Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trump Putting our Former Lords and Masters to Heel

Trump clamps down on federal agencies
BY JORDAN FABIAN - 01/24/17 08:09 PM EST

The Trump administration is clamping down on public communications by agencies as it seeks to assert control over the federal bureaucracy.

New restrictions on social media use and interaction with press and lawmakers at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the departments of Commerce, Health and Human Services, Agriculture and the Interior have sparked concerns of a President Trump-backed effort to silence dissenting views.

The Trump administration’s newly imposed communications rules vary at different agencies.

At the EPA, staffers were ordered to stop issuing press releases, blog updates and social media posts, according to a memo to employees. The Agriculture Department’s research arm was reportedly told by its chief of staff to stop issuing news releases, photos and other “public-facing” documents — although the agency disavowed the order late Tuesday, saying that new guidance would replace it.
The new prohibitions come as Trump seeks to reverse many of former President Barack Obama’s policies, which requires the cooperation of a federal workforce that is broadly perceived to be hostile to him.

It’s not unusual for incoming administrations to seek control over agency communications, especially at the outset, when Cabinet secretaries aren’t in place.

But experts on the federal workforce say they have never seen a White House take the type of steps Trump’s administration has to curb public communications.

Green groups worry the moves could signal Trump wants to cut off the public from government information on climate change and other issues.

Liz Perera, climate policy director at the Sierra Club, said the moves “should be a major red flag for all Americans.”

“These actions don’t just threaten scientists — they threaten everyone in the country who breathes air, drinks water and eats food,” said Andrew Rosenberg, an official at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The EPA restriction caught the attention of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who tweeted Tuesday afternoon that the ban on social media and contact with reporters was “very troubling —and honestly, anti-democratic.”

In an apparent act of defiance, the official Twitter account for Badlands National Park in South Dakota on Tuesday afternoon posted information about climate change.

The tweets were later deleted.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters he didn’t know the reason behind the moves but denied it was a concerted effort to silence federal employees.

“I don’t think it’s any surprise that when there’s an administration turnover, that we’re going to review the policies,” he said.

The White House did not respond to a request for further comment, nor did the EPA.

Doug Ericksen, chief spokesman for the EPA’s beachhead team, which is working to transition the agency to its new leadership, also downplayed the changes.

“We’re temporarily dimming some of the communication aspects of the department while we get it under control, to shape the message towards what the new administration would like to be talking about,” Ericksen said.

The spokesman added the changes are likely to be lifted by the end of the week.

“We’ve got 10 regions at EPA, so we’re bringing them in the house for a little bit, then we’ll build them up again,” he said.

The moves come after Trump was reportedly infuriated over reporting on the turnout at his inauguration, which included a viral photo comparison showing Friday’s crowd next to the one that attended Obama’s 2009 swearing-in. The tweet was retweeted by the National Park Service (NPS).

The Interior Department, which oversees the park service, was ordered last Friday to shut down its social media operations. Its accounts were quickly revived over the weekend.

NPS spokesman Thomas Crosson told The Washington Post the tweets were “inconsistent with the agency’s approach to engaging the public through social media.”

Asked to explain the decision, Spicer said, “My understanding is, is that because they had inappropriately violated their own social media policies, there was guidance that was put out to the department to act in compliance with the rules that were set forth.”

The moves have compounded existing tensions between Trump and federal workers. It came as Trump announced a broad federal hiring freeze aimed at reducing the size of the bureaucracy through attrition.

Many rank-and-file federal employees, likewise, are not enamored with their new boss. They preferred Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over Trump by a 2-1 margin, according to a recent Government Business Council/ poll. 

Twenty-eight percent said they would even consider leaving the federal workforce entirely now that Trump is president.

Activists are concerned that Trump could be looking to limit information that he doesn’t agree with.

The administration also barred EPA staff from awarding new contracts and grants and temporarily suspended new work orders to contractors, the report said, all of which could have a significant impact on the agency’s activities.

