Friday, January 20, 2017



  1. And to all the ignorant assholes that could not pass an 8th grade civics test, may I suggest that each and everyone...

  2. CNN

    CNN has aired a segment speculating what might happen if a “disaster” wiped out everyone present at the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, contemplating a scenario that would leave an Obama administration official in charge.

    “Disaster could put Obama Cabinet member in Oval Office” was the chyron that ran across the bottom of the screen during a report by CNN contributor Brian Todd, featured during the January 18 broadcast of The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.

    The report envisioned a scenario in which Speaker of the House Paul Ryan as well as President pro tempore of the US Senate, Orrin Hatch, perished along with Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence, pushing the chain of succession to the cabinet.

  3. Far as I can see, the best part Obama has played in 8 years is in this peaceful transfer of power.

    He has played his part well enough, quite well really. Nice pic of the Obamas and the Trumps up on Drudge right now, all smiles.

    We've had a good run of peaceful transfers of power. May it continue always.

    1. Quirk would probably say it's a meaningless peaceful transfer of power from one dick to another dick....

    2. Bloody pic of a Trump supporter who had the shit knocked out of him up on Drudge too.

      Nation's bikers roaring into to D.C. to maintain order....

  4. Campaign Carl is on the air !

    Things are starting to happen !

    The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is in place !

    The Donald will soon get the activated code card for the nuclear football.

    Pence gets one too !

    So does the Secretary of Defense !

    1. There's Hillary !

      Looking sour and shitty, hobbling along.

    2. There's Dubya, looking as confused as normal.

    3. There's Drinkin' Joe Biden !

    4. Dubya looks really shit faced.

    5. Crowd Boos, Chants 'Lock Her Up!' After Hillary Announced At Inauguration....DRUDGE

      Now, now, now, quit that.

  5. All excellently done.

    Our most meaningful ceremony.


  6. The US Air Force conducted a second “major strike” in consecutive days killing over 100 Al Qaeda fighters at a training camp in northern Syria, a defense official with knowledge of the strike told a handful of reporters at the Pentagon on Friday.

    A single U.S. Air Force B-52 bomber and an undisclosed number of drones dropped 14 precision-guided bombs at noon eastern time Thursday on an Al Qaeda “basic training” camp in Syria west of the city of Aleppo near the border with Turkey, according to the official.

    “This was core Al Qaeda” said the official describing the fighters.

    The latest strike, likely President Barack Obama’s last as commander-in-chief, comes a day after the Pentagon said two Air Force B-2 nuclear-capable bombers dropped 108 precision-guided bombs on two ISIS training camps in Libya killing 85 fighters, according to officials.

    The round-the-world strike took roughly 30 hours Wednesday, both B-2 bombers refueled five times in mid-air flying from their base in Missouri.
    The official said Russia had previously tried to take out the Al Qaeda training camp, but had been unsuccessful. The Russian Air Force conducts the majority of their strikes using unguided weapons during the day time. US Air Force and Navy jets fly primarily at night using satellite-guided bombs.


    2. 108 precision bombs to kill 85 dirt bags. 2 B2 bombers in the air for 30 hours. Watch me nod my head while I try to do the math.

    3. What's going on in Mosul these days ?

      It was stalled nearly two months ago.

    4. Rufus has run out of time.

      His final prediction was that ISIS would be wiped from Iraq before Obama leaves office.

      Obama has left office.

    5. .

      The math's been done. $150,000 per head.

      The move as some have said might have been designed to impress adversaries like Russia and China of the capabilities the US can bring to bear when required. However, it's unclear whether those nations will get the right message or whether they will simply shake their heads and question, "$12 million and 30 hours to take out 100 raghead terrorists recruits in a camp 5,000 miles from the US? Is that crazy or what?."


    6. Mosul has been split, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      It was announced a few days ago, by the Iraqi government whose troops are doing the heavy lifting.

      That you have no knowledge of the situation in Iraq, proof positive that no mater what the situation on the ground in the Middle East is, it has absolutely ZERO effect on the life of Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    7. As for a "Cost Benefit" analysis of this particular operation ...

      We have to factor in what Ms Madeline Albright said To Colin Powell, who was then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ...

      What's the point of having this superb military that you're always talking about if we can't use it?

  7. Loves the sound of his own voice.

    He'll be blabbering away on his death bed.


    Sign Here to Impeach Donald Trump Now

    We are calling upon Congress to pass a resolution calling for the House Committee on the Judiciary to investigate whether sufficient grounds exist for the impeachment of Donald John Trump, President of the United States.

  9. Trump has made way too many promises, impossible to fulfill.

    His speech sucked.

