Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Donnald Brazile - Next Democrat Nominee for POTUS



  1. President George BushTue Nov 07, 06:30:00 AM EST

    I know Brazile.

    She ain't no Condi Rice.

    She ain't no Colin Powell.

    She'd ruin my country.

    I like Trump because he doesn't drink.

    He's not a dry drunk like me.

  2. I want them to tee up Hillary again. Please please please.

  3. Clinton ??

    The Democrats aren't that dumb, are they ?

    It certainly would be something to behold.

    They'd probably need to fit The Scooby Van up like an ambulance, too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. .

    Globalisation Marches on Without Trump

    Trump is seeking bi-lateral trade deals for the US while on his Asian trip. Expect him to come home empty-hand. China and key American allies are moving forward without the US.


    1. I disagree, he is making inroads in the trade deals. The negotiations with Japan, S. Korea and Viet Nam. are particularly clever. He is getting them to offset their trade imbalance by procuring substantial amounts of US defense hardware. That will not go unnoticed in China.

      He is also scaling up defense contracting which will help offset US upgrades.

      As always, put his trade dealing in perspective with the combined genius and cleverness of Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama.

      Trump is a genius compared to that crew.


    2. He is good at getting major orders for the Military industrial Complex.

    3. Have they actually inked any deals as of yet?

    4. At least, my overseas sources tell me the ink isn't dry, if anything has been inked.

      I have sources all over the East.

    5. Quirk developed hundreds of sources in the East when he did advertising in China back during the Mao days.

      We could ask him.

      Quirk, have any deals been inked by The Donald for our Military Industrial Complex in the East yet ?

      He'll know.

    6. .

      Well, he did get that $100 million dollar deal with the Chinese, you know the one where the Chinese send us poison chickens in exchange for putting Li'l Kim back in his bottle.

      That seems to be working out like 'probably the greatest trade deal ever. Right?'


    7. Sounds like a great deal for the Chinamen.

      So The Donald HAS inked some great deals, just like he said he would.

      There is your answer, Ash.

    8. Another campaign promise kept.

    9. Quirk Advertising, LLC, working out of Detroit, Michigan is advertising the poison chickens, a quick google search has shown !

    10. "Chickens so tasty you will soon feel like you are in the Other World" one of his ads states.

  6. .

    Donald Trump and the Erosion of American Greatness

    ... But the question remains: How dangerous is Trump to the world and the American Republic?

    One school of thought argues: Not very. For all the presidential mouthing and angry ALL-CAPS dawn tweeting, there's no sign of the wall on the Mexican border; and NATO is no longer "obsolete" (at least some days of the week); and the "One China" policy has not been scrapped; and the Iran nuclear agreement endures for now, despite Trump's outrageous refusal to recertify it; and the United States embassy is still in Tel Aviv; and the North American Free Trade Agreement hangs on. Even Trump's decision to quit the Paris climate accord has not yet been made effective...

    I wish I could believe this, but I am dubious.


    ...Stepping into the Void

    Already, Russian president Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping of China are stepping into the void. This is inevitable. The message from the Trump White House is one of withdrawal - from global responsibility above all, be it for the environment, European stability or the fate of the Middle East.

    If the Iran nuclear deal is working but Trump chooses to trash it because the Islamic Republic did not become a benign power overnight - the deal was about centrifuges not Iranian support for Bashar al-Assad's butchery in Syria - then why on earth should any other nation conclude a treaty with bait-and-switch America?

    The most terrifying thing to me about the insults hurled in recent weeks between Trump and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un, was that it was impossible to distinguish between them. The American president had descended to the level of a tantrum-prone totalitarian despot...


    ...Contemptuous of Principle

    Separate the United States from these principles and there is not much left. America's claim to leadership is voided permanently, if stripped of a moral component. The German Bundesrepublik, America's child, ushered into being under American tutelage, knows this as perhaps no other nation.

    To all of this, Trump seems oblivious. He is contemptuous of principle. Words cascade from his mouth and they mean nothing, because when a man of moral emptiness tries to exhort a nation to greatness the only thing communicated is pitiful, almost comical, hypocrisy.

    President Trump has yet to meet a strongman who does not elicit his sympathy or a multilateral organization that does not prompt his disdain...



    1. I couldn't believe my eyes, and I didn't for very long, not after rubbing them.

      Not quit awake yet, I thought for a glorious moment that you had written:

      "but I am odious"

      but on second look you are only dubious.

      Guess I will have to live with that.

    2. .

      Or, you could choose to not.


    3. No choice to it, alas:

      I will have to live with that

  7. .

    Why do blue collar and middle class Trump supporters accept his and the GOP's claims that their Tax Cut Plan is designed to help the middle class?

    Are they credulous? Are they that angry? Or, is there a serious IQ deficit?

    Republican Plan Would Raise Taxes on Millions

    ...Nearly half of all middle-class families would pay more in taxes in 2026 than they would under current rules if the proposed House tax bill became law, and about one-third would pay more in 2018, according to a New York Times analysis, a striking finding for a bill promoted as a middle-class tax cut.

    President Trump and congressional Republicans have pitched the plan unveiled last week as a tax cut for most Americans. But millions of middle-class families — particularly those with children — would see an immediate tax increase, averaging about $2,000. Among the hardest-hit under the plan would be some of the most vulnerable taxpayers: those with huge out-of-pocket medical expenses.

    By 2026, 45 percent of middle-class families would pay more than what they would under the existing tax system...


    ...The millions losing out under the bill would largely be families with more complicated finances, who now generally itemize their deductions. The bill would eliminate many common and valuable tax deductions that, in some cases, would eliminate thousands of dollars in tax benefits. This would be particularly acute for taxpayers who deducted state and local income and property tax payments, interest on student loans, or the cost of health insurance for self-employed workers.

    The plan could be particularly costly for Americans facing large medical bills. Nearly nine million taxpayers collectively deducted about $84 billion in medical expenses from their taxes in 2015. The House bill would eliminate that deduction.

    Mark Mazur, the director of the independent Tax Policy Center, said any attempt to reform the tax system — as opposed to just a broad-based tax cut — would have winners and losers. But he noted that many of the provisions that would benefit middle-class taxpayers in the House bill were set to expire or lose value over time.

    “You could create a plan that just cut taxes for middle-class people,” Mr. Mazur said. “That’s not what this is.”


    1. MSN News is worse than Newsweek.

      Only you read it.

    2. .

      Says one of the credulous, mentally impaired Trumpkins right before he turns to the right and says, "Thank you, sir, may I have another?"


    3. Another what ?

      I don't get it.

      I just turned to the right - I'm in my room - and there isn't even anyone there.

      I don't talk to walls, like you.

      Which doesn't mean you are a wall, it means you often talk to 'em.

  8. Fresh mystery over death of UFO expert....DRUDGE


  9. Wrestler Ric Flair says he's slept with 10,000 women....DRUDGE

    That's a woman a night for 27.397 years straight.

    Pretty good run.

  10. May God preserve and protect our Jury system -

    Menendez Juror Asks Judge: What Is A Senator?....DRUDGE

  11. The Manhattan district attorney will seek an indictment against Harvey Weinstein as early as next week — ignoring an NYPD plan to immediately slap the movie mogul in cuffs, sources told The Post.


    “We’re not commenting on the investigation or any timeline,” said Manhattan DA spokeswoman Joan Vollero.

    1. Time for Harvey to head out of he country.

      Maybe a big yacht in international waters.

