Sunday, February 05, 2017

Solidarity and Democracy Depend on the Nation State - This is Make or Break Time

Mark Blyth--"Liberalisms' great trick has been to naturalize very difficult political contests."



  1. I have a feeling the civil war begins at half time.

  2. At least one Berkeley professor believes the so-called alt-right may have instigated the violence.

    "I was there for part of last night and I know what I saw. Those people were not Berkeley students," former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich told CNN's Don Lemon, reiterating the statement issued by the university regarding the incident. "Those people were outsiders, agitators. I’ve never seen them before. There’s rumors that they actually were right-wingers. They were a part of a group that were organized and ready to create the kind of tumult and danger you saw that forced the police to cancel the event."

  3. "...They were a part of a group that were organized and ready to create the kind of tumult and danger you saw that forced the police to cancel the event."

    Yeah, that's the ticket! Anything we can dream up to deflect the blame onto somebody else.
    There is also a rumor that leftists have brains.

    1. Katrin Wehrheim, associate professor of mathematics, thanks everyone “for coming out — in person or spirit!” then reports on the progress of the rioters and protesters from the Berkeley campus to the city streets: “A mostly cheerful and peaceful crowd moved down Telegraph . . . yes, some trash cans were tipped out . . . and, yes, some Bloc members did attack large corporation buildings.”

      Read more at:

  4. Soros Sedition Troopers

    George ought to spend some time in the can.

  5. Milo To Return To Berkeley

  6. Electing Trump is kind of like shooting yourself in the foot. In just casual conversations I've noticed a distinct rise in anti-americanism. On Friday I asked an acquaintance whether they were going to Florida again this year. The answer was NO, and they were deliberately avoiding the purchase of any American products.

    Then there is thus from Germany

    What are you seeing in Australia Sam?

    1. I lived in Germany for two years. They never loved the US. I lived in the England for three years. Many couldn't stand the yanks.

      None of the Canadian expats in costa Rica liked the gringoes. i spent a year in Mississippi. the girls like me, the guys not so much.

      Who gives a crap?

      When it comes to politics, there are about 49% of the US population that I don't like either.

      Let's grow up and quit yammering that we are a divided country, boo fucking hoo. It is more American to dislike people than not. Nothing new there.

  7. In formal blog conversations I've noticed a distinct rise in smirky half-assed Canadian expressions of their faux superiority, to such an extent that it makes me feel USA ought to quit defending the sniveling A-holes.

    1. Let the turds take on China and Russia by themselves.

  8. Ash. Don't ask Floridians if the enjoy the invasion of rude Canadians to their state in Feb/March. You won't like the answer.

  9. Ash will need one of those cute ol' Hunka Love Bears to keep him comfy and safe -

  10. Replies
    1. That's code for being a really cool place to live.

  11. Google redefines ‘fascism’ as ‘right wing’ movement - 2/5/17
    The default online source for definitions of words has just altered the historically accurate definition of fascism, just as the Trumphater movement seeks to inaccurately brand the President as a fascist More

    Hashtag Mentality and Today’s College Students
    Sean Mathews
    We are at a point in America where much of the populace has become no more than a reactionary mob. The reasons are prosaic: the ignorance of our citizens, primarily the college-aged, compounded by their use of social media. More

    Democrats Find a Use for Violence
    Karin McQuillan
    We booted the Democrats out of office, and they are kicking us back – not metaphorically, but with bricks and sticks and firebombs. More

    1. Mussolini defined Fascism ... hell, he invented the term.

      Fascism perfectly describes the Trump Administration, according to Benito's definition.

      “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power
      ― Benito Mussolini

      Seen in the essence of the Executive Orders Mr Trump has issued regarding Banking and Insurance, the moves by the FCC on Net Neutrality and the appointment of "Corporate Titans" to positions of importance within the Administration.

      That a State security detachment must now travel the world with Eric Trump, head of the "Trump Organization", to the tune of $50,000 a day.

      Just the tip of the ever growing iceberg of merging interests.

  12. .

    Ash. Don't ask Floridians if the enjoy the invasion of rude Canadians to their state in Feb/March.

    Rude Canadians?

    What do they do ask for vinegar with their French fries instead of ketchup?



    1. I've experienced rude Canadians too, at the Coeur d'Alene Casino.

      They waltz in there, push everyone aside, dis the USA ("O those Americans !"). go through the salad bar about 5 times, and generally, tork everyone off.

      I've seen and heard people cheer when it's announced their bus has arrived to take them home.

    2. .

      I can believe it. Nothing worse than hogging the salad bar in Idaho especially if it slows down the yokels.


    3. ., I meant locals...


    4. And, they always drink too much.

    5. The only worse Casino scum I've experienced is people from Detroit and environs.

      I call 'em Casino scamming scum cause they're always trying to get into your pocketbook one way or another.

    6. And the American Indians who run the place don't like 'em cause they never ever tip.

    7. .

      Somehow, I doubt the bar owners, innkeepers, and other peddlers along A1A from Jacksonville to Ft. Lauderdale are worried about 'rude' Canadians 'invading' them at spring break any more than they are worried about rude Germans, French, and other 'Euro-trash' invading them or, for that matter, having horny college kids from Texas or Idaho invading them. They'll take the money any way they can get it.

