    The author is retired, his profile may be found on LinkedIn, and he usually responds to emails sent to

    1. Friday prayers at a mosque in Egypt took a tragic turn after a coordinated bomb and gun attack targeted worshippers, killing 235 people and injuring some 130 others. Ambulances transporting the wounded also came under attack by gunmen.
      The blast at Al Rawdah mosque in Bir al-Abed, northern Sinai, prompted worshippers to flee the building, running for their lives. When they did so, they came under attack by gunmen. Photos posted online showed bodies covered in blankets inside the mosque.

    2. Reports of shots fired on London's Oxford Street & Oxford Circus underground, police confirm

    3. London's Oxford Circus Tube station has been evacuated and armed police are at the scene responding to an "emergency incident."

      British Transport Police said officers were responding to reports of an incident at the station on the capital's busiest shopping street.

      Scotland Yard has warned anyone on Oxford Street to go into a building and stay inside.

      Witnesses reported being locked inside shops including Zara and Urban Outfitters on Oxford Street.

      Other panicked shoppers began screaming and running amid a large police presence in the area.

  5. November 24, 2017
    Two polls show Roy Moore leading Jones in Alabama Senate race
    By Thomas Lifson

    Alabama voters may not behave as MSM liberals and NeverTrump conservatives expect them to. Both groups are not taking the bait expensively dug up by Bezos Washington Post reporters sent into Alabama to dig up dirt on Moore. Maybe it is distrust of the media, or maybe it is something else, but Roy Moore has surged into a lead in two different polls of Alabama voters (hat tip: Breitbart).

    Alabama Today on Wednesday:.........

    1. All the recent polls have shown Roy Moore with a substantial lead over the partial birth abortion supporting Doug Jones.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. .

      It is Alabama after all. Would they accept a sexual predator because they like his politics? Hard to say.


    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Jeff Flake, he is walking away from the party of Grand Old Pedophiles which is being created in Mr Trump's image.

      Walking away, from the Grand Old Pedophiles as is Bob Corcker and a growing number of Congressmen.

      They must sense the blood in the water, the coming feeding frenzy by the rightous residents of the United States upon the sexual perverts that have come to represent the culture of the GOP.

    7. QuirkFri Nov 24, 10:50:00 AM EST

      It is Alabama after all. Would they accept a sexual predator because they like his politics? Hard to say.

      Whether or not he actually is a sexual preditor is the question at hand.

      If you believe anything Gloria Allred pushes out there without a lot of additional evidence you are probably are being taken for a fool.

      So far Roy seems clean all during his long marriage.

      This should count for something.

      I think it's still an open question.

      Everything is soooo long ago, all coming out at a politically highly suspect time.

  6. Well, he was dressed -

    New Conyers accuser: He showed up to meeting in underwear....DRUDGE

    WASHINGTON — A lawyer who formerly worked for U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Detroit, and later ran an ethics watchdog group in the nation’s capital confirmed for the Free Press on Thursday that Conyers verbally abused her, criticized her appearance and once showed up to a meeting in his underwear....

    What's the difference between underwear and a men's bathing suit ?

    Would Conyers have been accepted on the beaches of Maui ?

  7. For Quirk, Doug, Bob and all other dog lovers here -

    1 cuddled close, 1 was on guard and 1 looked for food: how 3 dogs helped Annette Poitras survive
    By Amy Judd

    1. Annette also learned a survival tip from the dogs.

      “She happened to notice one of the dogs was digging a hole to sleep in,” explained Marcel. “[The undergrowth], it’s very spongy, it soaks up a lot of water. So she started sweeping away all the brush and everything to get down into the dirt and kind of made herself a little well to sleep in. She learned from the dogs.”

  8. Get your popcorn, drink, get settled in your seat - the tragi/comedic/farce is about to begin....

    November 24, 2017
    Rep. Conyers lawyer hints he will take down many other congressional harassers if pushed too hard
    By Thomas Lifson

    We have already reached the cornered animal stage of Democrats caught up in the sexual harassment hysteria. Is there anything more amusing than watching your enemies play a game of chicken with each other, threatening mutual assured destruction? Even better: a threat that comes written in all caps, the cyber-equivalent of shouting, hinting that "many members" could find themselves in a similarly difficult situation.

    Peter Hasson describes for the Daily Caller the remarkable vague threat emanating for the attorney representing John Conyers:

    The attorney for Democratic Michigan Rep. John Conyers, who is accused of continuously sexually harassing his female staffers, defended Conyers by indicating that there are allegations against "many members" of the House and Senate.

