Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Country Most Worthy of Absolute Destruction is Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is to ISIS as Stink is to Shit


  1. If Trump really had a pair, he would say so.

  2. Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

    A recently leaked 2014 email from Hillary Clinton acknowledges, citing Western intelligence sources, that the U.S.-backed regimes in Saudi Arabia and Qatar have supported ISIS.

    “We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” the document states.

    This adds to a growing body of evidence that theocratic Gulf monarchies have helped fuel the surge of extremist groups throughout the Middle East.

    Another newly released email, from January 2016, includes an excerpt from a private October 2013 speech in which Clinton acknowledged that “the Saudis have exported more extreme ideology than any other place on earth over the course of the last 30 years.”

    In that same speech, Clinton noted that she wanted to pursue “a more robust, covert action trying to vet, identify, train and arm cadres of rebels” in Syria, that would have fought both the government of President Bashar al-Assad and “the Al-Qaeda-related jihadist groups that have, unfortunately, been attracted to Syria.”

    She added however, “That’s been complicated by the fact that the Saudis and others are shipping large amounts of weapons — and pretty indiscriminately — not at all targeted toward the people that we think would be the more moderate, least likely, to cause problems in the future.”

    In a June 2013 speech to Goldman Sachs, an excerpt of which is also included in that January 2016 message, Clinton emphasized that “the Saudis in particular are not necessarily the stablest regimes that you can find on the planet.”


    1. {...}


      These emails are part of a trove released this week by transparency organization WikiLeaks. The group, which was founded by detained whistleblower Julian Assange, says it obtained thousands of emails to and from John Podesta, a close Clinton ally and the chair of her presidential campaign.

      In August 2014, Clinton — who had stopped serving as secretary of state the year before — sent Podesta a list of notes on Syria, Iraq and U.S. policy in the Middle East, in an email titled “Here’s what I mentioned.”

      Clinton indicated that the information in the message is based on Western intelligence sources, U.S. intelligence source and sources in the Middle East.

      It is not known who wrote the notes. The language used in the document is, however, similar to that in other documents drafted by the U.S. State Department. The notes also use the same format and the same unconventional spelling of “Basher al Assad” to refer to the Syrian president, like previous intelligence memos (some of which were classified) sent to Clinton by her former aide Sidney Blumenthal.

      Responding to the strategy outlined in the notes, Podesta said, “I think we are headed down this path in Iraq.” But “Syria elements are vexing,” he added.

      “Agree but there may be opportunities as the Iraqi piece improves,” Clinton wrote back.

      The message also reveals that the U.S. saw the rise of the genocidal Islamic State as an opportunity. “With all of its tragic aspects, the advance of ISIL through Iraq gives the U.S. Government an opportunity to change the way it deals with the chaotic security situation in North Africa and the Middle East,” the document says, adding, “The most important factor in this matter is to make use of intelligence resources and Special Operations troops in an aggressive manner.”

      Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has neither confirmed nor denied the authenticity of the emails released by WikiLeaks. When reporters asked Clinton herself about them this week, however, she did confirm that the January 2016 message, which includes excerpts of her paid speeches to Wall Street, is authentic.


    2. REPEAT

      The message also reveals that the U.S. saw the rise of the genocidal Islamic State as an opportunity. “With all of its tragic aspects, the advance of ISIL through Iraq gives the U.S. Government an opportunity to change the way it deals with the chaotic security situation in North Africa and the Middle East,” the document says, adding, “The most important factor in this matter is to make use of intelligence resources and Special Operations troops in an aggressive manner.”


      Salon contacted the Clinton campaign with a request for confirmation of the emails. Spokesperson Glen Caplin wrote back, “We continue to not confirm the authenticity of any individual emails.” He also accused the Donald Trump campaign and WikiLeaks of having ties to Russia and being part of a larger campaign to undermine Clinton and “U.S. interests.”


    5. The leaked August 2014 email, however, shows that Western intelligence sources knew the regimes themselves were providing support to the Islamic State.

      Both Saudi Arabia and Qatar have repressive theocratic monarchies that base their laws on a fundamentalist interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic law. Human rights groups have accused both of a vast array of systematic rights abuses.

      ISIS’ ideology is very similar to Wahhabism, the extremist Sunni ideology spread by Saudi Arabia. In fact, when the Islamic State needed textbooks for children in its Syrian capital, Raqqa, the extremist group printed out copies of Saudi state textbooks it found online and used those.

      Well before the Islamic State existed in its modern form, the U.S. and other Western governments acknowledged that Saudi Arabia and other theocratic Gulf states supported extremist groups like al-Qaida.

      As Salon has previously reported, a classified 2009 cable signed by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (also released by WikiLeaks) acknowledged, “Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.”

      “Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qa’ida, the Taliban, [Lashkar-e-Taiba], and other terrorist groups,” the State Department memo said, adding, “It has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority.”

    6. LISTEN UP:

      “Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qa’ida, the Taliban, [Lashkar-e-Taiba], and other terrorist groups,” the State Department memo said, adding, “It has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority.”



