Monday, September 25, 2017

'Bikinis, not burkas': A growing number are far from feeling dismayed that Political Correctness is headed for history's scrapheap

Dismay as Germany's hard-right AfD marches into parliament

Alternative for Germany, which on Sunday became the first hard-right, openly anti-immigration party to enter Germany's national parliament since World War II, ran a provocative campaign with posters saying: "Stop Islamisation" (AFP Photo/Odd ANDERSEN)

Berlin (AFP) - The Alternative for Germany (AfD) on Sunday became the first hard-right, openly anti-immigration party to win dozens of seats in parliament since World War II, breaking a taboo despite mainstream politicians' calls to halt "the Nazis" in their tracks.

Exit polls credited the AfD with around 13 percent of the vote, making it the third biggest political force in Germany -- a stunning result for a party that was founded just four years ago.

"We will change this country," vowed Alexander Gauland, one of the party's top two candidates, pledging to "go after" Chancellor Angela Merkel's government.
It promised that it would make it a priority to launch a parliamentary probe against Merkel over her decision to let in more than one million asylum seekers since 2015.

After already winning seats in 13 of 16 state parliaments, the AfD will now send dozens of lawmakers to the Bundestag opposition benches, giving them a platform to spread their views, including challenging Germany's culture of atonement over World War II and the massacre of six million Jews and others in the Holocaust.
The AfD's feat sparked protests in several German cities, including hundreds of people in Berlin who shouted "Nazis out" in front of a club where the party was celebrating.

It was also condemned by Jewish groups and Germany's established political parties, but celebrated by Europe's far-right leaders like France's Marine Le Pen and the Netherlands' Geert Wilders.

World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder said "it is abhorrent that the AfD party, a disgraceful reactionary movement which recalls the worst of Germany's past and should be outlawed, now has the ability within the German parliament to promote its vile platform".

Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said that "unfortunately, our worst fears have come true: a party that tolerates far-right views in its ranks and incites hate against minorities in our country is today not only in almost all state parliaments but also represented in the Bundestag."
"I expect all our democratic forces to unveil the real face of the AfD and to expose the party's empty, populist promises," Schuster added, calling on mainstream parties to close ranks and kick the upstarts out in the next election.

Merkel acknowledged that the party's entry into parliament posed a "big new challenge" and vowed to "win back AfD voters", while the Social Democratic Party's leader Martin Schulz vowed that his party, in opposition, would act as a "bulwark against these enemies of democracy".

- 'Bikinis, not burkas' -

The AfD began life in 2013 as an anti-euro protest party but then shifted focus to capitalise on misgivings over the record migrant influx in Germany.

Its tone turned increasingly extreme in the last stretch of campaigning, with one of its two leading candidates saying Germany should be proud of its war veterans and claiming that terror was grounded in Islam.

Provocative posters declared "Burkas? We prefer bikinis" and "New Germans? Let's make them ourselves", featuring a pregnant white woman.

Its supporters heckled Merkel's rallies across the country, jeering, whistling and chanting "get lost" in attempts to drown her out.

Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, a Social Democrat, has warned that "for the first time since the end of the second World War, real Nazis will sit in the German parliament".

The AfD will be a pariah in parliament as all mainstream parties have ruled out working with it, but the populists could still be vocally disruptive from the opposition benches.

- 'Le Pen pales in comparison' -

Critics say widening social inequality is also playing into the hands of AfD populists, especially in the deindustrialised heartlands of the former communist east.

The party captured close to one in four votes in the east, where it was the second strongest party.

Thorsten Benner, head of the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin, said the AfD's rise shows that "our population is no more virtuous than the French population," and that "even Le Pen pales in comparison".

The AfD "will challenge key themes" in parliament, he said, pointing to Germany's culture of wartime remembrance and debate on cultural identity.

Gauland recently called for Germans to stop atoning for the past.

He also said integration commissioner Aydan Ozoguz should be "disposed of in Anatolia", suggesting she will never be German because of her Turkish origin.
The presence of the AfD "will very much change the tone of debate in parliament," Benner warned.


  1. Replies
    1. A loud crack fracturing silence, heavy blue-green ice looking less thick. Winter always ends that way.

  2. O'bozo is P.C. is he not ? Is he heading for the scrap heap of history ? -

    COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor

    Barack Obama. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)Barack Obama. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

    By Wayne Allyn Root Review-Journal
    September 23, 2017 - 9:00 pm

    An ancient Chinese philosopher once said, “May you live in interesting times.” Congratulations, we’ve hit the jackpot.

    We are in the beginning phase of Obamagate. This is our generation’s Watergate. Except far worse.

    Here’s a refresher course for those too young to remember. Watergate was the biggest scandal in modern political history. Republican President Richard Nixon desperately wanted to know what Democrats were planning for their 1972 presidential campaign against him. He ordered a team of trusted aides to spy on them. They literally broke into the offices of the Democrat National Committee inside the Watergate Building. That was the beginning of the end for Nixon.

    But today no one needs to physically break into an office to spy on a political rival. All you have to do is use the high-tech electronic power of government. A corrupt president can use the government to listen in on anyone, anytime.
    The media and liberal critics went ballistic when Donald Trump tweeted in March that Barack Obama spied on him. CNN tweeted, “Trump’s baseless wiretap claim” and, “Trump just flat-out lied about wiretapping.” Well guess who was right?

    Trump — again.

    According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

    If these media reports are proven true, then the Obama administration was spying on the entire Trump campaign staff. Even if they were listening in on only Manafort, to whom do you think he was speaking? Trump and every high-ranking member of Trump’s campaign staff.

    Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

    Obama just happened to pick the perfect guy to spy on — if he wanted to fix the election for Hillary.

