Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Turkey’s Islamist rulers have supported and maintained parallel networks in Europe; thrown political, diplomatic and financial support to front NGOs whose role is to promote hatred

Geert Wilders promises to return the Netherlands to the Dutch

Waving the flag of nationalism, Geert Wilders promises to return the Netherlands to the Dutch, who would otherwise be kidnapped by the Brussels bureaucracy and the establishment.

The leader of the Freedom Party, who has been in parliament for nearly 20 years, has long been a thorn in the side of what he calls the political “elite”.

Wilders campaigned for the “no” vote during the Netherlands referendum, on the draft European Constitution in 2005. He creates his party, the PVV, a year later. Its ideological pillars are Euroscepticism, anti-immigration and especially anti-Islamism.

He was shocked by the assassination in 2002 of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, of whom Wilders was the direct political heir, and two years later by the murder of Theo van Gogh a director whose film attacked Islam.

Over the years, Wilders’s tone hardens. He promises not to be silenced, despite being convicted for inciting discrimination after promising “fewer Moroccans” in the Netherlands.

In 2012 Geert Wilders, who accuses Islam of discriminating against women, had even dared to publicly criticize Queen Beatrix of Holland because she had worn a veil during a visit to a mosque in Oman.

Adored and detested, he divides a country that boasts a long tradition of multicultural tolerance. Born in 1963 in the south-east of the Netherlands, he grew up in a Catholic family, alongside a brother and two sisters.

For some, Geert Wilders is an isolated figure. Married to a Hungarian. They have no children. His party is officially an association with only one member: himself. And his security limits his contacts with the outside world.

“His world has become very small,” assures his brother Paul. “Parliament, public events and his apartment. He can not go anywhere else.”

Full interview: James Franey in conversation with Paul Wilders, brother of Geert Wilders


  1. It is not too late for national states to reverse the forty years of damage done by the European Left.

  2. Hey Q, thanks for the link. What am I missing? Won't those folks be covered by Medicare?

    1. .

      Not until they get to be 65.


    2. .

      And with Ryan in charge no telling how long that will last.


    3. So the 750% hysterics is just that, hysterics.

    4. The best suggestion I have heard is the use of routine healthcare buying coops with a backup plan for catastrophic medical needs.

      To address the needs of the poor, who are legal residents, put a tax on the Media, music, hedge fund and entertainment industry and a surtax on university endowment funds. Eliminate tax exempt organizations and transfer that revenue to medicare.

      For emergency medical costs of illegal immigrants, deduct the costs from the federal transfers to the nearest sanctuary city.

      I think you will all agree.

    5. ...that it is the only right thing to do.

    6. If it rips into Q's wallet I'm for it.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. .

      So the 750% hysterics is just that, hysterics.

      Not if you're under 65 and poor.

      This is my response to Bob from the last stream. It has broad application.

      'That's all easy to say for some fat-ass hick living off the Federal dole, with Medicare and Social Security, passing out keys all days to college kids and collecting rent from people who actually work the land.

      You haven't done a decent days work in years but you've got yours so fuck everyone else. Let em eat cake.

      The number of uninsured will go up because the mandates, the gun to the head, would be gone.

      You are the dumbest shit I've known. You believe everything you're fed by the GOP because it's easy. Why worry about the people who are being screwed if you don't have to? Much easier eating bullshit dreamed up by Paul Ryan.

      Why buy a bunch of crappy insurance that just ends one up in the hands of the death panels ?

      For years, all the GOP did was cry about death panels, yet, the new GOP keeps the friggin death panels. It's a cost savings mechanism don't you know. Screw the people, save a buck. That's the GOP game plan.

      Go piss off and eat another jelly donut you fat ass.'


    9. .

      Take a look at a map of the 31 states that accepted the Medicaid expansion. Everyone of the Midwest states that put Trump over the top with the exception of Wisconsin are included.

      We've seen how the GOP plan to block grant money to the states has operated in the past. Dump the costs on the state and give them half the money to pay for it.