    The kingdom of Saudi Arabia donated more than $10 million. Through a foundation, so did the son-in-law of a former Ukrainian president whose government was widely criticized for corruption and the murder of journalists. A Lebanese-Nigerian developer with vast business interests contributed as much as $5 million.

    For years the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation thrived largely on the generosity of foreign donors and individuals who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the global charity.


    Make it a family affair.

  4. Beirut (AP) -- Twin blasts Saturday near holy shrines frequented by Shiites in the Syrian capital Damascus killed at least 40 people and wounded over a hundred, most of them Iraqis, according to Syrian and Iraqi officials.

  5. From the dreaded, according to dreadful Quirk, Jihad Watch -

    More citizens of Saudi Arabia have joined the Islamic State than from any other country


    The Sunni Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) has boasted that key U.S. Middle East ally Saudi Arabia is the top provider of terrorists for the jihadist group in Iraq, reports Fox News, citing Iraqi military sources.

    Reports of a Saudi Arabia/Islamic State alliance have been ongoing, despite the Saudi “friendship” with the West:

    i) Slaves taken by the Islamic State are sold in auctions in Saudi Arabia;

    ii) Saudi Arabia was caught funding Taliban forces in Afghanistan, and the Taliban’s former financial minister regularly traveled to Saudi Arabia to raise millions of dollars;

    iii) A leaked intelligence report from Germany’s BfV domestic intelligence agency and Federal Intelligence Service (BND) revealed that Saudi Arabia (along with Kuwait and Qatar) was promoting and funding the growth of the jihadi Salafi ideology in Germany, where it has already attracted 10,000 followers and continues to expand.

    Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State share a history in the Wahhabi movement. “The Islamic State’s religious genealogy comes from ‘Jihadi Salafism’, a theological current that is very old in Islam that is quite literalist.” Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab is the founder of Wahhabism, rooted in the Salafist tradition. He eventually connected with “the leader of the al-Saud family in 1744. That alliance had very strong and lasting effects,”: the Saudi state was and is based on Wahhabism.

    Al-Wahhab “would appoint teachers to educate people in his version of the faith” once a town was conquered by his jihadis. “He wrote a number of short books that were the basis for the teaching, books that are used by ISIS today.”

    Saudi Arabia has denied financing the Islamic State, and the Islamic State is not happy with the Saudis, either: “ISIS claims that the Saudi state has deviated from the true beliefs of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, and that they are the true representatives of the Salafi or Wahhabi message.” Nonetheless:

    A high-ranking Iraqi intelligence officer said, “The Saudi presence in ISIS is very large. What we have left are mainly Iraqis and Saudis.”

    1. “Report: More Citizens of Saudi Arabia Have Joined Islamic State Than Any Other Country”, by Edwin Mora, Breitbart, March 10, 2017:

      The Sunni Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) has boasted that key U.S. Middle East ally Saudi Arabia is the top provider of terrorists for the jihadist group in Iraq, reports Fox News, citing Iraqi military sources.

      Sunni Saudi Arabia shares an estimated 500-mile-long border with war-ravaged Iraq.

      Nevertheless, Fox News reports that the Saudi jihadists crossed into Iraq over the border the country shares with both Turkey and Syria.

      The news outlet learned from unnamed Iraqi intelligence sources that jihadist from the Saudi kingdom comprise nearly one-third (up to 30 percent) of all ISIS terrorists in Iraq, adding that “Saudis comprise the largest single contingent of ISIS fighters, with Russian Chechens making up the second-largest contingent.”

      Speaking to the news outlet on condition of anonymity, a high-ranking Iraqi intelligence officer said, “The Saudi presence in ISIS is very large. What we have left are mainly Iraqis and Saudis.”

      “The Saudis make up a large number of suicide bombers, as they already have the ground work of radicalization installed in their minds from radical sheikhs in Saudi [Arabia]. And we’ve caught important ISIS commanders,” he added.

      Fox News points out that it has seen various ISIS-linked photographs and documents showing identification and credit cards of Saudi terrorists.

      The report comes nearly a month after an article by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) revealed that President Donald Trump’s administration is considering forming a military alliance with major Middle East allies, including the Sunni Saudi kingdom, to combat Shiite Iran.

      President Trump’s anti-Iran coalition would bring together Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Israel, Egypt, and Jordan.

      The Sharia law-compliant kingdom Saudi Arabia is regarded as a hotbed and top global exporter of radical Islamic thought, namely the Sunni extremist ideology of Wahhabism, adhered to by ISIS and various other jihadists groups.

      Saudi Arabia imposes extremely strict Islamic laws on its citizens.

      “Wahhabism was born in Saudi Arabia. Saudi is leading those extremist organizations like ISIS,” an anonymous Iraqi official told Fox News. “They have high-ranking officials and fighters among their ranks. Saudi is nothing without U.S. protection; it is only a bite for Iran to eat.”

      Sunni Saudi Arabia considers Shiite Iran its regional rival. Iran exerts tremendous influence over the Shiite-led government of Iraq where militias backed by the Islamic Republic are fighting ISIS.

      Saudi Arabia is part of the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS in Iraq and Syria…..

