Friday, October 13, 2017

The Flood Gates Open on the Hollywood - New York Media Cesspool


  1. The rot and ruin from Hollywood and corrupt US media comes from the owners and controllers of US media and Hollywood. The damage done to the US and global standards of morality and virtue cannot be overstated. It is planned authored and propagated by the mostly men and some women who control this most important segment of modern society. Unfortunately for everyone, it is the cream of the crap of humanity that owns, runs, controls and degrades people and society everywhere on the planet.

    Harvey Weinstein is no aberration, he is merely part of the DNA. Hollywood and the supporting culture that controls US media is corrupt beyond reformation. It cannot be fixed from within the culture and within the existing US legal system. They won. You lost. What are you going to do about it?

    The answer is, nothing.

  2. What can I do ?

    I can recommend watching Tucker Carlson - he has declared war -

    October 13, 2017
    Tucker Carlson declares war on ‘corrupt’ NBC News
    By Thomas Lifson

    I cannot ever remember one television news operation calling out its competition the way Tucker Carlson denounced NBC News last night on his 8 PM Eastern Fox News program. But these are far from ordinary times, and I am coming to appreciate that Tucker Carlson is far from an ordinary TV talking head. I imagine that the top brass at NBC-Universal and parent Comcast are meeting with their lawyers today.

    Tucker promises that tonight, Friday the 13th, there will be much more on NBC News. I will be watching.

    Here is his segment from Thursday. It is well worth 6 minutes of your time:


  3. I also recommend voting Republican, the self cleansing party -

    October 13, 2017
    The Predatory Politics of the Democrats
    By Patricia McCarthy

    “The Left and the Media love their scumbags” (Sebastian Gorka,10.12.17)

    The manipulation and sexual abuse of women in both the politics and entertainment industries is hardly news. The connection between DC and the film industry is symbiotic. It is an essential fact of both of those worlds; since JFK and, much earlier, Fatty Arbuckle. It is pretty normal in the NFL as well. Far too many men in each of these insulated bubbles of American life seem to think that their power and fame entitles them to grope, assault, rape and/or beat women on a whim of lust or anger.

    When JFK was in the White House, the media that revered him never reported his liaisons. By the time JFK's brother Ted was in the Senate, however, things had changed. Ted's shenanigans became public knowledge. When it was clear that he had been responsible for the death of a young aide in order to save himself, it was hardly a surprise. It was well-known by then that he was a very sleazy character. But that knowledge did nothing to dampen the support of the American left, not for a minute. They still adored the man, so much so that he still thought he could become President! His ideology was more important, more valuable to the left, than his wholesale lack of moral character.

    When the predatory character of Bill Clinton came to national attention with the Monica Lewinsky scandal and numerous other women came forward with their personal tales of his molestations, the left zealously defended him. Of course, they did. It's what they do. For the left, ideology, power and money trump everything else: ethics, morality, family, truth, and the country.

    They stick together like cockroaches hiding from the light.

    And when the light suddenly comes on, as it has on their own Harvey Weinstein, they scatter and lie like the cowards they are. Weinstein's serial predation was common knowledge for years, well-known enough to joke about in public. No one believes those of them who now claim they are shocked at the recent revelations. No one. They all knew. Hillary knew. And Weinstein is hardly the only man of power in Hollywood or DC who behaves similarly. There are many, many more. They might be a bit anxious at the moment as the women are coming forward in droves. Amazon Studios just suspended one of their own for the same reason.

    The same rules of the hive do not apply on the right. Rep. Tim Murphy just resigned. A pro-life Republican, it became public that he had an affair that resulted in a pregnancy. He advised the woman to have an abortion. That was it. He's done. Gone. And he should be. We have enough hypocrites in Congress, albeit most of them are Democrats.

    This is the principal divide that is so obvious in America today: one party cares only about power and money, the other still cares about values and ethics....

    Remember Larry 'Toe Tapping' Craig ?

    He didn't last long once his toe tapping was common knowledge among the Republicans of Idaho.

    1. I wrote a letter to Larry:

      "Resign for the good of the party"

      His reply:

      "Thank you for your input"

      Then, he was gone.

      At least from the Senate.