Trump has previously dismissed global warming as a hoax “created by and for the Chinese” to stunt U.S. manufacturing.

During the campaign, he raised the prospect of backing out of the Paris climate agreement brokered by Obama. His pick to lead the EPA, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, has led lawsuits against Obama’s climate policies.

“I am, to a large extent, an environmentalist; I believe in it. But it’s out of control,” Trump told reporters Tuesday.

Ericksen, who currently serves as a Washington state senator, said the restrictions on grants and contracts is a way “to understand what money’s going out of the EPA right now, to make sure it reflects the priorities of the new administration.”

Timothy Cama contributed.


  1. "Activists are concerned that Trump could be looking to limit information that he doesn’t agree with."

    Trump!? Naw, he wouldn't even consider something like doing that. No, not cool calm analytical Trump.

    1. Turnabout is fair play, time to sweep out the progressive liars that suck on a government wage, al put in by the self declared Socialist B Obama.

      Sucks to lose eh Ash?

    2. Obama used the IRS and the Justice dept to silence those he disagreed with in the private sector.

      Trump is mandating that those, under his authority, shut up.

      Personally? I think it's time for the snowflakes to melt...


    3. Ash thinks that was a proper use of the IRS by the cool calm analytical Barack Hussein Obama.

      If Trump does something similar, Ash will have no objections.


    4. Ash's cool calm analytical leader:

      Upon hearing the news of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro's death, Trudeau released a statement that described Castro as a

      "remarkable leader"

      and a

      "larger than life leader who served his people."

      The Washington Post questioned many of the claims made in Trudeau's statements, saying that Trudeau "appears to accept outdated Cuban government spin as current fact.


    5. Trudeau has a large Earth inside a Haida raven tattoo on his left arm

      Raven has been described as the greediest, most lecherous and mischievous creature known to the Haida, but at the same time Raven often helps humans in our encounters with other supernatural beings. Raven acquired such things as fresh water, salmon and the house for humans. Robert Bringhurst has noted that Raven never actually creates anything; he made the world by stealing, exchanging, redistributing, and generally moving things around.

    6. Doug thinks the Federal Government should set up a Ministry of Truth to vet all news.

    7. Ash, your bogus accusations are amazing in light of your silence to Obama's crimes.

  2. .

    "Q" Nit of the Day: USA Women's March Jihad.

    Linda Sansour is seen flashing the ISIS sign.


    At the Superbowl, I expect we will see players from both sides pledging their allegiance to ISIS. And wait until March madness comes around. Not even to mention every high school game in the country or dance competition or ice skating competition or political rally or...well, you get the picture. It's a veritable revolution.

    Sounds like time for martial law.

    Bob, if you had a brain you would be really dangerous.


  3. .

    Restrictions on Syrian Refugees

    (From Bob's post, the inimitable Pamela Geller says...)

    The restrictions on refugees are likely to include a multi-month ban on admissions from all countries until the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security can make the vetting process more rigorous.

    Since 2001, there have been thousands of refugees to the US from Syria. To date, none of them have been involved in a terrorist act. It will be interesting to see how Trump will be able to improve on that.



    1. Moronic statement:

      Trump is responsible for Obama's outrageous actions.

      The 9-11 actors all came in under George W's watch.

      In QuirkWorld.

    2. .

      I said 'from 2001', asshole. That includes both administrations, Bush and Obama.

      If you want moronic, try this 'Trump is responsible for Obama's outrageous actions.' where the hell did that come from? Or this...

      Ash thinks that was a proper use of the IRS by the cool calm analytical Barack Hussein Obama.

      If Trump does something similar, Ash will have no objections.

      You throw this tripe out all the time. You don't think. Like your buddy Bob, you simply emote.


    3. "If you want moronic, try this 'Trump is responsible for Obama's outrageous actions.' where the hell did that come from?"

