Sunday, July 16, 2017

Germany's Merkel and Her Gift To Greece - Muslim Migrants - All to Advance The Cultural Experience of Greeks

Migrants set fire to camps on Greek holiday island of Lesbos then ‘blocked emergency services from reaching blaze’

RIOTING migrants set fire to a camp on a picturesque Greek holiday island after being told they were being deported.
Trouble flared just as EU chiefs gave the greenlight to more than £5 million in funds for the affected camp at Lesbos and another on Chios.
The rioting occurred on the Greek island of Lesbos
The rioting occurred on the Greek island of Lesbos
Tents and shipping containers were burnt to the ground at the Moria refugee camp
Tents and shipping containers were burnt to the ground at the Moria refugee camp
Pictures from the scene shows clouds of black smoke billowing up from the Moria reception centre on Lesbos as fire trucks raced to put out the blaze.
Two large tents were burnt to the ground and several shipping containers used as temporary accommodation were also damaged.
Police called to the incident were hit with stones and retaliated with tear gas to bring the situation under control.
One post on Facebook from a migrant at the centre said the riot started after a visit from the local mayor who was made aware of the conditions in the camp.
The Iranian asylum seeker said the migrants had complained about substandard living conditions several times but they had been ignored.
Officials said the riot started after those at the camp were told they would be deported to Turkey.
A spokesperson from the Lesbos mayor's office said the migrants blocked fire trucks from reaching the blaze
A spokesperson from the Lesbos mayor’s office said the migrants blocked fire trucks from reaching the blaze
Fire breaks out at migrant camp on Greek Island Lesbos
A spokesman for Lesbos mayor’s office said migrants were blocking the road and preventing fire trucks reaching the inferno.
Around 14,000 migrants are thought to be in the camps in Lesbos and Chios waiting to be processed and either allowed into Greece or sent back to Turkey.
One migrant said: "It is like a war zone in there. It all started when some were told they were being sent back to Turkey where they had come from and they set fire to rubbish and threw stones at the police."



  1. Chancellor Angela Merkel rejects refugee limit for Germany in TV interview

    The German chancellor has defied calls from her sister party to limit the number of refugees entering Germany. In a wide-ranging interview she defended the G20 summit in Hamburg and spending on infrastructure.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel refused to place an upper limit on refugees that the country accepts, speaking in an annual interview broadcast on Sunday.

    Distancing herself from the position of her conservative Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), Merkel, who leads the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), said placing a limit on refugees was not the way forward.

    "As far as an upper limit is concerned, my position is clear: I will not accept it," she said, saying that numbers could be reduced by regulation and taking action to prevent the situations that cause people to flee one country for another.

    That position places her in conflict with CSU leader Horst Seehofer who threatened not to enter into coalition without an annual upper limit for refugee numbers.

  2. There is something seriously wrong with the Germans.

  3. Every major shit hole on the planet is dwarfed by the shit holes in Africa. They cannot be helped in Africa or Europe. There is not enough money anywhere that will change African culture. Western Europe is rich and weak. It has neither the political will or the means to save itself with the Germans in charge.

    Don't believe it , go there.

  4. Germany is The second most hated country in Europe. Russia is number one.

    Lots of German people are decent, but on a national level they have wanted to rule Europe since their unification. And because of their size and mentality, that makes them very dangerous. Every few years they come forth with some new idea that they're convinced Europe will love, but ends up almost destroying it - the latest one is to move all the people from Africa and the Middle East into Europe.

  5. They don't seem to be showing much gratitude.

    Thankfully we have Ash and Quirk to turn to for advice.

    I'd round them up and ship them home myself.

  6. What did the banana say to the vibrator?

  7. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will travel to Warsaw with Prince George and Princess Charlotte for the start of a five-day tour of Poland and Germany.

    William and Kate's trip, taken at the request of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, is likely to be seen as another Brexit diplomacy tour, helping to maintain and strengthen the UK's relations with Europe as it leaves the EU.


    William and Kate's five-day trip will begin with a welcome from President Andrzej Duda in the Polish capital.

    Chancellor Angela Merkel will hold a private meeting with the royal couple in Berlin at the start of the German leg of their tour on Wednesday.

    1. Study: When Is Someone Too Old To Go To A Club?

      There isn’t an age limit at nightclubs across the world, but how old is too old to go clubbing? According to a survey by Currys PC World, 37 years old is that magic number.

