Thursday, June 29, 2017

Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Got Better than they deserved



  1. Gentiles should not use the term "Schmuck" because they don't really understand what it means. Mika and Joe are two mediocre assholes. It is embarrassing hearing Scarborough using a Yiddish term as it is listening Hillary Clinton talking "black". Y'all

    1. You owe me an apology for deleting my comment about Mika!


  2. Joe used to be a Republican but then went MSM.

    Scarborough was previously a lawyer and a politician, and served in the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 2001 as a Republican from the 1st district of Florida. Additionally, Scarborough serves as a visiting fellow at the Harvard Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.[1] He was named in the 2011 Time 100 as one of the most influential people in the world.[2]....

    ....He received a 95 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union.[13] He signed the Contract with America. Scarborough served on the Armed Services, Judiciary, Government Reform, and Education committees. In 1998, he was named Chairman of the Civil Service Committee.[citation needed]
    Scarborough was one of a group of about 40 freshmen Republican legislators who dubbed themselves the "New Federalists" after The Federalist Papers. Scarborough was elected Political Director of the incoming legislators. The New Federalists called for sweeping cuts in the U.S. government, including plans to "privatize, localize, consolidate, [or] eliminate"[14] the Departments of Commerce, Education, Energy and Housing and Urban Development. Gingrich tapped Scarborough to head a Republican task force on education, and Scarborough declared, "Our goal is to get as much money, power and authority out of Washington and get as much money, power and authority into the classroom as possible."[6] Rep. John Kasich (R-Ohio), then Chairman of the House Budget Committee, adopted Scarborough's language eliminating the federal Department of Education in the 1996 House Budget Resolution.[15] The budget passed the House by a vote of 238–193.[16]
    Scarborough supported a number of pro-life positions while in Congress, including the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, that made it a crime to harm a fetus during the commission of other crimes.[17][18]

    Scarborough sponsored a bill to force the U.S. to withdraw from the United Nations after a four-year transition[14] and voted to make the Corporation for Public Broadcasting self-sufficient[19] by eliminating federal funding. He also voted for the "Medicare Preservation act of 1995,"[20] which cut the projected growth of Medicare by $270 billion over ten years, and against the "Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996,"[21] which raised the minimum wage to $5.15. Scarborough had a conservative voting record on economic, social, and foreign policy issues, but was seen as moderate on environmental issues and human rights causes, including closing the School of the Americas and Lori Berenson.[6]


    He has had two wives and some children.

    I used to kind of like the guy.

  3. Nebraska State Patrol clocks motorcyclist traveling 146 mph on West Dodge Expressway, tracks him with airplane
    By Michael O'Connor / World-Herald staff writer Jun 29, 2017 Updated 5 hrs ago

    You’ve probably seen a motorcycle fly past you in traffic.

    You're not necessarily imagining triple-digit speeds.

    The Nebraska State Patrol earlier this week clocked a man on a low-slung sport cycle hitting a whopping 146 mph on the West Dodge Expressway. A patrol spokesman said the speed is among the highest the agency has clocked.

    The patrol said the excessive speed highlights the hazards of dangerous driving by some of the sport cycle riders. The problem grows worse in summer as more of the bikers hit the road, with some riding only on the back wheel and pulling other stunts.

    "They’re looking for their thrill,’’ said Lt. Kevin Bridges of the State Patrol in Omaha. "(But) it’s extremely dangerous."

    He said the speeding bikes are particularly dangerous for other motorists changing lanes. A motorist might check the lane one moment, and it’s open. But a few seconds later a cyclist will appear, because the bikes cover a lot of ground traveling at 100-plus mph.

    Trooper Tom Hicken said the rider who hit 146 mph was eastbound on the expressway near 144th Street about 8 p.m. Monday, a time when there is steady traffic. The speed limit is 55 mph.

    The cyclist weaved through cars and passed vehicles on the shoulder.

    Bridges said it can be hard catching the speeding cyclists, but the State Patrol got some help from above on Monday.

    A trooper in a State Patrol airplane clocked the rider’s speed using a stopwatch and then tracked the rider to an Omaha apartment building. The pilot radioed a trooper on the ground who found the rider, said Hicken. Hicken wasn’t the trooper who caught the cyclist but is familiar with the situation.

    The driver was cited for speeding, careless driving, driving with a suspended license and having an unregistered motorcycle.

