Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Another Liberal Get's His Pecker Wrecker Moment - Matt Lauer Fired by NBC

Matt Lauer was fired from NBC News on Wednesday after an employee filed a complaint about "inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace," the network announced.

Savannah Guthrie made the announcement at the top of the "Today" show. Lauer has been the cornerstone of the program, one of the most profitable franchises on television, for two decades. 
NBC News chairman Andrew Lack said in a memo to staff that it was the first complaint lodged against Lauer in his career at the network. But he said "we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident." 
Lauer was not immediately reachable for comment. An NBC News spokeswoman declined to comment about the details of the allegation against him. 
Reporters for The New York Times had been investigating Lauer for several weeks, according to sources who had been contacted by the Times. 
The firing removes one of the most recognizable personalities on television, and at a time when morning news programs are increasingly important to network news divisions.



  1. There are a whole lot of checks being written this morning.

  2. CBS, Bloomberg, PBS, FOX News, NBC.

    Will ABC take the hit?


  3. NorK crosses another Redline drawn by Mr Trump.

    Mr Trump promises to continue his ineffective and failed strategy of economic sanctions on NorK ...
    Instead of China.

    The continuing lies from Mr Trump are having consequences.
    He promised to sanction China ...
    He FAILED.

  4. Relax, Quirk, Brett Talley isn't going anywhere -

    GOP Senator Says He’ll Vote Against Trump Judicial Nominee

    Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) said Tuesday that he will vote against one of President Trump’s most controversial judicial nominees.

    According to Politico, Kennedy, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he will not vote to confirm Brett Talley, a 36-year-old deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department who has never tried a case.

    Kennedy told Politico that he would vote against Talley “in a heartbeat.” Talley’s nomination cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this month in a party-line vote.

    There will be many others.

  5. .

    Senate Tax Bill: FIFO? Sure but only for retail investors

    Once again the GOP show's its utter contempt for ordinary Americans, in this case the retail investor.

    The Senate tax plan includes a FIFO provision on stock sales. Right now, stock holders can pick and choose which stocks they want to sell based on the date and price when they were purchased. Usually, they can save tax dollars by choosing stocks purchased later rather than those purchased earlier at a lower price. The Senate bill would do away with this for retail investors forcing them to a FIFO basis on the sales. The contempt comes in with the fact that it is only the little guy, the retail investor who will be affected. The big guys, the large investment companies (the ones with the lobbyists) will be exempted from the FIFO provision.

    So much for the 'tax cut for the middle class'.

    It amazes me that so many of the people who support these clowns keep bending over to take another without even thinking about it.



    1. Thank you, Sir!
      May I have another

      Masochistic sheeple that believe the cultural code words they hear, not the deeds that are being done.

    2. Hillary would have raised taxes on everybody with any money.

      Her money quote:

      "We'll go where the money is"

      Always loved her for being so up and front about all things !


    3. Instead of taxes ...

      The Grand Old Pedophiles are going to borrow the money ...
      $2.2 Trillion, added to the current $20 Trillion Federal debt

      At every increasing interest rates

      That is not a "Conservative" thing.

    4. .

      Actually, it's predicted that the debt will be at $31+ trillion at the end of this tax period. And that's if interest rates to rise which could explode the deficit higher.


    5. .

      Hillary would have raised taxes on everybody with any money.

      You nitwit.

      1. What's the point of going after people who don't have any money?

      2. The only people who will suffer under the GOP bill will be the people who don't have money to give.

      3. They will suffer in order to pay for huge tax cuts for the rich.


    6. .

      Santa Claus and Unicorns, the GOP Tax Plan

      The GOP say their tax plan will pay for itself. As proof of that they cite Ronald Reagan.


      1. Reagan had two tax plans, one in 1981 and one in 1986.

      2. After the 1981 'tax cut' revenues dropped.

      3. The 1986 plan was an actual 'tax reform' (unlike the current GOP tax cut plan) where the base was broadened and rates were cut. While there was a spurt in growth initially within three years the Us was back in recession.

      It is pertinent to note that it was Reagan who actually launched the US into the massive deficit spending cycle we are in right now and began the exponential growth in out national debt.

