Monday, May 22, 2017

Trump Receives Warm Reception in Israel

OPINION: Trump gets it right in Saudi Arabia

For all the sound and fury over his public remarks and tweets in Washington, President Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia has been a very different story. The president gave the right speech in the right place at the right time. There will still be critics on issues like human rights and Yemen, but the president had a different focus — and almost certainly the right one.

First, he needed to reassure the Saudis, the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and the other leaders of the 50 some Islamic countries meeting in the Kingdom that he was not anti-Islamic and did not see Islam as an enemy. He did just that — and in ways far more suited to the culture of his audience than the take-no-prisoners rhetoric he often employs in the U.S.

The first three paragraphs of his speech thanked his hosts, and talked about “the splendor of your country and the kindness of your citizens.” He mentioned the meeting between President Roosevelt and King Abdulaziz, and then went on to “extend my deep and heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of the distinguished heads of state who made this journey here today. You greatly honor us with your presence, and I send the warmest regards from my country to yours. I know that our time together will bring many blessings to both your people and mine.”

He then went on to say that he stood before them “as a representative of the American People, to deliver a message of friendship and hope. That is why I chose to make my first foreign visit a trip to the heart of the Muslim world, to the nation that serves as custodian of the two holiest sites in the Islamic Faith.” Courtesy and respect don’t make headlines, but they do make friends and strategic partners. They are particularly critical in the Arab world, and particularly important when the speaker sometimes treated all of Islam as an enemy during his campaign and implied that Islam itself might be hostile and extremist.

The president then went on to make it clear that America’s search for strategic partners meant strengthening America’s oldest friendships, which include several Arab states. He promised that “America will not seek to impose our way of life on others, but to outstretch our hands in the spirit of cooperation and trust…Our goal is a coalition of nations who share the aim of stamping out extremism and providing our children a hopeful future that does honor to God.”

He then stated his respect for Arab history and culture, the need for economic progress, and noted that “Saudi Arabia is home to the holiest sites in one of the world’s great faiths. Each year millions of Muslims come from around the world to Saudi Arabia to take part in the Hajj. In addition to ancient wonders, this country is also home to modern ones — including soaring achievements in architecture.” He mentioned the positive character of one strategic partner after another — reinforcing the importance of the U.S. strategic partnership with that country in the process.

When it came to the core of his speech — the fight against terrorism — the president’s choice in words really mattered. He avoided phrases like “Islamic extremism,” but repeatedly made it clear that the U.S. would focus on the threats posed by “terrorists and extremists.” He carefully avoided the financial aspects of burden sharing — something all too necessary in a Saudi Arabia spending something like three times the percent of its GDP on defense as the U.S. and nearly six times the percentage of the average NATO ally.

But, he was perfectly clear about what he expected from the countries present when he said, “There can be no coexistence with this violence. There can be no tolerating it, no accepting it, no excusing it, and no ignoring it...America is prepared to stand with you in pursuit of shared interests and common security...But the nations of the Middle East cannot wait for American power to crush this enemy for them. The nations of the Middle East will have to decide what kind of future they want for themselves, for their countries, and for their children.”

He went on and said, “A better future is only possible if your nations drive out the terrorists and extremists. Drive them out. Drive them of your places of worship. Drive them out of your communities. Drive them out of your holy land. And drive them out of this earth...That means honestly confronting the crisis of Islamist extremism and the Islamist terror groups it inspires...It means standing together against the murder of innocent Muslims, the oppression of women, the persecution of Jews, and the slaughter of Christians….Religious leaders must make this absolutely clear...And political leaders must speak out to affirm the same idea: heroes don’t kill innocents. They save them.”

These are strong messages, but they are also ones that resonate throughout the Islamic world, and for the reasons the president also stated in his speech, “The deadliest toll has been exacted on the innocent people of Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern nations. They have borne the brunt of the killings and the worst of the destruction in this wave of fanatical violence…Some estimates hold that more than 95 percent of the victims of terrorism are themselves Muslim.”

He pointed to “a humanitarian and security disaster in this region that is spreading across the planet. It is a tragedy of epic proportions…The true toll of ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, and so many others, must be counted not only in the number of dead. It must also be counted in generations of vanished dreams.”
These are words that the vast majority of Muslims agree with, and ones that clearly rise above fear, prejudice, and isolationism. They are the values Muslims want in a strategic partner. They do not compromise any aspect of the fight against extremism and terrorism.

President Trump was also careful to emphasize the threat from the Iranian government as another core aspect of the U.S. strategic partnership with the Arab world, but he also focused on the Iranian government and not the Iranian people, many of whom clearly do not support its extremism. He called Iran “a government that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing the destruction of Israel, death to America, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room…Among Iran’s most tragic and destabilizing interventions have been in Syria. Bolstered by Iran, Assad has committed unspeakable crimes.”

Many press reports will focus on some $110 billion in arms sales, and the fact that the president not only implied the U.S. would back away from efforts to change Saudi Arabia, but would remain committed to Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey, and a successful outcome in Yemen. The president also touched on trade and investment, and Saudi Arabia’s 2030 plan for reform.

At the same time, he did not dodge the issue of Israel and the need for broad religious tolerance. He said, “For many centuries the Middle East has been home to Christians, Muslims and Jews living side-by-side. We must practice tolerance and respect for each other once again, and make this region a place where every man and woman, no matter their faith or ethnicity, can enjoy a life of dignity and hope...If these three faiths can join together in cooperation, then peace in this world is possible, including peace between Israelis and Palestinians.”

One speech cannot change Arab or Muslim perceptions of the president or the U.S. as an ally. Much will depend on the years and actions that follow. Words really matter, however, and especially in the Middle East. This time, the president used the right words to start rebuilding the foundations of America’s strategic partnerships in the Muslim world and Middle East, and to deal with truly urgent threats. This speech is the right beginning — in remarkably well crafted terms — and it deserves bipartisan and expert respect.
Anthony H. Cordesman holds the Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.