    I've had an incident like that but not triple digit speeds, but close. Great motorcyclist though, swerving through cars and big rigs.

  4. Scarborough, Brzezinski postpone vacation in order to respond to Trump on air tomorrow
    AllahpunditPosted at 10:01 pm on June 29, 2017

    Many people are saying it’ll be the highest-rated episode of “Morning Joe” ever, believe me.
    See Also: Illinois is the ‘Venezuela of the Midwest’

    Genuine dilemma here for the happy couple. On the one hand, you don’t try to out-troll King Troll. You’ll never win. Ask Marco Rubio. On the other hand, if they’re trying to damage his presidency, the shrewdest thing they could do would be to keep baiting him. Have Mika call him “President Tinywiener” or whatever. He won’t mention health care again for a week.

    The hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” delayed their vacation plans so they can return to the air Friday morning and fire back at President Trump’s Twitter attack.

    “Joe and Mika were supposed to start their July 4th weekend early by taking Friday off — but following Trump’s tweet, they postponed their trip by day so they can be back on air Friday morning to sling some ‘bad blood’ back at Trump,” an MSNBC source told The Post.

    That’s from the New York Post, which summed up Trump’s Twitter salvo this morning in a three-word editorial. Speaking of which, some new data from Trump’s favorite network via a poll conducted before he took on Scarborough and Brzezinski. Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much, but ask them whether they think Trump’s Twitter habit is helping or hurting his agenda and the partisan stars align:

    Overall, 46 percent disapprove of his tweeting, 39 percent wish he’d be more “cautious” (good luck), and just 13 percent approve. Bear those numbers in mind the next time a White House aide defends his Twitter habit on grounds that it’s his pipeline to the public, free of the distorting media filter. It could be that if he were more judicious in what he tweeted, but he is who he is. As Sarah Huckabee Sanders said today at the daily briefing, “They knew what they were getting when they voted for Donald Trump.”
    By the way:

    That’s the second time today Ingraham has tweeted that Trump should take the high road and move on. Someone pretty clearly doesn’t want that press secretary job.

  5. Mika Brzezinski, who is over her head in the kiddies pool and is on MSNBC solely because she’s the daughter of Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, rants daily on “Morning Joe” that the president is a “thug,” “a psycho,” “mentally unhinged” and on and on.


    The distinguished Republican Matthew Dowd wrote on Facebook that he was disappointed in me for abandoning my principles by defending what the president wrote abut Mika. My reply is as follows.

    Dear Matthew:
    I never in my life could have imagined my defending a president who says such undignified things, who sinks to the level of his wretched, craven tormentors. So I understand your disappointment in the me whom you came to know over the years and in my disregard for my own principles.

    Coarse Journalism

    1. "she’s the daughter of Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski"

      I had wondered about that.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I don't get why so many say we ought to have automatic respect for the Office of the President, much less for the person occupying that Office.

      I think the Office of the President is too powerful these days, and some of our past Presidents might generously be described as clowns.

      What if Hillary had been elected ? I can't see myself respecting her as President, nor her Office.

      Quirk says they're all dicks. If Quirk is correct why should we respect them ?

    4. He's right about Hillary, she's a dick.

  6. "Kate's Law" passed in the House with a big vote margin,, 100 I think it was, some 24 Democrats voting for it.

    Good !

    1. Not so good news. It is probably going nowhere fast -

      House passes “Kate’s Law” 257-167
      Ed MorrisseyPosted at 8:01 pm on June 29, 2017

      Donald Trump and Rep. Steve King are having a good day in one chamber of Congress today, anyway. The House passed key parts of Trump’s immigration platform today, two bills authored by King and others. The most well-known of the bills is “Kate’s Law” that toughens penalties on absconders and deported aliens who come back into the US, which passed on a bipartisan 257-167 vote:

      Lawmakers also passed a bill that would increase penalties against deported immigrants who reenter the country illegally. That bill is a response to the 2015 murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco by an immigrant who had been deported five times and was convicted of seven felonies.

      Republicans have tried to pass Kate’s Law since then, and are hoping the bill can finally become law under President Trump, who supports it. President Obama had opposed it.
      The bill would let judges increase penalties against illegal immigrants who are deported after being convicted of a crime, and who then reenter the country.

