Monday, May 29, 2017

After My Father Did 35 Bombing Missions Over 125 days - He Became a Pacifist - Remember the Day

409th Bomb Squadron


  1. Citizen soldiers doing their duty. They were not mercenaries. They were not doing it for benefits. They were not doing it for glory.

    They were doing what men always were supposed to do, defend and protect. Go on offense against real enemies when real US interests were involved.

    They knew which bathroom to use.

  2. No OOrah. No braggadocio.

    They didn't need a parade for fancy uniforms.

    They celebrated when they landed their plane, ran past the nice English ladies handing out hot tea and cocoa, straight to the medics handing out generous amount of pure grain alcohol, so that the lucky who returned could "clean their oxygen mask" with it.

    Burn up a pack of Lucky Strikes and get ready for the next one out.

    Good luck assholes!

    1. Happy Memorial Day, Assholes!

    2. I'm guessing your father is the middle man of those standing.

    3. For clarification: Every recruit heard a drill instructor call out, "listen up assholes."

      No civilian with any common sense could use the term without a full tooth smile.

  3. I am sorry, I do not have a "happy" memorial day.

    I think of my fellow citizens who died serving our nation. I lost family who served, I can go the DC and see my Uncle's name on the wall. Two, Three hundred years from now will those names still be there to be read and remembered? Or will they be removing those memorials and putting them into storage?

  4. .

    My dad flew over 30 bombing missions piloting a B-25.

    He never talked about it much other than to mention it in passing or the time he got to fly in one again
    before he died.

    I wish I had pressed him on it more.



  5. My friend Wayne's dad was over Tokyo on the fire bombings. Flames as far as one could see, he said.

    An Uncle of his was in the Normandy invasion. His group got separated when the Germans counterattacked and they ended up walking half way across France back to some sort of safety.

  6. .

    A Quagmire Country

    Think of him as a messenger from the gods, the deities of empire gone astray.  They sent us a man without a center, undoubtedly because 17 years into the twenty-first century our country lacks a center, and a man without a fixed opinion or a single conviction, except about himself and his family, because this country is now a swirling mess of contradictory beliefs and groups at each other’s throats.  They sent us our first billionaire president who left countless people holding the bag in his various, often failed, business dealings.  He brings to mind that classic phrase “those that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind” just as we’re now reaping the results of the 1% politics that gained such traction in recent years; and of a kind of war-making, American style, that initially seemed aimed at global supremacy, but now seems to have no conceivable goal.  We're evidently destined to go on killing ever more people, producing ever more refugees, cracking open ever more nations, and spreading ever more terror movements until the end of time.  They sent a man ready to build a vanity wall on the Mexican border and pour more money into the U.S. military at a time when it’s becoming harder for Americans to imagine investing in anything but an ever-more powerful national security state, even as the country’s infrastructure begins to crumble.  They sent a billionaire who once deep-sixed a startling number of his businesses to save a country that couldn't be more powerful and yet has proven incapable of building a single mile of high-speed rail. 

    Into this quagmire, the gods dispatched the man who loves MOAB, who drools over “my generals,” who wants to build a “big, fat, beautiful wall” on our southern border, but was beyond clueless about where power actually lay in Washington.

    He’s a man with a history but without a sense of history, a man for whom anything is imaginable and everything is mutable, including the past.  In this, too, he's symptomatic of the nation he now “leads.”  Who among us even remembers the set of Washington officials who, only a decade and a half ago, had such glorious dreams about establishing a global Pax Americana and who led us so unerringly into an unending hell in the Greater Middle East?  Who remembers that those officials of the George W. Bush administration had another dream as well -- of a Pax Republicana, a one-party imperial state that would stretch across the American South deep into the Midwest, Southwest, and parts of the West, kneecapping the Democratic Party for an eternity and leaving that artifact of a two-party past confined to the country’s coastal areas.  Their dream -- and it couldn’t have been more immodest -- was to rule the world and its great remaining superpower for... well... more or less ever. 