      Many of those governors are already complaining publicly about it.


    10. more hysterics from the Stein / Sanders camp.....and fake news.

    11. .

      If you want the GOP plan explained read the words of Trump's Director of Management and Budget.
      Mick Mulvaney, when asked how many people would lose their insurance under the GOP plan said,

      “We’re not really looking at it that way, Mark. Insurance is not really the real goal here, is it?

      One moment of honesty.


    12. .

      more hysterics from the Stein / Sanders camp.....and fake news.

      You sound like Bob and Doug. Trust me, not a good thing.

      Fake news seems to have become your favorite rebuttal these days. Basically equivalent to 'Oh yeah' or 'So's your mother.

      Simplistic shit. Saves you from having to think.


    13. .

      The GOP says they are saving $337 billion (the only number they liked out of the CBO report). They do it by taking twice that amount from programs for the poor and the states and giving the other half to the rich and influential.

      They are doing nothing to reverse the rising costs of healthcare. They have pulled all regulations from Obamacare that were put in to control rising healthcare costs. They have put no limits on drug pricing, in fact, they have pulled regulations and granted drug company executives, many of which are earning hundreds of millions in salary and stock options, additional tax breaks. They refuse to do the simplest fix out there for rising costs. The US is the biggest purchaser of drugs and healthcare in the US, probably the world, yet, we are restricted, by law, from negotiating for he equipment, drugs, and services.

      It's a racket and the little guy always loses. And in this particular case, even the dumb shits here who support this stuff suffer. Thank you sir, may I have another.



    14. .

      Not only does the GOP plan do nothing to control costs it actually contributes to their rise.

      Ryan claims the key factor in the new GOP plan is that it increases 'access'. That's a thin reed to hang an argument on if people can't afford to take advantage of that access.

      The GOP plan is geared to advantage the young and the affluent and to disadvantage the old and the poor. In the long term, this is guaranteed to increase healthcare costs. Ryan is proud of the fact that the CBO report shows fewer people have healthcare. He says it shows that people are making a personal decision not to buy insurance, a judgment that IMO is a bit pollyanish in that it assumes are choosing not to buy insurance rather than not being able to buy it. However, even if Ryan's view reflected reality, it's likely the people choosing to drop insurance will be the young for obvious reasons.

      Full disclosure, I was against the individual mandates as an invasion of personal rights. I thought it would be struck down on constitutional grounds. Obviously, I was wrong.

      That said, the reason for it was obvious. To have a 'competitive' insurance industry you have to have a representative market. This requires having the young as well as the old in order to come up with a competitive average price. The principle is simple, the cost to the young is higher and the cost to the old is lower. The complaint is that it is unfair to the young, but generally, we all get old and it eventually evens out.

      If you eliminate the young, you reduce the insurance pool and since it becomes more concentrated with the older people with higher average health care costs, overall insurance costs go up.

      So not only do healthcare costs for the elderly go up (40% on average under the GOP plan), overall costs go up in both the short and long term.


  3. Let's not forget Turkey's support for Hamas....

  4. .

    Scotland is once again talking holding a referendum on separation from Britain. Theresa May, a champion of Brexit, doesn't like it.


    1. Wait, I thought, because I was told by a reliable source, one had to fight for one's independence, always a bloody affair.

      What goes here ?

    2. .

      Damn, Bob, how stupid are you?

      Go back and look at the history of Britain/Scotland.

      You're an English major. Start with Walter Scott and Rob Roy. Damn, son.


    3. Read contemporary events, dumbo.

      Scotland's separation from England, if it occurs, will not be a bloody affair.

      My advice to you is to not use terms like 'all' or 'none', or 'ever' or 'never'.

      That will give you wiggle room when you shoot off your stupid mouth again, as you did recently.

  5. The vote in The Netherlands is tomorrow, not today, I think.

    GO GEERT !

