Monday, October 09, 2017

'Two-States of California'- Victor Davis Hanson at American Freedom Alliance

Will California Ever Thrive Again?

The state is sinking, and its wealthy class is full of hypocrites. 
By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online


  1. America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country.

    In this essay we will discuss the socio-economic roots of inequalities and the relation between the concentration of wealth and the downward mobility of the working and salaried classes.

    One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.

    Contrary to the propaganda pushed by the business press, between 67% and 72% percent of corporations had zero tax liabilities after credits and exemptions … while their workers and employees paid between 25 – 30% in taxes. The rate for the minority of corporations, which paid any tax, was 14%.


    Billionaires and multi-millionaires and their families enjoy longer and healthier lives than their workers. They have no need for health insurance policies or public hospitals.

    CEO’s live on average ten years longer than a worker and enjoy twenty years more of healthy and pain-free lives.

    How to Become a Billionaire

    1. .

      Good article, Sam. Likely wasted on this crowd.


  2. Is the NFL a Tax-Exempt Non-Profit Organization?

    Sep 18, 2014 · Claims that the National Football League pays no taxes on billions ... of the federal tax code. (Charities are exempt ... Are NFL Players Required to ...
    NFL explains that it does indeed pay taxes – ProFootballTalk

    Feb 13, 2014 · “The confusion arises from the fact that there is one small part of the NFL unrelated to all this business activity, that is tax-exempt: The N.F.L. league office.” Specter is right. The money passes through the league office to its teams, and the teams pay the taxes.
    What Do NFL Players Pay in Taxes? - SmartAsset

    Top NFL players lose more than 45% of their income in taxes. On top of federal and state taxes, they have to pay a
    To tax or not? The NFL's relationship with the IRS - USA TODAY

    May 28, 2013 · The NFL defends its status as a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, noting its teams and players are taxed Sen. Tom Coburn argues that the tax exemption frees up money for these leagues to spend on salaries, prize money
    The NFL is about to pay taxes for the first time in more than ...

    On Tuesday, Goodell announced that the NFL will give up its tax-exempt status, claiming that it has turned into a "distraction" that "has been mischaracterized repeatedly.". Here's what that means: For the first time in more than 70 years, pro football's league headquarters will pony up its share of federal taxes.
    Why Does the National Football League Deserve Tax-Exempt ...

    Mar 07, 2012 · Why Does the National Football League Deserve ... NFL owners don't have to pay taxes on ... Why Does the National Football League Deserve Tax-Exempt ...
    Don't Strip Away the NFL's Tax Exempt Status | Op-Ed | US News › Opinion › Op-Ed
    Don't Strip Away the NFL's Tax Exempt ... compliance with the laws governing tax-exempt entities. If the federal agency responsible for ... NFL players can ...
    NFL Gives Up Tax-Exempt Status |

    The NFL's teams, who see a bulk of the league’s $11 billion in revenue, are taxable entities. So the NFL does pay taxes. The league office is tax-exempt, but it generated just $9 million in income during the 2012 tax year. So repealing the NFL's tax exemption wouldn’t create the windfall politicians want you to expect.

  3. * The middle class (R) is leaving
    * The concentration of wealth(D) is staggering
    * Half the state population (D) pays no taxes
    * Those at the top are so wealthy (D) and are not affected by state spending, regardless of amount
    * Illegal immigration has flooded the state with poor uneducated broke people
    * The Democratic party keeps the illegals on the Democratic Plantation through amnesty
    * 82% of California's federal legislators are (D)
    * California public schools are near the national bottom (ranked 46)
    * California is now a sanctuary state, as was pre-civil war South Carolina

    The Fix:

    1. Stop illegal immigration
    2. Allow the Latino Block to assimilate
    3. Stop the mega corporations FANG off-shoring jobs and cash
    4. Use anti-trust to breakup the robber barren (D) Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple monopolies

    Alternative will result into a regression to third world sub-standards.

  4. I just wish the mothers would stay in California.

    The trouble is the turds keep coming up this way, californicating us, too.

  5. Eliminating state income and tax deductions from federal taxes would give them religion.

    1. heh

      Yeah, that would really be an ouchie.

