Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Syria is None of Our Business

‘US should mind its own business; it shouldn’t be in Syria’ – Ron Paul

‘US should mind its own business; it shouldn’t be in Syria’ – Ron Paul
The US has no right to fly into Syrian airspace where it shouldn’t be and set boundaries but should mind its own business. Otherwise, it is an act of aggression, says former US Congressman Ron Paul.

The US fighter jet downed an armed drone belonging to pro-Syrian government forces in southern Syria, near a base in the al-Tanf region, on June, 20 as the drone was advancing on US-backed forces, according to a coalition statement.
This is happening at a time of escalating tension between Moscow and Washington. Also on Tuesday, Australia said it is temporarily suspending air operations in Syria.

RT discussed the latest developments in Syria with former US Congressman Ron Paul.

RT: Australia halted its cooperation. How significant is this development? Why did they do it?

Ron Paul: I think that is good. Maybe wise enough, I wish we could do the same thing – just come home. It just makes no sense; there’s a mess over there. So many people are involved, the neighborhood ought to take care of it, and we have gone too far away from our home. It has been going on for too long, and it all started when Obama in 2011 said: “Assad has to go.” And now as the conditions deteriorate …it looks like Assad and his allies are winning, and the US don’t want them to take Raqqa. This just goes on and on. I think it is really still the same thing that Obama set up – “Get rid of Assad” and there is a lot of frustration because Assad is still around and now it is getting very dangerous, it is dangerous on both sides. One thing that I am concerned about - because I’ve seen it happen so often over the years are false flags. Some accidents happen. Even if it is an honest accident or it is deliberate by one side or the other to blame somebody. And before they stop and think about it, then there is more escalation. When our planes are flying over there and into airspace where we shouldn’t be, and we are setting up boundaries and say “don’t cross these lines or you will be crossing our territory.” We have no right to do this. We should mind our own business; we shouldn’t be over there, when we go over there and decide that we are going to take over, it is an act of aggression, and I am positively opposed to that. And I think most Americans are too if they get all the information they need.

RT: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier that he wanted to ask his American counterpart why the US-led coalition isn’t targeting Al-Nusra in Syria. What sort of answer do you think he’ll get?

RP: I think it will be wishy-washy. He’ll probably think it is in their interests not to do anything to damage the radicals, the extremists, the rebels because I think that our government thinks that they could be helpful in undermining Assad. I don’t think they are going to say “Yeah, they are our buddies now, we consult with them all the time.” It won’t be that. They’ll argue “We have to help the Kurds out” or something along those lines and make excuses. I think that there’s a net benefit to the radicals for us to get involved there and it is not helpful in the long run for our position which ought to try to bring about peace.

The propaganda the American people hear is such that they get them pretty excited about it, but I am very confident that if the American people had more information…because when I talk to them, they side with my arguments. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to be doing what we are doing, and that’s why I persist in trying to get to the facts but trying to eliminate the danger, try to obey international law, try to do the things that are in our best interest. And if we are talking about America’s interest – it isn’t helped by our policy in the Middle East for the last 15-20 years, I think it has all been negative.

Richard Black, Republican member of Virginia State Senate, told RT that "the US and the coalition are in Syria without any permission, without any lawful authority to be present".

"Some members of the coalition may say “We are in clear violation of international law, maybe this is not right.” Others bought into this coalition to be part of a group fighting ISIS, and now they are saying “Wait a minute. We didn’t go into Syria to fight the legitimate duly elected government of Syria; we went there to fight this terrorist organization.”…The coalition is certainly not there to help the Syrian people; it is there to help Saudi Arabia with its Wahhabi radical Islamic domination of the entire world beginning with the countries close to it".


  1. the legitimate duly elected government of Syria

    O ho ho ho

    There hasn't been such a thing in my lifetime.


    Democrats scrambled to regroup on Wednesday after a disappointing special election defeat in Georgia, with lawmakers, activists and labor leaders speaking out in public and private to demand a more forceful economic message heading into the 2018 elections.

    Among Democrats in Washington, the setback in Georgia revived or deepened a host of existing grievances about the party, accentuating tensions between moderate lawmakers and liberal activists and prompting some Democrats to question the leadership and political strategy of Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader.