      I heard he was still back in D.C. though, having gotten some job lobbying for some group or other.

      So, we got him out of the Senate, and out of the state, too.

    2. .

      I also recommend voting Republican, the self cleansing party -

      Douchebags all.


  4. Gibson and
    Brando were right.


    After 8 years of Obama’s lies and failures leading to genocide.

    October 13, 2017 Joseph Klein

    Last week Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced that ISIS’s "fraudulent caliphate in Iraq and Syria is on the brink of being completely extinguished," and credited "an aggressive new strategy led by the president." President Trump trusted his military to carry out a robust strategy to quickly eliminate ISIS’s control of territories from which it could plan and direct terrorist attacks worldwide. As Defense Secretary Jim Mattis explained last May, "First, he delegated authority to the right level to aggressively and in a timely manner move against enemy vulnerabilities. Secondly, he directed a tactical shift from shoving ISIS out of safe locations in an attrition fight to surrounding the enemy in their strongholds so we can annihilate ISIS."

    Former President Barack Obama had allowed the ISIS cancer to metastasize in the first place, leading to the killing, maiming, kidnapping and sexual enslavement of many thousands of innocent men, women and children. That is because Obama initially considered ISIS a “J.V. team” and then failed to prosecute a meaningful counter-strategy to quickly eliminate the ISIS scourge before its killing machine could become a regional and then a global threat. There has been huge slaughter and a global security threat unleashed thanks to Obama's handling of ISIS, and the reverse of that trend under President Trump.

    When Obama left office in January 2017, after years of ISIS expansion and atrocities, the ISIS threat was finally beginning to recede in his slow war of attrition. However, ISIS still held on to significant territories in Iraq and Syria. While Obama slow rolled the fight against ISIS under overly restrictive rules of engagement that centralized tactical decision-making in the White House, President Trump has taken the gloves off. As commander-in-chief, he set the overall strategy and trusted his military to carry out their battle plans in the field with minimum interference and second-guessing. As a result, ISIS is finally on the run. ISIS territory has been reclaimed at a faster rate under President Trump than under Obama, with nearly a third of the territory taken by ISIS in Iraq and Syria since 2014 recovered during the first six months of the Trump administration. ISIS is on the verge of losing any remnant of control it has clung to in Raqqa, its de facto capital in Syria, since being largely routed from there last month. Earlier this month, ISIS lost control of its last major urban stronghold in Iraq, Hawija. Monthly revenue for ISIS in Iraq and Syria dropped about 49 percent from the third quarter of 2016 to the second quarter of 2017.

    In Syria, where the six-year-old civil war has claimed about 500,000 lives, civilian deaths decreased during the first half of 2017 as compared to the same period in 2016 -- from 6567 to 5381, according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights. In June 2016, 1271 civilians were killed as compared to 848 civilians in June 2017. Thus, as the Trump administration was fighting ISIS more aggressively, while at the same time punishing the Syrian regime for its chemical attack in contrast to the Obama administration’s passivity, civilian deaths in Syria were actually dropping.

    ISIS’s rise all started when, against military advice, Obama precipitously removed all U.S. combat troops from Iraq in 2011, creating a vacuum which allowed.....

  6. Comments on Jews, Hollywood and Israel[edit]

    In an interview in Playboy magazine in January 1979, Brando said: "You've seen every single race besmirched, but you never saw an image of the kike because the Jews were ever so watchful for that—and rightly so. They never allowed it to be shown on screen. The Jews have done so much for the world that, I suppose, you get extra disappointed because they didn't pay attention to that."[108] Brando made a similar comment on Larry King Live in April 1996, saying "Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews, and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of—of people who are suffering. Because they've exploited—we have seen the—we have seen the nigger and greaseball, we've seen the chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything, but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the wagons around." Larry King, who is Jewish, replied, "When you say—when you say something like that, you are playing right in, though, to anti-Semitic people who say the Jews are—" Brando interrupted: "No, no, because I will be the first one who will appraise the Jews honestly and say 'Thank God for the Jews'."[109] Jay Kanter, Brando's agent, producer, and friend, defended him in Daily Variety: "Marlon has spoken to me for hours about his fondness for the Jewish people, and he is a well-known supporter of Israel."[110] Similarly, Louie Kemp, in his article for Jewish Journal, wrote: "You might remember him as Don Vito Corleone, Stanley Kowalski or the eerie Col. Walter E. Kurtz in 'Apocalypse Now', but I remember Marlon Brando as a mensch and a personal friend of the Jewish people when they needed it most."[28] In an interview with NBC Today one day after Brando's death, King also defended Brando's comments, saying that they had been blown out of proportion and taken out of context.