    They were to dominate America and America was to dominate everything else in a way no country in history -- not the Romans, not the British -- had ever done.  As they saw it, in the wake of the implosion of the Soviet Union, there would be no other superpower, nor even a bloc of great powers, capable of obstructing America’s destined future.  They and their successors would see to that. 

    The United States would be the land of wealth and power in a previously unimaginable fashion.  It would be the land that made everything that went bang in the night -- and in that (and perhaps that alone) their dreams would be fulfilled.  To this day, Hollywood and its action films dominate planetary screens, while American arms merchants have a near monopoly on selling the world their dangerous toys.  As our new president recently put it, their energies and those of the U.S. government should remain focused on getting countries across the globe to engage in “the purchase of lots of beautiful military equipment.” Indeed.

    As for the rest of their dream of geopolitical dominance, it began to come a cropper remarkably quickly...

    1. Very poor propaganda. You ought to be able to scrape up something better than that somewhere. You are losing your edge.

    2. But not your neurotic blind hatred.

    3. I am beginning to think of you as the bar's Maxine Waters.


    5. Sounds like you are referring to Obama. Except insert "wannabe" in front of billionaire.

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    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Short Life On a Real Ranch

    Jeffrey A. Tucker

    Saturday, May 27, 2017

    "God bless, and good riddance, to life on the land."

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.



    Secretary of Defense James Mattis said on Sunday the US had “accelerated” its tactics against the Islamic State, moving from a policy of “attrition” to one of “annihilation”.

    The retired Marine Corps general also said “civilian casualties are a fact of life in this sort of situation”, adding: “We’re not the perfect guys, but we are the good guys. And so we’re doing what we can.”

    His remarks came a day after he cited the suicide bombing in Manchester, which has been claimed by Isis, in a speech to graduating cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point.

    “Manchester’s tragic loss underscores the purpose of your years of study and training at this elite school,” Mattis said on Saturday. “We must never permit murderers to define our time or warp our sense of normal. This is not normal.”
    The bombing outside an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena killed 22 people, the youngest an eight-year-old girl, and injured dozens more. Fourteen people have been arrested, with two subsequently released. The bomber, Salman Abedi, had been to Libya and may have traveled to Syria.

    Speaking on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Mattis said: “Our strategy right now is to accelerate the campaign against Isis. It is a threat to all civilized nations. And the bottom line is we are going to move in an accelerated and reinforced manner, throw them on their back foot.

    “We have already shifted from attrition tactics, where we shove them from one position to another in Iraq and Syria, to annihilation tactics where we surround them. Our intention is that the foreign fighters do not survive the fight to return home to North Africa, to Europe, to America, to Asia, to Africa. We’re not going to allow them to do so. We’re going to stop them there and take apart the caliphate.”


    Angelangst Merkel will have a double twist in her size 16 knickers and a dislocated pee pee pad over this.

  11. A day of remembering sacrifice.

    To me, that means everyone that has and still serves.
    Whether drafted or voluntary,
    for something greater than themselves.
    Right down to the people that clean the latrines.
    It comes down to defending life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
    There will be a day of reckoning for the soldiers of Islam too.
    Every last one of them.

  12. OK Quirk, you are always bragging, let's see you beat this, Quirk Fu Master -

    Kung Fu Master Breaks Record By Pulling Helicopter -- With Genitals....DRUDGE


    1. .

      That would be tough.

      Surprisingly, I've never even considered pulling some inanimate object, no matter what size, around with my penis much less practicing doing it.


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. .

    War Machine: The Movie

    I watched the movie War Machine today on Netflix. It's supposed be a sardonic comedy/drama take off on a book written by that Rolling Stone guy who wrote the article that got McCrystal fired.

    It had a couple of themes to it but the main one I got out of it was 'It's hard to design a counterinsurgency strategy when you are the insurgency.'

    It stared Brad Pitt as Gen. McMann (spelling?) a take off on McCrystal. In the movie, all the military were presented as honorable guys, caught in a situation they didn't really understand and clueless as to what to do with it other than to move forward. That cluelessness stretched from Afghanistan to the Pentagon to Obama.