    But the overarching theme among Democrats was a sense of sharp urgency about crafting a positive agenda around kitchen-table issues. Congressional Democrats have already been meeting in private to shape a core list of economic policies, but their work did not reach any conclusive point during a long season of special elections.

    “The Democratic caucus is united in our view that our message, heading into 2018, should be aggressively focused on job creation and economic growth,” Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, a member of the Democratic leadership team, said on Wednesday morning.

    Representative Seth Moulton, Democrat of Massachusetts, said the defeat was “frustrating” and urged a shake-up at the top of the party.

    “Our leadership owes us an explanation,” said Mr. Moulton, who voted against Ms. Pelosi in the last leadership election. “Personally, I think it’s time for new leadership in the party.”

    1. From James Freeman, WSJ

      Last night viewers of cable news were the first to learn that Republican Karen Handel had defeated Democrat Jon Ossoff in the special election to fill a U.S. House seat in Georgia. Long before any news outlet formally declared Ms. Handel’s victory, CNN and MSNBC regulars disclosed the outcome with their funereal tones and cheerless visages. It’s becoming a competitive advantage for the two cable nets on election nights, allowing viewers to learn unofficial results with one glance at the screen.

      MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow seems to have been so distraught over the emerging defeat in Georgia that she abandoned the subject and resumed “connecting the dots” among people President Trump or his acquaintances may have known. Your humble correspondent did not stay on the channel long enough to know if she made it all the way to Kevin Bacon, but found it useful to learn her unequivocal if unspoken statement about Georgia.

      Ms. Maddow’s implicit forecast was accurate. Ms. Handel ended up winning by four percentage points, a bigger margin than Republican Ralph Norman enjoyed in winning Tuesday’s South Carolina special election that nobody expected to be close. Now what?

      Liberals may need some time and space to get over the Georgia result. In the New York Times , Frank Bruni captures the anguish of Democrats—and not just the ones who work in the media industry:

      They ached for this seat. They fought for it fiercely. They reasoned that Ossoff had a real chance: Donald Trump, after all, won this district by just 1.5 percentage points. Donations for Ossoff flooded in, helping to make this the most expensive House race in history by far.

      Democrats came up empty-handed nonetheless. So a party sorely demoralized in November is demoralized yet again — and left to wonder if the intense anti-Trump passion visible in protests, marches, money and new volunteers isn’t just some theatrical, symbolic, abstract thing.

      Good question. Maybe it’s not a majority-building, vote-winning, concrete thing. Democrats might start by asking whether they can persuade moderate voters to join their coalition by preaching “resistance” to a legitimate government and—without a shred of evidence—accusing a duly-elected president of treason.

    2. continued:

      Then there are lots of tactical questions. Even before Election Day in Georgia, Slate noted that the Ossoff campaign would be relying on strong turnout from people who were not easy to find:

      Last month Jessica Zeigler, a precinct captain for Jon Ossoff’s congressional campaign, realized that reaching millennial voters was almost impossible. Young voters are often registered at their parents’ address, and many of those parents are enraged when Democratic canvassers show up at their door.

      So Mr. Ossoff’s campaign seems to have enraged some voters, while others were not as enraged at Mr. Trump as you might think from consuming national news. Perhaps answering Mr. Bruni’s question of whether anti-Trump passion is largely theatrical—and also explaining the challenge facing Democrats— Josh Kraushaar writes in the National Journal:

      Here’s why their math is more daunting today. Democrats need to net 24 House seats next year to gain a majority. Georgia-06 is the 28th-most-Democratic district that Republicans hold (based on Hillary Clinton’s vote percentage in 2016). For Nancy Pelosi to become speaker again, Democrats would need to nearly run the table in more-favorable districts—or pick off seats in places even more forgiving of Trump. It’s possible, but a little less likely given Tuesday night’s results.

      One Democratic operative tracking House races said the generic ballot is around 6-7 points in their favor. To regain a House majority, it needs to be closer to a double-digit advantage by next November.

      The big tell that the race wasn’t as favorable for Democrats as the early conventional wisdom was when Ossoff’s paid messaging never mentioned Trump, and barely mentioned the GOP’s health care efforts—despite the uproar against both in Washington. Democrats saw polling, confirmed by good shoe-leather reporting, that the district’s skepticism of Trump was not nearly as red-hot as most people expected based on cable news coverage.

