EU TO FALL: Poland issues warning to Brussels STOP feathering your nest & focus on people
POLAND’S leader Beata Szydlo said the “elites in Brussels” are sending the European Union careering into a crisis as they are “out of touch” with the rest of Europe.

Mrs Szydlo’s Law and Justice Party swept into power two years ago with a promise to better represent Polish interests abroad and an increased rebellion against the European Union’s goal of an “ever closer union”.
A series of clashes with Brussels ensures she has been a thorn in the side of the European Union since her election win.
In her latest outburst against the bloc’s rulers, she warned of a growing dissatisfaction across the continent.

People in Europe feel more and more that the elites in Brussels are no longer in touchBeata Szydlo
She told the FT: “People in Europe feel more and more that the elites in Brussels are no longer in touch with the problems that they should be concerned about — such as the safety of the citizens of the EU, the labour situation, and increasing employment and improving wages.
“They are more and more focused on the bureaucracy and on the red tape that they have themselves created.
“This leads to crisis and we should discuss these matters, especially now after the UK decided to leave the EU.”
Ms Szydlo, who believes Brexit was in part a backlash against EU heavy-handedness, acknowledged Britain’s departure was a topic of concern for Poland, not least because around a millions of its citizens live there.
She said Poland is keen to avoid a “crisis” in future Brexit negotiations but expresses doubts about whether a breakthrough can be made in the limited time before the December summit.
War of words heats up as tensions rise between Poland and EU

She said: “I am afraid there is a certain standstill in the negotiations right now.
“For this reason I believe that reaching a compromise concerning this financial settlement before December will be difficult.
“There are still too many points that are not closed yet.”
Poland has its own issues with the EU and relations between Warsaw and Brussels have become strained over the last two years.
The biggest bone of contention is Mrs Szydlo’s Law and Justice party’s bid to overhaul the judiciary which have been described by European Commission vice-president Frans Timmermans as a “systemic threat to the rule of law”.
She said Poland and other central European countries were “not always assessed objectively” and argued the reforms were based on models from several western European states.
She said: “Mr Timmermans is referring to laws that have not even been adopted yet, so I am afraid that he may be looking at the situation in Poland from the point of view of certain stereotypes which should not be used.
“In my opinion such an approach on the part of important EU officials is one of the factors that contributed to the crisis in the EU and this may be one of the reasons for Brexit.”
Mrs Szydlo said Brussels should instead prioritise the future of the bloc.
She added: “This is what the EU officials should be focusing on rather than looking into the situation in the member states and dealing with issues that fall outside their competences.”
EU Parliament tells Poland to uphold ‘rule of law & democracy’
ReplyDeletePublished time: 15 Nov, 2017 13:30 Edited time: 15 Nov, 2017 14:15
The resolution calls on Warsaw to respect the right of freedom of assembly, to strongly condemn the "xenophobic and fascist march" that took place in Warsaw on November 11, and to provide free and accessible contraception without discrimination, while making emergency contraception available without medical prescription.
Polish President Andrzej Duda signed off on a law in June which turned emergency contraception into a prescription drug. Poland also has some of the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe, banning all terminations unless the pregnancy is the result of incest or rape, poses a health risk to the mother, or the fetus is severely deformed.
The resolution also calls on Poland to comply with the European Court of Justice's (ECJ) order to "immediately suspend large-scale logging" in the Bialowieza forest, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Activists and the EU claim Warsaw has ignored the ECJ's ruling to halt logging in the forest.
"MEPs believe that the situation in Poland represents a 'clear risk of a serious breach' of the European values, including the rule of law, enshrined in the EU Treaty," the EU Parliament wrote on its website. "Parliament decided by 438 votes to 152 with 71 abstentions to prepare a formal request that the Council activate the preventive mechanism provided for in Article 7.1."
It notes that if Warsaw refuses to comply with EU recommendations, it could face a "suspension of Poland's voting rights in the Council."
It comes amid an ongoing feud between Brussels and Warsaw. The EU and Poland's Euroskeptic and socially conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party have been engaged in ongoing disputes since the party came to power in late 2015. The PiS has been urging changes to the Polish judiciary and other institutions, citing the need for a so-called moral renewal of the country.
Protests erupted over the efforts to change the judiciary system. Opposition parties, rights groups, judges' lobbies, the Council of Europe, the EU Commission, and European countries including Germany and France also said the proposed changes would erode judicial independence by bringing the courts under the direct control of the government.
