Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Comey Clinton Crime Cartel Comeuppance Coming


  1. No shit.

    I'd rather see Comey in Prison than Hillary.

    1. A 10' X 10' cell can hold two.

      Why be so picky ?

  2. No doubt his butt buddy Mueller will put him there.

  3. Another Tulsi Gabbard supporter!

    Along with "Doug" aka Abraham Williams:

    1. All I got was a criminal records search site for Abe.

      Is he infamous ?


  4. I had no idea I was in violation of the law when I blew a 1.8 after wiping out a family of 5 on the Freeway.

    Comey let me off because of that, and because I didn't intend to kill them.

    1. Ignorance of the law is always a good excuse and it was obviously unintentional.

      You were treated fairly.

  5. H.A. Goodman is a Bernie supporter.

    I kinda like the guy even if he is Bernie supporter.

    1. I wonder how H.A. feels these days about Bernie's wife ?

      She's got legal problems of her own.

  6. Here is how most of us feel, all written out -


    Gregg Jarrett: A second special counsel must investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch and others

    By Gregg Jarrett Published August 02, 2017 Fox News

    House Republicans call for a second special counsel

    There was a time, not so long ago, when candidate Donald Trump vowed, if elected, to have his attorney general appoint a special counsel to reopen the Hillary Clinton investigation and, if warranted, bring criminal charges against her.

    It never happened, of course. And the president has only himself to blame.

    President-elect Trump had a change of heart after winning the election, signaling that his new administration would let bygones be bygones, explaining that Clinton had “suffered” enough. It appeared to be an act of graciousness, the law be damned. Trump should have been reminded of the proverb that no good deed will be left unpunished.

    Belatedly, the president has experienced another change of heart. Under siege by a special counsel who seems to have gone rogue, Trump is reversing himself and wants the Clinton investigation reexamined. Remember the campaign chants? If prosecuted and convicted, “lock her up”.

    There is something fundamentally unfair when a special counsel is appointed to investigate the winner of a presidential contest, but not the loser.

    Perhaps the president is guilty of a shameless subterfuge. Or, more likely, he genuinely feels he is innocent of any wrongdoing, yet Clinton is not. It’s that fairness thing.

    But the law cares not a whit about Trump’s desires and motives. It is not fickle, as politicians are prone to be. If you commit a crime, you should be brought to the dock. Period.

    Try telling that immutable fact to the media. They will howl in perfect harmony.

    The media believes Clinton is entitled to a “get out of jail free” card. Politics, as it intersects the law, is nothing more than a game like “Monopoly”. Don’t you see? Clinton failed in her bid to become president, so she is somehow exempt from abiding by the law.

    Apparently, that is how the Washington Post envisions it. In a recent story, the newspaper justified it this way:

    “Trump’s suggestion that his top law enforcement official investigate a former political rival is astounding, and even his allies have said in the past that such a move would be unheard of in the United States.”

    By this reasoning, I could rob a bank, run for president but be excused from investigation and/or prosecution upon losing. Really?

    Since when do you receive a “get out of jail free” card simply because you are a defeated political rival? Could all manner of crimes be committed by a candidate without fear of legal consequences because of a paucity of votes on election day? Where is that statute written? I can’t seem to locate it.

    It should be neither “astounding” nor “unheard of” for people to be held accountable for their actions, regardless of their exalted position.

    Theodore Roosevelt popularized the long-held principle in democracy that “no one is above the law”. Yet, there now appears to be an exception to the rule of law as it applies to Clinton. Let’s call it the “Clinton Exclusion”.

    1. Fortunately, the House Judiciary Committee does not believe such immunity can be found anywhere on the books. It recently voted to reexamine evidence that Clinton may have broken the law, perhaps with the help of then-FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General, Loretta Lynch.

      At the same time, twenty members of the Committee sent a letter to the Department of Justice asking for the appointment of a second special counsel. They identify more than a dozen instances of suspected illegality based on fairly compelling evidence.