      This column has noted previously that voters seem to approve of Mr. Trump’s agenda—particularly his focus on American economic revival—much more than they approve of Mr. Trump. This suggests that many voters see his well-documented flaws as worthy of serious consideration, but not a grave threat to the republic.

      Of course most of the credit for Ms. Handel’s win belongs to Ms. Handel. On Tuesday night campaign volunteers in Georgia and television viewers around the country saw a gracious and dignified winner. She offered a serious and timely message of reconciliation and civility in the wake of last week’s attempted political assassinations.

      Republicans remain undefeated in special elections since Mr. Trump’s November victory. And they haven’t even cut taxes yet.

    3. I bet the ole "Jackal" himself would agree with Mr. Freeman!

    4. A tweet from a hateful white woman, named Jill Philopov, advising her party what to do:

      "maybe instead of trying to convince hateful white people, Dems should convince our base - ppl of color, women. Cater to them!"

    5. Ossoff was robbed: It rained on election day:

      Black people can't swim.

    6. Rahm Emanuel: ‘We’re 1,000 Seats Shorter Today Than We Were in 2008’

    7. Ossoff Complains About ‘Money in Politics’ After Running Most Expensive House Race Ever

    8. Since 24 million is pocket change to a billionaire, why don't more billionaires play in politics?

      ...that's been stumping me for days, but as soon as I wrote it, it occurs to me it's because of spending caps, meaning they'd have to play Soros's game...

      I guess.


    9. Rachel Maddow actually blames the weather

      Video of the Day

  3. Brunch:

  4. Twin attacks rocked Tehran on June 7 as the Islamic State evidently made a rare foray into Iran. The incidents began around 10:30 a.m. local time, when what appeared to be four gunmen, reportedly dressed as women, opened fire inside Iran's parliament building, killing at least seven people in the initial assault. A small number of family members of Iranian lawmakers were believed to have been taken hostage, and one assailant later reportedly detonated a suicide vest in the upper floors of the building. Around 3:45 p.m., Iranian state media reported that all of the parliament attackers had been killed.

    Shortly after the parliament standoff began, at least three assailants, possibly including one woman, armed with automatic weapons opened fire on crowds visiting the Mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini — the burial place of several notable Iranian political figures, including Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his family — located on the southern outskirts of Tehran. At least one attacker reportedly detonated a suicide vest. Altogether, according to state media, at least 12 people were killed in the two attacks and another 39 were wounded. Iranian intelligence claims to have arrested a militant cell purportedly planning a third attack.

  5. 'This isn't a party. It's a giant assisted living center'...

    -- DEM OPERATIVE QUOTE OF THE DAY: “We no longer have a party caucus capable of riding this wave. We have 80-year-old leaders and 90-year-old ranking members. This isn’t a party. It’s a giant assisted living center. Complete with field trips, gym, dining room and attendants.”

  6. 10-Year-Old Invents A Gadget To Stop Babies Dying In Heated Cars
    Curry, a 10-year-old Texan, was initially inspired after the death of a neighbor, baby Fern, who lost her life after being left in a hot car. The industrious 5th grader got to work and came up with a simple gadget that not only reacts to the car’s heat but also has an alert system built in. The small pink box named “Oasis” has tiny air ducts “that blow cool air when it becomes too hot inside a car and an antenna that alerts parents and emergency services.” Clipped on to the child’s car seat, the little box that already has a provisional patent could help save the life of any young car passenger. However, Curry, being a conscientious inventor, wants to spend the summer months perfecting the gadget and only then will he hand it over to manufacturers who are eager to get this product on the shop floor.

    ALETEIA Posted at 4:45 pm on June 21, 2017


  7. The Philando Castile Shooting: Why Was It Reasonable For The Cop To Be Nervous But Not For Castile To Be?
    ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 5:21 pm on June 21, 2017

    An excellent point by Julian Sanchez that deserves wider exposure.

