Saturday, August 19, 2017

"WE Can't Take it Anymore"

Trump: 'Gonna win so much people will say we can't take it anymore'


"I'm So Tired"

I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink
I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink
I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink
No, no, no

I'm so tired I don't know what to do
I'm so tired my mind is set on you
I wonder should I call you but I know what you would do

You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind

I'm so tired, I'm feeling so upset
Although I'm so tired I'll have another cigarette
And curse Sir Walter Raleigh
He was such a stupid git

You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind
I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind
I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind

(Monsieur, Monsieur, Monsieur, how about another one?)


  1. I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink?

  2. I wonder should I call you but I know what you would do

  3. You'd say I'm putting you on

    But it's no joke, it's doing me harm

    You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain

    You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane

    You know I'd give you everything I've got

    For a little peace of mind


    Turku knife attacker was asylum seeker, 18 year old Moroccan, presumably targeted women – investigators

    The suspect behind the deadly stabbing attack in the Finnish city of Turku was an 18-year-old Moroccan asylum-seeker, investigators said, adding that it seems the attacker deliberately targeted women.
    “The suspect was seeking an asylum [in Finland],” Robin Lardot of the Central Bureau of Investigation said at a press conference on Saturday.

    The attacker arrived in Finland in 2016, Lardot said, adding that it was not clear if the man was denied asylum.

    Two people were killed and six injured in the stabbing attack. Police shot and injured the suspect, who is now being treated in the hospital. Police will question the suspect via an interpreter later on Saturday, the authorities added.

    Both of the deceased were Finnish citizens, police said earlier, as cited by Yle. UK, Swedish, and Italian citizens are among those injured in the attack, police and investigators say.

  5. Two of those stabbed remain in intensive care, Yle national broadcaster reported.

    Finnish police have detained five more suspects presumably linked with the attack, Detective Superintendent Markus Laine of the National Bureau of investigation told AFP.

    “We are investigating the role of these five other people, but we are not sure yet if they had anything to do with [the attack]... We will interrogate them, after that we can tell you more. But they had been in contact with the main suspect,” Laine said.

    Both of the deceased were Finnish citizens, police said, as cited by Yle, adding that an Italian and two Swedish citizens are among the injured.

  6. Deuce ☂Wed Feb 08, 05:30:00 AM EST
    Europeans Side with Trump: Approve Ban on Muslim Migration
    Wednesday, 08 February 2017

    An extensive new poll has found that 55 per cent of Europeans want to stop immigration from Muslim countries, with just 20 per cent supporting its continuation.

    A survey carried out by the Royal Institute of International Affairs think tank asked 10,000 Europeans in ten different countries if they agreed with the statement, “All further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped.”

    55 per cent answered in the affirmative, 25% said they don’t know and just 20% said they disagreed with the statement.

    Opposition to Muslim immigration is strongest in Poland, where 71% oppose it compared to just 9% who support it.

    In France, which has experienced a number of horrific terror attacks over the last two years, 61% oppose Muslim immigration while just 16% support it.


    Deuce ☂Wed Feb 08, 05:31:00 AM EST
    In Germany, which has seen instances of mass molestation of women carried out by Muslim migrants, most notably in Cologne, 53% support a halt on Muslim immigration, while 19% oppose that view.

    The weakest support for halting Muslim immigration is in Spain, where 41% endorse the policy, although this is still a higher number than the 32% who don’t.

    Even amongst young people aged 18-29, millennials who would be expected to hold leftist views, a majority of 44%-27% support a halt on Muslim immigration.



  7. Europe must ‘wake up’ to ‘clash of civilizations’ – Polish minister after Catalonia attacks

    In the wake of the attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, Poland's interior minister said Europe should wake up to the “clash of civilizations” where Muslim enclaves form “support bases” for terrorists. He claimed Poland is safe as it had prevented the emergence of such "enclaves."
    “We are dealing with a clash of civilizations,” Mariusz Blaszczak told state broadcaster TVP Info.

    Blaszczak said he asked his country’s security services what they were doing to prevent similar incidents and noted thatPoland is safe because “we do not have Muslim communities which are enclaves, which are a natural support base for Islamic terrorists.”