The views expressed by contributors are their own and are not the views of The Hill.


  1. Jews are somewhat challenged when it comes to Pomp and Pageantry but more than compensate in a genuine and warm reception for Trump at the airport.

    Trump, working the reception line, must be killing his enemies in the US. His visit to Saudi Arabia was brilliant.

    Here is hoping.

  2. How come the Donald us wearing a yarmulke? How come Ivanka and Melania are not joining The "Brilliant" Donald to the wall? Hypocrisy rearing its ugly head again?

    1. When I visit European friends that remove their shoes in their own homes, I show respect and remove mine. If they offer slippers I accept them. That is called good manners.

    2. Are you saying it was bad manners for Ivanka and Melania to not wear head scarves?

  3. "Brilliant"

    Yes, Really.

    In context

    Obama - 8 years - Incompetent, Drone king, Overlorded Syria, Egypt and Libyan Catastrophe

    Bush the younger- 8 years - Incompetent - Calamitous - Worst decision possible after 911- The dumb uncle of ISIS

    Bill Clinton - 8 years - Incompetent - Criminal self-indulgent coward - Used the US military in Iraq, Kosovo and Africa to divert attention away from his sleaze

    24 years of mindless destruction in the Middle East by three of the worst.

    1. 24 continuous years of farce and tragedy.

    2. And what has changed now? I know - it's your man Trump and when he does it - it's brilliant.


    3. The US signed onto the Yinon Plan, 30 years ago, now with Mr Trump at the helm ...
      Orders from the wheelhouse ...

      Stay the Course!

  4. Brilliant ... if ....

    If one supports the Islamic Radicals, al-Qeada to be specific, taking power in Syria.

    That is what both the Israeli and the Saudi desire.

    Getting the US involved deeper in the Civil War in Syria ...
    If that is you desire, yep, Donald Trump is brilliant.

    If you do not want the US involved in the swamp that is the Middle East, well then, Donald Trump is tarnished, not brilliant.

    Sorry Deuce, but that's the truth.

    Mr Trump attacked anti-Islamic State forces in Syria, on the 18th of May.
    Ever deeper into the Syrian Civil War, just what Mr Trump promised would not happen.


    Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

    “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”
    Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.

    Brilliant ?


  5. Oil rose to the highest in a month as Saudi Arabia said all producers participating in output cuts agree on prolonging the deal through the first quarter of 2018.

    Brilliant ?

    Arming terrorists and higher oil prices ...

    Since when did that define brilliance?

    1. .

      Rat, quit being so cynical and always pointing out the negative. The Trumpkins (thanks, Bob, that name was the only thing worth taking out of the article you put up yesterday), the Trumpkins want to believe. Don't rock the boat.

      All you need is faith, and trust, and a little bit of pixie dust.

      The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.

      Peter Pan



    2. Now with Mr Trump at the helm ...
      Orders from the wheelhouse ...

      Stay the Course!


  6. When President Trump laid hands on the glowing Saudi mystery orb, he pledged allegiance to “Its Luminescence,” summoned the forces of Sauron to take over Middle-earth and created an “army of Moderate Muslims to fight terror.”

    He did none of that, of course. It would be fake news to say otherwise.

    But the conjuring up of magic and memes became irresistible the moment Trump, shrouded in darkness, dared to gaze upon the globe of light, nay, dared to actually touch it.

    See the Orb !

    It is BRILLIANT !

  7. .

    Speaking of being able to fly, this from CNBC...

    If you bought $100 of bitcoin 7 years ago, you'd be sitting on $72.9 million now after new record high

    At one time after missing this opportunity, I might have thought about it for days. Today, I don't even wince.

    I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.


  8. For the record which of the Fab Three did you prefer, Bush, Obama, Clinton?

    1. regarding Middle East policy? Obama, because he had the courage to push back against Israel's expansionist policies and he tried to disengage the US from military involvement in the region.

    2. and, Obama got the Iran deal done.

    3. Of the three, on policy in the Middle East ...


      He did not bow to the Purple Fingers of Freedom when they demanded that US troops be held liable under Sharia Law for their alleged transgressions of Iraqi law.

    4. .

      This amounts to a trivia question. It's irrelevant today since Trump is the only president we've got and he should be judged on what he is and what he does (or doesn't do) not on how he compares to the other two.

      That being said, if you want to play the game...

      Bush: There is no doubt in my mind that Bush has done more damage to the country than the other two. His foreign policy was a disaster, both in terms of lives and treasure both here and in the ME. His economic policies were mediocre. His WOT a neocon clusterfuck. He destroyed any moral leadership the US could claim with the reintroduction of torture, black prisons, kidnapping and extraordinary rendition. He played on the fears of the American people in order to strip them of basic rights. He wasn’t the brightest bulb on the tree.

      Obama: Obama was a narcissist and elitist. He was contemptuous of most Americans even those within his own party. Nothing was ever his fault and he spent 8 years blaming Bush (and occasionally the GOP) for everything that was wrong with his administration. He continued the Bush legacy in foreign interventions and intrusive surveillance of American’s although on a smaller scale. He cut back on the abuses by a small degree only when forced to by public pressure resulting from revelations like those of Snowden and Manning. He left a string of failed countries in his wake. His economic performance was mediocre though he started out with a bad hand. He at least tried to do something on healthcare while all the GOP has done is piss and moan. He did get the Iran deal done, a positive in my eyes though a point of contention. In short, Obama was Bush light with an attitude.

      Trump: Trump is callous and crude. He is a narcissist with a raging inferiority complex. He is a populist who knows how to push all the buttons of his base. He also lies without remorse. This is evident in the promises he has made and the promises he has broken or will break if allowed to. One only has to look at his budget and his healthcare bill as key examples.