    Julian Sanchez @normative
    However objectively unreasonable the officer's conduct might seem, we're reminded of the fog of war, the stresses of the job, etc etc
    Julian Sanchez @normative
    ...while the conduct of the victim is held to an oddly higher standard: "Oh, he should have known NOT to keep pulling out his wallet..."
    8:58 AM - 21 Jun 2017
    165 165 Retweets 431 431 likes
    Twitter Ads info and privacy

    Julian Sanchez @normative
    "...even though that's what the officer had told him to do. He should have instantly deduced the officer would now take it for a gun..."
    Julian Sanchez @normative
    Which seems rather backwards. Civilians get nervous when they're stopped by police. Especially when the police are shouting!
    9:00 AM - 21 Jun 2017
    116 116 Retweets 391 391 likes

    Yanez, the cop, had police training and years of experience to guide him in a situation like that. Castile, the civilian, had nothing except his wits. Go watch the dashcam video and you’ll see it’s Castile who’s clearly the more nervous of the two when the encounter begins yet he behaves perfectly reasonably, volunteering to Yanez that he has a weapon. Obviously he’s trying to alert the cop to the fact that there’s a gun in the car for fear that Yanez will spot it on his own and panic. Then he tries to comply with Yanez’s command to present his license and registration and Yanez, unreasonably, panics anyway and starts pumping shots into him. To repeat a question I posed yesterday: Why would a criminal intent on killing a cop tell the cop first that he has a gun? Why didn’t Castile’s entirely reasonable behavior earn him enough of the benefit of the doubt for Yanez to at least keep his finger on the trigger instead of pulling it?

    Imagine, says Sanchez, that this same confrontation had happened in the parking lot of a shooting range between two civilians. There’s a fender-bender, one guy reaches into his car for his insurance — and the other guy blows him away before seeing what he was reaching for, fearing unreasonably that he was grabbing his weapon. “Would anyone take [the shooter’s] somber pronouncement that ‘I had to make a SPLIT SECOND decision’ as anything but a pathetic rationalization?” asks Sanchez. The question answers itself. Yanez was held to a lower standard even though, thanks to his training, logically he should have been held to a higher standard.

    1. A truth bomb via David French: Juries are perfectly willing to let cops kill unreasonably. The de facto standard applied in court isn’t reasonableness, it’s fear. So long as the cop sincerely feared he might be shot, it doesn’t matter if his fear was reasonable. That’s how Yanez, whose panic was so intense that he was still screaming in terror and horror minutes after Castile had died, ended up walking.

      When I saw that palpable panic, I immediately knew why he was acquitted. The unwritten law trumped the statutes on the books. The unwritten law is simple: When an officer is afraid, he’s permitted to shoot. Juries tend to believe that proof of fear equals proof of innocence…

      Legally, it’s not enough for an officer to show that he was actually afraid for his life. He has to show that “a reasonably prudent person” would also have the same fear. Clever defense lawyers twist this standard into a line of argument that goes something like this: The officer was afraid, and he can explain to you the reasons why he was afraid. Therefore, it was reasonable that he was afraid.

      Reminding juries of Sanchez’s point, that the civilian also reacts under intense stress in an encounter with the police, might get them to see French’s point more clearly. Viewed in isolation, a cop will almost always get the benefit of the doubt on reasonableness because the public knows his job is dangerous and doesn’t want to tie his hands when his instinct is telling him that he needs to use lethal force to defend himself. Viewed comparatively, though, that benefit of the doubt is harder. Did Castile, the victim, behave reasonably? If so, Yanez’s intense panic and decision to shoot before determining that Castile was in fact reaching for a gun seems much less reasonable. That verdict may have turned out differently if, legally, more emphasis were placed on weighing the reasonableness of the victim’s behavior before considering the officer’s.

      Failing that, you could introduce a “reasonable police officer” standard for cases involving police shootings. Do police typically blast away at drivers who happen to have a lawfully owned gun in the car with them, particularly when the driver politely informs them of that up front? That question answers itself too. By the way, as of 5 p.m. ET, still no statement from the NRA about the result in the Yanez trial. Is this a civil-rights organization or a police union? A law-abiding gun owner was killed unreasonably despite his best efforts to follow the law. How do you square the NRA’s traditional rhetoric about the Second Amendment being a crucial protection for American citizens from oppressive state force with their silence this week after a cop spazzed out and shot an innocent man to death for having a gun?