      There is much to investigate. Did Comey usurp the authority of the Attorney General in terminating the Clinton email investigation? How could downloading more than a hundred classified documents onto Clinton’s private and unsecured email server not constitute crimes under the Espionage Act? Why were five people given immunity while others invoked the Fifth Amendment, yet no grand jury was empaneled?

      The Committee is also interested in the extent to which Clinton Foundation donors seemed to have gained special access to the Secretary of State. Did she use her government office to enrich herself, her husband and their foundation? It is a crime to use a public office to confer a benefit to a foreign government in exchange for money. Clinton’s role in approving the “Uranium One” transaction and the timing of Russian donations appear to be of special concern.

      Lynch’s role, in particular, should be scrutinized by a special counsel. The Committee cites her private meeting with former President Bill Clinton and actions she allegedly took to mislead the public: “Mr. Comey’s testimony has provided new evidence that Ms. Lynch may have used her position of authority to undermine the Clinton investigation.”

      The call for a new special counsel is not limited to investigating Clinton, Comey and Lynch. It would also be empowered to determine who may have illegally unmasked the names of U.S. citizens, including those in the Trump campaign, incidentally collected by various intelligence agencies.

      The Committee identifies former National Security Adviser Susan Rice and ex-United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power as potential suspects. It is a crime to lie in an unmasking request or to use a government office for a political purpose or to leak an unmasked individual.

      Finally, the Committee urges a special counsel to determine why the FBI relied on the infamous anti-Trump dossier engineered by Fusion GPS, reportedly at the behest of a Clinton supporter. Was Russia involved, as evidence suggests? Did the FBI, under Comey, agree to pay a substantial sum of money to someone connected to the dossier?

      There is something fundamentally unfair when a special counsel is appointed to investigate the winner of a presidential contest, but not the loser. The imbalance is especially acute when the motives of the current special counsel, Robert Mueller, are inherently suspect.

      Mueller’s close relationship to the key witness, James Comey, creates a disqualifying conflict of interest forbidden by the special counsel law (28 CFR 600.7 and 45.2). Yet Mueller has made no move to recuse himself from the case. And neither has his boss, Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who finds himself presiding over the investigation as both prosecutor and witness since as he authored the memo advising President Trump to fire Comey.

      Losers in presidential elections are no more privileged under the law than are winners.

      Richard Nixon won re-election in 1972, but became an unindicted co-conspirator in the cover-up of the Watergate burglary. He would surely have been indicted upon leaving office had he not been the beneficiary of a pardon.

      That was Nixon’s “get out of jail free” card. Where is Clinton’s?

      Gregg Jarrett is a Fox News Anchor and former defense attorney.


  7. Of Course: McCain’s Favorable Rating Now 35 Points Higher Among Democrats Than Republicans
    ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 10:41 pm on August 2, 2017

    I mean, he is a Democrat.

    How many senators are underwater among their own party (-10) and way, waaaaay above water in the other one (+56)? Maybe ol’ Maverick should consider the big switch after all.....

  8. Pam is very fired up -

    Muslim Brotherhood Scion Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Classified Clinton Exchanges
    By Pamela Geller - on August 2, 2017


    The Democrats have aligned with the jihad force. The lines are clearly drawn. The party of treason engaged in an ongoing coup versus Americans who stand in defense of our unalienable rights and our Constitutional liberties. It’s war. Fight!

    August 2, 2017: By Madeleine Weast, Washington Free Beacon:

    A report from Judicial Watch revealed the U.S. State Department repeatedly used unsecured communications for classified information and found multiple examples of the Clinton Foundation donors receiving special treatment from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s staff.

    The report released on Wednesday contained 1,606 pages of documents sent to Judicial Watch from the State Department through a May 15, 2015 Freedom of Information Act request. The documents contained unsecured emails from Clinton’s then-deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin’s non-government account.