      Trump’s only been in office 4 months, so any predictions are at best informed speculation. However, his budget priorities and the executive orders he has initiated or cancelled give us some indication of his thinking. Based on those…

      It is unlikely Trump will ever match the foreign policy FUBARs of a George Bush and hopefully not those of Obama. This, however, is harder to predict given his attempts at significantly increasing military spending in the budget and troop levels in various foreign hot spots.
      On domestic policy, Trump has indicated he will go back on every friggin promise he made to the American people and, in fact, will do the exact opposite of what he promised on everything but immigration. Over time, this will have a devastating effect on the middle class and the poor and IMO the economy.

      Overall, all three of these guys are dicks in their own way though they might share some similarities in certain areas. I would have to say Bush through his foreign policy blunders probably caused the most damage to the entire world. Trump on the other hand has the potential to do the most damage to people here in the US.


  9. Duly noted, now we wait for your fellow travelers to check in.


  10. Remember, Lt Gen Flynn was not a "Private Citizen", he was a Lt Gen.

    He violated numerous laws, taking money from the Russians, while advising Mr Trump.

    Another General that betrayed US.

    President Donald Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn won't provide records to the Senate intelligence committee and will invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in response to a subpoena from the committee, ...


    1. I did see a report that stated the Turkish money that was paid to Lt Gen Flynn was actually Russian money, paid through a Turkish front.

      No telling whether that report is true, at this point in time, but I am sure that the truth will all come out in criminal court.


  11. No refugees from Syria, Yemen or Iraq can walk to the US ...

    It is almost incomprehensible that only 3 days after the murder of Javier Valdez in Culiacan, Guerrero and the uproar that arose after his killing, Salvador Adame Pardo, a journalist and owner of the 4TV channel in the municipality of Francisco J. Múgica, Michoacán , was kidnapped Thursday at about 19:00 hours in the Nueva Italia community, Michoacán.

    Six journalist have already been killed this year Mexico, family and friends of Adame are hoping he does not become number 7.

    When civil war in Mexico erupts ... the refugees will not be going to Guatemala.

  12. I see Jack "Daughter Abandonment" Hawkins is in, passing his usual gas.

    Memorial Day is almost here !

    But, still, ISIS is in Iraq, not wiped out.

    Not even close.

    But wait, ISIS was supposed to be wiped out of Iraq by last Memorial Day....

    According to our self proclaimed military expert....

    Beautiful day here....


    1. 1) I wish all these commentators, male and female, on Fox, and everywhere else, would quit with using the term this President. I don't know why I find it objectionable, but it's getting really irritating.

      2) Meghan McCain needs to get on NutriSystem ASAP.

    2. 3) The Donald looks really goofy in a Jewish skull cap - it just doesn't 'go' with that hair

      See here:


      Get your Donald Yarmulke Kippah Skullcap here:

      I've ordered five for Quirk.

      He can wear one and pass the others out to his pals at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe in Detroit, Michigan.

    3. 4) I think The Donald establishing some lasting peace between the Israelis and the 'Palestinians' is about as likely as an answered prayer.

    4. But, who really knows ? -

      Egyptian president says Trump 'capable of doing impossible'....DRUDGE

    5. Here's a sane analysis of the situation in Iraq/ISIS and what may happen in the future:


    Ashites in Action

    CA Dems keep it classy with digital salute to Trump at convention

    And by digital, I refer to two specific digits. Following in the footsteps of DNC chair Tom Perez, outgoing California Democratic chair John Burton offered a foul-mouthed tirade at the party’s convention this weekend, complete with a two-finger display of defiance of Donald Trump. The Sacramento Bee notes that this is nothing new for Burton, but House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was also on stage, caught in some pictures laughing and cheering Burton:


    The anti-Trump fervor at California’s Democratic Party convention this weekend can be summarized in choice words from outgoing chair of the California Democratic Party, John Burton: “F*%! Donald Trump.”

    The always foul-mouthed Burton, 84, stood before thousands of Democratic delegates at Saturday’s general assembly and as a rallying cry asked the crowd to join in. He then shoved two fists in the air, flipping the bird. Across the room at the Sacramento Convention Center, others onstage and in the audience followed suit.

    Onstage were House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, Rep, Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, state Sen. Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, and others.

    According to both the Bee and BizPac Review, Burton appeared to be paid by the curse word. The convention replaced Burton, but from the display that sufficed as his valediction to the California Democratic Party, it doesn’t appear that the adults will get back onto the stage in future events. It’s as if the entire leadership of the California Democratic Party had gotten caught in an arrested adolescence, still hoping to shock the grown-ups by using filthy language and still not realizing they have nothing else to say that is worth anyone’s attention.

    “F*** [fill in the leader]” is not an agenda. It’s a petulant whine. Normally, we’d expect that from high-school and college students living in their own little bubbles, not from people who are trying to make the case that they can be trusted to run the country. And yet more and more Democrats have begun to wallow in expletives and coarseness rather than address the issues, apparently in the belief that it’s Trump’s bluntness that won him the election. Instead, it comes across much more clearly as a middle finger to voters middle America, who have no love at all for college students and their special-snowflake protests, but at least might excuse it as youthful indiscretions. Pelosi, Perez, Kirsten Gillibrand, and other Democratic leaders hardly have that excuse.

    On Twitter and elsewhere, conservatives marveled at how that would have been received had Republicans flipped off Obama and derided him with epithets. That kind of what-aboutism misses the point. As one party indulges this deeply unserious and idiotic behavior, they encourage more of it from all sides. The discourse in our political cultures has declined rapidly enough as it is, and our media and entertainment cultures have led the way for it. At some point in the future, if we stay on this path, we’ll end up with a political culture where grunts and rude gestures matter more than policy, a game in which the side that can produce the most gross bodily noises wins. In short, we’ll be stuck in a perpetual middle-school playground, only the bullies that come after your school lunch will have the IRS to back them up.

    Rather than end up with Moose as our tax collector, perhaps we can make one demand of our political leadership: Grow up and act like ladies and gentlemen.


    1. Jesus Christ!

      I listened to that Blowhard at a Gene McCarthy Rally in Sacramento in 1968!