      Maybe take Jesse with him -

      Journalist Accuses Jesse Jackson of Sexual Harassment....DRUDGE

    2. Jesse Jr. is still in lockup, I think.

  12. The dog that didn't bark: 100th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution gets no celebration in Russia - 11/7/17
    Russians endured communism for more than 70 years and they aren't about to celebrate it. Given the numbers of people in the West who adore socialism, shouldn't this be big news? More


    At communist centenary, many Americans still believe in collectivism - 11/7/17
    November 7 marks a century since the founding of one of the most murderous tyrannies in human history. Yet it is honored by the thugs of Antifa and the denizens of academia. More


  13. The Texas shooter issued one order to his victims as he prowled the tiny church: “Everybody die, motherf–ker!”

    That was all Devin Kelley said as he methodically killed 26 people and injured 20 more inside the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs on Sunday, survivor Rosanne Solis told ABC affiliate KSAT.


    Kelley targeted anyone who made a peep, and had no qualms about shooting babies who couldn’t control their fear, her husband Joaquin Ramirez told the San Antonio Express-News.

  14. One must keep one's ears attuned to what The Donald doesn't say.

    Like Quirk, it is what he doesn't say that is often most meaningful.

    1. If they'd both shut up we'd have a Platonic Moment of Pure Peace.

  15. Willeford walked up to the vehicle with his gun drawn, and the attacker did not move. Police arrived about five minutes later, Langendorff said.

    The assailant was dead in his vehicle. He had three gunshot wounds — two from where the armed man hit him in the leg and the torso and the third self-inflicted wound to the head, authorities said.

    “There was no thinking about it. There was just doing. That was the key to all this. Act now. Ask questions later,” Langendorff said.

  16. The story behind the attack on Sen. Rand Paul keeps getting weirder

    A U.S. senator was allegedly assaulted four days ago, and the more we learn about it, the stranger it becomes.

    Since Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., was attacked on Friday, we've found out that the accused party is his next-door neighbor in a gated community in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The neighbor, Rene Boucher, has confirmed that he tackled Paul. We've also learned that Paul sustained more severe injuries than previously known - including five broken ribs, three of which were displaced fractures, meaning they are partially or fully cracked - and that they will require months of recovery. Police had initially said that Paul sustained minor injuries, and as The Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe writes, the severity of those injuries could lead to felony charges against Boucher, rather than the current misdemeanor charge.

    The motive is still unclear, though - and pregnantly so, given the accused has basically admitted to the attack.

    After some right-wing outlets noted that the neighbor appears to have socialist tendencies, some suggested the attack might be politically motivated. In the aftermath of the mass shooting at a congressional GOP baseball practice earlier this year - before which the shooter asked if the members on the field were Republicans - that narrative clearly had some draw.

    But, apparently in response to those theories, Boucher's lawyer, Matthew J. Baker, issued a statement Monday assuring that this had "absolutely nothing to do with either's politics or political agendas."

    Then he added that it was "a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial."

    And then he added that Boucher hoped the two men could "get back to being neighbors as quickly as possible."

    OK ...

    So it's a "trivial" matter, but apparently he can't say what was so "trivial." Is it because the reason is embarrassing, because it might somehow be more incriminating, or what? It's also somewhat more difficult to believe such serious injuries would result from such a "trivial" dispute. And the line about them resuming as neighbors "as quickly as possible" is a bit odd. I'm guessing Paul doesn't exactly feel the same way right now.

    (The New York Times cites three Kentucky Republicans who say the attack was the result of a landscaping dispute, though the details are still sketchy. "Competing explanations of the origins of the drama cited stray yard clippings, newly planted saplings and unraked leaves," the Times reports. But a friend who visited Paul on Saturday, Robert Porter, said Paul "is still unsure why he was attacked.")

    Paul's office isn't clarifying exactly what happened either, for what it's worth, but a statement from Paul's chief of staff doesn't exactly downplay it. "It is a pending, serious criminal matter involving state and federal authorities," Doug Stafford said. "We won't have any further comments at this time."

    The wording there - "involving state and federal authorities" - is also somewhat intriguing. Why are the federal authorities going to be involved? We only know so far of the arrest warrant in Kentucky. Is it just because Paul is a U.S. senator and they are inherently involved? Federal law, for what it's worth, makes attacking federal officials like members of Congress punishable by up to 10 years in prison if "personal injury results."

    There are a lot more questions than answers right now. And the whole thing seems to be getting more opaque rather than less.


    1. The guy was taking a crap on Rand Paul's lawn, yelling, "This is what you're damned dog does on my lawn" and Rand came over to shoo him away, they got in a fight, and the crapper won the fight even with his pants down around his legs.


      I saw the whole disgusting affair.

  17. These days, our smartphones can do it all.

    “Track my sleep, track my workouts,” said David Dahan of Cherry Hill, New Jersey.


    As Apple and Android release $1,000 smartphones, with more features than ever, could dumbphones be the next big seller?

    The $150 Light phone, which only makes and takes calls, transfers them straight from your smartphone, giving you a break from technology.

  18. Nest’s new home security camera is supposed to be so smart that it can identify people it’s been introduced to.

    That skill comes from facial-recognition technology made by Nest’s sibling company, Google. The Nest Cam IQ camera is so slick that it carries a premium price — $300 — plus a $10 monthly subscription to run the facial-recognition program and other features, such as 10-day video storage.


    Overall, it’s an impressive camera, although it’s probably not worth the higher price and monthly subscription unless you have a burning desire to own the latest technology and really need to know everything everyone is doing in your home all the time.

  19. Paul Hudson, president of Flyers Rights, said the need for seat regulation is driven by safety concerns. Passengers have been getting taller and wider, even as airlines push for slimmer seats, but regulations still stipulate that planes have to be able to be evacuated in just a minute and a half.


    The airline industry contends that further regulation is unnecessary. Carriers referred questions to the trade group Airlines for America, which responded with an emailed statement that read, in part, “All U.S. carriers meet or exceed federal safety standards and we continue to believe that there is no need for government to interfere.”

    But some air travel professionals contend that advocates like Flyers Rights may have a point in arguing that tightly packed seats may be an impediment to evacuations.

  20. US Democrats claimed a resounding win Tuesday in a crucial governor's race in Virginia, dealing a blow to Donald Trump's politics of division and testing the president's influence ahead of larger battles in 2018 and 2020.


    The president has not campaigned with Gillespie, a former Republican Party chief.

    But the candidate's many ads, which have fueled debate on race, guns, illegal immigration and the fate of Confederate statues, signal clear alignment with the president.


    In New Jersey, Democrat Phil Murphy was project to easily win the governor's mansion, as Republican Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno's campaign was dragged down by her association with deeply unpopular Governor Chris Christie.

  21. How to Hire Fake Friends and Family

    In Japan, you can pay an actor to impersonate your relative, spouse, coworker, or any kind of acquaintance.

    A color photo of a family in which the father is blurred and black-and-white
    Miho Aikawa / Getty / Katie Martin / The Atlantic


    Money may not be able to buy love, but here in Japan, it can certainly buy the appearance of love—and appearance, as the dapper Ishii Yuichi insists, is everything. As a man whose business involves becoming other people, Yuichi would know. The handsome and charming 36-year-old is on call to be your best friend, your husband, your father, or even a mourner at your funeral.

    His 8-year-old company, Family Romance, provides professional actors to fill any role in the personal lives of clients. With a burgeoning staff of 800 or so actors, ranging from infants to the elderly, the organization prides itself on being able to provide a surrogate for almost any conceivable situation.

