Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Nothing Worse or More Dangerous Than a Pussy That Plays Bad Ass

US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as Nato is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’

PRESIDENT Obama has deployed US special forces troops along Lithuania’s border with “aggressive” Russia.

Tensions between Washington and the Kremlin have reached Cold War levels amid reports Vladimir Putin is deploying nuke-ready missiles in the Russian province of Kaliningrad – which borders Poland, Belarus and Lithuania.
President Obama has sent US troops to the Russian border with Lithuania amid increased military aggression by Vladimir Putin
AP:Associated Press
President Obama has sent US troops to the Russian border with Lithuania amid increased military aggression by Vladimir Putin
And Lithuanian Defence Ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite confirmed America has offered additional military support following Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
She said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea.”
She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against military threats by Putin’s aggressive regime, reports the Express.

US military chief General Raymond T Thomas told the New York Times that America has a “persistent” presence in the Baltic states bordering Russia.
He added that many former Eastern Bloc countries are “scared to death” of Russia and the vulnerable states are “desperate” for America’s leadership.

The US and its Nato allies will send battalions of up to 1,200 to each of the three Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – and Poland by spring this year, reports the New York Times.

Lithuania’s foreign minister Linas Linkevicius confirmed Russia’s military activity in Kaliningrad is terrifying the region.

He said: “Iskander missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads have been deployed. There are S-400 missiles and modernised jets.”
Russian leader Putin is reportedly deploying nuke-ready missiles in the Russian province of Kaliningrad
Russian leader Putin is reportedly deploying nuke-ready missiles in the Russian province of Kaliningrad
Kolpino Diesel-Electric Submarine Joins Russian Navy
Barcroft Media
Russia has developed a diesel-electric submarine which will patrol the Black Sea
Outrage as land-grabbing Putin's says 'Russia's borders don't end anywhere'
Linkevicius branded Russian behaviour in the region “military hooliganism” and called on Nato to take action and offer more support to beleaguered Ukraine.
He said: “Russia likes to create problems, conflict and then suggest some ideas how to mitigate, how to mediate - and some of our colleagues say ‘look they are cooperating’.”

In November, Putin’s naval forces unveiled their latest super-stealth submarine which has been deployed in the Black Sea as a shocking new report revealed Russia is "taking over" the region.

Kremlin bosses promised Russia would never allow the sea to become a “Nato lake” and they firmly believe the military alliance would crumble if, as feared, the Americans pull out.

Relations between the outgoing Obama administration and Russia have souredfollowing allegations that Putin ordered the email hack which helped scupper Hillary Clinton's presidential bid.

Vladimir Putin rejects plans to expel US diplomats in retaliation against Washington

We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Email us at or call 0207 782 4368


  1. JEREMY CLARKSON: Help fight the Government’s plan to silence the free Press – and save your own freedom

    When you see harrowing footage on YouTube or Twitter of some dead bodies in Syria, you are told by the voiceover that they were killed by the president’s army.

    But were they?

    Who is doing the voiceover?

    Who took the pictures?

    Who uploaded them?

    You don’t know.

    You don’t even know the people covered in blood are really dead.

    I learned the other day that the RAF has dropped four times more bombs on Syria and Iraq in recent months than it did in the whole of the ten-year Afghanistan campaign.

    And how many journalists are out there, checking up on what these bombs are being dropped on?

    No, you’re wrong.

    The correct answer is none.

    That almost certainly suits the Government very well.

    The last thing it needs in a confusing campaign is some pesky hack in a trilby poking around in the armaments store, asking awkward questions.

  2. 'BOUND AND MURDERED' Young woman tied up and has throat slit by ex and his transgender lover ‘for their perverted pleasure’

    Jack Williams and Kayleigh Woods are accused of murdering Bethany Hill for a "sadistic" thrill

    1. Not sure if they are both Dicks, or if one has had his cut off.

  3. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

    Julian Assange said "a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta" - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!

    1. Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 20h20 hours ago

      The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!

  4. The Roosians ought to quit with this threatening around with the Baltic countries. They have no business doing this and it isn't polite nor civilized. It's thuggery.

    Putin is a dick.

  5. Quirk, did you see this ?

    We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Email us at or call 0207 782 4368

    With your skills at false advertising you might be in a position to switch over and start writing fake news stories for The Sun and make a pretty pound.