    2. Causing more of them to come up here :(

  6. Not to worry. Kim Fatty III going to do us all a favor and nuke LA and SF off the map tonight during his Workers' Party Anniversary celebrations.

    Destruction forces growth.

    1. Creative destruction.

      Can't beat it.

      Will end the Hep A outbreak too as all the human turds on the streets, the source of the contagion, will be vaporized.

      Everyone will be better off.

    2. California News of the Day -





      10+ DEAD...

      Residents flee with little warning...

      Among Worst In State's History....DRUDGE

      What will we all do without California wines ?

    3. Yup !

      Walla Walla too.

      We'll survive.

  7. A number of cities unsuccessfully urged the CalPERS board last month to analyze two ways to cut pension costs: suspend cost-of-living adjustments and give current workers lower pensions for future work.

    The Oroville finance director, Ruth Wright, told the CalPERS board: “We have been saying the bankruptcy word.” Salinas Mayor Joe Gunter created a stir by using the “bankruptcy word” at a city council meeting on Sept. 26 while talking about rising salaries and pension costs.

    “How do we get this under control? How do we keep this city sustainable so we don’t have to file for bankruptcy?” Gunter asked.

    Expenditure Growth

  8. “Senate Republicans’ frustrations with Trump are starting to boil over,” said Alex Conant, a former Senate Republican aide. “I’m sure the feelings are mutual inside the White House.

    The relationship was always tenuous at best, but Corker’s comments are a new low point.”

    ”If they were getting a lot done, it would be easier for everyone to get along,” Mr. Conant said. “Of course, the fact that they’re not getting along also makes it harder to get anything done.”

  9. Contrary to FBI Hooey, Steven Paddock Fits the Profile of a Convert
    By Pamela Geller - on October 9, 2017

    The idea floated by ‘intel’ agencies that Steven Paddock didn’t fit the profile of a Muslim convert is absurd on its face and further proof that the keystone clowns and their “profilers” at the FBI haven’t a clue. How can they profile what they refuse to acknowledge, learn about or recognize?

    The fact is the FBI has nothing. Over a week after the monstrous slaughter, they have nothing and yet they have dismissed ISIS claims out of hand despite the fact ISIS does not take credit for attacks that are not theirs. Not only did they take credit, they did something they never did before – they doubled and tripled down. The Islamic State (IS) featured an infographic on the Las Vegas attack in the 100th issue of its al-Naba weekly newspaper, and indicated that the shooter, “Abu Abdul Barr al-Amriki” had converted to Islam six months ago.

    Jihad is the only motive that makes any sense. And the fact that the FBI has nothing else points to that. That Steven Paddock left no digital trail might very well be deliberate – to show how incompetent our law enforcement agencies are. ISIS took credit for the downing of the Russian jetliner in the Sinai. Everyone in law enforcement dismissed that too. Until ISIS provided proof a couple of weeks later, that is. I suspect we may see the same thing happen here. The Vegas attack mirrors the sophisticated planning and secrecy consistent with more complex ISIS plots like Sinai explosion of Russian airliner.

    We have been told that because Paddock was white and 64 it is unlikely that he would be a convert to Islam. Why? Islam is ideological – it’s not a race or an age. It’s a belief system. It’s also being said that if Paddock was a convert Homeland Security is going to have to change their whole approach to jihad terror in the Homeland. We can only hope. Because this war has nothing to do with age, race or gender – it’s religious. And profiling is required. On the top of my watch list would be converts. Who would be attracted to an ideology that case of hatred, misogyny, subjugation and slaughter.

    What ISIS has to Lose if it’s Lying about Las Vegas

    He was a happy-go-lucky guy who drank and gambled until he stopped.

    He made multiple trips to the Middle East.

    Sophisticated planning and secrecy consistent with more complex ISIS plots like Sinai explosion of Russian airliner.

    As FBI investigates Vegas attack, remember its FAILED investigations of Orlando jihadi mass murderer, Boston bombers, Garland jihadis, Boston beheaders

    Here are some older, white converts who have been convicted of jihad

    1. Lovely people in those pictures :(

      Sooner or later Pam Geller will be shown to be right, or wrong.