      ...was sure it had to be junior, or someone else, but no, the SOB was born in 1932!

      Petrified Dick

    2. He was in fact the biggest blowhard I've ever seen in public.

      Hasn't changed much over the years.

      Just more profane.

    3. Burton stepped down as Chairman of the California Democratic Party in May 2017. At his farewell, he was reported to have punctuated his comments with profanity-laced tirades on President Donald Trump and others in front of such influential lawmakers as Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Thomas Perez, and Gavin Newsom.[4]
      Sexual Harassment Lawsuit[edit]

      In 2008, Burton settled a $10 million sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Kathleen Driscoll, then the executive director of his charitable foundation for homeless children. She claimed Burton sexually harassed her by making unwanted advances, using suggestive language and commenting on her body.

      At a 2008 news conference in her attorney's office, Driscoll said, "I had a dream of helping homeless children through a job I loved. John Burton turned that dream into a sexual harassment nightmare and quite frankly a living hell." [5]

    4. Brother Phil was born in '26.

      In 1973, Burton allowed a bill to go to the floor without a "closed rule"—a stipulation that there could be no amendments proposed to it—for the first time since the 1920s.[1] The ending of the closed rule created an infusion of federal lobbyists at the Capitol building; the lobbyists targeted members of Congress to add funding for lobbyists' favorite projects into bills.[1]

      For this reason, David Frum wrote that Burton "created the modern Congress" more than anyone else.[1]

    5. His wife Sala Burton won a special election in June 1983 to serve the remainder of his term;[6] she was reelected in November 1984 and November 1986.

      Burton's House seat is currently held by Nancy Pelosi, who won a special election in 1987, following Sala Burton's death.

    6. I'm amazed I've never heard The Quirk use the term Petrified Dick, as he bills himself as being the world expert on dicks around here.

    7. Some lobes of his brain have already petrified.

      A curse of nature and free choice.

  14. .

    Sinkhole Opens up in Front of Trump's Mar-a-Lago Estate

    An omen? A sign of things to come? If so, who put up the sign?

    The story is getting a lot of tweets. I liked...

    Isn't Mar-a-Lago sinkhole redundant?


  15. Here's an asshole that got his just deserves -

    Big game hunter crushed to death by elephant as it collapses on top of him after being fatally shot
    A female elephant stormed the group of hunters and lifted Theunis Botha with her trunk before falling on him

    18:29, 21 MAY 2017UPDATED20:09, 21 MAY 2017


    A professional big game hunter is dead after he was crushed by a wounded elephant as it was fatally shot.

    Theunis Botha, 51, was on a hunt in Gwai, Zimbabwe, when his group was charged by four breeding elephants.

    A female elephant picked up Botha in her trunk after he fired at the others and collapsed on top of him - crushing him to death - after she was shot by another hunter.

    Heartbroken friends described the married father-of-five as a "legend", while opponents of big game hunting offered little sympathy following his passing....

    Many photos of this asshole posing with dead animals in article.

    1. Needed: photo of living animals posing with this dead asshole

    2. Living animals eating the dead asshole.

    3. Timelapse, ending with birds picking the bare skeleton.

    4. My Niece was surprised and delighted when I told her the elephant was the symbol of the Republican Party.


    5. By the way, Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, 'The Greatest Show on Earth' is now out of bidness.

      146 years, a long run.

      Not many people are crying, though.

  16. Will Quirk retract his fake news libel of Ivanka Trump comparing her to the Clinton Crime Family?

    Don't know if he linked to the Clinton News Network, but their account nears 100 percent perfect FAKE NEWS.

    1. Nah.

      Not a chance.

      Quirk is unretractable, and always unrepentant, too.


    2. Untrackable too, when he wants, and needs to be, which is quite often.

    3. .

      Once again, the Hawaiian Trumpkin blows it out his ass at the EB.

      Him shouting "MSM", "MSM" and "Fake News", "Fake News" is about all we can expect from the old fellow. It's about all he's got as he wanders around with his hair on fire like that old homeless guy with the mental problems you sometimes see yelling at the people in cars stopped for a red light as he wanders across the intersection with his shopping cart.



    4. Where you bin hidin' out ?

      You was missed.

    5. Wanted: Quirk bin Hidin

      Seen on Post Office bulletin board

      har har ho ho

    6. Only $500 dollar reward.

      Hell, that's pitiful.

    7. .

      Picked up a new lease car today.


  17. Passing the point of no return -

    Hugo Chavez's childhood home burned by protesters....DRUDGE

    We have a river out here that is known as The River of No Return.

    Here's Marilyn Monroe singing in River of No Return, 1954:

    1. Marilyn was wonderful.

      She shouldn't have screwed all the Kennedy's though.

  18. Listening to Sky News about the bombing in Manchester.

    Lots of young people at that concert.

    Lots of dead....20,000+ teenagers inside....

    1. Singer is super popular with teenagers.

    2. Bomb went off when they were filing out 'for exit', as the English say.

      At least 19 dead, 50 injured.

      P.M. May says her 'thoughts are with all those affected by this barbaric act'.

    3. Audience mostly female, 6 to 20 years old.

  19. Trump said to the Sodis - 'drive them out'

    Europe should 'keep them out', and we should too.

    It's a little late for Europe, but not for us.

  20. Report: 19 confirmed dead, many injured after explosion at concert in Manchester; Update: Suicide bomber suspected; Update: Bomb contained nails; Update: Two explosions? Update: “Large group of young girls”


    Share on Facebook
    The word right now on social media is that Ariana Grande, the performer, is okay. Many others are not.

    Tom Winter ✔ @Tom_Winter
    NBC News: Law enforcement officials say at least 20 dead and hundreds have been injured following reports of an explosion in Manchester, UK.
    4:16 PM - 22 May 2017
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    Most outlets are reporting at least one explosion. The Daily Mail says there were two. The scene inside the arena:

    ♡♡ @hannawwh
    3:00 PM - 22 May 2017
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    Terrorism is obviously suspected, although the explosion(s) supposedly came near the end of the concert — in fact, after the concert was supposed to have ended. Why would terrorists wait that long to set off a bomb? The longer they waited, the greater the chance their plot would have been foiled and/or that the concert would have ended with everyone leaving before the detonation. Strange.

