Friday, March 24, 2017

CroudStrike, DNC and the Russian Hack that Never Was?

Cybersecurity Firm That Attributed DNC Hacks to Russia May Have Fabricated Russia Hacking in Ukraine

The cyber security firm outsourced by the Democratic National Committee, CrowdStrike, reportedly misread data, falsely attributing a hacking in Ukraine to the Russians in December 2016. Voice of America, a US Government funded media outlet, reported, “the CrowdStrike report, released in December, asserted that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed separatists. But the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) told VOA that CrowdStrike erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion. IISS disavowed any connection to the CrowdStrike report.

Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has claimed combat losses and hacking never happened.” The maker of the military app allegedly hacked called CrowdStrike’s report “delusional,” and told VOA that CrowdStrike never contacted him either before or after they completed their report. VOA News noted Ukraine’s rebuttal to CrowdStrike received little media attention as CrowdStrike’s report was widely cited in media outlets throughout the United States as further evidence of Russia hacking the United States. Alperovitch, who gave several interviews on CrowdStrike’s initial report to the Washington Post and other media outlets, refused to comment on VOA News’ report.

The report sheds further skepticism on CrowdStrike’s findings and objectivity in their conclusions, which several cyber security experts and former CIA and NSA officials have cast doubt on, especially given that several media outlets reported in early January 2017 that the DNC never allowed the FBI to examine their servers themselves, rather the FBI relied on forensic data gathered by CrowdStrike.

The investigation methods used to come to the conclusion that the Russian Government led the hacks of the DNCClinton Campaign Chair John Podesta, and the DCCC were further called into question by a recent BuzzFeed report by Jason Leopold, who has developed a notable reputation from leading several non-partisan Freedom of Information Act lawsuits for investigative journalism purposes. On March 15 that the Department of Homeland Security released just two heavily redacted pages of unclassified information in response to an FOIA request for definitive evidence of Russian election interference allegations. 

Leopold wrote, “what the agency turned over to us and Ryan Shapiro, a PhD candidate at MIT and a research affiliate at Harvard University, is truly bizarre: a two-page intelligence assessment of the incident, dated Aug. 22, 2016, that contains information DHS culled from the internet. It’s all unclassified — yet DHS covered nearly everything in wide swaths of black ink. Why? Not because it would threaten national security, but because it would reveal the methods DHS uses to gather intelligence, methods that may amount to little more than using Google.”

In lieu of substantive evidence provided to the public that the alleged hacks which led to Wikileaks releases of DNC and Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta’s emails were orchestrated by the Russian Government, CrowdStrike’s bias has been cited as undependable in its own assessment, in addition to its skeptical methods and conclusions. The firm’s CTO and co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a think tank with openly anti-Russian sentiments that is funded by Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk, who also happened to donate at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.

In 2013, the Atlantic Council awarded Hillary Clinton it’s Distinguished International Leadership Award. In 2014, the Atlantic Council hosted one of several events with former Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who took over after pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in early 2014, who now lives in exile in Russia.

In August, Politico reported that Donald Trump’s favorable rhetoric to Russia was concerning Ukraine, who have been recovering from Russian interference in their own country’s revolution.  The article cited, “Russia wants Trump for U.S. 
president; Ukraine is terrified by Trump and prefers Hillary Clinton.” Trump recently appointed Atlantic Council Chairman Jon Huntsman as U.S. Ambassador to Russia, which Vox called a “baffling” choice, and Democrats and anti-Russian hysterics haven’t bothered to attempt to criticize, scrutinize or insinuate ties between Huntsman and Russia.

Cyber security expert Jeffrey Carr called the FBI/Department of Homeland Security Report, the only alleged evidence released by intelligence officials, released in late December 2016 a “fatally flawed effort” that provided no evidence to substantiate the claims that the Russian government conducted the hacks, though that’s what it was purported to do.

“If the White House had unclassified evidence that tied officials in the Russian government to the DNC attack, they would have presented it by now. The fact that they didn’t means either that the evidence doesn’t exist or that it is classified,” he wrote in a Medium post on December 30, 2016, while Obama was still in office. “If it’s classified, an independent commission should review it because this entire assignment of blame against the Russian government is looking more and more like a domestic political operation run by the White House that relied heavily on questionable intelligence generated by a for-profit cybersecurity firm with a vested interest in selling ‘attribution-as-a-service.'”



Think Tank: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data

An influential British think tank and Ukraine’s military are disputing a report that the U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has used to buttress its claims of Russian hacking in the presidential election.

The CrowdStrike report, released in December, asserted that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed separatists.

But the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) told VOA that CrowdStrike erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion. IISS disavowed any connection to the CrowdStrike report. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has claimed combat losses and hacking never happened.

A CrowdStrike spokesperson told VOA that it stands by its findings, which, they say, "have been confirmed by others in the cybersecurity community.”
The challenges to CrowdStrike’s credibility are significant because the firm was the first to link last year’s hacks of Democratic Party computers to Russian actors, and because CrowdStrike co-founder Dimiti Alperovitch has trumpeted its Ukraine report as more evidence of Russian election tampering.

Alperovitch has said that variants of the same software were used in both hacks.

FILE - CrowdStrike co-founder and CTO Dmitri Alperovitch speaks during the Reuters Media and Technology Summit in New York, June 11, 2012.


While questions about CrowdStrike’s findings don’t disprove allegations of Russian involvement, they do add to skepticism voiced by some cybersecurity experts and commentators about the quality of their technical evidence.

The Russian government has denied covert involvement in the election, but U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russian hacks were meant to discredit Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump’s campaign. An FBI and Homeland Security report also blamed Russian intelligence services.