      Under the bill, if a deported alien reentered the U.S. illegally with a felony conviction or three misdemeanors on their record, he or she would go to prison for up to 10 years. Someone who is caught illegally crossing the border after having been deported three or more times would also serve up to 10 years.
      Trump took to Twitter to offer his congratulations — and a message to the other chamber, where news hasn’t been anywhere as good recently:

      Ted Cruz, who has sponsored the Senate version of Kate’s Law (S. 45), issued a statement praising the House for its passage, adding, “I look forward to the Senate swiftly taking up this bill and hopefully, passing it.” That’s easier said than done, however, as Democrats have pledged to oppose practically everything on Trump’s immigration agenda. The House did get 24 Democrats to cross over on the roll-call vote, including a couple of surprises such as Jackie Speier, Patrick Murphy (FL), and Occupy-extolling Peter DeFazio.

      Mitch McConnell will need eight crossovers in the Senate, and probably will get some easy pickups from Joe Manchin and Heidi Heitkamp, but Democrats managed to filibuster it last year with fewer members, and it’s almost a sure bet they’ll try it again. At the time, Democrats cited the need to rebuke Trump:

      However, Democrats strongly opposed the measures.

      Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said they put presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s “ant-immigration rhetoric into action.”

      “These bills follow Trump’s lead in demonizing, criminalizing immigrant, Latino families,” the Nevada Democrat said before the votes.

      Reid’s no longer there, but Chuck Schumer is, and he won’t want to give Trump a win. Expect to see it bottled up for good, and for Trump and Republicans to make it a big issue in the 2018 Senate elections....

  7. Karen Tumlin, legal director of the National Immigration Law Center, said the administration's guidance "would slam the door shut on so many who have waited for months or years to be reunited with their families."

    Asked how barring grandparents or grandchildren makes the United States safer, a senior US official did not directly answer, but instead pointed to Trump's guidance to pause "certain travel while we review our security posture."

    The US government expects "things to run smoothly" and "business as usual" at US ports of entry, another senior US official told reporters.

  8. Free Speech: Kansas City Star on the dying of the light
    By Pamela Geller - on June 29, 2017

    It’s unusual for a mainstream media outlet to defend free speech, so busy are they working furiously to restrict what we can and cannot say.

    So kudos to Anders Gyllenhaal over at the Kansas City Star. This is a good read.

    “I do think the First Amendment tradition is under siege,” said Jeffrey Rosen, president of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Pamela Geller, a firebrand commentator and founder of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, added, “Freedom of speech has never before been so poorly regarded by such large numbers of Americans.”
    “It’s hard not to conclude that too many of our students haven’t had a civics course in junior high school,” said Floyd Abrams, the pre-eminent First Amendment lawyer.

    By Anders Gyllenhaal, Kansas City Star, June 29, 2017:

    Set off by the nation’s increasingly short fuse, students, politicians, teachers and parents are not just refusing to hear each other out, we’re coming up with all sorts of ways of blocking ideas we don’t agree with.

    In high schools across the country, teachers say they stay away from hot topics such as immigration and health care because so many parents complain when their kids encounter emotional issues in class.

    At colleges from Berkeley to Middlebury, a year of protests, many aimed at blocking controversial speakers, led to Congressional hearings last week that could end up in sanctions against some of the schools.

    On the internet, scores of anonymous posters are drumming targets into silence. In one case, actress Leslie Jones temporarily fled Twitter, feeling like she was in a “personal hell” from an onslaught of hacks and hateful posts. In another, a congressional candidate in Iowa quit the race in early June after receiving calls and emails that included death threats.

    The American concept of free speech was built into the Bill of Rights in 1789 and forged into laws over the last 100 years to become a global icon of freedom. Those who study history and the Constitution worry that in the past year, we’ve done real damage to a notion at the heart of democracy.
    “I do think the First Amendment tradition is under siege,” said Jeffrey Rosen, president of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Pamela Geller, a firebrand commentator and founder of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, added, “Freedom of speech has never before been so poorly regarded by such large numbers of Americans.”

    Where will this country be if its speech tradition falters? We can already see an awkward dynamic taking shape. In social settings, when we come face to face, we’re hesitant to say what we think, while online in mostly anonymous exchanges all manner of spite and bitterness pours forth.

    This raises a question worth thinking about as we celebrate America’s birthday next week: What are the chances of resolving the country’s differences if we no longer talk or listen to one another?

