Friday, March 03, 2017

Palmyra: Russian and Syrian Forces Exterminating ISIS Vermin


Russian senators say liberation of Palmyra drives system built by militants to collapse

MOSCOW, March 2. /TASS/. The liberation of Palmyra is a very important event, which not only boosts the Syrian army’s morale but also opens up new opportunities for the final defeat of terrorists, members of Russia’s Federation Council (upper house of parliament) told TASS.

On Thursday, the Syrian army regained full control of the city of Pamyra and its suburbs after a series of successful operations carried out with massive support by the Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces. Gunmen of the Islamic State group captured Palmyra in May 2015. At the end of March 2016 the city was recaptured, but in December Palmyra was again in the hands of extremists.
Head of the Federation Council Defense and Security Committee, Viktor Ozerov, noted that "the capture any landmark city boosts the morale of the Syrian army, the Syrian people and gives strength to continue operations in others parts of Syria to eliminate terrorists and create conditions for political dialogue and transition to civilian life." He noted, however, that Palmyra’s example should teach the Syrian authorities that liberating the city is one thing, and preventing it from being recaptured is another thing. "I believe the Syrian army has learned this lesson." Ozerov added that the success in Palmyra would have been impossible without close cooperation between the Syrian army and the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Collapse of terrorist system

For his part, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council International Affairs Committee, Vladimir Jabarov, noted that the capture of Palmyra is a strategic victory won with the help of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
"The liberation of Palmyra is a very important event. However, the most important thing now is not to rest on one’s laurels. The terrorist hydra cannot be allowed to move to another place," the senator said.
According to Jabarov, the successful operations in Syria and in Iraq’s Mosul indicate the beginning of the collapse of the terrorist system. "The impression is that the collapse of the system built by militants in Syria and Iraq has begun. Palmyra has been liberated, the successful operation of Iraqi troops in Mosul is underway. Even the leaders of the ISIL (former name of the Islamic State group outlawed in Russia - TASS) admit that the militants are losing the war," the parliamentarian noted.

Stay alert

Despite the success, the Syrian army must remain vigilant, says Franz Klintsevich, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Defense and Security Committee. "In my opinion, there should be no chest-thumping mood. Otherwise, Palmyra could be lost again," he said, adding that Russian instructors will begin the relevant work in the Syrian army when the city is cleared of militants.
Klintsevich also noted that the United States and its allies will not share information on militants’ movement, while the Russian Aerospace Forces "are performing other tasks in Syria." "That means one should rely, first and foremost, on the relevant services of the Syrian troops, which have accumulated certain experience. In a word, one should stay alert."


  1. Lesson #1:

    Don't place the stabilizing legs of your weapon ON the sandbag.

    Place them on the ground below the sandbag.

    This way one doesn't expose oneself nearly so much.

    Quirk taught me this....a lesson he learned fighting Rommel in North Africa in II.

    He is, take note, still living. The ISIS fellow is not.

    Another observation: The English language is taking over the world. In addition to the Russian news readers, the signs on the highway in the desert were in Arabic AND English.

  2. Quirk, Bless him, had Seb Gorka pegged right all along:

    Unfit for duty: McMaster and Gorka


    Way to long to quote, but just wanted to point out that Quirk and Robert Spencer have been on the same page all along.

    I'd be happy to see McMaster and Gorka replaced with Quirk and Robert Spencer.

    I would sleep much more securely.

    Quirk, Counter-Terrorism Advisor to the President of the United States has a great ring to it.

    1. Way too long to quote but definitely worth the read.

    2. I'm beginning to wonder a little about Mad Dog too -

      Nutty Defense Secretary wants Islamists, Obama leftovers in senior posts
      March 3, 2017
      The vaunted Gen. Mad Dog Mattis has a taste for Obama leftovers and Islamist sympathizers as his DoD deputies. What's with this guy? More

  3. Wilbur Ross, Commerce Sec. on CNBC:

    Super impressive guy. Going after NAFTA first and the absurd non-compliance and non-retaliation policy on country of origin.

    China has per fetched that to an art form. US winning court rulings on it but neglecting to pursue the judgements.

  4. The concept of China being able to retaliate against the US when they have a $550 billion trade surplus, which if you add in the country of origin factor , probably takes them over $600 billion.

    They have no ability to retaliate.

  5. Ross also went into how the Mexican elite have been able to really hose Mexican workers on wages and a weak peso.

    He did not bring it up, but the Latin elite have also been able to shift the burden of their social costs to the US with their encouraging illegal immigration and then getting rewarded for it with remittances.