    Conyers' attorney, Arnold E. Reed, released a statement defending the Michigan Democrat and pushing back against the "disturbing allegations." The bizarre statement was written in all-CAPS and referred to both Reed and Conyers in the third person.

    Here is the statement, tweeted by a NYT reporter:

    NEW: Attorney for Rep. John Conyers releases statement outlining why Conyers will not resign.

    — Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) November 23, 2017

    Bring it on! Almost certainly there will be some GOP congresscritters implicated, but experience and logic suggest that far more Democrat careers will bite the dust. The "male feminists" of that party have long traded their political support for abortion, transgenderism, and other feminist goals for immunity in harassing their chosen victims. Everyone in the country saw how well that worked out for Bill Clinton, who was lionized for defeating the "trailer trash" accusers.

    Republicans are equally fallen, equally prone to sin, of course. But they had no immunity as a prospect for their misbehavior, so it is almost certain they offended at a lesser rate.

    The purge underway could easily surpass in impact the 1992 House Banking Scandal that paved the way......

  9. YES we demand the release of all the names of Congress who have dipped into the Sexual Hush/Slush Fund to settle sex misconduct claims !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. aka The Congressional Anonymous Free Pass Fund

    2. Write your Congressional delegation demanding to know if they have dipped into this secret fund !!!!!!

      (don't expect a truthful answer, or, really, any answer at all)

  10. Smerkel will do anything to stay in power -

    November 24, 2017
    Merkel to meet with socialist party to possibly form a 'grand coalition'
    By Rick Moran

    There is a possible resolution to Germany's political crisis – the worst in several decades. After failing to form a coalition with the right-of-center Free Democrat Party, Chancellor Angela Merkel, leader of the Christian Democrat Union, has agreed to meet with the Social Democrat leader Martin Schulz and Horst Seehofer, the leader of Christian Social Union (CSU), the CDU's Bavarian sister party.

    The goal is to create a "grand coalition" of Germany's mainstream parties.....

    The socialists can hardly be said to constitute 'a mainstream party'.

    Before the election and immediately afterward, the SDP said they would not be part of a coalition government with Merkel. This was a matter of practical politics following the horrendous showing by the socialists in the election.

  11. Quirk's favorite magazine, Newsweek, unclothed - Newsweek's Jason Le Merda -


    Proof solidifies that Fusion GPS took money from Democrat law firms.

    November 24, 2017 Matthew Vadum

    Unsealed bank records appear to reinforce the claim that Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign bought and paid for the sensational “piss-gate” dossier that used anonymous sources to smear President Trump by falsely linking him to Russia.

    The dossier is the salacious, 35-page report commissioned by Democrat-aligned opposition research firm Fusion GPS. The statements in the partisan hit job were compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and published by BuzzFeed. One claim was that Donald Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed.

    The dossier was just one of many particularly outrageous dirty tricks Clinton’s campaign to undercut her opponent’s campaign during the 2016 election cycle. Clinton also personally authorized the illicit efforts of socialist felon Bob Creamer and organizer Scott Foval who fomented violence at Trump campaign rallies, as James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas group revealed in undercover videos.

    President Trump and his defenders have repeatedly suggested Democrats, Russia, or the FBI – or all three – may have helped fund the infamous document dump.

    What’s new here are bank records from two Democrat-aligned law firms listing 112 transactions involving Fusion GPS. Clinton campaign and DNC lawyer Marc Elias reportedly hired Fusion GPS in April 2016 to conduct opposition research against Trump.

    The documents were made public after Washington, D.C.-based federal Judge Richard Leon, who is presiding over a lawsuit related to Fusion’s records, ordered them unsealed. Fusion fought the unsealing request.

    1. As the Daily Caller reports:

      Perkins Coie, the law firm that represented the Clinton campaign and DNC, paid Fusion a total of $1,024,408 between May 24, 2016 and Dec. 28, 2016, the records show.

      The largest payment was made just before the election. Perkins Coie made a $365,275 payment to Fusion GPS on Oct. 28, 2016, according to the records.


      The records show that Fusion was also paid $523,651 by the law firm BakerHostetler between March 7, 2016 and Oct. 31, 2016.

      Fusion worked for BakerHostetler to investigate Bill Browder, a London-based banker who helped push through the Magnitsky Act, a sanctions law vehemently opposed by the Kremlin.

      BakerHostetler also acted for Prevezon Holdings and its owner, Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, who tried to blunt the effect of the sanctions.

      Former Wall Street Journal reporter and Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson worked on the Browder project alongside Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, who famously attended a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan with top Trump campaign staffers on June 9, 2016. Veselnitskaya brought Simpson’s research with her to the meeting and shared it with Russia’s prosecutor general, Yuri Chaika, according to the Daily Caller.

