Sunday, January 15, 2017

Indict Her or Pardon Her?

Report: The Clinton Global Initiative Is Shutting Down After Hillary’s Loss

The Clinton Foundation, the controversial charitable organization founded by former President Bill Clinton and his nominal wife, Hillary, is shutting down the main New York City office of the Clinton Global Initiative, the New York Observer reports.

According to the report, the alleged charity filed a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) notice with the New York Department of Labor on January 12, announcing the “discontinuation of the Clinton Global Initiative.” The law requires employers “to provide 60 days in advance of covered plant closings and covered mass layoffs.”

The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), established in 2005 as a networking platform for the Clinton Foundation, previously announced a series of layoffs in September, a move the was seen as a response to criticism over the foundation’s fundraising from foreign donors, and possible conflicts of interest that would arise if Hillary Clinton was elected president.

According to the Clinton Foundation website, CGI “facilitates action by helping members connect, collaborate, and make effective and measurable Commitments to Action—plans for addressing significant global challenges,” whatever that means.

CGI hosted annual meetings at which politicians and celebrities gathered to “analyze pressing global challenges, discuss the most effective solutions, and build lasting partnerships that enable them to create positive social change.”

Shutting down CGI would appear to validate the concerns from critics that the Clinton Foundation was a merely vehicle through which foreign and corporate donors to curry favor with the Clintons. Foreign government have already begun to reduce their donations to the foundation in the wake of the election.

The Clinton Foundation, meanwhile, intends to continue doing whatever it is it supposedly does, and recently sent out an online appeal begging for money.


  1. Guess where the money will end up.

  2. The Clinton Foundation has already collapsed.

    Nothing left to sell.

    One law for All Americans:

    Indict her.

    1. And throw in one of her supports, Ash, for good measure.

    2. ASH -

      1)Material aid to fraud
      2) Co-conspiracy
      3) RICO

    3. Quirk could see it all coming down and severed his ties early.

      That's the difference between Ash and Quirk - EXPERIENCE & PRECAUTION

    4. Bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback.

      Idaho Bob Sun Jan 15, 11:28:00 PM EST


      Nothing left to sell.

      One law for All Americans:

      Indict her

      Bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback.

  3. Announced internally back in September:

    Few staffers were informed about the move before it was announced in an August staff meeting by foundation CEO Donna Shalala and Bill Clinton, said the former official.

    Since then, they’ve learned their fate on a piecemeal basis, according to two people with knowledge of the process.

    “It was poorly managed, treated too glibly, patronizingly, completely lacking empathy at the fact that so many young people were going to be laid off,” said the former official.

    Dozens of Staff

  4. .

    Idaho BobSun Jan 15, 09:59:00 PM EST

    Nonsense. They have proposed a dozen alternatives. You just weren't paying attention.

    It all came to nothing because they didn't have to votes then.

    I assume you mean they didn't have 'the' votes then. The reason I say that is that you are continually embarrassing yourself here so it's a good bet you are now doing it again.

    As for the votes, the GOP has controlled both houses of congress for the past two years. If they could muster the votes to start defunding the ACA (which they did), they could have mustered the votes to send up sensible alternatives to ACA provisions. They didn't.

    The only reasons I can see for not doing it is

    1. They didn't have any sensible proposals,

    2. Lack the imagination to think any of them up, or, what it more likely...

    3. They don't really give a shit about the healthcare or the millions of people affected by it.

    In other words, the only reason the GOP wants to eliminate the ACA and worry about replacement legislation later, on the if come, is spite. Otherwise, they would have had an alternative plan ready and made it a part of the vote when they passed the bill repealing the ACA provisions.

    Face it, Bob. You've tied your hopes to a bunch of dicks.

    As for Trump, hope he does well; however, when a guy puts a nut job like Robert Kennedy Jr. in charge of a commission on studying the scientific basis of vaccines it doesn't inspire hope. Kennedy, vaccine skeptic and famed environmentalist known for his cries of NIMBY.