      The GOP is pushing a phony, supply-side, trickle down tax cut for the rich and are paying for it (to the extend they are paying for it) with tax increases on the poor and middle class. Why? Because they have failed to push through any legislation to date and they feel that have to have something to run on in 2018. This is how cynically corrupt the GOP is.

      And their supporters response as they take it in the ass, sure but at least he's not Clinton or the Dems.


    7. Numb skull !

      2. The only people who will suffer under the GOP bill will be the people who don't have money to give.

      That, my dear friends, is a Quirkian Classic !


  6. Where every one is above average ...

    Garrison Keillor says he's been fired by Minnesota Public Radio over allegations of inappropriate behavior

  7. .

    The Alternate Reality of Trump World

    It is ironic yet so 'Trump' that on the same day Donald Trump was suggesting a contest and trophy for the best 'Fake News' story, he clinched that prize for himself. Within a week, Trump has tweeted about and forwarded phony stories from Project Veritas, condemned by all legitimate news sources as a purveyor of phony news stories, from MAGAPILL a blog that has promoted every right wing fake news story that comes along, and this morning Trump retweeted unverified videos put out by a Britain First leader widely condemned and prosecuted in the UK as a racist provocateur.

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders responding to questions on the last episode says 'It doesn't matter if the videos are real or not, the issue is real.'

    It's a familiar refrain last heard from Humpty Dumpty, '“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”

    The White House under Trump is a 'Through the Looking Glass' world.

    Doublespeak runs rampant and White House spokespeople praise 'Alternative Facts'.

    Mr. Trump might as well have his name permanently engraved on that fake news trophy.


    1. I commiserate in your sufferings, Quirk, but really, it is self inflicted.

      I don't know what to do for you.

      I want to help.

      Always striving to look out for you.....

    2. .

      Once again, the Idaho Spud offers up an unintelligible defense of...well, that's the question...f what?

      Surely, he's not trying to defend the machinations of Trump or the corrupt GOP.

      Or maybe it is. Another 'Thank you sir, may I have another' moment?


  8. Me-Me DaDaFelonyMisDemenoirThatGalSal and othersWed Nov 29, 01:49:00 PM EST

    We want everyone here to know that Quirk has always been a Perfect Gentleman.

    1. I remember when little bobbie would, back in the day, heap that kind of praise on desert rat.

      A fickle mistress, my little bobbie.

  9. My wife reports she is extremely pleased that Matt Lower got his.

    I hardly know who he is but she says she might be able to go back to watch The Morning Show or whatever it is again.

  10. Thank God for Trump, he's got this country moving again !

    GREAT: GDP Revised Up to 3.3%....DRUDGE

  11. Things must be really bad out there -

    Four accuse celebrity chef Johnny Iuzzini....DRUDGE

    Is he the guy that claims he's hung like a zucchini ?

    Johnny "Zucchini" Iuzzini ?

  12. The proper exit for all War Criminals ? - He was convicted of trying to drive moslems out of Bosnia/Croatia - emotional disagreements in the comments -

    Stunner: War Criminal Takes The Cheap Way Out At The Hague — On Camera
    ED MORRISSEYPosted at 10:01 am on November 29, 2017

    Shades of Nuremberg? Convicted war criminal Slobodan Praljak, the Bosnian Croat minister of defense during the Balkans wars, decided to cheat the hangman — or at least the jailer. After having his conviction and 20-year sentence upheld by The Hague, Praljak took a swig from a bottle and announced that he’d just taken poison. The court hastily adjourned while paramedics were called, but to little avail:....VIDEO

    Autoplay: On | Off
    The final hearing at a United Nations war crimes tribunal was dramatically halted Wednesday when a former Bosnian Croat military chief claimed to have taken poison.

    Slobodan Praljak yelled, “I am not a war criminal!” and appeared to drink from a small bottle, seconds after judges reconfirmed his 20-year prison sentence for involvement in a campaign to drive Muslims out of a would-be Bosnian Croat ministate in Bosnia in the early 1990s. …

    Slobodan Praljak, 72, tilted back his head and took a gulp from a flask or glass as the judge read out the verdict.

    “I just drank poison,” he said. “I am not a war criminal. I oppose this conviction.”
    Turns out Praljak wasn’t kidding around:.....