    The emails showed Clinton and her staff expressing interest in visiting Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il.

    The documents show 91 emails exchanges from Clinton that had not been previously turned over to the State Department. Clinton turned over 55,000 pages of emails from her unsecured private account, which she used to conduct State Department business to the agency last year. She claimed, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department.

    As of Judicial Watch’s latest report, at least 530 previously unknown emails exchanges that Clinton failed to turn over to the State Department have been revealed.

    One example of Clinton playing favors to her donors occurred in 2009:

    on April 12, 2009, Miguel Lausell, a Puerto Rican telecom executive who reportedlydonated $1 million to the Clinton Presidential Library and was a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, made a request of Abedin through Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band to push for the appointment of someone to become US ambassador to the Dominican Republic.
    Two previously undisclosed email exchanges between Clinton and her staff revealed she was quite particular about her hotel accommodations, Judicial Watch reported:

    On November 14, 2011, Abedin tells Clinton she’s going to have to stay at a “horrible Sheraton,” where President Obama would be staying, and asks if she’s open to another hotel. Clinton responds that “it would be hard not to be in same hotel as POTUS so try to get best option there.”

    On November 30, 2011, Abedin tells Clinton she’ll have to stay at a “second tier hotel” in Burma because “the nice hotel owner was problematic.” The “second tier hotel” room is a suite with “a room nearby large enough to accommodate more people.”

    In another email exchange with her staff, Clinton was upset Cheryl Mills and Bill Burns were unable to attend a photo shoot and their absence would lack diversity for the photo op:

    On February 26, 2010, noting the absence of Mills and Bill Burns, Clinton tells Abedin that “the whole point” of a photo shoot that day “is to show a team that is diverse in every way. That won’t happen and I am worried about that.”
    Clinton came under fire during the 2016 presidential campaign for using a non-government email on a private server to send and receive classified information during her tenure at the State Department.

    Break out the champagne.
    August 3, 2017 Robert Spencer

    The New York Times reported last Friday that “an exodus is underway” in the State Department. The Times didn’t think this was good news; it gave space to one career diplomat who lamented that there was “complete and utter disdain for our expertise.”

    This could be the best news to come out of Washington since the Trump administration took office.

    We can only hope that with the departure of these failed State Department officials, their failed policies will be swept out along with them. Chief among these is the almost universally held idea that poverty causes terrorism. The United States has wasted uncounted (literally, because a great deal of it was in untraceable bags full of cash) billions of dollars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt, and other countries in the wrongheaded assumption that Muslims turn to jihad because they lack economic opportunities and education. American officials built schools and hospitals, thinking that they were winning over the hearts and minds of the locals.

    Fifteen years, thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars later, no significant number of hearts and minds have been won. This is partly because the premise is wrong. The New York Times reported in March that “not long after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001…Alan B. Krueger, the Princeton economist, tested the widespread assumption that poverty was a key factor in the making of a terrorist. Mr. Krueger’s analysis of economic figures, polls, and data on suicide bombers and hate groups found no link between economic distress and terrorism.”

    CNS News noted in September 2013 that “according to a Rand Corporation report on counterterrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2009, ‘Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease. Demographically, their most important characteristic is normalcy (within their environment). Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.’ One of the authors of the RAND report, Darcy Noricks, also found that according to a number of academic studies, ‘Terrorists turn out to be more rather than less educated than the general population.’”

    Yet the analysis that poverty causes terrorism has been applied and reapplied and reapplied again. The swamp is in dire need of draining, and in other ways as well. From 2011 on, it was official Obama administration policy to deny any connection between Islam and terrorism.....


  10. BHS graduate indicted on charge of attempting to support ISIS

    22 year-old Berkeley High School graduate and alleged ISIS supporter Amer Sinan Alhaggagi was indicted by a federal grand jury July 20 on a charge of attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.

    Among other charges, Alhaggagi, who was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in November, is alleged to have provided “services and personnel” — such as opening social media accounts — to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, from July to November 2016.