    The official, a member of the ruling rightwing Law and Justice Party (PiS), maintained Europe should “wake up” to what is happening.

  8. The politician voiced his anti-immigration stance earlier this year when he suggested that Muslim settlements in Western Europe started from small numbers with Brussels now trying to shift responsibility.

    Warsaw has been vehemently opposed to resettling migrants under a scheme advocated by Brussels and approved by the majority of European countries. Poland, along with Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania, and Slovakia have firmly rejected the so-called refugee quotas, deepening East-West cracks in the 28-member bloc.


    Europe has endured a series of attacks by foreign terrorists or attackers of migrant background in recent years.

    An attack in June in the London Bridge area of the British capital saw eight people killed and 48 others injured. The perpetrators – a Pakistani-born British citizen, a failed asylum seeker from either Morocco or Libya, and a Moroccan-Italian man – first rammed their vehicle into pedestrians before going on a stabbing spree in the popular Borough Market.

    In July 2016, a 31-year-old man of Tunisian nationality with a French residency permit bulldozed a lorry into a group of people celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, killing 86 people and injuring more than 400 others. This attack signaled the beginning of the recent spate of vehicle attacks.

    Months earlier, in March 2016, bombings, perpetrated by mostly Belgian nationals of Moroccan descent, left 32 people dead and more than 300 injured at Brussels airport and Maalbeek metro station.

    On November 13, 2015, a string of terrorist attacks across Paris left 130 people dead and 368 injured. Most of the attackers had French and Belgian citizenship, but all had fought alongside Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists in Syria and some are believed to have entered Europe among the flow of refugees.

    Recent figures from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) say around 119,069 people had arrived in Europe by sea so far this year.

    In December 2016, the European Commission advised that EU member states invoke the so-called Dublin Regulations and gradually resume transfers of unauthorized migrants. Under the regulations, refugees must file their asylum applications in the EU country they first arrive in, meaning Italy and Greece are likely to shoulder most of the burden. Some countries have requested permission from Greece to send back migrants, but none have been transferred since mid-March.

  10. Candles and tears are not going to help.

  11. Germany received at least 740,000 asylum applications in 2016, the website said, citing Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). The majority of refugees came from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, according to the website.

    Merkel's open door refugee policy has seen numerous protests in Germany since the major migrant influx in 2015. “Merkel must go!” has become a popular slogan during such rallies.

    A massive wave of outrage swept through Germany after sexual assaults during the 2015 New Year’s Eve celebrations in front of Cologne’s main train station. Among the identified suspects, at least 18 were asylum seekers from the Middle East and North Africa.

    Germany has been also hit by several attacks committed by asylum seekers with links to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISSI/ISIL). In 2016, Syrian refugee Mohammad Daleel blew himself up in the city of Ansbach, Bavaria, injuring at least 15 people.

    The perpetrator behind the Würzburg train attack in 2016 was a young refugee from Afghanistan.

  12. 740,000 asylum applications in 2016 ... The operable word is "applications", Germany has no clue as to how many Muslim and African invaders arrived in 2016, or more than likely are not saying.

  13. Deuce ☂Wed Feb 08, 05:31:00 AM EST

    In Germany, which has seen instances of mass molestation of women carried out by Muslim migrants, most notably in Cologne, 53% support a halt on Muslim immigration, while 19% oppose that view.


    Yet Merkel is way ahead in the polls, last time I checked.


    Actually I didn't "check," I heard it on a podcast.


    Checking with Google, I get this mishmash of conflicting polls:

    1. The one I heard about is this:

      Angela Merkel commands hefty poll lead as she kicks off re-election campaign with attack on car manufacturers

      The German Chancellor currently holds a sizeable lead over SPD leader Martin Schulz ahead of next month’s election,

    2. It looks like she was behind in the earlier polls, but ahead now.

      Germans are always wrong.

    3. Merkel and the conservatives are expected to win another term, although an opinion poll by Infratest dimap published on 10 August suggested her popularity had dropped 10 percentage points to 59 percent.

      However, Merkel appears to have little to fear as Schulz saw his popularity hit a new low of 33 percent, down four points from last month.

    4. The Strange Death of Europe.

      ...AND the United States.