  6. Finally, we have hardcore business people running the country instead of academics and career political hacks.

  7. I also wish Trump would give the flight jacket to Goodwill.

  8. It just needs to be washed a few times.

    US jobless claims lowest since MARCH 1973. Must have been something OBAMA did.

    1. Seeing how you folk seem to think it is under presidential control it must be something Obama did as Trump has only been doing for a few weeks now.



    1. .

      Well, if the Russian FM said that about a situation involving Russian interference, I guess he's in a position to know the truth.


  10. Really nice pic of Schumer have coffee and donuts and laughing with Vlad on Drudge. I know what you're way, right?

  11. .

    25 Years in the Making - Now Promised Soon!!!

    TRUMPCARE 1.01

    Sure, for the last 25 years all the GOP has done is complain about the healthcare problems in this country but when asked what alternatives they suggest they offer us bupkes and beans. When pressed further, they've said 'We're working on it!' When pressed even further, they indicated 'We'll have a package soon.'

    Now 25 years later analyst are changing that 'soon' to 'Soon!!!'.

    Why the increased confidence?

    1. All through his campaign Trump assured us that he would repeal Obamacare as soon as he took office. He said that he had a secret plan for a healthcare replacement for the ACA that he would reveal after he took office, a plan that would be 'so good you won't believe it,' a really great plan that will provide universal coverage, much better coverage and much cheaper, way cheaper. It's a great, great plan.'

    He added, Obamacare is failing as we watch it. It is dying before our eyes. It's got to go. What a disaster.

    About a week ago, Trump, when asked about his Obamacare replacement plan, said that it is up to Congress now. They will be handling it. They will come up with an excellent plan and it will be great, really great. No one will lose coverage, it will be better, better quality and cheaper too.

    Trump indicated we should see the plan in March.

    Mitch McConnell echoed Trump saying we should have a new plan by August.

    Paul Ryan assured us we will have an ACA replacement 'sometime' later this year. We can't rush this thing. It's too important.

    Others in the GOP suggest we will have the Obamacare replacement early 2018.

    Now for the really good news...(And this is big.)

    1. The GOP 'must' be serious this time. What dolts would repeal the current healthcare plan putting millions in danger of losing their insurance when they didn't actually have their own replacement plan ready to go? I mean come on. No one could be so callous as to pull that kind of political stunt. I mean, heck, we've already waited 25 years, a few more months wouldn't hurt. No, one could be that dumb.



    1. {...}

      2. And although the GOP has whined about the fact that Obamacare was developed in haste and the GOP not given enough time to review the bill, Paul Ryan has the details of his plan stashed away under lock and key with access strictly limited, 'No Dems Allowed', also troublemakers like Rand Paul who has demanded release of the draft bill so the public can see it have been denied admittance to the inner sanctum.

      Those selected elites from the GOP caucus who are allowed to see these relics must leave all phones and writing material at the door. They are also provided hospital gowns and told to strip.

      Democrats in a 'Where's Waldo' move have been visiting different sites around the capital demanding to see the bill. This must be big.

      3. And this is the clincher that big changes are coming. The famed accounting duo, Brian Cullinan and Martha Ruiz, now barred from the Oscars, have been hired by the GOP to beef up security on the secret plan.

      Based on these facts, most (all but 1) analysts expect the new plan will be revealed Soon!!!, that it will be comprehensive, that it will be cheaper and provide better quality healthcare, and that it will be great, really great.

      The only troubling factor most of analysts pointed to was the fact that all the GOP players, Ryan, McConnell, Price at HHS, have all adopted a modified meme, 'Our plan is not really replacing Obamacare. Obamacare is already on life support. It is an ex-plan. So our plan should not be compared to what you had under Obamacare. This is a new plan replacing nothing.' This leaves many asking whether this is a CYA strategy.

      The one analyst who disagreed with the consensus stated...

      'This is going to be a clusterfuck of epic proportions. If it came out tomorrow, we wouldn't have a bill for Trump to sign this year. Ryan might be able to herd cats in the House but the Senate will be a different matter. Not to mention what Trump will think of it after all his promises.'

      I fear a malaise will envelope the land with weeping, despair, and the rending of clothes and gnashing of teeth followed by a great encompassing roar from the heartland as much of the country becomes irked.


    2. .

      And there it is folks, more criticism, no analysis, no counter arguments, no promises, no predictions, in a word, bupkes.