    We've all heard it a hundred times before.

    Sooner or later a letdown seems inevitable, unless he's super lucky somehow.

    Hope he is super lucky.

    1. Sign the petition, already!

    2. Andrade happy about drug bust at senior facility.

  10. .

    Quirk would probably say it's a meaningless peaceful transfer of power from one dick to another dick....

    The same silliness you put up the other day.

    As I said then, Trump has been all over the map on every position he has taken, I'll wait until he actually takes some action as president before I criticize his presidency.

    Today is day 1.

    His speech was a radical departure from past presidents, populist and unyielding. There were a lot of things in it I liked; however, right now they are simply words on a piece of paper. He has offered us general principles. The question will be...

    1. Will he able to sway the DC establishment to his will, and...

    2. While he has pledged to work hard to promote and forward the interests of the average American, it remains to be seen if his views of what are in their interests match or come close to what they think are their interests.

    Time for the rubber to meet the road, and four years to call him a dick if it is appropriate.

    If he screws up, which I fear is likely, it's a shame Rufus isn't here. What goes around comes around and I think he would have enjoyed condemning Trump's actions even more than trying to defend Obama's.


  11. .

    I been switching stations this morning looking at inauguration events. A couple hours ago, CNN started putting up video of the demonstrations in DC. From what I can see the violent ones are small and made up of just a few people. In the larger demonstrations, where there is violence, again it's from just a few troublemakers (likely the professional assholes that always end up at these things to cause trouble but likely with no political motivation). SOP.

    However, of note, a couple of hours ago when CNN first started covering the disturbances they announced they where just showing that there were disturbances around but that they would soon be back to covering the celebrations surround the inauguration. That was 2 hours ago and since them they have been switching from one demonstration to another.

    Can't wait for Wolf Blitzer to come on. It's always amusing to see him running around with that white hair on fire.


  12. All References to ‘Climate Change’ Deleted From White House Website at Noon Today

    1. oh, well, glad to see they figured out a solution to that problem!

  13. and, yep, there he goes like all the pols ahead of him:

    "Thank you. God bless you. And God bless America."

  14. And God bless you, too, Ash.

    1. May God Shower Her/His Blessings Upon You, Ash !

    2. And May God Shower His/Her Blessings Upon You, Quirk !

      May God Shower All Blessings On The SMIRK'n'QUIRK TWINS !!

      God Bless America !

      May God and Trump Make Her Great Again !

    3. May God especially bless the transgendered.

      ...just to stay current.

    4. Especially the transgendered of whatever sex !

  15. Bob Dole is one tough SOB:

    93 Years Old !

    1. Maybe if he'd gone trans, Obama woulda granted him ten more years.

      ...along with Bradley.

    2. May God grant Cheney 3 more hearts.

    3. May God grant Quirk a second smart ass hole !

  16. Who can't help but like the look of little Barron Trump ?!

    There's a kid who knows how to walk like a President !

  17. Melania's blue dress perfectly matches the blue line in the street.

    That woman has real attention to detail !


    1. Little Barron's taken up waving to the crowd now !

      That little billionaire's got a political future !

    2. First time I ever thought of him as a billionaire.

    3. I shall forever be grateful for not having to listen to 8 years of the MSM telling us how wonderful and brilliant Bill and Hillary are.

    4. He's got billionaire written all over his pampered little face.

    5. I'm grateful too.

      I'm doing a little mocking. I like the actual ceremony but all this waving around is a little much.

      But we don't have to endure the unendurable Hillary !

      Celebrate !!

  18. Hillary couldn't have been President.

    She couldn't walk that far past the reviewing stand.

  19. And it's great to have a beautiful First Lady again. Most beautiful we've ever had....and smart, too....

  20. SO THAAD

    Here’s How China Will Test Trump With North Korean Nukes
    01.19.17 10:05 PM ET

    ....Now, China is threatening South Korea over THAAD. And Beijing’s move is especially outrageous. It has been helping the North Koreans develop nuclear weapons and missiles by, among other things, supplying uranium, components for nukes, mobile launchers for long-range ballistic missiles, and maybe even plans for submarine-launched missiles. At the same time, China is demanding the South not defend itself from the threat it has been creating.

    If Beijing succeeds, it will be even more emboldened to take on the United States, and the heightened Chinese belligerence could fast become the 45th president’s biggest problem.

    As The Wall Street Journal reported in late November, the Obama White House has identified North Korea as Trump’s “top national security priority.”

    China, if it gets its way on THAAD, is about to make that challenge—and undoubtedly others—even greater.

    There's no end to the world's non-sense.