    1. Religious and political views
      Gibson was raised a Sedevacantist traditionalist Catholic.[15] When asked about the Catholic doctrine of Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, Gibson replied, "There is no salvation for those outside the Church ... I believe it. Put it this way. My wife is a saint. She's a much better person than I am. Honestly. She's... Episcopalian, Church of England. She prays, she believes in God, she knows Jesus, she believes in that stuff. And it's just not fair if she doesn't make it, she's better than I am. But that is a pronouncement from the chair. I go with it."[73][164] When he was asked whether John 14:6 is an intolerant position, he said that "through the merits of Jesus' sacrifice... even people who don't know Jesus are able to be saved, but through him."[165] Acquaintance Father William Fulco has said that Gibson denies neither the Pope nor Vatican II.[166] Gibson told Diane Sawyer that he believes non-Catholics and non-Christians can go to Heaven.[75][167]

      Gibson has been described as "ultraconservative".[168]


  7. October 13, 2017
    Jane Fonda finally admits she’s ‘ashamed’ of herself
    By Thomas Lifson

    “Hanoi Jane” Fonda has a lot to be ashamed of, but it took her complicity-via-silence with Harvey Weinstein’s alleged serial molestation of young women to finally get her to admit she is ashamed of herself. Yesterday on CNN, speaking with Christiane Amanpour, the noted “women’s rights advocate” admitted that

    …she "found out about Harvey about a year ago."

    "I'm ashamed that I didn't say anything right then," Fonda said.

    That’s odd, because one suspects that the actress watches the Oscars awards, and Seth McFarlane, the host of the 2012 broadcast, openly joked about Weinstein’s bullying of actresses.

    Even if she only found out a year ago, she remained silent while President and Mrs. Obama entrusted their young daughter Malia to Weinstein as an “intern” – the same position held by Monica Lewinsky in the White House. And so, of course, did the many, many Hollywood figures that have palled around with the Obamas.

    Fonda’s silence while knowing about Weinstein is especially hypocritical, given her tirade at the Emmys last month.

    The presentation for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie featured some of the most incendiary political commentary of the night.

    Lily Tomlin, Dolly Parton, and Jane Fonda were the presenters, and wasted no time in digging in. Alluding to their 1980s film 9 to 5, Fonda said, “In [9 to 5] we refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotist, lying hypocritical bigot.” Tomlin picked up the thread: “And in 2017, we still refuse to be controlled by a sexist, egotist, lying hypocritical bigot.”

    The crowd applauded warmly at the remarks. Parton just smiled. Category winner Alexander Skarsgard did not address them in his acceptance.

    So, in a movie, a work of fiction, she fictitiously “refuse[d] to be controlled by a sexist, egotist, lying hypocritical bigot,” but was silent about an alleged “sexist, egotist, lying, hypocritical bigot” that was in a position to help or harm her own career.........

  8. .

    Sunday Night with Megyn Kelley was rated the 5th lowest rating show in 2017.

    You've likely never heard of the 4 shows rated lower than her.


    1. .

      I guess you could say it's because she went Hollywood.


    2. DaDa LeBouef could do better.

  9. Helping to start Quirk's day off right -

    Trump Disrespects The Flag On Live Television (VIDEO)
    Posted at 3:30 pm on October 12, 2017 by Susan Wright

    After all of Trump’s incessant harping over the NFL players’ take-a-knee protests during the anthem, he seems lacking in protocols of respect, as well.

    As he sat with Sean Hannity on Wednesday night on a Pennsylvania Air National Guard base, the nightly playing of “Retreat” began. “Retreat” is the song played during the lowering of the flag at the end of the duty day on military bases around the country.

    How did Trump respond?