      Now, the ordinary people may be different, those that can still get around without a wheel chair or oxygen tent. I'm sure by now they all can translate the ubiquitous 'eh' that turns every Canadian statement or answer into a question just as with the influx of Spanish people they probably all know what that upside down question mark means; however, there is now doubt they might still be upset by the extra wait at the salad bar.


    8. Do Americans even have salad bars? Or is there something other than salad that gets them to sidle up to the trough?

    9. .

      Ask Bob. It appears he was inconvenienced by a hurd of Canadians blocking the way to the salad bar.



  13. Constitutional Governance ... a grand thing ... indeed.

    A federal appeals court early Sunday denied an initial bid by the Trump administration to restore its controversial immigration order that had barred refugees and people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.

    1. Is anyone surprised?

      Two judges with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit — William C. Canby Jr., who was appointed by Jimmy Carter, and Michelle Taryn Friedland, who was appointed by Barack Obama — denied the request.

    2. No, no surprise.

      Judges appointed by Mr Obama agree with a Judge appointed by Mr Bush.

      Nothing to be surprised about, not at all.

  14. Replies

    1. Certainly seems to be a lack of Solidarity, here at the Elephant Bar.


  15. A trio of Republican senators reacted sharply Sunday to President Trump's latest apparent defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin, rejecting Trump's suggestion in an interview that America cannot claim moral superiority to Putin's Russia.

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
    Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)
    Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.)

    Some folks just don't want to admit it, but Russia is our most effective ally ...
    in the War on Terror

    or shall we be a tad more explicit ...

    ... the War on Islam .

    While the one contributor that extols the virtues of the War on Islam, wants to abandon our ally, for no good reason, other than the radical Islamoids al-Qeada operatives that Israel and Saudi Arabia support, those declared enemies of the United States, they are now losing in Iraq and Syria.


    1. Without solidarity with Mr Trump among the Leadership of the Republican Party, how can the rest of US be expected to come together in solidarity behind the leadership of Mr Trump?

      Mr Trump sees the enemies of the United States, and he does not see them in Moscow.

  16. As for vacationing in Florida ...

    You better stay away from there, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    They shoot thieves down there.

    ORLANDO, Fla. - Police say a customer at a Wal-Mart store in Florida fatally shot a man who was among a group suspected of stealing two carts full of merchandise.

    Now whether it's two baskets or merchandise at a Walmart, or $5,000 from the bank on fraudulent credit card use, stealin' is stealin' and they shoot foolish folks in Florida, unlike in Canada.


    1. Diapers ... that's what is reported to have been loaded in the shopping carts

      Customer shoots, kills diaper-theft suspect at Pine Hills Wal-Mart Orlando Sentinel
      Witness shoots diaper theft suspect at Florida Walmart, police say
      Palm Beach Post


  17. Netanyahu Asks to Delay Vote on Legalizing Expropriation of Palestinian Land

    Haaretz -

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made a request to defer a Knesset vote slated for Monday on legislation that would retroactively legalize the use of privately owned Palestinian land for settlement construction.

    Maybe that reprimand Bibi got from Mr Trump was enough to change Bibi's trajectory ...

    Kind of doubt it, but ....

    1. .

      Bibi might like to officially absorb the settlements into Israel, but he has been fighting the move publicly in the Knesset since it came up: initially, because he feared Obama's reaction during his last days and now because he is worried about world opinion and UN reaction.

      Being pragmatic, it does little to change the facts on the ground. Israel controls EVERYTHING that goes on in Area C. The only thing it would actually do is expand ALL Israeli law to the settlements. Well, that and make the right wing, the settlers, and many Israelis happy.

      Also, the Israeli papers (Times of Israel/Ynet) have been speculating that it is actually Bibi who has been telling Trump to slow walk the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem and for the same reasons.


    2. .

      Though Trump could be listening to advice by some of his inner circle. I think Mattis wasn't real big on the idea and the was some Congressional pushback.


  18. Canadians in Florida. How about this old but still relevant joke:

    What's the difference between a Canadian and a canoe?

    Wait for it.....

    Canoes tip.


  19. There is Solidarity of opinion that the legality of Mr Trump's Executive Order on Immigration will be decided by the Supreme Court. ...

    Much like Mr Obama's Executive Order on Immigration is now scheduled to be.

    Vice President Pence defended President Trump's attack on a federal judge who ruled against a travel ban from seven Muslim countries, and predicted Sunday that a higher court would eventually uphold the measure in the name of national security.

    "We're going to win this argument," Pence said on Fox News Sunday, one in a series of news show interviews.

    Pence told ABC's This Week that Trump was "speaking his mind" when he denounced a "so-called" judge — U.S. District Judge James Robart, based in Seattle — for ruling against the travel ban.

    Early Sunday, a federal appeals court rejected a request by Trump's Justice Department to immediately restore the travel ban; the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit based in San Francisco said a reply from the Trump administration is due on Monday.

    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., also speaking on Fox, said Trump exceeded his authority with the order and people are well within their rights to challenge it in court, probably to the highest in the land.

    "I have no doubt it will go to the Supreme Court," Feinstein said.

    Solidarity in respect for the Constitutional process is a grand thing ...

    If only we could see some from the "so-called" President.

    1. How long will it take to fill the vacancy on SCOTUS? Makes the nomination fight all the more interesting, and dangerous.