    Federal prosecutors allege that Alhaggagi conspired to kill 10,000 people across the Bay Area by methods such as planting backpack bombs in UC Berkeley campus dormitories and setting fire to the Berkeley Hills.

    “The whole Bay Area is going to be up in flames,” Alhaggagi allegedly told an FBI informant, according to NBC Bay Area.

  11. Hamburg knife attack suspect known as Islamist but had no terror links

    Berlin (CNN)A man accused of a fatal stabbing in Hamburg, Germany, was known to investigators as an Islamist and was "psychologically unstable" but so far does not appear to have any terror links, authorities said Saturday.

    The 26-year-old man grabbed a long kitchen knife at a supermarket Friday afternoon and stabbed three shoppers, killing one, before attacking four others on the street.
    Eyewitnesses said he shouted, ''Allahu akbar,'' or God is greatest. Amateur video showed young men throwing chairs at the suspect to subdue him.

    Grote said the attacker appeared to have Islamist motives but was also ''psychologically unstable.'' He was known to be undergoing radicalization, and authorities were monitoring him but didn't consider him to be an Islamist militant. Authorities searched his living quarters at an asylum shelter in Hamburg overnight.
    Torsten Voss, Hamburg state's chief of the Constitutional Protection Office, said the suspect was one of 800 registered Islamists under observation in Hamburg, but that he was so far not linked to any extremist network.

    Voss said the attacker, according to an informant, was known in the past to enjoy drinking and partying, but had changed recently and increasingly spoke about the Koran. The suspect speaks Norwegian, Swedish and English, he said.

    Two German security officials said the suspect in the Hamburg knife attack was on the radar screen for expressing pro-jihadi views.

    The state domestic intelligence service in Hamburg had flagged him, the officials told CNN, but the suspect was not considered a priority cause for concern because the depth of his radicalization was not clear.

    One official said the attack appears to be the latest in a series of "borderline cases" in Europe and the United States where it is difficult to untangle mental health problems from terrorist motivation.

    1. He liked to shout ''Allahu akbar,'' and slit people's throats, but he was not an Islamic Terrorist,

      ...just nutz.

  12. KPFA cancels Richard Dawkins’ speech because of his tweets about Islam

    Richard Dawkins. Photo: Courtesy of Richard Dawkins
    In the latest Berkeley controversy over what speakers may talk about, the progressive radio station KPFA has canceled an Aug. 9 on-stage appearance by the scientist Richard Dawkins.

    KPFA had invited the British scientist to discuss his newest book, Science in the Soul: Collected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist, which it termed “excellent.” But on Thursday the news organization canceled the event, citing concerns about the tone of some of Dawkins’ tweets about Muslims.

    “We had booked this event based entirely on his excellent new book on science when we didn’t know he had offended and hurt – in his tweets and other comments on Islam, so many people,” KPFA said in an email sent to ticket buyers. “KPFA does not endorse hurtful speech. While KPFA emphatically supports serious free speech, we do not support abusive speech. We apologize for not having had broader knowledge of Dawkins views much earlier.”

    Dawkins challenged KPFA’s interpretation of his tweets through a press release issued by the Center for Public Inquiry. In 2017, his Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science merged with the Center for Public Inquiry and Dawkins holds a board seat.


    1. ====

      If you had consulted me, or if you had done even rudimentary fact-checking, you would have concluded that I have never used abusive speech against Islam. I have called IslamISM “vile” but surely you, of all people, understand that Islamism is not the same as Islam. I have criticised the ridiculous pseudoscientific claims made by Islamic apologists (“the sun sets in a marsh” etc), and the opposition of Islamic “ scholars” to evolution and other scientific truths.

      I have criticised the appalling misogyny and homophobia of Islam, I have criticised the murdering of apostates for no crime other than their disbelief. Far from attacking Muslims, I understand – as perhaps you do not – that Muslims themselves are the prime victims of the oppressive cruelties of Islamism, especially Muslim women.