      Currys carried out a survey of 5,000 adults and found that 37 percent of participants went as far as saying that it’s “tragic” seeing those out at clubs who are 40 or older. The study also found that 31 years old is the age that many begin to prefer staying in than going out. The desire to not be hungover the next day is the main driving force behind staying in.

  8. Doctor Who As A Woman Really Isn’t “Controversial,” And Is Kinda Cool
    TAYLOR MILLARD Posted at 8:01 pm on July 16, 2017

    Doctor Who, the legendary British TV hero, is now a woman. BBC announced Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor on Sunday, praising her talents as an actress and the “historicalness” of the casting.

    Chris Chibnall, New Head Writer and Executive Producer says :

    “After months of lists, conversations, auditions, recalls, and a lot of secret-keeping, we’re excited to welcome Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor.

    I always knew I wanted the Thirteenth Doctor to be a woman and we’re thrilled to have secured our number one choice. Her audition for The Doctor simply blew us all away. Jodie is an in-demand, funny, inspiring, super-smart force of nature and will bring loads of wit, strength and warmth to the role. The Thirteenth Doctor is on her way.”

    Charlotte Moore, Director of BBC Content says :

    “Making history is what Doctor Who is all about and Chris Chibnall’s bold new take on the next Time Lord is exactly that. The nation is going to fall in love with Jodie Whittaker – and have lots of fun too!”
    Moore’s comment is more about getting as much publicity as possible, much like when Marvel announced Thor was going to be a female in 2014. It’s meant to get people talking, and the words “bold new take,” is typical fare for public relations. If you look at the announcements of David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor, and Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, the news releases are pretty similar with the Whittaker one. The comments would be made if a guy was named the new Doctor. It’s the nature of PR.

    Let’s be honest, it’s really not that controversial that Whittaker was cast as Doctor Who. Yes, she’s the first woman to take on the role, but this isn’t like Bruce Wayne being replaced as Batman by Dick Grayson. Whenever Time Lords regenerate (aka die and come back), they become completely new characters with new personalities, quirks, and methods.....


    A splash from the acid test of multiculturalism

    July 17, 2017 Daniel Greenfield

    Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

    Things are going smashingly well in Londonistan.

    The City of London has the highest murder rate in the land. While the authorities launch investigations into pork being left at a mosque or a hijab supposedly being torn off, crime continues to rise.

    Gun control has worked so wonderfully well that gun crime in London rose 42%. When gun control advocates insist that we should be more like the UK, London’s 2,544 gun crime offenses probably aren’t what they have in mind.

    But gun control does work in London after a fashion. Those gang members who can’t lay their hand on a firearm must make do with a sharp blade. Knife crimes in London rose 24% to 12,074 recorded offences. 60 people were stabbed to death last year.

    Why? Here’s a hint from the Metropolitan Police’s assistant commissioner. “There are complex social reasons why more young people are carrying knives and this cannot be solved by the police alone.”

    Those complex social reasons would seem to involve stabbing other people. But like Islamic terrorism, stabbings in London are one of those things that can’t be solved by the police. Unlike people saying mean things about Muslims on Facebook and Twitter which the Met cops are well equipped to solve.

    Still the authorities have been doing their best to tackle stabbings with a knife ban. Carry a knife without a “good reason” and you can get four years in prison. Good reasons for carrying knives include using it as a prop in a production of Romeo and Juliet, taking it to a museum or “religious reasons”. The ban, which covers “sword-sticks”, samurai swords and “zombie knives” that are sold to fight zombies, isn’t working.

    But it’s working well enough that many of the gangs responsible for the violence are turning to acid.

    Acid attacks in London rose from 162 in 2012 to 454 last year. There have already been 199 acid attacks this year. Five acid attacks just happened in London in the space of little more than an hour.

    And so the obvious new solution is drain cleaner control.

    1. The push is on to “license” corrosive substances while banning anyone from carrying drain cleaner unless they have a good reason. When the public is banned from buying drain cleaners, then finally everyone in London will be safe. It’s worked for guns and knives. Bound to work for acid. And being stuck with a clogged toilet, like Allah Akbar car rammings, is the price we must all pay for diversity.

      It’s easy to blame and ban inanimate objects. And it avoids any discussion of the perpetrators.

