Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trump Comes Out Swinging


  1. That is the only way to treat the Left and the media, hit them back hard.

  2. GO To 48:40 minutes mark to start.


  3. .

    They treat him just like they did Obama, what's the big deal?


  4. I actually agree with this by Ash in the last thread -

    AshTue Aug 15, 04:38:00 PM EDT
    Don't cities have a right to decide what they want to have in their parks?

    Yes, I think cities ought to be able to decide what they have in their parks.

    It should be decided, I think, after civil debate by a vote of the City Council. Some other city council can later change the decision if they wish.

    I can't imagine who else should be deciding such an issue.

    The Feds ?

    The State ?
    Well, maybe,but....

    To have cities decide is best.

    They might vote to have no statues at all in city parks, which is fine too. Hard to complain about that.

  5. Biden fondles young children too.

    1. http://www.elainelchao.com/images/uploads/pages_images/Elaine_Chao_Niece.jpg

    2. Biden's a warmhearted guy but his parents didn't teach him well to keep his hands to himself.

  6. I just took the time to watch it. I will give him credit. He speaks his mind with no regard to polls or vote courting. I does not give a shit what anyone thinks about him.

  7. Here's some real news -

    “Unexpected Fountain Of Youth” Found In Cardiac Stem Cells, Says Researcher

    Cardiac stem cells derived from young hearts helped reverse the signs of aging when directly injected into the old hearts of elderly rats, a study published Monday in the European Heart Journal demonstrated.

    The old rats appeared newly invigorated after receiving their injections. As hoped, the cardiac stem cells improved heart function yet also provided additional benefits. The rats’ fur fur, shaved for surgery, grew back more quickly than expected, and their chromosomal telomeres, which commonly shrink with age, lengthened.

    The old rats receiving the cardiac stem cells also had increased stamina overall, exercising more than before the infusion.

    “It’s extremely exciting,” said Dr. Eduardo Marbán, primary investigator on the research and director of the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute. Witnessing “the systemic rejuvenating effects,” he said, “it’s kind of like an unexpected fountain of youth.”


    1. .


      Right, we should probably be growing some more young hearts.


    2. You ol' dim sighted moron....

    3. Just longing for the dusty grave, are ye, longing to finally get it all over with....

  8. Finally finished my boat restoration:


    1. Truly beautiful.

      I love those old wood boats.

      Two V-12 P 38's !


      Good work, Doug !

  9. Richard Louis Trumka quits Trump's Council. What a pity.

  10. Total Disaster: A Guide to How Bad the Democratic Party Is Right Now


  11. President Donald Trump blasted establishment and left-wing media on Tuesday afternoon for failing to report the facts on violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.

    In the main lobby of Trump Tower in New York City, the president grew combative after a throng of reporters started shouting questions about why he “waited” to specifically condemn neo-Nazis and white nationalists.

    “There was no way of making a correct statement that early,” he said, defending his first statement on Saturday before the facts were in. “Unlike you and unlike the media, before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.”

    As reporters grew more agitated, Trump continued defending his decision and condemning the media for their one sided reporting.

    Trump again denounced racist elements among the protesters, including people supporting the KKK, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists, but clarified that he still believed that there was blame on both sides.

    “You look at both sides. I think there is blame on both on both sides. I have no doubt about it … if you reported it accurately, you would say that,” he said.

    Reporters demanded to know whether the driver of the car that injured counter-protesters and killed a woman in the crowd was a domestic terrorist.

    “I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and this country,” Trump replied. “The driver of the car is a murderer. What he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing.”


    1. “Unlike you and unlike the media, before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.”

      Lack of knowledge of the facts never stopped Mr Trump from commenting on terrorist attacks in Europe.

      “The driver of the car is a murderer. What he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing.”
      The driver of the car is a terrorist, for Mr Trump to not explicitly say so, an endorsement of the alt-right.
      Much worse than Mr Obama not calling Islamic Terrorism by name, since the alt-right terrorists are domestic in nature.

