Sunday, May 07, 2017

The Scumbags: the Real Deplorables and Despicables


  1. Guys you wished you beat up in high school.

    1. Ohhhhh, did they insult your man Trump?

    2. Guys you wished you beat up in high school:

      Maher, Colbert and Ash.


    3. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson never beat up anyone, not in high school nor college.

      He didn't have the balls.

  2. I can imagine what would have happened to ( Take Your pick ) if he have made a joke on television about Obama sucking someone"s dick or Obama having sex with his oldest daughter.

    1. I watched you guys for over 8 years go on and on about Obama. And then there is Hillary's Please spare me your crocodile tears.

    2. Obama's mouth is Michelle's cock holster.

  3. Replies

    1. Then you are a "Leftist", Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, because you certainly are a 'sicko'

  4. .

    Macron Wins Big

    Marine Le Pen, his far-right opponent in the presidential runoff, quickly called the 39-year-old Macron to concede defeat after voters rejected her "French-first" nationalism by a large margin.
    The result wasn't even close: Pollsters projected that Macron won 65 percent of the votes. Le Pen's projected 35 percent score was lower than her polling numbers earlier in the campaign, and dashed her hopes that the populist wave which swept Donald Trump into the White House would also carry her to France's presidential Elysee Palace.

    Macron's victory marked the third time in six months — following elections in Austria and the Netherlands — that European voters shot down far-right populists who wanted to restore borders across Europe. The election of a French president who championed European unity could strengthen the EU's hand in its complex divorce proceedings with Britain, which voted last year to leave the bloc...


    1. .

      In the end, not much of a contest.


    2. .

      Obama endorsed Macron.

      Trump probably put him over the top.


  5. Macron won by 2 votes to 1.

    Only 3 people voted.

    The rest stayed home, or cast blank ballots.

  6. Obama endorsed Hillary.

    Trump endorsed The Donald, putting The Donald over the top.

  7. Meanwhile, in Great Britain, May is totally destroying the opposition.

  8. I celebrated Macron's victory by marrying my Mom.

    Colbert officiated.

    1. Quirk's glad France voted to commit suicide so he can get a few easy jabs at Trump.

    2. Paris main mosque says election gives hope to Muslims...

  9. This is the way I move my head when I'm talking:

  10. Last week we were brought back to earth by the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), as charted by our friend Paul Homewood on his blog Notalotofpeopleknowthat, with the news that ever since December temperatures in the Arctic have consistently been lower than minus 20 C. In April the extent of Arctic sea ice was back to where it was in April 13 years ago. Furthermore, whereas in 2008 most of the ice was extremely thin, this year most has been at least two metres thick. The Greenland ice cap last winter increased in volume faster than at any time for years.

    As for those record temperatures brought in 2016 by an exceptionally strong El Niño, the satellites now show that in recent months global temperatures have plummeted by more that 0.6 degrees: just as happened 17 years ago after a similarly strong El Niño had also made 1998 the “hottest year on record”.

    This means the global temperature trend has now shown no further warming for 19 years. But the BBC won’t be telling us any of this. And we are still stuck with that insanely damaging Climate Change Act, which in this election will scarcely get a mention.

    1. The BBC have gone right over the top now, with this latest silly little scare story:

      Throughout history, humans have existed side-by-side with bacteria and viruses. From the bubonic plague to smallpox, we have evolved to resist them, and in response they have developed new ways of infecting us.

      We have had antibiotics for almost a century, ever since Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. In response, bacteria have responded by evolving antibiotic resistance. The battle is endless: because we spend so much time with pathogens, we sometimes develop a kind of natural stalemate.

      However, what would happen if we were suddenly exposed to deadly bacteria and viruses that have been absent for thousands of years, or that we have never met before?

      We may be about to find out. Climate change is melting permafrost soils that have been frozen for thousands of years, and as the soils melt they are releasing ancient viruses and bacteria that, having lain dormant, are springing back to life.

    2. FAKE NEWS

      As proclaimed by Doug, the Population Control Fanatic.