    Well, he didn’t stand or do anything to honor the lowering of the American flag. He had no idea what it was or why it was suddenly playing.

    Military site Task and Purpose was the first to notice Trump sitting during the song. According to Task and Purpose, uniformed service members are required to stop what they’re doing and salute the flag as its lowered during the song while civilians are required to place their hand over their heart.

    Trump not only does not stand or place his hand over his heart, but instead talks through the song and assumes it’s being played to honor him or Hannity.
    Because everything is to honor the gilded toad.

    Hannity didn’t stand either. He was too wrapped up in his euphoric feelings of total love.

    While some members of the crowd in attendance appear to be appropriately recognizing the event, Trump babbles on.

    “Are they playing that for you or for me?” Trump joked to Hannity.

    “They’re playing that in honor of his ratings. He’s beating everybody.”
    Because ratings are more important than honoring our flag.

    To be fair, Trump’s faithful are more faithful to him than the flag, anyway, and proved it by responding to his dull witted inquiry, cheering it on. I guess it really is too much to expect the Commander-in-Chief to know protocol, or his faithful to hold him to it.

    It’s a good reminder whenever you see or hear Trump complain about the NFL, that it really is just a way to distract from other things, for him.


    1. .

      The gilded toad.

      Love it.


    2. .

      I'm sure Trump is not to first president to either not understand or ignore protocol but still. If you are going to spend weeks whining about how others 'disrespect' the flag you would at least to a little research.

      Surely, the Trump White House has a protocol section.

      One would think that given his role as Commander-in-Chief, one of the first things they would teach him would be the 'customs and courtesies' of flag protocol.


  10. .

    Trump Once Again Proves His Priorities Do Not Include The American People

    Donald Trump once again turns 180 degrees from the promises he made to the people who voted him into office and in a fit of spite and pique issues issued two executive orders designed to kill Obamacare and deprive millions of Americans healthcare. Trump's reasoning? Sometimes, you have to burn the village to save it.

    Trump Strikes Another Blow to Obamacare

    As part of his attack on the middle and lower classes in the US, Trump's proposed budget and tax cuts clearly show where his priorities lie and put to the lie the promises he made during his run for the presidency.

    - Trump promised to bring spending under control. This year's budget deficit is expected to rise to almost $700 billion.
    - He promised to eliminate the national debt during his term. Independent studies project the debt will actually increase by 50% during his term.
    - Trump promised his tax cuts would go to the middle class rather than the 1%. His actual proposals will result in 80% of the proposed tax cuts going to the top 1%.
    - Instead of balancing the budget and reducing debt, Trump's plans are expected to cost the government $1.5 - $2.5 trillion over 10 years.

    Trump's 2018 budget calls for spending of $4.1 trillion. It includes about a 10% increase in military spending. In order to partially pay for his tax cuts to the rich, Trump plans cuts to budget at both the State Department and the EPA by 30% each and to cut out all Obamacare subsidies, $7 billion, and in doing so risk taking health care from millions of Americans. To put that in perspective, that $7 billion represents 1/12th of the proposed INCREASE in military spending. It represents 1/100th of the projected budget deficit. It represents about 1/600th of the total budget.

    We've seen Trump do the exact opposite of what he has promised before so this is nothing new. It's also no surprise. Trump is a small and petty man, an empty suit offering up empty promises.

    By this time, one would think the Trumpkins would recognize this.

    Chances are, they won't.


  11. There has been no positive consequence for the US with the Iran deal.

    I fail to see the negative or the benefit if it is ended.

    1. heh, you show no shame in carrying Trump and Bibi's water. No positives at all eh? Why not ratchet up hostilities on yet another front in the wonderful sands of the ME? No negatives there...


    2. .

      Good lord, Deuce, you have drunk the Kool Aid.

      As I recall, you were one of the biggest defenders of the Iran deal when Bibi, McCain, and the other neocons and hawks were fighting it.

      As for the positive consequences, without it we would have to sit through double the puerile tweet fights we have to endure now as Trump carried on his macho cat fights with two nuclear armed opponents instead of the current one.

      Try looking at the two alternative outcomes if Trump ends up scuttling the deal. Neither one of them is good for this country.


