Friday, March 17, 2017

What strategic benefit would accrue from having Montenegro as an ally that would justify the risk of our having to go to war should some neighbor breach Montenegro’s borders?


Is McCain hijacking Trump's foreign policy?

Pat Buchanan: The vote that needs explaining on NATO issue is not Rand Paul's

Published: 5 hours ago WND

“The senator from Kentucky,” said John McCain, speaking of his colleague Rand Paul, “is working for Vladimir Putin … and I do not say that lightly.”

What did Sen. Paul do to deserve being called a hireling of Vladimir Putin?

He declined to support McCain’s call for a unanimous Senate vote to bring Montenegro into NATO as the 29th member of a Cold War alliance President Trump has called “obsolete.”

Bordered by Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania, tiny Montenegro has a population roughly that of D.C., and sits on the western coast of the most volatile peninsula in Europe.

What strategic benefit would accrue from having Montenegro as an ally that would justify the risk of our having to go to war should some neighbor breach Montenegro’s borders?

Historically, the Balkans have been an incubator of war. In the 19th century, Otto van Bismarck predicted that when the Great War came, it would come out of “some damn fool thing in the Balkans.” And so it did when the Austrian archduke was assassinated in Sarajevo June 28, 1914, by Serbian ethnonationalist Gavrilo Princip.

Aflame with ethnic, civil and sectarian war in the 1990s, the western Balkans are again in political turmoil. Milo Djukanovic, the longtime Montenegrin prime minister who resigned on election day in October, claims that he was targeted for assassination by Russia to prevent Montenegro’s accession to NATO.

Russia denies it. But on the Senate floor, McCain raged at Rand Paul: “You are achieving the objectives of Vladimir Putin … trying to dismember this small country which has already been the subject of an attempted coup.”

But if Montenegro, awash in corruption and crime, is on the verge of an uprising or coup, why would the U.S. issue a war guarantee that could vault us into a confrontation with Russia – without a full Senate debate?

The vote that needs explaining here is not Rand Paul’s.

What do YOU think? What are your thoughts about Sen. John McCain? Sound off in the WND poll!

It is the votes of those senators who are handing out U.S.-NATO war guarantees to countries most Americans could not find on a map.

Is no one besides Sen. Paul asking the relevant questions here?

What vital U.S. interest is imperiled in who comes to power in Podgorica, Montenegro? Why cannot Europe handle this problem in its own backyard?

Has President Trump given McCain, who wanted President Bush to intervene in a Russia-Georgia war – over South Ossetia! – carte blanche to hand out war guarantees to unstable Balkan states?

Did Trump approve the expansion of NATO into all the successor states born of the bloody breakup of Yugoslavia?

Or is McCain hijacking U.S. foreign policy on NATO and Russia?

President Trump should tell the Senate: No more admissions to NATO, no more U.S. war guarantees, unless I have recommended or approved them. Foreign policy is made in the White House, not on the Senate floor.

Indeed, what happened to the foreign policy America voted for – rapprochement with Russia, an end to U.S. wars in the Middle East and having rich allies share more of the cost of their own defense?

Like the reporting you see here? Sign up for free news alerts from, America’s independent news network.

It is U.S., not NATO defense spending that is rising to more than $50 billion this year. And today we learn the Pentagon has drawn up plans for the insertion of 1,000 more U.S. troops into Syria. While the ISIS caliphate seems doomed, this six-year Syrian war is far from over.

An al-Qaida subsidiary, the Nusra Front, has become the most formidable rebel fighting group. Syria’s army, with the backing of Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Shiite militias from across the Middle East, has carved out most of the territory it needs.

The Turkish army is now in Syria, beside its rebel allies. Their main enemy: Syria’s Kurds, who are America’s allies.

From our longest war, Afghanistan, comes word from U.S. Gen. John Nicholson that we and our Afghan allies are in a “stalemate” with the Taliban, and he will need a “few thousand” more U.S. troops – to augment the 8,500 President Obama left behind when he left office.

Some 5,000 U.S. troops are in Iraq, helping to liberate Mosul from ISIS. In Kabul, Baghdad and Damascus, terrorist bombings are a weekly, if not a daily, occurrence.

Then there is the U.S. troop buildup in Poland and the Baltic, the U.S. deployment of a missile defense to South Korea after multiple missile tests in the North, and Russia and China talking of upgrading their nuclear arsenals to counter U.S. missile defenses in Poland, Romania and South Korea.

In and around the waters of the Persian Gulf, United States warships are harassed by Iranian patrol boats, as Tehran test-fires anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles to send the Americans a message: Attack us and it will not be a cakewalk war.

With the death of Communism, the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Bushite New World Order, America needs a new grand strategy, built upon the solid foundation of America First.


  1. Can't we duct tape him and drop him in the Potomac?

  2. I'm for them joining NATO.

    They're mostly Christians and fought the Ottomans.

    That counts in my book.


  3. He has threatened to close the NATO air base in Incirlik, has insinuated that he could unleash another flood of migrants from Syria, Iraq and many countries in Africa and may well choose to open the portals of Islamic State towards Europe. Counterterror experts estimate that the ISIS cadre in Turkey numbers in the thousands.


    The time has come for the West to raise its loudest voice against the human rights violations in Turkey and make it clear to the victims that they have a champion in the nations of the West. Mr. Erdogan has cleverly played the Syrian refugee and Incirlik-airbase cards against the West for years to gain appeasement from some who are afraid to upset the NATO apple cart.

    The time for rethinking that alliance is now, before it is too late.

    Parting Ways

  4. By the way, head on pillow, listening to Laura Ingraham, who reminded that Robert Bork, he of the infamous 'borking', was for reigning in the Federal Judiciary.

    The Federal Judiciary has no real Constitutional authority to be doing all this shit, they are just getting away with it.

    A Republican Congress backed by a Republican President, if they had the spine, could put them out of business.

    Not the Supreme Court, but the lower Federal Courts, is how I understand the actual situation.

    1. The first real Judicial Coup, the Big One, was Marbury v Madison where the Supreme Court ruled that, surprise, surprise, THEY had the authority to say what the law was.

    2. And now we have some piss ant Judge out in Hawaii making himself President....


      Two federal judges, one in Hawaii and one in Maryland, have enjoined execution of President Trump’s travel order. These court orders are obviously illegal and unconstitutional. Under the Constitution and federal law, the president has the power to suspend immigration from any and all countries if he deems it in the best interest of the United States.

      The idea that Trump’s travel order “discriminates” against foreign Muslims is ridiculous. The Supreme Court has made clear, in cases we have cited repeatedly, that no foreigner has a right to enter the U.S. Our immigration and travel policies are entirely our business. If we choose to “discriminate,” we are entitled to do so, and have in fact done so throughout our history.

      What we are witnessing is nothing less than a left-wing judicial coup, an effort to nullify the result of the last election by unconstitutionally depriving the president of his powers. And what reason is there to assume that the coup will stop with Trump’s inoffensive travel order?

      Professor William Jacobson writes: “Hawaii TRO and 9th Circuit En Banc Denial effectively strip Trump of executive powers.”

      The net result is that Trump has been stripped of his constitutional and statutory powers to protect the nation through control of who is permitted to enter the country.
      As discussed in prior posts, the power to control who enters the country is uniquely a presidential power. Not anymore, unless the Supreme Court acts to restore that power.

      I disagree to this extent: the moment the next Democratic president is inaugurated, the executive’s constitutional powers will magically be restored and, indeed, extended.

      Arguably President Trump has a duty to disregard the Hawaii and Maryland courts’ illegal injunctions, and direct the executive branch to carry out his order. His obligation under the Constitution is to exercise his powers in defense of the American people.

      If that proposition seems debatable, it is only because the president’s travel order has such minimal impact. If, for example, the United States were under attack, and a judge ordered the president to ground the U.S. Air Force–perhaps because using the Air Force would “discriminate” against the country that attacked us–the president would disregard the injunction. No one would criticize him for doing so.

      The only difference between that hypothetical and the situation we are in now is that the need for Trump’s travel order is less urgent. But the illegality of the court’s action is the same. We are, as I said, observing a coup in progress.

    4. The law is clear.

      No problem for you, of course.


  5. A Washington, D.C. cell network has been hacked

    The Free Beacon has another scoop today with a report about a Washington, D.C. cell network that has apparently been compromised in a way that would allow someone to monitor the location of phones or clone them:....

    ....Could some foreign actor have been cloning the phones of White House insiders and reading their messages or listening to their calls? That’s a pretty worrisome thought and the fact that cell towers near the White House and the Pentagon were involved suggest the interest here might indeed have been political....

  6. "Q"Nit of the Day: Australia

    Teacher quits after Muslim primary school students threaten to behead her, government does nothing
    By Pamela Geller - on March 16, 2017

    These are ten- and eleven-year-olds. What are they learning at home and at mosque? This happened in a Sydney school. Muslim children are taught this hate all over the world. It’s monstrous, but you cannot speak critically of this hate-filled, supremacist ideology. Respect it.

    One teacher said she was pushed into a corner by several students who then began marching around her chanting the Koran. Many of the students also reportedly spoke of family members fighting in the war in Syria and pupils would walk out mid-way through a lesson to go and pray.

    News Corp reports that the woman said her complaints to the NSW Department of Education were simply dismissed. They do not want to appear islamophobic or “racist.”

    The West is destroying itself “by its own hand,” just as the Muslim Brotherhood project vowed we would do.

    Yahoo7, March 16, 2017:

    Frightened teachers at a Sydney primary school have revealed students are showing signs of extreme radicalisation at a young age, saying they have been traumatised by threats of beheading and other violent behaviour....

  7. In late February, a US strike in Idlib province killed Abu al-Khayr al-Masri, the second-ranking al-Qaeda official.

    The village of al-Jinah is near the border between Aleppo and Idlib provinces.

    "US forces conducted an airstrike on an al-Qaeda in Syria meeting location March 16 in Idlib, Syria," the Central Command said in a statement. "Idlib has been a significant safe haven for al-Qaeda in recent years."

  8. You go, Montana !

    “Anti-Sharia” bill passes in Montana House judiciary

    MARCH 16, 2017 8:56 AM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    “This effort is not solving a problem, but it is simply based on an out-of-state model in policy that is a direct reaction to Islamophobia and it is an underhanded effort to spread an alarmist message about Islam in order to keep Muslims in the United States on the margins,” Rachel Carroll Rivas, co-director of the Montana Human Rights Network.