  11. Warren Buffett, at Berkshire Meeting, Condemns Republican Health Care Bill

    1. He argued that the American Health Care Act, which passed the House this past week, amounted to “a huge tax cut for guys like me.” He also said rising health care costs, rather than high taxes, were the biggest drag on American businesses.

      “Medical costs are the tapeworm of American economic competitiveness,” he said.


  12. Eric Trump in 2014: 'We have all the funding we need out of Russia'
    The Hill - ‎

    President Trump's son, Eric, once told a golf writer that funding for Trump golf courses come from Russia, that writer recounted in a new interview. ...


    1. President Trump’s son, Eric, once told a golf writer that funding for Trump golf courses come from Russia, that writer recounted in a new interview.

      James Dodson during an interview Friday with Boston’s WBUR described meeting Donald Trump in 2014 and being invited to play golf at the Trump National Golf Club Charlotte.

      He said asked Donald Trump how he was paying for his courses, and the now-president “sort of tossed off that he had access to $100 million,” Dodson said in the interview.

      Dodson said he then questioned Eric Trump, who was along for the day.

      "I said, 'Eric, who’s funding? I know no banks — because of the recession, the Great Recession — have touched a golf course. You know, no one’s funding any kind of golf construction. It’s dead in the water the last four or five years,'” the writers told WBUR.

      "And this is what he said. He said, 'Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.' I said, 'Really?' And he said, 'Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time.’"

    2. Somehow the FBI never got word.


    3. You must think that it is illegal to borrow money from Russian capitalists?
      Or to have Russian capitalists become equity partners in specific developments?

      Or that there is some statutory requirement to make the investments made by Russian capitalists in Mr Trump's enterprises public knowledge.

      I don't.

      I see no reason why the FBI would be interested in Mr Trump's businesses or his investors, whether they are Russian capitalists or Muslim Sheiks.

    4. But since there is no statutory requirement for Mr Trump to reveal his business partners, to whom he owes hundreds of millions of dollars or ...

      We must gain the knowledge of just who his partners are, how much he owes to Russians and Muslims, anywhere we can.

      Those kinds of things are just "Good to Know", about allour politicians in general, specifically our President since he owes so much, to so many foreigners, both Russians and Islamoids.



  13. BEIJING -- The sister of President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has been in China courting individual investors with a much-criticized federal visa program that provides a path toward obtaining U.S. green cards.

    Kushner's sister Nicole Meyer promoted One Journal Square, a Kushner Companies' development in Jersey City, at an event Sunday at the Four Seasons Hotel in Shanghai, according to participants.


    1. The pitch seeks to raise funds from Chinese investors through the U.S. government's EB-5 visa program, which allows permanent U.S. residency for those who finance projects that create a certain amount of jobs.
      Jared Kushner expanding foreign policy role despite lack of experience
      Play Video
      Jared Kushner expanding foreign policy role despite lack of experience

      The event was organized by Beijing-based immigration services company QWOS and Kushner Companies, according to an advertisement on the Chinese company's website, which says the project is seeking $150 million from 300 EB-5 investors.

      Does anyone else yearn for the days of "Billy Bear" ?

    2. BEER, that would be "Billy Beer

    3. Brewed expressly for and with the personal approval of one of AMERICA's all-time Great Beer Drinkers

      — Billy Carter

    4. .

      I always kind of liked Billy Bear too.


    5. #1 Song when Billy was on the supermarket shelf.

  14. .

    Quirk's glad France voted to commit suicide so he can get a few easy jabs at Trump.

    As if, I needed anything else in order to take a few easy jabs at Trump.

    The Whiner Twins are at it again.


  15. Federal auditors said that the government should improve scrutiny of the source of investment funds, noting a case in which a petitioner was found to have potential financial ties “to a number of brothels in China,” according to an August 2015 report by the GAO. That investor was not approved for the program.

    Kushner has previously raised $50 million from the program to help finance construction of Trump Bay Street, a 50-story apartment building in Jersey City, according to a Bloomberg report.