    3. .

      Trump will make his play, acting macho and then scapegoating others for his actions and the trumpkins will go along and shout 'Damn Right' like lemmings being led off the cliff.

      There may be some surprises though.

      The deal has been around for a couple years. The pols will be able to judge for themselves. We know both the military and the diplomats are against scuttling the deal. We might find Trump fails to get the support he hopes for from the Congressional GOP.

      He will look foolish but it matters little to him. Whether sanctions are imposed and the deal is scuttled or not he will find someone to blame for any negative consequences. it's what he does.

      The trumpkins will nod in approval. It's what they do.


    4. The verification process is almost non existent.

    5. Bibi approves of Trump's action.

      So does John Bolton.

      It must be the right thing to do.


    6. We will find out if the Israelis really control Congress.

  12. Jerry Falwell on Girls joining Boy Scouts 'it's just a concerted effort by the Left to destroy every traditional institution of American society

    1. A true sign of the beginning of the final social decay.

    2. Was it Jerry Falwell's old man who claimed once to have raised two or three dead folks ?

      Though it may have been Oral Roberts.

      I witnessed him make the claim.

      Such ability is not to be discounted.

    3. It was Oral Roberts.

      Falwell and his twin brother Gene were born in the Fairview Heights region of Lynchburg, Virginia, the sons of Helen Virginia (Beasley) and Carey Hezekiah Falwell.[3][4][5] His father was an entrepreneur and one-time bootlegger who was agnostic.[3] His grandfather was a staunch atheist.[3]


      I recall being quite impressed.

    4. .

      I recall being quite impressed.

      Right. But evidently, not too clearly.


    5. Very clearly impressed.

      In fact, so much so that I didn't believe it.

      Didn't believe I was actually watching old Oral make such a claim there for a minute.

    6. .


      You couldn't even remember who said it. And you were there. In fact, you evidently ad to go a little out of your way to be there.


  13. Quirk and Ash think letting Congress/Senate have a real say is the wrong thing to do.

    Therefore, it is the right thing to do.

    1. That is, if the Israelis don't control Congress.

      We shall see what happens.

  14. There has been no positive consequence for the US with the Iran deal.

    I fail to see the negative or the benefit if it is ended.

    The UN will not agree to place sanctions on Iran
    Europe will be trading with Iran
    Iran has established itself as a major power by cooperating with Russia in ending ISIS
    There is no political support in the US for another US war in the ME
    Russian has successfully reasserted influence with Syria, Iran and Turkey
    Turkey is actively establishing control of parts of Syria and Iraq
    Ankara’s attitude toward Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad has shifted because of Russian influence in the area
    US policies in the ME have been catastrophic for the ME and Europe
    US and Turkey have suspended visa services for each other’s citizens
    “Turkey’s goal is to end clashes and stabilize Idlib to prevent a new wave of refugees from Syria,” Cengiz Tomar, an analyst with Istanbul-based Marmara University, told a televised conference in Istanbul on Thursday. “Idlib’s population is nearing 3 million, including those who fled Aleppo, and they have nowhere to go but Turkey if there’s chaos.”
    Bottom line:

    The US has lost all credibility in the ME as a force for positive change. The policy has been a catastrophic failure. Nothing of positive consequence has happened to any country including the US with the exception of Israel.

    Trump, if he persists will gain nothing, no benefit for the US. That was guaranteed in advance by Clinton, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama.

    Iran doesn’t need nuclear capability, beyond what it has and if it gets it, it is meaningless.

    There has been no positive consequence for the US with the Iran deal.

    I fail to see the negative or the benefit if it is ended.

    1. .

      I fail to see the negative or the benefit if it is ended.

      Are you actually looking?


    2. .

      What we can count on...

      1. Iran is not about to reopen negotiations on this agreement. Internally, given the hard right in Iran, it would probably be impossible for anyone to give up more than Iran already has.

      2. Today's action by Trump will have one of two results:

      a. Congress will refuse to reinstate the sanctions against Iran that were cancelled as part of this agreement.
      b. Congress will reinstate the sanctions.

      3. If Congress fails to reinstate sanctions against Iran, Trump will have lost another battle, will dig out his tweeter and once more excoriate Congress, and then go in search of something else he can screw up.

