Tuesday, May 02, 2017

The "But" Book Tour


  1. Hillary Clinton lost because she was and still is, Hillary Clinton.

  2. She says she is going to continue "to resist".

    I will resist making any comment on what exactly that well larded ass will resist other than she is incapable of resisting being delusional and lying to herself and any fool with the time to listen to her.

  3. “It’s a painful process reliving the campaign, as you might guess,” said Clinton.

    It was more painful to watch in real time. It is psychological waterboarding having to watch and listen to her again.

    “I’m back to being an activist citizen – and part of the resistance,” Clinton said.

    Part of the "resistance", sort of like the French underground against the Nazi or Polish partisans? No in fact , it is as indulged and as farcical as her jumping out of helicopters, 'landing under sniper fire' in Bosnia ... or is Hillary, a modern day Ghandi, MLK or Thoreau?

  4. Perhaps Hillary romanticizes herself as a philosopher representing the oppressed, helping them resist the political class?

  5. At this point, what does it matter anymore?

    1. After two Bush's, three Clintons, Dead Kennedys and the threat of another Obama, waterboarding looks preferable.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Although, as I think about it, Trump seems to be preparing us for his future clan.

  6. No wonder Bill Clinton had to desperately seek the antidote for a reluctant weenie.

  7. Benghazi was all about a book before it wasn't.

  8. President Trump responded to Hillary Clinton's complaints Tuesday that FBI Director James Comey lost the election for her with a proposition that he was the best thing to have happened to her.

    "FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony ... Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election.

  9. It is psychological waterboarding having to watch and listen to her again.

    She is an instrument of torture, for certain.

  10. Hillary has declared her sweet ass a member of the "Resistance".

    I do imagine her real feelings were recently expressed in Philly -

    VIDEO: May Day (Leftwing) Protesters in Philadelphia Chant: KILL TRUMP, PENCE
    By Pamela Geller - on May 2, 2017


    Imagine if we chanted “Kill Obama!” Leftwingers would have opened fire on us.

    How are these traitors not arrested en masse for treason?


    By Hannah Mayer, Truth Revolt, May 2, 2017 (thanks to Todd):


    Hundreds of thousands across the U.S. took to the streets in protest of President Donald Trump and his administration for perceived transgressions against any number of the Left’s agendas. Arrests were made at various protests, including at least 25 in Portland. In the name of “immigrants’ rights” masked warriors burned, rioted, threw smoke bombs and rocks, and hurled expletives.

    Never shying away from revealing their true, twisted nature, protesters in Philadelphia even chanted calls to “kill” President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

    As always, the Left claims it holds a monopoly on tolerance when in fact its members are anything but tolerant.


  11. Hillary as a struggling member of the "Resistance"....

    Ho ho ho HO HO HO

    What a wonderfully absurd and humorous idea !

  12. Clinton closed her speech with a reference to The Handmaid's Tale, a television adaption of the 1985 book by Margaret Atwood where women's rights in a dystopian future erode.


    In The Handmaid's Tale, women's rights are gradually, slowly stripped away. As one character says, "We didn't look up from our phones until it was too late".'

    'It's not too late for us, but we have to encourage the millions of women and men who support Planned Parenthood's mission to keep fighting.'

    1. Women own more property than men in the USA, have more money, have more votes....poor little darlings....

    2. Then they go and waste trillions on make-up, all to deceive us idiots.

      63% of us though are catching on to the scam....

    3. Even Quirk. He's on to it. Da-Da lipsticks up, Quirk knows he is being scammed, he just doesn't care....same with Felicity, Felony, and all the rest....

      I'm beginning to think The Ol' Quirkster gets a kick out of being scammed....

      "You look so beautiful today, Me-Me...."


  13. YouGov Poll: 63% of men think women mainly wear makeup to trick people into thinking they’re attractive

    This means 37% of men are still dumber than stumps.

  14. Make of this what you will -

    Time for Donald Trump to Roll Out the Welcome Mat for Kim Jong-un

    President Donald Trump walks into the Diplomatic Receiving Room of the White House. Flickr/The White House

    Forget Duterte: this is the Asian dictator Trump should be welcoming.
    Jacob Heilbrunn
    May 1, 2017


    1. And of this -

      May 3, 2017
      How Should the US Deal with North Korea?
      By Michael Curtis


      Nothing new. Rehash of the old arguments. They are, after all, only so many arguments to make.