On Monday, FBI Director James Comey confirmed at a House Intelligence Committee hearing that his agency has an ongoing investigation into the hacks of Democratic campaign computers and into contacts between Russian operatives and Trump campaign associates. The White House says there was no collusion with Russia, and other U.S. officials have said they’ve found no proof.
Signature malware
VOA News first reported in December that sources close to the Ukraine military and the artillery app’s creator questioned CrowdStrike’s finding that a Russian-linked group it named “Fancy Bear” had hacked the app. CrowdStrike said it found a variant of the same “X-Agent” malware used to attack the Democrats.

FBI Director James Comey, left, and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers during the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on Russian actions during the 2016 election campaign, March 20, 2017.


CrowdStrike said the hack allowed Ukraine’s enemies to locate its artillery units. As proof of its effectiveness, the report referenced publicly reported data in which IISS had sharply reduced its estimates of Ukrainian artillery assets. IISS, based in London, publishes a highly regarded, annual reference called “The Military Balance” that estimates the strength of world armed forces.

“Between July and August 2014, Russian-backed forces launched some of the most-decisive attacks against Ukrainian forces, resulting in significant loss of life, weaponry and territory,” CrowdStrike wrote in its report, explaining that the hack compromised an app used to aim Soviet-era D-30 howitzers.

“Ukrainian artillery forces have lost over 50% of their weapons in the two years of conflict and over 80% of D-30 howitzers, the highest percentage of loss of any other artillery pieces in Ukraine’s arsenal,” the report said, crediting a Russian bloggerwho had cited figures from IISS.

The report prompted skepticism in Ukraine.

Yaroslav Sherstyuk, maker of the Ukrainian military app in question, called the company’s report “delusional” in a Facebook post. CrowdStrike never contacted him before or after its report was published, he told VOA.

Pavlo Narozhnyy, a technical adviser to Ukraine’s military, told VOA that while it was theoretically possible the howitzer app could have been compromised, any infection would have been spotted. “I personally know hundreds of gunmen in the war zone,” Narozhnyy told VOA in December. “None of them told me of D-30 losses caused by hacking or any other reason.”

VOA first contacted IISS in February to verify the alleged artillery losses. Officials there initially were unaware of the CrowdStrike assertions. After investigating, they determined that CrowdStrike misinterpreted their data and hadn’t reached out beforehand for comment or clarification.

In a statement to VOA, the institute flatly rejected the assertion of artillery combat losses.

“The CrowdStrike report uses our data, but the inferences and analysis drawn from that data belong solely to the report's authors,” the IISS said. “The inference they make that reductions in Ukrainian D-30 artillery holdings between 2013 and 2016 were primarily the result of combat losses is not a conclusion that we have ever suggested ourselves, nor one we believe to be accurate.”

One of the IISS researchers who produced the data said that while the think tank had dramatically lowered its estimates of Ukrainian artillery assets and howitzers in 2013, it did so as part of a “reassessment” and reallocation of units to airborne forces.

"No, we have never attributed this reduction to combat losses," the IISS researcher said, explaining that most of the reallocation occurred prior to the two-year period that CrowdStrike cites in its report.

“The vast majority of the reduction actually occurs ... before Crimea/Donbass,” he added, referring to the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

‘Evidence flimsy'

In early January, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense issued a statement saying artillery losses from the ongoing fighting with separatists are “several times smaller than the number reported by [CrowdStrike] and are not associated with the specified cause” of Russian hacking.

But Ukraine’s denial did not get the same attention as CrowdStrike’s report. Its release was widely covered by news media reports as further evidence of Russian hacking in the U.S. election.

In interviews, Alperovitch helped foster that impression by connecting the Ukraine and Democratic campaign hacks, which CrowdStrike said involved the same Russian-linked hacking group—Fancy Bear—and versions of X-Agent malware the group was known to use.

“The fact that they would be tracking and helping the Russian military kill Ukrainian army personnel in eastern Ukraine and also intervening in the U.S. election is quite chilling,” Alperovitch said in a December 22 story by The Washington Post.

The same day, Alperovitch told the PBS NewsHour: “And when you think about, well, who would be interested in targeting Ukraine artillerymen in eastern Ukraine? Who has interest in hacking the Democratic Party? [The] Russia government comes to mind, but specifically, [it's the] Russian military that would have operational [control] over forces in the Ukraine and would target these artillerymen.”

Alperovitch, a Russian expatriate and senior fellow at the Atlantic Council policy research center in Washington, co-founded CrowdStrike in 2011. The firm has employed two former FBI heavyweights: Shawn Henry, who oversaw global cyber investigations at the agency, and Steven Chabinsky, who was the agency's top cyber lawyer and served on a White House cybersecurity commission. Chabinsky left CrowdStrike last year.

CrowdStrike declined to answer VOA’s written questions about the Ukraine report, and Alperovitch canceled a March 15 interview on the topic. In a December statement to VOA’s Ukrainian Service, spokeswoman Ilina Dimitrova defended the company’s conclusions.

“It is indisputable that the [Ukraine artillery] app has been hacked by Fancy Bear malware,” Dimitrova wrote. “We have published the indicators to it, and they have been confirmed by others in the cybersecurity community.”

In its report last June attributing the Democratic hacks, CrowdStrike said it was long familiar with the methods used by Fancy Bear and another group with ties to Russian intelligence nicknamed Cozy Bear. Soon after, U.S. cybersecurity firms Fidelis and Mandiant endorsed CrowdStrike’s conclusions. The FBI and Homeland Security report reached the same conclusion about the two groups.
Still, some cybersecurity experts are skeptical that the election and purported Ukraine hacks are connected. Among them is Jeffrey Carr, a cyberwarfare consultant who has lectured at the U.S. Army War College, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and other government agencies.

In a January post on LinkedIn, Carr called CrowdStrike’s evidence in the Ukraine “flimsy.” He told VOA in an interview that CrowdStrike mistakenly assumed that the X-Agent malware employed in the hacks was a reliable fingerprint for Russian actors.

“We now know that’s false,” he said, “and that the source code has been obtained by others outside of Russia."