  12. Replies
    1. Truth is that the only corporate leader, of the four that have quit Mr Trump's Administration, that Mr Trump "called out" on Twitter was the one that was black.

      You can't handle the truth...
      ... about the racial bias of Mr Trump.

    2. Deuce and Trump share the same views on race it appears.


  13. ... he (Mr Trump)criticized “alt-left” groups that he claimed were “very, very violent” when they sought to confront the white nationalist and Nazi groups that had gathered in Charlottesville, Va., to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from a park. He said there is “blame on both sides.”

    Let's see, one side is Nazis.
    That's all that matters, there is nothing more repulsive in American politics.

    As David Duke said, the alt-right was in Charlottesville, fulfilling Mr Trump's campaign promises.


    1. “White supremacy is repulsive,” wrote Speaker Paul D. Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin. “This bigotry is counter to all this country stands for. There can be no moral ambiguity.”

      Paul Ryan.

      Mr Trump has "jumped the shark", with regards his support for the alt-right.

      What little support he has left in Congress is evaporating.

      The "Emasculated President", so sad.
      He's done it to himself.


    2. Marching under the Nazi swastika, on the streets of Charlottesville, Va.

      "There can be no moral ambiguity.”


  14. ... why did the demonstrators chant anti-Semitic lines like “Jews will not replace us”?

    The demonstration was suffused with anti-black racism, but also with anti-Semitism.

    Marchers displayed swastikas on banners and shouted slogans like “blood and soil,” a phrase drawn from Nazi ideology.

    “This city is run by Jewish communists and criminal niggers,” one demonstrator told Vice News
    Elspeth Reeve during their march.

    As Jews prayed at a local synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel, men dressed in fatigues carrying semi-automatic rifles stood across the street, according to the temple’s president. Nazi websites posted a call to burn their building. As a precautionary measure, congregants had removed their Torah scrolls and exited through the back of the building ...

    "There can be no moral ambiguity.”

  15. Jack the old world class Jew hater calling out The Donald, whose daughter converted to Judaism, as a Jew hater....that really is ripe.

  16. Trump does a lot of tweeting:

    I'll bet the ratio of white to black targets exceeds 20-1.

    Trump has hired more Jews, more blacks, more Hispanics than the entire Democratic leadership.Trump walks the walk.

  17. Trump showed up the media to be the pack of ignorant weasels that they are. He needs to hold more press conferences like he did today.

  18. Wait and see what comes out of the DOJ investigation.

  19. You really have to be one abysmally ignorant flaming asshole to try and erase your countries history. Let's ask the brain trust some simple question:

    Why did ISIS try to destroy Palmyra? Why did the Taliban blow up the standing Buddhas? Why did the Nazis burn the books in the streets?

    Why are the ignoramuses, dressed in black, trying to erase the history of a war between the states that killed 700,000 Americans?

    Answer :

    Because they are abysmally ignorant flaming assholes

  20. “This bigotry is counter to all this country stands for. There can be no moral ambiguity.”

    What horse shit. Which part of the country stands for what part of the country? There is no ambiguity at all. There is diddly squat for moral anything and in our celebrations of our diversity, we have devolved to celebrating those than are ambiguous about whether to sit or stand to piss.
    There is still is a majority that is very unambiguous. Paul Ryan is not one of them.
    Stow it.

  21. Donald Trump on David Duke 17 years ago.


    1. Great find, Doug. !

      The Donald was call David Duke, asshole extraordinaire, a racist and bigot 17 years ago !


  22. .

    Antifa is Antifascist.
    They're the good guys.
    They can do no wrong.
    Even when they beat up innocents with clubs.
    As Joe Biden says: "There is only one side."
    Antifa good, Trump Bad.




  23. Biden Justice:


    1. Scroll down a bit:

      Obama even runs like a girl.

    2. Makes Joe look like Macho Man by comparison.

  24. Farmbot


  25. Racial fear and bigotry are baked into our history, transferred through generations by people who cling to a misbegotten view of honesty, courage and truth.

