Monday, February 20, 2017

Who is General McMaster? Best to Look at Colonel H.R. McMaster



  1. Seb Gorka says he is over the moon with the news about McMasster.

    This will be toxic news to Quirk....

    It will touch him off to another round of spasmodic rumbling....

    1. and spasmodic mumbling too

      along with some bumbling

      ending in his usual chaotic crumbling

    2. .


      Sounds like a closet Mooslim.


  2. He is a very smart guy. I found it particularly interesting in his assessment that technology is the easiest transferable advantage to an enemy.

    Our Chinese trade deals were the most idiotic in history. Combine the profit that the Chinese made with their outrageous surpluses and the unbelievable amount of military technology they ripped off and you understand what he is talking about.

  3. Trump should get kudos for this choice. He won't.

  4. He's a smart 3 star general with a bronze and silver star. One doesn't get those from being a REMF. Deuce likes him because he's a PA guy!

  5. For Doug -

    Photography Captures the Heart of a Mother Lion
    1. INJURED

    Shortly after seeing the pride of lions, the group of tourists heard an alarming cry from an injured bat-eared fox. Upon further investigation, it appears another lion had captured the fox and injured its pelvis in the process. While the little fox was trying to stand, the lion was dragging it by the hindquarters. Although this sounds alarming, the fox did get a few bites in, but it seemed like it was all but over for the poor fox.

    mother lion 1


  6. I like him because he exposed the lying son of a bitch Lyndon Johnson.

    1. I'll say another thing for him, he's iconoclastic, just like his new boss.

    2. .

      I thought it sounded Scottish.


  7. “I just wanted to announce we’ve been working all weekend very diligently, very hard, that Gen. H.R. McMaster will become the national security adviser,” Mr. Trump said at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. “He’s a man of tremendous talent and tremendous experience.


    After the counterinsurgency attack in September 2005, the U.S. military trained a new policy force and McMaster was able to bring together religious leaders who hadn’t spoken in months.

    In 2008, McMaster was interviewed by Charlie Rose about the Iraq war and his experience clearing Tal Afar of al Qaeda.

  8. .

    Milo Yiannopoulos had his book contract cancelled and was disinvited from speaking at CPAC due comments excusing pedophilia.

    Understandable. But the real question is why would CPAC invite the jerk to speak in the first place?


    1. Milo says his comments were misconstrued and he hates boy buggery.

    2. Maybe he's a taqiyya talkin' crypto creepy muzzie too, the SOB.

      Supposedly he's half Jewish/half Greek but I'm not sold on any of that.

    3. You just can't tell about people these days.

    4. That's the truth.

      Wow did I ever fall for a line of crap.

    5. Now I deny I ever met that man.

    6. .

      Guy Benson a gay radio host said Y seems to have been “designed in a laboratory in order to perpetuate some of the ugliest stereotypes about gays and conservatives.”


    7. Y Explains....DRUDGE

    8. Doesn't confirm or deny he was designed in a laboratory.

    9. .

      Y Explains....DRUDGE

      Might have been convincing had one not read his comment.


  9. ohn HawksFollow
    Paleoanthropologist. I study human evolution and work to understand the fossil and genetic evidence of our hominin ancestors.
    Feb 19
    How mammoth cloning became fake news
    George Church, artificial wombs, elephant embryos, and a gullible science media

    Photo credit: Emanuele CC-BY-SA

    According to the Guardian, New Scientist, and many other press outlets, the Harvard geneticist George Church announced last week that he is going to produce elephant embryos with woolly mammoth genes within two years.
    Media outlets this week have run more than 60 stories about Church’s press announcement, with breathless headlines, like “Woolly mammoths ‘to walk the earth again in TWO YEARS’ after massive breakthrough”, or “Woolly Mammoth Could Be ‘De-Extinct’ In 2 Years, Scientist Says”.

    Now Church is a smart biologist. He knows that neither he nor anybody else is going to make a live woolly mammoth in two years. His interviews with the press, like the one reported by New Scientist, seem to have included lots of caveats admitting that the whole project falls short of “Jurassic World”-level science. Most media outlets ignored those caveats, and ran with clickbait headlines anyway.