    2. Las Vegas shooter: “I was my normal happy-go-lucky self,” a moderate drinker until …..
      By Pamela Geller - on October 9, 2017

      He was a happy-go-lucky guy who drank and gambled until he stopped. Why?

      The idea that his rare intake of Valium might have set him off is as absurd as the FBI’s denials of ISIS claims. If Valium set people off, the whole of America would be in ruins.

      October 9, 2017, by WQAD Digital Team and Tribune Media (thanks to Dr. Andrew Bostom):

      He took Valium at times for anxiousness, and had the doctor who prescribed it to him on retainer.....

    3. .

      The nitwit-in-residence once again expands on his nitwittery by posting more articles from the lady with the screw loose.


  10. Poland to the Rescue. Yet Again.
    By Geller Report Staff - on October 9, 2017

    Poland’s president, Andrzej Duda, sent out a stern warning to the European Union, telling affiliated leaders that their insistence on opening doors wide to migrants from third world countries would lead to a devastating economic and cultural degradation.

    In fact, he said the bloc would probably break up.

    Poland’s president, Andrzej Duda, has been a lone voice in the EU wild for the most part on speaking of the dangers of taking in too many mostly Muslim migrants.
    Duda said Poland was tired of being dictated to by other national leaders on the issue of migrancy.

    Breitbart (thanks to Jihad Watch) has more:

    Brussels’ insistence on ordering European Union (EU) nations to accept third world migrants could lead to the bloc’s break-up, Poland’s president Andrzej Duda has warned.

    The EU principle of unity, Duda told a press conference Thursday, “must come down to the fact that we work together … we do not try to force other states to act against their own interests and against the interests of their people.”

    “Therefore, we don’t agree to being dictated to, with regards to the quota system and forcing migrants to move to Poland, against our people’s will,” he stressed, speaking after talks with Bulgarian president Rumen Radev.

    Duda added that Poland and Bulgaria share the “same and unequivocal” position on how Europe should deal with the migrant crisis, stating both countries believe the bloc should protect its borders, and provide aid to refugees close to their homelands.

    Unity, equality, and solidarity are “the basic principles of the EU”, said Duda, who hails from Poland’s conservative Law and Justice (PiS) Party.

    “If these principles are broken, then, in my opinion, it will mean the end of the bloc as we know it — or certainly its decline, which will lead to the disintegration of the Union.”

    Solidarity with regards to the migrant crisis means giving mutual support in dealing with the problems, according to Poland’s president, who pointed out that the nation sent guards to Bulgaria to help protect the Union’s external border.

    “Both for Bulgaria and ourselves, preventing illegal immigration by maintaining an efficient, tightly guarded EU border, that cannot be easily crossed is one of the most important tasks to be undertaken,” he said.

    In 2015, against Central European nations’ wishes, EU interior ministers approved a plan to force member states to welcome a share of third world migrants who arrived on the continent since German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the borders.

    Threatened with sanctions over their refusal to take the share of “refugees” dictated by Brussels, Polish interior minister Mariusz BÅ‚aszczak insisted that financial penalties would do less damage to the nation than being made to take in migrants.

    Radio Poland has reported that, with a €50 million contribution announced last month, Warsaw is the largest donor so far to the European Investment Bank’s Economic Resilience Initiative, which aids refugees living in nations including Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Syria, Albania, and Serbia.

    According to the bank, the initiative “aims at rapidly mobilising additional financing in support of the capacity of economies in the Southern Neighbourhood and Western Balkans regions to absorb and respond to crises and shocks, such as the Syrian refugee crisis, while maintaining strong growth”.

    1. All Poles everywhere love Pam Geller.

    2. It's Pam Geller Night - American Thinker - First time I've seen her at AT I believe -

      October 10, 2017
      Why We Cannot Trust the FBI
      By Pamela Geller

      The FBI is discounting ISIS’ claim that the Las Vegas attack was jihad. But is the FBI really trustworthy?

      The Islamic State says Steven Paddock converted six months ago. He filmed himself killing; jihadis do that and post it online. The attack was meticulously planned, as jihad attacks are, and Paddock likely had an accomplice. Paddock made numerous trips to the Middle East. Over 200 of his foreign financial transactions were flagged for possible “covert terrorism financing.”