This report was produced in collaboration with VOA's Ukrainian Service.


  1. The source of the DNC and FBI claim on Russian hacking is CroudStrike, the same firm that took access to the DNC servers, the same servers that were denied to the FBI by Clinton and the always reputable DNC.

    1. No problem for James Comey.

      Cloudstrike is highly respected.

      In ComeyWorld, crosschecked by the ever vigilant MSM.

  2. SOURCE: Voice of America


    An influential British think tank and Ukraine’s military are disputing a report that the U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has used to buttress its claims of Russian hacking in the presidential election.

    The CrowdStrike report, released in December, asserted that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed separatists.

    But the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) told VOA that CrowdStrike erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion. IISS disavowed any connection to the CrowdStrike report. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has claimed combat losses and hacking never happened.

    A CrowdStrike spokesperson told VOA that it stands by its findings, which, they say, "have been confirmed by others in the cybersecurity community.”

    The challenges to CrowdStrike’s credibility are significant because the firm was the first to link last year’s hacks of Democratic Party computers to Russian actors, and because CrowdStrike co-founder Dimiti Alperovitch has trumpeted its Ukraine report as more evidence of Russian election tampering.

  3. Understand what has been done here.

    1. ...allow me to help,

      The allegation – now accepted as incontrovertible fact by the “mainstream” media – that the Russian intelligence services hacked the Democratic National Committee (and John Podesta’s emails) in an effort to help Donald Trump get elected recently suffered a blow from which it may not recover.

    2. Crowdstrike is the cybersecurity company hired by the DNC to determine who hacked their accounts: it took them a single day to determine the identity of the culprits – it was, they said, two groups of hackers which they named “Fancy Bear” and “Cozy Bear,” affiliated respectively with the GRU, which is Russian military intelligence, and the FSB, the Russian security service.

  4. How did they know this?

    These alleged “hacker groups” are not associated with any known individuals in any way connected to Russian intelligence: instead, they are identified by the tools they use, the times they do their dirty work, the nature of the targets, and other characteristics based on the history of past intrusions.

    Yet as Jeffrey Carr and other cyberwarfare experts have pointed out, this methodology is fatally flawed. “It’s important to know that the process of attributing an attack by a cybersecurity company has nothing to do with the scientific method,” writes Carr:

    “Claims of attribution aren’t testable or repeatable because the hypothesis is never proven right or wrong. Neither are claims of attribution admissible in any criminal case, so those who make the claim don’t have to abide by any rules of evidence (i.e., hearsay, relevance, admissibility).”

    Likening attribution claims of hacking incidents by cybersecurity companies to intelligence assessments, Carr notes that, unlike government agencies such the CIA, these companies are never held to account for their misses:

    “When it comes to cybersecurity estimates of attribution, no one holds the company that makes the claim accountable because there’s no way to prove whether the assignment of attribution is true or false unless (1) there is a criminal conviction, (2) the hacker is caught in the act, or (3) a government employee leaked the evidence.”

    This lack of accountability may be changing, however, because Crowdstrike’s case for attributing the hacking of the DNC to the Russians is falling apart at the seams like a cheap sweater.



  5. Leopold wrote, “what the agency turned over to us and Ryan Shapiro, a PhD candidate at MIT and a research affiliate at Harvard University, is truly bizarre: a two-page intelligence assessment of the incident, dated Aug. 22, 2016, that contains information DHS culled from the internet.

    It’s all unclassified — yet DHS covered nearly everything in wide swaths of black ink.

    Not because it would threaten national security, but because it would reveal the methods DHS uses to gathr intelligence, methods that may amount to little more than using Google


    You can't make this shit up.

    ...Meanwhile, Comey's FBI is powered by Crowdstrike.

    And it took Cadre of Russian Computer Geniuses to Phish John Pederasta.

  6. “It’s important to know that the process of attributing an attack by a cybersecurity company has nothing to do with the scientific method,” writes Carr



  7. It's important to know that Quirk's work in political psychoanalysis and personality characteristics and interpretation has nothing to do with the scientific method either.

    I've always held that it is this very lack that makes Quirk's work so endearing and lastingly laughable.

    No one has yet been able to crack the Quirkian method, whatever it is, but 30, 40 years from now people will still be slapping their knees when reading the Quirkian opus.

  8. We've all suspected it from the very moment Ash first showed up, but now we have proof positive:


    Canada: Death knell for freedom of speech as House of Commons passes “anti-Islamophobia” motion
    By Robert Spencer on Mar 23, 2017 06:23 pm

    Canada: Death knell for freedom of speech as House of Commons passes “anti-Islamophobia” motion
    Imagine if a “right-wing extremist,” say, a white supremacist, had killed three people in London yesterday. Do you think Canada would have today passed a motion condemning a “phobia” of white supremacists? The supporters of the Canadian bill condemning “Islamophobia” insist that it will not restrict the freedom of speech, but interim Conservative Leader Rona […]
    Read in browser »

  9. Please explain to me again why big media companies should not be trust busted to pieces, with the pieces owned widely and ultimately accountable in ways not seen since the fifties. After all phony details with little or no foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports and dutifully reported by the info scabs.

  10. March 23, 2017
    House's Devin Nunes in Obama's 'Deep State' crosshairs
    By Monica Showalter

    Democrats and jealous losers like Senator John McCain have ganged up on House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes for telling the truth about President Trump's personal email being illegally spied upon and read by someone whose reach may have gone as far as President Obama. In fact, it might have been Obama himself.

    REPORTER: "Can you rule out the possibility that senior Obama Administration officials were involved in this?"
    NUNES: "No, I cannot."

    It's a disgusting specter because they were the ones who made such a stink about Trump's supposed involvement with the Russians and demanded that Nunes get "to the bottom of it." When Nunes accommodated them, they screeched like chickens and cried "fowl" because they didn't like the answer. They didn't like where the facts led.