    You should send them some examples of your best writings from these august pages. Something as simple and stunningly subtle and deeply meaningful as

    "They are all dicks"

    might do well.

    You never know where it might lead and one must always, like Megyn Kelly, have the courage to begin ever anew !


    1. They are all dicks is certain to catch the eye and interest of London pub dwellers.

    2. .

      "They are all dicks"

      Hardly fake news.

      Though the facts may still have not reached the boondocks of Idaho yet. Did you guys ever get your telegraph key fixed? Haven't seen any news out of there lately.


    3. Nobody could figger out how to fix it so we went back to pony express.

      You should hear something in about 10 days, if they've survived the recent troubles in Laramie.


    Drudge Headline

    HOOOORAY !!!!

  7. Back on subject: Obama = Meglomaniac.

  8. An Israeli soldier who shot dead a wounded Palestinian attacker in the West Bank has been convicted of manslaughter in one of the most divisive trials in Israel's history.


    This case has deeply divided Israel.

    While military commanders condemned the shooting as soon as video of the incident went viral, many citizens, right-wing politicians and some celebrities rallied in support of the soldier.


    Azaria will be sentenced in a month.

    His lawyers say he will appeal the verdict.

  9. The Genius:

  10. My hunch is the Obama's won't steal the White House furnishings on the way out, like the Clinton's did. Not that I like them, I don't, but have always thought them higher class people than the Clinton's.

  11. It's an air tight container to hold swamp water.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. .

    The Push to Militarization and War Continues in D.C.

    Editorial note: No bureaucracy, especially the MIC and their enablers in Congress, will pass on any opportunity to expand and grow in power.

    If you want something to spoil your appetite (lunch for most people, probably breakfast for this crowd) listen to the hearings in D.C. being held to address the 'Russian hacking problem'. The committee is chaired by John McCain and Lindsay Graham is the prosecuting attorney. They are being enabled by the witnesses they have called so far, the heads of the intelligence agencies (Clapper and Rogers) that declared the Russians did it the day after the DNC e-mail hacks were published. From that point on, they have been repeating the same story. Not likely to be anything new coming from that quarter other than the appeal for even bigger budgets in the future.

    All these guys are talking about (and have been for years) has been increasing offensive cybersecurity capability. Remember, the US with Israel, were the first to weaponize cybersecurity when they attacked Iran with the Stuxnet malware. Yet, they complain when others do far less to us. If they are so concerned about hacking, they should be shifting funds from offensive capabilities where most of our cybersecurity monies go over to the defensive side. But don't count on that.

    The committee also took every opportunity to attack Trump and his position on the matter. Graham went out of his way to criticize Trump and lecture him on what he must do. I would say the man has brass balls but there is some question as to whether he has any balls at all.

    As an aside, Graham who rarely surprises came up with a deeper insight into his own character. In arguing that the 'hacking' is unacceptable regardless of which party is hit, he offered this gem.
    'Parties are the basis of democracy.' It shows why Graham goes way beyond the dick category and has joined the constellation of super-duper dicks. It's unfortunate this guy will likely be with us in Congress whining.


    1. .

      Today's hearing was merely a giant pep rally in support of the intelligence committee and attack on Trump for questioning their past performance and capabilities. This is a community that's failures are painfully obvious to everyone but which claims numerous major victories, victories they would like to tell us about but can't because that would endanger resources and methods.

      Today, Obama gets their report he requested on the cyber attacks.

      Tomorrow, Trump gets debriefed on the report. It should be interesting. Clapper will be presenting the report. Sitting in the room will be Trump's National Security Advisor, Admiral Flynn, a man who was fired by Clapper.


    2. .


      You are going to correct me for not using 'sources' but instead using the broader category resources.

      Heck, Doug, what do you do all day?


    3. The "broader category" is not commonly used.

      "sources" is.

      Look it up.

    4. the broader category resources is just a bunch of Quirkian hot air for the latest gossip he's been hearing down at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe.

      What Quirk-O needs to explain to us is why the Rooskie annexed Crimea, parts of Georgia and much of Ukraine, and why they are now parking nuclear capable missiles a few miles from the borders of the Baltic States, Latvia, Lithuania,and Estonia, all members of NATO.

      Quirk-O should recall Putin's axiom that Russia doesn't have any borders.

      Then he should zip his lip for a few days.