    Kushner has promised to recuse himself from any administration decisions about the future of the program, a spokesman said.

  16. The Pyongyang university is the only privately funded university in North Korea and is unique for having a large number of foreign staff.

    Washington, Seoul and others often accuse North Korea of using foreign detainees to wrest diplomatic concessions, which in recent years have involved high-profile American missions sent to secure the release of the Americans.

    North Korea’s announcement of the detainments comes amid tensions over fears that Pyongyang is preparing another round of nuclear or missile tests and comments. Trump has further spiked animosity by saying he isn’t ruling out military action against the North, although Trump also has said he would be willing to talk with Kim Jong Un under the right circumstances.

  17. Norway's Slow TV: Fascinating viewers for hours or days at a time

    One axiom rarely observed on television nowadays is to "take it slow." And if you think that can't make for gripping TV, Seth Doane wants to tell you there's an entire country that would pointedly disagree:

    It's television's version of taking a deep breath … a very long, very slow, deep breath.

    It's called "Slow TV," and it's a surprising smash-hit in Norway.

    It began with the broadcast of a train journey from the coastal city of Bergen to the capital, Oslo. The formula was simple: put a few cameras on a train and watch the scenery go by -- for seven hours....

    Doug, with his Doug's Truckee Street Cam Show, is an early imitator here in the USA.

    Quirk, with his ground breaking 'entertain them to death by saying the same shit over and over again' technique, has brought the idea to blogging.

    1. Quirkie's got a slow hand too, ooooo.....

    2. Slow Hand

    3. Super Cool Extra:

      I've got a cached version from last night that's still working so far today, featuring snow, RR Crossing Guard Action, and a slow moving locomotive !!!

      Plus the usual excitement, of course.

    4. My mom's boyfriend puts GoPro's on his crab pots in Puget Sound. Fairly riveting stuff.

    5. Why, oh why, is everything lit up, but not the Union 76 Ball ???

    6. Not much traffic in Truckee tonight.

      The two cars I saw both turned right at the darkened Union 76 Ball.

      It's possible somebody shot out the Union 76 Ball months, or even years, ago and nobody has noticed it yet.

      It's gonna be a big deal locally when they notice, and a big deal around the world, too.

    7. Right takes you to the airport, Martis Lake, Northstar, then on to Lake Tahoe.

      Tried to take off an RC Plane on Martis.

      Couldn't do it at that altitude.

      Did fly a cute little .049 Parasol QT off the Northstar Golf Course on skis.

      My best friend piled his into his neighbor's house, the little spinner punching a hole right through the wall.

    8. See my continuing updates below....

  18. Rufus, one of the earliest of the Gruber Walking Dead Battalion, would buy into this -

    Jonathan Gruber: Obamacare problems are Trump’s fault

    Jonathan Gruber appeared on Fox News Sunday this morning and blamed Obamacare’s ongoing problems, including premium spikes and insurers dropping out of the exchanges, on President Trump.

    “I think everybody agrees Obamacare has serious problems,” host Chris Wallace said introducing the topic. He then played a clip of President Trump saying this week that Obamacare was “essentially dead.” Wallace then pointed out that premiums went up 24% last year as competition in the marketplaces declined. Finally, Wallace confronted Gruber with the situation in Iowa where the sole remaining insurer in most of the state announced last week that it might pull out completely. If so, this could leave up to 100,000 people with no options for insurance.

    “Look, and whose fault is this?” Gruber replied. “Before President Trump was elected there were no counties in America that did not have an insurer,” he said. Gruber continued....

    I hope Rufus is doing well.

    1. Maybe he's got AIDs, and blames it on Obama not getting a third term.

  19. North Korea is accusing the US of spreading the Ebola virus, claiming it has been “bent on the development of bio-weapons” in order to achieve world supremacy.


    It also went on to claim that the Aids pandemic was also created by the US. In one final accusation, it said: “As already known to everyone, the US is the world's biggest nuke possessor.”