    Gonzaga plays S. Dakota State in the first round of the NCAA's.

    They will win that be lose soon after I predict.

    Have a great day, especially you Q ! (and I mean that)

    Ciao and Cheers !

    1. (The Donald has turned the Northeaster storm track, and saved NYC, DC, Pilly etc. That's what happens when The Donald declares war on the climate.)

    2. See here:


    3. .

      They will win that be lose soon after I predict.

      - EB resident English major



    4. An egregious mistake on my part.

      They will win that but lose soon after, I predict.

  6. You guys bitched and moaned about Obama's travel expenses yet with respect to Trump - silence. Hypocrisy?

    "Trump’s first month of travel expenses cost taxpayers just less than what Obama spent in a year"


    1. Well, Ash, you know? I guess it's the same silence and hypocrisy you showed when we complained about it. I suggest you get over it. It's going to be a long 8 years, pace your self, eh? And if it's not Trump in the second 4 it will more than likely be Pence.

    2. .

      Trump is a weak sister. The worst to launch a populist movement. So far, he seems to lack the will to stand up to the GOP establishment he railed against. At this point, I put the chance of him being more than one term president at slightly north of zero. As he would say, 'Sad'.

      People expressed their faith in what he was promising by voting for him. Now, he seems about to stick it to them without remorse. No wonder he is a favorite here at the bar...

      “This site is dedicated to preying on people’s vanity, ignorance, or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse.”

      As for Pence, chances are when Trump goes down, he will take the rest of the GOP house of cards with him.


    3. Trump wrecked the House of Bush, The Clan of Clinton and the hoped for Obama Dynasty. He is on the precipice of a very slippery cliff. Washington is in full offense against him.

      As I can see it, Trump forgot that he won despite the Republican establishment. Like most baby boomer men that have not been in the military, he has that private guilt and over compensates by supplicating for their approval.

      It is outrageous what the Media and press are doing to him and his family. It would warm by heart to see John McCain do a header over the Rotunda balcony or hear that someone beat the eye balls out of Alec Baldwin's head, but I'll try and restrain my inner W. Mitty.

      Trump thinks he can negotiate his way to success. In reality, he needs to scare the shit out of them and use his base to do it.

      He needs to make some alliances with the toughest bastards in DC and if he is going to counterpunch, he needs to step into some faces, draw some blood and when they come flailing back, beat the snot out of them.

    4. Anyone that believes those travel figures is a fool:

      Air Force One costs 230 thousand an hour.

      Hawaii is 10 and a half hours, that's over 2.4 million each way = 5 million round trip.

      Then there are the C-17's for the limos, Air Force One Helicopter, etc etc.

      Million dollar bills for the secret service digs and transportation, meals, etc.

      ...and the famous his and hers 747's to wherever.

      No doubt the same for Trump.

      The plain fact is it's a ridiculous in your face fuck you to all the commoners.

      Shut up, Slaves!


    5. "It is outrageous what the Media and press are doing to him."

      ...repeated endlessly to millions of EB readers by our very own Quirkie.


    6. "The Washington Post reports that those three trips “probably cost the federal treasury about $10 million, based on figures used in an October government report analyzing White House travel, including money for Coast Guard units to patrol the exposed shoreline and other military, security and staffing expenses associated with moving the apparatus of the presidency.”"


      Gee, guess what? The coast guard etc were not included in Obama's Hawaii vacations.

      Can always rely on Think Progress and WaPo for REAL, not FAKE "news."

      ...and Ash and Quirk to try to peddle it off as "fact."

    7. "The Secret Service also reserved rooms at the Moana Surfrider resort on Waikiki Beach, and the Ala Moana Hotel, which cost a total of $40,249.48 and $671,895.99, respectively."
      ...plenty of Military bases that could have housed them.

    8. So, according to Doug, Trump's costs are not 1200% more, just 1000% more. gee, what a bargain.

    9. Not according to Doug, according to you and your "facts."

      ...which leave out inconvenient facts.