    Stand by for updates, needless to say.

    Update: Eyewitnesses suggest there was only one bang.

    Update: How many casualties were caused by the explosion and how many by the ensuing stampede? Ed emails to say he’s seen reports saying that some people were trampled.

    Update: A woman who was there says the concert had just ended and people were on their way out when the explosion occurred. No flash, no smoke. Just a huge bang — one, not two.

    Lots of unsupervised kids were there, she says. Imagine.

    BBC Breaking News ✔ @BBCBreaking
    Witness at Manchester Arena describes scenes of "chaos" as people rushed to leave after "huge bang"
    4:18 PM - 22 May 2017
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    Update: Here’s the report of a stampede.

    Update: NBC is the only outlet reporting as many as 20 people killed but the BBC now says early estimates put the death toll in “double figures.” The local hospital reportedly is dealing with “mass casualties.”

    Assuming it’s a bomb, how’d the bomber get the device into the arena?

    Update: Sheer terror.

    ¡El Sooopèrr! Ù† @SooperMexican
    terrible. #manchester
    4:54 PM - 22 May 2017
    128 128 Retweets 130 130 likes
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    Update: Ah, this might explain the strange timing of the explosion and why the eyewitnesses in the clip above didn’t see smoke or fire.

    Justin Miller ✔ @justinjm1
    Manchester explosion happened outside the concert hall in foyer, just past the entrance. Unlikely a pyrotechnic accident.
    4:32 PM - 22 May 2017
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    Sounds like it didn’t inside the concert hall. Maybe the bomber concluded he couldn’t get the bomb past security so he decided to wait in the foyer until the concert ended, as people were filing past him on their way out, before detonating.

    1. Update: As all expected:

      U.K. authorities suspect the incident was conducted by a suicide bomber, according to multiple U.S. officials briefed on the investigation…

      Multiple senior U.S. intelligence officials who are monitoring British authorities told NBC News that preliminary reports indicate that a single explosion took place outside the arena on the southwest side opposite the train station. The explosion occurred as the concert ended, catching people as they exited.

      U.S. officials said initial reports from the scene indicated that a number of the casualties might have been caused by a stampede of concert-goers.
      Grande’s audience being what it is, there are likely to be a higher than usual number of children among the dead. Especially girls.

      Update: Atrocious. Local PD confirms 19 people dead, for now.

      View image on Twitter
      View image on Twitter
      G M Police ✔ @gmpolice
      Latest statement on incident at Manchester Arena
      5:10 PM - 22 May 2017
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      Update: Worse and worse.

      Rob S @RobPulseNews
      BREAKING: Sources from Manchester hospitals say they're receiving patients with injuries compatible with a nail bomb
      5:03 PM - 22 May 2017
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      Update: Another report of two explosions, this time from CBS:

      David Begnaud ✔ @DavidBegnaud
      CBS News confirms there were two explosions at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, Englad - the devices contained nails.
      5:15 PM - 22 May 2017
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      I haven’t seen a single eyewitness account of two bangs. If there were two, did the bombs go off simultaneously?

      Update: No surprises.

      David Begnaud ✔ @DavidBegnaud
      CBS News confirms a large group of young girls are among the 19 dead following alleged terror attack at Ariana Grande concert in England
      5:17 PM - 22 May 2017
      1,055 1,055 Retweets 448 448 likes
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      Update: Ah, here we go. A firsthand account of two booms:

      “The lights came on after the gig and people were starting to leave. As I turned to the left there was an explosion. It was about 40ft behind us near one of the exits. We just thought it was people messing about then it happened again. Another explosion sounded.

      “Then we saw the smoke. Everyone just fled. Some people were injured. We saw blood on people when we got outside. People were just running all over the place.
      Another eyewitness reports seeing a woman in a wheelchair pushed over as people stampeded to get out.

      Update: Why attack a concert instead of some other crowd? Michael Moynihan recalls ISIS’s statement after the attack on the Bataclan in Paris: “[They also targeted] the Bataclan Conference Center, where hundreds of apostates had gathered in a profligate prostitution party…”

  21. REPEAT:


    Yes, Really.

    In context

    Obama - 8 years - Incompetent, Drone king, Overlorded Syria, Egypt and Libyan Catastrophe

    Bush the younger- 8 years - Incompetent - Calamitous - Worst decision possible after 911- The dumb uncle of ISIS

    Bill Clinton - 8 years - Incompetent - Criminal self-indulgent coward - Used the US military in Iraq, Kosovo and Africa to divert attention away from his sleaze

    24 years of mindless destruction in the Middle East by three of the worst.

    1. This wouldn't be happing without the ignorant contribution of the three stooges.

      Trump is trying to clean up their shit.

    2. This wouldn't be happening without the ignorant contribution of the three stooges.


      All this terrorism in Europe has zero to do with our three stooges.

    3. Then you don't understand human revenge, theocracy and violence.:

      The Mỹ Lai Massacre was the Vietnam War mass killing of between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968. It was committed by U.S. Army soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade, 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division.

      Victims included men, women, children, and infants. Some of the women were gang-raped and their bodies mutilated.

      Twenty-six soldiers were charged with criminal offenses, but only Lieutenant William Calley Jr., a platoon leader in C Company, was convicted. Found guilty of killing 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence, but served only three and a half years under house arrest.

    4. How did those ordinary Americans become monsters?

    5. It's the nature of Islam.

      The 80,000,000 million dead Hindus during the muzzie invasions had nothing to do with our three stooges.

      I could fill pages....

    6. It is easier than you think.

    7. A lot of the muzzie cleansing of the Jews and Christians in north Africa happened before the New World was even discovered by the West.