    It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?

    Except Trump ruined everything by winning a “fixed” election against all odds. And now Trump controls the DOJ. Trump can investigate and prosecute. Obamagate is directly in Trump’s crosshairs.

    Does this Obamagate gameplan sound familiar?

    These are the same people who successfully “fixed” the primaries for Hillary. They cheated Bernie Sanders. They even gave CNN’s presidential debate questions to Hillary in advance. These are the same people who used the IRS to destroy Obama’s leading media critics and slow tea party fundraising and activism to a trickle during the 2012 Obama re-election run. Isn’t that an attempt to “fix” the election?

    These are the same people caught spying on journalists of Fox News, The Associated Press and CBS’s Emmy Award-winning correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. These are the same people who unmasked Trump advisers and transition officials. Samantha Powers was unmasking names at a speed unheard of in political history.

    This is Obamagate. It makes Watergate look like child’s play. The real question is: What did Obama himself know and when did he know it?

    1. Besmirching Mr Obama will not save Mr Trump from facing the fact Crooked Kirshner backstabbed him on the way to the Oval Office

      Using a private e-mail account to conduct White House business

      The shame and the folly of it
      To say nothing of the stupidity


  3. Merkel made clear she still intended to serve a full four years as chancellor. But her next coalition could be her toughest yet with her only remaining potential partners, the business-friendly FDP and the pro-regulation Greens, at odds on issues from migrants to tax, the environment and Europe.

  4. O'bozo is P.C. is he not ? Is he heading for the scrap heap of history ?

    These are questions.

    They are not besmirchers.

    1. Crooked Kirshner backstabbed

      It's Kurshner.

      Everyone knows he's Jewish.

      Which doesn't automatically make him crooked nor a backstabber.

    2. They Never Learn. Here We Go With Kushner’s Private Email Account
      JAZZ SHAWPosted at 9:21 am on September 25, 2017

      At first glance it doesn’t look likely to blow up into anything too big, but who knows these days?

      You would think that by this time we’d be done with discussions about administration officials using private email accounts, but you would sadly be incorrect. The Associated Press is reporting that White House adviser (and presidential son-in-law) Jared Kushner has fessed up to using his private email account for “government business” though it’s unclear as yet just how much it related to government communications.

      SEE ALSO: As the Kurds vote for independence, Turkey paves the way to invade

      President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, used his personal email account on dozens of occasions to communicate with colleagues in the White House, his lawyer said Sunday.

      Between January and August, Kushner either received or responded to fewer than 100 emails from White House officials from his private account, attorney Abbe Lowell said in a statement.

      “These usually forwarded news articles or political commentary and most often occurred when someone initiated the exchange by sending an email to his personal, rather than his White House, address,” Lowell said.

      The attorney said Kushner, a key aide to Trump, uses his White House address to discuss White House business and that any non-personal emails have been forwarded to his official account and preserved.

      So how serious is it? There’s going to be an investigation if the Democrats have anything to say about it, but if the story being presented by Kushner’s lawyer is accurate (and that’s a significant “if” in that sentence) they may not turn up much. In the early days of Kushner’s involvement as a White House adviser, people were still forwarding news articles articles to his old, personal account. Apparently he answered some of them. That’s a rookie mistake, but let’s keep in mind that Kushner absolutely was a political rookie at that point....

      All I've got to say or report on this matter.

    3. We all know how the stories Mr Kushner tells tend to evolve, with time.

      Things as serios as "foriegn contacts" on Security Clearance" applications, continue to evolve, expand ...

  5. Tony Weiner gets 21 months in the slammer.

  6. Golly, the most interesting info in amigo mio"s long paste ...

    Turkey is mobilizy its military to invade "Kurdistan" after the referendum.

    SEE ALSO: As the Kurds vote for independence, Turkey paves the way to invade

    Little wonder that the US stands fast in opposing the referendum. How many more must die, implementing the "Yinon Plan"?


    1. 1:40 P.M. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is threatening a military intervention in Iraq in response to the Iraqi Kurdish region's referendum on independence from Baghdad.

      Speaking at a conference in the Turkish capital of Ankara, he pointed to Turkish military exercises currently taking place on Turkey's border with the Iraqi Kurdish region.

      War games as a prelude to invasion ...

      Where else has that scenario been used as means of intimidation, lately?


  7. Since the U.S. declared war on our country, we will have every right to make countermeasures, including the right to shoot down the U.S. bombers even when they are not yet inside the airspace border of our country," Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho told reporters in New York.

    "Last weekend, Trump claimed that our leadership wouldn't be around much longer and he declared a war on our country," he added. "Even the fact that this comes from someone who is currently holding the seat of the U.S. presidency is clearly a declaration of war."

    North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho

  8. Merkel Lands Fourth Term, But at What Cost?

    Angela Merkel will serve as Germany's chancellor for a fourth term, but Sunday's win comes at a high price. The right-wing populists are now the third-strongest party in parliament and her negotiations to create a new government are likely to be complicated.

    © Christian O. Bruch/ laif By Philipp Wittrock
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel

    September 25, 2017 12:02 AM

    Angela Merkel's election result four years ago was, to be sure, extraordinary. It was clear from the surveys that her conservatives wouldn't be able to repeat it. But a fall like this? Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party Christian Social Union (CSU) saw their joint result fall by more than eight percentage points -- their worst showing since 1949. During her first appearance after the election at her party's headquarters, the chancellor said she had, in fact, hoped for a somewhat better result. Those gathered at the headquarters dutifully chanted, "Angie, Angie."