    “We can’t lose sight of the fact that the ability to speak our minds is one of the fundamental freedoms in self government,” said Gene Policinski, chief operating officer of the Newseum Institute in Washington, D.C.
    There’s more. Read it all.

    Hemingway worked at The Kansas City Star

    1. Great pic of Papa included -

      Humanities › Languages
      Ernest Hemingway's Star Style
      The Best Rules for the Business of Writing

      Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961). (Anthony Potter Collection/Getty Images)

      by Richard Nordquist
      Updated November 19, 2014

      Speaking to a reporter from The Kansas City Star in 1940, Ernest Hemingway said, "Those were the best rules I ever learned for the business of writing. I've never forgotten them. No man with any talent, who feels and writes truly about the thing he is trying to say, can fail to write well if he abides with them."

      Those rules--110 of them on a single sheet of paper--served as the Star's style guide when Hemingway began working at the newspaper as a cub reporter in 1917.

      (For a sample of his early nonfiction, see "Camping Out.")

      "On the Star," he said, many years later, "you were forced to learn to write a simple declarative sentence. That is useful to anyone."

      Hemingway's tenure at the paper was brief, just half a year, and he soon went on to write the novels that earned him a Nobel Prize in Literature.

      The Star's style sheet evolved as well. It's now a lengthy companion to the Associated Press Stylebook, which by itself runs more than 400 pages. Yet as these excerpts demonstrate, some of the original rules can still be of use to anyone with the will and talent "to write well."

    2. Excerpts From The Star Copy Style (1915)

      Use short sentences. Use short first paragraphs. Use vigorous English. Be positive, not negative.
      Never use old slang. Slang to be enjoyable must be fresh.

      Eliminate every superfluous word as "Funeral services will be at 2 o'clock Tuesday," not "The funeral services will be held at the hour of 2 o'clock on Tuesday." He said is better than he said in the course of conversation.
      Be careful of the word also. It usually modifies the word it follows closest. "He, also, went" means "He, too, went." "He went also" means he went in addition to taking some other action.

      Be careful of the word only. "He only had $10," means he alone was the possessor of such wealth; "He had only $10," means the ten was all the cash he possessed.

      Avoid the use of adjectives, especially such extravagant ones as splendid, gorgeous, grand, magnificent, etc.
      Say "She was born in Ireland and came to Jackson County in 1874," not "but came to Jackson County." She didn't come here to make amends for being born in Ireland. This is common abuse of the conjunction.

      Don't say "He had his leg cut off in an accident." He wouldn't have had it done for anything.

      "He suffered a broken leg in a fall," not "he broke his leg in a fall." He didn't break the leg, the fall did. Say a leg, not his leg, because presumably the man has two legs.

      In writing of animals, use the neuter gender except when you are writing of a pet that has a name.

      A long quotation without introducing the speaker makes a poor lead especially and is bad at any time. Break into the quotation as soon as you can, thus: "I should prefer," the speaker said, "to let the reader know who I am as soon as possible."

      Try to preserve the atmosphere of the speech in your quotation. For instance, in quoting a child, do not let him say "Inadvertently, I picked up the stone and threw it."

      Such words as "tots," 'urchins," "mites of humanity" are not to be used in writing of children. In such cases, where "kid" conveys the proper shading and fits the story, it is permissible.

      He died of heart disease, not heart failure--everybody dies of "heart failure."

      Resolutions are adopted, not passed. Bills are passed and laws are enacted. The house or senate passed a bill; congress or the legislature enacted a law.

      Both simplicity and good taste suggest house rather than residence, and lives rather than resides.

      A Woman of the Name of Mary Jones--Disrespect is attached to the individual in such cases. Avoid it. Never use it even in referring to street walkers.

      With the decline of print newspapers (note the retronym), this sort of attention to detail may seem quaint. But fortunately, it's not obsolete. In one form or another, "the business of writing" still matters.

    3. QUIRK, MIA, consistently violated this:

      Use short sentences. Use short first paragraphs. Use vigorous English. Be positive, not negative.
      Never use old slang. Slang to be enjoyable must be fresh.

      His continual use of the slang term "dick" comes immediately to mind. And his 'negativity' !