    5. ...and why they snowed you in.

      Although it's a pittance, compared to the Sierras.

    6. Up to 7 feet of snow hits parts of the Sierra with more to come

      Snow is one of Pootie's resources.

      The source is God.

    7. .

      The "broader category" is not commonly used.

      "sources" is.

      There is nothing about me that is 'common' you little twerp. You seem to have a pathological need to criticize over minutiae. You're 70, Dougo, time to progress past the anal stage.


    8. .

      What Quirk-O needs to explain to us is why the Rooskie annexed Crimea, parts of Georgia and much of Ukraine, and why they are now parking nuclear capable missiles a few miles from the borders of the Baltic States, Latvia, Lithuania,and Estonia, all members of NATO.

      Quirk-O should recall Putin's axiom that Russia doesn't have any borders.

      Then he should zip his lip for a few days.

      What the hell are you talking about now?


  14. Report cites outdated PHP malware as part of "evidence" of Russian involvement.

    “The Wordfence team analyzed the PHP malware the DHS and FBI included in their report, and we analyzed the IP addresses. Looking at the PHP malware, they provided a sample, so we used the sample to find the original PHP malware which is actually in some of the attacks we’ve seen on our customer’s websites and that we’ve blocked. And that malware is encrypted, so we had to find some way to decrypt it.
    “Once we decrypted it, it showed us the name of the malware and some other information, like the version of the malware. We used that to do a few searches, and we actually found what looks like the source of the malware which is a hacking group that claimed they were based in Ukraine, and they’re distributing versions of that malware which are slightly newer,” he said.
    Maunder said the malware isn’t so much tool for breaking into systems, as one used to control those already compromised.

    “The malware is something the attacker would use if they’ve just hacked into a website and they want to have the ability to control that website. In other words, view files, or maybe copy files back and forth and install additional tools – they would use this malware to do that. So, it’s not malware that’s used to infect workstations. It’s sort of used as a step in the process a hacker would use to put something on a website that would then infect workstations,” the security expert explained.

    ‘Not the Russians’: John McAfee talks hacking allegations, cybersecurity with Larry King (VIDEO)
    However, the fact that this software was used in no way indicates that Russia interfered, officially or otherwise, in the American presidential elections.
    “It’s unfortunate that the report was released on the same day that the White House took action and expelled 35 Russian diplomats from the United States. That, and some of the language in the report, seems to suggest that it is proof that Russia interfered in the 2016 US election.
    “What’s actually in the report doesn’t actually include enough data, in our opinion, to show that there’s a clear link that Russia interfered in the US election. What’s actually in the report is indicators of compromise that any systems administrator could use to figure out they’ve been hacked.

    1. ‘Not the Russians’: John McAfee talks hacking allegations, cybersecurity with Larry King

      Based on all of his experience, McAfee does not believe that Russians were behind the hacks on the Democratic National Committee (DNC), John Podesta’s emails, and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. As he told RT, “if it looks like the Russians did it, then I can guarantee you it was not the Russians.”

      The Joint Analysis Report from the FBI contains an appendix that lists hundreds of IP addresses that were supposedly “used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services.” While some of those IP addresses are from Russia, the majority are from all over the world, which means that the hackers constantly faked their location.

      McAfee argues that the report is a “fallacy,” explaining that hackers can fake their location, their language, and any markers that could lead back to them. Any hacker who had the skills to hack into the DNC would also be able to hide their tracks, he said

      “If I was the Chinese and I wanted to make it look like the Russians did it, I would use Russian language within the code, I would use Russian techniques of breaking into the organization,” McAfee said, adding that, in the end, “there simply is no way to assign a source for any attack.”

    2. General Obama leads our special forces to the border. he directed his Seal Team to get Obama.
      On site.


    3. I wonder if the Great Minds in DC were reminded that John Podesta's password was...


    4. Conclusion regarding IP address data

      What we’re seeing in this IP data is a wide range of countries and hosting providers. 15% of the IP addresses are Tor exit nodes. These exit nodes are used by anyone who wants to be anonymous online, including malicious actors.

      Overall Conclusion

      The IP addresses that DHS provided may have been used for an attack by a state actor like Russia. But they don’t appear to provide any association with Russia. They are probably used by a wide range of other malicious actors, especially the 15% of IP addresses that are Tor exit nodes.