  13. Grrrr....Sobering -

    Deterring North Korea: A Reckless Gamble We Cannot Afford
    By Kevin R. James
    November 29, 2017

    Deterring North Korea: A Reckless Gamble We Cannot AffordAP Photo/Lee Jin-man

    Choosing to deter North Korea is to engage in a gamble: you avoid the costs of a preventive war today when North Korea is relatively weak, but you run the risk of an accidental nuclear war later when North Korea is vastly more powerful. Using plausible estimates of the probability of accidental nuclear war derived from the U.S.-Soviet experience during the Cold War, I find that gambling on deterrence will lead to 7.5 million U.S.-South Korean-Japanese deaths on average (under optimistic assumptions) while a preventive war now will lead to 1.4 million deaths (under pessimistic assumptions). So, not only is deterrence a gamble, it is a reckless and foolish one. Preventive war is the wise and prudent response to North Korea's nuclear threat.

    Dealing with North Korea's Nuclear Threat: The Options....

    1. Long, involved, and clearly written.

      Here's a real Hero: Stanislav Petrov

      Technical Malfunctions: In 1983–a time of high U.S.-Soviet tension–the Soviet Union's early warning system detected a signal that the U.S. had launched a first strike. The system indicated that the signal was of the highest possible level of reliability. In this situation, it was the duty officer's responsibility to report the alert and its reliability level to his superiors. Soviet nuclear protocols then required that the Soviets launch a counter-strike before the U.S. missiles hit. Fortunately, the duty officer on the night was Stanislav Petrov. He had a skeptical streak due to his scientific background, and he thought that the attack signal might be too reliable to be real. Torn between reporting and not reporting the alarm, he finally decided to disobey his explicit orders and to instead notify higher command that the system had malfunctioned. He believed that if any of his colleagues (all of whom had a military education) had been on duty that night, they would have reported the alarm as an attack. If the alarm had been passed on, it is possible and perhaps even likely that the Soviets would have followed protocols and launched an accidental first strike at the U.S.

  14. Trump Tweets

    In the wake of Wednesday’s firing of Matt Lauer, the longtime co-anchor of NBC’s flagship morning program The Today Show, President Trump wasted no time going for the kill against the left-wing network, including the revival of what the president described as an “unsolved mystery” involving MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.

    “So now that Matt Lauer is gone when will the Fake News practitioners at NBC be terminating the contract of Phil Griffin?” Trump tweeted, adding, “And will they terminate low ratings Joe Scarborough based on the “unsolved mystery” that took place in Florida years ago? Investigate!”

    1. Joe and Mika - surely a match made in Heaven !

    2. .

      We don't have a president. We have a gossip columnist.


  15. Democrats Are Now the Puritans and It Could Cost Them

    Ross Baker, USA Today

    Democrats haven't always occupied the moral high ground. Republicans may end up benefiting from the opposition's newly discovered virtue.

    (Photo: Brynn Anderson, AP)

    Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore may be a skeevy mall-creeper and President Trump a boastful Lothario, but somehow their transgressions seem less out of character than the same offenses committed by men who have earned a reputation as advocates of gender equality. Such practitioners of “do as I say not as I do” are tarnished by what Abraham Lincoln called “the base alloy of hypocrisy”....


  16. Will Geraldo take a tumble ?

    What about George Will ?

    Is anyone safe ?

    1. 'Sweet Lips' Sweeney is out -

      NPR Chief News Editor Departs After Harassment Allegations

      November 28, 20173:55 PM

      Enlarge this image
      NPR's newsroom during election coverage on Nov. 8, 2016. The network has been rocked in recent weeks by allegations of sexual harassment.

      Stephen Voss/NPR

      NPR Chief News Editor David Sweeney has left the company following allegations of sexual harassment filed against him by at least three female journalists....

      If this keeps up soon we will be a Matriarchy, the true goal of all this subversion !

    2. NOT FUNNY: Garrison Keillor fired for alleged improper behavior...

      Claims Women Grabbed Below HIS Belt....DRUDGE

    3. CW producer fired after 19 staffers report misconduct....DRUDGE

  17. .

    From WSJ...