  15. Canada: “I am going to work for ISIS. I hate you guys,” says 12-year-old Syrian refugee girl
    By Robert Spencer on May 02, 2017 08:18 am
    Canada: “I am going to work for ISIS. I hate you guys,” says 12-year-old Syrian refugee girl
    “When officers arrived, the 12-year-old punched one while he had his back turned, and tried to hit him a second time. She threatened to make false allegations that the police had ‘touched her,’ and threatened to kill the officers. ‘I am going to work for ISIS. I hate you guys,’ she told police…She also said […]
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    Australia: Muslim teen who shot man left note: “I have come to put terror in your hearts”
    By Robert Spencer on May 02, 2017 08:01 am
    Australia: Muslim teen who shot man left note: “I have come to put terror in your hearts”
    “We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.” (Qur’an 3:151) “When your Lord inspired to the angels, ‘I am with you, so […]
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  16. :):)

    May 3, 2017
    Trump calls on president to fight harder for border wall
    By Ed Straker

    Donald Trump was very critical of the president's move to agree to what basically is a Democrat spending bill for the next five months, which funds all the Democrats' priorities like the EPA, Obamacare, and Planned Parenthood while giving nothing for the construction of a border wall. That's why Mr. Trump tweeted:

    Our country needs a good "shutdown" in September to fix mess!

    Trump is 100% correct. If the president had vetoed or even threatened to veto this current spending bill, the president might have gotten more of his priorities passed and less of what the Democrats wanted. I think Trump, by calling for a shutdown in the next round of negotiations, realized that the president was rolled by the Democrats, and he feels that the president, who operates from a greater position of authority than Democrats, who are in the minority, should have gotten a better deal.

    Trump is probably wondering, as we all were, why the president didn't threaten to veto this current spending bill now rather than wait for the next battle in September. Trump surely realizes that the Democrats, seeing how easily they won a victory now, will only be harder to deal with the next time. I think that if Trump had been in charge, this would never have happened....



  17. A Literary Dispute

    Pope Francis wasted his time at Egypt’s Al Azhar.
    May 3, 2017 Raymond Ibrahim

    ....Behery’s response was refreshing; those many Western analysts who follow the same line of thinking—that “radicalism” only came after thinkers like Bana, Qutb, Mawdudi (in Pakistan) or Wahhab (in Arabia) came on the scene—would do well to listen. After saying that “blaming radicalism on these men is very delusional,” the reformer correctly added:

    The man who kills himself [Islamic suicide bomber] today doesn’t kill himself because of the words of Hasan al-Bana or Sayyid al-Qutb, or anyone else. He kills himself because of what the consensus of the ulema, and the four schools of jurisprudence, have all agreed to. Hasan al-Bana did not create these ideas [of jihad against infidels and apostates, destroying churches, etc.]; they’ve been around for many, many centuries…. I am talking about Islam [now], not how it is being taught in schools....


  18. Hey, the good news is The Kentucky Derby is coming up !

    I LOVE The Kentucky Derby !

  19. :)

    Resist !

    Fight The Androcratic Dictatorship !!

    Video-Can Gender Fluid Non Binary Poetry Slams Help Democrats Take Back The Rust Belt ?

    A Steelworker Sees The Light and Speaks


    The Onion


  20. The new mantra of the left, "resistance", will end in ignominy on the day the leftists discover it is a two way street. The right was cloaked during the rise and shine of Obama. It was junior league in opposition, indulgent to a fault and cowed by the liberal establishment. It won't happen again.

  21. NEWT GINGRICH GETS IT: I think that's part of it, and the other part of it is when people come here, we need to go back to teaching people how to be American -- to assimilating them into an American civilization. We absorb lots of people from lots of places. We can do it again, but part of that requires that we defeat this left-wing mythology that you can be multicultural and still be a single country. I think we can have many peoples come to America, but they need to learn to be American if they're going to live here.


    Trump on a bad tweet, warts and all, is still a better choice than Hillary on a good hair day.