    10. ...and I say a Pox upon them all.

    11. .

      ...which leave out inconvenient facts...

      That's it?

      No listing of those inconvenient facts?

      You're going to leave it to us to depend on standard sources?




  7. Francois Fillon was placed under formal investigation on Tuesday over allegations he misappropriated government funds, Reuters reports.

    The news was reported by Le Canard Enchaine and RTL, which claimed the charges were related to suspicious activity that would have benefited his wife Penelope.

    Pollsters Ifop and BVA both suggest Fillon could be knocked out of the first-round presidential vote in April, with between 18.5% and 20% of support, compared with 25% for the far-right Front National leader Marine Le Pen and 20%-22% for Macron.

  8. Where Quirk goes for Solace and Solidarity

    “There is this surge in civic interest and engagement,” Ms. Maddow said as she sprawled in a chair in her cluttered Rockefeller Plaza office, where the tip of an Emmy Award poked out of a metal beer pail. “It feels like a spontaneous, organic, pretty broad-based, heterogeneous, energized, constructive force, and it’s been interesting to me to see it happen everywhere.”

    Still, Ms. Maddow smiled when told that some viewers say they turn to her as a source of sanity. “My standard response to that is, ‘That is a gossamer thread — you need to work on that in your life!’” she said, laughing. “I’m a TV show, and you shouldn’t depend on me. Anything can happen. Build up other sources of sanity.”

    In some ways, television is the last mass medium that Americans turn to en masse in uncertain times. “It is a place where we congregate,” said Martin Kaplan, director of the Norman Lear Center for media and society at the University of Southern California. “We all gather around that hearth to know what’s going on out there, and be comforted by the people who come on our screens to say, things will be all right.”


    1. Constructive Force:

      Like beating up female liberal college professors and Trump supporters.

    2. ...and eliminating free speech wherever possible.

    3. .

      And suggesting that people develop their views based on a multitude of competing viewpoints.

      Ooooh, bad.



  9. Number of sanctuary cities nears 500

    500 city governments and police departments that don't believe in nor practice the rule of law.

    ...and we think Europe's got problems.



    1. For social and emergency medical costs of illegal immigrants, deduct the costs from the federal transfers to the nearest sanctuary city.

  10. Punish Him! Declare Your Superior Virtue, Assholes!

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House on Tuesday distanced itself from Republican Rep. Steve King's inflammatory comments about immigrants, as Democrats pressed House GOP leaders to punish the Iowa lawmaker by stripping him of a chairmanship.

    King said this weekend that America can't restore "our civilization with somebody else's babies" and warned of a liberal effort to destroy Western civilization through immigration. Questioned about the comments, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said President Donald Trump "believes that this is not a point of view that he shares."

    "He believes he's the president for all Americans, and so I'll leave it at that," Spicer told reporters at his daily briefing.

    King was a strong supporter of Trump in the 2016 campaign and backed the candidate's tough stand on immigration.


    In a statement Tuesday, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Speaker Paul Ryan and other GOP leaders should immediately take the chairmanship of a House Judiciary subcommittee from King.
    "Where are Speaker Ryan and the GOP leadership?" asked Pelosi, D-Calif.

    "Does their silence mean Congressman Steve King's vile racism is acceptable? House Republicans think they can keep quiet, but their contempt for the great diversity of our nation is being heard loud and clear."
    Several Republicans and Democrats criticized King for his comments, with Ryan saying he disagreed with the remarks.

    "We're a melting pot. My family's here because the potatoes stopped growing in Ireland," he told Fox News Monday night. "The American idea is this beautiful idea which is there for everyone, which is that the condition of your birth doesn't determine your outcome in life."

    "Steve King's vile racism"


    1. .

      Screw King. Let him float around in his own ignorance. The man is laughable as is anyone who buys into his bullshit.

      Certain people here complain that our culture is going to hell. True enough. King blames it on immigrants diluting pure American blood. What bullshit.