    Yuichi believes that Family Romance helps people cope with unbearable absences or perceived deficiencies in their lives. In an increasingly isolated and entitled society, the CEO predicts the exponential growth of his business and others like it, as à la carte human interaction becomes the new norm.

    I sat down recently with Yuichi in a café on the outskirts of Tokyo, to discuss his business and what it means to be, in the words of his company motto, “more than real.”

    Roc Morin: Just to be perfectly clear, you’ve come as yourself today, haven’t you?

    Ishii Yuichi: Yes, at this moment I am only myself.

    Morin: What was your very first role?.........


  22. Mossberg Issues Product Recall On Some Maverick Hunter Shotguns
    Posted at 12:00 pm on November 7, 2017 by Tom Knighton

    Mossberg is known for making quality shotguns. Most of their products are incredibly reliable, and that has made a major impact on the company’s reputation. Yet even the best companies can hit a speed bump from time to time.

    The venerable firearms company has issued a recall for some of their Maverick Hunter Over/Under shotguns.

    Maverick Arms, Inc. Product Safety Warning and Recall Notice
    Description of Issue
    Maverick Arms has discovered that a small number of Maverick Hunter™ Over/Under 12-gauge shotguns (SKU 75445) have been marked incorrectly. The chamber marking indicates that these shotguns are chambered for 3 ½” shells, however, the chambers are manufactured for 2 ¾” and 3” shells.
    All Maverick Hunter™ shotguns are manufactured with 3” chambers, not 3 ½” chambers. Firing 3 ½” shot shells through these shotguns may cause an increase in chamber pressure, which may result in damage to your shotgun and/or severe personal injury if a barrel should rupture as a result of excess pressure.

    How to Determine if Your Maverick Over/Under is Affected
    Each Maverick Hunter™ shotgun is marked with a chamber designation on the right side of the barrel, just below the safety warning. If your shotgun marking reads “12 Ga 3 ½” Maverick Hunter” then your shotgun IS affected by this recall.

    Discontinue use of this shotgun and immediately follow the instructions provided below.

    Note that only a small number of SKU 75445 shotguns are affected. No other Maverick or Mossberg models are affected by this Safety Warning or Recall Notice.

    What to Do If Your Shotgun is Affected
    DO NOT fire 3 ½” shot shells through your Maverick Hunter™ Over/Under shotgun.

    Please call the Product Service Center at (800) 363-3555 between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:30PM EST or email us at service@mossberg.com to confirm that your shotgun is covered by this recall.

    If your shotgun is covered by this recall, Maverick Arms will provide a prepaid shipping label for your current shotgun, for return to an authorized Maverick Service Center.=

    Once we receive your shotgun, Maverick will provide a free replacement shotgun of the same model and type (SKU 75445).

    If you have already sold or otherwise disposed of your Maverick Hunter shotgun, we request that you immediately provide us with the contact information of the purchaser so that we may contact them directly and provide information about this recall.

    For questions about this safety warning and product recall, or to confirm if your shotgun is affected by this recall, please contact the Product Service Center at (800) 363-3555.

    We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this recall may cause, and we thank you for your patience, cooperation and support for the effort to better serve our customers.
    An incorrect marking of what kind of shell is an easy mistake to see happen, but has serious ramifications. An extra half-inch of shell may provide far too much pressure for the barrel to handle, potentially resulting in some catastrophic failures. The kind that are awesome to watch on YouTube, but not so great to see first-hand.

    There needs to be some serious review of Mossberg’s quality control procedure, though. After all, it’s a simple mistake, but it’s also one of the easiest to see. After all, it’s right there on the barrel for anyone to examine. How did this make it through?

    Either way, if you have one of these shotguns, contact Mossberg immediately.

    Further, even if you’ve successfully fired 3 1/2″ shells out of it previously, stop. Stop it now. Just because nothing bad has happened, it doesn’t mean it won’t. Don’t be stupid.


  23. Democrat Ralph Northam won a bitter race for Virginia governor on Tuesday, dealing a setback to President Donald Trump with a victory over a Republican who had embraced some of the president’s combative tactics and issues.


    Democrats had already lost four special congressional elections earlier this year. But exit polls in Virginia showed that one-third of the voters went to the polls to oppose Trump, and 17 percent went to support him.


    In local races across the country, Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio in New York and Marty Walsh in Boston both easily won re-election. Voters were also picking mayors in Detroit, Atlanta, Seattle and Charlotte, North Carolina.

  24. Let the games begin…it is now snowing in State College and Altoona in upstate Pennsylvania and the look to winter is suddenly upon us in the Mid-Atlantic region. Low pressure today will head towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline and a cold rain in the I-95 corridor may actually end as a mix of sleet or snow tonight to the north and west of the big cities.


    Low pressure has formed along a stalled out frontal boundary zone over the Tennessee Valley and it is heading towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline. Cold air pushed in overnight from the northwest and it has already become cold enough in upstate Pennsylvania for snow to fall (e.g., State College, Altoona).


    Another strong cold front will arrive in the I-95 corridor on Thursday night with gusty winds and this will usher in the coldest air mass of the season so far and temperatures will be well below normal on Friday and Saturday. By early Saturday morning, temperatures in the 20’s are all but certain in the immediate I-95 corridor – perhaps even down to near the 20 degree mark in some spots – and wind chills will become quite a noticeable factor.

  25. They include billionaire Prince al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the most widely known members of the Saudi royal family and a major investor in companies including Apple Inc., Twitter Inc. and Citigroup Inc. He faces allegations of money laundering, bribery and extortion, according to a senior Saudi official. A representative of Prince al-Waleed didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

    According to people familiar with the investigation, those detained over the weekend also include Bakr bin Ladin, the chairman of the construction giant Saudi Binladin Group. A spokesman for Saudi Binladin didn’t respond to request for comment.

    Saudi Binladin, the biggest construction firm in the Gulf region, flourished as one of the government’s preferred builders during the boom years in the oil-rich country, winning a high-profile contract to expand the grounds of the Great Mosque in Mecca, Islam’s holiest site. The people familiar with the investigation said Mr. bin Ladin faces allegations of bribery in connection with that project.

  26. Like many of the prince's professional and personal contacts, I’ve kept in touch with him by text and WhatsApp. In the past few days, my efforts to reach him on both have failed.

    If he and the other detainees are shut up in the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh, as reports indicate, no one is talking. The only communication from Alwaleed's side was a statement from Kingdom Holding saying that the company is continuing its usual commercial operations and has assurances of support from the government.

    When I last saw Alwaleed in the desert, he showed me a book he was reading: “Why We Sleep,” by the neuroscientist and Berkeley professor Matthew Walker. I told him it was something I too planned to read and we agreed to share notes once I did.

    Right now, that looks like a conversation we may never have.

    Days Before his Arrest

  27. Currently, traditional, slow blood tests only cost a few pennies to make. But they also require trained people to draw the blood, and microscope and another trained person to analyse it.


    Like the Na-Nose team, Dr Odom John hopes that breath diagnostics can eventually be used in testing for all kinds of diseases, and may even provide more information than blood tests do.

    ‘Everyone hates throat swabs for strep; it’s hard to tell if pneumonia is viral or not with a blood test,’ she says and hopes that breath tests could someday ‘save us antibiotics and anti-malarial drug, so we can really reserve our best drugs for only the patients that have the disease we’re trying to treat.’

  28. The Donald and Melania have landed in Beijing.

    It's either quite cloudy, or, even more likely, quite smoggy, as it almost always is.

    We are all lucky to have not been born in China.