    McMann was given an impossible job but was confident he would be the one to succeed. He would have readily uttered the same words Gen. Mattis spoke in that post Deuce put up. “We’re not the perfect guys, but we are the good guys. And so we’re doing what we can,” though he would have probably said, And so I'll get it done.

    The movie was a fairly light condemnation of the modern US war machine and the wars it wages, not near the hard bitten condemnation in the book it was based on, The Operators.

    Reviews for the movie range for 2 out of 5 to 8 out of 10, but most of them were negative. Most liked the cast and the acting (besides Pitt it Included Ben Kingsley as Karzai) but complained about the movie dragging at spots (2 hrs, 17 min) and that it was kind of a poof piece compared to The Operators.

    Heard a reviewer talking about it the other day. He panned it for much the same reasons. Then he said he took a buddy of his, an Afghan vet, to see it. The vet said he liked it a lot.

    I kinda liked it too.


  15. I kinda like Brad Pitt. I thought Fury was a good movie and I don't much like war movies.

  16. Pull a Rhino with a bike, not a penis.

    Going through Paso Robles, CA, today:

    Nice feature: Large Flags on poles along the sidewalk.

    Wonder how many towns are doing that?

  17. Great example of the music of a B-25 at low altitude at the beginning of this video.

    Later, nice closeup of takeoff. Plus a C-47

    1. The mother of the guy (Tom Madden) speaking in the video.

      She also drove antique machinery.

      Married a Vet in WW II

      Lived to 97

  18. When Buying Life Insurance Was Deemed Immoral
    Your Money or Your Life
    Virginia Postrel from the July 2017 issue - view article in the Digital Edition

    The product was perfectly legal. Many prominent clergymen endorsed it, including celebrity preacher Henry Ward Beecher, brother of Uncle Tom's Cabin author Harriet Beecher Stowe. The Pennsylvania House declared in 1811 that it "would be highly beneficial to many descriptions of citizens throughout the state." The need was clear, and the businesses that sold it were untainted by scandal, bankruptcy, or fraud. They delivered what they promised.

    But in the early 19th century, Americans just wouldn't buy life insurance.

    The problem wasn't mere procrastination. Many people deemed the very idea immoral. "Has a man the right to make the continuance of his life the basis of a bargain? Is it not turning a very solemn thing into a mere commercial transaction?" wrote a typical critic. Religious traditionalists believed they should trust in God's providence, not a financial contract, to care for their loved ones after death. Others, pointing to arson to collect fire insurance, worried that it might encourage murder.

    Paternalists—and competitors—warned that beneficiaries wouldn't know how to manage a sudden windfall. The New York Times opined that life insurance eroded the work ethic....

    1. Never knew til now that life insurance used to be thought of like that by some. Good thing to have if one has kids, I think.

      I remember once when my daughter was quite small I was talking about it....."I want some life insurance tooooo"


      She thought it insured that one continued to live.....


  19. Mr Putin’s opportunity to return fire came when he was asked to justify Ms Le Pen’s recent visit to Moscow. “Her opinion on the safeguarding of European identities and the sovereignty of peoples is not without foundation,” he said.


    The argument followed a fraught French campaign marked by repeated accusations of Russian interference. Mr Macron’s team said it had been targeted by hackers linked to the Russian state, just as Hillary Clinton’s campaign had been in the US last year.

    The Kremlin made little secret of its support for Mrs Le Pen and for Francois Fillon, the defeated centre-right candidate.

    1. Today's Kremlin is not the Kremlin of my youth.

  20. Jap wins Indy on Memorial Day Weekend

    Highly decorated writer at Denver Post fired writing as if he didn't notice the war is over.


    1. What for ? Calling a nip a jap ? What the hell ?

    2. He won because he didn't weigh as much as the other drivers and that made all the difference.


    3. I read a learned article not so long ago that maintained the nips are about the most racist folks on earth.

      You'd never know it because because Japan is something like 98 1/2% Japanese, and there is never any trouble.

