Saturday, July 08, 2017

Germany and The Leftist EU Show Their Feckless Fall From Grace

G20 Protests Get Violent as Antifa Thugs Descend on Hamburg

While President Trump was greeted with thunderous applause and displays of both pro-American and pro-Polish patriotism when he spoke in Warsaw, the situation in the next place he is visiting is not as cheerful. Before the G20 summit even began, around a hundred thousand protesters descended on the city. Most of the protesters are anti-capitalists and surprisingly “anti-globalists,” though I have a strong feeling that these anti-globalists are actually just a different shade of globalist. A vast majority of those protesting have done so peacefully, but per usual someone had to come and ruin a display of free expression, Antifa.

Antifa is a largely unorganized “anti-fascist” movement that has been in the news lately because of the Berkeley riots and the violent protests at Trump’s inauguration. Antifa is relatively weak in the United States, thank God, but it is quite a force in Europe. Antifa aren’t as much “anti-fascist” as they are Stalinesque Communists, as recent violence in Hamburg shows. When the Hamburg police force tried to separate the masked Antifa protesters from the peaceful ones, the violence began. Antifa thugs used iron bars, metal poles, and broken bottles and other improvised weapons to assault police, while police responded with mace, water cannons, and smoke. In the fighting, 159 police officers were injured, and an unknown number of protesters were also injured. In the chaos, fires were lit in trashcans on the streets and cars were torched, which doesn’t seem that good for the environment that the far left reveres as a god. In the wake of the violent riots, thousands of additional police forces from around Germany have been dispatched to Hamburg to provide security for the summit. The situation is so chaotic that the First Lady was unable to attend an event with other first spouses due to security issues.

Another interesting development in the Hamburg protests is that Bill de Blasio, the mayor of America’s largest city, decided it was his duty to join in the protesting. The day that a New York City police officer was brutally targeted and murdered, de Blasio was busy preparing to protest his own President and other world leaders to push his far-left agenda. This is a moral low for even de Blasio.

How has it come to this? Political violence and chaos at this level would never happen in the United States today, but it is regular in Europe. Around this time last year, 120 police officers were injured in riots in Berlin. The simple answer is that Europe has become far too accepting of the radical left. Communist or borderline Communist parties have representation in nearly every assembly in Western Europe. While Neo-Nazi movements are suppressed, rightfully so, nothing is done about the Communists. 

Both fascists and communists have ravaged Europe over the past 100 years, and both movements need to be rejected and removed. The G20 protests are just a slight glimpse into what could happen should the radical left grow to heights that haven’t been seen in decades. While this seems like a European problem for now, it could come to the United States if we do not stand up for our American values of liberty, integrity, and self-sufficiency.   We need more scenes like those in Warsaw, and fewer like those in Hamburg.






    Meet New York City Mayor de Blasio:

    On Saturday, de Blasio will be keynote speaker at the Hamburg Zeigt Haltung (Hamburg Shows Attitude) rally on “human rights and democracy,” where he is expected to speak out against President Trump’s policies.

    Hizzoner’s overseas jaunt is being paid for by the rally’s organizers — as is the tab for three City Hall staffers with him.

    The mayor also made sure the free trip will include a visit with his son, Dante, a Yale University student who’s spending the summer on an internship in Berlin.

    De Blasio took off for Hamburg on Thursday afternoon from New York hours after skipping an NYPD swearing-in ceremony made somber by the assassination of NYPD Officer Miosotis Familia earlier this week. He is scheduled to leave Germany on Sunday.

    1. Concerning DeBlasio, he has no audience in the US. To be heard, he must go elsewhere. He's like Nero, fiddling as his city comes apart at the seams.

  2. Anyone carrying a metal bar, dressed in black with a covered face should be a candidate for a head shot.

  3. 41.7 million passengers flew through Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport in 2016

    This madness can be reversed and undone in less than 12 months

  4. If the Germans cannot control a G20 meeting in Hamburg, why would anyone let them be in charge of the future of Western civilization?