  6. From Canada we have the -

    SMIRK Nit of the Day:Toronto

    Toronto imam says Muslims will eventually kill all Jews


    This shouldn’t surprise anyone. It’s a hadith in a collection that Muslims consider authentic:

    “Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.” (Sahih Muslim 6985)

    Muslims in Canada don’t have a different version of Islamic texts and teachings from the version Muslims have elsewhere. They have the same Qur’an, the same Sunnah. Why should anyone expect them not to teach the things these sources say?

    “Toronto imam says Muslims will eventually kill all Jews,” by Jonathan D. Halevi, CIJ News, March 11, 2017:

    Motion 103 “Systemic racism and religious discrimination”, which also known as the anti-Islamophobia motion, demands that “the government should recognize the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear… condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination and take note of House of Commons’ petition e-411 and the issues raised by it” and “develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination including Islamophobia, in Canada.”

    Petition e-411, which was unanimously endorsed by the Parliament, suggests that attributing terrorism to Islam is Islamophobia.

    1. Initiated by Samer Majzoub, President of the Canadian Muslim Forum (المنتدى الاسلمي الكندي) and sponsored by Liberal MP Frank Baylis (Pierrefonds—Dollard, Quebec), Petition e-411 reads among other things the following:

      Recently an infinitesimally small number of extremist individuals have conducted terrorist activities while claiming to speak for the religion of Islam. Their actions have been used as a pretext for a notable rise of anti-Muslim sentiments in Canada; and these violent individuals do not reflect in any way the values or the teachings of the religion of Islam. In fact, they misrepresent the religion. We categorically reject all their activities. They in no way represent the religion, the beliefs and the desire of Muslims to co-exist in peace with all peoples of the world. We, the undersigned, Citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to join us in recognizing that extremist individuals do not represent the religion of Islam, and in condemning all forms of Islamophobia.”

      Sheikh Abdulqani Mursal, imam at Masjid Al Hikma mosque in Toronto (36 Colville Rd, North York – Lawrence and Keele), explains that the fate of the Jews is destined to be killed by the Muslims.

      In a lecture at the at Masjid Al Hikma mosque, Mursal read the chapter “Turmoil And Portents Of The Last Hour” from Sahih Muslim (hadith collection, meaning narrations attributed to Mohammad), including the following narrations (01:07-07:24 – originally in Arabic, translated by

      Ibn ‘Umar reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You will fight against the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, Muslim, there is a Jew (hiding himself behind me); kill him.

      Ubaidullah has reported this hadith with this chain of transmitters (and the Words are): “There is a Jew behind me.”

      Abdullah b. ‘Umar reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You and the Jews would fight against one another until a stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.

      Abdullah b. ‘Umar reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The Jews will fight against you and you will gain victory over them until the stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; kill him.

      Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews….

      Doesn't sound like 'multiculturalism' to me.


    Breaking Down the Father on BBC Being Interrupted by His Children

    I’m sure there are plenty of videos that have gone viral faster, but given that my Twitter feed is a mix of journalists, tech analysts, and NBA folks, there seemed to be a special resonance to this clip of a father in South Korea commenting on the removal of once-President Park Geun-hye, only to be interrupted on live TV by his kids breaking into his home office.

    If I might say so myself, I am uniquely qualified to break this video down: I’ve been on TV from a home office, I have children, and, crucially, I am a man (who like Robert E Kelly, our protagonist, lives in Asia). As you will see, that is the key to understanding how this went down.

    The Room....

    (broken down into fully eleven analytical categories, read on, and on and on)

    1. (this should keep Quirk purring contentedly for at least 24 hours)

    2. (hopefully longer, for, I have noticed, when Quirk is purring he is not trying to think, which is a break for us all)

    3. The only element I can see missing in the video is the grandparent figure.

      A granny or gramps ought to wander in, to play along with the grandkids, unconcerned about the son reading the news on TV.

      Then we would have a wonderful and full depiction of Joseph Campbell's observation about the bond between grandkids and THEY have it figured out, that the world really is just play, and that the supposed 'adult' in the room, the newsreader, all involved in the supposedly all important news of the day, and earning a living too.....just doesn't 'get it'anymore, has forgotten the days of his childhood....and is, basically, making a fool of himself....and all we can do is hope he will get straight with the nature of things again as he ages past his current midlife insanity.....

    4. .

      Or, you can simply enjoy the video.


  8. March 12, 2017
    Emptying the Barbarian Playbook
    By Frank Crimi

    As ISIS empties a barbaric playbook of chemical attacks, child suicide bombers, and human shields in a desperate attempt to hold onto Mosul, it may also be adding cannibalism to this poisonous script.

    The root of the Islamic State's maniacal desperation stems from a tightening noose being pulled on by Iraq military forces as they attempt to wrest control of the northwestern Iraqi city.

    In an offensive begun last October, the five-month-long battle has turned the once entrenched citadel of ISIS control into a modern-day version of Stalingrad, with two highly armed opponents engaged in fierce, bloody street fighting....