  14. Still no FBI or Secret Service action on Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal for calling for Trump's assassination:

  15. Boston

    Antifa thug drags grey haired lady with american flag. end of video, Fox reporter starts mouthing some gibberish about false equivalencies.

  16. Bannon is reportedly plotting a television channel to rival Fox News.

    Strikingly, the idea was first proposed by former Fox News CEO, the late Roger Ailes.

    Now he has the means, motive and opportunity: His chief financial backer, Long Island hedge fund billionaire Bob Mercer, is ready to invest big in what’s coming next, including a huge overseas expansion of Breitbart News.

    1. Odds are I'll be switching over to Bannon from Fox.

      Cloudless skies forecast for this during the eclipse.

      Yahoo !

  17. NASA: 3-mile asteroid to graze past Earth closest ever tracked...DRUDGE

    A THREE MILE wide asteroid is set to graze past Earth on Sept. 1 - and NASA says it's the largest to come this close since they began keeping track
    NASA says asteroid that's 2.7 miles wide will make 'relatively close encounter'
    Dubbed ‘Florence,’ the space rock will pass 4.4 million miles from our planet
    This is the closest an object this large has come since NASA began NEO program
    It hasn't come this close since 1890, and won't be this close again until 2,500
    By Cheyenne Macdonald For
    PUBLISHED: 10:47 EDT, 18 August 2017 | UPDATED: 14:46 EDT, 18 August 2017

    Read more:

    We need to do something about this monster.

    Before is does something to us.

    1. A Thermonuclear explosion near it from the Earth side might do it.

      Or, latch on some device or mirror that nudges it to orbit further out.

  18. Did you know the US Navy ship that carried Fat Man to Tinian was sunk by the Japs on its way home ?

    You do now.

    One torpedo.

    Went down almost immediately, most of crew died.

    1. You obviously have not seen "Jaws."

      Quint (Robert Shaw) tells the story of the USS Indianapolis.

    2. I have not, but I think it was the USS Indianapolis.

    3. Paul Allen just found it!

  19. NASA plans to stop Yellowstone supervolcano....

    1. Don't expect this to happen by next weekend.

      The energy extracted could power damn near all the USA.

      Cheap too.

      This would put the coal miners out of business.

      Interesting article.

      We can do all these things if we have the vision and the will.

  20. Welcome to the Donald Trump status reality check for dummies, part 276.
    It seems like the established political and punditry world needs many frequent reminders about President Trump's resilience every time he goes through a wounding incident like he is now with the beating he's taking over his response to the violent protests in Charlottesville last weekend.

    So here are the several reasons why President Trump is simply down, but not out in any permanent sense. There are four key things to remember:

    (Note: None of the points below are excuses for President Trump. They simply explain why he's not as vulnerable as many people think he is.)

    1) Trump wins when he loses
    It may seem like all Americans are at least frustrated that President Trump often shoots himself in the foot with unnecessary comments and tweets. But this also exemplifies Trump's fighting nature that so many voters clearly like. Many conservatives feel like they tried "nice" before with people like Presidents George H.W. and George W. Bush, and GOP presidential nominees John McCain and Mitt Romney, but that still resulted in no real reduction in condemnation and bile from the left.
    For better or for worse, and to the repeated horror of the Bushes, McCains, and Romneys, Trump isn't playing nice. And for every moderate or casual Trump-leaner he may lose by fighting, he could easily be gaining the more fervent support from his base.
    One major Trump donor even told CNBC Friday that the president is "being bullied" over this Charlottesville controversy. That response should tell you something about how President Trump's supporters are responding to events playing out this week.

    2) The stock selloff fake out
    Trump's voter base is hardly represented by Wall Street or major corporate interests. Much more important to the voters Trump needs to at least tacitly back him are the broader economic numbers. And, thanks to President Trump or not, those numbers are stellar. Unemployment is at a 16-year low, and the consumer sentiment levels are at near record highs. With fewer and fewer Americans even owning stocks, the fate of the stock market is hardly a top priority in politics for someone like President Trump who already proved he doesn't need Wall Street's support to win the White House.