    Now they are calling for Nunes's head. Bear in mind that Nunes has always been considered a straight shooter and never has had any ethical violations. He's hard-nosed on Russia's role, and he calls things the way he sees them. There is absolutely nothing they can pin on him objectively for doing his job. So all they have left is braying.

    Some are yelling that he disclosed "classified information" in revealing that Trump's emails were illegally spied upon. This is baloney. Crimes cannot be rendered unaccountable if there is evidence they have been committed outside the framework of what is allowed in classified information-gathering. If there's a crime, all bets are off, and right now, the trail for a crime is going straight to the White House.

    Who are the White House aides who may be behind it? Obama's "mind meld," NSC deputy adviser Ben Rhodes, whose name has cropped up more than once as the center of Deep State activity? Or could it be one of the other Obama administration holdouts and dead-enders?

    Whatever happens now, the GOP must come together to support Nunes. The Democrats asked for the truth about wiretapping and Russian hacking. Nunes just gave it to them.


  11. I wonder if Napolitano will end up suing Fox.

  12. The leading news story on Yahoo's website this morning is:

    British actress Emma Thompson turns down Trump offer for a date back in the 90s.

    Another feeble attempt by the LNM to deface Trump. How desperate can you get?

    1. I do realize this is important stuff to some people. Right up there with little girl scouts and someone named Mankreet Kooner not being able to come into the US because they fail to have the right credentials.

    2. Mankreet Kooner was a Canadian Citizen, born in Canada to parents who immigrated to Canada from India - hence the name you find so objectionable (says a lot about you MOME)

      The little girl scout issue, and the recent decision by the Toronto District School board stems from the possibility that a group of young girl scouts from Canada travelling to the United States might have a child in that group who has, say, Iranian lineage and who then could be barred from travelling across the border. They, also, adhere to the credo 'no one gets left behind'.

    3. Please Ash, your killing me. I don't find it objectionable, I find it funny. I also find it hilarious that you think you have to explain it to me. It's really simple: If you want to come for a visit, have the right credentials, if you don't go and get them. Also, get one of those apps that helps you determine the correct amount to tip while you are here. Smiley face, smiley face.

    4. I know you don't find it objectionable that arbitrary criteria is used to determine whether someone can enter the US. You would only object if the arbitrary criteria were applied to you such as if you or your child were denied acceptance to College because they were white.

    5. I'd be afraid to go to Canada now.

      I fear I might say something like:

      "Mooslims must be assholes. They insist women are only 1/2 a human being"

      and find myself in some dank Canadian Prison with Ash as Prison Warden.

  13. QUIRK: Repeating it won't make it true.

    Right back at you.

  14. Former SAS operator, Phil Campion, weighs in on the latest London attack:

    Unfortunately London is no stranger to trouble so it’s always with an air of expectancy that you travel into town. The IRA blew the place up and even attacked horses. Hitler bombed the city to bits and pieces. Guy Fawkes tried to blow parliament up and we still celebrate the event to this day and that happened in 1605. We have had “the great fire” “the Black Death” and “Jack the Ripper.” Londoners carry on regardless, they’ve seen it all before, FB profile pictures nowadays give a show of support and within the hour people crack on with their lives. It’s never “if it will” happen, it’s always been “when.” So when I heard the latest atrocity was taking place yesterday, my plans to go into town went on hold until later, I made sure everyone I know and care about was ok and knew to stay clear and went to the pictures to watch Kong instead.

    This latest plague in our great City will come and go as others have before. London is a cosmopolitan Town and has always attracted people from all over the globe. It holds its arms open wide and accepts diversity and rightly so. Anyone who can contribute and make the city a better place is more than welcome to come and stay as long as they like. But there are always those that cannot roll with the status quo, they have come here from the earth’s hell holes and can’t accept our hospitality, they want to strain the guts out of the town, they want to leave the place in the same condition as the squalid shitholes they ran away from to be here.

    As Brits, we will offer sanctuary to anyone who cannot, for reasons beyond their control, settle where they live. We take them in and look after them until it is safe for them to return to wherever they come from. Nowadays this has now been utterly abused and we find ourselves quite literally welcoming in our deepest enemies. Worse still, they keep coming uninvited from across Europe because they know that with such a soft touch at this end they will have little trouble in getting food, accommodation and handouts within seconds of touching down. IS cells have traveled across the world to settle in our cities and look for opportunities to spread their vile hatred and do harm to those who have no time for them. Worse still, there is now home-grown hatred spawned by exposure at first to these mongrels who travel here with no other reason other than to disrupt and destroy. But this is now complimented by the internet; world in which people can hide and preach their hatred from the confines of their own space. There they can hide away unnoticed while they spawn their hatred and nurture it into physical attack.

    1. Continued

      Our security services are good, they are all over the Jihadist scum which has shown its head. Even now there is reportedly over 500 operations underway which are targeting these individuals, the cost of which is estimated in the hundreds of millions. Everyday in numerous towns and cities across the UK, undercover police tail the most dangerous suspects. The present climate does not allow them to be lifted and deported, even if they have openly spoken out against the government. They can pretty much do as they please and regularly do. They hold rallies, block streets on Friday prayers and fly the colours of their despicable groups. They openly taunt policemen who are sent to calm down flash points. There are films all over YouTube of bearded and head shaved cleric types abusing our coppers with their heinous rhetoric and filming it.