    Then things grew quiet again. Nobody waved the German flag. It was a far cry from 2013, when CDU politicians broke out into a spontaneous karaoke session after the results were announced. This time, the prominent members of Merkel's party who had gathered behind her on the stage seemed sobered by the tepid showing.....

    The first thing she'll do ?

    Take in more muzzies.

    The Germans could use some term limits.


    Quickly Becomes Best-Selling Player in NFL....DRUDGE

    That says something.

    1. The coach fined him something like $1500 for 'speaking'.

      The rest were in the locker room.


  10. .

    And The Center Cannot Hold

    The Second Coming

    TURNING and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity...

    The German election is simply one more example of the deepening political divide in the West. The center is shrinking as nut jobs on the right and the left are on the rise. Compromises positions no longer have a constituency. The extremes are in ascendance. Life sucks and then you die.


    1. Good Grief !!

      Don't quote Yeats unless the situation is serious.

      You are besmirching a great poet.

      Sinner !

      The least you could do is reference the situation on the Korean Peninsula, a serious affair.

      Kim's nukes might reach Detroit.

    2. Life sucks and then you die.

      O for goodness sakes.

      And I've told you many times we are not duplexes, but at least triplexes.

      Cheers !

    3. You are the Captain of your Ship, the Master of your Soul !

      Sail Bravely to your Eternal Port !

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Trump can multi-task.

      You could if you'd quite boozing.

      I recall you once said:

      "I can't do it now, Faux. I'm drinking."

    6. .

      You flaming hypocrite. Trump spent the last two days tweeting about people not standing up for the national anthem. Talk to him about Korea. Or healthcare. Or taxes. Or...

      I didn't see you complaining about him.

      Nothing like the pontificating whining of a friggin self-indulgent English major incensed over the quoting of a poem.


    7. This comment has been removed by the author

      Don't go squishy on us.

      I caught it.

      I thought it was good.

    8. Oh, wait, that's even better !

      You've added the words pontificating and friggin.

      Not bad, not bad at all.

      Is that the final authorized version ?

    9. .

      Trump can multi-task.

      But he doesn't, dipshit.

      He latches on to whatever issue will keep him in the news. Everything else is secondary even the national interest.

      That you can't see that is simply another example of your artless and partisan thought patters.


    10. .

      Is that the final authorized version ?

      I don't have time right now for a third draft.


    11. You see the entire world through the eyes of an advertiser.

      Meanwhile, Nan suffers another brain freeze -

    12. Is that the final authorized version ?

      I don't have time right now for a third draft.


      Put it on your to-do list.

    13. Chuck Todd looks like a well manicured vagina.

  11. Merkel prevails in German elections, but emerges with less support than Trump has in U.S.

    JAZZ SHAW Sep 25, 2017 12:01 PM

  12. "There's enough suffering in any life to last a lifetime"

    from Sayings of Faux

  13. Brady said he heard the boo's during and after the anthem from some in the crowd and said people can do what they want to do.

    “Yeah, I did," he said. "No, I think everyone has the right to do whatever they want to do. If you don’t agree, that is fine. You can voice your disagreement, I think that is great. It’s part of our democracy. As long as it is done in a peaceful, respectful way, that is what our country has been all about.”

    1. Stretching during the anthem is respectful.

      To some.


    2. NFL/MSM cabal acting like a bunch of 8th grade in with the in crowd wannabes.

  14. "The disgraced ex-congressman broke down crying as he was sentenced to 21 months in prison Monday for convincing a high school student to undress and touch herself via Skype in 2016."

  15. Nate Boyer - Football Long Snapper for the Texas Longhorns & Seattle Seahawks; US Army Green Beret. '

    I feel like were gearing up for Civil War 2'

  16. Done with NFL until they fire Goodell, fine the players and enact a rule that ALL players must apologize and stand for our flag/country or be suspended.

    ~ I implore Trump to cease military ad spending with the NFL
    ~ Stop providing Air Force flyovers
    ~ Stop providing Armed Service color/honor guards
    ~ Remove any tax breaks the NFL recieves
    ~ Remove the NFL's Anti-Trust protection
    ~ Demand repayment of taxpayer stadium expenditures/investments

    [ In many cases taxpayers contribute to cost of stadiums and hold notes on those loans ~ demand immediate repayment ]

    Enough !!!
    Please copy my comment and spread it everywhere

  17. NEARLY 50,000 people have evacuated their homes for fear of an imminent volcanic eruption on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, disaster officials said overnight.

    Mount Agung, 75 kilometres from the tourist hub of Kuta, has been shaking since August and threatening to erupt for the first time in more than 50 years.


    Dozens of anxious visitors, worried their vacation plans may be ruined, have taken to social media to ask for updates.

    Others have adopted a more philosophical view, determined not to let the warning disrupt their holiday.


    The mountain, the highest point in Bali, is an important spiritual site for Balinese, who are predominantly Hindu in Muslim-majority Indonesia.

    Pura Besakih temple, one of the island’s most prominent temples which is just a few kilometres from the mountain’s slopes, has been closed to visitors since Saturday.

  18. Indonesia early on was mostly Hindu/Buddhist. Then the muzz showed up and the Hindus on Bali are the remnants of the earlier days.

    I often think of it as Hindonesia.

  19. .

    Going...Going...Pretty Much Gone

    Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) announced she could not back the measure authored by Republican Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), moments after a much-anticipated partial analysis of the measure by the Congressional Budget Office forecast that “millions” of Americans would lose coverage by 2026 if it was enacted.

    Two GOP senators — Rand Paul (Ky.) and John McCain (Ariz.) — had already come out against the bill, even after a new round of drafting, and Collins’ announcement means it lacks the votes to pass. Republicans hold a 52-to-48 advantage in the Senate and can lose only two votes from their party and still pass legislation with the help of a tiebreaking vote from Vice President Pence.