      Right here:

      "It will be interesting to see how Trump will be able to improve on that."

      Obama lets in tens of thousands of Suni Muslims in the past 2 years,
      but Trump must match Obama's record of no terrorists.

    4. .

      My comment referred to this...

      The restrictions on refugees are likely to include a multi-month ban on admissions from all countries until the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security can make the vetting process more rigorous.

      I do have to admit though that not allowing any refugees in would make the vetting process more vigorous.


  4. Federal agents are reinvestigating Syrian refugees in U.S. who may have slipped through vetting lapse


    1. Could there possibly have been a "vetting lapse" under Obama?

      Oh, my Heavens!

    2. .

      I cite numbers.

      You cite suppositions.

      Get back to us when you have something more than 'reinvestigating'.


    3. .

      Are you ok?

      What the hell does that even mean?


    4. "I cite numbers.

      You cite suppositions."

      You wrote it, you own it.

    5. the absence of evidence.

    6. .

      I assumed a well read guy like you would have seen the numbers already. There was a lot of reporting on it at the time of the blow up over Syrian refugees.

      If you need it, I guess I can google t for you.


  5. Nov 2015

    "Just over 1,800 refugees have been admitted to the United States since the civil war in Syria began. They have been placed in about 35 states, according to a New York Times analysis."

    Around 15 thousand were admitted in 2016.

    1. 'Gross injustice': Of 10,000 Syrian refugees to the US, 56 are Christian

      Last time I brought this up, Quirk said it was due to Syria's demographics.


    2. .

      Still waiting for those terrorist reports, dipshit.



    3. Not waiting for any common sense from you, sir.

    4. .

      Last time I brought this up, Quirk said it was due to Syria's demographics.

      Once more, you prove yourself full of shit and completely unaware of how the vetting process works.

      I may have said that Christians only make up a small percentage of the Syrian population at one time (which they do) but while that may affect the total number of Christians among the refugees it has little to do the amount of total Syrian refugees that end up here including Christians.

      The first step in the process is that the refugees appeal to UN agencies under the refugee relocation process. The UN does the initial vetting and then develops the lists that are recommended to each country. In the case of Syria, the majority of the refugees the UN has been referring to the US have been women and children unlike the EU were the majority have been men.

      It is then up to the US to go through the UN list and vet the people on it for acceptance to the US. It's been reported the vetting process takes 18-24 months.

      Try reading instead of whining.


    5. Yes, I know about the UN process.

      The UN, defender of all that is good and right.

      Maybe you should attend the next girls day to exercise your name calling skills.

    6. Christians ~ 10 percent

      Christians allowed in: Less than 1/2 percent.

    7. Jeeze, here in Canada we are ducking and covering all the time due to those pesky Syrian Refugee Syrian attacks. They let in 1000's, 1000's I tell you. Oh my God!!!

    8. 'Syrian attacks' being, of course, special no good very baddd terrrrrrroorrrr attacks.

    9. .

      Maybe you should attend the next girls day to exercise your name calling skills.

      I apologize, Doug. In the future, I will try to restrict my name calling here to those less delicate.


    10. .

      From today's Times of Israel...

      Israel said readying to take in 100 orphaned Syrian refugees


    11. .

      Children will receive temporary residency, becoming permanent residents after 4 years; will be integrated into Arab Israeli families


    12. Orphans present no problem.

      They can be acculturated.

    13. .

      It's always interesting to get the opinion of our social scientist/English major.


  6. Mary Tyler Moore........dead.

    1. .

      She been part of the entertainment industry for about 7 decades.

      I heard she was even on the Ozzie and Harriet Show at times.


    2. I watched the Dick van dyke show as a kid just so I could look at her.

  7. .

    Today the news reported on the multitalented Vladimer Putin singing to a group of school children.

    Here he is singing one of his greatest hits...

    Vlad Channels Fat Domino


    1. .