    1. The Chinese Police have nifty motorcycles and helmets.

  29. November 8, 2017
    Does Donna Brazile Know Who Killed Seth Rich?
    By Daniel John Sobieski

    The real bombshell lurking in Donna Brazile’s stunning interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos about her new book Hacks may be her cryptic references to murdered DNC IT staffer Seth Rich and her statement that she took the precautions one takes when one fears for their life.

    So far, speculation about the unsolved murder of Seth Rich have been dismissed as right-wing conspiracy theories but Brazile’s references to him in the light of all that has come out about Wikileaks, the Fusion GPS dossier, and Hillary’s purchase of the DNC that rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders, may be a key to a missing piece of this whole puzzle.

    Brazile, according to Newsweek, in a piece titled “DNC’S Donna Brazile Dedicated Her Book To ‘Patriot’ Seth Rich, Whose Death Made Her Fear For Own Life”, dedicated her book in part to Rich:.........


  30. That’s some influence you have there, Q.

    1. .

      That dog won't hunt either.

      It's one of the many negative aspects of the breed.


    2. .

      BobWed Nov 08, 01:54:00 AM EST
      The Chinese Police have nifty motorcycles and helmets.

      Enjoy it. That's probably the intellectual upper limit of comments you will see from him today.


  31. The Good News out this way is the One World Cafe folk got really wiped out for Mayor in Moscow City Elections, but two of the old guard Corner Club guys fell in Council races. Not sure who two of these new ladies on the Council are, and whether they represent the One World Cafe crazies or not.....I will report after getting the morning papers.....I fear they may be Sanctuary City folks, or commies, or......

    1. .....or.....or......God Forbid !....Quirkites.....

  32. Gillespie got more votes in Virginia than Trump did, but the obituaries for the Republicans don't mention the fact.

    The Dems, curse them, did turn out well.....

    1. Gillespie Got A Larger Share Of The Vote In Virginia Than Trump Did In 2016
      ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 11:21 am on November 8, 2017

      A potentially significant gloss on Trump’s comment last night that Gillespie went down in flames because he didn’t embrace Trumpism enthusiastically enough. That’s news to me — and to Steve Bannon, who told the NYT this a few days ago:

      SEE ALSO: So nobody likes the Democrats. But the Republicans and the media can’t brag either

      “He’s closed an enthusiasm gap by rallying around the Trump agenda,” said Stephen K. Bannon, the president’s former strategist. “And I think the big lesson for Tuesday is that, in Gillespie’s case, Trumpism without Trump can show the way forward. If that’s the case, Democrats better be very, very worried.”

      “Corey Stewart is the reason Gillespie is going to win,” Bannon told WaPo this past weekend, referring to the ultra-Trumpy populist candidate whom Gillespie narrowly defeated in the GOP primary. Stewart himself agreed, saying, “It feels like my campaign, doesn’t it? I feel vindicated by it.” Fast-forward 48 hours, after Gillespie suffered a nearly nine-point blowout, and Breitbart is calling Gillespie a “Republican swamp thing” while Stewart is insisting that “Ed rejected Trump.” There’s your daily reminder from populists that Trumpism can’t fail, it can only be failed.....


    2. Losing 32 GOP seats in the VA legislature ...

      That is the real story

      The Democrat transgender candidate defeated the self-described 'Homophobe-in-Chief'.


  33. .

    Bad Night for Trump Sets the Stage for More GOP Infighting

    "The other side is more motivated by anger than our side is motivated by hope at the moment," Cuccinelli said Tuesday night.

    Expert opinion (mine): Given the relative number of seats that will be contested in 2018 in both the Senate and the House, the Dems will have and uphill fight (some would say impossible) chance of winning either the House or the Senate. However, the GOP will suffer, especially in the House.

    The one ray of hope for the Dems? They still have a year for Trump to screw things up even more for the GOP (as if they needed any help). And going further, there is always a chance the recent spate of GOP retirement announcements will grow.


    1. .

      ...the Dems will have an uphill (some would say impossible) fight to win either the House or Senate...



    2. The Democrats could easily take Flake's seat in an open election.

      Trump only won by 3%
      And any Trump proxy ...
      won't have the juice generated by. ..
      The Donald

    3. .

      Trump's hard core base is small. Many of the crossover voters who helped put him over the top have stayed with him up to this point. That may change a year from now.

      In cases where GOP candidates benefitted from that crossover trend, don't be surprised to see them drawing back from Trumpism.


  34. .

    TPP. The Curse of Presidents Past

    Trump Will Be Haunted by the Ghost of TPP

    Throwing out a global trade deal has enormous ramifications in Asia.

    The most dangerous policy missteps are not those which costs are immediately apparent. They are those which damage is only revealed slowly over time. Thus it was with President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The president reveled in pulling the United States out of the deal in his first days in office. But the price will be paid this month, as he tours the Asian region.

    Though Trump had been exceedingly clear on the campaign trail that he despised TPP, there was still some surprise that he rejected it completely. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had previously run against trade agreements, only to take office and find changes that made the deals palatable. To not do so seemed to signal that there was nothing redeeming anywhere in TPP...

    IMO, pulling out of TPP was one of the few goods actions taken in Trump's early presidency. However, as the article indicates, the decision is filled with negative repercussions for the US. As Trump goes about trying to negotiate the 'best ever' MAGA trade deals on a bi-lateral basis he is running into stiff resistance around the world. [If anyone bothered to check the link I put up the other day they would have seen how few large trade deals the US has and yet Trump is looking to re-negotiate or drop what we have left.]

    In a sense, it is understandable why countries are resisting setting up trade deals with the US which many now consider an unreliable partner. The TPP was the cherry on top, pushed by the US and developed over many years of negotiation it was to present a buffer against Chinese hegemony in Asia. Then when it was within months of implementation, the US pulls out. The only thing worse for the US would have been signing it.

    Cancelling TPP was not Trump's original sin it was Obama's.

    The Obama administration spent years developing and pushing TPP, a treaty that if passed would have cynically enshrined that which is mostly a truism today, a world government controlled by monied interests and large corporations. It would have consigned national rights to the waste bin. And that is on Obama not Trump.

    Trump did what he had to do and now we have to live with it.


    1. .

      ...Chinese commercial hegemony in Asia...


  35. Quirk:

    "...it is understandable why countries are resisting setting up trade deals with the US which many now consider an unreliable partner."

    Not only is the US proving to be an unreliable trade partner the demands it is bringing to the negotiating table on any updated or new trade deal are ludicrous. NAFTA appears doomed.

    1. .

      Maybe not.

      Not everything the US is demanding is irresponsible. Things have changed since the treaty was signed and things need to be updated in some areas or added in others and negotiated side deals rolled into the body of the treaty.

      Trump's initial position is like all of Trump's initial positions. That said, Canada and Mexico have options outside of NAFTA, Canada is still working with other countries trying to get TPP passed without the US and Mexico has recently joined the Pacific Alliance.

      We really don't have that big a trade deficit with Canada, in fact, some have argued we really have a slight trade surplus with them. And while we do have a big trade deficit with Mexico, getting rid of NAFTA would seriously impact major constituencies in the US like autos and agriculture both of which are likely to lobby against getting rid of the pact.

      Since NAFTA was signed, trade between the three partners has tripled. IMO, it's better to amend the deal than kill it.


      Expect some changes but I kind of doubt it will be terminated. We already have a

    2. The changes being requested are non-starters in Canada. Canada would most likely let the US pull out of NAFTA then accept the proposed changes. However, I think, one possible scenario is that the negotiations will meander on until Trump loses power and NAFTA will soldier on through it all. Canadian trade negotiators are wondering (tongue in cheek) what the Trump administration plans to do about resolving the US trade surplus with Canada.