    1. 3) Poll position
      It seems crazy to have remind anyone of how we shouldn't rely on the accuracy of polls after they just about all got the 2016 election so wrong.
      But in case anyone is really convinced by all those record low approval numbers for President Trump, take them with this added grain of salt: His supporters may be skewing the numbers by avoiding polls right now. It may sound crazy, but even Psychology Today noted the work of Professor Raymond La Raja who argues that people holding perceived unique political views are more likely to withdraw from political discussions and public declarations for candidates even in anonymous polls in order to avoid the personal costs of being exposed.
      In other words, just about every poll on President Trump is probably under counting his support.

      4) The "other teams" are even weaker
      Another key fact too many pro-Trump and anti-Trump Americans also don't get is that none of this means Trump is bulletproof. But American politics is almost always about a two team game. And until someone from the other team, (the Democrats), really emerges as a true electoral challenge to President Trump, a lot of this won't stick. The same goes for the establishment Republicans, who are still electorally dead in the water after two bruising defeats in the 2008 and 2012 general election to Barack Obama and an even more embarrassing and clear loss to Trump in the 2016 primaries. When people like Senators McCain, Lindsey Graham, Bob Corker, et al criticize him, it means very little.
      And the Democrats, without control of Congress or a national leader with any wide appeal beyond progressive fringes, aren't potent critics of the administration right now.
      Both party establishments still need a vote-getting leader and President Trump already has the White House leadership role they covet. He has enormous executive power at his fingertips and the ability to win over some doubters with even the smallest backtracking like his recent ousting of Chief White House Strategist Steve Bannon, or just the passage of time.
      The U.S. is not a parliamentary democracy where individual leaders can be ousted with previously unscheduled votes of no confidence or by coalitions of once opposing parties that come together to form a new ruling majority.
      That leaves his die-hard opponents praying for long shot outcomes like impeachment or resignation. And those two possibilities aren't demonstrably closer to reality today than they were during the last, second-to-last, or third-to-last times Donald Trump was incorrectly deemed by the pundits to be politically finished.

    2. Commentary by Jake Novak, CNBC, believe it or not.

  21. It's time for John McCain to pack his Senate career away.

    Not wishing him ill but I to not ever want see him in the Senate again.

    He should resign and let his Governor appoint a successor, and live out the rest of his life the best way possible.

    He will probably hold on though until his is immobilized in the hospital, or until death.

    He will try to fight on to the end as a Senator, for his legacy's sake.

    With his prognosis perhaps he should seek some help dying, in Oregon for instance, or in Switzerland.

    Though The Lord put his stricture 'gainst self slaughter, as Hamlet expressed it, when one is old and terminal it is a valid option.

    Big mistake when one is young though.

  22. In a recent interview with Marie Claire Magazine, Paris Hilton revealed that the tape of her and her ex-boyfriend having sex ruined her chances of being like her idol Princess Diana.

    So, in her mind, it was the tape, not the fact she felt the need to film herself having sex with her boyfriend.

    It was the tape! Another poor victim.


    1. Gezonken schip dat eerste atoombom vervoerde teruggevonden

      Het schip dat de eerste atoombom vervoerde is teruggevonden, 72 jaar nadat het was gezonken kort na de geheime missie. De USS Indianapolis is gelokaliseerd op de bodem van de Filipijnenzee, op 5,5 kilometer diepte.

      Multimiljardair en mede-oprichter van Microsoft Paul Allen leidde het 13-koppige team dat op zoek was naar het schip uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Vandaag deelde hij op Twitter dat de kruiser terecht is.

    2. Maybe the Muzzies will be an improvement.

    3. Nein. Der muzz nickt improvement.

      Todt muzz improvement.

  24. USS Indianapolis discovered 18,000 feet below Pacific surface

    Emanuella Grinberg-Profile-Image1
    By Emanuella Grinberg, CNN
    Updated 5:56 PM ET, Sat August 19, 2017

    It sank in 12 minutes, too quickly to send a distress signal
    Most on board survived the sinking, only to die of exposure and drowning
    (CNN)It's been 72 years since the USS Indianapolis went missing after a Japanese submarine torpedoed it in the final days of World War II.

    Friday, a team of civilian researchers led by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen discovered the cruiser's wreckage on the floor of the North Pacific Ocean, 18,000 feet below the surface, bringing closure to one of most tragic maritime sinkings, making it impossible for it to send a distress signal or deploy life-saving equipment.