    In reality, no one is trying to “spread an alarmist message about Islam.” No one cares about individual Muslim religious practice or wants to restrict it. The purpose of anti-Sharia laws is not to stop Muslims from getting married in Islamic religious ceremonies or to restrict their religious practice in other ways, but to stop the political and supremacist aspects of Islam that infringe upon the rights and freedoms of non-Muslims, denying the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people before the law. This is the case that must be made, but it still hasn’t been.

    “‘Anti-Sharia Law’ Bill Passes In Montana House Judiciary,” by Jason Le Miere, International Business Times, March 14, 2017:

    A bill to ban foreign laws in Montana courts that many have described as an anti-Sharia law bill, passed the Republican-controlled House Judiciary Monday. Senate Bill 97, which passed along party lines by an 11-8 vote, will now move to the House floor for debate.

    Although the bill does not specifically mention Sharia law, the term was used by both those supporting and opposing it during hearings, Montana Public Radio reported. Opponents claimed that the law would further anti-Muslim sentiment, while proponents argued that Sharia law could be used as a defense to abuse women or marry minors.

    Republican Representative Seth Berglee conceded that he was not aware of any such instances in Montana but said that he had been informed of examples in other states where people attempted to get the court to enforce foreign laws.

    “It might not be a problem in Montana but we make prospective laws all the time,” Burgle said. “So I think this is a good bill.”

    Supporters of such bills often point to a New Jersey case from 2009 when a family court judge ruled that a woman could not be granted a restraining order against her husband who had sexually assaulted her, based on Sharia law. However, the verdict was later overturned.

    Similar foreign or Sharia law bills have been introduced in a number of states in recent years, [sic]

    The American Civil Liberties Union has argued that such laws are unconstitutional….

    “This effort is not solving a problem, but it is simply based on an out-of-state model in policy that is a direct reaction to Islamophobia and it is an underhanded effort to spread an alarmist message about Islam in order to keep Muslims in the United States on the margins,” Rachel Carroll Rivas, co-director of the Montana Human Rights Network, said. “This is simply a policy rooted in xenophobia that is unfounded and unfair.”

    1. There will always be a Montana !

    2. .

      There certainly will be. They sound almost as bad as Idaho.

      A bill to ban foreign laws in Montana courts that many have described as an anti-Sharia law...

      A bill to ban foreign laws?


      Oxymoron as proposed law.

      Supporters of such bills often point to a New Jersey case from 2009 when a family court judge ruled that a woman could not be granted a restraining order against her husband who had sexually assaulted her, based on Sharia law. However, the verdict was later overturned.

      I am still waiting for O'Bumble to provide an instance were the rights of a US citizen under the Constitution were denied by some 'foreign law' or even some ruling by a lower court judge that wasn't eventually overturned upon appeal.

      This is the US for god's sake though many a hick may forget it.


  9. No music, singing in Islam -

    India: 46 Muslim clerics issue fatwa against singer who sang songs against terrorism and the Islamic State

    MARCH 16, 2017 4:45 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    Why don’t we see more genuine Muslim reformers?

    “Police said they were investigating whether the fatwa was a reaction to Nahid recently performing songs against terrorism, including the Islamic State terror group.”

    Yes, you read that right. These Muslim clerics may have issued this fatwa against Nahid because she sang songs against terrorism and the Islamic State.

    Anyway, it is one of the issues that is most likely to get you called a greasy Islamophobe for mentioning, but Islamic law is quite clear in forbidding music:

    Hadith Qudsi 19:5: “The Prophet said that Allah commanded him to destroy all the musical instruments, idols, crosses and all the trappings of ignorance.” (The Hadith Qudsi, or holy Hadith, are those in which Muhammad transmits the words of Allah, although those words are not in the Qur’an.)

    Muhammad also said:

    (1) “Allah Mighty and Majestic sent me as a guidance and mercy to believers and commanded me to do away with musical instruments, flutes, strings, crucifixes, and the affair of the pre-Islamic period of ignorance.”

    (2) “On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will pour molten lead into the ears of whoever sits listening to a songstress.”

    (3) “Song makes hypocrisy grow in the heart as water does herbage.”

    (4) “This community will experience the swallowing up of some people by the earth, metamorphosis of some into animals, and being rained upon with stones.” Someone asked, “When will this be, O Messenger of Allah?” and he said, “When songstresses and musical instruments appear and wine is held to be lawful.”

    (5) “There will be peoples of my Community who will hold fornication, silk, wine, and musical instruments to be lawful ….” — Reliance of the Traveller r40.0

    Remember all this the next time someone tells you that anti-Sharia laws are “racist” and “Islamophobic.”

    “46 Assam mullahs issue fatwa against singer Nahid Afrin,” by Prabin Kalita, TNN, March 15, 2017:

    GUWAHATI: Forty-six Muslim clerics in Assam have issued a fatwa against up-and-coming singer Nahid Afrin, who was the first runner-up in the 2015 season of a musical reality TV show, asking her to stop performing in public.

    Police said they were investigating whether the fatwa was a reaction to Nahid recently performing songs against terrorism, including the Islamic State terror group. “We are looking at this angle as well,” ADG (special branch) Pallab Bhattacharya said.

    Leaflets bearing the fatwa in Assamese and the names of the clerics were distributed across Hojai and Nagaon districts in central Assam on Tuesday. According to the fatwa, a March 25 programme at Udali Sonai Bibi College in Lanka, Assam, where Nahid, 16, is scheduled to perform is “against the Sharia”.

    “If anti-Sharia acts like musical nights are held on grounds surrounded by masjids, idgahs, madrassas and graveyards, our future generations will attract the wrath of Allah,” it said.

    The young singer, a Class X student who lives in Biswanath Chariali, broke down on hearing news of the fatwa. “I am speechless. I think my music is God’s gift to me. I will never bow down to it (such warnings) and never leave singing,” she said….

  10. SOS Tillerson says Obama's "Strategy of Patience" with N Korea has ended.

  11. .

    "Trump"Nit of the Day: Great Britain

    US formally apologizes to Great Britain for Sean Spicer's dumb ass comments

    Trump refusal to admit mistakes turns irresponsible tweet into international incident involving key ally

    US formally apologizes to UK after White House accuses British spy agencies of snooping on Trump

    Brad Reed
    17 Mar 2017 at 07:48 ET                   

    The United States government has issued a formal apology to its closest ally after White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer suggested that one of its intelligence agencies had colluded with former President Barack Obama to spy on President Donald Trump.

    The Telegraph reports that both Spicer and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster “directly” apologized for Spicer’s accusations against British spy agency GCHQ, which reacted with fury to the press secretary’s suggestion that it had worked with the Obama administration to surveil a political rival.

    Spicer’s source for the claim against GCHQ was Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano, who cited unnamed intelligence sources to claim Obama had bypassed his own intelligence agencies and went straight to the British to snoop on Trump.

    “He didn’t use the NSA, he didn’t use the CIA, he didn’t use the FBI and he didn’t use the Department of Justice — he used GCHQ,” Spicer said.

    Spicer’s accusation drew a furious reaction from GCHQ.

    "Recent allegations made by media commentator Judge Andrew Napolitano about GCHQ being asked to conduct ‘wiretapping’ against the then president elect are nonsense,” an agency spokesman said in response. “They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored.”

    Related: President Trump will be meeting with Angela Merkel today. There will be a question answer period. The key question everyone is asking is whether Trump will restrict questions to friendly outlets like Washington Times, Breitbart, and jihadwatch in hopes of avoiding questions on the latest kerfuffle related to Trump's wire tap tweet.

    Also Related: Blogger Bob has been ordered to a time out spent in the dunce chair for an indeterminate time for actually citing Judge Napolitano as a legitimate source. His time in the chair will be determined after he has completed the other terms of his sentence, a formal apology to the rest of the bar for his initial post laying out Napolitano's claims and a promise to never mention Judge Napolitano again.

    Fashion note: Bob once again chose the red dunce hat with the blue stars.


    1. .

      Theresa May's office said the latest claims about GCHQ are 'ridiculous and should be ignored'.

      Ignored. Not the kind of thing you want said about the spokesman for the president of the US.

      This is the gang that couldn't shoot straight on steroids, one unforced error after another.

      One thing we can pretty much count on, Trump has proven he is incapable of admitting a mistake. This fiasco is likely to drag on for some time to come.

      One wonders what ever happened to those lawyers Trump was going to send over to Hawaii years ago to get to the bottom of the Obama birth certificate 'scandal'. Maybe Doug can check it out. I wonder if they are still collecting per diems.


  12. *Note to Quirk

    I am off for another full day of intense meetings and negotiations with USA and international bankers in my group's ongoing effort to provide infrastructure and housing to our poor domestic and international university students.

    Booked solid all next week too.

    Hence, I shall no longer be able to reply to all your continual, and increasing shrill, hectoring demands, but shall try to accommodate you on a case by case merit basis, my time permitting.

    Up today: US Bank

    Lunch at Health Food Co-op


  13. After intense meetings with Congress, The Donald has just now pronounced:


    Showered, fit and fissionable, I'm outta here to do battle.

    Keep the The Tweetster under control in my absence, folks.

    Cheers !

  14. Deuce's (and MOME's) man Trump - isn't he brilliant? Even is laughing at him for this (you can see the video for yourself at Redstate (link below):

    "Carlson: So on March 4th, 6:35 in the morning, you’re down in Florida, and you tweet, the former administration wiretapped me, surveilled me, at Trump Tower during the last election. How did you find out? You said, I just found out. How did you learn that?

    Trump: Well, I’ve been reading about things. I read in, I think it was Jan. 20th, a New York Times article where they were talking about wiretapping. There was an article. I think they used that exact term. I read other things. I watched your friend Bret Baier the day previous where he was talking about certain very complex sets of things happening, and wiretapping. I said, wait a minute, there’s a lot of wiretapping being talked about. I’ve been seeing a lot of things. Now, for the most part, I’m not going to discuss it, because we have it before the committee and we will be submitting things before the committee very soon that hasn’t been submitted as of yet. But it’s potentially a very serious situation.

    Carlson: Why not wait to tweet about it until you can prove it? Don’t you devalue your words when you can’t provide evidence?