      Newham is the London borough with the highest number of acid attacks. It also has the second highest percentage of Muslims in the UK. 398 acid attacks occurred in 5 years in the area named as “the most ethnically diverse district in England and Wales”. 33% of Newham consists of non-UK passport holders.

      But surely that’s some sort of random coincidence.

      Except that the place with the third highest number of acid attacks is Tower Hamlets. Tower Hamlets is a Muslim no-go zone. It has one of the smallest native British populations in the country. 35% of the population is Muslim. Most of those are Bangladeshis with a healthy sprinkling of Somalis.

      There were 84 acid attacks in what has been dubbed “The Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets”.

      Also, entirely by coincidence, Bangladesh has the highest rate of acid attacks in the world. But if anyone suggests that these two statistics are related, the Met police will investigate them for hate crimes.

      The second highest acid attack location in London was Barking and Dagenham, a growing Muslim enclave which elected its first Muslim mayor whose plans include holding an Islamic festival “for the whole community—regardless of religion”.

      Barking is a wonderful place where you have the choice to be Muslim or Muslim. Regardless of religion.

      The native British population made up 80% of Barking in 2001. Now it’s fallen to less than half........

    2. But the corrosive acid does its work in less sensational ways. When Britons no longer feel at home in their own communities, when mosques replace churches and synagogues, when Sharia patrols march through the streets, when English is drowned out by Urdu and Arabic in the streets, that is also the acid of immigration eating away at the flesh and bone of a nation.

      Acid attacks don’t immediately kill. They maim and disfigure. Newham, Barking, Tower Hamlets and so much of London have been left maimed and disfigured so that longtime residents no longer know them.

      Britannia has had acid splashed in her lovely face. Her clear features have been scarred and mutilated. Now, from London to Manchester, from Birmingham to Bradford, she suffers and burns.

  10. Businesswoman breaks ankle after fighting off gang of eight moped robbers in London

    Jonathan Mitchell11 hours ago

    A fashion executive who was targeted by a gang of moped thugs as she walked her dog has told of how she fought off eight robbers.

    Alexandra Meyers, 41, said she kicked one of the attackers so hard she shattered her ankle during the terrifying attack in London.

    Her ordeal comes in the midst of a moped-enabled crime epidemic in the capital.

    On Thursday, five people were injured when moped drivers went on an acid attack rampage across north and east London.

    A man was also stabbed to death by moped drivers after an “altercation” in Greenwich less than 24 hours later.

    A teenager is also fighting for his life after a stolen moped crashed into a police car in Wimbledon in the early hours of Sunday morning.

    Ms Meyers, a fashion and luxury creative consultant and former UK communications director for jewellers Tiffany & Co, said she was attacked in broad daylight by eight moped drivers.

    1. She was walking her dog in west London when the attackers struck.

      Ms Meyers told the Mail on Sunday: “I was chatting to a friend on the phone when a powerful-looking moped with two men aboard came up on to the pavement, quite slowly.

      “They stopped abruptly in front of me and just grabbed my left hand with the phone in it and tried to get it. I instinctively did not let go.

      “Then they saw I had a watch on and tried to put it off but the metal bracelet had a security clasp preventing it coming off my wrist.

      “At that moment another moped came up next to me and I heard a sound behind me when another pair appeared on a third bike. I was cornered with my back to the wall.”

      She said mopeds mounted the pavement, each carrying two leather-clad riders in helmets.

      The attackers let go of Ms Meyers when she began kicking and punching the moped drivers.

      She said a car then mounted the pavement and knocked one of the mopeds over, giving her the chance to grab her dog and flee.

      Ms Meyers added: “At that point I remember seeing a car mounting the kerb and knocking the bike behind me over with the two people on it. That is what gave me a chance to pick up the dog and start running.

      “I could feel that I’d broken my ankle but the adrenaline just took over and pushed me on. Then I saw the gang was coming back for me again and I noticed a black cab approaching.

      “I threw myself into the road, pleading with the driver to stop.”

      Ms Meyers added she said she feel lucky to escape the ordeal without life changing injuries.

      She was taken to hospital and treated for a broken ankle.

    2. London Police are prohibited from chasing them if they are not wearing a helmet.

    3. That's unbelievable.

      Well, almost unbelievable.

  11. Officials in Italy are fed up that they are receiving little to no help from their European neighbours despite thousands of migrants flooding onto its shores every month.