    Is this just another case of the media sensationalizing what is otherwise a good science story? Five reasons convince me that this week’s mammoth cloning story is beyond sensationalism, it is fake news. Looking at how this story went wrong says some depressing things about the state of today’s media coverage of science.
    Results ALWAYS seem to be two years away....

  10. I think I like both Mad Dog and McMaster, all while knowing almost nothing about either.

    1. .

      They both look pretty good to me though I'm in the same boat as you (well, not literally, figured I better make that clear, that would be silly as I've been assured Idaho is the driest state in the nation and actually gets precipitation just barely north of that in Death Valley) and from what they (the MSM) say he looks like he will tell Trump what he thinks (he being McMaster, not Trump as that would be a bit presumptuous) but I am wondering whether either will have much of a voice in the decision making process or will they continue to be made on a political basis by the Troika.


    2. .

      ...or will they (decisions) be made on a political basis...


    3. By Troika, I assume you mean Ivanka, Bannon and The Donald ?

    4. Or do you have any idea to whom you refer ?

    5. .

      Bannon, Miller, and Trump

      Ivanka has some influence but her sales have been down lately and she's kind of on the outs.


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Miller's just a hired mouth.

      Ivanka's got the inside influence.

    8. If he'd drop Bannon and just go with Ivanka and her hubby I'd be pleased.

      You'd still have a Troika.

    9. .

      And if wishes were fishes we'd all be fed.


  11. Something called says Ivanka's fragrance is no. 1 on Amazon. Sales sky rocketed after the Nordstrom tempest in a teapot.

  12. Former Obama national security adviser Susan E. Rice on Monday urged her new counterpart in the Trump White House, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, to get rid of a national security wing led by presidential strategist Stephen Bannon.

    “Hope you will be able to choose your team, have direct reporting and daily access to POTUS, and can eliminate Strategic Initiatives Group,” Ms. Rice wrote in a congratulatory note to Lt. Gen. McMaster on Twitter.

  13. Better than Marie Osmond -

    Venezuelans lose 19 lbs in year due to lack of food....DRUDGE

    Who needs NutriSystem ?

    1. Better than Jennie Craig too.

      She only promises a 17 pound weight lose.

  14. South Korea's spy agency has claimed Kim Jong-un issued a "standing order" five years ago to have him executed.

    Hwang Kyo-ahn, the acting president of South Korea, on Monday called the assassination "an intolerable crime against humanity and a terrorist act."

    He urged the world to hold North Korea, an isolated nation under global sanctions, to account for the killing and ordered his government to strengthen precautions against attacks against South Koreans.

  15. Even a Stopped Clock:

    "Pope Francis urged students last week to put away their cellphones at meal time, the latest in his lessons against letting technology drive people away from human interactions.

    “When we’re at the table, when we are speaking to others on our telephones, it’s the start of war because there is no dialogue,” Pope Francis told students at Roma Tre in Rome, according to the New York Post and People.

    1. ?

      Crazy old coot.

      when we are speaking to others on our telephones, it’s the start of war because there is no dialogue


      What if one is calling the Russian Ambassador during dinner ?

      What if one is politely asking him to please turn the Russian bombers away for they are getting too close ?

      Nothing Frank says ever makes any sense.

      Just the other day he was telling us that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism.

    2. A Sundial is never wrong, except at night, or when it's really cloudy.

    3. He turned Milo onto sex.

      Understandable enough.

      One has to turn somewhere, if Frank's the only option.

      Still, he should be defrocked.

  16. Deadly Dumpster Dive

  17. Salon Removes Controversial Pedophilia Articles From Website

    The ultra-liberal website, Salon, has begun to remove articles from their website that attempted to justify pedophilia. Yes, you read that correctly, Salon published content normalizing Pedophilia.

    It all began in September last year with the article “I’m a pedophile, but not a monster,” which featured self-identified pedophile Todd Nickerson of the website “Virtuous Pedophiles” classify his sexual disorder as a “sexual identity” that needs to be met with some kind of compassion. Though neither Nickerson nor Salon advocates that pedophiles should be allowed to act on their urges, they do feel they should be allowed to be open about their identities without facing repercussions or be ostracized, as if people would be wrong to shield their children from ever being in their presence.