    Trump: Well, because the New York Times wrote about it. Not that I respect the New York Times. I call it the failing New York Times. But they did write on Jan. 20th using the word wiretap. Other people have come out with…

    Carlson: Right, but you’re the president. You have the ability to gather all the evidence you want.
    Trump: I do. I do. But I think that frankly we have a lot right now. And I think if you watch—if you watched the Bret Baier and what he was saying and what he was talking about and how he mentioned the word “wiretap,” you would feel very confident that you could mention the name. He mentioned it. And other people have mentioned it. But if you take a look at some of the things written about wiretapping and eavesdropping… and don’t forget I say wiretapping, those words were in quotes. That really covers—because wiretapping is pretty old-fashioned stuff—but that really covers surveillance and many other things. And nobody ever talks about the fact that it was in quotes, but that’s a very important thing. But wire tape covers a lot of different things. I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks."

    Is Redstate approved for viewing Doug?

  15. Citizens have 911. Employees have the EEOC. Distressed sailors have the Coast Guard.

    But what do America’s college students have? Where can they turn when they find themselves outside campus “safe spaces” and suffering a “microaggression”?

    Fortunately, the University of Arizona has an answer. It recently distributed a 20-page booklet suggesting to faculty that when a student is victimized by a microaggression the appropriate response should be saying “ouch.” And the correct response for the offender should be saying “oops,” according to the guide.

    “If a student feels hurt or offended by another student’s comment, the hurt student can say ‘ouch.’ In acknowledgement, the student who made the hurtful comment says “oops.” If necessary, there can be further dialogue about this exchange.”

    The guide was authored by Jesus Treviño, vice provost of the big taxpayer-funded university, whose salary reportedly is $214,000 per year.

    For those unfamiliar with the apparently epidemic scale of microaggression and thus not able to spot such offenses, the booklet offers a definition: Microaggressions are “the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership.”

    The University of Arizona isn’t the first to suggest the “ouch”/”oops” protocol. Iowa State University, among others, has also urged a similar approach.

    I shit you not.

    1. .

      The Trump administration and the GOP are being accused of microaggressions by of all people the Irish.

      I shit you not.

      At a luncheon for Irish Prime Minister, Edna Kenney, Trump offered the following...

      “As we stand together with our Irish friends, I’m reminded of an Irish proverb — and this is a good one, this is one I like, I’ve heard it for many, many years and I love it,” Trump said. “Always remember to forget the friends that proved untrue, but never forget to remember those that have stuck by you.”

      The responses in the Irish twittersphere were skeptical with the following being representative of many...

      Have literally never heard this in my entire life.

      others questioned the origin of the proverb which is unclear...

      Trump's Irish poet, Albashir Adam Alhassan, is Nigerian.

      But Trump's attempt at comity if anything really was a micro microaggression compared to others in D.C.

      Mike Pence started out his breakfast meeting with the Prime Minister with a phrase which with the exception of old Barry Fitzgerald movies is only used by drunk Americans on St. Patty's Day. "Top of the Morning," said Pence raising groans throughout the Emerald Isle.

      But perhaps what may be classified as a 'macroagression' was Paul Ryan's pulling out a pre-poured Guinness and holding it high to make a toast. The toast was fine but the beer...Oh my! The Irish do take their beer seriously and in Ireland any dark Irish beer should be topped with a thick white foam. Ryan's beer lacked foam and is now being described as that "despicable pint".

      One person tweeted she would be “ashamed” to be seen holding that pint. It looked like a pint “you find in the smoking area at the end of the night, its owner stumbled home long ago,” said another.

      Ah well, it's still a work in progress.


    2. The word is it was suggested to be more fake news from the Master.

    3. .

      You mean that's the word among the Trumpettes.


      Move along folks. Nothing new here.


    4. .

      The Trumpettes provide Trump with his 'safe space'.


    5. .

      I guess you could also accuse the GOP in their performance with the Irish today of 'cultural appropriation'.


    6. I suppose you could. I would also suspect at least half the GOP is of Irish blood. Whities one and all. I for one will be pulling the plug and going home for the weekend. I will check in with you fine folks later. Try to be civil. Smiley face, smiley face.

  16. More Snowflake news:

    The University of Maryland is facing backlash from some conservative groups because they are creating an “undocumented student coordinator” position.

    Advocates for strict enforcement of immigration laws say the university’s move is putting politics ahead of the law and at the taxpayers’ expense.

    The decision follows a campus group, ProtectUMD, who issued 64 demands of university officials. One of those demands calls for “a full-time undocumented student coordinator to advocate for, advise, represent, and protect undocumented students.” In the 2017 debate over immigration reform, one person's “undocumented immigrant” is another person's “illegal immigrant.”

    Bob Dane, executive director of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, says Maryland’s move is about advancing a political agenda on campus and one that is opposed to the reforms the Trump administration wants.

    “It's about politics and this protest isn't legitimate. A university can disagree with the law, but that doesn't give them the right to aid and abet and harbor illegal immigration, which is really what all of these sanctuary policies and those at the University of Maryland are all about,” said Dane.

    The University of Maryland released a statement saying, “the undocumented student office is part of the university's ongoing commitment to undocumented students and we continue to consider ways to offer support.”

    I'm really not shitting you.

  17. Project UMD or The One Project is the First-Year Experience (FYE) program for LGBTQA students at the University of Maryland. It is a comprehensive approach to ensure that LGBTQA-identifying first year students make a successful transition to college. The One Project aims to retain LGBTQA students at the University of Maryland by providing intentional academic and personal growth and promoting the development of those students.

    The “One” in The One Project represents the first year of a student’s new life at the University. It also represents a hope that the LGBTQA community can come together in an intellectual, social and civically-minded way to support each other through the first year of college. The One Project is based on the Principles for Student Success.

    So they've added another letter folks. This time its an "A". LBGTQA. After much searching, I now know what the A stands for, and it's not Asexual. It's Ally. Or Advocate. As in supporting those who fall under one of the previous letters. And apparently those A types are suffering micro-aggressions as well. There you have it! I am not making this up.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. More of our national treasure needs to be spent in support of The One Project and the additional letter.

  18. .

    Hey, don't blame me.

    Saw the Trump/Merkel joint presser today. It centered mostly on trade. The issue of Trump's wire tap tweets and the official apology the Trump team was forced to issue to the UK did finally come up at the end.

    None of the US reporters Trump called on brought up this matter. It took the foreign reporters called on by Merkel to broach the subject.

    When asked about it, Trump said, hey, don't blame me. The comments came from an extremely great lawyer over at FOX. If you've got questions go ask FOX.

    I doubt anyone expected anything different from POTUS. It's his MO. Nothing is ever his fault. His problem with this story is that he is running out of people to blame and is now trying to dump on his friends. Following the Trump pattern FOX is now blaming Napolitano, denying any responsibility for the story, they say the opinions are solely those of Napolitano. Napolitano also following the Trump pattern is now standing by his story.

    At the rate Trump is going, he will be out of scapegoats well within his two week target and it will be people like butt boy Spicer and Kellyanne who become the targets of Trump's ire. If this drags on long enough even Ivanka should start getting worried.


    1. .

      Perhaps, someone should explain to Sean Spicer that it is the Press Secretary's job to provide reporters information not the other way around.

      When you start getting you intel from Fox and Friends, that is a problem.


    2. heh! It's a clown show.

      The first 100 Days indeed.

    3. .

      The White House will stop claiming that a British intelligence agency spied on President Trump before the elections, an official said Friday.

      The U.S. issued a formal apology to British Prime Minister Theresa May for claiming Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) wiretapped Trump Tower at the request of the Obama administration, according to British news reports. The White House maintained it didn't officially say it was sorry, however, only that top-ranking officials met with British representatives to discuss the matter.

      Should have known better.



    (the movers and shakers out this way have taken to calling our efforts PROJECT SNOWFLAKE)

    (the reason being we intend to rent to snowflakes, not that we expect the snowflakes themselves to ever pay any rents, but they do have moms and dads in Boise who will do so, which is what enables the snowflakes to be snowflakes in the first place)

    Project Snowflake is currently ahead of schedule and under budget with no discernible progress having been made.

    US Bank has proven to be an improvement on The Banco de Moron-i, only wanting two legs and an arm, down from two legs and two arms demanded by Banco de Moron-i.

    I suppose this could be called progress of a sort, if one were in the mood.

    Monday: Credit Union !

    And it's NOT a FEDERAL credit union, which is a total waste of precious time.


    (the mo-fuckers are always looking out for the interests of the stockholders, rather than the interest of the borrowers, the bastards)

    Next Update: Next Week

  20. I see SMIRK(Twitter) 'n' QUIRK(Tweeter) are totally out of control today.

    1. The Trump/Merkel joint presser the big attraction of the day.

      For some.

    2. Obviously OBSESSED.

      So true.


      Pope tells priests: Don't hesitate to call in exorcists....DRUDGE

      What's it cost to get a Priest to call in an exorcist ?

      Anybody know ?

      I'd be willing to start a tax deductible charity fund to get the idea off the ground for Smirk'n'Quirk.

    3. .

      Doug, is busy with more important things, like drinking green pina coladas with the other old haoles at the O'Lahaina Grill.


    4. It doesn't work to call in an exorcist oneself. I read this in Catholicism Today.

      It only works when the Priest calls in the exorcist.

    5. .

      A blow to mysticism.

      Creates a rather deluded experience.


    6. .

      Of course, it might be a little more comforting to have another person in the room when the shit starts to hit the fan.


    7. "Doug is busy with more important things, like drinking green pina coladas with the other old haoles at the O'Lahaina Grill."

      I wish.

  21. Do you know what happens when you don't pay your exorcist?

    1. You get re-possessed.

      Yeah, I know.

    2. Only a damn fool would refuse to pay the exorcist, or the Priest.

    3. .

      Now if you want bad ones, Jimmy Fallon's hashtag responses this week were to the meme "My dad's worst joke's".



    4. .

      The video has the ones that were on the show.

      Liked the one...'thought I was taller'.


    5. Timing is everything, MOME, and you nailed it!

  22. Since it's Saint Patrick's Day:

    Father Murphy walks into a pub in Donegal, and asks the first man he meets, 'Do you want to go to heaven?'

    The man said, 'I do, Father.'

    The priest said, 'Then stand over there against the wall.'

    Then the priest asked the second man, 'Do you want to go to heaven?'

    'Certainly, Father,' the man replied.

    'Then stand over there against the wall,' said the priest.