    Before the attack, on July 30, 1945, it had just completed a secret mission delivering components of the atomic bomb used in Hiroshima that brought an end to the war in the Pacific, according to a statement from the Naval History and Heritage Command in Washington.

    Most of the ship's 1,196 sailors and Marines survived the sinking only to succumb to exposure, dehydration and drowning after four to five days. Only 316 survived, 22 of whom are alive today.

    Part of the crew of the USS Indianapolis prior to its sinking in July 1945.

    "Even in the worst defeats and disasters there is valor and sacrifice that deserves to never be forgotten," Sam Cox, director of the Naval History and Heritage Command, said. "They can serve as inspiration to current and future sailors enduring situations of mortal peril. There are also lessons learned, and in the case of the Indianapolis, lessons re-learned, that need to be preserved and passed on, so the same mistakes can be prevented, and lives saved."

    Others have tried to locate the Indianapolis before. The wreck was located by the expedition crew of Allen's Research Vessel Petrel, a 250-foot vessel equipped with state-of-the-art equipment capable of diving to 6,000 meters, or 3 1/2 miles.

    The 13-person team will continue to survey the site and tour of the wreckage in compliance with relevant US law for searching war graves.

    Research surfaced in 2016 that led to a new search area to the west of the original presumed position. Richard Hulver, a historian with the Naval History and Heritage Command, identified a naval landing craft that recorded a sighting of Indianapolis hours before it was hit. The information led the research team to a new position and estimated search area for Allen's team.

    1. USS Indianapolis Survivor Passes Away, Just a Few Still Here

  25. Bannon’s Departure Has Huge Implications For The U.S.-China Relationship

    Now that Bannon is gone, the Trump administration officials pushing for that realignment have lost their champion. “You had a guy at the chief-of-staff level leading that charge. Losing him creates a huge imbalance now,” one White House official said.

    Bannon had some successes on China, but they might not endure. Earlier this month, Trump ordered a review of China’s intellectual property theft. The future of that effort is now in the hands of U.S. Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer.

    Bannon pushed China hawks for positions throughout the federal bureaucracy but did not last long enough to oust Susan A. Thornton, the acting assistant secretary of state for Asia, as he wished.

  26. Black woman buying a car in Knoxville

    1. The Lady handled the situation perfectly.

    2. And she isn't morbidly obese and speaks English articulately.

  27. This fossil remembers looking at this picture! :-(

    1. Were you fossilized at the time, or still pre-fossil ?

      I remember it too.

    2. Pre

      Elizabeth II has been Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand since 6 February 1952.

  28. Dick Gregory, Famed Civil Rights Activist, Humorist, Stand Up Comic Dies at 84
    by Roger Friedman - August 19, 2017 10:43 pm
    0 4016

    Dick Gregory has died at age 84. Incredibly important and influential as a civil rights activist who was also a humorist and stand up comic and author, Gregory was portrayed just last year off Broadway by Joe Morton in a one man play called “Turn Em Loose.” He came up at the same time as Bill Cosby (whose own role in similar capacities is not invalidated by his legal problems).

    Dick Gregory came into my consciousness in 1968 (I was 11) because he made headlines for going on a hunger strike. This was after he was already famous as humorist and comic. This was shocking. He protested the lack of rights for Native Americans in Washington state. It would become the first of many hunger strikes Gregory would use as a method of protest from his early days right up til age 80.

    He picketed, was arrested, over and over. He was a committed activist for the right causes, was passionate and persuasive. In light of what’s happened recently in politics, Dick Gregory should only be remembered with the highest regard.

    On the other side, not legal, he wrote books, appeared in films, and toured incessantly. Read his bio at Wikipedia. A good movie has to be made about him.

  29. Venezuelan Socialists Seize Power From Opposition-Led Congress
    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 7:21 pm on August 18, 2017

    ....It remains to be seen if Maduro has finally succeeded in eliminating the one remaining governmental body with the power to oppose him. Even if he has, the country is still facing triple-digit inflation, chronic food shortages and one of the highest crime rates in the world. Maduro can rearrange the deck chairs on his sinking ship all he wants but the ship is going down and taking the socialists along with it. At some point, the privation will become severe enough that even the military will turn on Maduro. How many months can it be before we see him fleeing the country for safe harbor in Cuba or Iran?