      And his sentences and paragraphs that go on and on.....all apathetic and lethargic :(

  9. Paris gets “No-Go Zone” warning app

    JUNE 29, 2017 9:26 AM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    Enlightened Leftists know that only greasy Islamophobes think that “No-Go Zones” even exist. Parisians, however, do not have this luxury, and are using this app to help them avoid being attacked and brutalized by Sharia supremacists. Left unanswered, however, is what Parisians will do when their whole country becomes a Sharia-compliant No-Go Zone.

    “Paris gets an app warning people if they are in a ‘no-go’ zone and giving live alerts of sexual assaults,” by Gareth Davies, Mailonline, June 28, 2017 (thanks to the Geller Report):

    An app has been launched in Paris warning people if they are in a so-called no-go zone and giving live alerts of sexual assaults.

    Dozens of people have already downloaded No-Go Zone, which is available on Google Play, and it currently has a rating of 4.3 out of 5.

    Its designers say the app is meant to let people know if they are in a dangerous area and allow them to avoid places in the French capital where they might be at risk of violence or crime.

    Other users can upload current incidents, ranging from attacks to sexual assaults, and they will beamed straight to a smartphone or device.

    The app’s description online reads: ‘Whether you are staying in an unknown location, looking for a safe place to live, on your way to a specific location then No-Go Zone allows you to reduce any risk of aggression, theft, harassment or incivility.’…

  10. A baby is condemned to death by socialized medicine
    by Washington Examiner | Jun 30, 2017, 12:01 AM

    Charlie Gard was born in October with encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, or MDDS. It has left him crippled and with brain damage. He depends on a ventilator to keep him alive. (Family handout/PA Wire)

    American liberals often gaze across the Atlantic with admiration, viewing Europe as the model for our future. They covet Europe's rail systems, green-energy subsidies, social liberalism, secularism, welfare states and government-run healthcare.

    As Washington rings with cries that a Republican health reform bill would kill "hundreds of thousands of people," consider the desperately sad tale of Charlie Gard, a baby boy sentenced to die by Britain's National Health Service.

    Charlie was born in October with encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, or MDDS. It has left him crippled and with brain damage. He depends on a ventilator to keep him alive.

    We don't know what's best for Charlie. But we do know that the British government doesn't either. Nevertheless the NHS, installed by socialists in the last century, has decided that it will not treat Charlie anymore, although his parents desperately want to save and nurture their son.

    Worse yet, and an outrage that boggles the mind, is that the NHS refuses to release Charlie into the care of his parents. Charlie's mother and father want to bring him to America for an experimental treatment that could help his body work more normally. They have even, through an appeal for charitable donations, raised enough money to bring their son here and get him treated. But the NHS has said it will not release the child, and every court has agreed.

    This is the apotheosis of big government. The British state has become the Alpha and the Omega. It has nationalized a child and, implicitly, other children whom it might one day cut off from the love and care of their parents.

    This is the logical conclusion of a single-payer "public" health system, a government deciding who is allowed to fight for his life or his child's life, and who is not.

    The "threat of fascism" is discussed quite a bit these days. But a president's authoritarian personality and policy preferences aren't the fascist threat in Europe and America. The threat comes instead from experts and doctors deciding whose life is worth saving and which long-shots are worth taking. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

    Charlie's death will be yet another step down a long staircase. Europe, as usual, is many steps ahead of us, both in its culture of death and the expansion of the state.

    But the rule holds: The more government gets involved in healthcare, the more government gets involved in our most personal decisions. As tax credits pay for more people's health insurance, and regulations dictate what insurance must cover, it's only a step or two before HHS starts imposing rationing, denying coverage for costs that our betters believe we should avoid.....

  11. Matthews Suggests Trump Channel Mussolini, Murder Kushner; Compares Him to Ethiopian Dictator

    By Curtis Houck | June 29, 2017 10:25 PM EDT

    Go ahead and criticize President Trump’s Mika tweet, but there’s no denying this was disturbing. On Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews compared the President to not only communist Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and a modern-day Romanov but also channel Benito Mussolini having son-in-law Jared Kushner murdered.

    As he’s previously done(documented here, here, and here), Matthews reiterated his belief that Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump are akin to the murderous sons of Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay.

    Let’s first start with Matthews invoking Mengistu. During a tease about reported disarray in the Trump administration with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson being stonewalled from doing his job, Matthews gloated about the “meltdown.”