    In a bid to deal with the crisis, Italy is threatening to invoke wartime legislation to hand out hundreds of thousands of temporary EU visas to asylum seekers which would allow the migrants to legally travel north using a Brussels directive.

    The Italian Government believes that they can exploit European Council Directive 2001/55, which was put in place after the Balkans conflict to give temporary European entry permits to a large number of displaced people.

    Officials in Italy are fed up that they are receiving little to no help from their European neighbours despite thousands of migrants flooding onto its shores every month.

    In a bid to deal with the crisis, Italy is threatening to invoke wartime legislation to hand out hundreds of thousands of temporary EU visas to asylum seekers which would allow the migrants to legally travel north using a Brussels directive.

    The Italian Government believes that they can exploit European Council Directive 2001/55, which was put in place after the Balkans conflict to give temporary European entry permits to a large number of displaced people.

  12. Actually enforcing the law helps -

    Border Patrol union chief praises 'miraculous' drop in illegal immigration under Trump
    by Anna Giaritelli | Jul 17, 2017, 11:02 AM

    The significant downturn in the number of illegal border crossers between the U.S. and Mexico is "nothing short of miraculous," National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said on C-SPAN Monday.

    "As far as the Trump administration's efforts on immigration, this is something they campaigned heavily on," he said. "At six months, where we are on meeting those promises, we are seeing nothing short of miraculous. If you look at the rhetoric that President Trump has given, it has caused a number of illegal border crossings to go down. We have never seen such a drop that we currently have."

    "There's a vibe, there's an energy in the Border Patrol that's never been there before in 20 years that I've been in the patrol," Judd added in a separate Fox News interview.

    This month, Customs and Border Protection reported a 53 percent decrease in the number of apprehensions at the southwest border since last year. The number also includes those deemed inadmissible. CBP sees apprehensions as a proxy for how many people are trying to cross the border, and says the drop in apprehensions indicates a drop in attempted illegal crossings.

    Judd said the Trump administration commanded in two executive orders for border agents to fully carry out related laws, while the Obama administration kept agents from doing their jobs as was intended.

    The nonpartisan Border Patrol union endorsed Trump during last year's election, making it the first time it backed a presidential candidate, a move Judd said was done "strictly based upon border security."

    The Homeland Security funding bill included $1.6 billion funding for the southern border wall. Judd added that the wall is necessary for select parts of the border, but indicated the entire U.S.-Mexico border does not require a full fence....

  13. How Scott Adams Got Hypnotized by Trump

    In August 2015 viewers of the first Republican primary debate could be forgiven for thinking that Donald Trump was finished. “You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals,” the moderator, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, said to him.

    “You once told a ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees.

    Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?”

    Trump didn’t act contrite, or statesmanlike, as conventional candidates might have done.

    Instead, he interrupted Kelly with another nasty dig, about Rosie O’Donnell, and volunteered that he’d probably insulted others, too. Many pundits proclaimed that the response cemented Trump’s unelectability.

    Scott Adams, the millionaire creator of the office-humor comic strip Dilbert, saw something different. In that moment, he realized that Trump might be a kindred spirit—a fellow “Master Wizard,” Adams’s term for experts in hypnosis and persuasion. Watching the debate alone at home, he grew excited.

    “I really got out of my chair and said, ‘Whoa, there’s something happening here that’s not like regular politics,’ ” Adams recalled.
    As he saw it, Trump had deftly defanged Kelly’s accusations by replacing them with a powerful visual: the iconic O’Donnell, “who is very unpopular among his base,” Adams said.

    “It was the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen.” A week later, he published a blog post titled “Clown Genius.”

    “In the 3D world of emotion, where Trump exclusively plays, he has set the world up for the most clever persuasion you will ever see”

    1. Megyn Ratings New Low...


    2. Other features include a 10-seat movie theater, a gym, and a room filled with beauty salon equipment, where his ex-wife (now Adams’s personal assistant) used to host spa days for friends. Off to the back is an indoor tennis court.

    3. The second novella, a follow-up titled The Religion War, describes a civilizational conflict in 2040 between a violent caliphate in the Middle East and a Christian alliance in the West.

      The hard-nosed hero builds a wall around the jihadists and “essentially kills everybody there,” Adams told me.

      “I have to be careful, because I’m talking about something pretty close to genocide, so I’m not saying I prefer it, I’m saying I predict it.”