    1. Yet we still see pictures of fat Venezuelans.


    3. 120,000 desperate Venezuelans poured into Colombia to buy food but now the border is closed again

    4. Vice-Minister for Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Nirva Camacho speaks with media

      Good to know they're taking care of the basics.

    5. Socialism is generally great for weight reduction.

      Whatever name one puts to the 'government' in North Korea, the weight reduction program is going extremely well there too, for most people, even the North Korean Generals.

      Some of the most patriotic folks there take it to such extremes that, some years ago, two million or so North Korean patriots actually died from the weight reduction program.

      Here in the West we call such a procedure 'starvation' and 'famine'.

    6. Back in the 1930's several millions of Ukrainians died of the weight reduction program instituted there by Stalin.

      It was a very successful government program, and many of the millions that died of the weight reduction program were farmers, of all things.

      They weren't allowed to grow food, or their crops were taken from them.

      This resulted in what might be termed an 'equality of the dead' there.

      Socialism is always trying to make things equal among the people, though not among the rulers and the people.

      It often succeeds brilliantly. All the people die together, all becoming equal.

      It is political genius of the first order.

    7. Bernie Sanders use to say Venezuela was a nation we should all admire, and seek to emulate.

      Haven't heard him say it recently though.

      I think he and his wife are too busy defending against a major money fraud case to be thinking of Venezuela now.

      It seems they stole some major donations or misused some donations to the University they created.

      They are probably holed up at one of the three lakeside palaces they bought after the last Democrat primaries.

      I would think they would invite Hillary for a visit. They can compare their fraud notes, have wonderful dinners, and talk about the last campaign, and their future political plans

    8. Also, legal defense strategies.

    9. They can also talk about yoga, and the grand kids, as BillyGoat Clinton did with the at that time AG Lynch when their two planes just happened to park within easy walking distance of each other at some airport.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Hillary Clinton was being investigated for all sorts of crimes at the time.

      This meeting between BillyGoat and AG Lynch was highly inappropriate, and actually constituted a crime in itself.

      No one really thinks that all they talked about was yoga and the Grand kids.

  30. Lots to choose from -

    Finland: Five Muslim migrants arrested after fatal knife rampage.
    By Robert Spencer on Aug 19, 2017 08:41 pm
    Finland: Five Muslim migrants arrested after fatal knife rampage.
    “Witnesses report that the attackers shouted ‘Allahu akbar’ (God is great) during the rampage, according to Finnish broadcaster YLE.” Not that this has anything to do with… (Oh and by the way, “Allahu akbar” means “Allah is greater,” i.e., greater than your god, not “God is great.” “Moroccan Gang Arrested After Fatal Knife Rampage In […]
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    Barcelona “backlash” fears: “In the end Muslims are the main victims”
    By Robert Spencer on Aug 19, 2017 08:32 pm
    Barcelona “backlash” fears: “In the end Muslims are the main victims”
    It’s the same after every jihad attack: the establishment media goes into high gear to make sure that no one thinks that Islam had anything to do with it, and that Muslims at the place where the jihad massacre occurred are now living in fear of an “anti-Muslim backlash” that seldom, if ever, actually materializes. […]
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    BOYCOTT PAYPAL: PayPal bows to Left-fascist pressure, endorses jihad, drops Jihad Watch
    By Robert Spencer on Aug 19, 2017 07:17 pm