    2. The Republicans need to concede that Harry Reid's nuclear option is permanent to the party. Use it.

    3. Dangerous that the longer the fight drags on the chance increases that it could become a constitutional crisis.

  20. Why This Teacher Who Slept With Students Will Not Have to Register as Sex Offender

    28-year-old Haeli Wey pled guilty to two felony counts of having an improper relationship with a student this week though she will not have to register as a sex offender.

    Wey worked at Westlake High School in Austin, Texas. It was there as a math teacher she became involved with two male students. Both were 17 years old, the legal age of consent in Texas — which is predominantly why Wey will not have to register as a sex offender.

    One of the boys told police his relationship with Wey began after she travelled to Africa with his family. The two slept together a number of times afterwards, the boy told investigators, but broke it off after he heard rumors she’d gone on a hike with another boy.

    That second boy told police he and Wey had sex on the hike. The two had been talking over social media and she invited him on the trip. She would later ask him to delete their conversation, according to investigators.

    The relationships came to the surface after another student reported to school administration that he’d seen text messages between one of the boys and Wey. The school asked the boy’s parents to speak to police and they agreed.

    It is against Texas state law for teachers to have sexual relationships with students but that doesn’t seem to dissuade many from pursuing them.

    In 2015, 188 cases were opened by the Texas Education Agency into teachers getting involved with students. The number of cases has grown each year for seven years straight. School officials point to texting and social media spurring the improper relationships.

    Wey will be sentenced March 10.

  21. .

    Two judges with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit — William C. Canby Jr., who was appointed by Jimmy Carter, and Michelle Taryn Friedland, who was appointed by Barack Obama — denied the request.

    I think they merely put a stay on changing the decision of the lower court until they could review the arguments in the case.

    I heard this morning the judges were scattered all over the place.

    I'd imagine they will have everything they need for the review some time tomorrow and give their final decision.


    Of course, though the chances are infinitesimally small, I could be wrong.



    1. But no one really cares today, Q. Today is Super Bowl Sunday. And it Super cedes all other issues.

    2. And, it's not a final decision, which will be made by the new 9 member Trump Supreme Court

    3. If the Court of Schemiels rules against The Trump....

    4. This means the Republicans should use the nuclear option immediately.

  22. I'm watching The Super Bowl on Fox Sports !

    1. It's going to go into overtime, though my crystal doesn't say who is going to win.

      The gods may still be arguing about the winner.

  23. US President Donald Trump has taken to Twitter again to slam the federal judge who blocked a travel ban on citizens of seven mainly Muslim nations.


    The legal limbo will prevail at least until the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals rules on the Government's application for a stay of Judge Robart's ruling.


    The appeal said the state of Washington lacked standing to challenge the order and denied that the order "favours Christians at the expense of Muslims".

  24. You don't like Lady Gaga, Sam ?

  25. Fuck it.

    Intercepted, 82 yard touch down.

  26. No, I'm just sore about my Seahawks. Can't believe you actually cheer for Brady. You are really fucked up, amigo.

    1. My wife is here.

      Domestic tranquility.

    2. "I wish you had a chin dimple, Bob"



      Biggest losing experience I've had in decades:

      Constant buffering meaning constant interruption of game.

      Anyone else suffering under ?

    4. The ads ?

      Blame it on Quirk, the ad man.

      This is his finally in the black Sunday.

    5. Buffering is a relief from that Train Wreck!

    6. She seems to be slowly shedding her clothes.

  27. Meanwhile, another sign of buyer's remorse – this time from conservative radio talk show host Charles Sykes in Milwaukee.


    The cumulative effect of the attacks was to delegitimise those outlets and essentially destroy much of the right's immunity to false information. We thought we were creating a savvier, more skeptical audience.

    Instead, we opened the door for President Trump, who found an audience that could be easily misled."

  28. .

    Big finish on the half time show. Looked great.


    1. .

      I saw where Fox had a 5 minute delay set up for the half time show just in case. Probably always a good idea.


  29. Gaga did good. Very entertaining. Not Prince, MJ, or the Stones, but good just the same.

  30. .

    Trump picked Pence to head up the voter fraud investigation.

    Trump: and don't come back until you find me 3 million illegal votes cast for Hillary.

    Pence: Oh, gee. Thanks?


  31. I'm sure the alt-left is very disappointed that Gaga didn't trash Trump.

  32. Now, who really gives a shit about this particular football game ...

    Not when the real thing, the "Great Game" is afoot, and Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson is on the wrong side of history, more importantly, on the wrong side of President Trump.

    The wrong side on the War on Islam.

    The Wall Street Journal reports ....

    Trump Administration Looks at Driving Wedge Between Russia and Iran

    Now, "Draft Dodger", how can that be done if the US demonizes Russia?

    Obviously a demonized Putin will not abandon his Iranian allies, not when he sees his Orthodox Christian nation locked in mortal combat with radical Sunni Islamic terrorists.

    Radical Sunni Islamoids, al-Qeada operatives, aided and abetted by the Zionists, are continuing the War of Islamic Aggression against Christians and Alawites in Syria. Those al-Qeada operatives are being met, and defeated, on the battle field by local, indigenous forces.

    How in the world can Mr Trump be expected to Make America Great Again, with you. "Draft Dodger" in solidarity with John McCain and Mitch McConnell?

  33. The inability to enjoy sports has been identified as a 'marker' for deeper psychological disturbances.

    Back to the game....