Poland and the EU have also clashed over migration, as Warsaw has refused to accept migrants as part of a quota system devised during the European refugee crisis. Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said on Monday that the decision has resulted in her country being seen as "a country free of terrorism."
ReplyDeleteSo there are one million Poles living in England ...
Wonder how much of their incomes are spent supportinng family back in Poland?
DeletePoland is exporting workers ...
Little wonder they do not want immigrants.
Sounds like the Poles support their families.
DeletePoles are not
Dead beat a-holes.
Mexicans too send money back home to support their families.
DeletePoles whine about the EU but the majority of them support staying in it. One thing they like about it is that on a per capita basis they get back more from it than they pay in.
Poles whine about immigration but they take advantage of the EU's rules on borders to send millions of Polish workers to other countries.
The right-wing government ruled by the PiS since taking over have launched attacks on the media, the judiciary, the constitution, and democracy.
Poland has been designated the ideal vacation spot for skinheads by Conde Nast Traveler.
Poland has been designated the ideal vacation spot for skinheads by Conde Nast Traveler
DeleteThat's because one's girl friend is unlikely to be raped by a gang of muzzies there, nor is one at much danger of being blown up by a car bomb.
To be honest about it, the Poles did show themselves to be real assholes when it came to the Jews.
DeleteThere aren't any Jews left in Poland, and there is still anti-semitism in Poland.
They are however very very good on the muzz.
So, balancing an F against an A, they get a C grade overall.
Currently Germany gets two Fs, in contrast.
November 15, 2017
ReplyDeleteKurdistan Needs a Berlin-Style Emergency Airlift
By Sherkoh Abbas and Robert Sklaroff
The Trump administration had better work fast to rescue our Kurdish allies – who are being attacked on all sides – if anything tangible is to be salvaged from the super-expensive American military involvement in the Middle East during this millennium.
If America abandons the Kurds, defeat of the Islamic State will become a dark victory, and America will become a diplomatic laughingstock to friends and foes, particularly Iran. She will lose the last chance to attain a reliable, long-term foothold in the Syrian-Iraqi theater by having betrayed an ally that has been, is, and promises to continue to be America's most reliable colleague....
Eternal shame on Donald Trump if he doesn't help the Kurds.
The Kurds helped mightily in the fight to defeat ISIS.
DeleteEternal shame on Donald Trump if he doesn't help the Kurds.
That would be a bit redundant.
Make it shame in this world, and eternal shame in the after, if you like.
DeleteThe insurrectionists are getting just what was foretold.
The Kurds should have heeded the advice of the United States.
Instead they went their own way and now must face the consequences of their actions.
Stand Tall
Have yourself a gay little Christmas, mate -
ReplyDeleteThe Australian Plebiscite On Gay Marriage Is Finally Over
JAZZ SHAWPosted at 9:21 am on November 15, 2017
It took a couple of months and was filled with charges and countercharges of dirty tricks and the suppression of free speech, but the Australian plebiscite on gay marriage is finally finished. The people responded in large numbers and in the end, the tally ran fairly close to what the current polling had indicated. More than sixty percent of respondents voted in favor of legalizing gay marriage and now the Parliament is vowing to bring it to a vote before Christmas. (Associated Press).....
ReplyDeleteFox News anchor Shep Smith annihilates his network's favorite Hillary Clinton 'scandal,' the Uranium One deal
ReplyDeleteThe German camps in occupied Poland during World War II were built by the Nazis between 1939 and 1945 across the entire territory of the Polish Republic, both in the areas annexed in 1939, and in the General Government formed by Nazi Germany in the central part of the country.
After the 1941 German attack on the Soviet positions in eastern Poland, a much greater system of camps was established, including the world's only industrial extermination camps constructed for the specific purpose of carrying out the Final Solution to the Jewish Question.
German-occupied Poland was a prison-like territory. It contained 457 camp complexes. Some of the major concentration and forced labour camps consisted of dozens of subsidiary camps scattered over a broad area. At the Gross-Rosen concentration camp (to which Polish nationals were expelled from the annexed part of Poland) the number of subcamps was ninety seven.
German Built Auschwitz, Birkenau, and Auschwitz III (Monowitz) were surrounded by an additional 200 German Built camps
The Germancamp system was one of the key instruments of terror, while at the same time providing labour for the German war economy.
Poland lost 25% of its population to the Germans and Russians
Historians estimate that some 5 million Polish citizens, including Polish Jews) went through the German built and German run camps
ReplyDeletePoland has accepted one million refugees from Ukraine.