      It is s h a r i a.

      There are anti-sharia marches slated nationwide USA next month some time.

      I got that much energy left. I think I'll go to one of them, making certain my life insurance is paid up first.

  22. Obama is cycling in Tuscany

    Bush is painting portraits of the victims of his ill literate leadership

    Clinton, corrupt sliming asshole he has always been wining & dining with the beautiful people

    1. And just a short while ago you were all hepped about Obama staying in DC

    2. O'bozo never could do anything right, most sentient people agree with that.

    3. What are you hepped up about? Try focusing, not missing the point, the irony of it and try saying something intelligent for a change.

  23. Ordinary Americans did this:

    1. EPILOGUE:

      Initially, three U.S. servicemen who had tried to halt the massacre and rescue the hiding civilians were shunned, and even denounced as traitors by several U.S. Congressmen, including Mendel Rivers, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

      Thirty years later, the three , one posthumously, were recognized and decorated by the U.S. Army for shielding non-combatants from harm in a war zone.

    2. Larry Colburn, who became an 18-year-old American hero when he intervened with two comrades to halt the massacre of unarmed Vietnamese civilians by United States soldiers in 1968, elevating an innocuous hamlet named My Lai into a watchword for the horrors of war, died on Tuesday at his home in Canton, Ga. He was 67.

      The cause was liver cancer, his wife, Lisa, said.

      Mr. Colburn was the last surviving member of a three-man helicopter crew that was assigned to hover over My Lai on Saturday morning, March 16, 1968, to identify enemy positions by drawing Vietcong fire.

      Instead, the men encountered an eerie quiet and a macabre landscape of dead, wounded and weaponless women and children as a platoon of American soldiers, ostensibly hunting elusive Vietcong guerrillas, marauded among defenseless noncombatants.

      The crew dropped smoke flares to mark the wounded, “thinking the men on the ground would come assist them,” Mr. Colburn told Vietnam Magazine in 2011.

      Continue reading the main story
      “When we would come back to those we marked,” he said, “we’d find they were now dead.”

      Audaciously and on his own initiative, the pilot, Chief Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson Jr., swooped down and landed the copter.

      “Mr. Thompson was just beside himself,” Mr. Colburn recalled in an interview in 2010 for the PBS program “The American Experience.” “He got on the radio and just said, ‘This isn’t right, these are civilians, there’s people killing civilians down here.’ And that’s when he decided to intervene. He said, ‘We’ve got to do something about this, are you with me?’ And we said, ‘Yes.’ ”

      Mr. Thompson confronted the officer in command of the rampaging platoon, Lt. William L. Calley, but was rebuffed. He then positioned the helicopter between the troops and the surviving villagers and faced off against another lieutenant. Mr. Thompson ordered Mr. Colburn to fire his M-60 machine gun at any soldiers who tried to inflict further harm.

      “Y’all cover me!” Mr. Thompson was quoted as saying. “If these bastards open up on me or these people, you open up on them. Promise me!”

      “You got it boss,” Mr. Colburn replied. “Consider it done.”

  24. A bad incident, to be sure. But, it's not the sort of thing that's written into our military manuals, as terrorism is in sharia.

    And the chief culprit did get prosecuted.

  25. This attack in Manchester targeted, basically, little kids.

    1. Frantic parents hunt for missing kids....DRUDGE

  26. Bob, someone trained them. It only took 12 weeks in camp and the rest OJT in the field.

    Any of those Americans veterans that did this, with a dog tag on their key ring would get a cheery, mindless "thank you for your service." at any TSA checkpoint.

    1. OK, still it made news because it was outside the norms, and the one guy did get prosecuted. And the rules have tightened up since then, so I have read.

  27. The leaders and architects are the criminals. We name highways after them, erect statues and name elementary schools in their honor.

    The same process works regardless of religion. We kill them. They kill us. We kill them back and they return the compliment.

    In the short run, you can decapitate the leadership and ten others will fight to take their place.

    There is only one solution. Send them home and we stay home. Mind our own business and let them mind theirs. There is no other way.

    1. Haven't you read the Quran Deuce?
      There business is to conquer the world.
      It won't matter if we stay home.

  28. I like the sound of send them home. Nor let them in here in the first place.

    Which I've said maybe 500 times, so I leave off....

  29. CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State supporters celebrated on social media on Tuesday after a blast at a concert venue in the north of England killed at least 19 people, although the militant Islamist group has not formally claimed responsibility.

    British police have said they are treating the blast at the Manchester Arena at the end of a concert by U.S. singer Ariana Grande as a "terrorist incident". More than 50 people were wounded.

    Twitter accounts affiliated to Islamic State have used hashtags referring to the blast to post celebratory messages, with some users encouraging similar attacks elsewhere.

    Some messages described the attack as an act of revenge in response to air strikes in Iraq and Syria.

  30. Then we know that they fully accept the concept of revenge as just and good, even when the victims are a bunch of totally innocent kids.

    I prefer to call it sharia inspired terrorism.

  31. The principal fiction in the president’s speech in Saudi Arabia was the claim that we share ‘common values’ with the sharia society.

    So for what exactly is the “extreme vetting” going to vet?


    First, there are many other iterations. Scripturally based Islamic doctrine systematically discriminates against non-Muslims in many particulars, and against women in many others.


    Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, imprisoned, subject to physical punishments, or even executed.


    Faith-Based Travelers: Islam is the official religion of the country and pervades all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia.

    - Saudi authorities do not permit criticism of Islam, religious figures, or the royal family.

    - The government prohibits the public practice of religions other than Islam. Non-Muslims suspected of violating these restrictions have been jailed.


    LGBTI Travelers: Same-sex sexual relations, even when they are consensual, are criminalized in Saudi Arabia. Violations of Saudi laws governing perceived expressions of, or support for, same sex sexual relations, including on social media, may be subject to severe punishment.