      Contrary to the ignorant, misinformed and delusional talking heads in the media, ISIS does not take responsibility for events that are not theirs. This has led even the New York Times’ terrorism expert to give credence to ISIS’ claims. The Philippines attack at Resorts World Casino was theirs. And there again, ISIS’ initial claims of responsibility were dismissed.

      The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday that “the FBI investigated the Orlando mass shooter for 10 months -- and found nothing.”

      The Orlando jihadi who opened fire on gay nightclub revelers at the Pulse Nightclub called 911 during the attack and pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State. The FBI investigated the Orlando mass shooter for 10 months and found nothing.

      The FBI was warned of the Muslim Boston bombers -- multiple times -- and did nothing. Their inaction led to the Boston Marathon bombings.

      And in another case, an FBI translator married the ISIS fighter that she was supposed to be investigating.

      The FBI was in on the planning of the jihad attack against the Garland Muhammad art expo in Garland, Texas. They did nothing to stop it, not even giving us a warning that my event was targeted by devout Muslims who meant to kill us Charlie Hebdo-style. We killed those jihadis. It was the security team I hired to protect my event that saved numerous lives, nothing the FBI did. We survived despite the FBI.

      The FBI was in on the planning of a Boston plot to behead me. They did not warn me or alert my security team. It was a Boston cop who killed one of the Muslims who had attacked the cop on his way to New York.

      The ISIS plot to carry out mass shootings in Times Square, the NYC subway, and at music concerts reported yesterday actually took place this past June. All three were arrested months ago, but the FBI had it sealed. What else are they not telling us?

    3. And in another case, an FBI translator married the ISIS fighter that she was supposed to be investigating.

      The FBI was in on the planning of the jihad attack against the Garland Muhammad art expo in Garland, Texas. They did nothing to stop it, not even giving us a warning that my event was targeted by devout Muslims who meant to kill us Charlie Hebdo-style. We killed those jihadis. It was the security team I hired to protect my event that saved numerous lives, nothing the FBI did. We survived despite the FBI.

      The FBI was in on the planning of a Boston plot to behead me. They did not warn me or alert my security team. It was a Boston cop who killed one of the Muslims who had attacked the cop on his way to New York.

    4. They knew about the attack, yet they didn’t have a team there in case the jihadis started shooting?

      It’s hard to escape the conclusion that the Obama FBI wanted me and the other speakers at the event dead. Dutch freedom fighter Geert Wilders was the keynote speaker; he has been living with armed guards for years for supposedly “insulting Islam.” My colleague Robert Spencer has received numerous death threats from Muslims. Cartoon contest winner Bosch Fawstin drew Muhammad. Did Obama’s pro-Islam FBI want us all dead?

      What other conclusion can be reached?

      So I ask you, do you trust anything the FBI is telling us?

      What say you, Quirk ?

    5. .

      The nitwit-in-residence once again expands on his nitwittery by posting more articles from the lady with the screw loose.


  11. Can anyone smell something here?

    The new California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) are based on alternate achievement standards—called the Core Content Connectors—and linked to the Common Core State Standards. The CAAs are online tests for students with an individualized education program (IEP) that designates the use of an alternate assessment to measure student progress on alternate achievement standards. This alternate assessment is part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System and replaces the California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for English language arts and mathematics.

    1. Assessments for dumbshits and early use druggies.

  12. ...The California Department of Education is delaying the release of state standardized test scores.

    The Department was preparing to release the results of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress early next week, on Aug. 29.

    But on Friday, department spokesman Bill Ainsworth said the release was delayed indefinitely. "Release of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) test results for 2017 will be postponed to address a recently identified data issue," he said in an email.

    This will mark the third consecutive year of results for the test, which is aligned to the Common Core standards.

  13. I defy anyone to do a search on "CAASPP" and find anything clear and coherent.


    Education leaders in recent years have lauded achievement gains and progress of California’s K-12 students, but an annual national report card has rated the Golden State below mediocre — a solid C-minus, 10th from the bottom among the 50 states and Washington, D.C.