  36. A plane passenger who spied on her husband’s phone and discovered he was having an affair mid-flight caused such a commotion the flight had to make an emergency landing.

    The Iranian woman, who was with her husband and their young child on a Qatar Airways flight from Doha to Bali on Sunday, unlocked her sleeping hubby’s phone by putting his finger on the home button and found evidence he was cheating on her, the Times of India reported.

    The woman, who had reportedly been drinking alcohol, then started a fight with her husband and “misbehaved” when flight crew tried to calm her down, according to the paper.

    The situation then got “out of hand” and the pilot made the decision to divert to Chennai, India. The family of three were offloaded at Chennai airport and the plane continued its journey to Bali.

  37. Holy Fucking Shit:


    1. Sarah Cantori-Ascher • an hour ago
      If gravity is outlawed, only outlaws will have gravity.

      FifthDoctor • an hour ago

      They always said he had a good sinker.

  38. Boucher’s neighbors described him as an avowed socialist known for getting into heated political arguments. Boucher’s Facebook page revealed him to hold fervent anti-Trump beliefs, stating in one post that he hopes Special Counsel Robert Mueller will “fry Trump’s gonads.”

    Boucher’s attack was the second time this year that Paul has come under attack by an avowed socialist.

    Paul was at the Alexandria, Va. baseball field when 66-year-old James T. Hodgkinson opened fire on dozens of Republican congressmen, leaving Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise on the verge of death. Hodgkinson’s attack was “fueled by rage against Republican legislators,” according to a report from the state’s attorney released last month.


    1. Boucher’s neighbors described him as an avowed socialist known for getting into heated political arguments. Boucher’s Facebook page revealed him to hold fervent anti-Trump beliefs, stating in one post that he hopes Special Counsel Robert Mueller will “fry Trump’s gonads.”

      Boucher’s attack was the second time this year that Paul has come under attack by an avowed socialist.

      Paul was at the Alexandria, Va. baseball field when 66-year-old James T. Hodgkinson opened fire on dozens of Republican congressmen, leaving Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise on the verge of death. Hodgkinson’s attack was “fueled by rage against Republican legislators,” according to a report from the state’s attorney released last month.

    2. A writer for GQ Magazine suggested Wednesday that Sen. Rand Paul should accept some of the blame for getting beat him up over a trivial property dispute.

      Paul’s libertarian leanings and adherence to personal property rights probably led to the physical altercation that left the Kentucky Republican with broken ribs and a punctured lung, according to GQ writer Jack Moore.

      “Rand Paul is an asshole neighbor,” Moore wrote, referring to Paul’s penchant for growing pumpkins and composting on his property in Bowling Green, Ky. He frequently flouts the rules of the home ownership association that governs Paul’s gated community, according to a New York Times write-up of the incident.

      “He bought a house in a neighborhood that has certain rules with regard to lawns, and he decided that he doesn’t need to follow those rules because of his belief in ‘property rights’ that don’t actually exist,” Moore added.

      The man responsible for the attack, Rene Boucher, was an avowed liberal who frequently fought with his neighbors about politics, according to recent reports from The Washington Post. Moore, for his part, also laid some blame on Boucher, too.

      “[I]t sure seems like this Rene Boucher was also an asshole, who cared way too much about what his neighbor’s yard looked like,” he added.

      Boucher, one of Paul’s long-time neighbors, was a socialist who frequently fought with neighbors about health care policies and other liberal issues. Boucher and Paul are on the opposite end of the political spectrum, local citizens told reporters.

  39. Mexicans and Muslims doom Pubs in VA:


  40. Report on Moscow, Idaho City Elections

    Great News :

    Linda P., the Grandmother of All One World Cafe folk, got her arse wiped by Bill L., who won a second four year term overwhelmingly, 60% to 40%.

    Linda P. imported all her 'ideas' from Berkeley, California. She is of the 'stop all growth now' outlook.

    Bill L. used to manage Rosauer's and is a solid all round upstanding guy.

    Linda P. I thought had died. She was pushing an air tank around, and a dentist told me she had 'about 5 years to go'.

    Some pulmonary virus, which has shown itself to be much weaker than Linda P.'s uber liberal freeze development toxicity.

    Linda P. post election quote:

    "For the losers 2019 is just around the corner"

    Lord help us.

    After her physicist husband for WSU left her, not being able to stand it any longer, Linda P. provided locals with great humor for a while by frequenting the Moscow Hotel Bar, all dolled up, seeking male companionship. She never scored, understandably enough, that I ever heard about.

    It never occurred to me to try and set her up with Quirk, who is always seeking female companionship, I have heard.

    A possible match made in Heaven ?

    I think we will never know, Quirk being so dedicated to his dog, which, in this hypothetical, certainly is the better choice.

    Bad news:

    John W., a lifelong friend and many term council member, lost, but it was very close.

    So did Walter S., another good guy downtown local.

    Really bad news:

    One Brandy S. won a council position. She IS THE OWNER OF THE ONE WORLD CAFE.


    And, Gina T., a young nitwit, won a term.

    John W. lost for the two year seat to an unknown Anne Z.

    The Mayor has some control over the AGENDA, can vote only as a vote tie breaker, can shut off debate, which he sometimes does, as the One World Cafe folk seem to love the sounds of their own voices.

    In Idaho, this is know as a 'weak Mayor' setup, rather than a 'strong Mayor' setup, where the Mayor always votes and basically controls the agenda.

    Could have been worse, but not much.

    Your in depth political reporter....

  41. I may have to run myself in 2019, if I am still around, if Linda P. runs again.

    A first run, and a true sacrifice with zero to gain by it for me, but almost absurdly heroic in its own way.

    I am able to waddle around as well as Linda.

    Between these two candidates, have mercy on the Electorate.


  42. PragerU just released our video, and I want you to be one of the first to see it.

    View this email in your browser

    ** We're going viral . . .
    Prager University videos present conservative ideas in succinct, catchy ways,
    spreading Americanism through the power of the internet.
    Their new 5 minute video
    -- “How the States can Save America” -- features Jim DeMint talking about the
    Convention of States. Just a few days after its release, we are thrilled that the
    video has already been viewed over 6.8 million times!

    Can you help us spread this video to 10 million?

    The great news is that it costs only about two cents per view. Your donation of $100
    could educate five thousand people about the solution the Founders gave us to save
    this nation. Plus, it could give intellectual ammunition to our supporters to
    promote and defend Convention of States.

    Will you give $10, $15, $25, $50, $100 today
    so we can reach more viewers with this message?

    Click here
    to see this nation-saving video yourself.

    Click here to get us to 10 million views!
    Mark Meckler
    Convention of States Action

  43. Melania is one amazing first lady - 11/8/17
    She has turned into one heck of a diplomatic asset for President Trump. More

    Let me say a good word about Melania Trump. She has turned into one heck of a diplomatic asset for President Trump.

    On Monday, Mrs. Trump spoke to South Korean girls, and she was just fabulous: VIDEO


    Yes, she is a great First Lady.

  44. Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, has escalated a feud with Goodell, threatening to sue the league and some fellow team owners over negotiations to extend Goodell’s contract, according to three people with direct knowledge of the situation.


    Jones has also been the most vocal owner to urge players to stand for the national anthem. Jones and other owners are upset that Goodell has not done more to stop players from kneeling or sitting during the anthem.