  23. Venezuelan opposition blocks streets to protest Maduro power shakeup

    Opposition supporters help an elderly man to cross the street during clashes with security forces in a rally against Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela April 26, 2017. REUTERS/Marco Bel

    By Alexandra Ulmer and Eyanir Chinea | CARACAS

    Venezuela's opposition blocked streets in Caracas on Tuesday to denounce a decision by leftist President Nicolas Maduro to create a "constituent assembly," a move critics said was a veiled attempt to cling to power by avoiding elections.

    Building on heightening global outcry over Maduro's government, the United States condemned the action and regional powerhouse Brazil slammed it as "a coup."

    After a month of near-daily protests by opponents demanding early general elections, the unpopular leader announced on Monday that he planned to set up the super-body popular assembly with the power to rewrite the constitution.

    The socialist government said the opposition was promoting street violence and refusing dialogue, so it had no choice but to shake up Venezuela's power structure.

    Critics of the president said he was increasingly dictatorial and planned to staff the assembly with supporters and avoid elections he would likely lose during a crushing recession in the oil-producing country.

    Regional elections that were scheduled for last year have yet to be called and a presidential election is due in 2018.

    Asked about elections in an interview on state television on Tuesday, the Socialist Party official in charge of the constituent assembly said the electoral schedule would be respected. However the official, Elias Jaua, also suggested that current political turmoil was hindering setting a quick date.

    "One of the aims of the constituent assembly is to seek the conditions of stability to be able to go to those electoral processes," Jaua said. "Those conditions of normality do not exist," he added, citing protests and institutional clashes between authorities and the opposition-led National Assembly.

    The United States, as well as Argentina, Chile and Brazil on Tuesday expressed worry about Maduro's decision.

    "President Nicholas Maduro's proposal for a constituent assembly is a coup d'état. It is another break with democracy, violating the country's constitution," Brazilian Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes said in a statement posted on Facebook.

    The United States said Maduro was trying to yet again "change the rules of the game" to remain in power....


  24. Bannon for President!


  25. Define your "resistance" Hillary.
    Resistance to being a corrupt and incompetent self-serving bitch?

    I could get behind that effort.

  26. This proves the Democrat's (and Rufus') only answer is still: HILLARY.

  27. Bardot Urges Countrymen Not to Vote Macron....DRUDGE

    Good on Brigette Bardot !!

    A True Frenchwoman !!!

  28. Then there is this -


    The soup begins to boil, the fat begins to fry !


    FBI Director Comey is testifying before Congress today too, which should be interesting.

    1. Isn't it great ?!

      Comey investigates, and is being investigated !!


      Only in the USA !

    2. This country isn't finished yet !

  29. .

    The Trump Incompetence Doctrine

    Through Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office, foreign policy analysts have been hard at work seeking to divine the guiding precepts of his administration. But when it comes to foreign policy, the one thing that has become piercingly obvious so far is that this president has no idea where he is going.

    Trump may have come into office with a set of strongly held, if poorly considered, ideas bound together by the isolationist chic label of “America First.” Yet the story of his presidency so far has been one of a leader who is veering incoherently, and often incompetently, between the irresponsible promises he made on the campaign trail and the hard realities he cannot escape now that he is in office. The near-term result is what frequently appears to be a fundamentally unserious approach to some of the most serious geopolitical issues the United States confronts. The longer-term upshot is likely to be significant damage to America’s position in the world...


    1. And your now stated 'position' is to, basically, do nothing.

      Addtionally, we see -

      Deuce ☂Wed May 03, 06:18:00 AM EDT

      Trump on a bad tweet, warts and all, is still a better choice than Hillary on a good hair day.


      QuirkWed May 03, 11:52:00 AM EDT

      No. He's not.

      - which shows you think Hillary would be better than Trump, Hillary who gave us Libya, helped mess up Syria, and was Secretary of State when O'bozo pulled the troops out of Iraq, giving rise to ISIS....

      This manifests a fundamentally unserious approach to some of the most serious geopolitical issues the United States confronts on your part.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Turning to depth psychology, we can easily see you're just jealous that The Donald gets more and better pussy than you do.

      It's simply the primordial struggle for mating privileges that's got you riled at The Donald.

    4. .

      No. He's not.

      - which shows you think Hillary would be better than Trump, Hillary who gave us Libya, helped mess up Syria, and was Secretary of State when O'bozo pulled the troops out of Iraq, giving rise to ISIS....