    Wells Fargo Is Dubbed a Repeat Offender and Faces New Wrath From Its Regulator

    A federal regulator has advised Wells Fargo & Co.’s board of directors that it is weighing a formal enforcement action against the bank over improprieties in its auto-insurance and mortgage operations.

    Another Wells Fargo scam on their customers that could result in $ hundreds of millions in fines to the company. These are the kinds of investigations and penalties Trump and the GOP are trying to do away with by gutting the governmental regulators and doing away with regulations that protect the public. All to aid their main constituency, big corporations and big banks.

    And Trump's base either ignores it or bends over and asks for another.



    1. Thank you, Sir!
      May I have another!

      Masochistic sheeple that believe the cultural code words they hear, not the deeds that are being done.

    2. We need some regulation.

      Clinton Foundation Took Cash from Wells Fargo - Breitbart
      Sep 21, 2016 - Hillary Clinton is joining the attack against Wells Fargo. However, the Clinton Foundation has taken large sums from Wells Fargo....

      Wall Street Banks Rated Most 'Risky' Are Big Hillary Clinton Donors ...
      Feb 17, 2015 - Wall Street Banks Rated Most 'Risky' Are Big Hillary Clinton Donors ... the U.S. financial system have contributed millions to Hillary Clinton over the ... Wells Fargo (Ranked outside top 20); Goldman Sachs (2nd largest Clinton ...

      Just how to get it right is another question.

      I like their Stage Coach.

    3. Jill Stein never got any money from Wells Fargo cause they knew she was a loser.

      She invested what money she had in tobacco stocks.

    4. Gary Johnson bought super pot and smoked his brains out.

      Trump is as good as we could do.

    5. No Robert "Draft Dodger"Paterson a criminal fraudster was not the "best we could do"

      To even say that puts you among the willfully stupid.

      Well, nothing new there, is there "Goofy"?

    6. Well War Criminal, The Donald at least knew 'what an Aleppo' is - a place in the mid-east.

      Your dope smoker had no clue.

  18. Cponyers seems to have been hitting on 60 something whites, among others.....

    Meanwhile, Geraldo seems oddly worried -

    Geraldo on Matt Lauer: Are we criminalizing “courtship” in the workplace?

    ALLAHPUNDIT Nov 29, 2017 6:01 PM

    Does Geraldo have a head injury?

    1. The “courtship” in Lauer’s case allegedly involved giving dildos as gifts and demanding a spontaneous BJ from a surprised co-worker.

    2. Meanwhile, MSNBC is hitting on Trump and his conspiracy theories....

    3. The dozen women who claim Mr Trump abused them are not theoretical, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      No more so than were those who made the claims against Bill Clinton, were theoretical.

    4. Well War Criminal, I don't see I claimed they were 'theoretical'.

      No more theoretical than your woman who 'dropped the kid' in the USA then immediately fled in fear of your continual abuse to the safety of he family village in Central America.

  19. OOOh....Oooooo, Quirk -

    Nonpartisan Analysis: GOP Plan Would Reduce Taxes and Increase Incomes Across 'Every Scenario Modeled,' Especially for the Middle Class


    For Doug, Quirk and Bob and all other animal lovers -

    Animals do have feelings – and here’s the science to prove it

    Read more at:

    Personalities too....

    1. .

      OOh....Oooooo, Bob. Are you some kind of a masochist. I only ask because daily you put up posts like this that show a profound credulity and /or an acceptance like that of the president and party you defend for what can only be called 'alternative facts' (the Trump administration euphemism for 'fake news').

      This is a practice that opens you up for ridicule from your fellows.

      Here are a few videos that tell you everything you need to know about the GOP and the lies they are pushing about their tax bill.

      Just to provide some context, here is a video Deuce put up recently with the title (paraphrased) 'Orrin Hatch hands Sharrod Brown his ass.' My video is a bit longer version. While there was a view by some that Hatch won this exchange, I could only chuckle. While his attack on Brown was full of sound and furry it signified nothing.

      Basically, Hatch's act amounted to 'Don't you dare say this is not a tax cut for the middle class and that the GOP claim is false. I came from the poor, the lower middle class at one time in the distant past before I got rich.'