  12. Please, Q. My 3 word response was my criticism, my analysis and my counter argument. I do not make promises or predictions. You really should get off the floor out of that fetal position and calm down a bit. It's going to be a long 8 years. Pace yourself or you could find yourself sharing that safe place with Rufus and Teresita.

    1. .

      I've already put out feelers to Rufus and T asking them to let me know if any safe places open up. It appears it has becomes a sellers market in safe places since Trump won.

      As for your response, as I described it, it fits the current template here at the bar. That's definitely not the way it used to be. But be content, you are comfortably among the majority here.


  13. Replies
    1. .

      I suppose.

      At least, to those whose intellectual curiosity needs are met by a headline on Drudge.


  14. The problem is the herd of cats. It is 325,000,000 and counting.

  15. Like you said, Deuce, it's a political civil war. Might as well get used to it. The Democrats were embarrassed in the election (they were so confident!), the operatives are taking it personal and they will not give up. The flip side is Trump is becoming tone deaf to their attacks, as he should, and he will not give in. IMO

  16. MOME said:

    "complete bovine spittle."


    (I step over it.)

    1. .

      A question mark Doug?

      Surely, you recognize the call of the American Trumpette Loon, scientific name Trumpetti Ignoramus.

      I would have thought you would have been filled in on it when you were given the secret hand shake and your key-card to Trump World.



  17. "At least, to those whose intellectual curiosity needs are met by a headline on Drudge."

    Says the man who regularly exposes himself to Fake News Programming.

    1. He was quoting Weakly World News just the other day.

      You can't go any lower than that, limbo fans.

    2. .

      You are like Mome, Doug, a man who equates a '3 word' ad hominem to 'analysis and counter argument', a man who asserts he does not do predictions and then in the next sentence predicts Trump will be an 8 year president, a prediction that is problematic at best.

      You, and the rest of Tribe Trump, are like pre-pubescence children who respond to arguments with your stock response, 'I'm rubber your glue everything you say to me bounces back and sticks to you.'

      Cute in a 5 year old not so much in a septuagenarian.

      You keep talking about fake news. What and where are all these fake news stories you keep talking about.

      The fact that Trump says its all 'fake news' doesn't make it fake news. Remember this was the guy who told us he would have actually won the popular vote had it not been for those '3-5 million illegal votes'.


    3. Wow, my tail is tucked between my legs now! Man, that was a blistering. Ouch.

    4. And the name calling! The liberal meme.

    5. By the way, that wasn't a prediction it was just a taunt to get your adult diaper in a twist.

    6. .

      The truth can hurt some times, Mome.

      I believe the Trumpettes will realize that in the coming months.


  18. Former CIA agent credits Trump for her clemency in Italian rendition case

    A former CIA agent caught up in the legal fight in Europe over the US’ controversial “extraordinary rendition” program will not have to go to an Italian prison after all. Sabrina De Sousa received a commutation of her conviction and sentence from the president of Italy, hours away from extradition for imprisonment. The commutation reduced her conviction to a misdemeanor and her sentence to three years, making her eligible to serve a sentence of community service in Portugal.

    De Sousa’s case had dragged out for almost a decade, and she credited the change of administration for its surprisingly quick resolution — thanking Donald Trump, and castigating Barack Obama:

    Sabrina De Sousa @Sadiso
    @realDonaldTrump THANKYOU!! Your admin did more on my case in the last 30 days than was done in prior 8 years! #milanrendition #nowarrant.
    9:09 AM - 1 Mar 2017
    47 47 Retweets 67 67 likes

    A former American CIA agent released from prison in Portugal hours before her planned extradition to Italy is thanking President Donald Trump for what she describes as his administration’s intervention in her case....

  19. UPDATE: Health Officials Release Cellphone Radiation Fact Sheet...

    Don't Sleep Near Device, Only Carry in Pocket If Off....DRUDGE


  20. Iraqi Refugee ‘Family of Eight’ Gang-Rapes German Teacher on New Year’s Eve

    Eight asylum seekers from the same family have been found guilty of gang-raping a German tourist in Austria and jailed for between nine and 13 years.

    The Iraqi nationals had gone on trial in the Austrian capital, Vienna, accused of the New Year’s Eve 2015 attack on the 28-year-old teacher.

    Prosecutors had originally charged nine men with ‘abuse of a defenceless person and rape in a very humiliating and agonising way for the victim.’

    But the court on Thursday dismissed charges against one of the suspects. A court statement said that the victim has been awarded 25,000 euros in damages.