    But the resistance to those views is strong and loud, filled with people, young and old, who know better. Many of them were in Charlottesville too, and because of them we can believe that what happened there Saturday wasn't a move backward.

    It was a display of what it looks like to move forward, angrily and hopefully, lugging the past with us.

    Long Ties of History

  26. Tough day for Trump apologists. It is quite funny watching Deuce foam at the mouth backing up his man.

    1. Nobody has to apologize for Trump today.

    2. Yeah, right, he stood up for all that is good in the ole USA. It really is quite amusing to see your worldview being expressed by Trump and your utterly clueless cheerleading being mocked by most. It's like you bought his line of 'waiting for the facts before commenting'.

    3. Ash, I understand why you hate Trump. Why do you hate the US so much?

    4. I don't hate the US. Trump is worse than a fool and I have little tolerance for folk like you who blindly follow him. Fortunately, you are a minority in the U.S. but you do represent a part of what is the US and thus deserve ridicule and criticism. That isn't hate.

    5. Ash loves Obama, who invited Black Lives Matter thugs into the White House.

  27. Paul Ryan, the Tin Man and the Republican Cowardly Lions are not calling for stopping the defacement and debasement of US history. Trump may have small hands but he has big balls.

    The Antiquities Act of 1906 provides for the protection of historic, prehistoric, and scientific features located on federal lands. It authorizes the President to designate as National Monuments historic and natural resources of national significance located on federally owned or controlled land.

    The Secretaries of the Interior, Agriculture and Defense are authorized to issue permits for archaeological investigations on lands under their control to recognized educational and scientific institutions for the purpose of systematically and professionally gathering data of scientific

    The GOP in each state should propose state laws similar to federal laws. Those that refuse to comply, we know who they are and Trump can deal with them in the next election.

  28. Meanwhile, Japanese PM Shinzo Abe used a telephone call on Tuesday to praise Mr Trump's commitment to protect US allies in the region and halt missile launches from Pyongyang.

    After speaking with the US President, Mr Abe said: 'Through a firm partnership between Japan and the US and cooperating with China, Russia and the international community we agreed that our priority was to work to ensure that North Korea doesn't launch more missiles.'

    Japanese shares rebounded on Tuesday morning, as fears of military conflict between the US and North Korea appeared to recede.

  29. .


    Anyone who actually believes Charlotte was about statues is batshit crazy.

    Luckily, I doubt if anyone here actually believes that.


    1. Please share the deeper meaning. It escapes everyone here but you. Your insight into our inner beliefs would also be elevating.

    2. No Quirk, Deuce is 100% with the program. No subterfuge is apparent - he really, like Trump, believes this shit.

    3. I believe it. White supremacists were protesting the city's plan to take down Confederate monuments.

    4. .

      The alt-right and white nationalist groups protesting the moving of the Confederate statues and monuments are doing it less to preserve aspects of American history and more because they view it as one more attack on white America, but then, these same guys see pretty much everything as an attack on white America. It is their stock in trade.

      How do we know this? Well, Jason Kessler, the guy who organized this day in the park for a few of his close friends and himself, told us so. And I rather doubt that other speakers at the rally, David Duke, Richard Spencer, et al, would disagree.

      This was simply a bunch of yahoos looking for attention and confrontation. Robert E. Lee was as good an excuse as any other.

      Your insight into our inner beliefs would also be elevating

      I'll leave it to others to peer into your soul. That said, a man is generally judged by the things he does and in the absence of that by the words he speaks.

      As for me, I personally find it ironic and somewhat humorous hearing an avowed atheist bemoaning the loss of the 'Christian' tradition.


      everything to do with racism. Jason Kessler, the guy who organized the rally said so

    5. No Quirk, Deuce is 100% with the program. No subterfuge is apparent - he really, like Trump, believes this shit.

  30. NORTH Korea might be holding off on its plan to target Guam in a missile attack.

    But if Kim Jong-un did decide to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile at the US territory, the Trump administration would have to decide pretty fast what action to take.


    Officials have told US media that satellites have observed DPRK mobile missile launcher movement, indicating an intermediate-ballistic missile may be being prepared as part of North Korea's holiday celebrations.