    The Germans covered their tracks after WWII by blaming the "Nazis". They were Germans.

    Who will they blame this time? The EU of course. But as usual, the truth is that it is once again,the Germans.

  5. July 8, 2017
    French President Macron pushed his way to stand next to President Trump at G-20 group photo
    By Thomas Lifson

    The very odd behavior yesterday of France’s newly-elected President Emmanuel Macron has tongues wagging all over the world. When the G 20 leaders posed for a group photo, Macron pushed his way from the back of the group to the left edge of the front row, next to President Trump, greeting other leaders on the way, but pushing to the front row, and position himself next to the American President. The UK Telegraph colorfully walks us through the remarkable sharp elbows incident:

    Starting off near the back of the G20 group Mr Macron appeared to lose his way, before an aide tried to direct him to his spot.

    Noticing the commotion, Angela Merkel tapped Mr Macron on the shoulder to get his attention but the French PM was already making his way through the world leaders.

    Mr Macron jostled and kissed his way to the front in an awkward reshuffle.


    He finally joined Trump on the far left fringe at the G20 summit leaders' group photo.

    U.S. President Donald Trump, center, gets a hug from France's President Emmanuel Macron


    You can watch the entire process here, but this commentary and editing from Fox & Friends condenses the action (hat tip: Jim Hoft):

    It seems that the spot next to Donald Trump is highly coveted by other leaders of the world’s most important countries. Is the gathering of the world’s most powerful people uncomfortably similar to a junior high school, where everyone vies for the attention and favor of the “cool kid”?

    Macron utterly violated protocol with his move to the front. The UK Independent explains:

    Protocol states that the most recently elected leaders must stand furthest from the host member in the middle – in this case Angela Merkel – yet Macron appeared to take this as an opportunity to zone in on Trump like a cruise missile. Not only did he stand by the US President, but reached out and grabbed him, before cornering him afterwards.

    So, is this just a matter of neophytes gathering on the fringe? Of Trump being way cool? Or is there something sinister afoot. Sundance of Conservative Treehouse is suspicious:

    *Note* There is a coordinated effort by global political leftists (control entities within multinationals and political constructs) to physically position Emmanuel Macron next to President Trump at every opportunity. This is a structurally coordinated effort to enlarge the presence of Macron as an oppositional entity to the looming and dominant presence (figurative and literal) of U.S. President Donald Trump.

    The very odd behavior yesterday of France’s newly-elected President Emmanuel Macron has tongues wagging all over the world. When the G 20 leaders posed for a group photo, Macron pushed his way from the back of the group to the left edge of the front row, next to President Trump, greeting other leaders on the way, but pushing to the front row, and position himself next to the American President. The UK Telegraph colorfully walks us through the remarkable sharp elbows incident:

    Starting off near the back of the G20 group Mr Macron appeared to lose his way, before an aide tried to direct him to his spot.

    French President Emmanuel Macron (3rdL) leaves his position during the family picture to place himself next to US President Donald Trump CREDIT: LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP

    Noticing the commotion, Angela Merkel tapped Mr Macron on the shoulder to get his attention but the French PM was already making his way through the world leaders.

    Mr Macron jostled and kissed his way to the front in an awkward reshuffle....

    1. Uhmmm! (sound of one clearing ones throat). A certain MOME briefly reported on this yesterday. Please try to keep up. Thank you very much in advance.

    2. You did indeed,, Sir.

      I thought I had put up a post just under it saying "MOME reported on this yesterday" but it didn't take for some reason.

      I shall try to do better.

    3. Please consider this matter closed. Thank you. Have a nice day.

    4. Thank you.

      And an excellent day to you too, Sir.

  6. Chinese Leader/President Xi is a big dog because his father was a big dog in the Chinese Revolution.

  7. Have I mentioned how much I despise Democrats and elitist Europeans?