Polish factories and workers subsidize German industry and exports. There is not one factory in Poland that doesn't have Germans contacting them for subcontract work.
German components are heavily shipped into Poland to finish products sold in Poland.
Poland has been designated the ideal vacation spot for skinheads by Conde Nast Traveler.
DeleteWhat is that supposed to imply? From Conde Nast Traveler, but of course..
DeleteWhat is that supposed to imply.
It was a bit of a joke. Evidently, not a very good one.
I would think the implications would be obvious.
DeletePolish factories and workers subsidize German industry and exports. There is not one factory in Poland that doesn't have Germans contacting them for subcontract work.
German components are heavily shipped into Poland to finish products sold in Poland.
Right, and Poland benefits form all this activity as does the EU, but then, that's kind of what an economic union is designed to do.
DeleteThe EU and Poland
I'm not a big fan of the EU or many of their policies. That said, after all this time, every country that joins the EU knows (or should know) what they are signing up for. If they feel that EU membership is a burden on them they always have the option to exit as the UK did. As a member, they take the good with the bad.
It becomes a bit hypocritical when countries like Poland and Hungary whine about the demands of the EU at the same time they take it's money.
DeleteShould have said, ' the same time they take the money and the benefits of EU membership.'
I heavily source Conde Nast Traveler because Mr. Sauerberg, president of Conde Nast Traveler, spent 18 years with The New York Times.
ReplyDeleteAn all the news that's fit to print kind of guy.
ReplyDeleteGerman compensation to the Poles for the destruction done to Poland by the Germans in WWII would be north of five trillion dollars.
ReplyDeleteThe idea that Poland gets something for nothing from the EU (Germans) is pathetic nonsense.
DeleteI'm not sure where you come up with this stuff.
On war reparations, Poland needs to talking to Germany not the EU. The EU is an economic and political union of 28 countries. I doubt France or Belgium would be willing to chip in for Poland's suffering during the war having suffered a bit themselves.
Regarding this,
The idea that Poland gets something for nothing from the EU (Germans) is pathetic nonsense.
look it up. It's easy to find.
This from the Polish government...
As regards the utilisation of EU budget funds for 2007-2013, Poland is the largest net beneficiary. (See first chart)
Polish complicity in the holocaust -
ReplyDeleteCollaboration and Complicity during the Holocaust — United States ...
May 1, 2015 - Collaboration and Complicity during the Holocaust ... a wide-ranging debate about complicity in Poland and Hungary during the Holocaust.
The truth about Poland and the Holocaust | MSNBC
Apr 21, 2015 - Nazi officers talk with citizens of the Warsaw ghetto, Poland, spring 1943. ... The president of Poland, Bronislaw Komorowski, called Mr. Comey’s remarks “an insult to thousands of Poles who helped Jews.”. The people of Poland, which had by far the most rescuers of Jews during ...
The Holocaust in Poland - Wikipedia
The Holocaust in German-occupied Poland was the last and the most lethal phase of the Nazi "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" (Endlösung der ...
Background · The Holocaust by bullets · Final Solution and ... · Poles and the Jews
Poland, Guilt and the Holocaust -
Feb 20, 2016 - A number of historians in recent years have unearthed new evidence both of Polish complicity in the Holocaust and of Polish heroism.
New book on killing of Jews in Poland exposes raw nerve - CBS News
Mar 15, 2017 - Historian asserts complicity of Polish peasants in murder of fleeing Jews ... Holocaust memorial shows Barbara Engelking, a prominent Polish ...
The Holocaust in Poland | Facing History and Ourselves
The Holocaust in Poland. Holocaust. In 1939, following a nonaggression agreement ... while others collaborated or were complicit with the German occupiers.
Historians defend prof who wrote of Poles' Holocaust complicity | The ...
Polish nationalists lash Jan Grabowski's book 'Hunt for the Jews,' which was honored by Yad Vashem in 2014.
Examining Polish Complicity in Holocaust | RealClearHistory
Nov 16, 2016 - It should be simple to make the proper distinction: Poland has a long and not distinguished history of anti-Semitism, including before, during, ...
It's not a 12-0 guilty verdict on all counts, but it is overall a sad tale.
Venezuela is defaulting on its debts and it is all Donald Trump's fault -
Zimbabwe, which was 'the breadbasket of Africa' when the white farmers were in control and it was called Rhodesia, is now a catastrophe perhaps worse than Venezuela, with people starving in the streets.