    Not Very Realistic

    Prime Minister May should apologize, and resign.
    May 23, 2017 Robert Spencer

    Here we go again. 19 people are dead and 50 wounded in a suspected jihad-martyrdom suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, a target that the jihad murderers apparently chose because of its concentration of pre-teens and tweens, so as to maximize the potential to “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah” (Qur’an 8:60). But don’t be unduly concerned: Britain’s criminally feckless Prime Minister Theresa May is on the job, saying in a statement: “We are working to establish the full details of what is being treated by the police as an appalling terrorist attack. All our thoughts are with the victims and the families of those who have been affected.”

    As canned responses go, that one is particularly packaged, processed, and colorless. How grand that she is thinking about the victims and their families. And the police are on the job! Marvelous! Britons can go back to sleep, knowing that selfless public servants such as May are working tirelessly to protect them.

    But there was one key element that May left out of her statement: an apology.

    One of the things she should apologize for is the routine aspect of her response to this latest jihad massacre. There was nothing she said about this jihad attack that could not have been said about ten jihad massacres before it, and will not be said about the next ten. The Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said after the jihad bombings in New York City in September 2016 that such attacks were “part and parcel of living in a big city” and that people would just have “to be prepared for these sorts of things” to happen, and May is behaving as if she has thoroughly internalized these instructions.

    In reality, no one in a big city or a small one, or out on the farm, should ever accept jihad terror massacres as “part and parcel” of living there. Sadiq Khan’s statement was a declaration of his inability or unwillingness to do anything effective to counter the jihad threat.

    And that brings us to the second and more important reason why May should apologize: because she and the political establishment she represents have allowed this to happen.

    If it weren’t for the immigration policies that May and her Conservative Party, in collaboration with the other British establishment parties, have pursued for well over a decade, the jihadis who perpetrated this massacre may not have been in Britain at all. Of course, it may yet be discovered that they were “homegrown terrorists,” born and raised in the UK. But here again, the British political establishment has accommodated and appeased the Muslim community at every turn, allowing for the establishment of Sharia courts and partnering with numerous “moderates” who turned out, surprise surprise, really to be “extremists.”

    1. Meanwhile, the full wrath of the British government has been unleashed upon those British citizens who have dared to dissent from this madness and to declare publicly their support for the preservation of British national security, as well as the national character and culture. All too many of these people have been hounded and persecuted, arrested and prosecuted on the flimsiest of pretexts. Others who were in a position to prosecute Muslim rape gangs hesitated for fear of being branded “racist.” May has, meanwhile barred foreign foes of jihad terror from entering the country at all (including me), while allowing the most hair-raising preachers of jihad violence to enter the country and preach all over it with impunity.

      As she implemented these policies, what did May think would happen? What did Britons? Did they really think that by coddling their Muslim population, winking at the crimes Muslims committed in the name of Islam and in accord with its teachings, and muzzling all dissent from these policies, that it would make Muslims feel welcome in Britain, and that Muslims and non-Muslims would march arm-in-arm together into the glorious multicultural future?

      In other words, did they really think that being nice to Muslims would make Muslims forget the jihad imperatives of the Qur’an and Sunnah? Did they really think that if they appeased their Muslim community, that they would be spared further jihad deaths?

      They won’t. Manchester was “only the beginning,” said an Islamic State jihadi in a video released just after the massacre Monday night. And that is true: Manchester is only the beginning, thanks to Theresa May. If a modicum of sanity prevailed in Britain, she would be forced to apologize and resign in disgrace.

      Instead, she is looking to be overwhelmingly elected to the Prime Minister’s office in her own right in the coming elections. Britons should enjoy that election, because they won’t be enjoying very many more of them.

  33. Peace is a central theme of President Donald Trump’s landmark visit to the Middle East but he may need to urgently mend some tensions much closer to home.


    While the Netanyahus happily walked hand in hand along the red carpet, their guests did not. At one point, the US President reached for the hand of his wife of 12 years, but Melania swatted him away with her own hand.

    1. Michael Savage was on that incident today.

      He claims Melania thought her oaf of a husband was breaching some protocol of some sort and was correct to do so.

      Which doesn't explain what Bibi and wife were doing holding hands....

      It could have been worse....she could have slapped Bibi's hand away from his wife....or God forbid, from herself....


  34. Huge Arms Sale to Saudis Makes Trump-Russia Collusion Ridiculous

    BY ROGER L SIMON MAY 21, 2017

    It won't, but if anything should put paid forever to the tedious Trump-Russia collusion meme that dominates our media as nothing since Monica Lewinsky, it should be the billion-dollar arms deal just brokered by our president with Saudi Arabia.

    Nothing could be worse for Russia. Indeed it's disastrous for them, but you won't hear word one to that effect from the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, etc. They have bet their diminishing houses that Trump or one or two of his people said something equivocal on a phone call to a Russky or got paid too much for a speech. In their unresolved anger cum geriatric liberal orthodoxy, they live in an alternative universe divorced from reality.

    Why? It should be obvious but I'll state it anyway. Not very long ago Ronald Reagan built up U.S. armaments not to go to war with the Soviet Union, but to bankrupt it out of existence. It worked. The same thing is going on here, as anyone with the proverbial pulse should notice. Selling three hundred and fifty billion in advanced weaponry to Saudi Arabia is not just aimed at the obvious target -- Iran. It is also aimed at Iran's big brother Russia. And there is no way that relatively impoverished oligarchy can possibly keep up, not in the long run anyway. They don't have the rubles.

    Trump is an enemy of Russia in a way that Obama and Clinton never dreamed of being. He has also countered the Iran deal and its unconscionable financial bailout to the mullahs that has enabled them to support -- via cash, arms or their own troops -- Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis in Yemen, Assad, and who knows who else.

    Nevertheless, much of the media was taking the opportunity to point out that Iran had just elected a "moderate" leader. Not surprisingly, they were willfully blind to the anti-democratic rules of Iranian elections -- only those approved by the mullahs' Assembly of Experts can run -- and to the fact that the supposedly moderate Rouhani had jailed (and hanged) more political opponents than Ahmadinejad and has a worse human rights record than his hardline predecessor, according even to the UN.