      S/B Vlad Channels Fats Domino

      Fat Domino was the name before he changed it to Fats Domino due to the constant bullying associated with his previous name.



    Score so far TODAY -

    Doug 100
    Dipshit Quirk 0

    Excellent exchange.

    I always love to watch Doug slapping around dumbshit Quirk !

    And, to see Dipshit lapse into frustrated profanity when losing, like Rufus.

    1. Long term running score -

      Doug 8,317

      Dipshit Quirk 1

  9. Woman flies through tornado in bathtub -- survives!....DRUDGE

    Sounds like a remarkable first to me.


    1. During my stay in Gardner, Kansas, I took shelter in a fiberglass shower and was lofted into Low Earth Orbit.

      My re-entry was slowed by the shredded fiberglass.

  10. I liked Mary Tyler Moore too.

    Mary Tyler Moore Show....good clean comedy.

    Bless Her.

  11. Jane Fonda, grasping for a final relevance, has become an expert on pipelines, pollution, and the 'Indigenous Peoples', and is trying to make a stew, and stop the pipeline.

    Build the pipeline !

    1. Forgot to mention Global Warming.

      She's an expert on that, too.

  12. Washington Post: Could Non-Citizens Decide the November Election?


    Study Claims Up To 2.8 Million Non-Citizens Voted In 2008

    1. .


      Half of the WaPo article written by the authors of the study is made up of reasons why the assumptions and conclusions reached from the study are questionable (a euphemism I use so as to avoid further damage to the psyches of some of our more sensitive bloggers).

      In addition, the article is proceed by this statement...

      Note: The post occasioned three rebuttals (here, here, and here) as well as a response from the authors. Subsequently, another peer-reviewed article argued that the findings reported in this post (and affiliated article) were biased and that the authors’ data do not provide evidence of non-citizen voting in U.S. elections.

      The articles mentioned bring up other objections to statistical rigor of the study.


    2. Bushwa.

      All you need to vote in California is a Driver's License.

      Illegal aliens are now given Driver's Licenses in California, as crazy as that sounds.

      Doug 8,620

      Dipshit Quirk 1 1/2

      Quirk picked up half a point for profanity.

    3. Bushwa.

      All you need to vote in California is a Driver's License.

      Illegal aliens are now given Driver's Licenses in California, as crazy as that sounds.

      Doug 8,620

      Dipshit Quirk 1 1/2

      Quirk picked up half a point for profanity.

    4. .

      Bushwa Bob gets 10 demerits for the excess use of white space.

      And an additional 10 demerits for redundancy.


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. .


      Ah, the expected instinctual defense of Bobbsey Twin #1 by Bobbsey Twin #2.


      I find it funny to see these two whine about having their feelings hurt especially since ol' Doug was the one to start the insulting in the first place.

      Doug Wed Jan 25, 02:03:00 PM EST

      Doug's a delicate little flower that gets his feelings hurt when someone insults him.

      When Doug does the same, well...not so much.

      As for the faux farmer, I would comment on him but I don't want to be seen as bullying given ol' Bob's unique problems.


    2. Thank you.

      We all have unique problems, Dipshit.

      But, you can go ahead and bully others.


    3. .

      Perhaps, however I was using 'unique' as an euphemism to replace a more widely used though what I thought was a more objectionable euphemism, 'special'.



  14. It's sounding as if The Donald may set up a commission to get to the bottom of this vote fraud business.

    So, we'll see.

    1. .

      I have no problem with that as long as it is non-political (or at a minimum bipartisan) and has the statistical and scientific rigor required so that the results are widely accepted.


    2. .

      What I fear is it will merely be kabuki, a political exercise designed to make excuses for Trump's silly assertion that if it hadn't been for 3-5 million illegal aliens voting in the last election, a number Trump seems to have pulled out of his ass.

      I call it silly because it was an unforced error that he made and is now doubling down on.