  8. Officer Stabbed At Flint, MI Airport, FBI Investigating As Possible Terrorism (Update: Attacker Identified)
    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 3:21 pm on June 21, 2017

    Update: Michigan live reports the suspect has been identified by authorities:

    Investigators have identified the man they say attacked a police officer at Bishop Airport as Amor M. Ftouhi, a 50-year-old Canadian citizen…

    Ftouhi yelled “Allahu Akbar” before making the attack, according to the affidavit…

    “He further exclaimed something similar to, ‘you have killed people in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and we are all going to die.’ “

    So this attack is exactly what it appeared to be at first glance.

  9. June 21, 2017
    At last: A usable definition of 'privilege'
    By Thomas Lifson

    My hat is off to Daniel Greenfield, the Shillman journalism fellow at the Freedom Center, for absolutely nailing what "privilege" really means. At, he writes:

    If you want to know who has privilege in a society and who doesn't, follow the anger.

    There are people in this country who can safely express their anger. And those who can't. If you're angry that Trump won, your anger is socially acceptable. If you were angry that Obama won, it wasn't.

    James Hodgkinson's rage was socially acceptable. It continued to be socially acceptable until he crossed the line into murder. And he's not alone. There's Micah Xavier Johnson, the Black Lives Matter cop-killer in Dallas, and Gavin Long, the Black Lives Matter cop-killer in Baton Rouge. If you're black and angry about the police, your anger is celebrated. If you're white and angry about the Terror travel ban, the Paris Climate treaty, ObamaCare repeal or any leftist cause, you're on the side of the angry angels.

    But if you're white and angry that your job is going to China or that you just missed being killed in a Muslim suicide bombing, your anger is unacceptable.

    If you're an angry leftist, your party leader, Tom Perez will scream and curse into a microphone, and your aspiring presidential candidate, Kirsten Gillibrand, will curse along, to channel the anger of the base. But if you're an angry conservative, then Trump channeling your anger is "dangerous" because you aren't allowed to be angry.

    Not all anger is created equal. Some anger is privileged rage.

    There is much more. Greenfield drops some brilliant insights along the way. Give yourself a sustained "aha!" moment and read this.

    My hat is off to Daniel Greenfield, the Shillman journalism fellow at the Freedom Center, for absolutely nailing what "privilege" really means. At, he writes:

    If you want to know who has privilege in a society and who doesn't, follow the anger.

    There are people in this country who can safely express their anger. And those who can't. If you're angry that Trump won, your anger is socially acceptable. If you were angry that Obama won, it wasn't.

    James Hodgkinson's rage was socially acceptable. It continued to be socially acceptable until he crossed the line into murder. And he's not alone. There's Micah Xavier Johnson, the Black Lives Matter cop-killer in Dallas, and Gavin Long, the Black Lives Matter cop-killer in Baton Rouge. If you're black and angry about the police, your anger is celebrated. If you're white and angry about the Terror travel ban, the Paris Climate treaty, ObamaCare repeal or any leftist cause, you're on the side of the angry angels.

    But if you're white and angry that your job is going to China or that you just missed being killed in a Muslim suicide bombing, your anger is unacceptable.

    If you're an angry leftist, your party leader, Tom Perez will scream and curse into a microphone, and your aspiring presidential candidate, Kirsten Gillibrand, will curse along, to channel the anger of the base. But if you're an angry conservative, then Trump channeling your anger is "dangerous" because you aren't allowed to be angry.

    Not all anger is created equal. Some anger is privileged rage.

    There is much more. Greenfield drops some brilliant insights along the way. Give yourself a sustained "aha!" moment and read this.


  10. OOHH oooooo....

    BREAKING: Pelosi loses Cher....DRUDGE

    Pelosi is a dead duck.

    Just look at this DRUDGE HEADLINE:

    Ho ho ho !

    1. Oops, in my excitement I forgot the headline:


      Hah! ha ha

    2. Hillary 2020!

      ...or Handel

  11. Rachel Maddow Ken Doll

    This is the new Mattel Ken doll, soon to be on sale at your nearest toy store. I know it’s not in focus. I’ve only got two hands. It’s slightly out of focus, but I can’t deal with that, but we’ll find the graphic and we’ll put it at I know the website I got it at. The circled person there is modeled after Rachel Maddow. Sunglasses there and the red hair, that is Anderson Cooper. Anderson Cooper has gray hair, and Don Lemon’s right there next to Rachel Maddow.