      While some may be impressed by Hatch's bluster few who weren't addled would think he actually responded to Brown's criticisms.

      Orrin Hatch Goes Rambo

      Here are a few other videos showing Mr. Hatch at his prime. Deuce has probably seen these as he tries to visit YouTube daily.



    2. {...}

      Here is Claire McCaskill taking on Orrin Hatch on the Medicaid cuts included in the GOP tax plan...

      McCaskill Hands Orrin Hatch His Ass

      And if anyone still has any questions about the mental acuity or Orrin Hatch, please watch this video to the end. It's short.

      Claire McCaskill Questions Orrin Hatch Over the Secrecy Surrounding the GOP Tax Plan



    3. .

      Evidently, that wasn't an aide putting words in Hatch's mouth, it was that fairy mentioned by McCaskill.

      But let's move from Congress to the Trump administration.

      Corporate Tax Cuts Will Lead to New Investment and More Jobs. Or will they?

      Trump economic advisor and Goldman Sachs alumni, Gary Cohn along with other Trump economic big wigs has been going around for months pushing the failed GOP supply side mantra 'Tax cuts = New Investment = Jobs = Increases Revenue'.

      Their whole tax cut and all its promises are centered on this formula. It is how they try to justify their 'dynamic scoring' numbers.

      Of course the only thing that could go wrong is if the corporations don't actually use their savings for new investment.

      Enter the Wall Street Journal's CEO Forum

      This year the WSJ forum was held on Nov. 14. Cohn was the quest speaker. At a certain point in the program, the moderator turns to the audience of forty or fifty CEO's and ask the question...

      'How many of you plan to use the tax savings from the plan on new investment. Give me a show of hands.'

      Here's the results...

      Gary Cohn (laughing): Why aren't the other hands up? Why aren't the other hands up?

      Why don't you think Mr. Cohn? These guys at sitting on historically high earnings. They have plenty of cash. Labor participation rates in the country are at historical lows. And you are planning on taking money away from the working middle class, the people who actually buy the goods these guys make and which produces growth. And you are using deficit spending which will drive up interest rates and suppress the very growth you are promising even further.

      Get a clue Mr. Cohn.


    4. .

      I saw maybe four or five hands raised in a large room filled with CEOs.



    5. "Goofy" Peterson loves to ridiculed by others.
      He gains pleasure in being The Fool.

      That or he REALLY is dumber than either "Dumb & Dumber".
      Which seems ever more likely.

    6. You've put yourself in agreement with rat's ass on the losing side of an argument, Quirk.

      Your stock value has crashed.

      Time to liquidate, and pay what debts you can.

    7. Come on, Goofy, admit you truly are the Fool.

      The butt of every joke

      The Fool on the Hill.

      Robert "Goofy" Peterson the Elephant Bar's favorite fool.

    8. Get some rest, War Criminal.

      You are projecting your inner contents again.



    9. You don't even agree with youself, "Draft Dodger"

      Bob. Thu Nov 30, 04:39:00 AM EST
      You've put yourself in agreement with rat's ass on the losing side of an argument, Quirk


      Everyone knows you're the Fool ...
      Robert "Goofy" Peterson.

      Even, you tell US ...
      ... Quirk.

  20. Matriarchy: Fact or Fiction?
    October 18, 2012 by Notable Women

  21. .

    Donald Trump is a Madman

    Donald Trump is a madman: The President's Wednesday Twitter spasm confirms what many Americans have long suspected

    Mad? The NY Daily News headline probably doesn't fit. In general, mad can be defined as mentally ill or insane. Mentally ill lacks enough specificity. It could cover a wide range of pathologies from relatively benign phobias to schizophrenia or sociopathy. And I'm not sure many would call Trump insane. More likely, the headline is specifically hyperbolic in order to build up reader interest. In using this tactic, IMO, the Daily News lowers itself to the Trump standard.

    Though Trump has numerous pathologies and character flaws (it would be redundant to once again name them here) the NY Daily News article is really pretty tame in the examples it cites. Though reluctant to say it would be better, I could have at least written a more exhaustive indictment of Trump's 'faults' although the article would have necessarily been much longer which would have made it more appropriate to the Atlantic than to a daily newspaper.