      As a general rule, they don't take in moslems, Mexicans, or anyone else.

      It makes for domestic tranquility.

      The same article maintained that USA is actually among the least racist societies on earth, though it's a big topic of conversation here.

    4. Think how superior you can feel when the knife of a Mexican or Muzzie enters your sacred body:

      "Yeah, but at least I'm not a racist like those God Damned Japs!"

    5. Bastard won in a Honda, too!

  21. May 29, 1453: Jihad Carnage and the Fall of Christian Constantinople
    By Dr. Andrew Bostom - on May 29, 2017

    Painting by Theofilos Hatzimihail (d. 1934)

    Extracts from my “The Legacy of Jihad,” (2005/2008) pp. 616-618:

    [Both Turkish and Christian chroniclers provide graphic evidence of the wanton pillage and slaughter of non-combatants following the Ottoman jihad conquest of Constantinople in 1453. First from the Turkish sources]:

    “Sultan Mehmed (in order to) arouse greater zeal for the way of God issued an order (that the city was to be) plundered. And from all directions they (gazis) came forcefully and violently (to join) the army. They entered the city, they passed the infidels over the sword (i.e. slew them) and…they pillage and looted, they took captive the youths and maidens, and they took their goods and valuables whatever there was of them…” [Urudj]

    “The gazis [jihadists] entered the city, cut off the head of the emperor, captured Kyr Loukas and his family…and they slew the miserable common people..They placed people and families in chains and placed metal rings on their necks.” [Neshri]

    [Speros Vryonis, Jr. has summarized the key contents of letters sent by Sultan Mehmed himself to various Muslim potentates of the Near East]:

    “In his letter to the sultan of Egypt, Mehmed writes that his army killed many of the inhabitants, enslaved many others (those that remained), plundered the treasures of the city, ‘cleaned out’ the priests and took over the churches…To the Sherif of Mecca he writes that they killed the ruler of Constantinople, they killed the “pagan” inhabitants and destroyed their houses. The soldiers smashed the crosses, looted the wealth and properties and enslaved their children and youths. ‘They cleared these places of their monkish filth and Christian impurity’…In yet another letter he informs Cihan Shah Mirza of Iran that the inhabitants of the city have become food for the swords and arrows of the gazis; that they plundered their children, possessions and houses; that those men and women who survived the massacre were thrown into chains.”

    1. [The Christian sources, include this narrative by Ducas who gathered eyewitness accounts, and visited Constantinople shortly after its conquest]:

      “(Then) the Turks arrived at the church [the great church of St. Sophia], pillaging, slaughtering, and enslaving. They enslaved all those that survived. They smashed the icons in the church, took their adornments as well as all that was moveable in the church…Those of (the Greeks) who went off to their houses were captured before arriving there. Others upon reaching their houses found them empty of children, wives, and possessions and before (they began) wailing and weeping were themselves bound with their hands behind them. Others coming to their houses and having found their wife and children being led off, were tied and bound with their most beloved…They (the Turks) slew mercilessly all the elderly, both men and women, in (their) homes, who were not able to leave their homes because of illness or old age. The newborn infants were thrown into the streets…And as many of the (Greek) aristocrats and nobles of the officials of the palace that he (Mehmed) ransomed, sending them all to the “speculator” he executed them. He selected their wives and children, the beautiful daughters and shapely youths and turned them over to the head eunuch to guard them, and the remaining captives he turned over to others to guard over them…And the entire city was to be seen in the tents of the army, and the city lay deserted, naked, mute, having neither form nor beauty.”

      [From the contemporary 15th century historian Critobulus of Imbros:]

      “Then a great slaughter occurred of those who happened to be there: some of them were on the streets, for they had already left the houses and were running toward the tumult when they fell unexpectedly on the swords of the soldiers; others were in their own homes and fell victims to the violence of the Janissaries and other soldiers, without any rhyme or reason; others were resisting relying on their own courage; still others were fleeing to the churches and making supplication- men, women, and children, everyone, for there was no quarter given…The soldiers fell on them with anger and great wrath…Now in general they killed so as to frighten all the City, and terrorize and enslave all by the slaughter.”