    1. "Mad Dog" Mattis is Defense Secretary.

    2. Trump told us today 'we are protected by God'.

  21. I liked the Trump speech. It was devoid of the usual horse shit that no one believes anyway. He was letting his base know that what he said, he meant. It was plain spoken take no prisoners populism.

    Obama and the establishment got a cool cold shower of reality. Now let's see if Trump can deliver.


    1. He said The Establishment has failed us.

      ...while speaking before The Establishment.

  22. I watched it again, and am beginning to think better of it.

    I submit though that:

    'we are protected by God'

    qualifies as horse shit that no one believes anyway.

    Overall everything went really well.


    1. Should he have said we are protected by the Van Allen Belt?

    2. We have been and are somewhat protected from asteroid strikes on Earth by the huge planets of Jupiter and Saturn, whose massive gravity fields suck them in there. Don't know enough about the Van Allen Belt to say.

    3. .

      It's a full grain leather ratchet belt, size 38.


    4. .

      Of the three churchmen that spoke at the inauguration, I thought the third guy, the black minister was the best.


  23. Heh

    Trump's already in the Oval Office signing Executive Orders.

    And he still has to go dancing tonight.

    I think the American people deserve a blood test and DNA test on this man, examined by world experts, to find out what gives him such an energy supply.

    If this beneficial mutation could be replicated and sold in Pharmacies around the country, we truly would be unbeatable, whether God protects us or not.

    1. .

      Perhaps, they would then need to arrest him.

      Just sayin.



    2. Bob thinks Trump should claim we are protected by him, ObamaStyle.


    3. One has to wonder, just how many Executive Orders will Mr Trump have to sign ...

      Before our "Draft Dodger" tells us that Mr Trump is usurping the Constitution?

    4. Dead Beat Dad, Self Confessed War Criminal, Fake Cattle Rancher, Fool, Jew Hater, and Liar, Mr Trump is unusurping the Constitution that was usurped by Bozo.

      Doug, I've never said Trump should claim I am protecting the nation.

      It's really Dead Beat Dad that is claiming to be protecting the nation with his, as he stated, super secret defense project with the CIA, Defense, and National Security down off the coasts of Panama that he has been working diligently on for months now.

      It's true that this claim got DBD laughed out of here, and medically analyzed (Quirk's analysis was best) by everyone here, with most recommending mandated emergency psychological treatment.

      No Doug, it's not me that has claimed to be protecting the nation. All I've been doing is laying on my back watching Fox most days.

      It's ratasshole Dead Beat Dad that has claimed to be protecting the nation.

    5. Why Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, I seem to have struck a "Sore Spot".

      Robert "Draft Dodger" is correct, this time ....
      He never has done a single thing to protect the United States of America.
      Not one thing.

      He does champion others bleeding out in foreign wars, but our Robert, he was a draft dodger.

    6. Ah, the broken record of the Rat continues.

      Nothing changes in that "steel trap" of a mind of his..

      Twisted and malignant is the Rat.

      Same as yesterday... Today and most likely tomorrow.

  24. My Favorite Pic:

  25. I'm anxious to see Melania dance.

    I bet she's pretty good.

  26. Why are we watching Irish dancers at Trumps inaugural ball?

    1. Ever been to any US city on St. Patty's day?

      According to the Census, there are 34.5 million Americans who list their heritage as either primarily or partially Irish.

    2. ...and they did not go for Hillary Clinton.

    3. Oh, he's a champion of immigration is he?

    4. You lost, Ash.

      Suck it up, and grab a dance partner !

  27. What a fantastic day. Best I've had in quite a while.

  28. Melania has changed into her dancing clothes !!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. What would you expect from a porn star, "Draft Dodger"?

    2. Dance on, folks, dance on and on...

      With the coming of the outrageous dawn..

      Dance together, dance on and on !


      Everyone is having a great time.

  29. Heading out for awhile....

    Don't let ratasshole ruin it for you !

    Cheers !

  30. President returns Winston Churchill bust to Oval Office and gets to work before dancing My Way at inaugural ball


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  32. Air Force Non One at Palm Springs:

    Rained out in the Desert

    1. At Andrews, Obama copied Trump and said it was not about him, but you.

      ...a little late, Barry.

    2. Put away the clubs, Obama. It's going to rain

      If he's looking for golf, he'll be able to squeeze one round in, maybe Sunday morning," National Weather Service meteorologist Brett Albright said. "It won't be a total bust for him, but it won't be anything he was hoping for."

      Even if there's a break in rain, Obama's game may end up being off a bit because of the weekend weather.

      "It looks like it's going to be a pretty good windmaker," Albright said.