    Then Father Murphy walked up to O'Toole and asked, 'Do you want to go to heaven?'

    O'Toole said, 'No, I don't Father.'

    The priest said, 'I don't believe this. You mean to tell me that when you die you don't want to go to heaven?'

    O'Toole said, 'Oh, when I die , yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now.'

  23. Spooky

  24. Proof modern life really does kill as remote Amazon tribe have healthiest arteries ever studied

    A new study estimates that an 80-year-old from the Tsimane has the same vascular age as an American in their mid-fifties

    16:21, 17 MAR 2017UPDATED21:17, 17 MAR 2017

    Modern life really does kill after a remote tribe living deep in the Amazon were found to have the healthiest arteries ever studied.

    A new study estimates that an 80-year-old from the Tsimane has the same vascular age as an American in their mid-fifties.

    Heart rate, blood pressure , cholesterol, and blood glucose were also much lower, probably as a result of the tribe's lifestyle, according to the researchers.

    The indigenous Tsimane people, who live in the Bolivian Amazon, have the lowest reported levels of vascular ageing for any population.

    Hardening of the arteries, known as coronary atherosclerosis, which leads to coronary heart disease and angina is FIVE TIMES less common than in the US, according to the research published in The Lancet.

    The 'five-second rule' for dropped food is RIGHT, according to scientists - and here's why

    People living in this remote village have the healthiest arteries ever (Photo: Ben Trumble /

    People living in this village have the healthiest arteries in the world (Photo: Ben Trumble /
    Unlike people in first world, the Tsimane survive on a diet low in saturated fats and high in non-processed food
    The researchers suggests that the loss of subsistence diets and lifestyles in modern society could be classed as a new risk factor for heart disease.

    The main risk factors are age, smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, obesity and diabetes.

    Senior anthropology author Professor Hillard Kaplan, of the University of New Mexico, said: "Our study shows that the Tsimane indigenous South Americans have the lowest prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis of any population yet studied....

    1. Amazon Prime Members have been found to have some of the least healthy arteries on the planet.


  25. Laptop holding Trump Tower floor plans, Hillary Clinton email investigation info stolen from Secret Service agent

    So the secret service professional leaves her laptop in one of these pieces of shit:*


    Brilliant. Give her a raise.

    1. Hey, at Rs. 1.1 Lakh, it's a steal.

    2. You can't blame Agent Marie Argentieri for it not having door locks.

  26. Landscaper caught having sex with family’s dog, police say

    The suspect had worked on the man’s lawn every two weeks for nearly a year. Police said it wasn’t immediately known whether something like this had happened before.

    California robbery suspect accidentally shoots himself when victim runs him over

    Naked man rescued from vent at Napa sandwich shop

    Vanilla intoxication cited in alleged punching of paramedic

    Thieves steal $4.5 million in eyeshadow from California warehouse

    1. The victim jumped into his car and ran down the robber. During that act, the robber’s gun went off.

      “Right now it sounds like it was an accidental, self-inflicted (shooting) when he got hit by the car,” Romero said. “They suspect shot himself accidentally.”

      The bullet appeared to enter his mouth and exit the front part of his face, Romero said.


      How do they know he wasn't trying to commit suicide?

    2. Lucky it didn't exit the back part of his face where his brain was supposed to be.

  27. SMIRK Nit of the Day: Higher Education: Toronto, Canada

    Toronto: Muslim prof says “nothing radical” about wanting Sharia and caliphate


    Professor Katherine Bullock from the University of Toronto said:

    from an Islamic point of view this absolutely nothing radical about wanting Caliphate or wanting Sharia. These are completely normal traditional points of view.

    Bullock is right. Normative Islam is political Islam. One need only look at Islamic states to understand the nature and centrality of the Sharia in them. Every Muslim knows this, including those Muslims who were persecuted and killed throughout history trying to reform Islam. The Islamic Supreme Council of America certainly knows it:

    Shariah stands for the normative order that Muslims have developed as an Islamic way of life….. Modern Muslim jurists often define Shariah as revealed or divine law in order to distinguish it from fiqh, the jurists’ law, which is jurists’ interpretation of Shariah.

    Necessities are matters that worldly and religious life depend upon. Their omission leads to unbearable hardship in this life, or punishment in the next….The Shariah protects these necessities in two ways: firstly by ensuring their establishment and then by preserving them.

    The problem begins when Sharia starts creeping into the West, as it is now in the form of attacks upon the freedom of speech, and attempts to shut down criticism of Islam and Muhammad, as such criticism is forbidden under the Sharia. Sharia is also advancing by means of victimology narratives (“Islamophobia”) and deliberate attempts to foster ignorance about Islam among Western non-Muslims.

    Dr. Ingrid Mattson, a Canadian convert to Islam and the London and Windsor Community Chair in Islamic Studies at Huron University College at Western University in Canada, echoes similar views about the Caliphate and admits that she would like to see the Western culture becomes a little more Islamic.

    Mattson has abundant company in that desire among all the Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups in the U.S. and Canada, including the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), of which she is a former president.

    1. “U of T professor says it is not “radical” to support Caliphate and Sharia Law”, by Jonathan Halevi, CIJ News, March 16, 2017:

      Dr. Katherine Bullock is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto at Mississauga.

      According to Bullock’s official bio, her teaching focus is political Islam from a global perspective, and her research focuses on Muslims in Canada, their history, contemporary lived experiences, political and civic engagement, debates on the veil, and media representations of Islam and Muslims. Originally from Australia, she embraced Islam in 1994.

      On November 27, 2014 Bullock participated in a panel discussion on counter-radicalization in Canada that was organized by the Muslim Law Students Association of Osgoode and took place in York University.

      In her presentation Katherine Bullock said among other things that supporting the establishment of The Islamic State, or Caliphate, and the implementation of the Islamic Law (Sharia), is not an expression of “radical” views, but a “normal” Islamic perspective. The following is an excerpt from her speech (24:13-25:28):

      So let’s turn to Canada. I think the domestic policy is slightly different from the foreign policy, but again there’s this cultural and this approach, and it begins with the whole, even the word radicalization is wrong. It’s a problem. Because radicalization is being defined through this culturlist approach. In the United Kingdom anyone who supports the Sharia is considered to be an extremist. There was a U.K. think tank that with the help of Public Safety Canada did a series of interviews in Canada with Muslim youths about radicalization. They defined a radical as this: 1. someone who desires to install a Caliphate. 2. Someone who wants to impose for an Orthodox Sharia; and 3. the use of force, for example, resisting coalition forces in Iraq. So if you’re an Iraqi nationalist who doesn’t believe that the United States should be occupying your country and you fight against them, and you believe in the Caliphate, and you believe in Sharia, you are a radical you’ve been radicalized. But from an Islamic point of view this absolutely nothing radical about wanting Caliphate or wanting Sharia. These are completely normal traditional points of view.

      Dr. Ingrid Mattson, a Canadian convert to Islam and the London and Windsor Community Chair in Islamic Studies at Huron University College at Western University in Canada, echoes similar views about the Caliphate and admits that she would like to see the Western culture becomes a little more Islamic.
      The following is an excerpt from Mattson’s interview with CNN (October 18, 2001):

    2. CHAT PARTICIPANT: Osama bin Laden made a reference that Muslims have been living in humiliation for 80 years. Did he refer to the Treaty of Sevres in 1920 that dismantled caliphates and sultanates?

      MATTSON: Yes, he [Osama bin Laden] is referring to that, to the overthrowing of the caliphate, which was a plan of European powers for many years. This deprived the Muslim world of a stable and centralized authority, and much of the chaos that we’re living in today is the result of that.

      The following is an excerpt from Mattson’s interview at Pennsylvania State University (2008):

      QUESTION: There are six million Muslims in America. And I think in the U.S. and in places like yours many people want to know, are, and you talked about how diverse population is, but are Muslims interested in integrating, in separating, or in some way transforming Western culture to become a little more Islamic? What do you answer to that?

      INGRID MATTSON: Yes to all of those things, and I think this is the key that we have to treat Muslims as individuals not as a collectivity. And Muslims represent our broad range of cultural and ideological positions just as Americans do. I think when we look in the United States in the history of religious communities in the United States, we see those utopian communities that try to be somehow a presence, spiritual presence apart from the world, to offer an alternative to the dominant culture, and then we see those who felt that it was best to live their spirituality and their ideals right in the midst of that and to try to to be part of everyday life, to be a moral voice… So I think we find the same thing with Muslims. In the United States I would say that the majority feel that it’s best to be active, to be part of every day society and most Muslims do that. The Muslim community in the United States is on average more educated and more well off than the average American. So we see that there’s, there tends to be more assimilation in the United States. The situation in Europe is a little bit different and many of the Muslim communities there come from countries that were colonized by the Europeans and now there’s a kind of blowback, you know, the Europeans invaded and occupied their countries and now these people are coming and living in Europe, struggling with racism and struggling with European countries that are not quite as open to diversity and pluralism perhaps as United States….


    Donna Brazile fesses up, admits she lied like hell

    Brazile: Sending Clinton town hall topics ‘mistake I will forever regret’
    BY JOE CONCHA - 03/17/17 05:19 PM EDT 187

    Brazile: Sending Clinton town hall topics ‘mistake I will forever regret’
    © Getty Images

    Donna Brazile says passing along a list of topics for a TV town hall event to Hillary Clinton’s campaign was “a mistake I will forever regret.”

    Brazile, who was the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) interim chairwoman this summer and is a former CNN contributor, opened up about last year’s election in a Time magazine essay.

    “My job was to make all our Democratic candidates look good, and I worked closely with both campaigns to make that happen,” she wrote. “But sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret.”....

  29. Aloha Akhbar !

    March 18, 2017
    Hawaii Judge's Flawed Aloha Akhbar Logic
    By Daniel John Sobieski

    Fucking Democrat Judges....

  30. .

    Trump has promised to appeal the Hawaiian judge's decision to block Trump's latest immigration ban. We have yet to see it.

    However, when/if he does appeal he will likely have a very good chance of winning.