  9. March 12, 2017
    DC Secrets and Lies
    By Clarice Feldmam

    ....So it is rather astonishing that so many disregard Trump’s claim that Obama and his aides spied upon him and his staff. There were several means at his disposal for him to do so, and it is increasingly likely that they did so. He apparently sought -- twice -- to get the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court to approve tapping Trump communications, and was turned down once, in June of last year -- a rare occurrence as in 10,000 applications in a six-year period only two were rejected. Reportedly the Obama administration tried again, using a slightly modified request and received permission. Heat Street reported this on November 7.

    This week, investigative journalists Sara Carter and John Solomon confirmed that the FISA court warrant was granted in October.

    "What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

    In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

    The FBI quickly concluded, "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."

    The months-long FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned.

    But a FISA warrant is not the only way to surveil communications. Under Chapter 36 of Title 50 of the US Code, and pursuant to Executive Order 12333, the president can authorize electronic surveillance without a court order, and we don’t know if Obama utilized one of these means as well. Nor can we ascertain who’s leaking, as on his way out of office –-17 days before his term was up -- Obama allowed the National Security Agency to circulate such intercepted messages among 16 other intelligence agencies without following longstanding protocols designed to insure privacy of those involved in the communications, in effect inviting selective leaking by partisans in those agencies.

    This week former NSA official Bill Binney confirmed the veracity of Trump’s claim that his conversations had been tapped and monitored and claimed it was done outside the courts.

    Binney told Fox the laws that fall under the FISA court's jurisdiction are "simply out there for show" and "trying to show that the government is following the law, and being looked at and overseen by the Senate and House intelligence committees and the courts."

    "That's not the main collection program for NSA," Binney said.

    In any event, both the former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and the head of the FBI James Comey have stated without equivocation that there was no evidence found of coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia.

    On the other hand, there is increasing evidence of Russian ties to Hillary Clinton and those closely connected to her....

    1. But a FISA warrant is not the only way to surveil communications. Under Chapter 36 of Title 50 of the US Code, and pursuant to Executive Order 12333, the president can authorize electronic surveillance without a court order, and we don’t know if Obama utilized one of these means as well. Nor can we ascertain who’s leaking, as on his way out of office –-17 days before his term was up -- Obama allowed the National Security Agency to circulate such intercepted messages among 16 other intelligence agencies without following longstanding protocols designed to insure privacy of those involved in the communications, in effect inviting selective leaking by partisans in those agencies.

    2. Only a fool would maintain that O'bozo was not snooping on The Donald.

    3. .

      Said a the king of fools.


    4. .

      the president can authorize electronic surveillance without a court order, and we don’t know if Obama utilized one of these means as well

      ...and we don’t know...

      Sure proof we do know, sayeth the English major.


    5. .

      This week, investigative journalists Sara Carter and John Solomon confirmed that the FISA court warrant was granted in October.


      Where's the beef?

      I've see no proof presented yet. However, it would be simple to remove any doubt.

      Trump is the Friggin President.

      He can declassify anything he wants.

      The DOJ works for him.

      All he has to do is ask.

      In fact, Nunes and Shiff and the committee investigating the Russian connection have asked Trump to provide ANY proof he has supporting his claims about Obama by TOMORROW.

      No doubt, we will get that proof tomorrow.


    6. .

      or, Trump will continue to avoid the press and refuse to answer questions on the matter as he has done since last Saturday.

      Thank the lord for small favors.


  10. You gotta laugh! 16 years after mostly Saudi terrorists brought down the towers some Americans are beginning to realize that the Middle East is a seething cauldron of warring factions yet they still cling to simplistic military solutions that focus on one enemy that needs eradicating. ISIS baaaad! More troops! More war! Yaya Trump!

    1. And Deuce's suggestion - topple the Saudi Monarchy 'cause, you know, the Saudi people will the embrace Christianity and all other fine western things.

    2. Ash, Assad, with Iran and Hezbollah and other shiite militias have slaughtered 660,000 and created a 12 million person refugee problem, combine that is the Iran's mass slaughter in Iraq, then add in the ISIS side of the equation? another 60k in dead. Of course, ISIS is the same as the moslem brotherhood, same as al qaeda, Hamas and boka haram. (with as you point out Saudi and others) THEN stir in Turkey and it's genocide of the armenians, Cypriots and of course it's slaughter of the KURDS...

      You got great friends there Ash.

    3. The place is a seething cauldron of warring factions. Thank you for adding your two cents WiO.

    4. And in that seething cauldron ISIS is so bad we've got to go take care of them. Just like we've done before with others in the region before.

    5. And before that as well ;)

    6. it's my 2 shekels please...

      and the point of contrast?

      Israel. Who is regularly scolded by the world for BUILDING HOMES on disputed lands.. Is an island of sanity in a sea of horseshit. I must remind you (being the Israel hater that you are) that Israel sits on 1/900th of the middle east and 25% of it's citizens are moslems that are in fact NOT insane. Gee on one side? Syria? Has bombed it's own cities, towns and villages AND THE PEOPLE into mass death and rubble. Iraq? Once had a thriving Jewish population dating back almost 2800 years. Those Jews? forced into exiled to Israel, by the arabs. Having stole the Jew's lands, businesses and wealth? We actually can thank Islam and it's forced expulsions thru-out the arab and moslem world, driving those Jews to the only Jewish state in the world. Israel. But Ash, you sit up there in Canada, a squatter and occupier of the native's lands, all the while your brethren (the arabs) slaughter untold numbers approaching the million mark...