    A fourth Republican, Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.), indicated through his aides Monday that he could not back the bill because it does not go far enough in repealing the 2010 law.

    Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), who had been overseeing a raucous hearing on the proposal, said Monday evening that he would only allow one more round of questions given the bill’s predicament.

    “Let’s face it, we’re not getting anywhere,” he remarked...


  20. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to cut off the pipeline that carries oil from northern Iraq to the outside world, intensifying pressure on the Kurdish autonomous region over its independence referendum.


    However, Mr Erdogan later said traffic was only being allowed to cross from the Turkish side of the border into Iraq.

    Maruf Ari, a 50-year-old truck driver, was one of those who had crossed back into Turkey early on Monday morning. He said a closure of the gate would ruin his livelihood.


    Kurds voted in large numbers in the independence referendum, despite warnings that the vote may ignite yet more regional conflict.

    The vote, organised by Kurdish authorities, is expected to deliver a comfortable "yes" for independence, although it is not binding.

  21. Senator John McCain says his brain cancer is “very, very serious,” and that doctors have forecast his chance of recovery as between 3 percent and 14 percent.

    The Arizona Republican made the revelation during an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes on Sunday night, in which he recalled disobeying his doctor's’ orders just 11 days after his brain surgery, to vote no on the Senate's healthcare bill.

    How sad.


    1. Asked if lawmakers should conduct oversight of Kushner’s emails, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said the matter could fall under the jurisdiction of Robert Mueller, the special counsel probing Trump’s ties to Russia.


    2. “I know that Mr. Mueller is in the middle of a very intensive investigation, and so I have very little doubt that that will be thoroughly looked at,” McCain said.

  22. The Taliban in the Afghanistan province where Australians fought and died have forced the shutdown of dozens of health clinics as part of a push to have doctors treat their wounded fighters in further signs the country is sliding back into chaos.


    The Tarin Kot engineer also criticised local authorities however. He said police had killed an insurgent in a shootout on Sunday and had then stripped his body naked and driven it around the city showing residents.


    Another local independently told Fairfax Media he had not seen this incident but had heard about it second-hand.

  23. Every night since Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, Miguel Martinez and his family have slept on mattresses on the porch to escape the heat inside their dark, stifling home.

    But it's nearly impossible to sleep with the high temperatures. At least once a night they climb to the roof to catch a hint of breeze.


    US President Donald Trump said Puerto Rico is in "deep trouble" and that its billions of dollars of debt to Wall Street and banks "must be dealt with".

    "Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble," he wrote in a series of posts on Twitter.


    Getting the power back isn't just a matter of comfort. A long delay will mean even more pain for a Puerto Rican economy that's already reeling from a decade-long recession.

  24. Whoa: Roy Moore 57, Luther Strange 41 In New Alabama GOP Senate Poll
    ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 5:31 pm on September 25, 2017

    Yes, this poll was conducted over the weekend, after Trump’s rally for Strange on Friday night. And yes, the pollster is legit. It’s Trafalgar, whom you may remember as having called Michigan and Pennsylvania last fall with eerie precision when most others in the field were projecting Hillary Clinton wins by comfortable-ish margins....

    1. The GOPe are thrown a ton of money into this race on behalf of Strange.

      It's tough going to get to like Roy Moore, but Mitch McConnell and The Donald will be taught a lesson.

    2. If I had the name Luther Strange, I'd change both my first and last name.

    3. Don says he'll support Moore if elected.

  25. Men don't need a ho no mo' -

    Why Are Good Men So Hard To Find?

    Sexual liberation is a fabulous thing – in some ways. But it can also turn men into louts, because women don’t expect much in return for access. Today, most men can have all the sex they want for very little cost – no fancy dinner required. The irony, as Mr. Regnerus writes, is that today’s mating market is probably more dominated by men’s interests than ever before.

    When women complain that marriageable men (sober, steady good providers) are harder to find than ever, they may well be right. The marriage rate is falling steadily, especially among the lower middle class, while long-term stable marriage is increasingly a privilege reserved for the better off.

    A lot of women seem to have their act together these days. But a lot of men don’t.

    Is marriage becoming a 'white privilege' ?

  26. National Felons League

    Michael Savage


  27. South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha called for careful management of the tensions to prevent a conflict that would devastate the region.

    "It's very likely that North Korea will conduct further provocations," Kang said. "Under these circumstances it is imperative that we — Korea and the United States — manage the situation with astuteness and steadfastness in order to prevent further escalation of tensions or any kind of accidental military clashes in the region which can quickly spiral out of control."


    Ri told the General Assembly on Saturday that North Korea's recent "ICBM-mountable H-bomb test" was a key step to completing its nuclear force. He called it "a war deterrent for putting an end to nuclear threat of the U.S. and for preventing its military invasion."

    "Our ultimate goal is to establish the balance of power with the U.S.," he minister said.

  28. Gary D. Cohn, the National Economic Council chairman;
    Jared Kushner, a senior White House adviser;
    and his wife, Ivanka Trump, the president’s elder daughter and adviser,
    Stephen Miller,
    Stephen K. Bannon, the former chief White House strategist,
    and Reince Priebus, the former chief of staff,

    maintained private email accounts after taking roles in the White House, current and former officials

    1. The Crooked Trump administration has followed in Hillary Clinton's footprints, tracking the complete corruption of the White House by self-styled elitists from New York.

    2. .

      Well, not quite.

      Hillary had her own server. And tens of thousands of e-mails is a bit more egregious than what's been reported so far on the Trump Team.


    3. Only because Team Trump was 'outed' in their illegal activities much earlier in the administrative timeline than was the Clinton Clan.