      Look at the changes our culture has undergone over the last 45 years. That wasn't due to immigrants. It was due to lily white progressives with their PC propensities and lily white rich kids out to make a buck in combination with lily white politicians willing to sell the American worker down the tubes to make a buck. Only white supremacist pricks like King don't get it.

      The only thing he got right was the need for us to get our birth rate up (good luck with that). But we need it for economic reasons not to keep immigrants from screwing up our culture. We do that well enough on our own.


    2. I blame the collapse of our culture on dicks that call everyone else on earth dicks.

      This does not lead to dialogue, and community.

      I will not name names.

    3. 'Without dialogue and community, no progress is possible, Bob.'

      That is what my Aunt always used to say.

  11. Breaking: Trump 05 taxes. Paid 38 million on 150 million.

  12. F the Banco de Moroni, aka Zion's Bank, aka the Bank of Salt Lake City, and all Mormon bankers too.

    1 down and 9 to go.

    Next up on Friday: US Bank

    One of these Mormon bankers was a suited up fat ass, too.

    All he needed was a cigar and he could be employed as a Monopoly piece.

    1. Images of Moroni


      F him too.

    2. Furthermore, neither of these Moron-i Mormon bankers had a clue about the monomyth when I brought up the subject, as I always do with people in business, and the professions.

      Still holding at 0 % recognition by all these pillars of society.

      No wonder our society is collapsing.

      All these people are dicks.

    3. .

      What is it you are trying to do?


    4. .

      I must admit it's kind of clever bringing up the monomyth though.

      Most of them will probably just look at you like your nuts; but if you ever find one that doesn't snicker when you mention it, well...then you might have found someone credulous enough to consider lending you some money.

      Don't give up. I found a honey-pot of credulity right here. Of course, finding the same thing with a pocket full of money might be a little harder.


    5. Build more streets and some apartments to house the huddled masses.

      HUD is worthless.

    6. I need you as a business manager.

      You'd know how to talk to these dicks in their own language.

    7. They might have been angling for a little under the table money.

      You'd pick right up on this.

      Being an honest simple rural man I would have missed it.

    8. .

      I wouldn't take any chances. When you meet with US Bank slip a sawbuck into the guys hand as soon as you enter the office.

      Even if you don't get the financing, he probably give you a better seat at the desk.


  13. Quirk, coming from the twisted sordid culture of Detroit and environs as you do, can you tell a simple and pure ruralite like myself how this might work ? -

    Mother and son becoming father and daughter....DRUDGE

    I am even afraid to read it. It almost seems like doing so would amount to consorting with sinners and perversity....

    1. .

      You've already read it. The headlines are all you ever read.


    2. C'mon, quit holding back on us.

      As a C-slicker you know all about these things.

    3. .

      Get a copy of the Kama Sutra and figure it out for yourself.



  14. NYT: It’s possible to hack a phone with sound waves, researchers show


    1. .

      "Also, microwave waves..."

      - Kellyanne Conway


  15. .


    I'm unfamiliar with that word. Is it a neologism?

    Is it a synonym for hick?


    1. I've always said you were illiterate.

      Thank you for proving it.

      Now, turn your short attention span to this:

      Judge Napolitano: Three sources tell Fox News that Obama used the British NSA to secretly surveil Trump

      Via the Daily Wire, that’s quite a claim. The president of the United States using a foreign intelligence agency to spy on the other party’s presidential candidate, for the obviously illicit purpose of erasing any domestic paper trail of his actions? “Scandal of the decade” material. And yet it falls not to the Fox News investigative team to break the story but to legal commentator Andrew Napolitano — and not on one of Fox’s marquee shows like O’Reilly or Tucker but on Fox & Friends and Martha MacCallum’s program. You’d think a scoop like this would be in 50-point font on the Fox website, but as I write this at around 4:45 ET, they’re leading with a story about a probe of IT staffers who work for House Democrats. How come?