    1. San Fran did do a pretty good job of spreading AIDs around.

      I used to know the story of the local "health" official there, but I done forgot.

      Randy Shilts would know.

    2. One thing was he wouldn't shut down the bath houses, I think.

    3. Club Baths, San Francisco, November 1982 . . . When the moaning stopped, the young man rolled over on his back for a cigarette. Gaetan Dugas reached up for the lights, turning up the rheostat slowly so his partner's eyes would have time to adjust. He then made a point of eyeing the purple lesions on his chest. "Gay cancer," he said, almost as if he were talking to himself. "Maybe you'll get it too."
      -- Randy Shilts, And the Band Played On

      Since the early days of the AIDS epidemic, researchers have reasoned that a handful of people -- maybe even a single individual -- bore the unknowing responsibility for having introduced the disease to North America and its first large group of victims, the homosexual community. By tracing sexual contacts, officials at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta in 1982 found a likely candidate: one man who, through his sexual liaisons and those of his bedmates, could be linked to nine of the first 19 cases in Los Angeles, 22 cases in New York City and nine more in eight other cities -- in all, some 40 of the first 248 cases in the U.S. The CDC acknowledged his role with an eerie sobriquet: it called him Patient Zero.

      Now Patient Zero is publicly identified for the first time in a stunning new book on the AIDS epidemic, And the Band Played On (St. Martin's Press; 630 pages; $24.95). Zero, says Author Randy Shilts, was Gaetan Dugas, a handsome blond steward for Air Canada, who used to survey the men on offer in gay bars and announce with satisfaction, "I'm the prettiest one." Using airline passes, he traveled extensively and picked up men wherever he went. Dugas developed Kaposi's sarcoma, a form of skin cancer common to AIDS victims, in June 1980, before the epidemic had been perceived by physicians. Told later he was endangering anyone he slept with, Dugas unrepentantly carried on -- by his estimate, with 250 partners a year -- until his death in March 1984, adding countless direct and indirect victims. At least one man indignantly hunted him down. Dugas' charm proved unfailing: he sweet-talked the man into having sex again.



  20. The militant leader, Abdul Hasib, had overseen a number of bloody attacks that directly challenged the authority of President Ashraf Ghani, including a massacre at the main Afghan Army hospital in Kabul that killed at least 50 people.


    Even as the militants’ numbers were reduced near the eastern border with Pakistan, they claimed daring attacks in Kabul, the Afghan capital. The group’s deadliest attack was a suicide bombing at a peaceful demonstration in the city last July, which killed at least 80 people.

    Little is known about Mr. Hasib, a former Afghan Taliban commander who switched his loyalty to the Islamic State and took over the Afghanistan affiliate when Mr. Khan was killed. But the Afghan president’s office said he was behind the March hospital attack.

  21. "This successful joint operation is another important step in our relentless campaign to defeat ISIS-K in 2017," the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Nicholson said in a statement from U.S. military headquarters in Kabul.


    Hundreds of fighters had been killed or captured this year and the offensive was continuing, with over half the districts controlled by ISIS-K retaken, allowing residents in some places to return for the first time in two years.

  22. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives are poised for coalition talks that could see them take control of the north German region of Schleswig-Holstein.

    Her party came in first in a local election in the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein, seen as a prelude for her bid for a fourth term in national elections in the fall. They defeated the coalition led by the Social Democrats, her main opponents in the fall.

  23. I knew I'd hate Colbert the first time I saw him, haven't seen much of him since.

    ...heard a podcast where they isolated him saying "Trump" about 40 times in an 8 minute intro.


    For a mental patient.

  24. Maher, I grew to hate, but respect his points about Muslims.

  25. Gruber is back in business, defending ObamaCare against Karl Rove on Fox.

    Gruber has met his match and is losing the argument badly.

  26. Didn't know Ellen is HIV positive.

    Many who have worked with her would say she deserves it.