    4. And ...

      Mr & Mrs Kushner DID utilize a private server for their private e-mail accounts

      Still, Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records.

  29. Iraq's Kurds defied widespread opposition to vote Monday in a historic independence referendum, sparking fresh tensions with Baghdad, threats from Turkey and fears of unrest.


    In New York, UN chief Antonio Guterres also expressed concern about the "potentially destabilising effects" of the referendum.

    Expressing respect for "the sovereignty, territorial integrity and unity of Iraq", he called for differences to be resolved through "structured dialogue and constructive compromise".


    Soon after voting began in the Iraqi Kurdish capital Arbil, many men headed to polling stations dressed in traditional Kurdish dress of brown shirt and billowing trousers for the occasion.


  30. "Too many people have the view that it would be like the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan, or like combat operations in Libya or Syria, but it wouldn't be remotely that," Givens told the Times.

    "There is only one way that this war ends," he added. "With North Korea's defeat — but at what cost?"

    Williams said the 20,000 deaths per day estimate seems a realistic estimate particularly for "the very beginning of the war, particularly if there wasn't much preparation or warning time."

    Added Williams, "The scale of an artillery barrage [from the North] initially would be pretty massive. You'd be looking at several thousand rockets and artillery pieces being fired over the course of several hours."

    Experts add that the use of chemical or biological weapons by the North, though, could produce even heavier losses in South Korea.

    By some estimates, the hermit regime has the world's third-largest chemical weapons stockpile — up to 5,000 metric tons of chemical agents

  31. September 26, 2017
    Frau Dummkopf not safe yet
    By Frank Friday

    The big initial winner in Sunday’s German election has to be Britain’s Theresa May. German voters gave a huge majority to the parties on the right, all of whom largely despise the EU and the shabby way their bureaucrats have treated Brexit. Look for a much easier process now for the Brits.

    The big losers were the socialist SDP party, with traditional European leftist parties becoming all but irrelevant in 21st-century politics, and individually, Frau Dummkopf, as I call her -- Angela Merkel. The big vote for the new conservative party, the Alternative for Deutschland, is almost completely a result of former Christian Democrats leaving their party for AfD in protest of her disastrous immigration and environmental policies. Before Merkel came along, Germany’s Christian Democrats were the one European party most like Ronald Reagan’s Republicans -- unashamedly pro-market, pro-defense, and pro-life. But Merkel has repeatedly turned her party toward idiotic leftist policy ideas and a lot of traditional conservatives have left.

    Merkel’s bizarre rise from East German apparatchik to CDU/CSU leader has never made any sense, and comparisons to The Manchurian Candidate are common. It’s like a duller, but even more cynical Al Gore somehow got the GOP nomination for the presidency.

    Diminished by the election results or not, and with the socialist SDP ruling out a coalition government, Merkel is supposed to be forming a new government with the Free Democrats and the Greens -- the AfD supposedly being too controversial to be asked to participate.

    But here’s the kicker: the leader of the most moderate faction of AfD, Frauke Petry, just announced she would be joining the Bundestag as an independent. By my count, if only about 30 of the 94 AfD deputies follow her into independence in the new Bundestag, there should be no stigma about them joining CDU/CSU and the FDP in forming an all-right government and ditching the Greens.

    This is no doubt being discussed behind closed doors in Berlin. If such a deal is made it would be yet another humiliation for Frau Dummkopf and she may just retire. Certainly, a lot of party leaders have already had to lay down the law to Merkel. In 2016, CSU chief Horst Seehofer had to threaten to end the Christian coalition and run CSU candidates outside Bavaria in order to stop Merkel’s open borders policies. Seeing the 2017 results, that German voters overwhelmingly don’t want any more Muslim immigrants or EU bureaucrats, even the most stubborn party bosses now may be ready to ease Merkel out.

    And there are plenty of attractive young conservative leaders to choose from – Horst Seehofer would be good, Julia Kloeckner would be even better, but then again, just about any Christian Democrat would be preferable to Merkel. Given the state of the world these days, it sure would be nice to have Germany back in the Western alliance on a full-time basis, something that has not been the case for two decades under the last German chancellors -- the paid Russian agent Gerhard Schroeder, or the lamentable Frau Dummkopf.

    Frank Friday is an attorney in Louisville, KY.

    1. .

      The interesting part is the reason, Frau Petry, co-chairman of the party since 2015 and a bit of a nutjob in her own right, left the AfD along with her husband, a leader of the party in one western province, and four or five other influential people in the party. According to her, "an anarchic party" can't be successful.


    2. I don't think the article makes a lick of sense.

      Maybe your thesis is what she is trying to prove with her action.

      She does look like she is a "bit of a nutjob".


  32. In recent days, Trump has taken aim at the National Football League, which is for many patriots America’s beating heart.

    Now, not only does he face intense pressue from the United Nations, but a “hotly political weekend” has forced an intense standoff between the Trump administration and some of America’s most respected faces and brands.

    Some of them are public — like LeBron James and Tom Brady — but others, perhaps even more importantly, are several cashed-up NFL owners who donated millions to Mr Trump’s campaign.

    Not only are insiders peeved, but industry giants, too — and Ford and Hyundai announced they were leading the pack.
    Overnight, the world’s largest sportswear brand and maker of NFL uniforms, Nike has followed in the likes of sponsors Ford and Hyundai, directly opposing President Trump’s views.

    Nike “supports athletes and their right to freedom of expression on issues that are of great importance to our society,” it said.

  33. .

    Don says he'll support Moore if elected.

    Of course, he will.