    The issue exploded into a national debate when President Trump took aim the owners for not forcing the players to stand.

  45. We don't need no stinking steering wheel!

    Driverless Shuttle Crashes 1 Hour After Introduction In Las Vegas

    Lots of people lined up for @RTCSNV's new driverless shuttle

    A representative from AAA said that the crash was caused by the truck driver, and the incident was the result of human error, according to KSNV.

    The shuttle underwent a 10-day test run in January while cordoned off from traffic. The vehicles, which hold up to 11 passengers, were made by French company Navya and are managed by French transportation company Keolis. The vehicles have no steering wheels and no brakes, but they do have a human attendant to monitor the vehicle during the pilot program.

    The shuttle uses GPS, cameras and light-detecting sensors to move around, according to Business Insider. The vehicle has a top speed of 25 mph.

    The Las Vegas Review-Journal spoke to John Moreno, a public affairs manager with AAA, on Friday in anticipation of the launch.

    “People look at automobiles as a symbol of freedom and advantage, but it’s amazing to see how much mobility is changing,” said Moreno. “We know the general public is skeptical of new technology. But hopefully this will build some excitement for what the future of transportation could look like.”


  46. My home town is not this far gone yet -

    Palm Springs City Council Now Entirely Queer....DRUDGE

    1. Nothing against queers but I demand some hetero-inclusiveness.

    2. Here we go -

      93-year-old WWII vet elected mayor in upset bid....DRUDGE

  47. Lava Tube Time -

    Maui Budget Crisis; Pension Panic....DRUDGE


    1. Gold Plated Lava Tubes

      Williams said the extra payments were needed to help the public pension system avert a crisis in unfunded liabilities, currently estimated at about $12.4 billion.


  48. In a concise word or two -

    Ring Down the Curtain on This Fiasco

    Robert Mueller on Capitol Hill in 2013. (Reuters file photo: Yuri Gripas)

    by CONRAD BLACK November 7, 2017 4:00 AM @CONRADMBLACK

    At this point, the Trump-Russia investigation is an embarrassment to America.

    I have scoured the American and some international media in vain to find any recognition of what a Gordian knot of absurdity the investigative pretzel of official Washington has become. No one seems to have noticed that the Democrats are now making unctuous noises about the inviolability of a process that has disintegrated into utter nonsense. According to the bipartisan leadership of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Steele dossier is the only possible evidence of Trump-Russian collusion, and we now know that it was composed of unsubstantiated allegations by unaccountable sources in and around the Kremlin, paid through intermediaries engaged by a retired British spy and paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through the sleazy political dirty-tricks provider Fusion GPS. We also know that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and the deputy attorney general who engaged him, Rod Rosenstein, were, as FBI director and U.S. attorney for Maryland, the prosecutors of the Russian representatives who offered improper incentives to secure Russian acquisitions of substantial American uranium interests, but did not bother the Clintons or Clinton Foundation, which contemporaneously were generously paid by those who favored that transaction, at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s approval was required under national-security legislation.

    We also now know it is likely that the Steele dossier was used as the excuse for surveillance of the Trump campaign and transition activities in the Trump Tower in New York by the Obama administration, which had appointed Mr. Mueller and Mr. Rosenstein to their former FBI and Justice Department positions. And, despite an energetic effort by Mueller to prevent FBI personnel from testifying before congressional committees about the FBI’s role in the Steele dossier, we now know that his protégé and successor at the FBI, James Comey, caused the appointment of his friend Mueller by Rosenstein (who had recommended that Comey be fired), by leaking to the New York Times a memo to himself (Comey) of contested accuracy and ownership (it might belong to the government), about Trump’s views of former national-security adviser General Michael Flynn (an issue that has noiselessly died, though Comey hyped it for a brief time as a possible obstruction of justice by the president).

    1. And finally, in this Alice in Wonderland sequence, Comey confirmed to the Senate Intelligence Committee that he had assured President Trump three times, starting on January 27, ten weeks after the FBI took over the Steele dossier from the failed Clinton campaign, that Mr. Trump was not a suspect of any wrongdoing. The burning question is why this unutterable nonsense continues, and the Trumpophobic media respectabilize the (Hillary) Clinton view that paying for the Steele dossier was just a normal attempt to get “campaign information.” This was something that she had denied knowledge of for months and that neither she, nor her campaign manager, nor the ousted national-committee chairperson, Ms. Wasserman Schultz, remembered doing, though it cost $9 or $10 million. The Resistance (Democrats) and Never Trumpers (Republicans) seem to accept the assertion of the egregious ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff (Calif.), faithfully representing the collective imbecility of his Hollywood constituents, that “it doesn’t matter who paid for the Steele dossier.” Yes, it does.

      If this all sounds like the Hound of the Baskervilles chasing its tail, that is because it is that and more: The hound has caught its own tail and devoured itself from behind to the point that it has become a deformed biped. In résumé, original Obama appointees Mueller and Rosenstein (the latter of whom named Mueller to his present post as special counsel — at the improper behest of Mueller’s friend and protégé Comey, after Comey leaked an improperly removed and self-addressed document — and recommended Comey’s firing as FBI director) are examining whether Trump-Russian collusion occurred, based on allegations in a dossier that Comey has testified did not implicate Trump, and that was composed and paid for by the Clinton campaign. Reduced to its simplest terms, the Trump-haters who control the media are asking the nation and the world to believe that the continuation in office of the constitutionally chosen president of the United States depends on a file prepared by unanswerable Kremlin sources incentivized to defame the president who were retained and paid by the president’s election opponent — a file that the person Trump fired as head of the FBI (Comey) on the recommendation of the sidekick of the special counsel in not investigating the Clinton side of the uranium controversy in 2014 has testified does not implicate the president now being investigated by Comey’s mentor Mueller. Even the paid propaganda alleged by Kremlin riffraff who were paid up to $10 million by the Democratic National Committee (itself a subsidiary of the Clinton campaign, according to its former chair, Donna Brazile) doesn’t generate enough on Trump to make him a suspect of anything illegal, in the sworn opinion of someone (still Comey) whom Trump has just fired, partly on the advice of Mueller’s friend Rosenstein, who then engaged Mueller to investigate Trump.

      Even the most febrile conspiracy theorist could not make up such a convoluted story. It is bunk, rubbish, a Babylonian ziggurat of pompous and officious suppositions and confections that, when it is explained in its correct sequence as above and as simply as possible, no sane person could take seriously.....

      Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/453476/donald-trump-mueller-investigation-embarrassment-america

  49. By the way, I heard there is an Anal Sex Workshop starting at Harvard.

    If any BarMates are interested you might be able to take part on-line.

    1. It sounds like high end work but someone's got to do it.

      It's not going to be me.

    2. Shove this up and into your schedule -

      Harvard Hosts Anal Sex Workshop Entitled 'What What in the Butt ...
      12 hours ago - While students demanded that a lecture from scholar Charles Murray be canceled in September, Harvard University hosted a workshop on anal sex this week. As a part of Harvard University’s sex week, the Ivy League Institution hosted an anal sex workshop entitled, “What What in....

    3. Since you seem to have the itch.
      You should come on by the house, Bobbie

    4. I ain't gay, Jack Hawkins.

      You'll have to find someone else to invite over to your mom's basement.

    5. Try somewhere other than the EB, Jack Hawkins.

      No one likes you here, and, no one here is gay.

      You are S.O.L.