      4. If Congress does reinstate the sanctions, either our allies and the other co-signers of the agreement will follow the US lead or they won't

      If they don't, once more the US under Trump will be viewed as on the outside looking in. The US will lose even more credibility and further prove diplomatic negotiation with the US is a fool's game as it is continually redefining the terms of the agreement and the rules of the game.

      If the co-signers to the agreement follow the US lead it will kill the deal and within a short time we will be facing another nuclear opponent, that or we will be engaged in another overt war in the ME.


  15. Our politicians and their lobbies were never going to leave the ME willingly. We have no more money to burn and the American people want no more of this colossal fuckup, regardless of what Iran and its allies do. As to nuclear weapons, have we figured out how to extract them from Turkey?

    1. .

      ...the American people want no more of this colossal fuckup...

      Unfortunately, they've got it and will continue to have for as long as Trump is in charge.

      Increased military spending was one of Trump's top priorities. It's stretches credulity to think that we will be spending between $600 - $900 billion a year on equipment and personnel and not using it.

      I suspect Trump's promise to cease US intervention in foreign lands is made of the same cloth as his promise to design his tax cuts primarily for the middle class.


  16. A new 'alliance' is forming consisting of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Sunni Gulf States.

    1. Quirk, I hope you didn't miss John Bolton on Fox this evening.

      If you did try to catch it on the replay later today/tonight.

    2. .

      I stopped watching and listening to John Bolton a long time again. There's no war Bolton wouldn't be willing to instigate, support, or justify. He denies he is a neocon but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...


    3. It's time you started listening to John Bolton ago, then.

    4. Your Freudian slip indicates you wish to.

    5. You old repressed war monger.....

  17. Join The Donald And Fight Back Against The War On Christmas ! And Hanukkah !

    Trump: We’re Going To Win This War On Christmas
    ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 6:01 pm on October 13, 2017

  18. The Multiverse Is Inevitable, And We're Living In It

    Starts With A Bang The Universe is out there, waiting for you to discover it

    Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.
    Ethan Siegel Ethan Siegel , Contributor
    Ozytive - public domain

    An illustration of multiple, independent Universes, causally disconnected from one another in an ever-expanding cosmic ocean, is one depiction of the Multiverse idea.

    Imagine that the Universe we observe, from end-to-end, is just a drop in the cosmic ocean. That beyond what we can see, there's more space, more stars, more galaxies, and more everything, for perhaps countless billions of light years farther than we'll ever be able to access. And that as large as the unobservable Universe is, that there are again innumerably more Universes just like it — some larger and older, some smaller and younger — dotted throughout an even larger spacetime. As rapidly and inevitably as these Universes expand, the spacetime containing them expands even more quickly, driving them apart from one another, and ensuring that no two Universes will ever meet. It sounds like a fantasy picture: the scientific idea of a Multiverse. But if the science we accept today is correct, it's not only a valid idea, it's an unavoidable consequence of our fundamental laws.

    Wikipedia user Pablo Carlos Budassi

    Artist’s logarithmic scale conception of the observable universe. Note that we're limited in how far we can see back by the amount of time that's occurred since the hot Big Bang: 13.8 billion years, or (including the expansion of the Universe) 46 billion light years.

    The idea of the Multiverse has its roots in the physics required to describe the Universe that we see and inhabit today. Everywhere we look in the sky, we see stars and galaxies, clustered together in a great cosmic web. But the farther away in space we look, the farther back in time we look as well. The more distant galaxies are younger, and hence less evolved. Their stars have fewer heavy elements in them, they appear smaller as fewer mergers have happened, there are more spirals and fewer ellipticals (which take time to form from mergers), and so on. If we go all the way to the limits of what we can see, we find the very earliest stars in the Universe, and then a region of darkness beyond that, where the only light is the leftover glow from the Big Bang.