    He's currently supporting a raging sycophant with apparently few other redeeming qualities. However, Trump isn't about to turn his back on a guy as nutz as himself. Hell, Judge Moore pulled a gun at last nights rally to impress the NRA who oppose him. Hw much more Trump-like can you get?


    1. Strange is upstanding.

      Congressional Research shows he is the tallest man ever to sit in the Senate.

      That is no short accomplishment.

    2. Trouble is, he's fast on the draw.

      But slow on the trigger.

      He is getting gunned down even as I type.

  34. The contagion is spreading.

    Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has taken the knee on the House floor.

    I'm disappointed my favorite House representative, Maxine Waters, didn't do it first.

  35. Trying to bring the NFL down -

    The Left’s (Brilliant) Scam Behind The NFL Anthem Protests
    JAZZ SHAWPosted at 10:41 am on September 26, 2017

    ....I think the light bulb finally went on when I was reading this piece on the subject from the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart. It wasn’t really so much what the author had to say because that was probably the fiftieth tirade of that sort I’d read in just the past week. No, it was more a matter of who was saying it. To his credit, Jonathan is honest enough to open the piece with a statement reminding people that he’s, “not much of a sports fan.” But that doesn’t begin to describe him. For those who ever watched Capehart fill in for Willie Geist on MSNBC’s old “Way Too Early” show, you’ll know what I mean. It became something of a running gag (which Jonathan engaged in with a great sense of humor) to watch him attempt to read the teleprompter on Monday morning and describe what had happened around the NFL the day before. Frequently he had to be rescued by Bill Karins, jumping in to offer some commentary from the perspective of somebody who had actually seen the game and knew how football worked. (Keep in mind that Bill is the meteorologist, not the sports analyst, although he did compete in several sports in school.)

    With that complete lack of engagement in professional football, why would Jonathan and so many of his progressive colleagues be so completely driven to support and gin up protests taking place on the gridiron? Why did they suddenly care so much about the intersection of racial identity politics and football?

    The answer is that they don’t. This has little or nothing to do with police shootings, racial profiling or any of the rest of it. What we’re seeing is an almost brilliant and concerted effort to damage, if not eliminate, the National Football League.

    Why? Because the activist Left has despised the NFL for years. They hate everything about it. It’s a game filled with big, tough, manly men engaging in the closest thing to warfare you can manage without guns. It’s a game rife with symbolism and, yes… nationalism. Even people who would never buy an album from a country singer could feel their blood heating up when Hank Williams used to sing, Are you Ready for Some Football. The military loves football and they fly jets over the stadiums in formation and send our nation’s finest out to pay tribute. And it’s not just the military. Our police and other first responders are frequently called out for honors at the games. Everything about it screams of apple pie, fireworks and patriotism. (Or, if you prefer, God, guns and flags.) And the activist Left hates it. Probably the only sporting event they despise more is NASCAR.

    And this isn’t the first ginned up attack on the NFL that the Left has orchestrated....

  36. What to do then ? Send in the Marines ? -

    September 26, 2017
    Imposing Sanctions on Venezuela Will Only Make Things Worse
    By Spencer P. Morrison

    The Trump administration is considering imposing sanctions on Venezuela by blocking their oil from U.S. ports. Likewise, UN ambassador Nikki Haley criticized the regime of Nicolas Maduro, and confirmed that oil sanctions “are not off the table.” This is tactical escalation: last month President Trump advocated for a more finely-targeted approach by limiting Venezuela’s access to American financial institutions, now oil is in the crosshairs. This is regrettable: sanctions on Venezuelan oil will likely do more harm than good, and will punish the wrong people.

    To be clear: Venezuela is a horrible place to live, and the government is solely to blame. Their corruption, incompetence, and ideological fervor has transformed South America’s richest economy into a poverty-stricken backwater. Against all the odds, the socialist government has managed to create starvation in a land of rich soils and year-round growing seasons- -people are literally breaking into zoos to eating zebras to survive. Likewise, they have impoverished a nation that sits on the world’s largest oil reserves: not even Saudi Arabia’s brutal despots are this foolish.

    Nevertheless, imposing sanctions on Venezuelan oil is a bad idea. The main reason for this is that sanctions are generally ineffective if imposed on fungible goods, meaning that said goods are completely interchangeable on international markets. Oil is a fungible good. Therefore, apart from the initial logistical disruption, boycotting Venezuelan oil will likely have little impact on their exports -- Venezuela will simply sell more to Europe, China, and South America, while we buy more from Saudi Arabia. Remember, Europeans do not condemn Venezuela’s socialist dictatorship, and China is actively courting South Americans as allies and trading partners. Without Europe and China on-board, an oil embargo will have little chance at succeeding.

    For the sake of argument, assume the sanctions are effective, and Venezuela’s economy is completely ruined by America’s import ban. Would it matter? Venezuela’s ruling class is insulated from the general population, and cares little about their wellbeing. The fact is that most autocrats would rather let millions starve to death than relinquish their power -- we have seen this before in North Korea, Cuba, and the USSR. Venezuela is no different: brutal street battles have been fought, people are starving, and still the government continues trying to manifest its socialist utopia. Sanctioning Venezuelan oil will not impact the government aristocracy, it will simply impoverish ordinary people.

    Many historical examples prove this point. Recall how our sanctions on Syria caused starvation, and contributed to the rise of ISIS, but had literally zero impact on the welfare of Bashar al-Assad, or the rest of the ruling elite. Sanctions made Syria poorer, not its ruling class. The same was true in Cuba and Iran. Worth reading is this report from the Foundation for Economic Education: it looks at the impact of sanctions in the Balkans, and finds that sanctions do not work, they just further concentrate power in the hands of the ruling class....

    1. .