    BOYCOTT PAYPAL: PayPal bows to Left-fascist pressure, endorses jihad, drops Jihad Watch
    Yesterday I published an email from Soros-funded ProPublica’s Lauren Kirchner, threatening to use the Southern Poverty Law Center’s spurious hate group listing to pressure various platforms to drop Jihad Watch. Kirchner apparently was angered by having her fascism publicly exposed, since even though she sent her threatening letter to many people, today at 1:45PM, ProPublica […]
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    Trump to ‘cut all military aid to Pakistan’, thinks US is being ‘ripped off’
    By Robert Spencer on Aug 19, 2017 01:19 pm
    Trump to ‘cut all military aid to Pakistan’, thinks US is being ‘ripped off’
    I had just about given up on Trump, and then he says this. We can only hope that he will follow through, and not be persuaded by McMaster that all Pakistan needs is a few more U.S. billions to turn it into a reliable ally. “Trump to ‘cut all military aid to Pakistan’, thinks Washington […]
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    ProPublica, working with Google to “document hate,” threatens counter-jihad bloggers
    By Robert Spencer on Aug 19, 2017 01:12 pm
    ProPublica, working with Google to “document hate,” threatens counter-jihad bloggers
    More on how the Left is moving in for the kill and trying to destroy the freedom of speech completely. “ProPublica, Working with Google to ‘Document Hate,’ Threatens Conservative Bloggers,” by Paula Bolyard, PJ Media, August 19, 2017: Google revealed in a blog post that it is now using machine learning to document “hate crimes […]
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    Germany: Man gets 6 months jail for posting on Facebook about Nazi/Muslim collaboration
    By Robert Spencer on Aug 19, 2017 06:51 am
    Germany: Man gets 6 months jail for posting on Facebook about Nazi/Muslim collaboration
    Yes, it’s a historical fact, but it’s politically inconvenient nowadays. And so it’s six months in jail for Michael Stürzenberger. Video thanks to Vlad Tepes.
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    1. UK: Muslim screaming about Allah threatens people with machete, cops say not terror-related
      By Robert Spencer on Aug 19, 2017 06:35 am
      UK: Muslim screaming about Allah threatens people with machete, cops say not terror-related
      What does a poor jihadi have to do in the UK to get his machete-brandishing and threats, accompanied by screams about Allah, to be classified as “terror-related”? Does he have to flash his ISIS membership card and explain to police that he is doing it all for Islam? Even if he did that, they would […]
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      Sharia Germany investigates Iranian-born politician for “Islamophobia”
      By Robert Spencer on Aug 19, 2017 06:27 am
      Sharia Germany investigates Iranian-born politician for “Islamophobia”
      Germany authorities do not admit of the possibility that Laleh Hadjimohamadvali might know what she is talking about. They appear to have fully accepted Sharia blasphemy norms, and consider criticism of Islam to be an offense punishable by law. “Iran-born AfD politician investigated over Islamophobia accusations,” The Local, August 9, 2017 (thanks to The Religion […]
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      Russia: “A man was running along the main streets stabbing people,” eight injured
      By Robert Spencer on Aug 19, 2017 05:43 am
      Russia: “A man was running along the main streets stabbing people,” eight injured
      Mental illness? “Right-wing extremism”? Maybe. There is also one other possibility: the Islamic State issued this call in September 2014: So O muwahhid, do not let this battle pass you by wherever you may be. You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawaghit. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members, as well as […]
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      Finland: Muslim identified as perp in stabbing attack, now officially a terror investigation
      By Robert Spencer on Aug 19, 2017 04:59 am
      Finland: Muslim identified as perp in stabbing attack, now officially a terror investigation
      Yesterday many people were saying, even in the comments section here, that the screams of “Allahu akbar” were actually cries of “watch out” in Finnish. Those who spread such rumors were, wittingly or not, actively spreading disinformation. There is a concerted effort to deny and minimize the reality of jihad violence, with utter disregard for […]
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  31. It’s Not Trump They Hate — It’s Us!

    This recitation makes it unnecessary to inquire who threw the first punch. And so the president did not do so. That he became the target of reproach, then, rather than the negligent (or culpable) local and state officials, speaks volumes. Anyone might credibly imagine that responsible authorities were in on the plan to exploit this occasion in order to advance an agenda that, while blaming racism, would actually serve to undermine the credibility of the public voice expressed in the election. The drumbeat for “naming and shaming” that has followed since only amplifies this appearance. And the local and state authorities have been among the loudest declaimers!

    We do not need to search for previous comparisons in order to evaluate the present circumstance. We need only pay attention to the NPR or other media focus to observe the complete absence of any attention to the question of who was responsible for allowing matters to get out of control and the correlatively intense focus on what the president’s reaction says about the nation. Then we may clearly apprehend that the game here is to disorient the society, repudiate the people’s express hopes, and pave the way for a United States disconnected from the people’s legitimate authority. It is not Trump that they hate; it is us!