    NASA, ESA, and A. Feild (STScI)

    Looking out at more and more distant objects in the Universe reveals them to us as they were farther back in time, going all the way back to before there were atoms, all the way to the Big Bang.
    But the Big Bang itself — occurring everywhere at once some 13.8 billion years ago — wasn’t the start of space and time, but rather the start of our observable Universe. Before that, there was an epoch known as cosmic inflation, where space itself expanded exponentially, full of energy inherent to the fabric of spacetime. Cosmic inflation is itself an example of a theory that came along and superseded the one that came before it, in that it:

    Was consistent with all the successes of the Big Bang and encompassed all of modern cosmology.
    Explained a number of problems that the Big Bang couldn’t address, including why the Universe was the same temperature everywhere, why it was so spatially flat, and why there were no leftover high-energy relics like magnetic monopoles.
    And it made many distinct new predictions that could be tested observationally, most of which have been confirmed.
    There’s also, however, one consequence that inflation predicts that we do not know whether we can confirm or not: the Multiverse.

    E. Siegel (L); Ned Wright’s cosmology tutorial (R)

    1. Inflation causes space to expand exponentially, which can very quickly result in any pre-existing curved space appearing flat.

      The way inflation works is by causing space to expand at an exponential rate. This takes whatever existed before the hot Big Bang and made it much, much, much larger than it was previously. So far, so good: this explains how we get such a uniform, large Universe. When inflation ends, that Universe gets filled with matter and radiation, which is what we see as the hot Big Bang. But here’s where it gets weird. In order for inflation to end, whatever quantum field is responsible for it has to roll from the high-energy, unstable state that drives inflation down into a low-energy, equilibrium state. That transition, and "rolling" down into the valley, is what causes inflation to come to an end, and create the hot Big Bang.

      E. Siegel / Beyond the Galaxy

      If inflation were a classical field, you'd get inflation for as long as the field value remained large, but as it got smaller by, say, rolling into the valley below, inflation would come to an end and reheat the Universe.
      But whatever field is responsible for inflation, like all other fields that obey the laws of physics, must be an inherently quantum field in nature. Like all quantum fields, it's described by a wavefunction, with the probability of that wave spreading out over time. If the value of the field is rolling slowly-enough down the hill, then the quantum spreading of the wavefunction will be faster than the roll, meaning that it's possible — even probable — for inflation to wind up farther away from ending and giving rise to a Big Bang as time goes on.

      E. Siegel / Beyond The Galaxy

      If inflation is a quantum field, then the field value spreads out over time, with different regions of space taking different realizations of the field value. In many regions, the field value will wind up in the bottom of the valley, ending inflation, but in many more, inflation will continue, arbitrarily far into the future.
      Because space is expanding at an exponential rate during inflation, this means that exponentially more regions of space are being created as time goes on. In a few regions, inflation will come to an end: where the field rolls down into the valley. But in others, inflation will continue on, giving rise to more and more space surrounding each and every region where inflation ends. The rate of inflation is far more rapid than even the maximum rate of expansion of a matter-and-energy-filled Universe, so in very short order, the inflating parts take over everything. According to the viable mechanisms that give us enough inflation to produce the Universe we see, there are many more regions of space surrounding our own — where inflation did end — where inflation doesn’t end right away.

      E. Siegel / Beyond the Galaxy

      Wherever inflation occurs (blue cubes), it gives rise to exponentially more regions of space with each step forward in time. Even if there are many cubes where inflation ends (red Xs), there are far more regions where inflation will continue on into the future. The fact that this never comes to an end is what makes inflation 'eternal' once it begins.
      This is where the phenomenon known as eternal inflation comes from. Where inflation ends, we get a hot Big Bang and a Universe — of which we can observe part of the one we’re in — very much like our own. (Denoted by the red “X” above.) But where inflation doesn’t end, that produces more inflating space, which gives rise to some regions that will have hot Big Bangs causally disconnected from our own, and other regions that will continue to inflate. And so on........

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Get it ?

      But that's only part of it.

      The least of it....

      We still have Spirit to talk about.....

    4. What is the Multiverse, then? It may go well beyond physics, and be the first physically motivated “metaphysics” we’ve ever encountered. For the first time, we’re understanding the limits of what our Universe can teach us. There is information we need, but that we'll never obtain, in order to elevate this into the realm of testable science. Until then, we can predict, but neither verify nor refute, the fact that our Universe is just one small part of a far grander realm: the Multiverse.