    All eight convicted men – who cannot be deported because Iraq is deemed too unsafe for them to return to launched immediate appeals against their sentences.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Did you know Quirk has found yet another new girl friend ?

      Her name is Dada Le Boeuf.

      She's from Paris, Idaho and her boom-boom is hotter than Panther/Big Creek Hot Springs.

      I'm keeping my eye on her as the newest member of Quirk's harem.

      She might be a trouble maker.

  22. White House blocks Mattis from appointing Obama’s ambassador to Egypt as Defense deputy

    Very odd, even more so than Mattis reportedly asking Michele Fluornoy to be his undersecretary at the Pentagon. (She turned him down, allegedly because implementing some of Trump’s policies would conflict with her “values.”) Fluornoy’s also an Obama alum but she’s a respected defense expert and was considered for Mattis’s position under Obama. Had Hillary won in November, Fluornoy would almost certainly be SecDef right now, the first woman ever to lead the department. Mattis might have reasonably concluded that the value of her expertise outweighed her political liabilities.

    But what’s the argument for appointing Anne Patterson? She’s a lifelong diplomat, not a defense specialist. And her diplomatic career is checkered in the eyes of Republicans who loathe how conciliatory the Obama White House was to the Muslim Brotherhood when Egyptians briefly handed power to the group. Patterson wasn’t just on duty during the Brotherhood’s rule; she was a de facto spin doctor for the regime during Egypt’s counterrevolution.

    The tip of the spear for U.S.-Egypt diplomacy, Patterson’s June 18 speech discouraging street protests has come to symbolize the administration’s inability to recognize the potency of Egypt’s liberal opposition. “Some say that street action will produce better results than elections,” Patterson said. “To be honest, my government and I are deeply skeptical.”…

    Patterson in particular resisted opportunities to criticize the Morsy government as it implemented increasingly authoritarian policies. In a memorable May interview with the Egyptian English-language news sit Ahram Online, she repeatedly dodged pointed questions about Morsy’s leadership. “The fact is they ran in a legitimate election and won,” she said…

    It didn’t help Patterson’s standing when she met with senior Brotherhood officials, the Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie and his deputy Khairat Al-Shater. For some liberal Egyptians, this was seen as nothing less than conspiring with the enemy. Now Egyptian protesters are carrying signs with the ambassador’s face crossed out.
    Mohammed Morsi, who became president when the Brotherhood won the 2011 elections, was deposed in July 2013; Patterson, who’d literally become the face of western support for the Islamists, was removed as ambassador less than two months later and moved into a new role as Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. She’d been appointed to ambassadorships by three different presidents before taking the Egypt job, proof that she’s no amateur, but diplomacy is her field, not defense — and even if Mattis was set on naming a diplomat to head the policy shop in the Pentagon, why would he choose someone with as much baggage as Patterson when he has various Republicans to choose from? (Various, but not unlimited. Remember, the Trump White House frowns on hiring people who were critical of him during the campaign.) The state of play from Politico:

    If nominated and confirmed [as undersecretary of defense for policy], Patterson would hold the fourth most powerful position at the Pentagon – and would effectively be the top civilian in the Defense Department, since both Mattis and his deputy, Robert Work, were military officers…

    1. “The biggest pushback [from the White House] is that she was ambassador to Egypt immediately before and after the Morsi presidency,” said a person familiar with the conversations. For Mattis’s part, he has “put her name forward and he doesn’t quite understand why people have an objection,” the person said…

      “General Mattis has made it known that Mad Dog’s personnel choices are his and not what we are told are in his opinion political hacks from the Trump team—even though they’re great people,” said a former Trump campaign aide. “It’s the world view of a four-star general.”

      Most D.C. Republicans will (privately) side with Mattis in a conflict with Trump on the theory that a four-star Marine who’s spent decades interacting with international players probably knows defense policy better than the newbie president. But not this time:

      Eliana Johnson ✔ @elianayjohnson
      Worth noting, GOPers on Hill are negative on this nomination, too, & confused by Mattis's staffing preferences (Flournoy, this). Want Repubs …
      5:58 PM - 2 Mar 2017
      154 154 Retweets 239 239 likes

      Politico doesn’t say why Mattis is willing to do battle with the White House over Patterson. My best guess is that they’ve worked together in the past, probably when Patterson in Egypt, and Mattis understandably might want people around him with whom he’s familiar. Patterson was ambassador from 2011 to 2013; Mattis became head of CENTCOM, whose “area of responsibility” includes Egypt, in 2010 and continued there until 2013. They overlapped, and Mattis may have come to appreciate her work for Obama — although why he feels that way, given how she went the extra yard to ingratiate herself to the Brotherhood, is unclear. Maybe he sees Patterson as having been a good soldier for her boss in a bad cause. It wasn’t Patterson setting Egypt policy, after all, it was O. Obama gave her a task and she did it zealously. Although, even if you buy that, why put her at Defense instead of at State, where Rex Tillerson also needs deputies and where Patterson would be a more natural fit?