    Meanwhile, Mr Mattis said he would know within moments where a North Korean missile was headed if one was launched.

    "We know swiftly after it's launched where it's going to land," he said.

  31. I believe it. White supremacists were protesting the city's plan to take down Confederate monuments.

    Of course there were white Americans who oppose the leftist ethnic cleansing of US history. That is their right. If you are implying that every white person there was a "white supremacist" , the comment is based on ignorance of the facts.

    There were white fascists on both sides. There were white radicals on both sides. The woman killed was white. There were blacks, most were law abiding and some were, radicals, thugs and criminals.

    Anyone with a basic understanding of US law knows that all are equal under the law. The radical Left does not.

    No one in a free society has a right to shut down the free speech and right to assemble. That is lawlessness. The Leftist radicals believe that they are elite and not obligated to be confined by societal norms and US Law. Leftists always do this, in China, The Taliban, Russia, Germany and Italy.

    1. Where was the law? Where were the cops? Where were the cops in Berkley? Where were the cops in North Carolina when the mob tore down another US monument? Had the cops done their job, this would not have happened.

      When a black racist shot and killed five white cops in Texas, was that a "Black supremacist" issue?

    2. the comment is based on ignorance of the facts.

      part of the sentence was deleted in typing. It should read:" the comment is based on media propaganda and their contempt for and ignorance of the facts."

    3. .

      I answered your initial question above.

      As for the police, I agree with you. They didn't do shit.

      Though I have little but contempt for Kessler, the sight of the police allowing him to be roughed up by a leftist mob as he was about to address them was disgusting.


    4. They had a protest permit.

      They other side did not.

    5. .

      Not exactly.

      Kessler requested a permit for Lee Park, the site of the statue. That was refused because the park was too small for the amount of people Kessler said would be attending (400). Instead, he was granted a permit for McIntyre Park, a larger park where safety concerns could be more easily addressed.

      Kessler refused to change his request and went to Lee Park instead. He was asked by police to leave and again refused.


  32. This whole ugly affair was based by piss poor leadership of the police and a totally unprepared and undermanned police force.

    Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's actions before and after the deadly weekend race clashes in Charlottesville are coming under fire amid calls for an independent review to determine if politics played a role.

    Former Republican Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore on Tuesday raised new questions about Richmond's involvement in the riots the claimed three lives and said the public "needs to know" if the state and city had taken the proper precautions to avoid the clashes and if police were told to stand down.

  33. In an interview with Secrets, he dismissed McAuliffe's call for an internal review. Instead, Gilmore, who was a presidential candidate in 2016, said that an independent group must be charged with the investigation, taking it out of the governor's office.

    "This has to be an independent review. We have to know what the governor did, how he participated in it, whether he was part of the meetings, whether he had a meeting, whether the secretary of public safety was in the meeting, where it was held, was it in Richmond or Charlottesville, what planning was done, and what constraints if any were put on the police," said Gilmore, a former Virginia attorney general and county attorney.

    Gilmore, president of the American Opportunity Foundation, formerly known as the Free Congress Foundation, said, "While we support the police, we know they do a good job, we don't know what direction they got at the time of the Charlottesville riots."

    Several reports have said that the police stood by as white supremacists and their foes faced off in fights. Others said that when the violence escalated, unprepared police had to leave to get proper equipment.

    Gilmore also said there was a report that some police were "asked to stand aside and be more passive."

    He added, "They didn't have a plan to separate these groups. The governor seems to be blaming everybody else."

    Gilmore said, "You have to have afore-knowledge of what is ready to happen and a plan in place to be able to deal with it so the police can carry out the plan. In this case the was no plan apparently to divide these people from one to the other. We need to know, we need to be advised as to what action was taken or not taken."

    In a televised statement Saturday, McAuliffe seemed to blame the white hate groups for the violence, but he later blamed the ACLU which sued to keep the protest in downtown Charlottesville.

    1. .

      This is why I contribute to the ACLU.