    “It’s a far cry from that love feast we watched a few weeks ago, which is right out of Mengistu’s government in Ethiopia with all the people bowing to the president. Apparently all is not well in paradise,” Matthews quipped.

    Later, Matthews told The Washington Post’s Ashley Parker that he’s “allowed to have opinions” (unlike print reporters, supposedly) “and one of my opinions was that nepotism is a bad thing in government” as evidenced by the supposed American incarnations of the Husseins:

    You put Uday and Qusay in your government and you’re going to have a problem with everybody else in the government because nobody can fight with them. Nobody can challenge them and, in the end, the son-in-law is always right because he can always to go his father-in-law or his wife and say they were mean to me.

    Instead of Tillerson overseeing foreign policy, Matthews observed how “[t]he power seems to have gone to the son-in-law” and thus the Trump’s are “the Romanovs.” He then nudged Parker to agree (which she didn’t): “Is it a royal family instead of a Democratic or a Republican form of government? Or is it a family running the government? Is it Ivanka and Jared and the President sitting around in the White House upstairs ruling the world?”

    Once Parker finished her thoughts on how the Trump’s perceive what they’re doing as simply running government like a business, Matthews told New York Times columnist Frank Bruni that it might behoove Trump to take a page out of Mussolini’s playbook, which was murder your son-in-law.

    “So the son-in-law — you know, one good thing Mussolini did was execute his son-in-law. I mean, I’m talking about Ciano,” he clownishly argued.

    Bruni awkwardly stepped in to play the role that Keith Olbermann did when Matthews had a thrill up his leg, telling him that he should “be careful here.”

    “That was an extreme measure. But this was — this is a strange situation,” Matthews concluded before giving way to Bruni.

    Here’s the relevant portions of the transcript from June 29's MSNBC’s Hardball:.....


    Crazy Chris Matthews

  12. To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI:

    your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Honor. Country.


    1. Holder

  13. "He has literally devolved, to the point where there is concern about his health," Dr. Mika Brzezinski said. "Or about his ability to take in information and use it correctly. It's like a child."

    Brzezinski has said she is so concerned about Trump's mental health that we should pursue "Article 25" -- apparently referring to the Constitution's 25th Amendment, which allows for the removal of a president who is physically unfit to serve.

    "This looks like the steps leading to a total meltdown," Brzezinski. "This is really bad. Just for the record, we're all really nervous. So if people out there feel nervous, we do, too."

    "He's not well, he's not of sound mind,"

    Dr. Donny Deutsch said. "That's somebody you look at clinically and say, he's not well ... I'm not a physician, but that it's -- he's mentally ill."

    Dr. Quirk was not available for comment.

    1. 'Dr.' Quirk was in jail, preparing to defend himself on charges of practicing medicine without a license, and MediCare fraud.

      When it all blows over I'm hoping he will show up here again.

  14. Dr. Deutsch:

    Disgusting Pig.

    Vulgar to look at.



  15. Hopping mad: self-driving Volvos struggling to deal with kangaroos

    Volvo struggling to deal with kangaroos

    Volvo struggling to deal with kangaroos CREDIT: MARK RALSTON/AFP
    David Millward
    1 JULY 2017 • 5:18AM

    The relentless march of the self-driving car is in danger of grinding to a halt in Australia because the technology cannot cope with kangaroos.

    While other large animals walk, run, trot of lope - kangaroos jump.

    This has proved all too much for Volvo, the Guardian reported.

    In fact, Volvo has been trying to solve the kangaroo problem for nearly two years, having sent experts to examine them in their natural habitat in 2015.

    There are more than kangaroo collisions on Australia's roads, which cost the insurance industry just over £44 million.

    The company has been working on tweaking its self-braking system to deal with the problem.

    Two juvenile kangaroos fighting in Namagi National Park near Canberra. CREDIT: TIM WIMBORNE/REUTERS

    “Kangaroos are very unpredictable animals and difficult to avoid, but we are confident we can refine our technology to detect them and avoid collisions on the highway," Martin Magnusson, Volvo's safety manager said when the work first started.

    “In Sweden we have done research involving larger, slower moving animals like moose, reindeer and cows which are a serious threat on our roads.

    "Kangaroos are smaller than these animals and their behaviour is more erratic. This is why it’s important that we test and calibrate our technology on real kangaroos in their natural environment.”

    But despite the company's best efforts, Volvo's large animal detection system has yet to crack the problem.