      The malware sample is old, widely used and appears to be Ukrainian. It has no apparent relationship with Russian intelligence and it would be an indicator of compromise for any website.

      You can find a public repository containing the data used in this report on github.

    5. Wordfence FAQ:

      Why did Wordfence use the title “US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware” when publishing this research?


      Perhaps a better title would have been: US Government report does not contain data attributing 2016 election hacks to Russia. The report includes outdated PHP malware that is publicly available and appears to originate from a Ukrainian hacker group. It also includes IP addresses with no clear link to Russia.

      That would have been too long, but I think it accurately captures what we were trying to convey.

      I chose to not change the headline to protect the credibility of our community. When we publish a blog post, many of you share that post on Twitter, Facebook and in other social media. Your share includes the post title. If I change the title later on, it makes it look like you edited the title yourself when sharing our post. You may be accused of exaggerating or changing our words. So once we pull the trigger on a post, the title is never edited.

  15. See No Evil

    Don Lemon on Chicago Torture Video: ‘I Don’t Think It Was Evil’

    "“I don’t think it’s evil,” Lemon replied. “I don’t think it’s evil. I think these are young people and I think they have bad home training. I say, who is raising these young people? I have no idea who’s raising these young people. Because no one I know on Earth who is 17 years old or 70 years old would ever think of treating another person like that. It is inhumane. And you wonder, at 18 years old, where is your parent? Where’s your guardian?”

    During the same discussion, Democrat strategist and former press secretary for Bernie Sanders Symone Sanders said the attack was “not a hate crime” if the suspects were motivated by “hate of Donald Trump.”

  16. You will recall the time I queried Quirk - I should have quarried him - as to whether or not he was still carrying and working the 'My Pillow' and 'Red Rubber Catheter' ad accounts.

    He answered, proudly, in the affirmative, we will all recall.

    Here's the latest on 'My Pillow' -

    The list of problems keeps growing for My Pillow, the popular Minnesota-based pillow maker known for its late-night TV informercials and celebrity endorsements.

    Just months after settling a of class action lawsuit alleging false and deceptive advertising, My Pillow has taken a hit over a different set of consumer complaints.

    On Tuesday, the Better Business Bureau announced that it had revoked My Pillow’s accreditation and lowered its rating from an A-plus to an F
    , saying the company’s longstanding “buy one, get one free” offer was unfair and confusing to customers.

    The BBB said the offer violated the organization’s code of advertising by marketing pillows in a two-for-one “deal” that was in fact the regular price.

    Read the full sickening article and entire exposé here:

    Can we talk about that “My Pillow” flop for a moment?


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Care to ad/add a comment, Quirk-O ?

      heh heh heh

    3. (if you do choose to comment, beware that I may have the goods on Red Rubber Catheters)

    4. .

      He answered, proudly, in the affirmative, we will all recall.

      You nitwit, once again you prove your incompetence. Your recollection of events is once again flawed. What I said was that I had developed and was marketing a pillow of my own called 'The Pillow', the ultimate in sleep inducing comfort.

      Does your wife comment on your faulty memory or can't you remember?


    5. Yes, I recall that, having a perfect memory.

      You had stolen the design, what there is of a design, of "My Pillow" and stuck the name "The Pillow" on it, were using immigrant labor, were using the exact same marketing ads and strategy, same '2 for the price of 1' fraudulent advertising, which earned you an F- straight out of the Gate from BBB, and were headed for Idaho, a warrant having been taken out for your arrest.

      It all comes flowing back now.

    6. .

      It all comes flowing back now.

      Don't worry, you'll you'll quickly forget it.

      Well, I guess you should worry.


    7. You are doubling again, which is what I worry about concerning you, O Quirk.

      As for the rest, I refuse to recognize your crass slanders.


    8. :

      You damn well better recognize their increasing frequency.



  17. .

    From the WaPo...

    Russia meddled in U.S. election, Clapper says, rejecting Trump’s view

    Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper testified in a Senate hearing that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election consisted of hacking and the spreading of traditional propaganda and “fake news.” The testimony comes as President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly voiced skepticism that Russia interfered in the election.

    The DNC hack. The Podesta e-mail hacks. All the 'fake news' out there. The Russians did it to influence the US election and to help Trump. This all according to soon to depart James Clapper. Next, Clapper will be blaming Russia for the 'My Pillow' scam.