      There are of course, far right movements who come up against these creatures and are instantly branded as racist thugs. There is an element of truth in some of that, but then again people are sick of these incidents happening here and this is harvesting hatred from some quarters. A soldier had his head cut off, a bus was ripped apart with innocent people on it, the tube has been blown up. Now a 4×4 has been used as a weapon to mow down innocent people and get to a policeman to try to carve him up with knives. He could not have thought for one second he was going to get into Parliament, so his choice of target has been purely for PR. It has worked to a certain extent, as his dying body is on the front of every front page across the globe. His pathetic, diminishing, cowardly bones laid out on stretcher, just inside the gates to most recognisable Parliament on the planet. There will of course be a backlash from the far right, who will brand all Muslims terrorists. This simply is not correct, as any sane person can understand this. That said, unless their own community starts openly standing up against the extreme element, as we must stand up against the far right, the fire will only rage stronger. Two wrongs do not make a right, we need to do something but brawling on the streets is not the answer. Bullying people on social media is not helping the situation. It makes it worse.

      Our borders have been breached and not for the first time. As an island we expect to have foreign objects here from time to time which need to be cleaned up. Our shores have been held firm from invaders from all over the globe. We will not succumb to a few upstarts who fancy their chances at bringing the system down. The establishment is far greater than any and all of these pathetic insects put together. They forget how the country has been developed over hundreds of years and has a history of bloodshed and fighting from the very start. They have missed the fact that we have the most advanced security service second to none. They have underestimated the resolute constitution of the normal and average man who dwells here. We will not bow to puny attempts to pull the rug from under our feet, we will grow stronger and although they may have small so-called victories in their own blinkered opinions; at the end of the day Britain is Great for reasons their small mindedness can’t even comprehend. We will ride the storm and overcome evil as did our forefathers, the country is not ours to lose, it is to be handed over to future generations. We will, with or without the help of our closest allies defy the darkest of foes.


    It no longer has free speech.

    You can't speak the truth or your conscience in Fascist Canada without worrying about legal repercussions to oneself.

    Free speech is one of the main pillars of a free society.

    Canada is a fascist country, not a free country.

    Boycott Canada, and Canadian products.

  16. .

    From the Party that Gave You the Patriot Act and now Complains of its Abuses

    More proof that the GOP's whining about privacy rights for American citizens is all political grandstanding. They could give a shit especially when it interferes with their real constituencies' making an extra buck...

    WASHINGTON — Republican senators moved Thursday to dismantle landmark internet privacy protections for consumers in the first decisive strike against telecommunications and technology regulations created during the Obama administration, and a harbinger of further deregulation.

    The measure passed in a 50-to-48 vote largely along party lines. The House is expected to mirror the Senate’s action next week, followed by a signature from President Trump.

    The move means Verizon, Comcast or AT&T can continue tracking and sharing people’s browsing and app activity without permission, and it alarmed consumer advocates and Democratic lawmakers. They warned that broadband providers have the widest look into Americans’ online habits, and that without the rules, the companies would have more power to collect data on people and sell sensitive information.

    “These were the strongest online privacy rules to date, and this vote is a huge step backwards in consumer protection writ large,” said Dallas Harris, a policy fellow for the consumer group Public Knowledge. “The rules asked that when things were sensitive, an internet service provider asked permission first before collecting. That’s not a lot to ask.”


  17. And if Quirk supports Canadian restrictions on free speech that makes Quirk a damnable fascist too.

  18. .

    Trump World: Alt-right Reality in an Alt-right Dimension

    Part 1: Donald Trump a Fascist? Oh yeah!

    Characteristic 2 of 14: The Rejection of Modernism

    [Author’s note: It was surprising to note that when the bar’s resident authority (in his own mind) of the various schools of philosophy noted the word ‘modernism’ among the 14 characteristics that Umberto Eco said described the various versions of fascism, the first thing that entered his mind was Twitter, a clear indication that the faux farmer has been Trumped. Eco points out that both the Nazis and the Fascists worshipped technology but it was an acceptance that belied their overall rejection of the Modernist ideal.]

    Modernism rose up in response to major changes occurring throughout the world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was an attempt to develop a new way of thinking moving forward after the Industrial Revolution and subsequently WWI. It rejected traditional bourgeois values, rejected the influence of religion, and emphasized the individual and liberal values. It emphasized that man was the center of things and he had the power to change the future. Especially in the West, it was socially progressive.

    Modernism, in general, includes the activities and creations of those who felt the traditional forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, philosophy, social organization, activities of daily life, and even the sciences, were becoming ill-fitted to their tasks and outdated in the new economic, social, and political environment of an emerging fully industrialized world. Wiki

    Traditionalism implies the rejection of modernism. Fascism viewed the ‘Age of Reason’ as the beginning of the depravity they saw in the modern world. It was for this reason Eco calls the Fascist philosophy irrationalism. Eco points out that this is not a rejection of modern technology, as much as of modern ideas and thinking.

    Trump denies the scientific consensus on climate change. He’s called it bunk and once said it was “created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” Recently, he said it could be a conspiracy dreamed up by scientists.

    While skepticism may be warranted, offering no proof that his view is the correct one, Trump has eschewed any reasonable attempts to try to moderate the effects of climate change and has instead made choices that can only aggravate the situation. He has cancelled fuel economy standards that even if they don’t help the environment help cut down on fuel usage which is of strategic value. He has said he will pull us out of the Paris Climate Accords. He’s pro-fracking and anti-environmental regulations that protect the ozone layer.

    Trump has also pushed the discredited link between vaccination and autism, and appointed advisers who favor cuts to both NASA and the National Institutes of Health, which funds critical biomedical research.

    His new budget cuts money for both scientific research and basic education.
    His VP, Mike Pence, says he has taken a wait-and-see attitude on evolution. Hopefully, he will evolve. In 2000, he said that “smoking doesn’t kill.,” He also opted to pray instead of immediately changing a law that would have stunted the spread of HIV.

    Trump has belittled the statistical abilities of CBO, BLS, and other government organizations.
    He takes debunked theories and studies and runs with them (i.e. 3 – 5 million illegal votes).

    So does Trump’s approach to government reflect the Eco definition of rejection of modernism?

    Yes, Trump meets the definition of Eco’s Characteristic #2 on fascism .


    1. .

      The next installment will be...