      I am known as a frequent critic of Christianity and have never been de-platformed for that. Why do you give Islam a free pass? Why is it fine to criticise Christianity but not Islam?

      You say I use “abusive speech” about Islam. I would seriously – I mean it – like to hear what examples of my “abusive speech” you had in mind.

    2. “the sun sets in a marsh”

      Wonder where, when, and how the desert bunnies came up with this one ?

      And what the metaphorical meaning might be, if there is one ?

      If it is in the Koran I missed it.

    3. I was in Korea and I missed it.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I did pull guard duty in rice paddies, tho.

    6. The Sun rose AND set on a rice paddy, depending on your location.


  13. Former UN Amb. Power Unmasked ‘”Hundreds” In Last Year Of Obama Admin

    Former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power is believed to have made “hundreds” of unmasking requests to identify individuals named in classified intelligence community reports related to Trump and his presidential transition team, according to multiple sources who said the behavior is unprecedented for an official in her position.

    Power was first identified by the Washington Free Beacon last month as a central figure in a congressional investigation into efforts by senior Obama administration officials to obtain classified intelligence information in what many allege was an effort to undermine President Donald Trump and his incoming national security team.

    Power is believed to be the anonymous official responsible for “hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama administration,” according to current and former U.S. officials who spoke to the Free Beacon about the ongoing investigation.

    Efforts by the former Obama administration to obtain the names of Trump allies included in raw intelligence reports have fueled speculation that subsequent leaks to the press were orchestrated by the former administration and its allies in a bid to damage the current White House and smear Trump’s most senior confidantes.'

  14. Fox News just reported Mueller has impanelled a Grand Jury in the RussiaGate prode.

    Has been seated for some time.

  15. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)

    Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.

    Surely some revelation is at hand;
    Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
    The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
    When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
    Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
    A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
    A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
    Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
    Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

    The darkness drops again but now I know
    That twenty centuries of stony sleep
    Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
    And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
    Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

  16. And just as The Donald goes on vacation too.

    Gives Mueller a lot of new tools, Fox is saying.

  17. White House is saying it's no big deal.

  18. WV Governor flips from Democrat Party to become a Republican.

    He's a big coal guy.

  19. The entire transcript of The Donald's talk with Australian Prime Minister has been leaked

    There seems to be no privacy left for anyone anywhere.

  20. No Grand Jury was impaneled for Hillary.

  21. Only a Grand Jury can issue a subpoena to compel testimony, Judge Napolitano is saying.

    1. Stock markets don't seem to care about this news.

    2. Stock markets have closed at new all time high.

      LEAKS! WASH POST obtains FULL transcripts of confidential talks with Mexico, Australia...



    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I knew someone would finally say it -

      A Grand Jury can indict a ham sandwich

    6. It's a D.C. Grand Jury.

      Meaning there probably won't be a Republican on it.

    7. Heh, MSNBC has that arse George Will on.....

      Subpoenas Donald Jr., Russian lawyers meeting...
      Senators Write Bill to Protect Investigation....DRUDGE


  22. "Mr. Andres in March supported a Democratic lawmaker, donating $2,700 to Kirsten Gillibrand, a U.S. senator representing New York, according federal campaign disclosure records."

    The same senator who recommended Andes' wife for a federal judgeship, to which she was nominated by President Obama and summarily confirmed by the Senate.

    Also, surprisingly LITTLE information in this piece about the extent of Democratic donations by more than a half-dozen of Mueller's other "non-partisan" "professionals."


  23. Explaining why he took these notes, Comey told Congress: “I knew that there might come a day when I would need a record of what had happened, not just to defend myself but also to defend the FBI and our integrity as an institution and the independence of our investigative function. … [I]t was a combination of circumstances, subject matter, and the particular person.”