    In a new video released Tuesday, Salon featured Nickerson talking openly about the nature of his sexual disorder, which he classifies as an orientation, and how he manages to resist the urge to molest children.

    According to Nickerson, at age 18, he babysat a five-year old girl and fell in love with her, and since he never wanted to act on his urges, he chose to privately “relieve” himself instead. Thankfully, he has never molested a child his whole life and doesn’t wish to. Instead, Nickerson wants to foster a new attitude in society that allows pedophiles to openly identify as such so they won’t be forced underground.

    Salon has since removed the article from it’s website but unfortunately for Salon internet archives exist that will allow truth seekers to see the filth that was promoted by Salon when they decided to publish the article.

    The URL to read the article:

    New ambassador makes clear change has arrived.

    February 21, 2017 Joseph Klein

    The Trump administration’s U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has hit the ground running. She spoke truth to power by strongly calling out the United Nations for its anti-Israel bias and double standards. Her predecessor, Samantha Power, never came close.

    After attending her first regular meeting of the UN Security Council devoted to the Middle East, including the Palestinian-Israeli situation, Ambassador Haley remarked to reporters, “The first thing I want to do is talk about what we just saw in there.” Calling the meeting “a bit strange,” Ambassador Haley noted how the focus of blame for everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East seemed to be placed almost entirely on Israel.

    “The discussion was not about Hezbollah’s illegal build-up of rockets in Lebanon,” Ambassador Haley said. “It was not about the money and weapons Iran provides to terrorists. It was not about how we defeat ISIS. It was not about how we hold Bashar al-Assad accountable for the slaughter of hundreds and thousands of civilians. No, instead, the meeting focused on criticizing Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East. I am new around here, but I understand that’s how the Council has operated, month after month, for decades. I am here to underscore the ironclad support of the United States for Israel. I’m here to emphasize the United States is determined to stand up to the UN’s anti-Israel bias.”

    Ambassador Haley was speaking against the backdrop of the anti-Israel Security Council Resolution 2334 passed last December, which the Obama administration refused to veto. “We will never repeat the terrible mistake of Resolution 2334 and allow one-sided Security Council resolutions to condemn Israel,” Ambassador Haley declared. “The outrageously biased resolutions from the Security Council and the General Assembly only make peace harder to attain by discouraging one of the parties from going to the negotiating table.”

    How refreshing it is to hear such sincere words of support for Israel after eight years of Israel-bashing by the Obama administration. Former Ambassador Power had hypocritically mouthed some formulaic acknowledgements of bias against Israel in the Security Council and other UN forums, but while contributing strongly to that bias herself....

  19. New term added to the discussion of 'refugees' in Sweden:


    1. Swedish MP’s demand billions for police amid growing crisis
      By Pamela Geller - on February 20, 2017

      Here is the grim reality in Sweden to which Trump was referring:

      “SWEDEN ON EDGE: Now MPs DEMAND billion pound investment into police amid growing crisis,” by Lizzie Stromme, Express, February 5, 2017:

      SWEDEN’S Prime Minister was brutalised in Parliament for allowing Sweden to crumble into a lawless state.

      Right-wing politicians tore into Stefan Löfven earlier this week as they said more recourse and police were needed now as officers are losing the uphill battle secure law and order across the nation.

      The Sweden Democrats (SD) and Moderate Party (MP) also lambasted the Swedish PM for the crisis within the police force.

      Hitting back at the criticisms, Mr Löfven said his Government wanted to invest more money into the police as well grant recourses to combat the causes of crime.

      Dissatisfied with the reply, MP leader Anna Kinberg Batra demanded the billion pound investment should be included in the spring budget – adding that anything else was just empty promises.

      Mattias Karlsson SD took an even harsher approach to the continued problems within the country, which as been plagued with violent crimes, sex attacks and car fires, as he also insisted Police Commissioner Dan Eliassons should step down from the top role.

      He said: “Right now we have a police commissioner who expresses greater sympathy with murderers than with the murder victim.

      “So I wonder: how bad results does a Social Democratic police commissioner have to deliver to lose an SD-Government’s confidence?”

      Mr Eliassons sparked widespread fury last year after he went on national television and expressed sympathy for a migrant who murdered asylum worker Alexandra Mezher.