      Trump World: Alt-right Reality in an Alt-right Dimension

      Part 1: Donald Trump a Fascist? Oh yeah!

      Characteristic 3 of 14: The Cult of Action for Action’s Sake.


    2. Trump denies the scientific consensus on climate change

      Oooooo....fascist !


      It's actually becoming really sad to watch, Quirk becoming a total laughingstock.

      Quit, Quirk, please please QUIT.

    3. For the sake of God, for the sake of Heaven, QUIT.

    4. OOOOoooooo....this:

      The Cult of Action for Action’s Sake

      will be a goody.

      He is not even going to bed able to get his own Health Care Plan passed in the form he desires, if at all.


    5. Keep this up, soon I will be suggesting you move to Canada.

    6. .

      Trump denies the scientific consensus on climate change

      Oooooo....fascist !


      This from Professor Bob, High Philosopher of the EB, who thinks 'Modernism' can be defined in five letters, 'TWEET'. The guy who thinks Trump writing a book (or having it written for him) called The Art of the Deal in some mysterious way means Trump is not a fascist. Dime store philosophy from a dime store philosopher.

      In my initial post, I said the following...

      Bob has taken me to task for calling Donald Trump a fascist. However, I merely meant the term as objectively descriptive not as invective or pejorative. Let's try to keep this serious discussion dignified.

      I would hope you could keep your senses about you.

      If you deny the quotes or what was written about him so say. If you are just jabbering because you happen to agree with him don't waste my time. A lot of people agreed with Franco, Mussolini, and Hitler too. That doesn't change what they were.

      If you deny Trump's short record in office reflects at a minimum a distinct disinterest in science, research, and education let me know and we can argue. I concentrated on the science and technology part. I assumed Trump's rejection of progressive social trends would have been clear from the previous post I put up on The Cult of Tradition. If you need this one expanded let me know.

      There seems little doubt Trump meets the qualifications for Eco's definition of The Rejection of Modernism.


  19. Trump was right after all about the Obama administration wiretaps

  20. Congress is in complete chaos regarding The Iron Dictator's Health Care Bill.

    He can't control even the Republican party.

    Call it The Failure of the Will if you like.

    Fox is calling it 'a major setback'.

    1. Quirk should call it inaction for inaction's sake.

    2. It's all a part of The Fascist Dictator's Secret Plan.

      ho ho ho


    3. "Fox is calling it 'a major setback'."

      More like a major accomplishment.

  21. I never dreamed I'd live to see the day Quirk goes soooo goofy.

  22. Now Fox is using the term 'freaking out'.

    Here's the Drudge take -


    Fox just said the choo choo can't get out of the station.

    Some fascist dictator....

    Fascist dictators are famous for making the trains, at least, run on time.

    The Donald's Little Red Engine can't even get out of the station....

    1. Quirk at least can make his pie hole run on time.

    2. You'll learn what's in the plan if the motherfucker ever gets passed.

  23. Quirk - Fri Mar 24, 01:02:00 PM EDT

    "The move means Verizon, Comcast or AT&T can continue tracking and sharing people’s browsing and app activity without permission, and it alarmed consumer advocates and Democratic lawmakers. They warned that broadband providers have the widest look into Americans’ online habits, and that without the rules, the companies would have more power to collect data on people and sell sensitive information."

    Three liberal techies discuss this in the second half (I think) of this podcast.


    "The U.S. Senate is about to let ISPs sell your data to the highest bidder, but Europe's GDPR will fine anyone who uses your data without your consent $20 million."

    They all agree something between the two extremes would be better.


    1. "They warned that broadband providers have the widest look into Americans’ online habits"

      Everybody's worried about privacy on the 'net, but NOBODY has more intimate knowledge of your online activities than your friendly ISP.

  24. Trump made an ultimatum and his bluff was called.

    1. Profundity from the Ash Heap.

    2. .

      Some fascist dictator....

      You confuse propensities with abilities.

      Try and keep up, old timer.



  25. If Quirk gets every major MSM Talking Point into one thread, EB should bestow some kind of award.

    1. Award him the EB Dunce Throne.

    2. .

      To meet your definition of 'every major MSM Talking Point', I would first need to know every policy, opinion, fruit and vegetable, jock-itch cream, traffic law, animal breed, charity, chewing gum, non-white race, snuff, pina colada mix, brand of prunes, soft cereal, etc., etc. etc. you object to.

      In your mind the MSM is responsible for it all. Like Trump, you just can't accept responsibility for you own fuck ups. Got yo blame it on someone (something?).

      Must lead to a lot of frustration.


  26. Ryan to speak moments after pulling health-care bill

    Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) holds a news conference after House Republican leaders abruptly pulled a rewrite of the Affordable Care Act.

    1. Should go to Hollywood to play a Senior Class President.

    2. Ryan picks his nose too much on TV.

    3. On the other hand it does distract from his blah blah blah.

    4. When he occasionally gets out of self-advertisement mode, he's bearable.

    5. .

      Well, he better get ready to take the fall.

      You know Trump isn't about to accept any responsibility.


  27. Virginia judge upholds Trump’s temporary travel ban

    A federal judge in Virginia has sided with President Trump, ruling that his revised temporary travel ban appears lawful. Judge Anthony Trenga concluded Trump’s past statements about the ban were no longer sufficient evidence that the revised ban’s intent was religious discrimination. From CNN:

    “This court is no longer faced with a facially discriminatory order coupled with contemporaneous statements suggesting discriminatory intent,” Trenga explained. “And while the President and his advisers have continued to make statements following the issuance of EO-1 (the first executive order) that have characterized or anticipated the nature of EO-2 (the revised ban) the court cannot conclude for the purposes of the motion that these statements, together with the President’s past statements, have effectively disqualified him from exercising his lawful presidential authority.”…

    “The substantive revisions reflected in EO-2 have reduced the probative value of the President’s statements to the point that it is no longer likely that plaintiffs can succeed on their claim that the predominate purpose of EO-2 is to discriminate against Muslims based on their religion and that EO-2 is a pretext or a sham for that purpose,” Trenga added.
    The Associated Press describes the ruling as a “major victory” for the Trump administration and cites the reasoning of Judge Trenga that the decision is within Trump’s authority:

    The legal issue, Trenga wrote, is not to determine whether the executive order “is wise, necessary, under- or over-inclusive, or even fair.”