      The Dem charge that Trump's presidency is somehow illegitimate because Hillary got more of the popular vote is absurd and easily countered. Instead, Trump tries to prove he actually didn't lose the popular vote. Crazy.


    3. .

      Trump's team is basing Trump's claim on questionable studies (like the one above) and on the fact that there are so many instances of people being registered in more than one state.

      As was noted, the value of the Richman and Earnest study mentioning 2.8 million non-citizens voting has been questioned for lacking scientific and statistical rigor.

      The question of dead people being on voting rolls and people being registered in more than one state is more an indictment of faulty record keeping by the Secretary of States offices in the various states than it is of voter fraud. In fact, two of Trump's nominees are registered to vote in more than one state, Bannon and Mnuchin (I think he was the second one).

      Is there voter fraud? Of course. We see it in convictions reported in the news. It is committed by both parties. Can it affect elections? Yes. That too has been documented. However, smaller elections, mostly local. National elections? We have no evidence of that. 3 to 5 million illegal votes? Now, you are just entering la la land. This is not North Korea or Iran.


    4. long as it is non-political (or at a minimum bipartisan) and has the statistical and scientific rigor required

      Indeed we all hope for non-political statistical and scientific rigor.

      Let us henceforth pledge to concentrate on that.

      My rigorous estimate of the vote fraud goes up to maybe 5 million votes.

    5. .

      What I saw today by Team Trump and other (official or unofficial) Trump spokesmen was troubling.

      When challenged on Trump's allegation of voter fraud by illegal voters and asked what evidence does he have to support that charge they invariably responded, 'What proof do you have that it didn't happen?'

      These are supposedly educated people, lawyers among them; yet, they indulge in the logical fallacy of the complex or 'loaded' question, not responding to the original question but by asking a question containing an controversial, unsubstantiated or questionable assumption.

      Smoke and mirrors, folks. Get used to it.


    6. .

      I would place their illogical responses in the same category of 'fake news' as Idaho Bob's 'rigorous' estimates.


    7. "Is there voter fraud? Of course. We see it in convictions reported in the news. It is committed by both parties."
      But the Democrat Party is vehemently against Voter ID

      Gee, I wonder why that is.

      That takes some real intellectual rigor, that does.


    8. .

      How quickly 'alternative facts' change. In a filing made by Trump lawyers objecting to Jill Stein's recall efforts, they indicated that there was absolutely no evidence of voter fraud in the election.

      Now, Trump says 3 to 5 million voted illegally.

      Strange days in Trump world.

      Get used to it.


    9. .

      The Obama administration, the states SOSs, and both parties agreed with the Trump lawyers that there was no evidence of fraud in the election.



    DOW 20,000!....DRUDGE

    Stocks Gained $2 TRILLION in Wealth Since Trump....DRUDGE

    Envy of Markets Worldwide....DRUDGE

  16. Hey !

    Gruber of ObamaCare is on Tucker Carlson right now.

    1. "People just don't understand what ObamaCare has done to them"


      He just said it folks, good old Gruber. Never had a high opinion of the American People.

    2. I think it was 'to' though it might have been 'for'.

      He counted on the stupidity of the American People to get ObamaCare passed, as we all recall.

  17. Replies
    1. I don't want to waste 3 cents of my hard earned money on this one -

      UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

      - U.S. Funding: Estimated $10 million

      - Cost per American: $0.03

      The IPCC issues reports from the world's leading climate scientists on the state of global warming, and its impact on human populations. According to NASA, 2016 was the hottest year on record.

    2. Not sure about the others.

      I am subjecting them to a rigorous, impartial investigation.

    3. I support these:

      Corporation for Public Broadcasting

      - Budget: $445 million

      - Cost per American: $1.37

      Republicans have long been known to want to kill government funding for Big Bird. But the CPB is much more than Sesame Street, and taking away public funding may imperil important stories that need to be told.