      Sean Davis thinks this is a game of telephone gone bad inspired by the “Trump dossier,” which was compiled by a British ex-spy. Could be. It gains some plausibility from the fact that the U.S. and UK are part of the “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing arrangement, which of course includes the NSA and GCHQ (Britain’s NSA). It’ll also seem a bit more credible than it might have in light of the surprise resignation in January of Robert Hannigan as head of the GCHQ. Hannigan stepped down three days after Trump’s inauguration, ostensibly for personal reasons, having served just two years on the job. With news swirling at the time about the Trump dossier, some Brits speculated that the real reason he resigned might have been “related to British concerns over shared intelligence with the US in the wake of Donald Trump becoming president.” On top of all that, the Times reported just two weeks ago that two foreign intelligence agencies, the British and the Dutch, had provided intelligence on meetings allegedly held last year between Trump “associates” and Russian officials in European cities. It wouldn’t be surprising if the Brits had offered some information related to the probe into Trump staffers’ relationships with Russia. It would be surprising, and big, big, biggggg news, if it turned out Obama had secretly sought access to Trump communications intercepted by the NSA by asking the Brits to access the system and then hand them over to the White House.

      The more attention this gets, the more incentive Fox will have to follow up on it, so give it some attention. Exit question: Doesn’t Trump watch Fox & Friends religiously? How has he not tweeted about this yet?

      Update: Brits are chastising me on Twitter for my brain fart in describing GCHQ as “Britain’s CIA,” which is MI6, instead of what it really is, Britain’s NSA. I’ve fixed the error.


    2. You can listen to Fox yourself, or rely on me to bring you the latest.

    3. .

      Makes perfect sense.

      Trumps been a litter gun shy with the tweets for the last couple weeks but I'm sure Kellyanne should be able to weave the story in with microwave cameras or Sean Spicer can explain the meaning of "Five Eyes" and "Scandal of the decade" being in quotations marks.

      Stay on this one. It could go hot at any minute.


    4. I shall keep you informed.

      If I could report you to the Police, I would do that as well.


    5. March 14, 2017
      Judge Napolitano says British intelligence provided Obama admin with surveillance data on Trump Tower phone conversations
      By Thomas Lifson

      In a startling segment on the Fox News program The First 100 Days, Judge Andrew Napolitano told viewers that there will be no paper trail linking President Obama to any surveillance of telephone calls in Trump Tower during the presidential transition period. (President Obama called it "wiretapping" even though no wires were involved.) The reason is that British intelligence had access to NSA surveillance data – which captures every phone call in the United States – and were able to provide such intelligence to President Obama without a FISA court warrant or any other paper trail that would expose an American intelligence agency that used the same NSA data. Click here to see the segment in which he explained the scheme, or watch it below:


      Note that just as the New York Times does when offering leaks from intelligence sources, no names are attached to the leaks. They are an anonymous source for Fox News and Judge Napolitano.

      Nevertheless, such a scheme makes great sense. It is widely rumored that such arrangements are common among intelligence services to work around limitations their own governments impose on them.

      Monica Showalter comments:

      This would explain the slightly frosty relations between Trump and [British P.M.] May. One wonders what the Brits thought they would get out of this. Talk about not acting in one's national interest! So they pleased Obama, who treated them like dirt.

      If the judge is correct, there will no paper trail at all, so Trump's charges will be dismissed as a fantasy. It is a nice con game for deep staters.

      It is still not provable, and absent a defector from the British or American intelligence services, the public will never know.


    6. I have watched the Judge for years, and, unlike Quirk, he is not given to hyperbole, exaggeration, overstatement, magnification, embroidery, embellishment, embezzlement or excess.

    7. My sources tell me that Napolitano's sources are correct.

  16. Dear Robert,

    Four years of steadfast, persistent activism just paid off.

    Yesterday afternoon, Arizona made history by becoming the ninth state to pass the
    Convention of States resolution to propose amendments that limit federal power.