      After the 22-year-old’s horrific death, the head of the Swedish police force said the arrested youth may have been traumatised by “horrors” he has witnessed.

      A number of people demanded the police chief’s resignation after the TV appearance, including Kent Ekeroth, a member of parliament for the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats, who tweeted: “This is where Dan Eliasson feels sorry for the guy who knife murdered the woman at the asylum home – resign!”…

      In February 2016, the National Criminal Investigation Service was forced to admit more than 50 areas in were now labelled as “no-go zones” as sex crimes, attacks on police, drug dealing and children carrying weapons were common occurrences.

      Malmo, Sweden’s third-largest city, has been so hard hit by crime and car fires, the Social Democrats demanded soldiers should be sent in to reestablish law and order.

      Speaking to Expressen, Mr Olsson also said there was a great lack of police officers in Sweden, which means officers could benefit from the armed forces’ resources.

      He said: “There is a great lack of police officers in Sweden and Malmö. For this reason, it is perhaps time to let the military and police to stand together to reestablish order in the country.”


    2. Pam Geller:


      No truth.


      - Twirk


    Call A Random Swede? We Tried It Out

    April 7, 20167:59 PM ET

    The Swedish Number project was launched to connect people from different countries and foster a curiosity about Sweden.

    The Swedish Number/Screen shot by NPR

    Sweden got its own phone number and invited the world to call.

    As a way to "spark people's curiosity about Sweden" and foster communication between people from different countries, Sweden's tourism association launched "The Swedish Number," a project that connects anyone in the world with a phone to a random Swede. Swedes participate by downloading an app that patches the calls through to them.

    The premise is simple: 1) Call Sweden's phone number — keep in mind it's international; 2) Chat with a Swede about anything you want — suggested topics include meatballs, darkness and feminism....

    1. Call A Random Swede Number:

      +46 771 793 336

      Use Global Reach International Calling Cards

      Best Calling Prices In The World

    2. Press 1 for Swedish

      Press 2 for Arabic

      Press 3 for English

  21. "Q"Nit of the Day: Detroit, Michigan

    Detroit: Nation of Islam members scream “Allahu akbar” as Farrakhan takes stage, denounces Jews


    “I want to disabuse the Jews today of the false claim that you are the chosen of God — that Israel or Palestine belongs to you. I want to disabuse you of that. I’m going to tell you about your future. You that think you have power to frighten and dominate the peoples of the world. I’m here to announce the end of your time.”

    The man introducing Farrakhan said that “Allahu akbar” meant “God is greatest.” It doesn’t, actually. The actual meaning is “Allah is greater,” meaning Allah Is Greater Than Your God.

    The Nation of Islam does not subscribe to orthodox Islam, which does not blame “the world’s ills on white people,” but its Jew-hatred is certainly mainstream Islam, and it is often in the U.S. a way station: men convert to it and then pass from it into orthodox Sunni groups, and even then turn to jihad. Remember John Muhammad, the Beltway Sniper.

    (Video thanks to Brother Jesse).

    “Thousands chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ for Farrakhan in Detroit,” by Kyle Olson, American Mirror, February 20, 2017:

    The Nation of Islam had its annual gathering in Detroit over the weekend and thousands of attendees chanted “Allahu Akbar” as Louis Farrakhan made his way onto the stage.

    During his appearance at Joe Louis Arena, Farrakhan denounced Jews and told them they are not God’s “chosen” people.

    “I want to disabuse the Jews today of the false claim that you are the chosen of God — that Israel or Palestine belongs to you,” he said.

    “I want to disabuse you of that. I’m going to tell you about your future. You that think you have power to frighten and dominate the peoples of the world. I’m here to announce the end of your time,” Farrakhan said, slamming his hand on the podium.

    He blamed the world’s ills on white people.

    “For 6,000 years, the people of the earth have suffered under a mischief-making rule. Bloodshed and war, hatred and strife, all because a man with a new color — or the lack thereof — thought that he was better than all of those who inhabited the earth before he was even a thought,” Farrakhan said.

    “But I am here to announce today the end of his world and the beginning of a brand new reality that all human beings will enjoy peace, freedom justice and equality under the rule of Allah.”…

  22. Twirk:


    Crazy Ass


  23. nice website thanks for sharing Hindbiz