      In fourteen hundred ninety-two
      Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

      He had three ships and left from Spain....

      It's hard to blame the jihad carnage of Constantinople 1453 on the Americans.

    2. What does The Magic 8 Ball say ?

    3. "The Magic 8 Ball says USA Americans not to blame for the jihad carnage of Constantinople 1453."

      Just showed up here in an email.....

  22. Memorial Day and the conquest of Constantinople

    MAY 29, 2017 6:56 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    As we remember, with a debt of gratitude we can never repay, those who have died to keep us free, let us also remember what the consequences will be if we lose this great defense against jihad that the free world isn’t even seriously fighting.

    Today is May 29, the anniversary of the Muslim conquest of Constantinople, which took place on May 29, 1453.

    It is useful, in our comfortable complacency and general lack of any historical memory at all, and overarching concern to avoid “Islamophobia,” to recall what happened when the Muslims entered the great city.

    Historian Steven Runciman notes that the Muslim soldiers “slew everyone that they met in the streets, men, women, and children without discrimination. The blood ran in rivers down the steep streets from the heights of Petra toward the Golden Horn. But soon the lust for slaughter was assuaged. The soldiers realized that captives and precious objects would bring them greater profit.” (The Fall of Constantinople 1453, Cambridge University Press, 1965, p. 145.)

    Some jihadists “made for the small but splendid churches by the walls, Saint George by the Charisian Gate, Saint John in Petra, and the lovely church of the monastery of the Holy Saviour in Chora, to strip them of their stores of plate and their vestments and everything else that could be torn from them. In the Chora they left the mosaics and frescoes, but they destroyed the icon of the Mother of God, the Hodigitria, the holiest picture in all Byzantium, painted, so men said, by Saint Luke himself. It had been taken there from its own church beside the Palace at the beginning of the siege, that its beneficient presence might be at hand to inspire the defenders on the walls. It was taken from its setting and hacked into four pieces.” (P. 146.)

    It won’t be like that here, right? Right? Our people will always live in safety, and our culture and our civilization will never be cast into the dust. Boston strong, right? Manchester strong. San Bernardino strong. Brussels strong. Berlin strong. Nice strong. Orlando strong. And all the rest. How strong we are, except for the racist “Islamophobes” who try to divide us! We are strong everywhere, with our candles and vigils so very strong, and with our love we will overcome the “far-right” and the terrorists both! Won’t we?

  23. May 30, 2017
    Is Islam a Genocidal Religion?
    By Joel Gilbert

    His warning 600 years ago.
    May 30, 2017 Timothy Furnish

    In the last 2 ½ years alone—from Charlie Hebdo to Manchester—there have been 20 Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States, killing a total of 381 people. The vast majority of terrorists convicted in the US since 9/11 have pledged allegiance to Islamic groups: ISIS, al-Qaeda and their ilk. Over 70% of the US State Department’s designated foreign terrorist organizations are Muslim in ideology and goals. Muslim “grooming gangs” have roamed the UK for years, setting girls and young women up to be sexually used. Over a thousand women were sexually assaulted in Germany on New Year’s 2016, largely by “foreign nationals.” Sexual crimes against women are increasing in Sweden, largely as a result of the massive influx of young Muslim men.

    Yet how do most Europeans, and far too many Americans, respond to this civilizational assault? With sorrow and tears, “love trumps hate” and candle-lighting. By creating memes with the appropriate victims’ national flag. With cringing apologies for non-existent “Islamophobia” and promises to bring in even more Muslim “refugees” in order to demonstrate, once and for all (or at least until the next jihad) that we Westerners are truly open-minded and tolerant—even if it literally kills us. The President of the United States cannot even temporarily stop immigration from a few terrorist-haven countries—because they happen to be Muslim-majority ones, and leftist American judges, like British politicians, privilege the rights of non-citizen foreigners over their own countrymen in the name of Leftist ideology and global humanitarianism.