      Doesn’t make much sense. But then, it also doesn’t make much sense that our Putin-friendly commander-in-chief would choose as his top White House deputy on Russian affairs an expert who’s famously anti-Putin. And yet here we are.

    2. .

      “General Mattis has made it known that Mad Dog’s personnel choices are his and not what we are told are in his opinion political hacks from the Trump team—even though they’re great people,” said a former Trump campaign aide.


      Kinda like complimenting someone with 'for a fat chick you don't sweat much.'


  23. .

    He was quoting Weakly World News just the other day.

    More faux news from ex-hick but still faux farmer, Bob.

    Now, I did put up headlines from Weekly World News but you surely can't be talking about that.

    Weekly World News stands head and shoulders above those sites you visit on a regular basis. It has enough self-awareness to recognize that what it is is a satirical tabloid similar to The Onion or Mad Magazine. Its readers recognize that fact and enjoy it as such. No one takes it or its message seriously.

    Compare that to your usual sources who actually take themselves seriously while offering the same type news.


    From WWN India: India: Sacred Cow Savagely Raped by 27 Men in Mumbai Subway

    No one with a brain would take this headline at face value; most, especially readers of WWN would read it as satire.

    Compare this to the stuff you put up here on a regular basis...

    Ex-hick Bob Source: Clintons under investigation for operating a child sex porn ring out of a NJ pizzeria

    The difference? There are plenty of Trumpettes out there who would accept this bull in a NY minute. The same applies to your usual reading list. They might also take those seriously.

    There is one overriding truism: When it comes to Trump and the Trumpettes, the nuts do not fall far from the tree.


    1. Where's Le Boeuf these days ?

      Is she back in Detroit, or is she still at Silver Crick Encampment with the bikers, revving up their Harleys so to speak ?

      You have utterly failed in establishing any male dominance over your women, Quirk-O.

      You miserable dick.

    2. At this point it's a real stretch to even call them your women.

    3. .

      Love em and leave em, Bob. It's the name of the game.


  24. I'm really getting tired of this shit:

    College professor in neck brace after violent mob assaults as she escorted conservative speaker....DRUDGE

    Godmomma Linda, godmother to my kids, just recently got assaulted by a female Black Lives Matter thug after she was leaving a concert with her new hubby, a lawyer.

    It's too far. If you knew Godmomma Linda you'd know she's the last person on earth anyone should be assaulting.

    She's spent her entire life working in hospitals treating everyone in the national tribe, and illegal immigrants too. She's a Nurse Anesthetist.

    It really pisses me off.

    1. This happened in North Carolina.

    2. If the MSM/Quirk review board deems it barely newsworthy, it's barely newsworthy.

    3. Quirk ought to keep his mind focused on its proper subject, Dada Le Boeuf, and give up politics.


  25. Flash !

    Sessions admits he discussed golf and grandchildren in his discussion with Russian Ambassador.

    1. Pelosi has said the very same thing about her chats with the Russian Ambassador, as well.

      The Russian Ambassador is a strong 'family friendly' type fellow.

      Very same story line from Chuckie Schumer.

    2. .

      Sessions admits he discussed golf and grandchildren in his discussion with Russian Ambassador.


      Gee, wasn't that what Clinton said of his airport conversation with Loretta Lynch?


  26. Flash!

    Trump takes three tries to spell ‘hereby’ right on Twitter 3:22 PM


  27. Does Quirk know who sponsored the shindig where Sessions first met the Russian Ambassador?

    1. I know that !

      It was Dada Le Boeuf, working at Quirk's direction.

      Quirk's could see the writing on the wall, could see Trump getting elected, knew of his liking for Sessions, and, thinking of himself, and his desire to break into 'the Moscow market', had Dada, very, very well known in D.C. circles, put the whole thing together.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. .

      Ok, Doug, you've put these same question up more than once. You wore me down.

      What the heck is your point?

      [And just to satisfy my curiosity, who were you directing those questions to? Heaven? The great beyond? The cosmos? Ex-hick Bob? Give us a clue.]