    Before lending credence to James Clapper's comments it would be wise to remember that while Clapper denied lying to Congress on numerous occasions he eventually had to admit to it. Even then, he offered changing excuses as to why he did it. The man's profession for the past 30 years as involved lying. It comes to him naturally.

    At Senate hearing, most Republicans avoid crossing Trump on Russia

    well, except for the committee chairman, G.I. John McCain and his same sex partner Lightfoot Lindsay Graham.


  18. .

    From the WaPo...

    Sarah Pulliam Bailey explains why Trump won, nostalgia for Christmas. Damn, so obvious.

    How nostalgia for white Christian America drove so many Americans to vote for Trump

    In Andy Griffith’s rural North Carolina home town, people wish life were more like the Mayberry of TV.

    Hard to deny.



    1. All Andy ever did was go on about grabbing Pussy.

    2. I wish life were like Mayberry, too.

      Instead I read of a young white idiot who shot black people to death in a church, and young black people who tormented a mentally ill older white man for hours and played it all on UTube or Facebook.

    3. Barney Fife was the fastest draw in the County.

    4. .

      Sorry, I thought Sarah said 'White Christmas'.


      Unfortunate. The 'white Christian' meme has been explored many times before thus relegating the story to the banal and uninteresting. The 'white Christmas' angle on the other hand in this case would have launched the story into the bizarre and outre category and thus made it much more interesting.


  19. .

    From the WaPo...

    House GOP revives arcane 1876 rule that could allow them to slash federal workers’ pay — to $1
    Opponents and supporters agree that the move puts agencies on notice that their work is now vulnerable to the whims of elected officials.

    For those worrying that Trump is too far out there, forget about it, there are bigger threats like traditional establishment GOP. Trump is nothing compared some of these nuts.


  20. I'm worried Trump is going to park more bombers on Guam, and sink the island.

    How is that going to deter the Chinese, or the Norks ?

    1. Let's face it.

      We've got geniuses on both sides of the aisle in Congress.

  21. Quirk has mesentery dysfunction.

    1. .

      That was a misdiagnosis by doctors at the Max Plank Institute.

      Actually, they were simply confused by a separate organ in the same general area that on me is extended to the point that it pleased but disoriented the staff examining it.


    2. You you were lucky they they didn't think it it a sausage, boil it it, and eat it it, while drinking a schooner of beer.

    3. .

      Have you had that problem before, I mean, on either side of the equation?


  22. .

    You are doubling again, which is what I worry about concerning you, O Quirk.

    I have started doing that as a mnemonic device to help you with your memory problems.

    It was suggested by a friend of mine who is a brain specialist at the Max Plank Institute and who is familiar with the case.


    1. It was that .45 slug to your forehead when you tried to pick the wrong pocket that did it.

      Split your brain right in half.

      I recall how amazed all the doctors were that you survived.

      Wanted to take you on medical curiosity tours, but they wouldn't pay your price.

    2. Ever since you've sounded like a damned echo chamber.

    3. .

      Idaho BobThu Jan 05, 08:45:00 PM EST

      MY my ass ass hole hole..

      Well, perhaps in your case; however, I think for most people consensus is that memory problems are centered in the brain.


  23. The United States is improving "our nuclear and conventional deterrent capabilities" in the face of North Korea's nuclear and missile threats, US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Thursday.


    In response to a series of missile tests, the US and South Korea also made a joint decision to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missile defense system to the South by the end of 2017, Carter said.

    1. .

      Terminal High Altitude Area Defense

      Wooh wooh.


    2. There you go with the doubling again, Quirk-O.

      Try to bring it to consciousness.

      Maybe you can fight it by first recognizing when you are about to do it.

  24. Chicago police demonstrate why Chicago has serious problems:

    "Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said earlier Thursday that while the suspects,

    all of whom are black, made “terrible racist statements”

    against white people during the on-camera torture session,

    it does not appear to be racially motivated."

    Guglielmi said the unidentified 18-year-old victim — who is from Chicago's Crystal Lake suburb and attended school with at least one of the suspects — was targeted because he has mental disabilities. He did not provide further details about the teen’s special needs.

    It's possible the suspects were trying to extort something from the victim's family, Guglielmi said.

    1. It's also possible it was an act of love.


  25. Teach your teens to wait til they are 18, then be sure to document the proof of your quality upbringing via Facebook.