    But that's our media -- live by the meme, die by the meme. Or shall we say -- the ends justify the meme?

    Turning to the positive: Trump's well-written and delivered speech in Riyadh was a truly stirring moment. Whether it was a turning point, no one knows, but it was the first serious attempt by a free-world leader to do something of this significance, gathering together Islamic world leaders to oppose Islamic terrorism. Obama, educated in his childhood as a Muslim, never tried anything remotely similar. It's almost impossible to imagine Hillary Clinton having done it -- and not just because she is a woman. It took someone as unlikely as Trump to pull it off.

  35. Willie Brown attended King's funeral in Atlanta. Also representing the California Assembly were Leon Ralph, a black Democrat from Los Angeles, and William Bagley, a white Republican from Marin County.

    Blanche Brown accompanied her husband.
    The delegation rented a car at the Atlanta airport and picked up a black legislator from New York.

    Bagley was behind the wheel, and Brown had him drive up and down the streets of Atlanta's ghetto.
    Brown hung out the window waving at black children.
    The children waved back with amazed looks on their faces.

    "What are you doing, Willie?" Bagley finally asked.

    "They ain't never seen a white man drive four niggers before," Brown replied,
    enjoying the shock value of his remark on his white colleague.;query=highway%20patrol

    1. It's time for Willie to check in to the rest home.

      Willie was a big man in town when my sis moved to the area nearly 50 years ago.

      She said then he had a sense of humor, and it seems he still has....which speaks well for him, maybe the only thing that speaks well for him.

    2. The only thing that has happened in all those years is the entire area has gotten somewhat worse, probably due to the evil influence of the 25 Republicans there.

  36. Doug, what do you think, is this bombing of a Kiddie Concert a legitimate manly act of revenge for some past mis-deed by the West....or is it just another example of sharia directed aggression, using terrorism to instill fear in the hearts of the unbelievers so as to demoralize their society, and eventually take it over, and rule the roost ?

    Both these interpretations have been put forward, and are at war so to speak, here tonight.

    Care to judge, enlighten, educate or otherwise state where you see the truth of these matters ?

    In a way it almost comes down to 'we asked for it by our previous behavior' and 'we did not ask for it by our previous behavior, nothing but submission would have stopped this'....

    1. I've got such a small knowledge base, I'll leave it to Quirk with the massive resources of the MSM behind him.

      Besides, look at his devastating comeback to my bringing up that his libel of Ivanka was pure shit!

    2. ...oops, just checked it again and found it remains devoid of relevant substance.

      My bad.

  37. Video: Islamic State jihadi claims responsibility for Manchester Ariana Grande concert attack

    MAY 22, 2017 8:30 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    I suppose this man is on about the speaker or balloon that popped --
    — Tommy Robinson (@TRobinsonNewEra) May 23, 2017

    “This is only the beginning.”

    Thanks to the feckless policies of the UK government and governments all over the West, that is undoubtedly true.

  38. .

    DougTue May 23, 04:26:00 AM EDT
    ...oops, just checked it again and found it remains devoid of relevant substance.

    My bad.

    Couldn't get the 'reply' button to work in order to show the context of Doug's post above.


    I see the Hawaiian Haole once again peeps out of his lava tube to offer bullshit opinions sans supporting evidence of any kind. He charges libel and his second favorite charge, “fake news”, this from a Trumpkin from the party of ‘Pizzagate’. The irony would be mildly amusing if it weren’t for the fact he actually seems to believe his own crap.

    I left the response he refers to because I assumed everyone here except his girlfriend from Idaho knows his MO and didn’t need further explanation. Evidently, he lacks the self-awareness to recognize it himself.

    My initial post was on the hypocrisy rampant within the Trump administration. One of the examples I gave was the Trump team’s condemnation of Hillary for accepting $25 million from Saudi Arabia for the Clinton Foundation compared to their silence over Ivanka soliciting $100 million from the same Saudis for the women’s charity she fronts.

    During Trump’s campaign, he said this about Hillary and Saudi Arabia…

    "She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly," Trump said June 18. "And countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings."


    “Crooked Hillary says we must call on Saudi Arabia and other countries to stop funding hate,” Trump posted to Facebook in June. “I am calling on her to immediately return the $25 million plus she got from them for the Clinton Foundation!”


    In response to a question from Sean Hannity on Fox,“Would you take money from the Saudis?”
    Trump responded, “No”.

    Of course, he also said…

    “Saudi Arabia — and I get along great with all of them. They buy apartments from me,” Trump said in Mobile, Ala.

    “They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

    On the other hand...

    Ivanka Trump proposes a new charity to the World Bank, then she promotes it, and now, we hear she has secured a pledge of $100 million for the charity from Saudi Arabia and the UAE. This despite the fact that she is deeply involved in developing Trump administration policies. The opportunities for conflict of interest are obvious. Yet, Trump says nothing.

    However, more to the point are the countries she solicited the money from SA and UAE. Yet, Trump says nothing.

    To me the hypocrisy is obvious.

    To old Doug, claiming that is libel and ‘fake news’.

    What can I say?


    1. .

      I've got such a small knowledge base...

      Every now and then, the Trumpkin offers up an unintended grain of truth even though he does so in his usual sarcastic way.


    2. .

      Possibly a Freudian slip indicating some nascent level of self-awareness?


      Probably not.


    3. "What can I say?"


      You could say:

      "I am hopeless."

      Then you'd be right.

    4. BUT:

      I'll tell you how hopeless if you tell us your invaluable immigration ideas.

  39. Trump vows to call bombers LOSERS from now on.

    That should do it.

    ...but how will he differentiate them from Quirk???

  40. I too thot an Ariana Grande was something you ordered at Starbucks.

    1. ...but then I've never had an ounce of their economical "coffee" drinks.

    2. ...worried about losing weight.