    Nearly across the board in multiple categories graded by the magazine Education Week, California scored below the national average. California earned 69.9 out of 100 points. As a whole, the nation received a C. Massachusetts ranked at the top, followed by New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maryland and Connecticut; all earned a B.

    The state ranked 41st in conditions that help children succeed, 39th in school finance, and 30th in achievement.

    “California has refused to take meaningful action to address the education issues facing our state, so it was unsurprising to see California’s poor grade remain the same year over year,” Silicon Valley entrepreneur Dave Welch, who financed a failed challenge to California’s teacher-protection laws, wrote in an email. The lawsuit, known as Vergara v. California, maintained that tenure and layoff laws harm poor children and those most needing access to high-quality teachers.

    The Education Week report looked at multiple ways that states are educating and preparing children for school. For pupil achievement, for instance, the magazine considered 18 measures such as graduation rates, reading and math tests, Advanced Placement exam results, equity and achievement gaps.

    In academic performance — as measured by the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress test and by poverty figures — California earned a D-plus. But in improvement over time, the state posted a C. In equity, California scored a relatively high B-minus — but that was still 41st in the nation, and below the national average of a B.

    How is it that though state officials laud educational progress, California compares so poorly to other states? Robert Oakes, a spokesman for state education chief Tom Torlakson, pointed out that Education Week relies on old data. “It’s outdated,” he said.

    However, other state data in the survey is equally old. But, Oakes said, “California is moving in a positive direction. We’ve dramatically increased our investment in education.”

    The rankings reflected not just schools, but also society — the conditions that contribute to children’s success. So while California’s fourth- and eighth-grade reading and math proficiency rates were all below 30 percent, California also got dragged down by its poverty, employment and low parental education levels.

    At least the findings were consistent in one way: On all significant national and international assessments of K-12 education, California compares poorly.

    How Bad California Public Schools

    1. .

      "...test results for 2017 will be postponed to address a recently identified data issue..."

      Data issue?

      It doesn't look good and we won't be releasing the data until it does. No matter how long it takes.



    The rankings reflected not just schools, but also society — the conditions that contribute to children’s success. So while California’s fourth- and eighth-grade reading and math proficiency rates were all below 30 percent, California also got dragged down by its poverty, employment and low parental education levels.

    At least the findings were consistent in one way: On all significant national and international assessments of K-12 education, California compares poorly.

    Only in a few areas did California exceed the nation. In school-finance equity — largely attributed to Jerry Brown-engineered funding revision that awards more money to schools educating more immigrant and poor students –California earned a B-plus, above the national average — B. In improvement over time, California posted a C, elevating it to ninth in the nation, which had an average of D-plus.

    The data, Oakes said, “does show we need to keep moving forward.”

    “Quality Counts” grades for California education
    K-12 achievement: D+
    School finance: D+
    Chance for success: C
    Overall grade: C-

  16. Nothing like a porous Mexican border to turn gold into shit.

  17. The history of the LGBTQITL is more important than basic math, English, American history and science.

    Strength lies in our diversity.

  18. The left saved California from the awful school system and cultural depravity of white, middle class, American, Christian, school children from two parent families, working fathers and law abiding communities.

    1. Honestly, the Democrats have certainly done much to harm the USA.

  19. On a happier note, God Bless the Poles ! -

    Poland: Thousands pray on border against Islamization


    In an astonishing move which is reflective of the level of concern in Poland about the Islamization of Europe:

    Thousands of Catholics formed a human chain along the borders of Poland on the anniversary of an historic victory by Europe over the Ottoman Empire officially to pray for peace and “against the Islamisation of Europe”.

    Europe has been hit hard by mass rapes, violence and jihad attacks since opening its borders wide to unvetted immigrants. The Visegrad group, which includes Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, have been strict on preserving the peace, safety and democracy of their countries by refusing to implement the suicidal immigration policies that have led to chaos in other European nations.

    Poland has also vowed to fight EU penalties for not taking in its “share” of refugees. As Poland continues to protect its citizens, and while thousands have turned to prayer at the border for peace, they are sure to be referred to as “Islamophobic.”