    1. They didn't have the votes to overcome the inevitable veto.

      Such attempts were made.

  5. Uh-oh, you done and got yourself the ending double-dot, Bob. You is in some deep do-do now, amigo.

    1. .

      He probably didn't deserve it in this case; but he certainly deserves it for his body of work.


    2. I've had triple dots, and I'm still standing.

      I think those dots are guides for where his two unnamed mutts are being told to piss on public property.

    3. They ain't for the cat to chase, or they'd be moving around.

  6. .

    From the news...

    Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in plan to replace Obamacare

    In an interview with The Post, the president-elect declared that his plan for replacing the health-care law is all but finished. While he declined to reveal specifics, Donald Trump said he would force drug companies to negotiate directly with the government on prices for Medicare and Medicaid, and warned Republicans about slowing his agenda.

    Can Trump convince the GOP to not turn a good victory into a terrible defeat?

    The Magic 8 Ball says: 'Cannot predict now'.


  7. .

    From the news...

    Trump’s latest feud echoes his difficult relationship with African Americans

    The president-elect’s comments about civil rights icon John Lewis on the weekend before MLK Day have invited scrutiny of the Republican’s tense history with a community that vastly favored Hillary Clinton on Election Day.

    Blacks around the country have reacted to Mr. Trump’s remarks with fury, and the subject has dominated social media and discussions among black activists. Mr. Trump said on Saturday on Twitter that Mr. Lewis, who asserted last week that Mr. Trump was not a “legitimate president,” should focus on his district and “the burning and crime infested inner-cities.”

    The angry reaction is driven not only by Mr. Trump’s Twitter posts but what many blacks say they reveal about the president-elect’s lack of understanding of the reverence with which the civil rights movement, and its leaders, are viewed by African-Americans.

    Is the criticism fair?

    The magic 8 Ball says, 'My sources say no'



  8. .

    From the news...

    Trump might cause ‘the death of think tanks as we know them’

    Is that a good thing?

    The Magic 8 Ball says, 'Without a doubt'.


  9. .

    From the news...

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday accused the media of conducting an “orchestrated campaign of unprecedented scope” in an attempt to bring down his government.

    Netanyahu was responding to an ongoing series of leaks from within the two ongoing police investigations into him, amid allegations he tried to negotiate a quid pro quo deal with a powerful media mogul and that he and his wife received thousands of shekels worth of luxury gifts from an Israeli, Hollywood-based film producer.

    “In the past few days the media has orchestrated a campaign of unprecedented scope to bring down my Likud government,” Netanyahu said in statement posted on his Facebook page. “This campaign is intended to put pressure on the Attorney General and others in the prosecution so that they will indict me.”

    Is Bibi right?

    The Magic 8 Ball says, 'My sources say no.'

    [Editorial note: Bibi should know. Instead of assigning the Communication portfolio to another MK, he instead decided to keep it and handle it himself a move that is being questioned by opposition parties.}

    1. The Magic 8 Ball is asked:

      Is Quirk a fraud ?

      Ans: He uses me doesn't he ?

    2. Oh!!-oooo !!!!

      Look what came up this time:

      Magic Eight Ball says Quirk works for BuzzFeed !


    Outrage over President-elect Donald J. Trump’s criticism of Representative John Lewis is driven by what many blacks see as his lack of understanding of their reverence for the civil rights movement.

    John "the sanctimonious" Lewis, who looks like a man that never said no to seconds on deep fried pork chops, is the new standard for detecting overt and all other degrees of subtleties in racial discrimination. Lewis needs too look no further than

    I am not sure when he transformed into the "he who can't be criticized" category, but in the US media he is King Fish of that esteemed group. Remarkably this same John Lewis belongs to the "Congressional BLACK Caucus" !


    Imagine if Jeff Sessions had belonged to The Congressional WHITE Caucus.