      Maybe it's time for you to go home and help sort out your people's shit land?

  11. In July 2013, Wahhabism was identified by the European Parliament in Strasbourg as the main source of global terrorism.

    Wahhabism has become increasingly influential, partly because of Saudi money and partly because of Saudi Arabia's central influence as protector of Mecca.

    The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, condemned Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), insisting “the ideas of extremism, radicalism and terrorism do not belong to Islam in any way”.
    Somewhat paradoxically, however, members of the Saudi ruling class have applauded Wahhabism it for its Salafi piety - i.e. its adherence to the original practices of Islam - and the movement's vehement opposition to the Shia branch of Islam.

    In the 1970s, with the help of funding from petroleum exports and other factors, Saudi charities started funding Wahhabi schools (madrassas) and mosques across the globe and the movement underwent "explosive growth".

    The US State Department has estimated that over the past four decades Riyadh has invested more than $10bn (£6bn) into charitable foundations in an attempt to replace mainstream Sunni Islam with the harsh intolerance of its Wahhabism. EU intelligence experts estimate that 15 to 20 per cent of this has been diverted to al-Qaida and other violent jihadists.

    The movement now has worldwide influence inspiring the ideology of extremists worldwide.


    Sen. John McCain predicted Sunday that “there’s a lot more shoes to drop” regarding President Trump’s connections to Russia, and said he believes top Trump associates should be called before Congress to testify.

    Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” the Arizona Republican said the American people need more information and need it quickly.
    “There’s a lot of things about our relations with Russia that trouble me a lot,” Mr. McCain said. “There’s a lot of aspects of this whole relationship with Russia and Vladimir Putin that requires further scrutiny, and so far I don’t think the American people have gotten all the answers. In fact, I think there’s a lot more shoes to drop from this centipede.”

    1. If Trump's connections warrant an investigation? 145 MILLION donated to the Clinton Foundation warrant one as well (and more)

  13. Ash is on to the fact that the middle east is a seething cauldron of warring factions.

    1. Having managed this breakthrough, he goes on to thank WiO for adding his 'two cents'.

      Don't believe it ?

      Here is my proof:

      AshSun Mar 12, 10:42:00 AM EDT
      The place is a seething cauldron of warring factions. Thank you for adding your two cents WiO.

      And, The place does indeed refer to the middle east.

      See here:

      AshSun Mar 12, 09:24:00 AM EDT
      You gotta laugh! 16 years after mostly Saudi terrorists brought down the towers some Americans are beginning to realize that the Middle East is a seething cauldron of warring factions

      We'd all be lost without old Potato Head....


    2. 'Tator Head, I often call 'im.

    3. As only 'Tator Head can do,seething cauldron of warring factions is truly great, and memorable.

      Try getting That out of your noggin !

    4. Sykes Picot, or whatever her name was, couldn't a done no better.

    5. And I'll tell ya this - if you want two cents out of Quirk, you're gonna have to pay 5 cents for it.

      You're not getting it free, as with WiO.

    6. Checking into Quirk's Quotes, LLC, I see that -

      the middle east is a seething cauldron of warring factions

      is already under copyright, and QQ,LLC us asking $20 bucks for its use.

      It may go bacterial.

    7. is asking

      I was having a belly juggle

    8. (Ash told us 'you gotta laugh !', so I was)

    9. .

      Twenty inches of redundant cut and paste to point out exactly what was said a few posts before.

      Though it consisted mostly of the comments of others which did lend it more value than a straight Obobo dialogue, still...


    10. Moron.

      You said above that O'bozo wasn't snooping on The Donald.

      Proving once again that your birth planet was indeed Earth Proxima, where up is down, right is left etc etc.

      And you with an advertising background.....

      Good God !

      Extra Strength Prevagen is all I can think of that might possibly help....

      Throw in some Gas X too.

    11. Wife wants to go for a drive....


  14. .

    Secretary of State? What Secretary of State?

    Above, I mentioned Trump going incognito since he made his claims about Obama wire-tapping him, avoiding the press and refusing to answer questions on the subject. An even bigger question, where's, I mean 'where's Rex?'

    Rex Tillerson, international man of mystery, minister w/o portfolio.

    Has Tillerson been cut out of the loop, consigned to the back-burner, or is he just shy?

    A nationalistic foreign policy does not mean and isolationistic one. You still have to interface with other nations. You can do it through aggression and war or through diplomacy. Historically, the SOS has been a key player if not 'the' key player in past administrations in interface with other international players. Not in this one, at least so far. Even the generals Trump has placed in key positions in his cabinet find this troubling.

    Tillerson is a man in the shadows. We can go for days never seeing or hearing from him.

    He appears to have willingly accepted the massive cuts in State Department headcount projected in Trump's proposed budget thus creating for himself fear and antagonism among the troops at State. This is a problem especially for a guy with no experience of his own to draw on.