      For instance, the CPB is backing a program through Wisconsin Public Television called Veterans Coming Home - which includes a series depicting what some of the 2.5 million veterans endure as they reenter society, but also funds services, such as job fairs, for returning vets.

      National Endowment for the Arts

      - Budget: $150 million

      - Cost per American: $0.46

      The NEA supports art, and those who make it, across the country. Eliminating funding would kill hundreds of programs, like Art 365, which grants five Oklahoma artists $12,000 to support their work. Past grantees photographed remote portions of our National Parks and wilderness areas, and used aerial photography to look at churchgoing demographics in Oklahoma.

      National Endowment for the Humanities

      - Budget: $150 million

      - Cost per American: $0.46

      The NEH offers research funding to institutions like museums, colleges, and libraries. The agency has backed 16 Pulitzer winners and Ken Burns' The Civil War series, among other notable endeavors. One recent grantee is Michael Bernath, an associate professor at the University of Miami, who received $6,000 for his project In a Land of Strangers: Northern Teachers in the Old South and the Emergence of American Sectional Identity, 1790-1865.

    4. .


      One third I favor,

      One third I wouldn't mind seeing dropped,

      One third I know little about and would need more info to choose; however,

      This says it all...

      Yet Trump has vowed not to cut entitlements, such as Medicare and Social Security, and promised to beef up military spending, which represents the lion's share of federal spending - making it hard for him to do more than chip away at the margins of the nearly $20 trillion national debt.

      What, then, would the reported cuts accomplish? The answer appears to be defunding a number of projects seen as liberal darlings - including groups aimed at preserving and supporting the environment, civil rights protections, the arts, minority-owned businesses, and public broadcasting.

      To put this in context: The total cost, per American, of the following 17 programs said to be on the chopping block is $22.36 - of which more than a third comes from a single clean-energy program. By contrast, housing subsidies, like the mortgage interest deduction, which are disproportionately used by the wealthy, cost $296.29 per American.

      And the Magic 8 Ball says: All hat, no cattle


    5. .

      Most of these are mere sops thrown to the GOP. As someone put it above, payback.

      They do nothing to cut the deficit or the debt.


  18. Coming up: Trump's moves against ISIS.

    1. I'd like to see CAIR listed as a terrorist organization.

      Is CAIR a Terror Group?

      Read more at:

    2. Trump HALTS Obama’s $221,000,000 parting gift to the “Palestinians”

      By Pamela Geller - on January 25, 2017

      Thank you, President Trump. The Obama rush of $221,000,000 to jihad terror organization will fund Jew-killing. Obama’s parting gift to the Jews.

      To the very last minute, Obama was aiding, abetting and arming Islamic enemies of freedom. He released $221 million to the Palestinians in his administration’s last hours. Officials say outgoing administration defied GOP opposition and sent funds to PA that had been blocked in Congress.

      The Muslim leaders of “Palestinian Authority” exhort Muslims living in Gaza, Judea and Samaria to kill Jews and attack the Jewish state. They glorify murder and reward terrorists and their families, and indoctrinate their young to grow up to be homicide/suicide bombers. These funds will be used to slaughter, maim and destroy.

      That is Obama’s legacy.

      President-elect Donald Trump smiles as he arrives to speak at an election night rally, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

      “State Department freezes Obama’s $221m gift to Palestinians,” World Israel News, January 25, 2017:

      The Trump administration has frozen Obama’s parting gift to the the Palestinians.

      Former US President Barack Obama, in his waning hours, quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority (PA), which Congress had been blocking.

      The Trump administration announced it is freezing the move....

    3. Trump freezes Obama’s $221,000,000 parting gift to the “Palestinians”


      A whole lot of rocket launcher orders just got put on hold.

    4. Obama, the evil Muslim Shithead.

  19. About those pipelines, and American Steel:

    1. We should also note that this US steel requirement is doubly rich considering the fact that US Senator Al Franken (D-MN) proposed the same requirement in early 2015 and got shot down by Republicans.