    5 Ninth Circuit Court Judges Dissent on Original Decision Staying Trump's Immigration Ban

    The judges said that the panel simply “brushed aside” the clearly controlling case law of Kleindienst v. Mandel, 408 U.S. 753 (1972). Indeed, the panel noted that the panel missed entirely the rulings in Kerry v. Din, 135 S. Ct. 2128 (2015) and Fiallo v. Bell, 430 U.S. 787 (1977).  In a statement that is particularly probative of the Hawaii ruling, the Supreme Court in Mandel recognized that first amendment rights were implicated by the executive action but found that “when the executive has exercised its authority to exclude aliens on the basis of a facially legitimate and bona fide reason, the courts will neither look behind the exercise of that discretion, nor test it by balancing its justification against the First Amendment 11 interests of those who seek personal communication with the applicant.”
    These five judges joined in the analysis of the court in Boston in accepting the rational basis for the President’s actions.   They insisted that “so long as there is one facially legitimate and bona fide reason for the President’s actions, our inquiry is at an end.”

    The opinion has all of the legal analysis that is so conspicuously absent in the panel decision, which dismissed or ignored countervailing case law of the Supreme Court and even the Ninth Circuit.  The panel poignantly noted:
    We are all acutely aware of the enormous controversy and chaos that attended the issuance of the Executive Order. People contested the extent of the national security interests at stake, and they debated the value that the Executive Order added to our security against the real suffering of potential emigres. As tempting as it is to use the judicial power to balance those competing interests as we see fit, we cannot let our personal inclinations get ahead of important, overarching principles about who gets to make decisions in our democracy. For better or worse, every four years we hold a contested presidential election. We have all found ourselves disappointed with the election results in one election cycle or another. But it is the best of American traditions that we also understand and respect the consequences of our elections. Even when we disagree with the judgment of the political branches—and perhaps especially when we disagree—we have to trust that the wisdom of the nation as a whole will prevail in the end...

    Trump's order, as with many of his decisions, may be stupid and based on prejudice rather than fact but it is likely to be ruled legal upon appeal because of the traditional powers granted to the executive.


    1. The power of POTUS doesn't supercede the constitution. Banning based on an arbitrary criteria such as Country of origin could very well be unconstitutional.

    2. .

      Perhaps. We will see on appeal. However, the dissenting judges make clear based on precedent their reasons for dissenting on the original order that stopped the immigration ban.

      “when the executive has exercised its authority to exclude aliens on the basis of a facially legitimate and bona fide reason, the courts will neither look behind the exercise of that discretion, nor test it by balancing its justification against the First Amendment 11 interests of those who seek personal communication with the applicant.”


    3. Please try to not sound so lame, Ash.

      You too, Quirk.

      It lower the tenor and tension of the Bar..

      You sound like two old farts who just woke up and are try to stand up and scratch your fat bellies and stretch and mumble at the same time.

    4. .


      You are probably right old man. Why should we bother talking of Trump's pathologies and his fascist tendencies when they are obvious to all and are commented on daily both here and abroad in government offices and in media, among populations and politicians even those in his own party.

      He is simply the scary ass-clown who everyone sees daily.

      A more productive use of our time (mine and Ash') would be spent examining the less scrutinized examples both in the general population and especially here at the bar of that minority in the country that are sucked in by or espouse the worst tendencies of this con man, the very people who gave him what relevance he has today.

      Trump has been inflicted on us for the next four years. Perhaps we should be talking about the minority within the minority, the bigoted simpletons who did the inflicting and brought us this fascist, anti-intellectual, psycho-drama.


    5. .

      Let's get it on ex-hick Bob.


    6. You sound like poor ole Rufus, Quirk. Blame it on the unwashed and uneducated. His problem was he was too blinded by his own arrogance to realize that maybe, just maybe a similar group of captive voters (but from different demographics) have carried the Democrats to victory so many times in local, state, and national elections with their modern day slavery tactics of massive give away programs.

    7. "The power of POTUS doesn't supercede the constitution. Banning based on an arbitrary criteria such as Country of origin could very well be unconstitutional."


      Never for a Democrat President, of course.

  31. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) said it detained 444 Mexican nationals between Jan. 1 and March 8, compared with 410 for all of 2016, 351 for 2015, and 399 for 2014.

  32. "...

    That changed this week when the Girl Guides of Canada made a decision to cancel all its trips to the United States, in light of the Trump administration's revised ban on immigration from six Muslim-majority countries. Now the Guides are selling resistance alongside those irresistible cookies.

    Not that the Guides are framing their decision as an act of political rebellion: "This is absolutely not a protest. This is not a political statement whatsoever," the Guides' Sarah Kiriliuk told CTV News. However, in explaining her organization's decision, she provided a statement that could be embroidered on the banners of the resistance. "We wanted to make sure we remained inclusive and diverse and that all girls got to go on the trips, not just some girls. Guiding is a sisterhood, and it's very important to us to stick together.""

    1. Nice article, but not sure what it has to do with a huge increase in Mexicans immigrating to CN.

    2. The Canadian version of the Girl scouts won't travel to the US anymore - they are an 'all for one, one for all' group of girls.

    3. US Brownies have Trump Cooties in their Cooters.

  33. I'm sure we will miss them. :)

    Meanwhile and much more important, WI just upset no 1 seed Villanova.

  34. Sweden is the best country in the world for women — here's why

  35. Gamer dies 22 hours into marathon live stream

    (NEWSER) – It started as just another day at the office for Brian "Poshybrid" Vigneault, a 35-year-old gamer known to spend multiple days in a given week live-streaming himself playing the game World of Tanks for 20-plus hours straight.

    This time, however, the Virginia Beach father of three got up to smoke a cigarette 22 hours into his stream about 4:30 a.m. ET on Feb. 19 and never returned.

    Man Dies in 3-Day Gaming Binge as Others Play On
    The 32-year-old in Taiwan suffered 'cardiac failure'

  36. .

    You sound like poor ole Rufus, Quirk.

    I disagree, Mome. Rufus' views were politically driven as are, IMO, yours. Mine aren't.

    A more expansive answer is available on request but I doubt that is what you are looking for.


    1. Yours aren't? That's rich.

    2. Everyone's views on this blog are politically driven. If you don't think yours are you may be suffering from a mild case of denial.

      My comments were not meant to insult you btw.

    3. It doesn't matter what Trump does or says, you support him MOME. Quirk isn't like that at all.

    4. Again you lost me. Quirk said his views aren't politically motivated. What's that got to do with Trump.

    5. You are a partisan - Republican good Democrats bad all the time.

    6. Once again your comments are not relevant to the point. But you go right ahead, my friend.

    7. No. What is relevant is that whatever the facts, whatever the argument you support Trump and the Republicans. Your posts never present an argument other than 'yay Trump- suck on it for the years'.

    8. When was the lady time you actually presented an argument MOME?

    9. .

      Everyone's views on this blog are politically driven. If you don't think yours are you may be suffering from a mild case of denial.

      My comments were not meant to insult you btw.

      First, I didn't take them as insult. Second, while my comments may be political in a general sense (isn't almost any discussion), I was referring to political in this sense...



      of or relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics:

      In comparing me to Rufus, you must have missed the nature of my many arguments with Rufus over the entire range of political issues. He, like you, just didn't get this simple truth, 'They are all dicks.'

      My political philosophy is actually non-political. It consists of the following.

      1. Politicians: They are all dicks.

      2. Constituents: Politicians of both stripes follow the 'Golden Rule', those with the gold make the rules.

      3. Winners and losers: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. A lot of this is by intent (see principle 2) but a lot of it is unavoidable due to productivity improvements, technological advances, and the growth of multinational companies and outsourcing.

      4. Though the problems noted above may be intractable they can be ameliorated to an acceptable degree if priorities are adjusted to do so.

      5. Neither major party seems capable of or inclined to adjust their priorities to address the problems noted above.

      6. They are all dicks. (Although, admittedly, there is a range of dickdom in D.C.)


    10. {...}

      I criticized Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, left wing pundits like Krugman, you name it. But that was then. You may not have noticed but the Dems are no longer in power. So I have little interest in going after people who are insignificant and can do little harm at this time. What's the point?

      The GOP, on the other hand, controls the presidency and both houses of Congress. They will soon control the Judiciary. They have the potential to do great harm. So I judge it worth my time to comment on them.

      With regard to your comments on voters, you fail to give me any credit for differentiating on what I perceive are motives. In addition, you offer up simplified summaries of your own. With me it's not a matter of 'unwashed and uneducated', it’s a matter of competing class interests and the level of credulity or ignorance that exists. You don't need to be highly educated to display common sense.

      With regard to progressives and liberals I have no problem with their philosophy or world view. I could care less in what they think. What I do have a problem with is when they try to impose those beliefs on me through intellectual dishonesty, attempted PC shaming, or law.

      Your comment about 'their modern day slavery tactics of massive give away programs' is simply a self-serving way of saying "I don't like funding those programs.' A nation exists as a social contract where the allocation of resources involves political decisions. In the US, that process is managed by the people through the votes of their elected representatives. You (or me) might not like it but the progressives are pushing an agenda that they see is in their own self-interest. As we've seen, the way to push back is through the ballot box.

      My views on conservative voters are more nuanced and my views on Trump voters even more so thus my reference to a 'minority of a minority' in my response to Bob. Generally, my views on conservative philosophy track that of my views on progressives. I could give a shit what they think. On the other hand, while at my stage of life there is little that they can do that will affect me directly, I find their priorities are geared heavily to the MIC, Wall Street, and the moneyed class and away from the interests of the poor and middle-class which for some reason annoys me no ends.

      IMO, Trump voters consist of a minority made up of long time GOP voters who would never even consider voting for a Dem; independents, Reagan democrats, and blue collar workers and those white collar professionals caught up in the job losses of 2008; plus what I call the dark underbelly of America that has been with us since the beginning and buys into Trump’s racist and xenophobic tirades.

      I’ve explained how I feel about the first class, I have contempt for the last, but it's the middle group that I pity. They bought into Trump’s promises that things would be different under him, that they would no longer be taking it in the ass from D.C., that things would start getting better for them, that he would drain the swamp. As we have seen from his first two months in office, if anything conditions for this group will only get worse under a Trump presidency. IMO, they will soon learn that they have placed false hope in the dishonest spiel of a snake oil salesman. They don’t deserve it. They’ve already been through enough.


    11. Ash has no political views, though he thinks he does.

      What he has are the latest political memes his noggin has picked up most recently, then he regurgitates those, and congratulates himself on being original.

      Quirk does have some political views, though second hand.

      He picks them up (absorbs them) at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe, Detroit, Michigan.

      Some of these old criminals actually know some stuff, from experience...


      Give Quirk a quick read.

      Pass over, or delete, Ash.