      Testifying before the House Intelligence Committee this week, Simpson said he was unaware that Veselnitskaya gave information about Browder information to Chaika or to Donald Trump Jr., the campaign’s lead person at the storied meeting. Simpson also testified that he only learned Veselnitskaya had attended the meeting when media outlets reported it.

      The House Intelligence Committee is now seeking records it says are “related to Fusion’s payments to journalists who have reported on Russia issues relevant to its investigation.” The reporters’ names were not provided.

      Lawyers for the committee said they want the paperwork covering nine payments to “three individual journalists … each of whom have reported on and/or been quoted in articles regarding topics related to the Committee’s investigation, some of which were published as recently as October 2017.”

      Meanwhile, the mainstream media continues to promote the discredited Trump-Russia dossier in order to kneecap President Trump’s ambitious reform agenda.

      Like the disgraced Dan Rather continuing to insist his fake Texas National Guard documents discrediting George W. Bush were real, scribes like Newsweek’s Jason Le Miere are still pushing the dossier and lying about it.

      Le Miere lazily asserts:..........

  12. .

    The dossier was just one of many particularly outrageous dirty tricks Clinton’s campaign to undercut her opponent’s campaign during the 2016 election cycle.

    Salacious? Outrageous? No doubt. (Of course, prostitutes pissing on a bed is a bit kinky and cute). However, it's got a long way to go to match the right wing opposition research ads as with the Seth Rich killing or Pizzagate.

    Murder, child sex rings, if you need more details on either of these ask Bob. He's the one that posted both of those stories here.


  13. FARCE

    November 24, 2017
    'Special Counsel' Mueller Is Guilty of Misconduct and Must Resign
    By James Lewis

    What's a witch-hunter to do when there's no witch, and witchcraft itself turns out to be imaginary? When even the latest accusation against the biggest scapegoat of the house is a crock?

    Alan Dershowitz, a liberal in good standing with occasional fits of constitutional sanity, has called on Bob Mueller, aka "The Special Prosecutor," to resign, 'cause there's no there there.

    Professor Dershowitz points out that Trump may be guilty of sins "but not crimes." Well, if POTUS Trump is a sinner, I hope the Lord forgives him, along with the rest of us. But if all sinners went to Hell, there would be no room for the rest of us.

    The case against Bob Mueller and his squad of Democrat witch-hunters is much stronger than merely fraud against the taxpayer. Purely politically motivated persecutions under color of law are major violations of the United States Constitution and English Common Law, from which our everyday laws are largely derived. In civilized legal codes, persecutions of designated witches under color of law (any law they can find or make up) are strictly forbidden and should be punished by ABA disbarment, imprisonment, and perhaps confiscation of ill gotten gains. This would include every single taxpayer penny spent on this enormous hoax.

    This is the problem that faced the Vatican Office of the Inquisition in the 19th century, when Vatican cardinals began to wonder if burning Catholic heretics was still trendy. In Massachusetts, the Puritan divines stopped ordering scarlet letters for women accused of adultery. And with the rise of the political Enlightenment and the Constitution, scapegoating went out of fashion in civilized circles, with the exception of KKK lynchings in the South and numerous mobs aimed at victims of agitprop in Marxist and Hitlerite parts of the world.

    So here's Bob Mueller's big, big problem.

    Byron York, one of the best conservative reporters, has leaked a guvmint confession that, just as you thought, the FBI "was never able to verify" the infamous Moscow pee-pee report that triggered the totally phony campaign against Donald J. Trump. "The FBI was never able to verify" is an admission against interest, as they say in the legal game, meaning "Oops! The prosecution doesn't have a case!" It is indeed a confession of criminal prosecutorial misconduct, and all the perverters of justice in the FBI and DOJ have violated their oath of office and must resign. Or go to prison. Or both.

    1. In other words, the FBI and those phony intelligence agencies that dropped malicious disinformation to start the political wildfire of Trump-Putin misconduct were spreading lies, lies, lies. In a just world, the accusers would be standing in the dock, wearing fireproof clothing to get ready for the witch's pyre.

      Unfortunately, once the special prosecutor is launched, backed by the U.S. guvmint, he can never confess to being wrong. This is why the U.S. Constitution makes no provision for witch-hunters in the first place.

      Don't forget that the Founders saw the French Revolution (from a distance) and knew that the French aristocrats who were guillotined to delight the sans-culottes were not found guilty by any rational means after due process. Nope, they were just head-chopped to satisfy the bloodthirsty mobs in Paris, and that stopped only when Napoleon started to shoot down the mobs. Napoleon shot and hung the biggest perps and then crowned himself emperor. The founders, on the other hand, had tried to write a Constitution to avoid that whole slew of disasters.

