Friday, June 09, 2017

The Insanity of European Progressives

Poland Vows Referendum on Migrant Quota Amidst EU Pressure: ‘The Public’s Voice Will Be Heard’

Sean Gallup/Getty Images


“The public’s voice will be heard,” Poland’s president declared, as he vowed a referendum on the European Union’s (EU) migrant quota amidst growing pressure from Brussels.

Describing the question of whether Poland should be forced to accept a quota of migrants from the third world as “of vital importance” for its future security, Andrzej Duda said the referendum could be held during parliamentary elections in 2019.

“That would allow the new government to hear the clear voice of the nation on the issue,” said the president.

The conservative Law and Justice (PiS) government’s position on the quota system is “clear and unambiguous”, Duda said. He said maintaining the party “does not agree with the [plan], and asserted that “Poland does not consent to the forced relocation of refugees on our territory”.

Holding a referendum will also enable the public’s voice to be heard over the voices of international organisations, Duda asserted.

“If Brussels continues to raise [the issue of migration], attempting to exert pressure and force on the Polish authorities, then public opinion will be extremely important,” Duda promised.

Poland’s latest display of opposition to the redistribution plan comes as the Czech Republic announced its withdrawal from the scheme, which has been fiercely contested in Central and Eastern Europe, with Hungary and Slovakia challenging the plans in court.

In an interview with Czech tabloid Blesk published Tuesday, EU president Jean-Claude Juncker demanded all nations in Europe shoulder “solidarity and responsibility” when it comes to migration.

Brussels was left humiliated last year when Hungarians were asked what they thought of EU plans to force on their nation migrants from the third world, as 95 per cent said they rejected the scheme.

Earlier this month, Breitbart London reported that senior Polish MEP Ryszard Czarnecki announced the “only proven method” to avoid Islamist terror attacks is not to import Muslim migrants.

“When it comes to reducing the chances of Poland being hit by [Islamist] terror attacks, the only proven method is to not allow in Muslim migrants,” the MEP told local radio after the London Bridge terror attack, which killed eight and injured at least 48 others.


  1. I know how that will turn out.....about 95% voting to not allow muzzies into their country.

    I like Poland.

    A few Americans of Polish extraction I have known have seemed a little weak and confused on the subject but that might be just an individual thing, an anomaly.

    1. Well Poland is a double edge sword.

      They did help, with full gusto, the genocide of the Jews

    2. That is true.

      Some of the old hatred holds over, too.

      There are no Jews in Poland now but they are still anti-semitic.

      Quirk had this trait.

      They were real assholes in WW II.

      Here is their National Anthem:

    3. It was of course during the time of the Swedish Occupation that the Poles finally began to amount to something. Learned farming, manners, literature, the arts....

    4. Cooking, furniture making....toiletry....

    5. even low level arithmetic....

    6. Why did you use the past tense?
      Does prejudice disappear with a change of venue?



    9. ""Shut up, slave. Do not talk to me," Boucher said to a second unidentified black man who approached him, the video shows.

      A bystander seemed to push Boucher away, trying to calm him.
      Boucher then spat at the man whose children he had called "disposable vermin," the video shows. One bystander stood between Boucher and the man as the two appeared to try to fight.

      "Get on all fours right now. ... Do not walk off on two legs," Boucher said to the unidentified black man."

    10. Sounds like a pleasant chap.

      As for his future...

  2. For the first time, since the election, from my view, the Yahoo Web page does not have an anti Trump headline. Hmmm.

  3. There are two Muslim countries in Europe.

    Kosovo is 96% Muslim
    Albania is 79% Muslim

    I wonder how they are doing?

    The unification of Albanians in the Balkans, hardly a priority for ordinary citizens who are smart enough to know that it will not solve real problems, is the go-to policy for some leaders in both Albania and Kosovo. It’s just a variation of what the Balkans have been saying for the past 25 years: “Make us Europeans or we will make trouble for you.”

    Albania is also going to the polls in June. No country’s transition is as fraught as Albania’s. Pity the Albanian who has been forced to watch the same political crisis played out over and over again during the past 25 years. The drama is so set that one could easily conclude it is theatrics. Despite relative ethnic homogeneity, the EU is constantly intervening to mediate between the two main political parties, the Democrats and the Socialists. Prime Minister Edi Rama also played the Albanian unification card when caught out in his multiple failures to deliver on EU integration. His way of saying: “Look here, not there.”

    Albania has carved out a new niche as Europe’s biggest supplier of cannabis. The impact of drug money is everywhere, most obviously in the forthcoming elections. Observers have long noted the number of Albanian parliamentarians with ties to organized crime.

  4. Kosovo Crime Rating: High

    Crime Threats

    The lack of economic opportunity is a factor in crimes of opportunity. Crimes of opportunity are the most prevalent. Street crimes (theft, purse snatchings) are serious problems, especially in Pristina.

    The expatriate community can be a target of crime, as criminals assume that members of the community are affluent. Expatriate community members’ homes, businesses, and vehicles can be targeted for burglaries.

    Criminals often commit crimes with handguns; as weapons are fairly easy to obtain. While violent crimes can and do occur, reporting on Americans as victims of violent crime is limited. Most incidents of physical assault occur in bars in downtown Pristina and are related to alcohol consumption. Typically, these assaults stem from a personal conflict, not from anti-American sentiment.