    David Pickett, Volvo's technical manager told the Australian broadcaster, ABC, that tracking a jumping kangaroo is difficult for detection systems to monitor.

    “When it’s in the air, it actually looks like it’s further away, then it lands and it looks closer."

    Nevertheless, Volvo remains confident that it will have solved the conundrum by the time its self-driving cars are available in 2020.

  16. Anyone that thinks white rats are cuter than the others is RACIST!

    1. It is being pro-Albino, the worst of sins.

      Images of albinos here:;_ylt=AwrTccfZRldZiiQACmsPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=albino&fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&hspart=adk&hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt

    2. I saw an albino ground squirrel once. Whether they are rarer than hen's teeth I don't know, but it's the only one I ever have seen.

      Hens' Teeth Not So Rare After All -- ScienceDaily
      Hens' Teeth Not So Rare After All Date ... "As rare as hens' teeth," the researchers say they have found a naturally occurring mutant chicken called Talpid ...

  17. If you are looking for a long read concerning whether or not we should try to contact the Aliens: ET - this is for you -

  18. Meanwhile, up in AshLand -

    July 1, 2017
    Officials cave in to wacky animal rights activist demand
    By Thomas Lifson

    In a bizarre marriage of the animal rights movement and the “safe spaces” mentality, public officials caved in and censored a something because it was deemed “insulting” to cattle, who now have been granted a safe space, cleansed of anything that might offend them. This was not engineered by the offended cattle themselves for undisclosed reasons, but rather by activists purportedly speaking on their behalf. They must be consulting their clients via some form of nonverbal communication not on my bandwidth. For all I know, cattle love a ribbing. This union of outré mentalities may be a marriage from hell, but it happened in Toronto. A Canadian Press dispatch informs us that Billy Bishop Airport:

    has taken down an advertisement after animal rights activists complained it is disrespectful to cows.

    The poster at Billy Bishop Airport said, "You're precious cargo, not cattle," and outlined upgrades being made to the passenger terminal.

    Activist Len Goldberg says in a Facebook post that message is "insulting" to cows.

    The Facebook post in question has been removed, and replaced with this:....

    Thank Goodness it's gone.

  19. EU “rattled” by Trump’s visit to “anti-migrant” Poland


    Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło has shown impressive backbone in rejecting the hijrah and averting the chaos experienced by other European nations that have implemented extraordinarily irresponsible immigration policies, placing their populations at risk for crime, economic collapse and jihad attacks.

    The EU, although imploding under its reckless immigration policy, has been threatening to punish Poland and Hungary for not taking in their “quotas” of migrants to ease the burden on other EU nations. The two countries are to be applauded for putting their citizens first, as Trump is putting America first. It’s no wonder that the EU is rattled by Trump’s visit to so-called “anti-migrant Poland.”

    “EU Rattled by Trump’s Visit to Right Wing, Anti-Migrant Poland,” by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, June 29, 2017:

    European Union (EU) officials are worried U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s visit to Poland will bolster the populist, right wing government there, encouraging their defiance of the EU, and damage “European unity”.

    The president’s one-day stop-off – en route to the G20 summit in Hamburg – is for a gathering dubbed the Three Seas project, bringing together leaders from Central Europe, the Baltic States, and the Balkans.

    The event has been convened by Poland as it bids to garner influence outside the EU – which has clashed with its nationalist government over migrant policy and sovereignty.

    “One cannot but feel a bit suspicious if it isn’t an attempt to break up European unity,” an EU diplomat said about the Three Seas project, speaking to Reuters. Another senior EU official said it was part of Poland’s push towards “self-ghettoisation”.

    Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party and Mr. Trump have similar views on migration and climate change and share a suspicion of international bodies and globalisation.

    The president also backed Brexit and predicted the further break-up of the EU; his dealings with the rebellious, right wing governments of Central Europe will be watched closely by Brussels.

    Poland has taken a leading rolling in opening the rift between the ex-Communist, Eastern and Central EU nations (with largely right wing governments) and liberal Western European nations.

    Most recently, Poland led a resistance to the EU’s forced migrant resettlement quotas – opposed by Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary – as the EU pushes to “sanction” nations that refuse to take thousands of Middle Eastern asylum seekers.

    Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło recently called the migrant quota policy “a madness of Brussels elites” in a speech in parliament.