    6. Now, Bobbie, you just quit your fussin and get over here, I'll scratch that itch for you.
      You know you love it.

  50. Last week, Papa John’s founder John Schnatter said his company was pulling some advertising from NFL games because player protests were making it harder to sell pizza. It later emerged that Papa John’s was simply removing the NFL’s logo from some of its marketing, not withdrawing television ads.


    Based on comments from NBCUniversal executive Linda Yaccarino in a chat moderated by AdAge on Friday, it sounds like Papa John’s isn’t alone in that approach. Yaccarino, NBCU’s chairman of advertising sales and client partnerships, said no advertisers have pulled their spots but several have threatened to. Via AdAge:

    Yaccarino … said that none of NBCUniversal’s NFL advertisers have pulled out of NBC’s Sunday Night Football or Thursday Night Football games. However, a “list of advertisers have made themselves very clear: if you continue covering the political coverage of the issue, we will not be part of the NFL,” she said.


    Yaccarino also said that she thinks the protest have affected ratings, even if she can’t prove it.

    She noted that prior to the controversy, which started last season when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick began to kneel during the national anthem, “most” NFL games didn’t broadcast the anthem, aside from big games like the Super Bowl. “The story has morphed dramatically, from social injustice to patriotism,” said Yaccarino.

  51. .

    Last week, Papa John’s founder John Schnatter said his company was pulling some advertising from NFL games because player protests were making it harder to sell pizza.

    DiGiordano Pizza responded with the following tweet...

    Better Pizzas

    Better Sales


  52. 3 UCLA basketball players have been arrested in China for shoplifting.

    1. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/11/arrest_of_3_ucla_basketball_players_in_china_could_complicate_trumps_dealmaking.html

    2. Big Balls

      The outspoken LaVar Ball has made regular headlines with his provocative comments since eldest son Lonzo began starring at UCLA last year. A former college basketball player who has been training his sons since they were kids, LaVar Ball said he could beat Michael Jordan one-on-one and that Lonzo, while still in college, was better than two-time NBA MVP Steph Curry.

      Lavar also predicted all his sons will eventually play for the Lakers.

      The family stars in its own reality show on Facebook, "Ball in the Family," and boasts an athletic apparel line, Big Baller Brand. Its first sneaker, the ZO2, raised eyebrows when it was priced at $495.
      LaVar, Tina and LaMelo Ball went to China to watch LiAngelo play his first game as a Bruin and promote the opening of a Big Baller Brand pop-up shop in Shanghai.


    3. Maybe they need:

      Buck Naked Underwear - Duluth Trading Company

      Buck Naked Underwear Sale - Men's $16 Shop Now. ... Men's Buck Naked Performance Boxer Briefs. ... Slip into the no pinch, no stink, no sweat comfort of Buck Naked™ Underwear – so comfortable it’s like wearing nothing at all.

      I bought some for Quirk and he swears by them.

      "By God, it's like having nothing on at all"

      Helped with his sweaty stinky smell too.

    4. I'll say !

      Quirkie used to smell like a rhinoceros before he started wearing Duluth Buck Naked undies.

  53. .

    Top ranks of US diplomacy 'depleted at dizzying speed' under Trump

    Trump's budget called for a 30% cut in the State Department, the EPA, and major cuts in numerous other departments all to offset major increases in the Defense and security budgets. The cuts at State were even too much for the GOP in Congress and they kept State's budget at the current level.

    Not to worry. Tillerson has taken his orders seriously and in addition to maintaining the mandated hiring freeze has hired a consultant to manage the pending cuts.

    The linked article from the Guardian outlines the extent to which this has gutted the State Department by removing and failing to replace experienced personnel in not only key civil service positions but also in key high level political positions needed to keep the Department functioning.

    Not only is Trump stripping the State Department of key experienced people need to keep the organization operating at required levels, he is also creating a series of embarrassing situations. For instance, at the same time he is escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula with his juvenile verbal jousting with Kim, he still hasn't bothered to nominate a new ambassador to South Korea, a problem when you consider the current commercial and military disconnects we have with the country.

    The only alternative to military action to solve foreign policy problems is a diplomatic one.

    To replace the State Department Trump offers tweets. Not very comforting.


  54. .

    Political Predictions for the 2020 Presidential Race

    1. Trump's RCP average polls for presidential favorability, job approval, and direction of country will continue to be locked in the 30% - 40% range.

    2. Fearing his chances of winning, Trump will opt out of running for a second term in 2020.

    3. Trump will cite his reasons for not running as having already become the most successful and beloved president in US history, his need to get back to managing his vast commercial empire, the fact that he has already solved most of the US' major problems to the extent that all that is left is the need for some minor clean up that any moron could accomplish without him, and that he really wants to devote more time to his family.

    4. If beyond all reason Trump decides to run for reelection, he will lose. Soundly lose.

    This expert analysis is provided by Quirk aka The Quirkster in conjunction with Magic 8-Ball Prediction Services, Ltd (Cayman Islands).


    1. I have captured this for future reference.

    2. * Will be used for mockery purposes only.

  55. .

    Something not mentioned much here but likely will be...

    The Paradise Papers

    The Paradise Papers is a set of 13.4 million confidential electronic documents relating to offshore investment that were leaked to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. The newspaper shared them with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,[1] and some of the details were made public on 5 November 2017. The documents originate from the offshore law firm Appleby, the corporate services providers Estera and Asiaciti Trust, and business registries in 19 tax jurisdictions.[2] They contain the names of more than 120,000 people and companies.[3] Among those whose financial affairs are mentioned are Queen Elizabeth II,[4] the President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, and the U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross.[5] According to the Boston Consulting Group, the amount of money involved is around $10 trillion.[


    1. .


      On 20 October 2017, an anonymous Reddit user hinted at the existence of the Paradise Papers.[7] Later that month, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) approached the offshore law firm Appleby with allegations of wrongdoing. Appleby said that some of its data had been stolen in a cyberattack the previous year, and denied ICIJ's allegations.[8] After the documents were published, the company stated that there was "no evidence of wrongdoing", that they "are a law firm which advises clients on legitimate and lawful ways to conduct their business", and that they "do not tolerate illegal behaviour".[9] Although press reports referred to the documents as being "leaked" Appleby issued a series of public statements insisting that the firm "was not the subject of a leak but of a serious criminal act", and that "[t]his was an illegal computer hack. Our systems were accessed by an intruder who deployed the tactics of a professional hacker".[10]

      The documents were acquired by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, which had also obtained the Panama Papers in 2016. According to the BBC, the name "Paradise Papers" reflects the "the idyllic profiles of many of the offshore jurisdictions whose workings are unveiled"—the so-called tax havens, or "tax paradises" involved.[2] The BBC also notes that the name "dovetails nicely with the French term for a tax haven - paradis fiscal"...[2]


      ...He also averred that despite having the information since 2016, the timing of the release was deliberately delayed to coincide with the meeting of EU Finance Ministers ahead of the proposed discussion of a tax haven blacklist.[15]


    2. .

      Companies named[edit]

      According to the papers, Facebook, Apple, Uber, Nike, Walmart, Allianz, Siemens, McDonald's, and Yahoo! are among the corporations that own offshore companies,[16][17] as well as Allergan, the manufacturer of Botox. According to The Express Tribune, "Apple, Nike, and Facebook avoided billions of dollars in tax using offshore

      A Kremlin-owned firm, VTB Bank, put $191 million into DST Global, an investment firm part of Mail.ru Group and founded by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, which used it to buy a large share of Twitter in 2011. A subsidiary of the Kremlin-controlled Gazprom funded an investment company that partnered with DST Global to buy shares in Facebook, reaping millions when the social media giant went public in 2012. Twitter similarly went public in 2013. The US government sanctioned VTB in 2014 because of the Russian military intervention in Crimea, but DST Global had sold its stake in Twitter by then. Four days after the Facebook IPO, a DST Global subsidiary sold more than 27 million shares of Facebook for roughly $1 billion...[19]


    3. .