    FBI agents and managers are inveterate note takers. It is part of the culture of the FBI. Several of the senior FBI managers Comey consulted with are also attorneys, who have similar traditions of memorializing important matters by taking careful and contemporaneous notes.

    Good to know they've got extensive notes about Hillary, Huma, Flynn, Weiner, et-al.

    FBI agents are experienced witnesses who routinely testify in high-pressure cases.
    Plus, the FBI itself is a rare public institution that is widely respected and trusted by the American public.
    The witness list and breadth of possible evidence, including notes Comey and several other senior FBI officials made at the time, could add up to a much stronger obstruction of justice case than Trump ever could have imagined.

    1. I certainly have more respect for the FBI than ever before, thanks to Comey.

    2. We all do, Doug, we all do.

      We are all compelled to respect Comey's excellent character and good judgment in letting Hillary walk away from an unjust inquisition.

    3. I think it's time to start hoarding silver and gold and ammo.


  24. Explaining why he took these notes, Comey told Congress: “I knew that there might come a day when I would need a record of what had happened, not just to defend myself but also to defend the FBI and our integrity as an institution and the independence of our investigative function. … [I]t was a combination of circumstances, subject matter, and the particular person.”

    FBI agents and managers are inveterate note takers. It is part of the culture of the FBI. Several of the senior FBI managers Comey consulted with are also attorneys, who have similar traditions of memorializing important matters by taking careful and contemporaneous notes.

    Good to know they've got extensive notes about Hillary, Huma, Flynn, Weiner, et-al.

    FBI agents are experienced witnesses who routinely testify in high-pressure cases.
    Plus, the FBI itself is a rare public institution that is widely respected and trusted by the American public.
    The witness list and breadth of possible evidence, including notes Comey and several other senior FBI officials made at the time, could add up to a much stronger obstruction of justice case than Trump ever could have imagined.

    Explaining why he took these notes, Comey told Congress: “I knew that there might come a day when I would need a record of what had happened, not just to defend myself but also to defend the FBI and our integrity as an institution and the independence of our investigative function. … [I]t was a combination of circumstances, subject matter, and the particular person.”


    No reasonable prosecutor would disagree.

    That Hillary, Huma, Obama, et-al had any ill intent.

    As if intent has anything whatsoever to do with the law.

  25. News from the politics in QuirkLand -

    Half of Detroit mayoral candidates are felons....DRUDGE

    1. Nothing new in that. Except that 50% is on the low side of the usual percentage of felons running for Mayor of Detroit.

  26. Idaho Bracing For Astronomical ObamaCare Premium Hikes In 2018
    ED MORRISSEYPosted at 6:01 pm on August 3, 2017

    Has the uncertainty over the fate of ObamaCare accelerated the instability of insurer markets — or is that fully attributable to ObamaCare itself? Insurance consumers in Idaho might not care whether the chicken or the egg came first. They’re going to be more concerned that premiums will cost them an arm and a leg, thanks to massive rate hikes as high as 81% for next year’s plans:

    SEE ALSO: Study: Increasing minimum wage would cost one Maryland county 47,000 jobs

    The five insurers serving the individual market in Idaho are Blue Cross of Idaho Health Service, Mountain Health Co-Op, PacificSource Health Plans, Regence BlueShield of Idaho, and SelectHealth.

    For all plans, insurers requested rates ranging from a low of 25 percent to a high of 51 percent for a combined average statewide rate increase of 38 percent. For Obamacare’s popular Silver plan, the average rate increase among all insurers was even higher at 50 percent, with one insurer requesting a high of 81 percent.

    “I am deeply disappointed and frustrated to share these rates,” said Dean Cameron, who directs the department. “I understand how difficult it will be for Idahoans to afford reasonable coverage, especially those without a subsidy.”....

    1. Anthem, Aetna exit Obamacare exchanges

      JOHN SEXTON Aug 03, 2017 3:21 PM

      “Aetna…benefited from exiting most of its Obamacare individual insurance markets this year.”