    To further his isolation, he has been left out of many of the functions typically assigned to the SOS. He hasn't even been present for many of Trump's meeting with foreign dignitaries. Kushner seems to have taken on the role of shadow-SOS. He, not Tillerson, has taken on trips to a number of foreign capitals. He met with the Mexican FM when he visited the US, not Tillerson. In fact, Tillerson's assistants at State didn't even know the FM was in town.

    Part of Tillerson's isolation is self-induced. He has had few if any press conferences. We don't even get tweets from the guy. He breaks with tradition by not planning on taking any of the press with him on his upcoming Asian trip. He is truly an international man of mystery.

    His influence is diminished and his apparent isolation does him no favors with his counterparts in foreign nations if he is viewed as have lost face in the administration and having no influence. This is especially true given that he has no past experience with these people to draw on.

    One has to wonder why a guy of his accomplishments and prestige would put up with this shit.


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. .

    You said above that O'bozo wasn't snooping on The Donald.

    The accusation was that Obama was wire-tapping Trump Towers and the Trump Campaign under a FISA warrant. Can't you even keep that simple fact straight?

    I didn't say it didn't happen. I said prove that it did.

    Your boy made the accusation. Let's see the proof.

    Saying it happened doesn't prove that it happened.

    How stupid are you?


    1. .

      Of the 'proofs' you purport to offer, this is my favorite one...

      But a FISA warrant is not the only way to surveil communications. Under Chapter 36 of Title 50 of the US Code, and pursuant to Executive Order 12333, the president can authorize electronic surveillance without a court order, and we don’t know if Obama utilized one of these means as well.

      "...and we don’t know if Obama utilized one of these means as well...

      In Bob-world, 'we don't know' translates to 'he must have'.



    2. Heh

      Come on, Quirk, you know deep down, just as I do, that O'bozo was spooking and snooping The Donald.

      Give us all a fucking break....

    3. .

      Please, don't insult me by comparing my views to yours, old friend.


  17. .

    Bad Santa

    from the Times of Israel...

    The Purim Grinch

    PM tells children celebrating Purim: Persians still want to kill us

    Tell us a story Uncle Bibi...

    A jovial Benjamin Netanyahu shares his grim message during a visit to a synagogue for Purim festivities

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brought his own special brand of Purim joy to a synagogue on Saturday, telling dozens of celebrating children that today, too, the Persians want to kill the Jews...


    1. In your view, why is it that a rather large portion of the world wants the Jewish people dead?

    2. The complex tale of how the Persian Empire founded by Cyrus the Great—the world’s “first” Zionist—metamorphosed into the Israel-Hating nation we know today.


    3. Well that was my first attempt at linking.

    4. For a similar reason why a lot of folk line you want to kill Muslims.

    5. Wrong Ash.
      You failed to recognize the defensive position of this "Holy War"

    6. It's not my intention to conquer the unbelievers and force them to "submit."

    7. Yeh, you just want to kill them. Obviously you would argue that the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan were 'defensive' moves.

    8. Any move against the enemy of humanity is a defensive move.

    9. Muslims are the enemy of humanity in your view - interesting, especially in juxtaposition to Jewish history.

    10. Most of us feel that killing people because they were Jewish was a bad thing. Similarly killing people because they are Muslims is equally bad.

    11. Odd that a Christian, as you profess to be, doesn't agree.

    12. Jewish is a race.
      Muslim is an ideology, or cult.

    13. I'm not so inclined to call myself a Christian anymore.
      I don't plan on going to heaven or care to aspire to anything but adhere and live by the truth.
      I'll follow a truth loving atheist before I would follow the Pope.

    14. Yeh, the views you've expressed are decidedly unchristian.

    15. And in my opinion, your view is unreasonable.
      So I won't even try anymore.

    16. .

      Jewish is a race.

      No, it isn't. One only has to look at the US experience, 40% of all Jews to see this.


    17. .

      In your view, why is it that a rather large portion of the world wants the Jewish people dead?

      Prejudice and bigotry.


    18. Give us all a break, Quirk.

      You tried to say once that I was a racist for not wanting any more muzzies among us, and I had to remind you that Islam is not a race.

      Thinking clearly and without subterfuge for once, you immediately backed down.

      It is however an insane male dominance cult.

      I remind you again, though you really don't need it, that in Islam a woman = 1/2 a man.

      Please quit passing so much gas around this place.

      It discomforts the clientele.

    19. .


      Don't be stupid, I may have inadvertently used the word racist (if I did) but I certainly didn't do it as some kind of comparison.

      The statement

      Jewish is a race.
      Muslim is an ideology, or cult.

      tries to draw a distinction where there is none.

      Judaism is a set of religious beliefs held by people who refer to themselves as Jews.


    20. .

      It discomforts the clientele.

      I will admit that you are comfortable in your ignorance.


    21. You did, and it wasn't 'inadvertant'.

      Some might call it a Freudian slip, though.

    22. We are a tribe. Not a race, we come in many colors.. You can join our tribe.

      However ash is full of crap when he says:

      AshSun Mar 12, 03:44:00 PM EDT
      For a similar reason why a lot of folk line you want to kill Muslims.