    1. Try playing sports, "Draft Dodger" you will find that it is not the same as being a "Sofa Spud".

      Being a "Sofa Spud", that is proof of your deep psychological troubles ...

  34. .

    Trump once again sticks it to the people that put him in office

    WASHINGTON — In his first days as President Trump’s pick to lead the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai has aggressively moved to roll back consumer protection regulations created during the Obama presidency.

    Mr. Pai took a first swipe at net neutrality rules designed to ensure equal access to content on the internet. He stopped nine companies from providing discounted high-speed internet service to low-income individuals. He withdrew an effort to keep prison phone rates down.

    In total, the chairman of the F.C.C. released about a dozen actions in the last week, many buried in the agency website and not publicly announced, stunning consumer advocacy groups and telecom analysts. They said Mr. Pai’s message is clear: The F.C.C., an independent agency, will mirror the Trump administration’s rapid unwinding of government regulations that businesses fought against during the Obama years.
    “With these strong-arm tactics, Chairman Pai is showing his true stripes,” said Matt Wood, policy director at the consumer group Free Press. “The public wants an F.C.C. that helps people. Instead, it got one that does favors for the powerful corporations that its chairman used to work for...”



    1. That's nothing ... not when compared to repealing Fiduciary Responsibility.

      Trump has signed an order that could roll back a rule intended to protect Main Street's retirement money

      Business Insider -

      Letting Wall Street prey on Main Street, it is the New York City norm.

  35. .

    Mountaintop Sunrise Attracting too many Crowds

    Before dawn each morning, throngs of tourists from around the world drive to the top of Maui's tallest peak, a dormant volcano, to watch the sunrise. The experience attracts over 1,000 people each day and officials from the Maui Lava Tube Haole Posse say it has become too crowded and offer veiled threats.


  36. Mode4n football, at least to me, the direct snap. Pretty cool.

  37. DONALD Trump has reportedly walked out of his Super Bowl party as the team he touted to win trails - badly.


    President Donald Trump will meet fellow NATO leaders in May, the White House said this morning after the president spoke with the alliance’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.


    President Trump says he will put Vice President Mike Pence in charge of a commission to investigate what he believes was voter fraud in last November’s election.

  38. Touch down Patriots !

    Big two point attempt...

    1. Ho ho

      Tie game ?

      I may have called it....overtime....

    2. Whoo-eeeieie !!


      28 - 28

      First overtime game in SuperBowl history....

      Called it !

      Idaho BobSun Feb 05, 05:20:00 PM EST
      It's going to go into overtime, though my crystal doesn't say who is going to win.

      The gods may still be arguing about the winner.

      Don't know what happens now though.

    3. Switched to old Windows machine, Voila!

      ...things have changed a bit!

    4. You called a football game, I called the "Great Game" ...

      Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

      “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”

      Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.

    5. The only thing you called was that Iraq would be ISIS free by mid summer of last year.

      Epic fail of a prediction.

      You and Rufus both made fools of yourselves.


  39. It was a night of terror for a small town (330 inhabitants) in Guerrero this week when at least 40 armed men kidnapped seven people, peppered homes with machine gun fire and robbed some residents of cash and belongings.

    The attack on Chacotla began at about 10:30pm and wound up some five hours later and despite calls to 911, municipal and state police offices and the Army, authorities didn’t turn up until the following day. The town of 800 people is located 40 minutes from the state capital of Chilpancingo.

    On Wednesday, five of the kidnap victims were found dead.

  40. WHOOOO---eeeeee !

    New England wins !

    1. Wonderful game. Took Brady a while to get fired up, tuned in....

    2. Stunning, epochal, heroic.

      If you missed it. You will not be getting a second chance.

  41. The estimates of the cost of carrying out President Trump’s plan to build a wall on the nation’s southwest border vary, but the fiscal and societal burdens heaped on U.S. citizens for governmental failure to take decisive action on illegal immigration is significantly costlier, border-control activists say.


    The Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA, views the burden of easy access across burden in terms of murderous Mexican transnational criminal organizations, or TCOs.

    The DEA reiterated in its most recent National Drug Threat Assessment, or NDTA, that “Mexican TCOs remain the greatest criminal drug threat to the United States; no other group is currently positioned to challenge them.”


    A recent Congressional Research Service, or CRS, report points to slow but steady progress in joint U.S.-Mexican efforts to reform Mexico’s criminal justice, known as the Mérida Initiative, while combating transnational criminal organizations and cross-border drug and human trafficking.

  42. ""He's a killer, though," Mr. O'Reilly said. "Putin's a killer."

    "A lot of killers. We've got a lot of killers," Mr. Trump responded. "What – you think our country is so innocent?"

    Like I said before - the one thing I find refreshing about Trump is that the mask is off.

    1. Obama, Nobel Laureate, an eight year killing machine.

    2. Who seemed to actively try to cut back on the volume of the slaughter.

    3. Obama had zero idea what he was doing.

  43. .

    I'm sure the alt-left is very disappointed that Gaga didn't trash Trump.

    She did though most likely didn't notice.


  44. I had a little wine but I caught a whiff of something.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I thought she was heading to taking it all off but she chose otherwise.