      Man, you are real big on the 'send in the troops' stuff.


  37. It is all total bullshit:

    * 95% of black crime victims, were victimized by blacks
    * The NFL is 85% black, the protestors about 98% black
    * Crime rates of NFL players is higher than the crime rate of the general white population
    * We hear all the time about racial sensitivity towards other, except of course for whites
    * On a % basis, whites are far more victimized by blacks than visa versa
    * On a % basis, Asians, Hispanics, Sikhs, Chinese, Polish immigrants and Koreans are more victimized by blacks than the reverse

    Fuck the NFL

    1. Plus, NFL players are known for not paying the legal Judgements properly entered by Courts against them.

      Fuck the NFL.

    2. Villanueva, of the Steelers, who makes a pittance compared to most other players, ($500,00/yr) was forced to apologize over standing alone for the Anthem by the coach. His other mates were all obeying orders sitting in the locker room.

      Coach informed him he was in danger of losing his job, or apologize.

      He was forced to bend his knee to this overpowering reality for him.

    3. Either join the Team or hit the hiway.

      A pretty standard corporate culture policy across the USA.

  38. The University of Idaho is so broke it can't even compete in the corruption business, much less on the courts -

    Breaking: FBI Rounds Up NCAA Assistant Coaches In Corruption Probe
    ED MORRISSEYPosted at 10:01 am on September 26, 2017

  39. No time to look back ...

    Sessions to wade into divisive campus free speech debate

    In the speech, to be delivered at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington on Tuesday, Sessions will lament American universities "transforming into an echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos," according to a person familiar with the event.

  40. Winner is gonna be a loser -

    Faces Damage To Kosher Vegan Diet From Prison Food
    JAZZ SHAWPosted at 12:31 pm on September 26, 2017


    It’s been a while since we checked in with our latest, favorite leaker of national security information, Reality Winner. (And say what you will about treason or whatever, she’s got the best name of any alleged traitor in history.) Because the process of getting this case to trial is going to take a while, Winner has been cooling her heels behind bars. But now she’s making a novel bid for release to home detention while awaiting her day in court. The reason? Prison food is the worst, man. (Daily Mail, emphasis added)

    SEE ALSO: Trump: I’m not ignoring Puerto Rico

    Reality Winner, the former NSA contractor accused of leaking classified documents, is seeking release from jail before her case goes to trial.

    Winner, 25, has been remanded in Lincoln County Law Enforcement Center in Georgia, after it was decided that she was too much of a flight risk to be allowed out on bail during her arraignment on June 9…

    As a self-proclaimed vegan who eats Kosher, Winner revealed in her letter that she has ‘suffered health problems’ and is taking medication to aid in her digestion of prison food.....

    She's cooked, well done.

  41. A much younger Donald talking much the same as the current Donald -

    3+ minute interview with a younger Oprah


  42. QuirkTue Sep 26, 10:41:00 AM EDT

    Well, not quite.

    Hillary had her own server ...

    So to did the Kushner family ...

    Still, Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records.


    1. The 'Scale' is not as great ...
      But the 'Scope" is equivalent

    2. .

      As I said 'not quite'.

      There is a difference between a 'domain' and a 'server'. As far as I know, we don't yet know what server Kushner was using for the family domain, whether he set it up, whether it was private or public, or what security protocols were incorporated.

      It still remains to be seen whether Kushner's lawyer is correct when he says all of Kushner's e-mails involving official government business were forwarded to his official government e-mail account.


  43. Quirk:

    "Hell, Judge Moore pulled a gun at last nights rally to impress the NRA who oppose him. Hw much more Trump-like can you get?"

    1. .

      There is that; however, he did ride to the polls this morning on a horse.

      I mean, hell, a horse.


    2. Carbon friendly ?

      Hillary is screaming for HELP ! -

      UNHINGED: Hillary Hopes Trump Hasn't 'Ordered Killing of Journalists'...

      Now blames Rudy Giuliani for e-mail probe re-opening....DRUDGE


    San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich claimed on ESPN2’s “The Paul Finebaum Show” Monday that “people have to be made to feel uncomfortable,” specifically singling out white people.

    1. There goes the Spurs' ticket sales.

    2. The Spurs are ...

      Peter Holt, Chairman and CEO

      He is the CEO of HoltCat, the largest Caterpillar dealership in the United States and former chairman ...
      CEO, and owner of Spurs Sports & Entertainment, which owns the NBA's San Antonio Spurs, the WNBA's San Antonio Stars, the AHL's San Antonio Rampage, and the NBA Development League's Austin Spurs.

    3. Holt served as Chairman of the United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County.

      He is a member of the World Presidents’ Organization, and is a trustee of the Palmer Drug Abuse Program.

      He also served as Chairman of the Board of St. Mary's Hall, a private school in San Antonio.

      A frequent contributor to the Republican Party,[4] Holt has contributed over $500,000 to the campaigns of Governor Rick Perry,[5] who appointed Holt as a commissioner of the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife.

      A strong supporter of international trade, Holt is a board member of Free Trade Alliance-San Antonio, as well as the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation and Chase Bank-San Antonio.

    4. Holt, a Peoria, Illinois native, lived in San Antonio as a child before moving to Corpus Christi. After graduating high school in Corpus Christi, Holt went into the United States Army, serving two years, including a one-year tour of duty as an infantryman in Vietnam. He ended his military duty as a Sergeant with a Silver Star, three Bronze Stars, and a Purple Heart.[2]


    5. Holt went into the United States Army, serving two years, including a one-year tour of duty as an infantryman in Vietnam.

      He ended his military duty as a Sergeant with a Silver Star, three Bronze Stars, and a Purple Heart.