    4. Around the same time, Adams said, he was making up to $1 million annually from public speaking, charging up to $100,000 per speech, until in 2005 he suddenly lost the ability to talk with other people. The mysterious condition is known as voice dystonia.

      While Adams could still speak normally to himself and to his cat, and he could even sing and recite memorized poems, he could no longer have conversations. “I think that’s what led to the end of my marriage,” he told me.

      “Losing the ability to speak made me feel like a ghost. It was incredibly lonely.”

      The inexplicable condition, which doctors attributed to a possible mental condition, persisted for three years.
      Then Adams underwent an experimental surgery that involved cutting nerves that lead from the brain to the vocal cords and building a new path using nerves from elsewhere in the neck. A few months later, his voice returned.

    5. “I decided to gamble with my own income and my own reputation to let people see Trump through a different framework, if not a more accurate frame.”

      One consequence, Adams said, is that his paid speaking requests have dried up. “In 20 years, there’s never been a week I didn’t get a speaking request—and now it’s been months,” he said.

  14. Incredible Video Shows Golden Retriever Rescue Drowning Fawn Off Long Island Beach

    1. I'm coming back as a Golden Retriever.


    3. Turns out the fawn was suicidal:

      Ticks and such had made life unbearable.

  15. Venezuela opposition turns heat up on Maduro with strike call
    Andrew Cawthorne and Eyanir Chinea

    CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's opposition called on Monday for a national strike against President Nicolas Maduro in an escalation of protests after a massive symbolic referendum at the weekend.

    "Hour zero is starting," opposition leader Freddy Guevara said on behalf of the Democratic Unity coalition, using army jargon for a decisive operation and accusing the leftist government of failing to heed the will of Venezuelans.

    "We call on the whole country this Thursday to join massively and peacefully a national civic strike of 24 hours as a mechanism of pressure and preparation for the definitive escalation which will be next week," he added.

    The opposition said it would also take steps to set up a "national unity" government and name new alternative judges to the pro-Maduro Supreme Court, raising the possibility of a parallel state structure.

    After months of demonstrations that have led to nearly 100 deaths, the Democratic Unity coalition said it brought 7.6 million people out on Sunday for an unofficial vote intended to de-legitimize a leader they call a dictator.

    Maduro's foes are demanding a general election and want to stop his plan to create a controversial new legislative super-body called a Constituent Assembly in a July 30 vote.....

  16. Turin Shroud is stained with the blood of a torture victim, new research shows - supporting the belief that it DOES show the face of Jesus
    Experts claim there is blood on the Shroud which is not typical of healthy person
    They say it contains creatinine and ferritin, found in those who suffered trauma
    The findings contradict claims that the Shroud was painted by Medieval forgers
    The shroud is currently being displayed at St John the Baptist Cathedral in Turin

    By Jay Akbar For Mailonline
    PUBLISHED: 10:52 BST, 17 July 2017 | UPDATED: 18:31 BST, 17 July 2017

    Experts have claimed the Shroud of Turin is stained with the blood of a torture victim, supporting claims it was used to bury Jesus.

    They say the linen cloth, believed to have been used to wrap Christ's body after crucifixion, contains 'nanoparticles' which are not typical of the blood of a healthy person.

    The alleged findings contradict claims the face of Jesus was painted on by forgers in medieval times.

    Experts have claimed the Shroud of Turin (pictured) is stained with the blood of a torture victim

    Experts claim the linen cloth, believed to have been used to wrap Christ's body after crucifixion, contains 'nanoparticles' which are not typical of the blood of a healthy person

    Pope's prayers before the Turin Shroud: Francis bows his...
    Elvio Carlino, a researcher at the Institute of Crystallography in Bari, Italy, says the tiny particles reveal 'great suffering' of a victim ' wrapped up in the funeral cloth'.

    These particles had a 'peculiar structure, size and distribution,' added University of Padua professor Giulio Fanti.

    He says the blood contained high levels of substances called creatinine and ferritin, found in patients who suffer forceful traumas like torture.

    Professor Fanti said: 'Hence, the presence of these biological nanoparticles found during our experiments point to a violent death for the man wrapped in the Turin Shroud.'.......

    Read more:
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  17. Why don’t millennials like capitalism? Blame parents. Blame schools. Blame Obama.

  18. Darwin:

    Teen electrocuted in bathtub sent photo of frayed cord before death