      I disagree with most of their stances but they are consistent and the things we agree on are the most important to me including their stance on the 1st Amendment.

      Like the ACLU, I disagree with everything about the right-wing nuts at the rally, but I would defend their right to speak.

      Everyone should be free to make an ass of themselves just as long as no one gets hurt in the process.


    2. You practice what you preach, I will say that.

  34. We will hear more about McAuliffe's role in this. Being a long time Clintonite, it is not his first rodeo

    Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the top Clinton operative who holds elected office, is under investigation yet again. This time, it involves $120,000 given to McAuliffe's gubernatorial campaign by a billionaire who served in China's communist legislature.

    McAuliffe's business and political dealings have raised questions repeatedly. For example, in the 1990s, as McAuliffe set records raising money for the Clintons, congressional investigators uncovered a Chinese government scheme to funnel money to the Clinton operation through a number of businesspeople, including a man named "Charlie" Trie. In that case, 94 people either refused questioning, pled the Fifth Amendment, or left the country.

    During that period, McAuliffe helped a company named Loral Space get seats on official trade missions, and, reportedly with McAuliffe's intervention, the Clinton administration overruled national security officials to approve a Loral deal that gave China critical missile technology. Loral's CEO became the largest donor to the Democratic National Committee, where McAuliffe became chairman.

    In 2009, McAuliffe founded GreenTech Automotive, a manufacturer of electric vehicles. "If you have good green projects, there are billions of dollars that are looking for those projects," he said at the time. Soon after, McAuliffe received a package of special-interest "incentives" — loans, grants and targeted tax breaks — from state and local governments in Mississippi to build a plant there. The taxpayers' care package totaled at least $5 million. At the plant's ribbon-cutting, Bill Clinton was an honored guest.

    Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the top Clinton operative who holds elected office, is under investigation yet again. This time, it involves $120,000 given to McAuliffe's gubernatorial campaign by a billionaire who served in China's communist legislature.

    McAuliffe's business and political dealings have raised questions repeatedly. For example, in the 1990s, as McAuliffe set records raising money for the Clintons, congressional investigators uncovered a Chinese government scheme to funnel money to the Clinton operation through a number of businesspeople, including a man named "Charlie" Trie. In that case, 94 people either refused questioning, pled the Fifth Amendment, or left the country.

    During that period, McAuliffe helped a company named Loral Space get seats on official trade missions, and, reportedly with McAuliffe's intervention, the Clinton administration overruled national security officials to approve a Loral deal that gave China critical missile technology. Loral's CEO became the largest donor to the Democratic National Committee, where McAuliffe became chairman.

    In 2009, McAuliffe founded GreenTech Automotive, a manufacturer of electric vehicles. "If you have good green projects, there are billions of dollars that are looking for those projects," he said at the time. Soon after, McAuliffe received a package of special-interest "incentives" — loans, grants and targeted tax breaks — from state and local governments in Mississippi to build a plant there. The taxpayers' care package totaled at least $5 million. At the plant's ribbon-cutting, Bill Clinton was an honored guest.

  35. A tweet from former US president Barack Obama in response to the violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, on the weekend has become the most liked of all time.

    "No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or his religion," the tweet said.

  36. Police Stand Down Blamed

    Of course it was. If police were allowed to do their jobs, this never would have happened. They cancelled the assembly, calling it "illegal" even though they had a valid permit, and forced everyone to leave on a narrow walkway that was lined up with Antifa, while police stayed safely behind the barriers just watching all of the violence happen.

    They created the violence by this action; they knew what they were doing.
    All of the injuries and the death of spoiler-surfer girl is all local government's responsibility.


    “There was no police presence,’’ she said. “We were watching people punch each other; people were bleeding all the while police were inside of barricades at the park watching. It was essentially just brawling on the street and community members trying to protect each other.”

    Asked about the brawling and why police did not do more to control it, Brian Moran, Virginia’s secretary of public safety, said in an interview on Sunday that “it was a volatile situation and its unfortunate people resorted to violence.