    President Trump calls for investigation into Schumer, Pelosi's Russian ties
    Adan Salazar | - MARCH 3, 2017

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. heh

      President Trump calls for investigation into Schumer, Pelosi's Russian ties

      A Special Persecutor is obviously warranted here.

    3. Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani has a nice ring to it. Let the games begin!.

  29. Trey Gowdy, for great theater, would do as well.

  30. Tweet:

    I hereby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it.
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 3, 2017


    2. .

      Childish. Typical Trump. He will never realize that the only way to get out of a hole is to first stop digging.

      I'm sure the Trumpettes got a chuckle but here is what Schumer tweeted back...

      "Happily talk re: my contact w Mr. Putin & his associates, took place in ’03 in full view of press & public under oath. Would you & your team?

      He later tweeted that the donuts were Krispy Kreme.

      Ari Fleischer suggested Trump would be better served by concentrating more on his economic plan rather than his gotcha tweets, "One of Donald Trump's greatest weaknesses is that he's such a good counterpuncher, he often hits himself,"

      So true. Trump's just wasted another day on this silliness.


    3. And you take Chuckie Schumer at his word ????

      What the hell is happening to you ????

      Think of it this way:

      Would you believe your own word ????

      Why of course not.

      Then why take Chuckie at his ?

    4. Pics of Chuckie and Pootie having Crispy Cream donuts in public and under oath (? - doesn't have the look of a hearing under oath to me) here:

      Also pics of Chuckie and Pooty yucking it up on the street, admittedly in public, but not so certain about under oath.

      Quirk, your noggin has turned into soupy warm Crispy Cream donuts.

    5. Krispy Kreme, sorry, not a city boy here.

      We make our own donuts.

    6. Chuckie, by the way, needs a dental implant.

      See: picture above of Chuckie munching Krispy Kreme donuts with Pooty in full view of the press, and public, and under oath.

    7. .

      And you take Chuckie Schumer at his word ????

      Please be specific.

      Are you saying you don't think Chuck Schumer would testify in public under oath as to the details of his conversation with Putin at that gas station opening in NY back in 2003?


      Are you saying you don't believe it was actually a Krispy Kreme donut they were eating.

      You need to focus, Bob. Your drifting.

      Let me try to pin it down for you paraphrasing an aide to Schumer.

      If Sen. Schumer had gone under oath at the Judiciary Committee and said they didn’t eat donuts, I could see this being a problem.

      The Trump tweet is a joke. (Not the funny kind, the other meaning.)


    8. I'm saying Chuckie needs a dental implant.

      Doesn't the Congressional Medical Plan take care of such things ?

      Surely it must cover dental.

      Or is he just a Big City hick that likes tooth gaps ?

      *Note: I don't like paraphrasing

    9. Particularly paraphrasing of some statement attributed to an unidentified 'aide'.

    10. BobFri Mar 03, 11:38:00 PM EST
      Chuckie, by the way, needs a dental implant.

    11. .

      Trump is a scam artist.

      Has been all his life apparently.

      He lacks the intelligence to learn from mistakes, his own or others.

      The No. 1 rule of crisis management is 'get out in front of the problem'.

      The No. 2 rule of crisis management is 'the cover up is usually worse than the crime.

      Trump watched Hillary do the exact opposite with regard to her e-mails and the private server. She denied, denied, denied; and she stonewalled, stonewalled, stonewalled. Every time something positive would happen in her campaign something new would surface with the server or the e-mails. It sapped all the juice out of her campaign. Instead of getting the problem addressed in the beginning it dogged her all through the campaign and fed into that 'crooked Hillary' meme.

      But did Trump learn anything from it. Of course not. When questions arose about the Russian hacks Trump denied the Russians were involved (I doubted it myself). But then as the investigation expanded, inevitable given the business contacts many on Trump's staff had with Russians, he decided the 'wise' thing to do was commit tweetercide.

      Instead of getting out in front of the problem and getting it resolved he stonewalled, he tweeted, and declared it was a conspiracy cooked up by Obama, the FBI, the intelligence agencies, the Dems, you name it. His surrogates picked up the talking point and ran with it.

      Instead of cutting his losses and working to get his nominees approved or working on his agenda, he spends all his time answering questions about this.

      No one has ever been prosecuted under the Logan Act. No one will be prosecuted under it in this instance. Sessions probably won't suffer for lying to Congress. But if convicted of it, there would tremendous pressure to dump him. He is after all the friggin AG. It's already forced him to recuse himself from the investigation. Although, since he was being investigated I don't see any way he could actually run the investigation of himself.