      Now, Byron York's report that "the FBI has been unable to verify" the pee-pee dossier is a serious problem for that ugly pimple on the US Constitution called the "special counsel" or the "special prosecutor."

      The special prosecutor is a made-up critter who violates all the principles of justice, fairness, and the Constitution. It was created by legislative fiat and never reviewed by the Supremes, who just danced around it to avoid the heat of controversy. Let's face it: the Roberts Court is not the most heroic court of justice in U.S. history.

      But now Robert Mueller and his gang of witch-hunters have spent a year and wasted vast amounts of your money pursuing a mirage – while they've also been illegally feeding red meat to a media whose members have lost their senses in a classical scapegoating campaign. Shakespeare wrote about it in "Julius Caesar," Plato and Cicero wrote about it, and the Scriptures cover it. Hammurabi wrote about it. None of them approved of mob "justice."

      The tradition of secret prosecutorial leaking to the liberal media was started by Counsel Sam Dash of the Senate Watergate Committee, who kept the hungry sharks and hyenas fed with Nixon tidbits while swearing up and down that he was doing no such thing.

      So what's Bob Mueller to do? Byron York just leaked his confession that the case against Trump is completely, you might say, trumped up. There's nothing there – zilch, zero, nada – and the truth is that the whole Washington mob that ate up the "dossier" before it was made public, to satisfy their crazed hatred of Trump, also knew that it was a crock. The now infamous MI6 spook Chris Steele must have known that the peeing prostitutes in Moscow were a crock, or he would have demanded video evidence. Mueller, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and all the Obamanoids of yesteryear also knew. The NYT-WaPo knew. Any sane conservatives keeping track knew. The Russians, Chinese, and Slovaks knew. Heck, even the corruptocrats of the United Nations knew it, but then that's their warped sense of due process anyway.

      Mueller and his hot-breathing persecutors are doing Gestapo-style early-morning FBI raids on Paul Manafort and his wife, in their holy zeal to find a victim, any victim, for sheer suspicion of misconduct, with charges to be made up as an afterthought.

    2. This violates the U.S. Constitution's prohibition against ex post facto laws and Bills of Attainder, which are basically phony laws made up long after the perp is known to be innocent. Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby are classical victims of ex post facto "laws," and somebody in Trump's orbit is now being tortured (if only by punitive costs and public shaming) because Bob Mueller's job is to find a scapegoat, any scapegoat. After promising a satisfying revenge to the Hillary die-hards, the liberals are afraid of their own running mob and need a bleeding carcass for the happy ending.

      Got that? Bob Mueller and the posse are deathly afraid of their own mob, because if they come back without a victim, their own mob is going to turn against them. And they'll never be invited to those D.C. cocktail parties again.

      That's Mueller's problem.

      The obvious answer is to go back to the Bible, the Book of Leviticus, which provides for two sacrificial goats – one for God and one for Azazel, to be sacrificed by being thrown into the Valley of Hinom. The bad goat would bear all the sins of the people, who could then face a new year of sinning without guilt. It was a get out of jail free card.

      The Democrats and their fellow primitives want blood, and the solution of the Hebrew Bible was to give them a consolation prize, a sacrificial goat killed in the name of Azazel. That would solve Bob Mueller's problem today, and it would satisfy the NYT-WaPo as long as they got the front seat at the sacrifice. Under the relatively humane rules of Kosher animal slaughter, it wouldn't hurt the goats much more than the electrical stunning slaughterhouses use today.

      The special prosecutor statute is invoked by the NYT-WaPo Axis of Evil, the Democrats, and the monsters of the deep only when they hate a president to death. How's that for constitutional law? It applies only to folks like Nixon, George W., and Donald J. Trump. These duly elected Republican presidents are nailed on the cross for the rock-hard faith of the media-Democrats-mad left that POTUS has committed crimes – without due process of law, needless to say.

      The special prosecutor is a run around the Constitution, and it suggests to sane observers that the Supreme Court can no longer limit itself to reviewing challenges to existing statutes and madcap regulations. The Supreme Court must conduct a regular review of all federal statutes and regulations that are plainly unconstitutional and present them to Congress for reversal.

      All it requires is a constitutional amendment, since the current role of the Supremes was just a decision by John C. Marshall that was never in the Constitution in the first place. The new Amendment should abolish special prosecutors and other witch-hunting aberrations of constitutional principles forever. They are an offense to common sense, a reversion to lynch mob law, as Clarence Thomas so famously said when the electronic lynch mob went after his nomination.