    12. Quirk is often driven to read the dictionary when he is driven to the toilet.

      The resulting mess ends up posted here.

    13. Too many words for MOME Quirk. Regarding Bob- it doesn't matter how many words are involved as he is incapable of understanding any of them.

    14. .

      You will note that Trump speaks in a few words often repeated.

      He keeps ideas simple, geared to his base.

      In this sense, he displays Characteristic #14 in Umberto Eco's list of the 14 Characteristics of Fascism, NEWSPEAK.

      But hey, Trump displays all 14 characteristics, an accomplishment that possibly makes him unique.


    15. Some folks think Trump is calculating - I don't.

  37. Replies
    1. Long distance information, give me Memphis Tennessee
      Help me find the party trying to get in touch with me
      She could not leave her number, but I know who placed the call
      'Cause my uncle took the message and he wrote it on the wall

      Help me, information, get in touch with my Marie
      She's the only one who'd phone me here from Memphis Tennessee
      Her home is on the south side, high up on a ridge
      Just a half a mile from the Mississippi Bridge

      Help me, information, more than that I cannot add
      Only that I miss her and all the fun we had
      But we were pulled apart because her mom did not agree
      And tore apart our happy home in Memphis Tennessee

      Last time I saw Marie she's waving me good-bye
      With hurry home drops on her cheek that trickled from her eye
      Marie is only six years old, information please
      Try to put me through to her in Memphis Tennessee

    2. It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well
      You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle
      And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell,
      "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

      They furnished off an apartment with a two room Roebuck sale
      The coolerator was crammed with TV dinners and ginger ale,
      But when Pierre found work, the little money comin' worked out well
      "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

      They had a hi-fi phono, boy, did they let it blast
      Seven hundred little records, all rock, rhythm and jazz
      But when the sun went down, the rapid tempo of the music fell
      "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

      They bought a souped-up jitney, 'twas a cherry red '53,
      They drove it down to Orleans to celebrate the anniversary
      It was there that Pierre was married to the lovely mademoiselle
      "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell

      "Jitney" replaced by cherry red Mercedes in this earlier version (1972)

  38. Gonzaga Bullshitdogs won again.


    May it be their last.

    Wisconsinners whomp Villanova.

  39. My political views aren't motivated by my political views, or even by my politics.

  40. QuirkSat Mar 18, 08:24:00 PM EDT

    Everyone's views on this blog are politically driven.

    A Totally meaningless
    B False

    Your choice, dear reader.

    1. .

      Hey, give Mome some slack. That was a perfectly legitimate opinion. You dumb shit.


    2. My reference was totally to you and your sidekick Smirk, jerk off.

    3. .

      Not my comment, dipshit.

      Try and keep up, old man.


    4. Your comment, jerk off.

      You are a bent hail needing hard hammering by a heavy Hindu hammer, hamster boy.

    5. .

      Easy there, gerbil boy.



  41. Hope some here have noticed that Donna Brassiere Brazile has fessed up to being a lying Democrat whore from hell.

    Did you catch that latest news, Ash ?

  42. Judge Jeanine is on ! her beautiful lips dripping sarcasm.....

    She is proposing ALL moooslem 'refugees' be sent to......



    HAWAII !!

  43. Dick on the brain.

    Muslims think pork causes pus on the brain.

    1. It's mooslem brains that cause pus on perfect pork.

      Mooslems sometimes eat human brains.

      I have no political opinion on this issue, only a cultural, and medical, issue with it.

    2. They'd be better off if they ate pork and not human brains.

      Vegetarianism is best.

    3. (as long as one can cheat a little with fish an chicken.)

    4. Please don't bring me down with your political opinions.

      They're all Dicks.

    5. Sorry, I see you went out of your way to avoid the political.

      Thank God, and Allah.

  44. But I'm gonna call Smirk and Dickhead names next thread.

    You just watch.

    It may even bring grandfather back to life....

    Quirk is about to find out that he's not the ONLY one around here that can call others dicks all day long.

    Think....something along the lines of what happens to North Korea if they light up LA....there won't be a light burning in North Korea for five thousand years.....

    Something just like that is what is going to happen here tomorrow first time The Tweetster mouths off one more time, to ANYONE !

    Even if Smirk is not directly at fault, it's the last you'll hear from the little punk for days, too.

    I promise you that.

    "Shut them up"

    "Shut them up !"

    "SHUT THEM UP!!!!!"

    roars the crowd

    1. .

      Idaho: Ex-hick Bob cited for planting poison trap that injures 14 year-old teen and pet dog

      Said the suspect: "I meant it for the wolves. Wayne told me..." at which point he was led away.



    2. "Think....something along the lines of what happens to North Korea if they light up LA....there won't be a light burning in North Korea for five thousand years.....

      Something just like that is what is going to happen here tomorrow first time The Tweetster mouths off one more time, to ANYONE !

      Even if Smirk is not directly at fault, it's the last you'll hear from the little punk for days, too.

      I promise you that.

      Bright lights, big city, LA in contradistinction to a now PURE black North Korea:

      That is a future worth living for!

      Say hey, Curtis Lemay.

    3. "Poison trap injures 14 year-old teen and kills pet dog."

      One might think they would instead incentivise Cattle Farmers to hunt predators, but that would not promote the gun free police state.

    4. .

      It was Idaho, Doug. Those yokel don't know how to shoot. Poison is the weapon of choice there.


  45. Deuce needs a couple of big black officials here to take care of malcontents like Quirk, like NASCAR took care of Kyle Busch:

  46. .

    Ii's probably about time this old boy retired so he could spend more time with his cats.

    Cat-loving judge makes case that has nothing to do with cats all about cats

    [Hopefully, Trump's appeal of his travel ban stay will be decided by this guy if for no other reason than the entertainment value.]

    He's Chicago's most feared judge and a self-described "cat person."

    Now 78-year-old appellate Judge Richard Posner has found a way to combine his profession with his hobby.

    Posner - whose "smartest person in the room" routine has been known to reduce lawyers who practice before him to a quivering wreck of nerves - has long been known for his love of his furry gray Maine coon, Pixie, and Pixie's late, lamented predecessor, Dina, with whom Posner once posed for a New Yorker portrait.

    And cats were clearly on the learned judge's mind last week when he penned an opinion in the case of Eike v. Allergan, a class-action case in which the plaintiffs claimed eye drops made by six pharmaceutical companies are too large.

    Perhaps not finding the facts of the case sufficiently compelling, Posner drew an elaborate metaphor for the dispute that was more to his taste.

    "Suppose the class members all happened to own pedigreed cats," the judge began, referring to the "class" or those filing the suit. "And the breeders who had sold the cats to the class members had told them that as responsible cat owners they would have to feed the cats kibbles during the day and Fancy Feast at night and buy a fountain for each cat because cats prefer to drink out of a fountain (where gravity works for them) rather than out of a bowl (where gravity works against them) and they don't like to share a fountain with another cat."
    OK judge, go on?

    "And suppose the buyers do as told, buying what they are told to buy from pet stores, but it turns out that the cats have large appetites, the cat food is quite expensive, and the fountains are expensive and not wholly reliable. The breeders had made no misrepresentations, concealed no information, answered all questions of prospective buyers truthfully. Nevertheless many of the buyers are dissatisfied. They think - maybe correctly - that the cat food is needlessly expensive and the fountain a fragile luxury.

    "Yet would anyone think they could successfully sue the breeders? For what? The breeders had made no misrepresentations. Had a prospective buyer asked one of the breeders what the annual cost of maintaining the cat would be, the breeder would, let's assume, have given him a realistic estimate. There would be disappointment in the example given, but no cause of action."

    In other words, the eye drop plaintiffs are out of luck. And Posner is really, really into cats.
    Posner, who last year used a less elaborate "cats v. dogs" metaphor in a ruling on Uber's fight with the taxi trade, did not return calls from Inc. inquiring after the health of his kitty. But in 2013 he told the Daily Beast that he had "a big crush" on Pixie. "She likes to give us nuzzles and be with us.

    Her little face falls if either of us leaves the house," he said.

    "She's a real sweetie. It's one of the reasons I work at home a lot now."
    Twitter @kimjnews

    A Texas Woman ‘Voted Like a U.S. Citizen.’ Only She Wasn’t.

  47. I can't handle a fallen cat face.

  48. Testing the waters are ye, Quirkie ?

    Listen, your gruesome monster, you eater of dogs, you lying political who got run out of own home town by the enraged mobs....listen up, buckaroo, your political days are numbered.

    You're glory days of advertising are over, too old to go into the service, too many dui's to drive a shut the fuck up and sit quietly in Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe and sweep up the hair once a hour.

    No one any longer wishes to hear what so say....accept, accept that your time has finally come...that the end of your time has finally come, you disgusting pathetic limb old dick.

    Be merciful to yourself, and others:

    Go gently into that good night

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. BobSun Mar 19, 01:45:00 AM EDT
      limb old dick should read limp old dick

      Was becoming upset just thinking of the man

    3. .

      Well, now you've done. You have angered me to the point I could just spit.

      To show your threats mean nothing to me, in retaliation, I plan on listing Umberto Eco's 14 Characteristics of Fascism one by one and pointing out how Trump exhibits each and every one of them.

      Since this will be a major effort, I will wait until Deuce puts up a new blog stream so as to maintain some level of continuity in the expose.

      You will soon learn that threatening the Quirkster is not without consequence, sir.


  49. .

    The Devastating Reality Of Life As One Of South Asia's "Untouchable" Women

    Slide 1 of 23: To be a Dalit, or an untouchable person, means being the lowest of the low in some caste-based societies.

    These communities in South Asia face segregation and extreme marginalization in everything, from access to education to economic rights. They're even denied the opportunity to step into a place of worship.

    In India alone, there are about 170 million Dalits, about 17% of the population...

    What is a Dalit or Untouchable? What types of Discrimination and Segregation do they Face?