    ’’ But, he said, “From our plan, to insure the safety of our citizens and property, it went extremely well.’’

    It went "extremely well". Suppression of free speech, constitutional rights and one dead, many injured--that's extremely well, Mr. Secretary of Public Safety?


    The sojourners are the original Soros Marxists to infiltrate the black church so obviously it all went well to them.

    My problem with white nationalists is that they either don't realize or ignore that blacks are the first victims to this cultural Marxism bullshit.



  37. CNN calls this "A Meltdown for the ages."


  38. MSMNBC has been having a field day of throwing turds at The Donald, the alt-right, whatever that really is, Nazis and KKKers - this is justified - and basically the entire Republican Party.

    I've gotten so I watch it for a kind of odd entertainment value.

  39. The first tweet, which shows a picture of Obama smiling at four children, had been retweeted more than 1.1 million times and liked 2.7 million times as of Wednesday afternoon.

    According to Favstar, a Twitter-tracking site, it's one of the most-liked tweets in the history of Twitter, second to singer Ariana Grande's response to the deadly terrorist attack during her concert in Manchester. It also ranks No. 7 among the most retweeted tweets.

    Obama has used Twitter only sporadically since January, tweeting a handful of times every month to weigh in on national conversations. It's unclear if Obama himself or a social media team is handling his Twitter handle.

  40. Bill Clinton not smiling.


    1. My God we dodged a howitzer round with Hillary.

  41. 41 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were slave holders.

    Tucker Carlson

    We should tear the document up, and the Constitution too !

  42. The iconoclastic impulse is genetic in the left.

    Also with Mao, the muzzies, and other wonderful exemplars of human nature.

  43. - Terror-tied CAIR calls for destruction of every Confederate memorial :

    - Germany experimenting with mind altering “Love” drugs to make people more
    accepting of migrants :

    1. Oxytocin does the trick, I think.

    2. I suggest some kind of potent anesthesia drug, the kind used in open heart surgery, for instance.

      Oxy might do in a pinch.

    3. The Germans seem sound asleep already.

      Most all of Europe, except Poland and a few others.

  44. He materialized like a ghost on the suave greens of California's La Costa Country Club - a graying, thickening memory of the man who wrote the unhappiest passage in U.S. political history. The occasion for the outing was a Teamster charity golf tournament, the players mostly men with Teamster titles and, in some few cases, police records.


    * Dozens of acquaintances of Nixon's, ranging from casual to intimate, were willing to discuss his situation with Newsweek and did - on the understandable condition that their names be withheld.


    * Haldeman insists that they are still friends - it is just that each is engrossed in his own memoirs and has nothing to talk to the to the other about. But Nixon, within his own circle, has taken to blaming Haldeman for a misstep fatal to both of them: wiring the White House to record all the president's conversations - not, as Nixon claims to have believed, just the important ones.

    Newsweek Archives



    The latest Washington Post collusion story is different from the others. The story is “Trump campaign emails show aide’s repeated efforts to set up Russia meetings.” Last night Paul Mirengoff summarized and and deconstructed the story here.

    If you’ve been following the collusion hysteria, you won’t want to miss this story. The story comes in the accustomed form — under the byline of numerous Post heavy hitters (Tom Hamburger, Carol D. Leonnig and Rosalind S. Helderman with the assistance of Adam Entous, Alice Crites, Devlin Barrett, David Filipov, Philip Rucker and Ellen Nakashima), features the usual anonymous sources, and stands at one remove from the original documents — but this is a collusion story with a difference. The collusion has gone missing.

    The story is based on “20,000 pages of documents the Trump campaign turned over to congressional committees this month after review by White House and defense lawyers.” The Post reporters haven’t seen the documents themselves, but relevant parts have been read to them “by a person with access to them.” And that’s not all: “Two other people with access to the emails confirmed the general tone of the exchanges and some specific passages within them.” I guess that’s the way the Post heavy hitters were taught to do it in journalism school.