      Ash you are full of it. There are more moslems living FREE in Israel 1/900th of the middle east than Jews living in all of the 899/900th of the arab controlled middle east. Your analogy is bullshit.

  18. Dec. 12, 2016

    Iran's supreme leader today warned Israel that it would be destroyed within 25 years in a chilling outburst that will spark fresh tensions in the Middle East.

    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also said Tehran will not expand talks with the United States – which he branded the 'Great Satan' – beyond the negotiations over its controversial atomic program.

    Khamenei, who makes the final decision on major policies, said: 'Some Zionists have said that regarding the result of the nuclear deal they (Israelis) have been relieved of concerns about Iran for 25 years.

    'But we tell them that you will not see the coming 25 years and God willing there will not be something named the Zionist regime in the region.'

    Should the children of Israel be lied to?

    1. .

      Here's how the children of Israel celebrate Purim.

      Bibi comes to the party and tells the kids, "Be afraid, be very afraid."

      Lied to?

      Bibi says the 'story' of Esther teaches how Persia tried to destroy the Jewish people. However, in the story, the king is initially lied to by his vizier and when he discovers the truth he is the one who saves the Jews and allows them to kill tens of thousands of Persians. Tough work, so the next day the Jews rested and partied down, thus the holiday of Purim.

      Bibi has his story down to an art form. He even delivered it to Congress in one of his speeches against Iran. He also tried it with Putin recently. However, Putin, a little less credulous than the average squirrel, told him 'he was talking about events in the 5th century BC' and to stop dwelling in the past.


    2. Heh

      Stop dwelling in the past....the Holocaust being so long ago....and with the mullah saying each Friday how Israel's end is near....a world with Israel, without Jews....

      Good ol' Quirk, he's no squirrel..

    3. .

      You pick and choose what words you want to hear. You ignore it when the same man says that Israel will fall simply because it is an invading force, that Iran has no intention of attacking Israel militarily, that Iran would never drop nuclear bombs.

      Frankly, Putin is not a good guy; however, I would take his view in this instance over that of some dumb hick from the Idaho militia.


    4. Quirk your retelling of Purim is just what I expect from you.


    5. .

      Tell me where I went wrong.


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. When has the United States killed moslems simply because they were moslems ?

    Nor has anyone here advocated that as far as I know.

    I have advocated not accepting moslems into the USA on the grounds their theology commands them to overthrow the Constitution of the USA, as it is haram man made law.

    The question then is one of supporting our Constitution, or sharia law.

    Any cogent free thinking male, and particularly, female, would support our Constitution over sharia law.

    We have it from the keyboard of 'Tator Head himself that:

    the middle east is a seething cauldron of warring factions

    and only a fool would desire that here.

    Take a look at Europe to see just the beginnings of what happens when that is done.

    1. We used to keep out Marxist-Leninists for the very same reason - that they wished to overthrow the Constitution of the USA.

      These days one often finds this type of human turd in the Democrat Party, USA, badly camouflaged as 'progressives'.

    2. Nazis, as well, for the very same reason....that they wished to overthrow the Constitution of the USA.

    3. These days one often finds this type of human turd in the Democrat Party, USA, badly camouflaged as 'progressives'.

      Here is one such 'progressive' making an ass hole out of herself on The Tucker Carlson Show:

    4. Here's the entire 6 minutes of Tucker and this ass hole -

      The brain dead's name is Sunsara Taylor.

    5. Ash can only dream of dating such a woman...

    6. .

      The question then is one of supporting our Constitution, or sharia law.

      Nonsense. Where is your 'proof' that any judgement supporting sharia that goes against the US Constitution has ever been upheld upon appeal?

      This is the United States of America. What don't you get about that simple fact you dumb, ex-hick?


    7. Where is your 'proof' that any judgement supporting sharia that goes against the US Constitution has ever been upheld upon appeal?

      When did I say such a thing ?

      I said their theology wishes and commands them to replace the US Constitution or any other 'man made' law with sharia law.

      I wish to prevent such a thing from ever happening.

      Therefore I support keeping people who support overthrowing the Constitution out of here, like we used to do regarding the commies and the nazis.

      You dumb fucking current City Slicking fool, smart arse, and ad con man....


    8. (when Quirk fires his single barrel Wal-Mart Chinese made 28 gauge, bring out the grand dad's trusty old 10 gauge Winchester double)


    9. .

      I said their theology wishes and commands them to replace the US Constitution or any other 'man made' law with sharia law.

      And I said you are a dumb, ex-hick.

      You presume to know that the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world are uniform in their interpretations of Islamic laws, the Koran, the primacy of sharia law as it applies to their citizenship, their relationship with non-believers, their obligations to the Constitution as citizens of the US. You sir, are a bigoted simpleton.

      I have advocated not accepting moslems into the USA on the grounds their theology commands them to overthrow the Constitution of the USA, as it is haram man made law.

      What proof have you that there is any kind of grass roots attempt to do this in the US. I repeat, where is your 'proof' that any judgement supporting sharia that goes against the US Constitution is widespread or has ever been upheld upon appeal in this country?