    6. Those NFL players and those NBA players are OWNED! They better do what their MASTA tell them!!

  45. Replies
    1. Dig those trenches on the Mason-Dixie line.

    2. There is a lot more racism in the North than in the South these days, Ash my boy. The South is no longer segregated, the North still is. Toronto is part of that dynamic. Please get over your Black self.

    3. Ash, which part is not true?

      * 95% of black crime victims, were victimized by blacks
      * The NFL is 85% black, the protestors about 98% black
      * Crime rates of NFL players is higher than the crime rate of the general white population
      * We hear all the time about racial sensitivity towards other, except of course for whites
      * On a % basis, whites are far more victimized by blacks than visa versa
      * On a % basis, Asians, Hispanics, Sikhs, Chinese, Polish immigrants and Koreans are more victimized by blacks than the reverse

    4. It's all your fault, Deuce, because your White. It's the Obama way. You didn't build those businesses you own, remember that?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Those NFL players and those NBA players are OWNED! They better do what their MASTA tell them!!

      Oh, the injustice!

      Half of those "players" would be working in a car wash if their "MASTAS" weren't paying them to play with a ball for two million plus a year. Frankly, you have to be one stupid bastard to have a job like that and fuck it up, but then there is hardly a Mensa candidate amongst them.

    7. The closest thing to a black successful anything was the NBA and NFL and these assholes are fucking it up.

      There is no country, no school, no city, no neighborhood, no anything on the planet that is both majority black and not a disaster. Not in Africa, Europe, North or South America, no island in the caribbean, no shopping mall. In Philadelphia, decent hardworking blacks have to go to the suburbs to find a supermarket. Black families scrimp to get the money to send their kids to Catholic schools because the black schools can't graduate more than 50%. Why is that?

    8. I simply speak the truth - they be OWNED.

    9. Ash, my boy, you don't know the truth, nor can you handle the truth.

  46. Auto insurance rates to skyrocket in Saudi Arabia ?

    Women Given Permission to Drive in Saudi Arabia....DRUDGE

    I think this is a wonderful development.

    I imagine, though, they will still need to have 'minders' along.

    I recall years ago some movie about some Saudi princess who couldn't stand it any longer and stole a car and drove out into the desert, and what eventually happened to her.

  47. No ! No, no NO !

    TWITTER Tests 280-Character Tweets....DRUDGE

    1. This is all crap -

      Paul Revere's Outhouse Believed To Be Found By Archaeologists...

      Excitement Over Chance To Examine Historical Icon's Waste....DRUDGE

    2. Paul Revere symbolizes all that's wrong with US. Quick, burn it down!

  48. Peter Holt is no longer active in any of his family's holdings. He has an alcohol and drug dependably that prevents him from making sound decisions. His sons are running the Spurs and Holt Cat and have enhanced both in terms of profitability and growth. MOME knows.

    1. The enhanced management team must know what tbey are doing, then.

    2. Would not have their head coach speaking off the cuff, chasing fans out of the arena.

      Just don"t see it happening

  49. On Tuesday, China and Russia stressed the catastrophic consequences a war on the Korean peninsula would bring. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said all sides should avoid provocation.

    “A war on the Korean Peninsula will have no winner, which will also be a tragedy for regional countries,” Lu told reporters at a daily briefing.
    “Given our consistent opposition to the war and chaos on the peninsula, we totally disapprove of an escalation of the war of words between the US and North Korea.”

  50. With 6% of the vote reporting, your political guru can now pronounce the winner of the Republican Alabama Senate primary election:

    The winner is::

    Judge Caballero Roy Moore.

    1. Gunslingin' Judge Caballero Roy Moore.

    2. With 17% reporting, the race has been called for:

      Gunslingin' Judge Caballero Roy Moore

      He's up about 15% now....

  51. Foreign Policy reports Californian officials are urging local agencies to shore up their nuclear attack response plans. Last month, the Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center issued a report titled Nuclear Attack Response Considerations warning a nuclear strike on Southern California would be “catastrophic”.


    It also flagged challenges with contamination spread by pets and through clothing among the myriad of public health and logistical coordination issues emergency responders will face.

    The idea behind the unclassified report was to share planning and guidance with as wide a distribution network as possible, Foreign Policy reported citing two officials involved in responding to a nuclear strike.

    1. .

      Where's Bert the Turtle when you need him? Oh yeah...

      Duck and Cover

      The following is a time lapse (14 min) showing all of the 2053 nuclear explosions that occurred between 2045 and 1998.



    2. .

      The civil defense film Duck and Cover was released for the public in 1951. I'm still looking for the one made in 1950, the one that wasn't released called...

      Bend Over and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye


    3. Confirming Israel is not a nuclear state.

    4. .

      If Israel got the technology from France, maybe one of those French tests was actually of an Israeli bomb.


  52. Church killer a Sudanese immigrant.

  53. Funding to extend the wall beyond its distance of 654 miles (1,046 kilometers) is in doubt. Democrats have balked at Trump's $1.6 billion request to replace 14 miles (22 kilometers) in San Diego and build 60 miles (96 kilometers) in Texas' Rio Grande Valley, the busiest corridor for illegal crossings.

    Caddell Construction Co. of Montgomery, Alabama, and W.G. Yates & Sons Construction Co. of Philadelphia, Mississippi, were awarded contracts to build one wall of concrete and one of other materials.

    Other contracts for concrete prototypes went to Fisher Sand & Gravel Co. of Tempe, Arizona, and Texas Sterling Construction Co. of Houston. Contracts for prototypes of other materials were awarded to KWR Construction Inc. of Sierra Vista, Arizona, and ELTA North America Inc. of Annapolis Junction, Maryland.