    The Post heavy hitters won’t come right out and say it, but those parts of the 20,000 pages that were read to them lack the whiff of collusion. The emails involving a volunteer campaign policy adviser demonstrate that proposed meetings with the Russians “generated more concern than excitement within the campaign[,]” which of course does not slow down the heavy hitters one bit.

    Again, that’s not all. Proposals sent to then campaign manager Paul Manafort were expressly rejected. “We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips [to Russia],” Manafort wrote.

    The Post solicited a comment from an unnamed spokesman for Manafort. The unnamed spokesman commented that the email chain provides “concrete evidence that the Russia collusion narrative is fake news.” That seems an entirely reasonable interpretation of the evidence presented in the story.

    Wary of readers who may need to brush up on ancient history, the Post heavy hitters add that Manafort’s “Virginia home was raided by FBI agents three weeks ago as part of an investigation by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III[.]” It’s amazing what you can do with nine reporters on a story like this.


    1. Trump team said no: It might be a violation of the Logan Act.

  46. Iraq War in 5 minutes.


    1. Under the influence of the left wing media, the opposite conclusion is drawn:

      Bush fucked up, Obama got us out of it.

  47. I think I have this right.

    The City had voted to take the statue down.

    Then the Nazi, KKK scum obtained a valid permit to hold a protest of this decision.

    Then, predictably, the antifa scum decided to show up to counter the Nazi/KKK scum.

    A big scrum broke out between the two sets of scum.

    The Police seem to have taken a temporary vacation.

    One of the Nazi scum from far away from some other state with a history of 'mental problems' took a page out of the muzzie playbook and turned his car into a homicide device.

    He will be holed up at taxpayer expense for a long long time.

    I assume the City's decision to take the statue down will stand as it ought to do, being duly passed by the elected office holders.

    1. If we would all sit quietly in our apartments, vote our conscience after civilized debate, and then abide by the results, all would go much better.

      There is always another election.

      (I hope this remains always true)

    2. If the police had controlled antifa and arrested lawbreakers and the mental case terrorist had not had his car beat on by antifa, perhaps a life and many injuries would have been saved.


    “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.”

    Wow, how deep. Humans have evolved by learning. They don't escape the womb quoting Cicero or snapping their fingers. My God, the brilliance of Obama is wilting.

    Let's have a tweet from the profound mind of baby loving Barack over the unfortunate fates of babies born in the Syria and Libya that he helped destroy.

    1. Oh great one, enlighten us on how the babies are born inside ISIS-besieged Deir ez-Zo, Syria.


      During the year of 2014, under the rule of His Holiness, Barack Hussein, how were the children doing under the religion of love? Let's take a look , shall we?

      Oh dear, a turd in the tweet bowl!

      more than 100,000 people, perhaps a third or more civilians, died violently in conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and the Gaza Strip in 2014, making it one of the bloodiest years in the Middle East’s history.

      “Already in 2013 we all thought it had reached a level of violence and devastation that couldn’t get worse,” said Bente Scheller, Beirut-based Middle East director for the Heinrich Boll Foundation. “It became worse in every country.”

      The people of Syria suffered by far the highest number of deaths. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, at least 76,000 people died violently in Syria, nearly a quarter of them civilians, in the most deadly year of a conflict ignited by government violence against peaceful protesters in 2011.

      The struggle has since mushroomed into a complicated civil war pitting the regime of Bashar al-Assad against an array of rebel fighters, including powerful forces allied with al-Qaeda, who are also battling the extremist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the group known as Isis. Fighting in 2014 ravaged Syria and spread misery throughout the region.

      “The Syria crisis is the biggest humanitarian crisis we have faced in the past two decades,” said Juliette Touma, spokeswoman for the UN’s special envoy to Syria. “The human toll is so huge. More than half of Syria's population is in need of humanitarian assistance: 75 per cent of people in need are women and children. The impact the crisis in Syria is having on the region from a social, security and economic side is immense.”

      And who was President while Bomb bomb Bomb McCain and Hillary Rodham Clinton were performing their magic with arms for Allah?

    2. Oh my, How the World was so lovely before the dark shadow of Trump the Terrible occluded the light of Obama.