      So now we know beyond a reasonable doubt that Bob Mueller is guilty, guilty, guilty.

      Do you want a scapegoat? Here's one that's clearly guilty.

    3. But now Robert Mueller and his gang of witch-hunters have spent a year and wasted vast amounts of your money pursuing a mirage – while they've also been illegally feeding red meat to a media whose members have lost their senses in a classical scapegoating campaign. Shakespeare wrote about it in "Julius Caesar," Plato and Cicero wrote about it, and the Scriptures cover it. Hammurabi wrote about it. None of them approved of mob "justice."

  14. Newly revealed vision of St. Pope John Paul: Islam will invade Europe

    By Pamela Geller - on November 24, 2017


    “I see the Church afflicted by a deadly scourge. Deeper, more painful and more deadly than those of this millennium’, referring to … communism and Nazi totalitarianism. It’s called islamism. They will invade Europe. I saw the hordes coming from the West to the East.”

    But in public, the Pope was kissing the koran and sucking up to the Muslim world.

    Andrew Bostom

    "I see the Church afflicted by a deadly scourge. Deeper, more painful and more deadly than those of this millennium’, referring to … communism and Nazi totalitarianism. It’s called islamism. They will invade Europe. I saw the hordes coming from the West to the East" …
    4:51 AM - Nov 24, 2017
    Replies 6 6 Retweets 6 6 likes
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    LifeSite News, Dorothy Cummings McLean, November 22, 2017 (hat tip Dr.Andrew Bostom):

    Bienno, Italy, November 23, 2017 (LifeSiteNews): A close friend of Saint John Paul II has affirmed that the late pope, revealed to have been a mystic, told him that Europe would be invaded by Islam.

    Speaking to a large group at the hermitage of “Saints Peter and Paul” this past October, Monsignor Mauro Longhi of the Opus Dei prelature recounted a conversation he had with the late pontiff in March of 1993 on one of their many hiking trips in the mountains. Having got ahead of the rest of their companions, Longhi and St. John Paul took a sandwich break.

    In video footage of the October talk, Longhi is heard saying that he noticed that the saint’s hands were trembling. (John Paul’s Parkinson’s disease had not yet been revealed in 1993.) The pope noticed the then-young man’s gaze.

    “Dear Mauro, it’s old age,” he explained.

    Longhi jumped in to say, “But, no, Holiness, you are young.”

    “It’s not true,” the pope snapped back. “I say that I am old because I am old.”

    Longhi continued: “Then Wojtyla changed tone, and making me privy to one of his night-time visions, told me, ‘Tell this to those whom you will meet in the Church of the third millennium. I see the Church afflicted by a deadly scourge. Deeper, more painful and more deadly than those of this millennium’, referring to … communism and Nazi totalitarianism. ‘It’s called islamism. They will invade Europe. I saw the hordes coming from the West to the East’, and he described to me the countries one by one: from Morocco to Libya to Egypt, and so on to the eastern parts. The Holy Father added, ‘They will invade Europe, Europe will be like a cellar, old relics, shadowy, cobwebs. Family heirlooms. You, the Church of the third millennium, will have to contain the invasion. Not with armies, armies will not suffice, but with your faith, lived with integrity.’ ”

    According to La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, which broke the story in Italian, Longhi is a “priest above suspicion,” having “enjoyed the personal esteem not only of John Paul II but also of Benedict XVI, so much so that in 1997 he was called to the Vatican dicastery of the Congregation for Clergy.” Between 1985 and 1995 Longhi, who was ordained in 1995, accompanied John Paul II on his skiing and hiking trips, hosting him at Opus Dei’s summer home in Abruzzo, which at the time was only “a simple house in the countryside.”

    1. A close friend of Saint John Paul II has affirmed that the late pope, revealed to have been a mystic, told him that Europe would be invaded by Islam.

      Well, he wasn't wrong, but rather than invading, they have been invited in, except in Poland and a few other places.


  15. Mueller's investigation was described as a "joke" ...
    Now, after the first two indictments and one guilty plea ...
    We are told it is all a mirage.

    So funny.


  16. As to the "Binary" choice ...
    That is a modern myth.

    That you fellows propagate that myth, your choive

    That you thought one criminal was 'better' than the other, complete narcissism on your part.

    The violations of the emoluments clauses of the Constitution by Mr Trump make any of the alledged crimes by Ms Clinton PALE in comparison.

    Even if every allegation against Mz Clinton were true, and she was tried and convicted ...

    Those crimes would atill be less serious than the treasonous actions of Mr Trump since he was sworn into office.

    His failure to divest his foreign partnerships, grounds for impeachment