      When Quirk has been drinking heavily he often becomes supernaturally aware of things others miss, so it is possible The Gaga was dissing The Donald all the way through and few of us normals would know. Might have been subliminal for all I know. Don't discount Quirk when he is soused. BIG mistake...

  46. .

    She made her point subtly through the music she sang, Born This Way, Guthrie's This Land is My Land. Nothing blatant and over the top, but you could tell where she stood.

    How many times do you hear This Land is My Land at a major sporting event?



    1. If that's the way you see it....then that's the way it is.

    2. But, then, I don't know -

      This land is your land, this land is my land...

      ....This land was made for you and me

      sounds pretty all inclusive to me, and is sung at many sporting events all across our great land.

    3. Though of course I defer to Quirk when he's been drinking.

    4. .

      No, I defer to you. It's obvious you watch more sports events than I do. I just haven't seen it sung at the ones I've watched.

      But while it's inclusive, that is exactly the point.


    5. But while it's inclusive, that is exactly the point.

      Hmmmm...I fail to grasp exactly what your point may be, but accept your view of the matter anyway, since it does sound as if you've been drinking.

      So, it's all settled then for me.

  47. I think you are assuming just because she is an entertainer and just because she had the opportunity she would. The assumption is also that she is anti Trump. Not everyone is anti Trump. The NFL said they would put no restraints on her. Sometimes, boys, a cigar is just a cigar.

    1. Regarding "born this way," she has a large gay following and it is one of her hits.

    2. .

      And sometimes the cigar is held by a Bill Clinton.

      Lady Ga Ga campaigned for Hillary. I suspect she's not a big Trump fan.


    3. You are right, Q. You are always right. I will leave the conspiracies to you and rat. I concede. Off to Denver.

    4. .

      But whatever, just the way I viewed it. She put on a classy show whether there was hidden message or not.


    5. .

      Please, Mome. If you are going to concede, at least do it with a little dignity.



  48. Goodell was booed. Very entertaining. Although he has been booed all year.

  49. .

    Who seemed to actively try to cut back on the volume of the slaughter.

    Actively try?

    Though Obama was decried as 'leading from behind' in the Libyan War and subsequent regime change, there would have been no Libyan War had the USA not pushed it and approved it at the US ad then lead it 'from behind'. the operative word is 'lead'.

    In Yemen, it might have been Saudi Arabia dropping the bombs be it was the US selling them those bombs and leading them to their targets. And of course, it was Obama that sent the first US troops in before he left office.

    In Syria, the US pretty much allowed ISIS to run rampant for about a year simply because ISIS was also fighting against Assad. The US only really started taking the fight seriously after Russia entered the fray and embarrassed us. Now, we bomb the same hospitals they do.

    The US still maintains its status as the biggest arms producer and seller in the world.

    As for the hypocrites, Dems and GOP, now venting their umbrage over Trump's statement to O'Reilly that the US as blood on its hands would make me laugh if it didn't piss me off. The seem to conveniently forget the many times the US government has authorized and sanctioned using thousands of US citizens and troops as guinea pigs without their knowledge in testing for nuclear exchanges, diseases such as syphilis, or germ warfare testing.


    1. .

      ...approved it at the UN and then 'lead...


  50. On another topic -

    February 6, 2017
    Government whistle blower accuses NOAA of manipulating climate data
    By Rick Moran

    John Bates, former principal scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) lab at the National Climatic Data Center is accusing the agency of cooking the books to disprove the theory that there has been a "pause" in global warming and that the motive for manipulating the data was to buttress the Obama administration's EPA carbon rules and build support for the Paris Climate Treaty.

    To absolutely no one's surprise.

    Washington Times:

    In an article on the Climate Etc. blog, John Bates, who retired last year as principal scientist of the National Climatic Data Center, accused the lead author of the 2015 NOAA “pausebuster” report of trying to “discredit” the hiatus through “flagrant manipulation of scientific integrity guidelines and scientific publication standards.”

    In addition, Mr. Bates told the Daily [U.K.] Mail that the report’s author, former NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information director Thomas Karl, did so by “insisting on decisions and scientific choices that maximized warming and minimized documentation.”

    “Gradually, in the months after [the report] came out, the evidence kept mounting that Tom Karl constantly had his ‘thumb on the scale’ — in the documentation, scientific choices, and release of datasets — in an effort to discredit the notion of a global warming hiatus and rush to time the publication of the paper to influence national and international deliberations on climate policy,” Mr. Bates said Saturday on Climate Etc.

    The June 2015 report, “Possible artifacts of data biases in the recent global surface warming hiatus,” which updated the ocean temperature record, was published six months before the U.N.’s Paris summit.

    The accusations sparked a fierce back-and-forth Sunday between so-called climate warmists and skeptics over the validity and implications of Mr. Bates‘ claim, which he defended on the Climate Etc. blog run by former Georgia Tech climatologist Judith Curry.

    Zeke Hausfather, Berkeley Earth climate scientist, said in a Sunday “factcheck” on the CarbonBrief blog that the Karl paper’s conclusions “have been validated by independent data from satellites, buoys and Argo floats and many other independent groups.”

    “While NOAA’s data management procedures may well need improvement, their results have been independently validated and agree with separate global temperature records created by other groups,” Mr. Hausfather said, citing Berkeley Earth and the U.K.’s Met Office Hadley Centre.

    He said the record “strongly suggests that NOAA got it right and that we have been underestimating ocean warming in recent years.”