    Who would buy one of these for their boys or girl? Well, that’s the point. This is what Mattel thinks they’ve got to do to sell the Ken doll. Who buys the Ken doll? Little girls, right? Parents. Mattel has made a decision here that this is the future of manhood, the way to entice young girls. You go back and look at the old Ken doll, the old Ken doll might have looked like a TV anchor at the time, but at least he was a stud, at some point.

    1. Most of them appear to possess a cunt rather than a basket.

    2. If I had enough hair back there, I too would wear a man bun.

      Or not.

    3. Buy a glue-on bun, Doug, you'll look fab.

      Take it off when surfing, though. It attracts sharks.

  12. The biggest con man in the Universe

    MUSK: We'll create city on Mars with million inhabitants!

    I nominate Elon as the first guy to go.


    STUDY: Olive oil preserves memory....DRUDGE

    1. Pop Eye had a great memory right to the end.

      Images of Pop Eye and Olive Oil:;_ylt=AwrTccEvDktZRMUAlW8PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=popeye+olive+oil&fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&hspart=adk&hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt

  14. AS THE defeat of Islamic State looms, experts are worried that a far more destructive Middle East war could flare up in its place.

    With IS cornered, the jostling has already begun between players like the US, Russia and Iran over who will fill the power vacuum in Syria.


    Islamic State, also known as ISIS, is close to collapse and Dr Ben Rich of Curtin University said this would probably happen in the next one to two years.

    As the last IS fighters are pushed out of areas such as Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria, world powers are starting to think about the situation in Syria — and who will be left in power.


    At the same time the Americans were taking down the Syrian jet on Sunday, Iran was making its own power play — firing missiles into eastern Syria near Deir Ezzor.

    Iran said it was targeting IS, which still controls Deir Ezzor, after a terror attack in Tehran earlier this month but there could be other motives at work.

  15. 2 Cosby holdouts prevented guilty verdict, juror says

  16. Here's What Lt. Col. Shaffer Believes Killed Otto Warmbier
    Leah Barkoukis Leah Barkoukis |Posted: Jun 21, 2017 7:45 AM

    Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer told Fox Business Tuesday that he believes Otto Warmbier’s brain damage was caused by repeated drugging.

    “There's no doubt in my mind ... he was tortured not so much the way—pulling fingernails out with tools but by repeated drugging—sodium pentothal,” the retired Army general told the FOX Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, adding that the drug’s frequent use is what led to Warmbier’s brain damage.

    "Essentially it was the use of these drugs over and over again which caused the brain damage," he said.

    Shaffer said North Korea was likely trying to figure out if he was a CIA spy.

    “I think that during his confinement they did it over and over and I think that was one of the reasons that they released him,” he said. “But no doubt they kind of like saw that some things are going to go tragically wrong, we better get this guy out of here anyway so it served their purpose to get him out.”

    Shaffer said the U.S. should not “sit back” and let a dictator like Kim Jong Un murder an American and “think they can get away with it.”

    “We need to rethink our foreign policy,” he said, “in a way that those bad guys … understand that there’s going to be consequences for bad behavior."

    President Trump slammed Otto's treatment by North Korea as a "disgrace" and said his administration will "be able to handle it."

  17. Murders hit record high in Mexico
    AFP AFP•June 21, 2017

    Mexico registers a record number of murders in May, with Guerrero state being the deadliest, with 216 people killed (AFP Photo/FRANCISCO ROBLES)

    Mexico City (AFP) - Mexico registered a record number of murders last month, officials said, underlining the country's struggles to deal with the horrific violence surrounding the multi-billion-dollar narcotics trade.

    There were 2,186 homicides in May, said a report from the National Public Safety System -- the highest figure since the country began keeping track 20 years ago.

    The deadliest state was Guerrero, in the south, a hotspot in Mexico's war on drugs where 216 people were killed.
    In the western state of Sinaloa -- where rival factions have been battling for control of the Sinaloa drug cartel since its kingpin, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, was extradited to the United States in January -- 154 people were killed, the highest number in six years.