    The judge, a George W. Bush appointee, said his job is simply to determine whether the order “falls within the bounds of the President’s statutory authority or whether the President has exercised that authority in violation of constitutional restraints.”

    At this stage of the lawsuit, Trenga concluded, the plaintiffs have not demonstrated a likelihood to succeed on the merits.
    Two other judges, in Hawaii and Maryland, put a restraining order in place which prevents the executive order from going into effect while the underlying claim is being adjudicated. This ruling does not change that.

    Nevertheless, a spokesman for the Department of Justice released a statement to the Hill saying, “As the Court correctly explains, the President’s Executive Order falls well within his authority to safeguard the nation’s security.”

    1. Not if he says something mean about Muslims on TV.

  28. Comey & FBI Covered For Security Company CrowdStrike After Evidence Of DNC Corruption Found

    On Monday, March 20, FBI Director James Comey was to appear before a Senate hearing to answer allegations of election tampering by Russia. Instead of shedding light on any FBI investigation, or even activities on the part of the agency to prove what happened, Comey would continue to provide smoke screens to hide a DNC connection.

    The deception would come in the form of a company called CrowdStrike. Reports from this cyber security company would be held up as an example of proof of the Russian hackers. The problem is that this company had very recently been accused of using fake data.

    Even as CrowdStrike was dealing with the embarrassment of the false data issue, Comey would use them as the single definitive voice because they are a “…highly respected private company.”

    “Fancy Bear,” which is a code name for the type of malware, was allegedly used by Russian hackers to get to the DNC servers. The reason CrowdStrike was able to tie “Fancy Bear” to Russia was that it was also used to hack into an app used by the Ukrainian Army. This link would become the smoking gun that would prove Russia did hack the DNC servers. The specific type of malware would act like an electronic fingerprint.

    This is where the story starts to fall apart, in part because the Ukrainian incident did not happen. The evidence in the DNC case was based on faulty evidence. This was not something CrowdStrike gathered on their own; it was data that came from a propaganda website. Not only was the data not credible, but it was also reported by technology experts that the data used was not read correctly. Officials from the Ukraine also contend that these events were completely false.

    With CrowdStrike being called out for mishandling the start of the investigation, the story seems to get worse. It appears that there were a variety of flaws in their on-going efforts to find a link to the Trump campaign. Unfortunately, this fake news would be reported as if it were factual.

    The FBI had the opportunity to step in to investigate the allegations from the DNC. It would seem that if there was in fact hacking going on, the DNC would welcome the assistance. The FBI was not provided access to the servers that were “hacked.” They did not press the issue. Instead, they allowed the DNC to deny FBI access to the equipment.

    The FBI would then quietly bow out of the investigation and allow it to be spearheaded by CrowdStrike.

    What about all of the contact with the Clinton campaign and the Russians? Also, is it true that the DNC would not let the FBI in to look?

  29. Sorry, didn't give proper attribution:

    "What about all of the contact with the Clinton campaign and the Russians?

    Also, is it true that the DNC would not let the FBI in to look?"

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 20, 2017

  30. "FBI Director James Comey referred to Crowdstrike, the cybersecurity company working for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), as a "highly respected private company" during a Senate hearing on Monday.

    Crowdstrike released a report tying “Russian hacking” to an incident that never happened, the report later being debunked."


    Why should Comey continue to work for the FBI, much less lead it?

  31. When do fascist dictators admit they were wrong ?


    When the 'fascist dictator''s name is Donald J. Trump !

    Exit Test Question:

    Cite one example of a true European fascist dictator that ever admitted he was wrong, when, where, about what, etc.


    1. Extra Credit Bonus Question:

      Cite one example where Quirk has ever admitted he was wrong....

      (and I am NOT implying that Quirk has any fascist tendencies whatsoever....he does NOT!)

    2. (Quirk has difficulty setting his alarm clock....this is not a fascist characteristic)

  32. Fix Is In

    ...none of this behavior by the DNC, Crowdstrike, or James Comey fit the media’s narrative that somehow Donald Trump was connected to the Russians who had helped to throw him the election because… something.

    For the establishment, the technical details didn’t matter,
    Crowdstrike’s connection to the Democrats didn’t matter,
    their gross errors and misstatements didn’t matter,
    none of it mattered.

    The media pile-on of Donald Trump would continue after his inauguration and right through to this day.


    1. "The only question at this point is whether the House Republicans will do their duty to the American people to shed light on the story, or allow the members of the opposition party – Democrats and the media alike – to continue to spread disinformation."


      "or allow the members of the opposition party – Democrats, the media, and Quirk alike – to continue to spread disinformation."

    3. .

      Force of habit, Doug? What does the old Quirkster have to do with this?


  33. By Robert Costa, Mike DeBonis and Ed O'Keefe March 24 at 7:27 PM

    House Republican leaders abruptly pulled a rewrite of the nation’s health-care system from consideration on Friday, a dramatic defeat for President Trump and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) that leaves a major campaign promise unfilled and casts doubt on the Republican Party’s ability to govern.

    Costa and Quirk suffer multiple, simultaneous orgasms.

  34. "“As you know, I’ve been saying for years that the best thing is to let Obamacare explode and then go make a deal with the Democrats and have one unified deal. And they will come to us, we won’t have to come to them,” he said.

    “The beauty,” Trump continued, “is that they own Obamacare. So when it explodes they come to us and we make one beautiful deal for the people.”