      And Trump is still tweeting, as noted above. Evidently, he is correct in assuming the Trumpettes would love it. Sure provided you boys with a few yucks.

      The fact that the Trump/Russia investigation is once again in all the papers and blogs, the fact that all the details are being highlighted, the fact it's another day wasted on a presidency that is already falling behind, the fact that other initiatives are being delayed, well, not as important as a few yucks.

      The man is a disaster. Get used to this kind of stuff.


    12. .

      Particularly paraphrasing of some statement attributed to an unidentified 'aide'.

      This from the guy brought us the 'Sex for Pizzas' story.

      But your high journalistic standards, the guys name was Matt House. And I surprise myself to find that through some fluke my memory wasn't all that bad. That paraphrase actually was what he said.


    13. "Sessions probably won't suffer for lying to Congress."

      ...because he didn't lie to Congress.


      Does Quirk know who sponsored the shindig where Sessions first met the Russian Ambassador in 2016?

    14. All left wing links for 2 pages when you Google that!

    15. Quirk quotes some W Bush Dork on how Trump should handle the press. if the Bush Admin was competent at it.

    16. .

      Does Quirk know who sponsored the shindig where Sessions first met the Russian Ambassador in 2016?

      Who gives a shit, Doug?

      Again, what's your point?

      Stop offering up questions top the ether and answer one.


    17. .

      ..because he didn't lie to Congress.

      Then why is he submitting an affidavit changing his testimony and answer on the Franken question in the congressional record?

      Try and keep up, Doug.



  31. The Obama appointee that supposedly could appoint a special prosecutor won't, because there are no criminal charges to file, there having been no crimes committed.

    1. A minor matter that has never stopped a determined persecution in the past.

  32. As Venezuela runs out of cash, Maduro continues to blame U.S. sabotage
    Mar 3, 2017 8:41 PM by John Sexton

    “Try to preserve food waste so that people who eat out of garbage cans can praise the Lord.”

    Quirk wouldn't believe this line of craparoo, but Ash just might.

    1. .


      Witnesses horrified watching Hampton man eat dead chicken out of a bucket.


  33. And thank you, Chuckie, and please please get your teeth fixed -


    March 3, 2017 / by Creeping Sharia:

    On Feb. 25, Schumer celebrated Hussain’s “rock star” welcome in a Facebook post…

    Source: Indian snowshoer charged with sexual abuse | News, Sports, Jobs – Adirondack Daily Enterprise

    SARANAC LAKE — Village police Wednesday arrested a snowshoe racer from India, whom the community wholeheartedly welcomed for this past weekend’s World Snowshoe Championships, after a local girl accused him of sexually abusing her.

    Tanveer Hussain, 24, of Kashmir, India, stands charged with first-degree sexual abuse, a felony, and endangering the welfare of a child, a misdemeanor. First-degree sexual abuse, according to New York law, means the perpetrator “subjects another person to sexual contact” without consent, in this case because the alleged victim is under age 13 and legally too young to give consent.

    Police Sgt. Casey Reardon said the girl and her parents reported the alleged abuse to police. It allegedly took place around 5 p.m. Monday at a location on Park Avenue in the town of St. Armand portion of the village, but Reardon didn’t give more specifics. He did not give the girl’s exact age or identity.

    After the complaint, Reardon said police located Hussain around noon today while he was walking down Bloomingdale Avenue.

    “We approached with him, and he came with us willingly and has been cooperative since,” Reardon said.

    Abid Khan, the other snowshoer who came here from Kashmir for the world championships, says Hussain told him he is innocent.

    Reardon, asked about Khan’s account, said police have enough evidence for probable cause.

    “We’re confident in our investigation and the results of it,” he said. “There were other witnesses. Social media was involved. There’s evidence that supports the charges.”

    Hussain and Khan were celebrities here at this weekend’s snowshoe events due to the effort it took to get them here. Three weeks ago, the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi denied their visa applications, reportedly thinking they might not return home due to a lack of “strong ties” to their home country. Village Mayor Clyde Rabideau, who had met them at last year’s championships in Italy and invited them to come here, reached out for help from New York’s U.S. senators, Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand. Seventh-graders from Saranac Lake Middle School wrote letters to the senators on the Indians’ behalf. As their plight drew media attention here and in their home country, the senators contacted the embassy, which let the men resubmit their visa applications — and approved them.