    Independent analysis in 2015 when the report came out showed this same NOAA conclusion to be a question of giving more weight to sources that showed a rise in temperature as well as fiddling with past data to show a larger rise than was evident in the temperature record. This is exactly what Bates is alleging....


      As a wise man once said:

      There's a lot of money in global warming

  51. Tom Brady's SuperBowl jersey has gone missing.

    There's a lot of money in SuperBowl jerseys like that one.

    1. BREAKING:


      Manager had locked it away for safe keeping.

  52. AshMon Feb 06, 08:13:00 AM EST

    "Who seemed to actively try to cut back on the volume of the slaughter."


    Ah, Leftists:

    Always protected by the invisible shield of "GOOD INTENTIONS"




    1. Hillary and Obama intended to turn Syria into a Garden of Eden.

      Full points for that.


    2. Too bad W doesn't get full points for trying to Democratize the ME.

      ...just because we rubbleized it.

    3. Well, he did withdraw from Iraq and, for the most part, stayed out. But, ya, you guys are correct in pointing out that the murderous nature of the US continued on under Obama.

      Hey Doug, how come you didn't rant and rave about MSM censoring the lumber commercial that appeared in the super bowl?

    4. 'cause I missed 3/4 of the game trying to watch it on a Chromebook. Total Fail.

      ...Windows came through for the comeback, so all was not lost.


  53. Judge Who Blocked Trump Action Has Activist Past

    Robart made a point of saying 'Black Lives Matter' in dispute with Seattle police, does pro bono work for refugees
    During a court hearing, Robart became “deeply personal,” as the Seattle Times noted, when he pointed to FBI statistics.

    “The importance, to me, of this issue is best demonstrated by the news, which was much reported again today,” Robart said with emotion.

    “According to FBI statistics, police shootings resulting in deaths involve 41 percent black people despite being only 20 percent of the population living in those cities. Forty-one percent of the casualties, 20 percent of the population. Black lives matter.”


    Obviously a very deep thinker.

    Jeeze 2.0

    1. The new 9 member Supreme Court will overturn it.

      That's my hunch.

      His ruling doesn't make any sense.

    2. Byron York: Justice Department demolishes case against Trump order

      By BYRON YORK (@BYRONYORK) • 2/5/17 7:31 PM

      Justice Department Demolishes Case Against Trump Order

      James Robart, the U.S. district judge in Washington State, offered little explanation for his decision to stop President Trump's executive order temporarily suspending non-American entry from seven terror-plagued countries. Robart simply declared his belief that Washington State, which in its lawsuit against Trump argued that the order is both illegal and unconstitutional, would likely win the case when it is tried.

      Now the government has answered Robart, and unlike the judge, Justice Department lawyers have produced a point-by-point demolition of Washington State's claims. Indeed, for all except the most partisan, it is likely impossible to read the Washington State lawsuit, plus Robart's brief comments and writing on the matter, plus the Justice Department's response, and not come away with the conclusion that the Trump order is on sound legal and constitutional ground...

    3. Never trust a man in a bow tie.

      And if he's also got a mustache, FLEE.

    4. Tucker ditched The Tie,
      the rest is History.

  54. While we must improve security at our borders and points of entry, it is critical that the
    directive not jeopardize the rights of law-abiding Americans to freely enter and
    exit the United States.

    Good old Cra-po.

    Mince, mince, mince....

  55. Quirk will be relieved and heartened to know that Sebastian "SEB" Gorka is now on The Donald's National Security Team.

    1. Gorka: Travel pause is about “threat assessment,” not religion

    2. .

      You are hearing what you want to hear, Bob. That is understandable.

      The Trump team will argue first that the Washington AG has no standing. They could win on that argument. It was the same argument Bush used successfully in the many lawsuits he won from people arguing that the abuses of the Patriot Act were an attack on their rights. They will also make the argument it wasn't a 'Muslim Ban' but was instead based on 'threat assessment' as SEB (SEB? Sounds kinda weird. I'm surprised Trump hasn't tried to deport this guy. And he wears a beard. Real suspicious.) has argued.

      On the other hand, the WA AG will argue that he does have standing as the ban is affecting industries there (no doubt he will submit friend of the court briefs from a half dozen large internet companies located there.

      If it's ruled he does have standing, he will argue the order is unconstitutional based on...

      - the due process clause
      - the fact that it was designed as a religious ban and is therefore unconstitutional
      - the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act

      It will be hard to overturn a presidential order on immigration policy but Trump did himself no favors by saying he thought we should ban Muslims during his campaign and then instructing his left-hand man to design him a 'Muslim ban' that would pass legal muster. Giuliani did the best he could but an order that grants preferences to every religion EXCEPT Islam is a bit suspicious.

      We should soon see how it shakes out.


    3. ISLAM is the only 'religion' that wants to kill us all, or put us into dhimmitude, and counts women as 1/2 a human being, and that glorifies killing.

      They should be thought of as apart from the others.

      Other religions should be given preferences.

    4. And if you don't agree with me I'll rain pot pies and snowballs on your head.

  56. A pair of GOATs: Brady and Belichick earn legend status in greatest Super Bowl ever
    In what was quite possibly the greatest comeback in any sport ever, two legends were cemented

  57. .

    The new 9 member Supreme Court will overturn it.

    But will it?