      List of people and organizations named in the Paradise Papers

      The list of people, companies, and countries using these tax shelters is huge, the dollars involved mind-boggling.
      Some of the people might be surprising such as Queen Elizabeth or the US Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross.

      The following is a list of big names involved from the US...

      United States:

      Sheldon Adelson, founder of the Las Vegas Sands[71]
      Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft[26]
      Thomas J. Barrack Jr., founder of Colony NorthStar[72]
      J. Christopher and Robert Burch, brothers[45]
      John Augustine Hearst, business and media executive[45]
      Carl Icahn, founder of Icahn Enterprises[72]
      Charles and David Koch, respectively CEO and EVP of Koch Industries[73]
      Robert Mercer, co-CEO of Renaissance Technologies[74]
      Pierre Omidyar, founder of eBay[26]
      Geoffrey Palmer, real estate developer[73]
      Stephen A. Schwarzman, founder of The Blackstone Group[72]
      James Harris Simons, co-founder of Renaissance Technologies[75]
      Paul Singer, founder of Elliott Management Corporation[73]
      Warren Stephens, chairman, president, and CEO of Stephens Inc.[75]
      Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts[73]


    4. .

      I notice Harvey Weinstein is on the list so it's unlikely his victims will be able to clean him out unless the US government gets involved.


    5. .

      Top US universities use offshore funds to grow their huge endowments

      Paradise Papers show 12 major universities and colleges invest in Cayman Islands hedge fund pumping cash into fossil fuels

      Major universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, Ohio State and many others use Cayman Island hedge funds.


    6. University of Idaho invested in satellite campus in Boise, and went broke under President Hoover.

      There was Regular Time, Hoover Time, then No Time Left.

      Hoover was fired, and last anyone heard he had fled to.....the Cayman Islands.

    7. Dear Tim Cook,

      You don’t know me, but I know you. Not personally, but from TV, livestreams of your appearances in Cupertino as you unveiled the next iPhone, and of course, from my organization’s newspaper and its website. I am the editor-in-chief of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany’s leading daily and the outlet that obtained the Panama Papers and later the Paradise Papers, which we continue to analyze and report on with colleagues from the New York Times, the Guardian, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and nearly 100 other media organizations.

      Yours is one of the most famous and prestigious companies on the planet. Its products are outstanding. The iPhone not only changed the world, it did so faster than virtually any other technological innovation in history. Apple is adored by millions and has achieved cult status. Personally, I have had an iPhone for 10 years. My fingers brush across my iPad every day. At home, a MacBook awaits. If everyone in our newsroom had their choice of work computer and smartphone, I’m confident most people would opt for an Apple device.

      My colleagues and I have long followed the debates in the United States and Europe over the taxation of Apple. You, yourself, have often taken a stance on the issue, like you did before the U.S. Senate in 2013. You said at the time that Apple did not “depend on tax gimmicks.” In the Paradise Papers, however, we uncovered information that tarnishes the image of Apple that you try to convey. Questions posed by the Süddeutsche Zeitung and our aforementioned colleagues have gone either unanswered or been met with, at best, tight-lipped platitudes. Why?

      Apple employs thousands of excellent, highly qualified engineers, technicians, lawyers, managers and public relations specialists who attended colleges and universities around the world. Many of these institutions of higher education are entirely or partially funded with taxpayer money. Apple directly benefits from the infrastructure – educational or otherwise – that countries maintain. Mr. Cook, you recently told the New York Times that Apple had a “moral responsibility” not only to help grow the U.S. economy, but also “to contribute to the other countries that we do business in.”

      Of course we’re aware that Apple is one of the largest taxpayers in the U.S. But what about abroad?

    8. Public filings reveal that between 2010 and 2017, on average, Apple generated two-thirds of its profits outside the U.S. Evidently, it earned $41.1 billion in 2016 and $44.7 billion in 2017. What these filings also show is that since 2010, Apple’s foreign-earned income has been taxed at a rate of between 1 and 7 percent. Mr. Cook, do you believe this comports with the “moral responsibility” you have advocated? Such “tax optimization” – albeit legal – is only possible because specialized law firms such as Appleby devise complex company structures inaccessible to most other firms. Skilled workers, small business owners and employees in most countries outside the U.S., many of whom surely use Apple products, don’t have the means to shirk ordinary taxes.

      In Germany, Apple is estimated (you don’t publish the exact figures) to have generated revenues in the billions last year – of which it paid 25 million euros in taxes. In other words, only 0.2 percent of the taxes that Apple paid worldwide ended up here. This does not even remotely stand in relation to the percentage of global sales and profits Apple logged in Germany. I’m sure you can appreciate the difficulty we have explaining this to our readers.

      But what unsettles me the most is the way in which Apple instructed a law firm to obtain an “official assurance of tax exemption” from the government of a country. Why do you want that? Why do you feel entitled to not pay any taxes in a country? Did you want to make zero-tax status a precondition for establishing tax residency there? What gives you the right to do so?

      And what understanding of democracy are we supposed to discern from the question you had this law firm ask? The one about whether the country had a “credible opposition party” or “movement that may replace the current government?” Were you trying to ensure that you would be able to retain tax-free status even after elections or a change in government?

      Mr. Cook, the Süddeutsche Zeitung and our readers are still awaiting answers to a litany of questions.

      Apple bills itself as a transparent company. If this is true, then there really isn’t any reason to stay silent, is there?

      Best regards,

      Wolfgang Krach


    9. A New Home

      Apple wanted to find a country without transparency, taxes or pesky political opposition where it could set up shop. It seems to have found one.


    10. https://projekte.sueddeutsche.de/paradisepapers/wirtschaft/apple-scouts-a-country-without-rules-e654132/_modules_1_image_desktopw1152h1152q70-13d6c196455906d8.jpg

    11. The tax rate for companies based in Jersey is zero percent

      In 2014, the law firm Appleby – the recipient of Apple’s long list of questions – took the company on as a client. The Paradise Papers show that in 2015, Appleby listed two Apple subsidiaries as being based in Jersey. Laws on the island allow foreign companies to establish their tax residency there.

      According to the documents, the two Irish companies, Apple Sales International and Apple Operations International, were operated by Apple Trust Jersey Limited. The connection between Cupertino, where Apple’s headquarters are located, and the island between France and the United Kingdom has never been reported on before. The tax rate for companies based in Jersey is zero percent.

    12. And Apple? The company feels it has unfairly ended up in the public spotlight. “As the largest taxpayer in the world, we’ve paid nearly $34 billion in corporate income taxes over the past three years,” a spokesman wrote. The company had pre-tax earnings of more than $198 billion during that period, meaning it had a total corporate tax rate of around 18 percent.

      “We understand that some would like to change the tax system so multinationals’ taxes are spread differently across the countries where they operate, and we know that reasonable people can have different views about how this should work in the future. At Apple we follow the laws, and if the system changes we will comply.”

  56. O Humanity !

    China Reveals Images of New Hypersonic Strike Aircraft
    Ultra high-speed vehicles shown for first time on state-run television

    BY: Bill Gertz
    November 8, 2017 2:10 pm


    It's all quite insane.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Ethiopian 'Spice Girls'


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