    Since Mexico first sent the military to fight drug trafficking in 2006, a wave of bloodshed has left more than 200,000 people dead or missing, as rival cartels wage war on each other and the army.

    1. Two severed heads found in cooler near Mexico resort area of Cabo ...

      Two severed heads have been found in a cooler just a few blocks from the Mexico resort area of Cabo San Lucas, authorities said Monday.

  18. Doug, you could also try Toppik Hair Building Fibers.

    "No one will know it's not your own hair but you."

    Quirk often uses the stuff as a disguise, and it's vastly improved his love life, too.

  19. The United States military shot down an Iranian-made drone over eastern Syria Tuesday. The action is the third U.S. airstrike in the region this month.


    Russia issued a warning, stating that any aircraft with U.S.-led coalition forces traveling west of the Euphrates River would be treated as targets.

  20. Maybe the Euphrates ought to be a dividing line.

  21. Neither the U.S.-led coalition and its local allies nor what the institute called the “Russo-Iranian coalition” can “easily access this terrain — located deep along the Euphrates River Valley — with their current force posture,” it said.

    At the White House, senior officials involved in Syria policy see what’s happening through a lens focused as much on Iran as on the Islamic State. The Iranian goal, said one, “seems to be focused on making that link-up with Iran-friendly forces on the other side of the border, to control lines of communication and try to block us from doing what our commanders and planners have judged all along is necessary to complete the ISIS campaign.”

    ISIS is another name for the Islamic State.

    “If it impacts your political outcome, if it further enables Iran to solidify its position as the dominant force in Syria for the long haul,” the official said, “that threatens other things,” including “the defeat-ISIS strategy” and “the ability to get to political reconciliation efforts.”

    “For us,” the official said, “that’s the biggest concern.”

    One police officer in critical condition, two communities terrorized.
    June 22, 2017 Robert Spencer

    Ramadan is in full swing – it doesn’t end until Saturday evening – and Britain has been a particular recipient of Islamic piety during the holy month, with major jihad attacks in Manchester and London. But now the United States has been included in the multicultural festivities, as jihadis have struck, albeit with limited results, in Wisconsin and Michigan.

    A Taliban spokesmen recently said: “Our fight is Jihad and an obligatory worship. And every obligatory act of worship has 70 times more reward in Ramadan.” Not just the Taliban believe that. Another likely believer in those special Ramadan rewards is a Muslim in Milwaukee named Mohamad Hamdan.

    Last Thursday, according to, Hamdan walked into the U.S. Courthouse in downtown Milwaukee and “began yelling loudly in an Arabic language,” screaming, among other things, “Muhammad,” “Allah,” and “jihad.” According to the criminal complaint against him, he suddenly put his hand into his pocket, which “caused security to fear for their immediate safety.” Hamdan had apparently imbibed well the Qur’an’s command to “strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know whom Allah knows.” (Qur’an 8:60)

    And he wasn’t finished striking terror in the enemy of Allah. Escorted out of the building by a U.S. Marshal, Hamdan resumed screaming in Arabic, and said in English: “I’m gonna kill you all. Allah. Bomb.”

    This led to a massive traffic tie-up in downtown Milwaukee, as the Courthouse and several nearby buildings were evacuated and a bomb-sniffing dog called in. Nothing was found, and Hamdan was charged with making terrorist threats.

    Then on the next Wednesday at Bishop International Airport in Flint, Michigan, a Muslim grabbed for his Ramadan reward by striking terror in the enemies of Allah there, screaming “Allahu akbar” and stabbing a police officer, Lt. Jeff Neville, in the neck. The attacker evidently chose his spot carefully, as the Qur’an directs Muslims: “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (47:4).

    Like the U.S. Courthouse, Bishop International Airport was evacuated and the FBI called in. Tim Wiley of the FBI’s Detroit field office downplayed the attacker’s cry of “Allahu akbar,” saying: “We are aware of reports that the attacker made statements immediately prior to or while attacking the officer, but it is too early to determine the nature of these alleged statements or whether or not this was an act of terrorism. Based on the information that we have at this time, we believe this to be an isolated incident.”