    As we've seen in the past, SCOTUS picks are like a box full of chocolates. You never know what you will end up with.

    Will Trump's judge go along with the longstanding tradition of granting wide deference to the Executive in matters of immigration? Or, will he being a constitutionalist like the man he replaced, decide that the 1965 law takes precedence and it's not the court's job to change that law or even that all evidence points to the Trump order as being a Muslim ban and reject it on Establishment or Free Exercise Clause?

    Or, will this whole matter be resolved before he is sworn in? In a 4-4 tie, the lower courd ruling will stand.


    1. But of course:

      Soros Fingerprints All Over Lawsuits....DRUDGE

  58. SEB is suspicious ??

    And QUIRK isn't ???

    1. How many times have I watched you going into Court under an alias, like Fred, or, perhaps, Howard ?

      Once I asked you why you do that:

      "I don't want to unnecessarily raise suspicions"

      was your reply.


    Judge Robart’s Black Humor

    The funniest part of Judge James L. Robart’s cursory, six-and-a-bit-page restraining order against Donald Trump’s executive order -- which temporarily suspends travel into the United States from seven notorious sponsors of terrorism -- comes at the end:

    Fundamental to the work of this court is a vigilant recognition that it is but one of three equal branches of our federal government. The work of the court is not to create policy or judge the wisdom of any particular policy promoted by the other two branches.
    Ha! What a card!

    The Left goes shopping for a likeminded judge, and finds a Seattle District Court judge who is sympathetic to Black Lives Matter and does pro-bono work for refugees. He has the added advantage of being located in the Ninth Circuit, the wackiest, most reliably left-wing precinct of the U.S. appellate system (though that may change soon). Said judge then intervenes to suspend the implementation of an executive order issued by the president of the United States to help safeguard the country.

    The Justice Department quickly asked for an emergency stay of Judge Robart’s order, but, as could have been predicted, the left-leaning Ninth Circuit just as quickly denied the request. Additional legal briefing in the ninth circuit is forthcoming, but most observers believe the case is headed for the Supreme Court. What happens then will depend on many things -- including the fate of Neil Gorsuch, Donald Trump’s nominee to fill the seat vacated by Antonin Scalia’s death last year. In the meantime, if another Orlando, San Bernardino, or Boston Marathon slaughter takes place, public sentiment will surely, and rightly, support Donald Trump's suggestion that Judge Robart is to blame.

    Let’s pause to note what just happened.

    Although he is but one of hundreds upon hundreds of District Court judges, Judge Robart insists that the “declaratory and injunctive relief” outlined in his order be applied immediately and on a “nationwide basis” (my emphasis). Seattle has spoken, Comrades! Judge Robarts finds (where? how?) that his court has jurisdiction over ... well, over just about everything: the president and the head of the Department of Homeland Security, for starters, but also “the United States of America (collectively).”....


    1. Judge Robart was chosen by Senator Patty Murray !


    2. Murray Voter

  60. "Israel’s parliament on Monday passed a contentious law meant to retroactively legalize thousands of West Bank settlement homes built unlawfully on private Palestinian land, a step that is expected to trigger international outrage and a flurry of lawsuits against the measure.
    The explosive law is the latest in a series of pro-settler steps taken by Israel’s hard-line government since the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president. He is seen as more sympathetic to Israel’s settlement policies than his fiercely critical predecessor, and the Israeli government has approved plans to build thousands of new homes on occupied territory since Trump took office.
    “We are voting tonight on our right to the land,” Cabinet minister Ofir Akunis said during a stormy debate ahead of the vote. “We are voting tonight on the connection between the Jewish people and its land. This whole land is ours. All of it.”

    Critics say the legislation enshrines into law the theft of Palestinian land, and it is expected to be challenged in Israel’s Supreme Court. According to the law, Palestinian landowners would be compensated either with money or alternative land, even if they did not agree to give up their property.


    1. Palestinian land owners cannot sell/alienate their land to Jews except on the punishment of death.

      This muzzie edict causes all sorts of problems.

      Mexican standoff comes to mind.

    2. There you go making shit up again. Please spread your shit somewhere else.

      "Among the law’s problematic elements is that the West Bank is not sovereign Israeli territory and that Palestinians who live there are not citizens and do not have the right to vote for the government that imposed the law on them.

      Palestinians condemned the law."

    3. Peon, campesino, mierda....

      You're not as bright as a moron, so it doesn't come to mind for you.

    4. If you're a 'Palestinian', Asshhole, you CAN sell your land to a Jew, but you won't be able to spend the money, cause you'll be dead.

      See here, monkey mind:

      Abbas toughens law against Palestinians selling land to Jews | The ... › Israel & the Region
      Oct 21, 2014 - Abbas toughens law against Palestinians selling land to Jews ... “Those whose sick souls allowed them to sell their land or homes, or enable ...

      Palestinian Authority affirms death penalty for land sales to Israelis ...

      The PA says the land law is necessary to prevent the expansion of Jewish settlements ... the death penalty for any Palestinian found guilty of selling land to Israelis. ... 'Boycotting Israel as a whole, combined with antisemitism, should be illegal'.

      PA court: Sale of Palestinian land to Israelis is punishable by death ... › Israel News

      Sep 20, 2010 - PA Court: Sale of Palestinian Land to Israelis Is Punishable by Death .... 250UN resolutions says Israel illegal annexation of Arab land is ...