    ATM fraud is increasing in Kosovo. Recently, two foreign citizens were arrested for conducting video surveillance of ATMs to acquire user PINs.


    Cyber crime is a growing concern throughout the region.

    Areas of Concern

    There is a tradition of discharging firearms into the air during major holidays, especially New Year’s Eve and Kosovo Independence Day. In Pristina, celebratory fire often occurs the evening of major elections and after local soccer/football games. Weddings can also result in celebratory fire. Quite often, these incidents occur in conjunction with major fireworks displays. People have been injured (and, occasionally, killed) by falling bullets.

    Due to ethnic tensions and the potential for political violence, extreme care should be exercised in visiting the northern municipalities of Zvecan, Leposavic, and Zubin Potok, and North Mitrovica.

  5. Albania Crime Rating: High

    Crime Threats

    Although crime continues to remain a concern for most Albanians, violent crime has seen a continual decrease during the last five years. Recent crime statistics indicate a decrease in violent crimes (murder, attempted murder, robberies by force, armed robberies). Police and security forces continue to achieve success in combating illegal weapons and drug trade, but organized criminal groups still operate. While organized crime remains a serious problem, violence related to it rarely affects the international community.

    Street crime is fairly common in urban areas, predominantly at night. The most notable increase in crime has been burglaries, theft, and domestic violence claims. The previous increasing trend of the use of explosives, particularly remotely-detonated explosives placed in vehicles and at private residences, has declined but is still alarmingly high with several explosions in 2015. These appear to target specific individuals and to be related to internal disputes over business, criminal, or political activity and have not targeted the international community.

    Other Areas of Concern

    In southern Albania, the area of Lazarat in Gjirokaster District was one of the largest marijuana producing regions in Europe. The security situation has improved in Lazarat; however, the Embassy prohibits personal travel to the area, and visitors are strongly discouraged as well.

  6. Everyone in eastern Europe is aware of Albanian and Kosovar crime and their culture.

    There may be as many as 140,000 sex-trafficking victims in Europe and around a third come from the Balkans, according to a UN report from 2010.

    Thousands of women and girls have been trafficked from Albania alone to western Europe as sex slaves in the last two decades. Well-organised criminal gangs control the trafficking, sometimes with the complicity of the victims' own family members, and launder profits by buying property back in Albania, police and experts say.

    Kosovo is just as bad, a source and destination country for women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor.

    Most sex trafficking victims in Kosovo are girls, though Kosovo criminal groups also force women from Albania, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, and other European countries into prostitution.

    Women and girls are subjected to sex trafficking in private homes and apartments, night clubs, and massage parlors. Traffickers offer employment as dancers and singers in restaurants—and sometimes false marriage promises—but then force victims into sex trafficking.

    Traffickers increasingly use social media to recruit victims. Children from Kosovo and neighboring countries are forced to beg within the country. Children are exploited as dancers and escorts, who are also vulnerable to sex trafficking. Traffickers subject Kosovo citizens to forced prostitution and forced labor throughout Europe.

  7. Add to that what is washing up on the shores of the Mediterranean.

    what could possibly be the problem?

  8. CNN has parted ways with "Believer" host Reza Aslan less than a week after the religious scholar came under fire for a series of heated tweets he made about President Trump.

    "CNN has decided to not move forward with production on the acquired series 'Believer with Reza Aslan' (season two)," a CNN rep told Fox News. "We wish Reza and his production team all the best."

    A rep for Aslan did not immediately return Fox News' request for comment.

    Aslan responded to Trump's June 3 remarks regarding the terrorist attacks in London calling Trump an "embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency" and a "piece of s--t."

    Aslan's CNN show faced controversy earlier this year when the 45-year-old ate a human brain with a Hindu cannibalistic sect in an episode that aired in March.

    "Believer" was meant to explore a variety of faith-based groups around the world. But his exploration of the cannibalistic sect in India had many people up in arms over what they saw is a misrepresentation of Hinduism.

    He apologized on Facebook saying at the time he made it clear on the show that the Aghoris are an "extreme Hindu sect" and "are not representative of Hinduism."

    CNN also recently cut ties with Kathy Griffin after the comedian posed with a bloodied Trump mask for a photo shoot. Griffin had previously co-hosted the network's New Years Eve broadcast alongside Anderson Cooper.

    1. Some Buddhists get a bit harsh:

      Thai man jailed for 35 years for insulting monarchy in harshest sentence yet

    2. THAILAND HAS been ranked as one of the 20 most dangerous countries in the world for tourists, with high rates of crime and violence and low reliability of police services, according to a recent survey.

      Of the 136 countries around the world covered by the World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report, which was released last month, Thailand sits at 118th with a 4.0 score for safety and security for tourists.

    3. Jim Jones was not your average Pastor.

    4. Gutsy ex-Mormon Plays with Fire and Venom in Thailand.

    5. Maybe CNN can replace Reza with Nate.

      ...if Nate's not locked up in a prison in Bangkok:

      "The American came under fire last year after he posted a video in which he tested Thai people’s English comprehension skills by posing embarrassing questions to them, such as asking if they were menstruating. He later publicly apologized for doing so."