    1. .

      Feeling a little defensive there, sonny boy?


    2. .

      I believe that's spelled uuluu, son.


    3. It's my version of the dirty finger. I like it. That is all that matters. If you don't like it then uulu/.

      Are you going to be viewing the eclipse, Quirk ?

      They are having a viewing at the country church of my ancestors, the oldest Lutheran church in Idaho.

      Alas, it's a big drive, besides I have no eye wear, though I could borrow a peek from someone there.

      My wife and I got married there, had to do a Saint Francis on it, clean it all up, get rid of the mouse turds, reafix the crucifix to the sermon podium, etc. It hadn't been used in 40 years. No one knew which church district owed it. We thought Troy district so that Pastor wed us. Turned out it was the Moscow district. We have a caretaker for it, and it has turned into a destination for all sorts of events. Scottish dancers put on a show not so long ago. They were young and beautiful and agile.

      Mrs. Walker, now deceased, bought forty acres of adjoining farmland to add to it.

      Country church grave yard out back, men and women's outhouses back in use.....

    4. .

      Not really interested.

      I'll watch it on the news.


  32. If totalitarianism comes to the USA it will come from the left not the right

    CNN’s Take On Antifa: Peace Through Violence
    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 7:01 pm on August 19, 2017

    CNN published an article today based on interviews with members of Antifa. The headline notes, “Activists seek peace through violence.”

    That seems to suggest there’s a real problem with what Antifa is doing but the rest of the article comes across as sympathetic to the group, even to their violence:

    Antifa activists often don’t hesitate to destroy property, which many see as the incarnation of unfair wealth distribution.

    “Violence against windows — there’s no such thing as violence against windows,” a masked Antifa member in Union Square told CNN. “Windows don’t have — they’re not persons. And even when they are persons, the people we fight back against, they are evil. They are the living embodiment, they are the second coming of Hitler.”

    [Scott] Crow explained the ideology this way: “Don’t confuse legality and morality. Laws are made of governments, not of men,” echoing the words of John Adams.

    “Each of us breaks the law every day. It’s just that we make the conscious choice to do that,” he said.
    CNN notes their Antifa source is “echoing” John Adams. Adams included the phrase “a government of laws and not of men” in the Massachusetts Constitution. His point was that no king or autocrat would determine what was legal or illegal. Instead, the government would operate based on laws which applied to everyone equally.
    This is the opposite of what Antifa stands for. Scott Crow is literally saying his group breaks the law (assault, vandalism, etc.) when it determines people are “evil” and delivers extra-legal justice. That’s not at all how a government of laws operates. CNN’s source may be echoing John Adams but he clearly doesn’t understand what Adams was saying.

    Antifa members also sometimes launch attacks against people who aren’t physically attacking them. The movement, Crow said, sees alt-right hate speech as violent, and for that, its activists have opted to meet violence with violence.

    Right or wrong, “that’s for history to decide,” he said.

    Now we’re arguing that violence is a reasonable response to “hate speech.” At least no one is trying to claim James Madison for support. As for the idea that history will decide, that’s another way Antifa is saying they don’t believe the actual law as it exists now applies to them. That’s why they wear masks and dress the same, so they can get away with it.

    “People put on the masks so that we can all become anonymous, right? And then, therefore, we are able to move more freely and do what we need to do, whether it is illegal or not,” he said.

    And that means avoiding police, whom many Antifa members see as an enemy, as well as skirting the scrutiny Antifa activists often get from alt-right trolls on the Internet. Black bloc, one member told us, also unites the movement.

    “Even though it only takes one person to break a window, it doesn’t matter because the bloc moves together,” said a 26-year-old named Maura, who wouldn’t give her last name.

    The left’s secret society of masked vandals is growing and they are seeking to normalize political violence. People who feel they can act above the law (so long as it’s for the right reason) are a danger to all of us. Responsible Americans should condemn Antifa rather than tolerate them.

  33. Prediction:

    The Donald pardons Sheriff Joe.

    Sheriff Joe was convicted of a misdemeanor by a Kangaroo Federal Court Judge.

    The misdemeanor was criminal contempt of court for continuing to detain suspected undocumented illegal immigrants after being ordered to not continue to do so.