      It means that only to a moronic English major who lacks the ability to read and understand. Your illogical 'assumptions' are the reason it is a waste of time talking to you.


    5. Pitiful, just plain pitiful reply on your part.

    6. .

      BobWed May 03, 04:23:00 PM EDT

      And your now stated 'position' is to, basically, do nothing...

      This manifests a fundamentally unserious approach to some of the most serious geopolitical issues the United States confronts on your part.

      After weeks of bothering me about my position on North Korea I gave you my answer yesterday. You indicated you didn't like it so I put up this post.

      QuirkTue May 02, 11:05:00 PM EDT

      And what would you do?

      This ought to be good.


      I'm still waiting for it, asshole.

      What would you have us do?


    7. Sorry, I missed that, Sir.

      I think, much as Trump has done.

      Deploy THAAD, work the Chinese, breathe fire, move ships around, and remain unpredictable.

      Trump and his military and diplomatic people have drawn something of a red line....a working intercontinental nuked up missile goes too far....that sounds reasonable enough....

      Try to stir up resistance to Kim within the regime....

      Working the Chinese to try to get them to collar Kim is probably the best outcome to be hoped for....

      Maybe the S. Korean election results will change what can or can't be done....

      I don't see that Trump has done anything so far that could be characterized as reckless....

    8. .

      Deploy THAAD, work the Chinese, breathe fire, move ships around, and remain unpredictable.

      From the The Trump Incompetence Doctrine article above...

      More recently still, Trump — building on an earlier public pledge to stop the North Korean nuclear and missile program in its tracks — tried to intimidate North Korea by suggesting a powerful U.S. “armada” was headed Pyongyang’s way. Yet he succeeded only in alarming and then confusing U.S. partners in the region when it became clear that the carrier strike group in question was actually thousands of miles away and steaming in the opposite direction. And on the heels of that fiasco, Trump managed to alienate and frighten America’s South Korean allies in three separate ways: by warning (accurately, but too cavalierly) that a “major, major conflict” — one that would devastate South Korea — is possible; by demanding, contrary to a settled agreement, that South Korea pay for the operation and maintenance of a U.S. missile defense system stationed in that country; and by threatening to terminate a U.S.-South Korean free trade deal. He did all this, moreover, in the context of a South Korean presidential campaign in which Seoul’s approach to Pyongyang is being hotly debated.  How any of this will actually help Washington deal with a severe and worsening problem — North Korea’s advanced weapons programs and increasingly belligerent behavior — is anyone’s guess...

      Back to you,

      Trump and his military and diplomatic people have drawn something of a red line....a working intercontinental nuked up missile goes too far....that sounds reasonable enough....

      And what do you do when Kim finally develops and ICBM?

      Try to stir up resistance to Kim within the regime....


      Working the Chinese to try to get them to collar Kim is probably the best outcome to be hoped for....

      Oh, you mean what I suggested even though I pointed out it probably won't work but couldn't hurt.

      Maybe the S. Korean election results will change what can or can't be done....

      Obvious to anyone watching the news but it does nothing to solve the problem.

      I don't see that Trump has done anything so far that could be characterized as reckless....

      First Trump threatens, then he dumps the situation in China's lap, then he offers veiled threats and phony shows of strength, then he says what an honor it would be to meet with Kim.

      Indeed, the unifying themes among these episodes have been incoherence and incompetence.  Incoherence in the sense that it is nearly impossible for observers within the United States or abroad (or even, perhaps, within some quarters of the administration) to pin down, on any given day, what U.S. policy is and how Trump intends to accomplish his goals. And incompetence in the sense that Trump has shown no ability to address difficult issues effectively, to align expectations with what can realistically be achieved, or even to project a basic sense of steadiness and purpose in foreign affairs...

      You accuse me of offering to do nothing; yet, there is no way to tell what Trump's strategy is from the actions he's taken. I'm waiting expectantly for your answer as to what we should do when Kim crosses Trump's red line.



    9. .

      Oh, never mind. I see you have already answered it in you post at

      BobWed May 03, 05:39:00 PM EDT

      You don't know.


  30. What's Trump actually done so far ?

    One MOAB
    Moved an aircraft carrier

    Anything else ?