    House Representative Don Shooter proudly stated,"Arizona once again leads the way
    for the restoration of the American dream. If the people's rights are to be restored
    it will once again be through the states, not the federal government..."

    This hard-fought victory was only possible because of the combined efforts of
    engaged citizens and steadfast legislators who believe that now is the time for the
    states to unite and tame the federal monster.

    With Arizona leading the way in the 2017 legislative season, we expect many more
    states to follow suit in the coming weeks.

    Right now, we urgently need your help
    so that we can fully take advantage of this momentum and usher more states across
    the finish line.

    This is a time sensitive matter.

    Twenty-eight states are currently considering the Convention of States resolution
    with votes pending.

    Will you stand with us today by contributing $25, $50, or $100 towards securing
    critical victories in the remaining states before it’s too late?
    Contribute Today

    Now is our moment in history to ban together and siphon the power out of Washington
    D.C. and back to the states... permanently.

    Calling a Convention of States is the only way to make that happen, for our health
    care, for our education, for everything.

    Will you stand with us?

    For America,

    The Convention of States Team

    P.S. Have you seen the Arizona victory reel? We dare you to watch it and not get
    chills. Click here to check it out.

    1. .

      I love it.

      Yesterday, Arizona made history by becoming the ninth state to pass the
      Convention of States resolution...

      Don Shooter proudly stated. Arizona once again leads the way...

      Better send in $25 quick. It's time sensitive.

      No, wait, send in $25 for me too. I'll catch you later.

      for the restoration of the American dream. If the people's rights are to be restored
      it will once again be through the states, not the federal government..."

    2. You slum dog, you don't even have the energy left to fight back.

    3. Just another urban defeated limp dick....

    4. I say that full of kindness, and compassion.

    Hillary claimed Trump 'paid nothing in federal taxes'....DRUDGE

    I DEMAND that the tax returns of SMIRK 'n' QUIRK be made public !

  18. Kama Sutra ain't shit:


  19. .

    In a startling segment on the Fox News program The First 100 Days, Judge Andrew Napolitano told viewers that there will be no paper trail linking President Obama to any surveillance of telephone calls in Trump Tower during the presidential transition period.

    Ya think?

    The First 100 Days

    Is that of Napolitano's internment?


    1. Ah, c'mon, Quirk, your comment above is so lame it wasn't even worth the energy expended to hit the keyboard.

      You must do better, or you are risking losing even more readers.

      People expect something, for goodness sakes.

    2. Try thinking of yourself as writing advertising copy rather than blogging.

      That might help.

      If you subconsciously feel/think you might be rewarded monetarily it might induce you to put more verve in your writing.

      Can't hurt, anyway.

      Try that, for starters.

    3. .

      The man is a loose cannon.

      By the way, did you see where Trump is being urged to kick Ryan to the curb along with Trumpcare 1.0?

      It appears he is thinking about leaving "sell-mode' soon.

      No doubt Spicer will explain that the quotation marks around 'sell mode' simply meant 'sell, or rent, or negotiate, or dump' mode.


    4. .

      Kellyanne explained it all to Jake Tapper.

      'Let me speak generally and say that the president never really considered what we are now calling Ryancare 1.0 as anything more than a concept, an idea thrown against the wall in one of our spitballing sessions, a starting point for one of the many concept flows we looked at as we continue to brainstorm', she said as she gave Jake the same sidelong look the Kingfish used to give to Andy Brown as he was trying to sell him a chinchilla farm.


    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Rising tension on the Korean Peninsula may lead to conflict and must be de-escalated, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has said after the close of China's annual parliament.


    Mr Li said China had created 50 million new urban jobs in the past four years without resorting to massive stimulus programs, and this should dispel international fears that China was heading for a hard landing.


    China has sent an observer to a Pacific trade meeting in Chile this week at which TPP proponents including Australia are also meeting.

  21. Incredible! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It's on a entirely different topic but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Wonderful choice of colors!

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