    Types of Untouchability Practices & Discrimination

    In the name of Untouchability, Dalits face nearly 140 forms of work & descent-based discrimination at the hands of the dominant castes.  Here are a few:

    Prohibited from eating with other caste members
    Prohibited from marrying with other caste members
    Separate glasses for Dalits in village tea stalls
    Discriminatory seating arrangements and separate utensils in restaurants
    Segregation in seating and food arrangements in village functions and festivals
    Prohibited from entering into village temples
    Prohibited from wearing sandals or holding umbrellas in front of dominant caste members
    Devadasi system - the ritualized temple prostitution of Dalit women
    Prohibited from entering dominant caste homes
    Prohibited from riding a bicycle inside the village
    Prohibited from using common village path
    Separate burial grounds
    No access to village’s common/public properties and resources (wells, ponds, temples, etc.)
    Segregation (separate seating area) of Dalit children in schools
    Prohibited from contesting in elections and exercising their right to vote
    Forced to vote or not to vote for certain candidates during the elections
    Prohibiting from hoisting the national flag during Independence or Republic days
    Sub-standard wages
    Bonded Labor
    Face social boycotts by dominant castes for refusing to perform their “duties”...

    Sure India was pillaged by the East India Company and then milked of her riches by the British Raj but they should be grateful because they were introduced to the civilizing influence of the English language. Or so we are told.


    1. What's this line of horse shit ?

      Outlawed in the Constitution, the place changes slowly.

      Pure Quirk, brings up something he really knows nothing about and offers himself to do absolutely nothing about it.....except call everyone else in the world dicks from this little cozy in Detroit.

      Hypocrite of the Decade: Quirt The Tweetster: WINNER

  50. 86% of Canadians oppose new islamo friendly bill -

  51. I'm going to bed but will be fit for the fight tomorrow, unless the gameS are really good.

    "Don't pray for Quirk, rather quickly bury the man.'

    1. .

      I left my response to your threats above.


    2. I could ask Quirk where, exactly, these old divisions of society came from, and why they are resistant to going away, but he would not know, so, what's the use ?


      Good night.

    3. .

      Consider my response above at QuirkSun Mar 19, 02:06:00 AM EDT a verbal slap across your face with my virtual glove.


    4. You are seeking, and shall soon find, bent nail, the heavy end of a hard Hindu hammer to straighten your ass out.

      Put that in your 'sweet dreams' Smee.

    5. .

      Again, with the Hindu bullshit? When will you learn?

      I could ask Quirk where, exactly, these old divisions of society came from, and why they are resistant to going away, but he would not know, so, what's the use ?

      The caste system born of a desire for order in society, employed by the rulers of that society, and endorsed by ridiculous religious belief, bad enough at the start but soon devolving into a system of discrimination and exploitation based on birth.

      From Wiki...

      The caste system in India is the paradigmatic ethnographic example of caste. It has origins in ancient India, and was transformed by various ruling elites in medieval, early-modern, and, modern India, especially the Mughal Empire and the British Raj[1][2][3][4]...

      ...The caste system as it exists today is thought to be the result of developments during the collapse of the Mughal era and the British colonial regime in India.[1][11] The collapse of the Mughal era saw the rise of powerful men who associated themselves with kings, priests and ascetics, affirming the regal and martial form of the caste ideal, and it also reshaped many apparently casteless social groups into differentiated caste communities.[12] The British Raj furthered this development, making rigid caste organisation a central mechanism of administration.[11] Between 1860 and 1920, the British segregated Indians by caste, granting administrative jobs and senior appointments only to the upper castes.


      ...Social unrest during the 1920s led to a change in this policy.[13] From then on, the colonial administration began a policy of positive discrimination by reserving a certain percentage of government jobs for the lower castes.

      So the British Raj finally saw the light, repented of their errors, and decided to tweak the system? Well, not exactly. The natives started getting restless and it was throwing a monkey wrench into their well oiled operation to exploit the Indian population and resources so they put in a few changes, not because it was the right thing to do but because it didn't cost them anything.

      Also, the British did teach their direct reports among the natives god's gift to man, the English language, which should make up for a century of exploitation. Or so some would say.

      Now, there are those who still believe in the concept of the white man's burden and that it was the duty of the Brits and the other colonial powers to pillage and rape the people and resources of the Asian and Africa countries under their sway in order to bring the coolies and wogs and kafirs there the tremendous gift of 'civilization' and to introduce them to the glories of god (the REAL god). It is thought that most of the people who share this believe now inhabit the boondocks of Idaho.


  52. Hail to the Chief

    1. Not a Tweetster in sight, not within 45 miles.....

    2. The Tweetster flees locations of love and joy as witches flee daylight....

  53. .

    Is anyone keeping a running total on the number of countries Trump's 'diplomacy' has pissed off?

    - Mexican president cancels trip to the US.

    - Sweden confused and pissed about crime Trump referred to that wasn't there.

    - Canada rebuffs Trump suggestion that he will handle negotiations on NAFTA in separate bi-lateral negotiations with Mexico and Canada. PM indicates negotiations will involve all three countries together or not at all.

    - Trump offers no proof in accusing Britain of spying on him.

    - Assad of Syria accuses Trump of invasion.

    - Trump refuses to shake Merkel's hand then demands she pony up what she 'owes' him.

    Who's next on the Trump hit list?


  54. Merkel had it coming.

  55. Assad ?

    Swden ?

    Britain ?

    Canada ?

    a Spic of two ?

    What the HELL if wrong with you ?

    You don't have any idea how dead brain dumb you sound, Quirk, and what worrisome it is getting much, much worse....


      Since you don't know and can't tell, a bunch of us boys want to take you to the Doctor, maybe Swedish Hospital in Seattle in you're still alive when you arrive....

      From making a little odd sense onve in while you down in 100% gibberash all the time.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "I am your friend, always looking out for you"

      Just remember that, and remember:

      Just hang together till help arrives.

      Be there soon, count on it....Bob

  56. One thing we can be certain of, no matter what happens -

    Quirk will never leave Michigan

  57. The 03/19/2017 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
    Please use this link to forward to a friend (we really appreciate it), do not use your email client to forward, as they may inadvertently unsubscribe you.
    Michigan: Iraqi Christians join suit to stop construction of mosque in their neighborhood
    By Robert Spencer on Mar 18, 2017 08:35 pm
    Michigan: Iraqi Christians join suit to stop construction of mosque in their neighborhood
    These Iraqi Christians are not racist, bigoted, redneck yahoos. They are not white supremacists. They are people who know firsthand what having a mosque in the neighborhood can mean. They are already victims of jihad, or they wouldn’t be living in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Now they stand to be doubly victimized, unless this suit is […]
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    Sharia BBC: Muslim presenter asks, “What is the right punishment for blasphemy?”
    By Robert Spencer on Mar 18, 2017 08:26 pm
    Sharia BBC: Muslim presenter asks, “What is the right punishment for blasphemy?”
    The BBC has since backtracked and apologized, but if there had been no uproar, the question would have stood unchallenged. It shows how Sharia principles are slowly being mainstreamed in Britain. One critic wrote: “If today @BBC talking about punishments for #blasphemy in Britain with 6% of population #Muslim what’s our future in 30 years?” […]
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    Paris airport jihadi had Qur’an, screamed “I’m here to die for Allah, there will be deaths”
    By Robert Spencer on Mar 18, 2017 07:50 pm
    Paris airport jihadi had Qur’an, screamed “I’m here to die for Allah, there will be deaths”
    One might almost get the idea that this had something to do with Islam. Good thing we have George W. Bush and Pope Francis and John Kerry and other learned imams to tell us otherwise. “Airport attacker shouted ‘I am here to die for Allah. There will be deaths’ — prosecutor,” RT, March 18, 2017: […]
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    1. Video: Robert Spencer on why the blocks on Trump’s immigration ban are illegitimate
      By Robert Spencer on Mar 18, 2017 06:07 pm
      Video: Robert Spencer on why the blocks on Trump’s immigration ban are illegitimate
      This morning I spoke at the Young America’s Foundation conference at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California on Trump’s immigration ban and why the judicial blocks on it are illegitimate.
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      Erdogan: EU ruling on headscarf bans starts “clash between Islam and Christianity”
      By Christine Williams on Mar 18, 2017 11:46 am
      Erdogan: EU ruling on headscarf bans starts “clash between Islam and Christianity”
      Erdogan is still in a rage over “the cancellation of his supporters’ rallies across Europe.” He will never permit challenges to his own authority in his own country, but of course he has no respect for Europe. For than matter, Europe has no respect for itself, and apparently no interest in defending its own culture […]
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      Pakistani girls given extra credit at school for wearing hijab, classes must begin with Hadith
      By Christine Williams on Mar 18, 2017 11:33 am
      Pakistani girls given extra credit at school for wearing hijab, classes must begin with Hadith
      The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is moving to enforce stricter adherence to the Sharia. The extra marks for wearing hijab is an unusual positive reinforcement; usually where Muslims wish to enforce this “modesty” rule, they do so with negative reinforcement, beating, brutalizing, even killing girls and women who don’t wear the hijab. “Pakistani Girls Given […]
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      Paris jihadi on terror watch list, texted family “I shot police,” cops say terror “possible motive”
      By Robert Spencer on Mar 18, 2017 10:28 am
      Paris jihadi on terror watch list, texted family “I shot police,” cops say terror “possible motive”
      “Police sources told Reuters he was a ‘radicalised Muslim known to intelligence services.’ Terror was being investigated as a possible motive.” A “possible motive.” Yes, it could be any number of other things. If the establishment media and witless French authorities get really lucky, they’ll discover that Ziyed Ben Belgacem supported Trump. “‘I shot the […]
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    2. Germany: Muslim charged for going to Syria to join the Islamic State
      By Christine Williams on Mar 18, 2017 10:09 am
      Germany: Muslim charged for going to Syria to join the Islamic State
      It is estimated that over 27,000 Muslims from all over the world went to Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic State. Many are now returning to their home countries, but according to a December 2015 report by the Soufan Group, “obstacles to evidence gathering have made prosecution attempts increasingly problematic.” “We often have the impression that these […]
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      Angelina Jolie attacks “nationalism masquerading as patriotism”
      By Christine Williams on Mar 18, 2017 09:40 am
      Angelina Jolie attacks “nationalism masquerading as patriotism”
      Angelina Jolie defended internationalism and the United Nations in a lengthy speech…. at UN headquarters in Geneva, where the actress and humanitarian warned of a “rising tide of nationalism” in the West “masquerading as patriotism.” Undoubtedly, the highly popular actress was broadly defending Islam in her speech to the UN. Jolie said in June that […]
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      Paris: Muslim seizes soldier’s gun after shooting police officer
      By Robert Spencer on Mar 18, 2017 09:02 am
      Paris: Muslim seizes soldier’s gun after shooting police officer
      “The man was known to police and intelligence services,” but they have so many such people to keep up with, they can’t possibly keep close track of them all. And meanwhile, French authorities are planning on bringing in more Muslims, among whom will be an unknowable number of Islamic jihadis, and anyone who objects is […]
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  58. Maureen Dowd rips Trump nicely today. Worth the read.