      You show you have zero faith in the Constitution, our laws, or the system in place to protect them.

      You are a yahoo from the Idaho boondocks who's intellectual capacity is indicated when he believes statements like...

      ...and we don’t know if Obama utilized one of these means as well...

      translates in Bob-speak to he must have done it.

      How can anyone take anything you say seriously?


      In Bob-world, 'we don't know' translates to 'he must have'.

    10. Both Ash and Quirk are misogynists and homo haters for wanting to allow muzzies into our country.

      Both also wish to subvert our Constitution.

      Both are Male supremacists and Androcentrists.

      Quirk is a dumb fuck Slicker with the morals of a used car salesman and ad executive.

      Ash is a dumb fuck babe in the woods, and thumb sucker.

  21. Let Smirk deal with 'em -

    Kyle Smith: Why Canada will come to regret its embrace of refugees

  22. The Netherlands votes this coming Tuesday.

  23. (Incidently, there is really no such thing as a "race." The term "race" implies to most people that there are different categories of human beings based on their genetic makeup. The fact is that there is no basis in genetics for these distinctions. For example, an African from one family may have more in common genetically with a Swede than with another African.)

    I could be wrong, Quirk.

    1. Jews defy all conventional definitions of a "people" or "nation." We lack a common race, culture or historical experience. While we all share our eternal rights to the Land of Israel, for all but a few centuries of the last 4,000 years the overwhelming majority of Jews have not lived or even set foot in the Jewish homeland.

      Well than, I apologize.

    2. Apologize for what? A desire to kill a person because they are Muslim?

    3. No.
      For getting it wrong about the Jewish population being a race. (But you knew that, I'm sure).

      But didn't Hitler have Jewish blood in him?

    4. It is my desire, Ash, that the Muslim will turn away from Mohamadism and love their fellowman. And women.
      And bacon.
      And music.
      And animals.
      And on, and on...

    5. Why do you care if they should love bacon or not? The Jews don't. Why does any of that matter to you?

    6. There are over a billion Muslims living on the planet and you want to kill them all. That is sad. That is something you should apologize for.

    7. Let the assholes live on the other side of the planet.

      Let the assholes kill themselves over there.

      They killed 80,000,000 Hindus in one 250 year period alone. And that's the tip of the overall iceberg.

      90% of the conflicts in the world today involve the muzzies over against whoever the neighbor might be...even if the neighbor is other muzzies.

      Let them kill themselves in the middle east.

      We can't prevent it in any case.

      Just don't bring the contagion here.

    8. Okay, I am sorry I don't want to be converted or conquered.
      I am so very sorry that I will never submit to the followers of Mohamad.
      I am sorry that I was raised by a Christian family and was baptized without my permission so therefore I'm to be killed in the name of Allah.
      I am sorry that I love bacon and would like to share it with my self-proclaimed enemies.

      (Incidentally, it's a fact that eating bacon once a day reduces the act of terrorism by 100%)

      Is that enough apologies for the righteous Ash, whose moral superiority surpasses every known saint?

    9. Muzzies vs.

      on and on and on

      Let them kill themselves and leave others alone and keep them out of our country.

    10. .

      According to the Book of Esther, the Jews killed 500 Persians the 1st day, came back and killed 300 the next day, and then proceeded to kill 75,000 more before taking a day off to party.

      Don't even get me started on the Canaanites.


  24. .

    Every new nation is born in blood.

    They all are.

    Israel was born that way twice.

    Take a look at the newest nation in the world, South Sudan.

    What's going on there right now would be called genocide except that the US helped set it up sp all we get is a tsk tsk.


    1. Every new nation is born in blood.

      Quirkian bullshit.

      Think before you mouth off.

    2. I call it Quirkian hyperbobullshit.

    3. Think, Quirk, THINK, try try try....

    4. And if you are on the sauce again, and it sounds as if you are, get some sleep and try tomorrow.

    5. I wonder if Ash might be able to think of a country not born in blood.

      Sam could, I'd bet.

    6. .

      Why don't you give us an example, dipshit?


    7. I'd rather ask your brother in hyperbobullshit, Smirk, dipshit.

      Smirkie, can you think of a country, any country, not born in bloodshed ?

      We'll see what Smirk says....

  25. Quirk hates dogs.

    He seeks to allow dog killers into the country.

    What the fuck is WRONG with this man ??

    Misogynist, homo hater, cruelty to animals..he has no problem with any of it.

    He wishes more people of this type into the country.

    From living in the city too long he is totally fucked up.

    I say take up the collection plate and buy this dude a one way ticket to Gaza.


    1. .

      You're drifting. Go take your meds.


    2. You're drunk again.

      Go get some sleep.

    3. Hey, good news !

      If things get tough, Smirk 'n' Quirk can always teach in New York -

      New York to scrap literacy test for teachers. Guess why.
      POSTED AT 12:31 PM ON MARCH 12, 2017 BY JAZZ SHAW

  26. Time to watch some Fox News.

    Maybe Judge Jeanine the Divine will be on....