    5. This 'Palestinian Law' has a chilling effect on free enterprise and a dampening effect on the real estate bidness in the West Bank, to say the least.

    6. Spread your shit elsewhere, Asshhole.

      I'm not arguing for the Israeli point of view, but I do note it's the only way the 'Palestinians' will ever get even jack shit for their land, as things stand now.

      Because, as I said, dead men don't spend money.

      They can at least plead:

      'I had no choice in the matter'

      and try to immigrate to the USA or Canada.

    7. Or, if they're lucky, Hamtramck, Michigan.

    8. Where they can take up the chant:

      "First we show the Poles, then everybody else"

    9. b00bie shit smeared all over the place. To top it off you cite:

      "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Socialist.

      Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Jew.

      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

      And don't have a clue as to its meaning. The irony is remarkable.

    10. I quoted that ?

      Where, SMIRK ?

      We've all read it many times, SMIRK. It's by Pastor Martin Niemoller, a Lutheran pastor in Germany, who got arrested etc. He was part of the 'confessing church' in his day. Can't recall how he met his final ending.

      Dietrich Bonhoeffer, another pastor of the 'confessing' Lutheran Church, got shot.

      What the fuck, Asshhole, what the hell do these guys have to do with the 'Palestinians' being under the penalty of death if they sell to Jews ?

      I think, and shake my head, and say to myself:

      SMIRK is a dumber fuck than Quirk

    11. Honest to God, SMIRK, what in heaven's name ARE you talking about ?

      You don't make any sense at all.

      Are you drinking with Quirk ?

    12. I'm not arguing for the Israeli point of view, but I do note it's the only way the 'Palestinians' will ever get even jack shit for their land, as things stand now.

      What this has to do with Niemoller I have no idea.

      Asshhole is soused.

    13. And you thinking The Donald is 'Hitler' why is your stupid ass in Canada ?

      Why aren't you down here fighting the evil in the streets ?

  61. Best Super Bowl ad ?

    Quirk at his rare best.

  62. Julio Jones’ 4th-quarter catch from Super Bowl 51 will be forgotten, but shouldn’t be,


    2. Ash, show me where I cited this:

      AshMon Feb 06, 09:32:00 PM EST
      To top it off you cite:

      "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Socialist.

      Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Jew.

      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

  63. Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016
    soros-godfather-left MRCMRC
    by MATTHEW BOYLE6 Feb 2017Washington, D.C.693

    Employees of a hedge fund founded by the king of the Institutional Left, billionaire and Democratic Party mega-donor George Soros, donated tens of thousands of dollars to top Republicans who fought against President Donald Trump in 2016, donation records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics show.
    Soros Fund Management, a former hedge fund that serves now as an investment management firm, was founded by progressive billionaire George Soros in 1969. It has risen to become one of the most profitable hedge funds in the industry. Employees of the firm are heavily involved in backing political candidates giving millions upon millions to groups that were supporting failed 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton for the presidency.

    But more importantly, perhaps, than the unsurprising giant lump sums of cash funneled into Democratic Party and Clinton coffers is the revelation thanks to the Center for Responsive Politics that employees of the Soros firm—now run by his son Robert Soros—pumped tens of thousands of dollars into the campaigns of top anti-Trump Republicans over the course of 2016.

    In total, executives with the Soros-founded company pushed $36,800 into the coffers of these GOP candidates just this past cycle. That does not include Super PACs or campaign committees, which saw tens of thousands of dollars more. While these numbers for Republicans pale in comparison to the millions upon millions poured into Democratic groups, causes, and candidates, it is significant that Soros executives are making a play inside the GOP. Perhaps even more significant is the type of Republican they aim to prop up: pro-amnesty, pro-open borders on trade, and generally speaking anti-Trump. A pattern emerges when looking at the policies of the Republicans that these Soros Fund Management executives support financially.

    The biggest recipient of Soros-connected cash in the GOP was none other than House Speaker Paul Ryan....


  64. Melania Trump refiles $150M libel lawsuit against Daily Mail publisher
    BY PAULINA FIROZI - 02/06/17 06:26 PM EST

    First lady Melania Trump has re-filed a $150 million libel lawsuit against the Daily Mail in New York after a judge dismissed an earlier suit filed in Maryland on jurisdictional grounds.

    She previously filed the lawsuit in Maryland against the company that publishes the Daily Mail’s website, but a judge ruled that the case should not have been filed in the state. Mail Media Inc. has corporate offices in New York, according to multiple reports.

    Trump originally filed her suit against the Daily Mail and Maryland-based political blogger Webster Griffin Tarpley in September after they published allegations that she once worked for an escort service in the 1990s.
    The Daily Mail retracted the story after she filed the lawsuit.

    Trump’s lawsuit against the blogger will move forward in Maryland, according to reports.

    Good for Melania.

    She needs some independent wealth.


  65. What is Sam's position on the Whirled Serious?

    1. I think he probably takes many positions on the Whirled Serious, some shown here:

      Never heard of the Whirled Serious before....what is your position on the Whirled Serious, Doug ?

    2. I didn't think about looking it up, I was really talking about the World Serious.

    3. I thought you were talking about the Whirled Series.

    4. Stuff whirls in the opposite direction down Sam's way.

      Even the toilets.

      Holy Coriolanus !