    “PICS: Thousands of Poles Pray on the Border Against ‘Islamisation,’” by Victoria Friedman, Breitbart, October 8, 2017:

    Thousands of Catholics formed a human chain along the borders of Poland on the anniversary of an historic victory by Europe over the Ottoman Empire officially to pray for peace and “against the Islamisation of Europe”.

    Polish media reports hundreds of thousands of adherents participated in the “Rosary on the Borders” event on Saturday, October 7th, to mark the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto, where “the Christian fleet overcame the Muslim armada, saving Europe from Islamisation”.

    The Catholic Feast of the Holy Rosary was established by Pope Pius V in 1571 as “Our Lady of Victory” after the Holy League won a landmark victory over the Ottoman Turks at their naval station in Lepanto.

    The Solo Dios Basta foundation, which organised the event, attributed the victory to the recital of the rosary “that saved Europe from Islamisation”.

    Prayers took place across some 4,000 locations along the country’s 2,000-mile border involving 320 churches from 22 dioceses.

    Rosary on the Borders” also marked the end of the Fatima centenary, celebrating 100 years since the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, in the spring of 1917.

    Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki, head of the Polish Episcopal Conference, told RMF FM that “the key objective of this manifestation is to pray for peace”.

    Krakow Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski called on Catholics to pray “for the other European nations to make them understand it is necessary to return to Christian roots so that Europe would remain Europe”.

    Catholic activist Marcin Dybowski told AFP that “a religious war between Christianity and Islam is once again underway in Europe, just like in the past”.

    “Poland is in danger. We need to shield our families, our homes, our country from all kinds of threats, including the de-Christianisation of our society, which the EU’s liberals want to impose on us,” he said.

  20. AND -

    VIDEO from Jihad Watch that points to the possible muzzie angle in the Vegas shooting -

  21. AND

    The Case For Libertarianism In A 50 second Video


  22. Golly, the US occupied, conquered and annexed the premier pieces of Mexico, and now the people in the old US are no longer sure that their forebears made a wise decision, in theIR attempted assimulatiol of CA, AZ, NV, UT, NM, & TX.

  23. Hardly that simple. The Spanish conquered the Indian territories in the 16th century. The Spanish upperclass revolted against Spanish rule in the 19th century. Spanish rulers changed ownership until the revolution of the Indian class in the early 20th century. The US supported the revolution to assist in kicking out Spain to the benefit of the indigenous Indians. For the record, that is settled law as all parties have entered treaties for commerce and state.

    1. To think, to imagine, let alone advocate for a reality where Kit Carson and John Fremont went to California to liberate the Indians.

      "How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg?
      Saying that a tail is a leg doesn't make it a leg." -
      Abraham Lincoln

  24. Everything's simple to a simple mind
    But ratso was just offered some learnin'
    Which might yet even abide
    If his gears is still a-turnin'

    1. Well, Robert, do you still 'think' the Wahhabi is a dance the Indians do, over at the casino on Indigenous Culture Day?

      Because it is not.
      Never has been.

  25. .

    What say you, Quirk ?

    The nitwit-in-residence once again expands on his nitwittery by posting more articles from the lady with the screw loose.

    Pam Geller?

    Why don't you dig up some stories about ISIS smuggling illegal alien chupacabras into Florida to attack the elderly there. It would have more credibility that wig job Pam (Helen) Geller.


    1. You're the only Pole I've ever known that doesn't love Pam.

    2. And if there does turn out to be an ISIS jihadi angle you're going to be eating dog shit for months !


  26. The President's verasity, challenged by historical reality, one more time.

    Trump Misleads on Corker

    1. .

      The lies flow from this guys lips like a stream of consciousness skit from Jon Lovitz.

      In an interview from a couple days ago he took credit for coming up with the word 'fake'.

      The man is unstable.


    2. Well, really, Quirk, the term 'fake news' really didn't get going until The Donald started using it during his run for the Republican nomination, so in a way he is right.

      At least he doesn't try to make himself sound a fake sophisticate by pulling fancy terms such as 'faux' out of his lazy arse, as some people do !