    Trump said he had no problem waiting for Democrats to seek cooperation with Republicans on health-care.

    “I never said I was going to repeal and replace in the first 61 days,” he said.

    In fact, Trump said repeatedly as a candidate and before his inauguration that he would work to repeal the ACA on his first day in office. And congressional Republicans have spent the last seven years campaigning to undo the law."


    Yeah, but he never said he was going to repeal and replace in the first 61 days !


    1. .

      These guys have only had seven years to come up with some 'better' ideas.

      Give them some time. I'm thinking maybe 4 years.


  35. Imam calls for killing Jews in Montreal mosque sermon....DRUDGE

    But don't you dare criticize mooslims in Canada !

    It's illegal !

    1. Terror alert in Lille as 'gangster' gunman shoots
      three people outside a Metro station 'to settle scores' as the French
      city is put in lockdown by armed police just two days after London

  36. Turning off electronic devices seems to reduce their effectiveness:

    French Priest-Slayers Were Both on Terror Watch List

    Petitjean, the second assailant in Tuesday’s assault, was a known entity to law enforcement whose name was on the French terror watch list as an Islamic radical for attempting to travel to Syria via Turkey earlier this year.

    The other attacker was immediately identified as Adel Kermiche, also 19. Kermiche was under house arrest at the time and had been wearing an ankle bracelet, which was turned off on weekday mornings.

  37. BeanBrain:

    "Mr Bean has logged 1,671 hours and 45 minutes in space — 10 hours and 26 minutes of that were spent on the moon and in Earth’s orbit.
    His experiences in space have led Mr Bean to develop some interesting theories about the possibility of alien life.
    “I do not believe that anyone from outer space has ever visited the Earth,” Mr Bean told from his home in Houston, Texas.
    “One of reasons I don’t believe they have been here is that civilisations that are more advanced are more altruistic and friendly — like Earth, which is better than it used to be — so they would have landed and said ‘we come in peace and we know from our studies you have cancer that kills people, we solved that problem 50 years ago, here’s the gadget we put on a person’s chest that will cure it, we will show you how to make it’.

    “Just like some day, say 1000 years from now, when we can go to another star and see a planet, that’s what we would do because we will know how to cure cancer, cure birth defects, so we would teach them.”

    1. Healthy SOB:*&imgrc=Nh9pV2szqZGc6M:

  38. .

    Cite one example where Quirk has ever admitted he was wrong....

    I did it yesterday, dipshit. Doug corrected me on something I said and I admitted my mistake and apologized. It's what adults do. Something you girls wouldn't know anything about.

    You get proven wrong so you divert, you change the subject, you insult, you dissemble and lie like some 5 year old caught with their fingers in the cookie jar.

    You lack the self-confidence to admit the mistake and move on.

    You pitiful whiny little turd.


    1. Glad you left me out of this.

    2. Ah, Quirk's nose is out of joint.

      I love it when mockery drives him to his furious anger and he begins his name calling and swearing !

      University of Kentucky v UCLA up in a few minutes, folks.

      Might be a good one.

    3. Redeem yourself, Quirk.

      Admit The Donald doesn't show the classic signs of fascism, at least yet.

      Then watch the game and cool off, you pitiful whiny little shit.



    4. .

      Furious anger?

      Naw, it's what's called 'muscle memory'. I've reached the point where after calling you a "dolt" so many times, it is now automatic, don't even have to think about it, the words just flow.

      Note: Those are Trump quote marks around dolt.


  39. Kentucky by 10 or so.

    Wife happy.

    Her alma mater.

    They have a freshman named Fox that certainly has a future. Not sure about the pros but certainly has a college future ahead....

  40. .

    The same day Trump signs off on the Keystone pipeline, this news out of North Dakota...

    N. Dakota Oil Spill 3 Times Larger Than First Estimated

    BISMARCK, N.D. — A December oil pipeline spill in western North Dakota might have been three times larger than first estimated and among the biggest in state history, a state environmental expert said Friday.

    About 530,000 gallons of oil is now believed to have spilled from the Belle Fourche Pipeline that was likely ruptured by a slumping hillside about 16 miles northwest of Belfield in Billings County, Health Department environmental scientist Bill Seuss said. The earlier estimate was about 176,000 gallons.
    No decision has been made on any fines against Wyoming-based True Cos., which operates the pipeline.

    The company says it is committed to cleaning up the spill and that the job is about 80 percent done.
    "There's no timeline for completion, spokeswoman Wendy Owen said. "We will be there until it is" done..


  41. Two teens shot a girl in the head because she kept sending them Snapchats, prosecutors say

    1. According to prosecutors, her friend, who is not being identified by media outlets because he is a juvenile, did it as part of a premeditated plot to “get rid of” Turner, per the Deseret News. The teen later told investigators that he conceived the plan because “I just didn't want anything to do with Snapchatting her anymore,” per the Associated Press.

      The (Logan) Herald Journal reported that the two first met at a party, and that in addition to sending him messages through the popular Snapchat app, she also texted him more than he liked.

      While playing video games one night, Turner’s friend told another boy about his frustration.

      “Well, you’ve got a 6-inch blade, why don’t you do it yourself,” his friend told him, according to testimony reported by the Associated Press.

      But while the first teen initially thought of the comment as a “crude joke,” according to testimony from investigators, the two later began to form a plan in which they would lure Turner to a secluded area and slit her throat, per the Salt Lake Tribune. However, the alleged shooter told investigators that neither believed they could go through with it.

      Instead, they brought a gun and waited until Turner was walking away to shoot her in the back of the head.

      “He said that it was the most merciful way when he talked about her not having any idea she was about to be shot,” one of the detectives told the court, per the Herald Journal.

      The two boys then stole Turner’s phone, iPod and $55 from her purse. The alleged shooter also took the shell casing from the single bullet he shot as a “memento,” according to police.

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