    1. The visa denial happened around the same time President Donald Trump issued an order barring travel into the U.S. from seven countries. India was not one of them, but many local people associated the two developments and went out of their way to welcome these Muslim foreigners.

      Saranac Lakers have poured out their hearts to these men since they arrived Thursday. Porcupine owner Fred Mazzeo offered them lodging free of charge and picked them up from the airport in Burlington, Vermont. Some restaurants offered them free meals. Rabideau started a crowdfunding campaign that raised more than $1,600 in seven days to cover some of their travel expenses. Hussain and Khan spoke to the middle schoolers Friday and showed them videos of Kashmir and its winter recreation. The pair got some of the biggest cheers of the night at Friday’s opening ceremonies.

      Mazzeo, reached by phone at his inn early Wednesday evening, said he had been in Plattsburgh all day and knew nothing of the arrest.

      “I’m shocked,” he said. “They couldn’t be nicer.”

      Told of the nature of the charges, he expressed even greater shock.

      Swinyer decided not to accept a plea because he wasn’t sure if Hussain fully understood the charges against him. He remanded him to the Essex County Jail in Lewis in lieu of $5,000 cash bail or $10,000 bond, less than the $10,000 cash and $20,000 recommended by the county district attorney’s office. A preliminary hearing on his case is scheduled for 1 p.m. Monday.

    2. Giving Quirk the ol' dose doble -

      Muslim who claimed visa denied by Trump ban, who Schumer got into US, arrested for sexual assault of 12-year-old girl

      MARCH 3, 2017 1:54 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER

      India was not among the seven countries named in Trump’s immigration ban, so Tanveer Hussain is lying to begin with. In any case, his arrest demonstrates the risks involved in the Democrats Let-Them-All-In-and-Anyone-Who-Demurs-Is-A-Racist-Islamophobe approach.

      The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.

      “Indian athlete who got high-level help for U.S. visa now accused of sexual assault,” by Annie Gowen, Washington Post, March 3, 2017:

      CHANDIGARH, India — It was a long journey for Indian snowshoe champion Tanveer Hussain and his team manager to the World Snowshoe Championships in Saranac Lake, N.Y., last weekend.

      The two men were initially denied visas to travel to the United States in the chaotic days following the Trump administration’s travel ban. The reasons for the rejections remain unclear — India is not among the seven countries named in Trump’s executive order — but after the intervention of Saranac Lake’s mayor and the office of Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi reversed its decision.

      Hussain and team manager Abid Khan arrived Feb. 23 in the bucolic Adirondacks town, which had been following their visa ordeal and extended them a hero’s welcome. Locals offered congratulations and free lodgings at an inn that in the snow looked like a “fairy tale scene from a movie,” Khan said in a Facebook post.

      The “fairy tale” was shattered Wednesday, when Hussain, 24, was arrested and charged with felony sexual abuse and child welfare endangerment, police said.

    3. The parents of the 12-year-old girl allegedly involved said the incident happened Monday, after the end of the three-day snowshoe competition, and reported it to local authorities.

      Chief Charles A. Potthast Jr. of the Saranac Lake Village police force said the girl was playing pool Monday afternoon with other young people at the inn where Hussain was staying.

      “There was a moment when the two were alone, and that’s when the incident occurred,” Potthast said. The girl told police there was a “passionate kiss” and that Hussain touched her in an intimate area on top of her clothing.

      Hussain remains jailed on $10,000 bond. Khan said the athlete told him he had done nothing wrong.

      Muddasir Mir, the president of the SnowShoe Federation of India, said the next court hearing is set for Monday.

      “It’s an unfortunate situation, both for the community there in the U.S. who supported us and the federation,” Mir said. “We have full faith in the American law and as there is a court proceeding going on, that is going to be my only comment.”

      Hussain hails from the Indian side of the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, which is predominantly Muslim. He placed in the top 50 at the World Snowshoe Championships last year in Italy, Mir said, though he failed to place in the top 100 this year.

      Hussain’s brother, Yunus Ali, said the family has not been able to speak to Hussain since his arrest.

      “In Kashmir, we have a tradition of showing love to children. We hug and kiss a child here, and our society doesn’t see it as a crime,” he said.

      Hussain and Khan claimed they were indirect victims of the U.S. travel ban when their first attempt to procure visas was turned down in late January, the first business day after Trump’s travel ban was put in place. Khan told the BBC that an employee at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi told them they were being rejected because of “ current policy.”…

    4. 12 years old.

      Thank you, Chuckie you turd.