    What the article does do is point out a truism. Trump's faults and pathologies, his lack of impulse control, his lying, all of these have been known to Americans for some time, long before he was actually elected president; and yet despite this, many Americans voted for him and still support him despite what he is doing to the country and, in many cases, to them. This makes the whole Trump phenomena more an indictment of much of America than of Trump himself.



    1. Morning Joke Scarborough says he's demented, beginning Alzheimer's, impeach now.

      'Mika' made him say it.

      She wears the pants in the family and Joke's the receptive.

      Some people actually watch these two geese on a daily basis, believe it or not.

  22. MAGA !

    DOW 24,000!


    1. (since Quirk Investiments went tits up Quirk has been wanting to punish the entire country)

    2. Quirk Investments had a deeply flawed advertising slogan which many analysts blamed for its demise:

      Quirk Investments -That's QI, NOT IQ !

      that had a memorable little jingle to it that I've forgotten.

      Other analysts, however, always maintained it was just shitty little company.

    3. QI clients scored an average yearly loss of 11.8%, according to the Wall Street Urinal, which Quirk always claimed "wasn't that bad in a down market what with our low 3% trading fee".

      Many clients felt otherwise and finally sued, claiming they had been losing nearly 15%/year counting the 'trading fee', for forever.

      Their case ended up in bankruptcy court and the clients recovered zero, and as a final slap had to pay their lawyers, too, who had fooled them into signing onto an hourly rate rather than a contingency.

  23. Four Misleading Arguments against the Tax-Reform Bills

    (Photo: Outline205/Dreamstime)

    by BRIAN RIEDL November 29, 2017 4:50 PM @BRIAN_RIEDL

    The legislation isn’t perfect, but its critics aren’t telling the truth.

    Read more at:

  24. Four Misleading Arguments against the Tax-Reform Bills

    (Photo: Outline205/Dreamstime)

    by BRIAN RIEDL November 29, 2017 4:50 PM @BRIAN_RIEDL

    The legislation isn’t perfect, but its critics aren’t telling the truth.

    Read more at:

    1. .

      Pish tosh.

      I see the Idaho Spud is stuttering again and well he should be putting up fake news from the national Review.

      Let's take their objections one by one.

      1. “Middle-class tax hike.”

      NR has reworded the argument. The argument wasn't that there were no middle class tax cuts. The argument has always been that it is a scam to identify this tax cut as a 'middle-class tax cut' when the majority of it goes to the top 5-10%. The argument was that any middle class tax cuts amount to trinkets for the natives when compared to the bonanza it will give to corporations and the rich. The argument was that any middle class tax cuts will disappear according to the tax plan but tax cuts to corporations are permanent. The argument that everyone will get a tax cut is specious since some of the people who can least afford it will end up with tax increases.

      I'll have to wait until Dec. 1 to read the WaPo article NR references but here is the latest Tax Policy Center analysis of the tax plan. Take a look at the chart.

      2. “Health-care tax hike.”

      Again 'healthcare tax cuts' is NR's wording. What opponents of the tax bill are saying is that $338 billion is being pulled from Medicaid which mainly aids the poor and disadvantaged in order to fund massive tax cuts for the rich. Likewise, by removing the individual mandate there will be about $139 billion in savings to the federal government which will be used for those tax cuts for the rich. Not even mentioning the 13 million the CBO say will lose their health insurance because of this move, by allowing the young and healthy to opt out of the system CBO estimates it will raise insurance premiums for all Americans by about 10%. Since this out of pocket cost is the direct result of the Trump tax plan, it can rightly be called a tax increase.

      3. “Tax cuts tilted toward the rich.”

      The NR argues hey, what's everyone getting so excited about? The rich are paying more taxes than anyone else anyway. Even the most progressive plan would mean the rich are going to get more money. Chill.


      See the chart in the link above.

      There is a difference between 'tax reform' and 'tax cuts'. The GOP plan is simply a tax cut, one geared overwhelmingly to cuts for the rich. If the GOP and Trump want to push this thing through the least we can demand is that they call it what it is, "A Huuuuge Tax Cut for the Rich". Don't call it a middle-class tax cut. To claim that is an insult to 99% of the American people and it shows the basic dishonesty of Trump and the GOP.