  27. Unemployment among French yoots is 23%.

    1. The unemployment rate among French moslem yoots is 2 1/2 times as high....

  28. Been checking things out in beautiful downtown Truckee with regularity.

    Only those two cars turning right at the dark Union 76 Ball so far.

    No pedestrian traffic.

    Not even a drunk, nor a truck stop whore.

    Truckee is a wonderfully peaceful place, as far as I have ever been able to tell.

    Might make a good retirement choice.

    1. Whoooaaaa...wait just a derned car came over the tracks and turned left at the Union 76 Ball, and another drove up to the Ball and stopped, letting a woman out who walked past the pumps to the cashier's office !!

      Cashier change at midnight ????

    2. Now more action yet.

      Handing off the baton to you, Doug.

      Going to Live Cam Chat Room now.....

    3. ....Truckee Live Cam Chat Room.

    4. Chat Room dead too....the heck with it.

    5. Do you mean the comments with the 27 fossilized comments?

    6. I like this one:

      Brad Harlacker • 20 days ago

      My father is suffering withdraw symptoms from not seeing the Zephyr train at the Truckee intersection!

    7. Had a neighbor who named her cat Zephyr.

      Don't think she named it after the train.

    8. Fossilized comments is what I meant.

  29. France chooses national suicide, elects Macron in landslide


    Lights out for France. The French have chosen not to be so “racist” and “Islamophobic” as to resist the jihad that is being waged against them with ever greater ferocity. Europe as a whole, too, appears to be poised to make the same choice, and vote itself out of existence. And then it will be America’s turn.

    “Victory for the young, pro-EU centrist will be greeted with relief in key European capitals,” yes, and with grief among those who have dared to cherish the hope that the West would make a last stand for freedom. Instead, the French have voted overwhelmingly for the proposition that to defend one’s nation and culture is “bigoted.” And so decent French people will not defend these things, and all will be well, and all manner of thing will be well, until the final jihadist blade severs the last French non-bigot’s head from his neck.

    “Emmanuel Macron wins French presidential election,” by Ruadhán Mac Cormaic, Irish Times, May 7, 2017:

    Emmanuel Macron has been elected president of France, according to projections, with the 39-year-old centrist winning 65.1 per cent of the vote to defeat far-right leader Marine Le Pen.

    The result is a remarkable triumph for Mr Macron, a former banker who has never held elected office and is now set to become the country’s youngest head of state since the creation of the modern French republic. He will also be the first non-party president, and his ability to form a stable government will hinge on the outcome of legislative elections next month.

    Mr Macron won 65.1 per cent, according to a projection announced by France 2 television at 8pm French time (7pm Irish time) on Sunday, with Ms Le Pen trailing on 34.9 per cent. Turnout was estimated at 74 per cent, the lowest in the second round of a French presidential election since 1969.

    Victory for the young, pro-EU centrist will be greeted with relief in key European capitals. Mr Macron, who served as economy minister under president François Hollande from 2014- 2016, positioned himself as an economic and social liberal, as an advocate of free trade and European integration.

    A shock win for Ms Le Pen would have upended French politics and plunged the EU into a fresh crisis. On the campaign trail, the Front National figurehead had pledged to close borders, withdraw France from the euro zone and scrap trade treaties.

    But even in defeat, the 48-year-old’s vote is projected to be about twice what her party scored the last time it reached the presidential second round, in 2002, illustrating the scale of voter disaffection with mainstream politics in France.

    Fusing the nativist, anti-immigrant policies with which her father, Jean-Marie, established the Front National as a force in French politics, with her own anti-globalisation and protectionist rhetoric, Ms Le Pen significantly expanded the party’s base….

    It's too depressing.

    I think I'll go back to the Downtown Truckee Live least no one is committing suicide there.

    1. By the way, old man Le Pen was is a turd.

      Marine kicked him out of the party when she took over.

    2. Spencer stole my "Suicide" moniker right outta this thread!

    3. Maybe Quirk's right:

      Maybe he IS a Dick.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.