Another Good Deed Punished Story:
DeleteUp next:
ReplyDeleteAn essay by Quirk on how fair and balanced the MSM is in their coverage of Spacey, Menendez, GEORGE TAKEI and Judge Moore.
DeleteYou've obviously got me confused with someone who really gives a shit about this, Doug.
However, since you brought it up why don't you explain to us how the MSM (i.e. any media whose views don't mesh with Doug's views) coverage is not being fair and balanced to these jackholes.
Menendez vs Moore for starters.
DeleteWould you contend they've gotten equal coverage?
Count the Republicans:
Footage shows truck pushing car along St. Louis highway
ReplyDeleteA truck pushed a car along a highway in St Louis, Missouri, for almost a minute on Tuesday, November 14. This video, filmed by onlooker Sanel Pilipovic, shows the incredible scene as the truck continues moving along Interstate-55 in St Louis, near the Arsenal Street exit, while the car is positioned at a right angle to its grill. Smoke can be seen rising. The local NBC affiliate 5 On Your Side cited police as saying that the truck driver claimed not to have noticed the car. Neither driver was ticketed, they said.
The articles of impeachment also charge that Trump has accepted without the consent of Congress emoluments from foreign states and from the U.S. government. Finally, the articles of impeachment allege he has undermined the federal judiciary and the freedom of the press.
A spokesman for the Republican National Committee criticized the effort.
"House Democrats lack a positive message and are completely unwilling to work across the aisle, so instead they've decided to support a baseless radical effort that the vast majority of Americans disagree with," said spokesman Michael Ahrens.
Harris has a dirty little sex secret that is coming back to haunt her, but that’s not all. She has a long line of corrupt deals, one with Maxine Waters, that helped her get power and stay in power.If there ever was a swamp creature in Washington, D.C., it is Kamala Harris. In fact, she is the poster politician for all swamp creatures. Harris has been trying to make a name for herself by screaming and bullying two of the good guys left in D.C., Admiral Mike Rogers and Jeff Sessions. Well, the junior senator from California didn’t come out unscathed, as her dirty little sex secret has come out.
ReplyDeleteHarris got her start in 1994 by having an affair with slimy Willie Brown, who was serving as the California Assembly Speaker and then became the mayor of San Fransico. Brown was 60 years old and Harris was 29 when their affair began. Harris was so brazen that she came out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance.Harris slept with Brown for one reason; she used the corrupt San Francisco mayor to launch her rise to power. Daily Caller reports, “As Brown’s time as speaker drew to a close in 1994, he named Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a job that came with a $72,000 annual salary. Brown had previously appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.”
She “was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown’s girlfriend,” the Los Angeles Times reported at the time. Although that job paid nearly $98,000, Harris’ term was set to expire in five weeks when Brown tapped her for the Medical Assistance Commission slot. That body met only monthly, and the $72,000 position was not considered a full-time job.Willie Brown is a sleaze-bag who led one of the most corrupt mayoral offices ever seen in San Fransico, but that was fine with Harris, who went on to steal the election for California’s Attorney General in 2010. “Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley led Harris by 34,000 votes after more than 7 million were counted. But after provisional ballots were counted, she was declared the winner by approximately 50,000 votes,” reports Daily Caller.
At one point, Cooley was up by 62,000 votes, and in panic mode, Harris reached out to her good buddy California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, whose role was to certify the votes. That’s when thousands of Cooley’s votes just disappeared. Kamala Harris’ path to power is strewn with illicit affairs and fraudulent elections, and in desperation, she paid Maxine Waters’ daughter Karen $63,000 dollars to appear on mailers with Auntie Maxine. Washington Free Beacon reports, “The payments were made from Harris’s campaign committee and transferred to Waters’s campaign committee through a lucrative ‘slate mailer’ operation run by Waters’s daughter, a program that has proved profitable for both her daughter and the campaign.”
Liberal loons are grasping at straws on social media, hailing Harris as the savior they need, and anyone who questions their new “it” girl gets called a racist and a misogynist. Harris is nothing that any little girl should aspire to be; she is just another swamp creature who got there by having sex with a 60-year-old buffoon.
Shortly after 1:40 p.m., a loud 'boom' was heard across North Alabama in Blount, Jefferson, Walker, Cullman, Talladega, Calhoun, Clay, Winston, Randolph, Tuscaloosa, and St. Clair counties.
ABC 33/40 has reached out to Maxwell Air Force Base to see if a pilot could have broken the sound barrier with a training exercise.
What does this guy have under the bill of his hat?
Christ painting 'Salvator Mundi' by Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci sells for $450M
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