    1. That’s the last thing it was. There was nothing in the least isolated about the incidents in Michigan or Wisconsin, even if in both cases the Muslims involved were acting alone and were not in touch with the Islamic State or al-Qaeda. These “isolated incidents” all stem from the same motivating ideology and belief system. They increase in frequency during Ramadan because Ramadan is a time when Muslims are supposed to redouble their efforts to please Allah, and the Qur’an makes abundantly and repeatedly clear that jihad attacks against infidels are pleasing to Allah.

      Yet as Ramadan jihad comes to Wisconsin and Michigan, the denial and willful ignorance of American authorities remains as thick as ever. Non-Muslims continue to congratulate Muslims on the occasion of Ramadan and behave as if it were wholly and solely a benign religious observance that good multiculturalists and all decent, broad-minded people should applaud.

      As the death count spirals ever higher, the fatuity of this mainstream view becomes ever more apparent. But really, it has been apparent for years, although few are willing to say so publicly because of the inevitable barrage of charges that will ensue, of “racism,” “bigotry” and “Islamophobia.” As Ramadan jihad attacks become more frequent and more common inside the United States, expect the “Islamophobia” propaganda to grow ever more strident, shrill, and insistent. When you’re trying to put the Big Lie across, the only way you can overcome the hard evidence of reality is by means of constant repetition.

      So in the aftermath of these jihad events in Wisconsin and Michigan, watch for new mainstream media presentations about how Muslims are victimized by Trump-supporting racist louts in…Wisconsin and Michigan.

  23. Australia said Thursday it had lifted a suspension of its airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Syria that was imposed amid tensions with Russia after a U.S. fighter jet shot down a Syrian warplane this week.


    Defense Minister Marise Payne said on Wednesday Australian "force protection is uppermost in our minds" in deciding when to resume missions over Syria.

  24. The Consequences of an Independent Kurdistan
    By Hugh Fitzgerald - on June 21, 2017

    Once declared, we should immediately recognize the Kurdish State.

  25. 6th Muslim charged in Detroit vaginal mutilation cases
    By Pamela Geller - on June 21, 2017

    In a secret letter, Einstein reveals his fears against communism, even in the fight against fascism
    By Jean Patrick Grumberg - on June 21, 2017

  26. In Kuwait and Oman, citizens worry about the health of their current leaders, respectively the 88-year-old Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah and 76-year-old Sultan Qaboos bin Said. In Oman, there's no clear successor to the sultan while in Kuwait, a leadership struggle is possible.

    That challenge of continuing dynastic rule in Gulf Arab nations is tied to the task of handling burgeoning youth populations who expect to live as well or better than their parents. In Saudi Arabia, King Salman putting his assertive, 31-year-old son as next in line to the throne could prove popular with the kingdom's youth — if he can pull off his ambitious plans to wean the country from its oil-soaked economy.

    That all could be derailed with the dissention among the Arab Gulf states in the region and the ever-heating war of words between Iran and Saudi Arabia. In a way, that trouble has been there for decades, simmering just under the surface.

  27. A quick glance of the thread indicates that Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson does not want to defend his President, does not want to defend the ContraConstitutional conduct of Mr Trump, in the Syrian Civil War.

    Interesting, the "Draft Dodger" promised "Constitutional" Government with the election of Mr Trump, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson lied. ... No change in policy, there.


  28. One of President Donald Trump's newest appointees is a registered agent of Saudi Arabia earning hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby on the kingdom's behalf, according to U.S. Department of Justice records reviewed by the Center for Public Integrity.

    Since January, the Saudi Arabian foreign ministry has paid longtime Republican lobbyist Richard Hohlt about $430,000 in exchange for "advice on legislative and public affairs strategies."

    Trump's decision to appoint a registered foreign agent to the President's Commission on White House Fellowships clashes with the president's vow to clean up Washington and limit the influence of special interests.

    "I will issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT! #DrainTheSwamp,"
    Trump tweeted in October.

    Mr Trump, the worse President, with regards to his personal veracity, ever


  29. Looks like the US will have to institute a Travel Ban on Canada.

    Just to keep US safe from the radical Muslims, there.
    More actual Islamic terrorists have been Canadian citizens and entered the US from Canada, then from Yemen.

    Yet no Executive Order banning travel from Canada, while we 'check out' the vetting procedures for Canadians.
    Fancy that.