      4. “Blows up the deficit.”

      NR's basic argument is that it is hypocritical to worry about deficits because they keep going up anyway.

      What nonsense. And NR is supposed to be a conservative publication. They are not conservative, they are a right wing rag, an apologists for the GOP.

      This bill doesn't just increase the deficit. It explodes it. At a time when the economy is moving along steadily and interest rates are low we should be holding the line on the deficit if not reducing it. Instead the GOP wants to bust it wide open. That is where the hypocrisy lies given the words they have spouted for years about fiscal responsibility.


  25. North Korea says it's not interested in diplomacy.


    1. Tillerson reported to be leaving the first of the year.

      Pompeo may take his place.

    2. .

      Pompeo would fit right in with the Trump administration much more so that Tillerson who appears to a reasonable if ineffective guy.

      Pompeo is a right wing hack who wants to turn back the minimal protections that have been afforded the American people since the Snowden papers were released. In fact he wants to go further and collect every piece of data out there (like those collected by social media, credit agencies, and the IRS for instance) in order to construct a massive data base on everybody.


  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I like Tillerson.

    He called Trump a moron.

    He may not be the best diplomat on the planet.

    Not that it matters because North Korea isn't interested in diplomacy.

    You probably have a good point about Pompeo.

  28. There is no statute of limitations for not offering an apology -

    Bette Midler: Geraldo Has Not Apologized For 1991 Groping....DRUDGE

    The resurfacing of a 1991 video clip of Bette Midler telling Barbara Walters that she’d once been groped by Geraldo Rivera is like “a gift from the universe,” Midler tweeted today.

    RelatedGeraldo Rivera Apologizes For Matt Lauer Comments; Fox News "Troubled" By Tweets

    “Tomorrow is my birthday,” said Broadway’s Hello Dolly star. “I feel like this video was a gift from the universe to me. Geraldo may have apologized for his tweets supporting Matt Lauer, but he has yet to apologize for this.” Midler ended her message with #Me Too.

    Yesterday, Rivera drew outrage when he tweeted about Lauer, “News is a flirty business & it seems like [the] current epidemic of #SexHarassmentAllegations may be criminalizing courtship & conflating it [with] predation.” He added that harassment allegations “shouldn’t be used to get even w bad bosses or hated ex’s.”

    Rivera’s employer, Fox News, said it was “troubled” by his comments, and Rivera later apologized in a string of tweets, saying, among other things, that he “didn’t sufficiently explain that this is a horrendous problem long hidden.”

    The controversy led to the viral resurfacing of the Walters-Midler clip, in which Midler calls Rivera a “slimy talk show host” and recounts being interviewed – and groped – by Rivera in the 1970s.

    “This was when [Rivera] was very, sort of, hot,” Midler tells Walters in the video. “And he and his producer left the crew in the other room, they pushed me into my bathroom, they broke two poppers and pushed them under my nose and proceeded to grope me. Groped me. I did not offer myself up on the altar of Geraldo Rivera. He was, he was unseemly.”

    Rivera acknowledged the encounter back in ’91, when the seriousness (or lack thereof) given to the subject of sexual harassment can be glimpsed in the title of Rivera’s memoir: Exposing Myself. In it, Rivera wrote about Midler, “We were in the bathroom, preparing for the interview, and at some point I put my hands on her breasts.”

    Here is Midler’s tweet from earlier this afternoon, with the Walters clip: VIDEO


  29. Damn, ,we just got an earthquake in Philadelphia

  30. I am used to them from Costa Rica and Greece.

  31. I can sense them right before they start.

    1. :(


      Say, if you read my post yesterday about the animals you would have learned even the fishies make choices, the beginning of personality....

    2. STUDY: Dogs Mouth-Lick To Communicate With Angry Humans....

      Smarter than cats....DRUDGE

      Smarter than many humans....


  33. Kate Steinle's killer didn't even get involuntary manslaughter.

    He has 7 felonies, 5 deportations, and he was only convicted of felony possession of a firearm.


    3 immigrants on the jury.

    San Francisco is really a mess.

  34. San Francisco has lost its mind.