    Western civilization may or may not be sick—but it’s certainly become spineless. This happens to many cultures, eventually—as described first, ironically, by the great 14th century North African Muslim historian Ibn Khaldun in his work The Muqaddimah. Ibn Khaldun, based on his study of ancient, Islamic and Christian history, ascertained a cyclical pattern of rise-and-fall among what he termed “dynasties” which, mutatis mutandis, is applicable to our culture as well. All of them go through three phases:

    [1] The first is the one which establishes the society: “its members are used to privation and to sharing their glory with each other; they are brave….sharp and greatly feared. People submit to them.”

    1. [2] Following that is the stage in which the society moves “from privation to luxury and plenty” and “the vigour of group feeling is broken…. People become used to lowliness and obedience. But many of the old virtues remain” and the people “live in hope that the conditions that existed in the first generation may come back, or they live under the illusion that those conditions still exist.”

      [3] The final generation “has completely forgotten the period of…toughness, as if it had never existed…. because they are so much given to a life of prosperity and ease. They…are like women and children who need to be defended. Group feeling disappears completely….. When someone comes and demands something from them, they cannot repel him.”

      The fourth phase, then, is the conquest of the civilization by another that is still in the robust, determined and, yes, dangerous phase.

      Applying this paradigm to our American branch of Western civilization, we can say that the first, vigorous chapter of our history lasted from the Revolution to World War II (about 170 years); the second from the Korean War to our triumph in the Cold War (about four decades), an era dominated, alas, by the “Great Society” of LBJ and the liberal Democrats which institutionalized dependence on government; and the third began a quarter-century ago and has proceeded much more rapidly than the others—because, as Yeats observed in his poem “The Second Coming:” “things fall apart; the center cannot hold.”

      The center, Ibn Khaldun’s group feeling, used to be Christianity, but that was jettisoned over the course of the 20th century; then American exceptionalism was terminated with extreme prejudice by Obama in his quest to humble America. Washington and Hollywood have spent years teaching people to rely on their emotions rather than rational faculties—with the result that now many young Americans prefer socialism, believe that gender is not biological, and insist that Christianity is as violent as Islam. Even the new administration’s National Security Advisor refuses to acknowledge that Islam has anything to do with jihad and violence.

      Those of us still in Ibn Khaldun’s stage two want President Trump to draw a line and stop the replacement of Jerusalem and Athens with Brussels and Mecca. But when our fellow Americans are more concerned about whether men can use the women’s bathroom than the jihadists in our midst, we’re almost certainly trapped in terminal stage three—wherein a civilization which no longer believes in itself, said Ibn Khaldun, “is seized by senility and the chronic disease…for which it can find no cure, and, eventually, is destroyed.”

      Perhaps there is hope yet—though it becomes difficult to see it. But as conservatives we must continue to fight on -- and appreciate a president who is finally, unlike so many conservatives, fighting the political and cultural battle the way it’s supposed to be fought.

  25. Memorial plaques dedicated at holiday ceremony in Cambria

    District Attorney Dan Dow delivered the keynote address Monday in front of newly dedicated veterans memorial plaques in Cambria, as community members came together to honor those who have given their lives for their country.

    Dow told the story of Cpl. Harold W. Roberts, who sacrificed his own life so his sergeant could escape a tank that was rapidly filling with water after being caught in a trap behind enemy lined during World War I.

    Roberts pushed Sgt. Virgil Morgan out of the only opening in the tank; by the time Morgan was able to pull Roberts out, he was dead.

    Roberts was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously and, later,

    Camp Nacimiento was renamed Camp Roberts in his honor.

    It was the first time any Army installation had been named for an enlistee.

    Didn't know that even though I spent a couple of weeks there at summer camp, and a couple of months tearing down a two story barracks board by board and nail by nail!

    To include multiple layers of asphalt roofing and flooring!


    HERE’S THE COMPLETE AND UPDATED LIST: Deep State ‘Leaks’ to Far Left MSM Outlets – With Analysis

    Jim Hoft May 26th, 2017 10:25 pm 367 Comments

    Guest post by Joe Hoft

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