    1. .

      He got Gorsuch confirmed. Good on him.

      Dropped a big bomb. President have been dropping bombs since we had airplanes some of them big.
      You like a big kid impressed with a fireworks display.

      Moved an aircraft carrier? All show. Big friggin whoopee.

      Damn, Bob, you're stupid.


    2. What I'm saying, dipshit, what I'm saying....The Donald ain't done all that much.

      Goddamn you're dumber than a rotted stump, Quirk.

    3. To write up a prescription for attacking N. Korea I'd have to know what our capabilities actually are over against theirs. Since I know nearly zero about that, I have almost nothing to say except try to get an understanding with the Chinese first.


    4. "Goddamn you're dumber than a rotted stump, Quirk."

      I'd like to say you're a slow learner, Bob, but...

      You, sir, are a MASOCHIST !

    5. Quirk in Drag:


  31. Sure, the law was broken multiple times, but the FBI ultimately dropped the matter.

    In defending his decisions, Comey offered some new details about what FBI agents found last fall, after they realized a laptop belonging to former New York congressman Anthony Weiner (D) contained thousands of work emails involving Clinton. At the time, Weiner was married to Huma Abedin, who was a senior aide to Clinton. Agents were looking at Weiner’s laptop because he was under investigation for possibly inappropriate communications with a minor.

    “Somehow, her emails were being forwarded to Anthony Weiner, including classified information,’’ Comey said, adding later, “His then-spouse Huma Abedin appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding emails to him for him to print out for her so she could deliver them to the secretary of state.”

    After Comey notified Congress of the Weiner laptop issue on Oct. 28, the Justice Department got a search warrant to examine some 3,000 messages that were work-related, Comey said. Of those, agents found a dozen that contained classified information, but they were messages investigators had already seen.

    Abedin and Weiner were investigated for the potential mishandling of classified material, but the FBI ultimately dropped the matter.


  32. Sure I was drunk and killed the whole family, officer, but I didn't know I was doing anything wrong!

    "“Really the central problem we had with the whole email investigation was proving people . . . had some sense they were doing something unlawful. That was our burden, and we were unable to meet it,’’ he said."

  33. When Obama Decided to be Black:

    In early 1987, when Obama was 25, she sensed a change.

    "He became ... so very ambitious" very suddenly," she told Garrow.

    "I remember very clearly when this transformation happened, and I remember very specifically that by 1987, about a year into our relationship, he already had his sights on becoming president."

    The sense of destiny is not unusual among those who become president. (See Clinton, Bill.) But it created complications. Obama believed that he had a "calling," Garrow writes, and in his case it was "coupled with a heightened awareness that to pursue it he had to fully identify as African-American."


    1. In Garrow's telling, Obama made emotional judgments on political grounds. A close mutual friend of the couple recalls Obama explaining that "the lines are very clearly drawn. ... If I am going out with a white woman, I have no standing here." And friends remember an awkward gathering at a summer house, where Obama and Jager engaged in a loud, messy fight on the subject for an entire afternoon. ("That's wrong! That's wrong! That's not a reason," they heard Sheila yell from their guest room, their arguments punctuated by bouts of makeup sex.) Obama cared for her, Garrow writes, "yet he felt trapped between the woman he loved and the destiny he knew was his."

    2. At Harvard, the Obama the world has come to know took clearer form.
      In his late 20s now and slightly older than most classmates, he had a compulsion to orate in class and summarize other people's arguments for them.
      "In law school the only thing I would have voted for Obama to do would have been to shut up," one student told Garrow.
      Classmates created a Obamanometer, ranking "how pretentious someone's remarks are in class."

    3. Quirk yearns for his return.

    4. As he considered a U.S. Senate bid, Obama's team commissioned a poll that covered, among other questions, his name. "Barry," as he was known from childhood into his early college years, polled better than "Barack," but Obama never considered resurrecting the old name. He had made his choice, of identity and image, long ago.

      Sheila recalls that one of the few times Obama became genuinely angry with her was in Hawaii, when she heard relatives calling him Barry, and she did so as well, just for fun. He became "irrationally furious," she said.
      "He told me that under no circumstances was I ever to use that name with him."

  34. My latest bike tricks.