    3. You're just jealous of the man, 'cause your Presidential campaign collapsed so fast after you got run out of Hamtramck, Michigan by the enraged crowd, while he went on to become Pres.

    4. .

      Well, really, Quirk, the term 'fake news' really didn't get going until The Donald started using it during his run for the Republican nomination, so in a way he is right.


      How gullible are you? He obviously didn't invent either of the two words, 'fake' or 'news'. He also wasn't the first to put the two words together in the phrase 'fake news'. Newspapers have used the phrase in various contexts for well over a century. Trump didn't say he popularized it, he said he invented it.

      Can he get some credit for popularizing the phrase? Possibly. I mean he uses it every chance he gets. Between him and your twin hardly a day goes by when we don't hear it at least once. Although in thinking about it, I guess 'popularize' is a poor word choice. After 10 months of this constant drone, the phrase grates on the nerves.

      Every year various dictionaries add new neologisms and phrases. There are also various groups that put out lists of words and phrases that should be dropped. 'Fake News' would top my list for the latter.

      Now, I am willing to give Trump credit for coming up with a new meaning for the term though one that is not widely accepted. Most people assume the term 'fake news' represents some erroneous story, fabrications of some sort, lies or mistakes.

      For Trump, 'fake news' is any story or fact that he disagrees with whether true or false. In fact, the biggest purveyor of actual fake news these days is the President himself.



  27. Trump Approval Dips in Every State, Though Deep Pockets of Support Remain

    A comprehensive survey of more than 470,000 Americans finds Trump's approval has fallen in every state since taking office

    ... in many of the states Trump easily carried last year — such as Tennessee (-23 percentage points), Mississippi (-21 points), Kentucky (-20 points), Kansas (-19 points) and Indiana (-17 points) — voters have soured on the president in 2017.

    A majority of voters in 25 states and the District of Columbia said they disapproved of the president’s job performance in September, including those residing in Upper Midwest states with large Electoral College hauls that were critical to Trump’s victory over 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — and some of which are home to some of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats of the 2018 election cycle.

    Fifty-five percent of respondents in Michigan said they disapproved of Trump, as did 53 percent in Wisconsin and Iowa and 51 percent in Pennsylvania.

    Fifty-one percent of voters in Nevada and Arizona, where the Senate GOP’s most vulnerable members are up for re-election next year, also disapproved of Trump’s handling of the presidency.


  28. Here, Quirk, from your favorite most trusted source:


    BY TOM O'CONNOR ON 10/9/17 AT 10:42 PM

    1. .

      Damn, Bob, grow a brain.

      The article with its 'ifs' and 'possiblies' is simply fuel for the ignorati. My advise? Whenever you see one of these articles quoting Alex Jones opinions, walk away. Stop wasting your time. You're better off tuning into the Discovery Channel and watching 'Hunting Bigfoot'.

      The whole story is based on some conspiracy theory dreamed up by some 'expert' named Michael S. Smith. I looked him up in Wiki. The wiki site was short. The only thing it provided was that he recently got into a fight with Sebastian Gorka about who knew more about foreign policy issues. The comparison is like that of comparing a nit to a bit.

      The other info on old Mike is that he has he has been an 'Open Source Intelligence Consultant' since 2005.

      Open Source Intelligence Consultant?

      Let me translate.

      For a price, he will read the daily online newspapers to you.

      Actually, given the audience out there for this kind of crap and its growing popularity amongst Trump's troops, it sounds like it might be a pretty lucrative gig. I may have to look into it.


  29. Replies

    1. The only one kneeling any more is Jerry Jones kneeling before Trump.

      By the way, someone I read said that Kaepernick's wife is a moslem, and is the one behind all this non sense.

      Don't know where they came up with that, or if it is correct, though.

  30. Cold Stock Tip

    If Mandalay Bay has stock, don't buy any.

    1. Invest In Art

      Da Vinci’s ‘male Mona Lisa’ expected to sell for $100M
      By Tamar Lapin October 10, 2017 | 3:19pm | Updated

      Experts believe that by 1900, it had been painted over, leading buyers to think it was a work by da Vinci’s follower Bernardino Luini. It was sold at a Sotheby’s auction in 1958 for a measly $60.

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