    1. Whatever happened to Megyn Kelly ?

      Haven't heard a word out of her in months.

    2. Did she run off with Quirk, too ?

      I've heard rumors....

    3. .

      Read the Dowd piece. Most of it is simply rehash of what has been said before in many places by many people. However, this part was new to me and if true is very troubling.

      Trump’s aversion to veracity is exacerbated by his inner circle of sycophants and conspiracists. As far as Trump is concerned, his budget and health care plan are going great, when everyone else in Washington is averting their eyes.

      In a Wall Street Journal piece, Bannon said his anti-elitist worldview was shaped by his father’s decision during the financial crisis in 2008 to sell his AT&T stock, at a loss of more than $100,000. Marty Bannon, who started at AT&T as a lineman, got spooked by Jim Cramer’s advice on the “Today” show to take “whatever money you may need for the next five years” out of the market.

      Even though one son, Steve, was a banker at Goldman Sachs and another son had an investment background, Marty Bannon did not consult them or a financial adviser until the sale was completed.

      He preferred, like Trump, to get crucial information from TV pundits and eschew the experts in his own circle who might have told him that selling during panics is not wise and that having one stock in an undiversified portfolio is not smart.

      “Everything since then has come from there, all of it,” Steve Bannon, the multimillionaire architect of Trumpworld, said of the stock sale. So, essentially, because Bannon’s father made a bad, hurried financial decision based on watching TV, we now have to slash Meals on Wheels, Big Bird, the arts, after-school programs, health insurance, immigration from Muslim countries, climate change research, diplomats and taxes for the rich.

      Maybe if these elites-pretending-not-to-be-elites deigned to talk to some knowledgeable elites in government once in a while, they might emerge from the distorted, belligerent, dystopian, Darwinian, cracked-mirror world that is alarming Americans and our allies. They might even stop ripping off the working-class people they claim to be helping.


  59. Kentucky v Wichita State up soon

    This is a big one


    THIS IS CNN: Zakaria Goes on Profanity-Laced Meltdown Live on Air...DRUDGE

    CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Goes on Profanity-Laced Trump Meltdown Live on Air! (VIDEO)

    Cristina Laila Mar 18th, 2017 1:17 am 1798 Comments

    CNN’s Fareed Zakaria appeared on Don Lemon’s show to talk about Trump’s wiretap claim when he had an absolute meltdown.

    Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, folks!

    Fareed Zakaria: “I think the President is somewhat indifferent to things that are true or false. He has spent his whole life bull sh*tting. He has succeeded by bull sh*tting. He has gotten into the Presidency by bull sh*tting. It’s very hard to tell someone at that point that bull sh*t doesn’t work because look at the results right?”

    Don Lemon didn’t know what to say! This wasn’t just one slip up, Zakaria went on and on!

    It’s really funny to see fake news CNN try to call out Trump as a liar.

    Conservative activist Mark Dice caught this rant on his YouTube channel (Language Warning):....

    Anyone that would listen to this looney toone needs psychological help, and fast.


    2. .

      'I think the President is somewhat indifferent to things that are true or false. He has spent his whole life bull sh*tting. He has succeeded by bull sh*tting. He has gotten into the Presidency by bull sh*tting. It’s very hard to tell someone at that point that bull sh*t doesn’t work because look at the results right?

      I am pissed that Zakaria would plagiarize my words posted here numerous times. Maybe he thinks he can skate by simply by inserting asterisks.



  61. "People dying today that never died before"

    Ernest Hemingway, in a depressed mood


  62. Here's another Smirk'n'Quirk Nit in case you missed it -

    Paris police: Airport shooting linked to earlier attack; Update: Attacker ID’d

    Two shootings in Paris that ended in Orly Airport are connected, Paris police say, and prosecutors have begun a terror investigation into the bizarre incident. A man attempted to wrest a gun away from a security officer at the airport and hid in a shop, but later died in a shootout. The same man allegedly shot a policewoman in the head and then carjacked a vehicle earlier in the day before having his crime spree brought to a sudden halt:

    France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor has opened an investigation after a man who tried to grab an assault weapon from a soldier at Orly Airport in Paris was shot dead, an official at the prosecutor’s office told ABC News.

    Investigators are now searching for “clues, stories, and images” pertaining to the suspect and incident, France’s interior minister said.

    The brother and father of the suspect are being questioned, but have not been detained.

    The suspect, whom authorities have not identified, was not on the government’s list of people considered a threat to national security, the prosecutor’s office told ABC News.

    Not so fast. SkyNews reported that counterterrorism officials in France does have the dead suspect on a watch list, and for a familiar reason:

    A radicalised Muslim on a crime watchlist opened fire on three police officers at a road check before attacking a soldier at a Paris airport.

    The gunman launched his first attack after being stopped for speeding at a road check north of the city early this morning, shooting a policewoman in the head.

    He then held up a woman motorist at gunpoint, stealing her car and driving to Orly airport.
    According to eyewitnesses, the suspect had at least one hostage and was threatening to kill other soldiers during the confrontation.

    The police officer in the earlier incident was shot in the head with a steel-pellet gun rather than a firearm, according to France’s interior minister. CNN also reports that police began an “operation” in the Paris suburb where that shooting took place, but did not explain what they expected to find, and confirmed that the suspect had been on their radar screen for a number of reasons:

    Hours after the airport incident, police launched an operation in the same northern Paris suburb where the officer was shot, the National Police tweeted. The agency did not specify the reason for the operation, which was underway at 3:25 p.m. local time (10:25 a.m. ET).

    1. The officer injured at the traffic stop is undergoing treatment but is not seriously injured, Le Roux said. No one else was hurt in the airport incident, Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet said.

      The anti-terror prosecutor has opened an investigation, Thibault-Lecuivre said. Police were questioning the man’s father and brother, Thibault-Lecuivre said. The attacker, who was born in 1978, had been known to police for nine instances of armed robbery and drug trafficking, she added.

      He also had been known to intelligence services, Le Roux said.

      The attempt to steal the weapon from the Operation Sentinelle security force at Orly demonstrates that they have been effective at keeping weapons out of the airport. Had the suspect taken the weapon, he could have conducted a short but deadly shooting spree. Instead he wound up only injuring a few people before getting himself killed, a far better outcome than one would fear. It’s the second time that Sentinelle forces have foiled a broader terror attack since the operation launched after the Charlie Hebdo massacres, the other being at the Louvre.

      Both of these foiled attacks have been single-person attempts rather than a coordinated attack such as seen in Paris and Brussels. Some lone-wolf attacks have succeeded in Nice and Normandy, but not against more hardened targets. French security forces have done well to protect the obvious targets for terror, but the continuing attacks show that the capacity for terrorism has not abated yet — and this success may push terrorists more toward the softer targets in the future.

      Update: This certainly removes doubt about the motive:

      A man holding a gun on a French female soldier at a Orly Airport shouted, “I am here to die for Allah. There will be deaths,” before two of the soldier’s comrades shot the attacker dead Saturday morning, a prosecutor told reporters. The attacker was identified as Ziyed Ben Belgacem, who authorities believe was radicalized in 2011 or 2012, Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins told reporters.....

    2. .

      Detroit: 60 year old man arrested for two police officers. DNA ties him to murder of another police officer in November, 2016. Police say they are not investigating terrorism. The man’s name is Robert Durham so ex-hicks from Idaho remain uninterested.

      Police: 2 killed, 9 wounded in shootings across Chicago over the weekend. Last weekend, 5 people were killed and another 15 were wounded in Chicago neighborhoods. Over 600 people have been shot in Chicago so far in 2017. Ex-hick from Idaho expresses no interest.

      Kansas City man shoots to Indian business men killing one. Suspect says he thought they were Iranian. After initialing suggesting the suspect was probably Muslim, ex-hick from Idaho quickly loses interest.

      Quebec man attacks mosque killing 6. After initially speculating that the man was probably Muslim, ex-hick from Idaho quickly loses interest on finding that he was not.

      Space is limited but simply type in the following google search Recent Shootings in [choose any major US city] and you will likely get headlines like these…


      Man Charged in Fatal Shooting of El Monte Jack in the Box Employee During Attempted Robbery

      Police Investigating Fatal Shooting In Westlake District

      Baton Rouge

      Man charged in fatal shooting of boy, 16, on teen's birthday in Baton Rouge area: report

      Sheriff's deputy shot, killed Saturday night in Baton Rouge

      New York

      Bizarre standoff ends with cops fatally shooting suspect

      And so it goes.

      And the ex-hick remains uninterested in events in the US but instead concentrates on events around the world.

      Can anyone really take the ex-hick from Idaho seriously?


  63. .

    The Threat:

    But I'm gonna call Smirk and Dickhead names next thread.

    You just watch.

    It may even bring grandfather back to life....

    Quirk is about to find out that he's not the ONLY one around here that can call others dicks all day long.

    Think....something along the lines of what happens to North Korea if they light up LA....there won't be a light burning in North Korea for five thousand years.....

    Something just like that is what is going to happen here tomorrow first time The Tweetster mouths off one more time, to ANYONE !

    Quirk then proceeds to decimate ex-hick Bob's rationalizing of the Indian caste system and his assertions on the benefice and altruism of the British Raj.

    Bob's response:

    "I am your friend, always looking out for you"

    Just remember that, and remember:

    Just hang together till help arrives.

    Be there soon, count on it....Bob

    Even if Smirk is not directly at fault, it's the last you'll hear from the little punk for days, too.

    I promise you that.

    All I can say is...

    Weak. So weak. And sad.

    He sounds like a little girl.

    I shall begin calling him little girly-man.



  64. b00bie is a girly man? Yep, I can see it.

  65. Quirk complains about being stolen from, when in fact HE stole Harry Frankfurt's Bullshit.

    1. Harry demonstrates himself to be the penultimate bullshit artist.

  66. I KNEW both Smirk and Quirk would be dicks today.

  67. Quirkie has been a dick all weekend.

  68. I think it's all about this what to do about North Korea thing.

    I say use EMP followed by tactical nuke decapitation along with massive artillery suppression via 52-s along the DMZ, all accomplished in less than 45 minutes.