  11. Meanwhile this:

    In an unprecedented escalation of a feud between the incoming president and U.S. intelligence community, President-elect Donald Trump suggested Sunday that outgoing CIA Director John Brennan could be behind the leak of an unsubstantiated report alleging Russia holds compromising information on Trump.

  12. Is there any more foul swamp than the CIA under John Brennan?

  13. ...

    "If he doesn't have confidence in the intelligence community, what signal does that send to our partners and allies, as well as our adversaries?" Brennan asked.

    That he is smart?

  14. Meanwhile the media is trumping that Trump has a 40% less approval rating entering the inauguration than did the majestic Barack Obama.

    Guess what? Here is the poll that matters: Trump 306- Clinton 232


    Was chatting with another back woodsie customer at The Lock and Key Shop just the other day - he had just gotten down from Red River, Idaho - about the wolf situation.

    Now we have something with which to fight back. A new POISON has been developed exclusive to wolves. Would not hurt Quirk's nameless mutts, for instance, or any other living thing.



    It is being sold at all the sporting goods outlets now, and is flying off the shelves.

    You will recall when your mentor and Farmer Bob informed you it would take poison to get things back to the way they should we got the means.

    Up at Red River there weren't any elk left, my new friend informed me. This did not surprise me as they have been coming down from the high county hiding among the humans.

    I shall be seeking a large supply of this new poison the coming week, I can assure you.

    Perfectly legal, as is shooting wolves 24/7 all year long, night or day.

    This is called 're-establishing the equilibrium'.

    Hoooo-Raaaaayyyyyy !!!!!

    1. Feed some to Hillary, I bet it would knock her right over, cause she's at least 75% wolf.

    2. (I am NOT advocating this. I advocate that she be jailed)

    3. (Or put in a Circus.)

      Just to be clear.

    4. I do NOT advocate harming Hillary Clinton, just that she be incarcerated in some human manner.

    5. I do NOT advocate harming Hillary Clinton, just that she be incarcerated in some humane manner for the crimes she has committed.

      There, now I've been perfectly clear.

    6. I've got to tell Wayne about this new break through, first thing !

    7. Like a bowlful, Quirk ?

      On the off chance it might work on a human mutant ?

    8. .

      Idaho BobMon Jan 16, 08:22:00 AM EST

      (Or put in a Circus.)

      Haven't you heard the 'Greatest Show on Earth' is shutting down due to lack of interest.

      PETA declared it wasn't human. Or humane.


    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. .

      Up at Red River there weren't any elk left, my new friend informed me. This did not surprise me as they have been coming down from the high county hiding among the humans.

      Gee, I just assumed all the hicks from Idaho looked like that.


    11. .

      A new POISON has been developed exclusive to wolves. Would not hurt Quirk's nameless mutts, for instance, or any other living thing.



      It is being sold at all the sporting goods outlets now, and is flying off the shelves.

      Also, sold by travelling peddlers and reddlemen. It is also said to be a cure for gout, insomnia, polio, dyslexia, impotence, bad breath, croup, scabies, dengue fever, and blindness.

      It was previously sold as RK63786 brand name KillAll, a Monsanto product sold for use on GMO crops that was designed to be resistant to all pesticides and fertilizers marketed by non-Monsanto sources. Pulled in 2014 because though it did Kill All it wasn't quite as effective as desired in dealing with competitors products.


  16. .

    Such attempts were made.

    Document, please.

    The bill number will do.

    Or document names, time, and place so that it can be checked.

    Otherwise, I can only assume you are merely pissing into the wind.



    1. About 3,750,000 results (0.91 seconds)
      Showing results for Obama vetoes GOP attempts to change ObamaCare
      Search instead for Obama vetos GOP attempts to change ObamaCare

      Search Results
      Obama vetoes GOP attempt to repeal Obamacare - USA Today
      Jan 8, 2016 - WASHINGTON — President Obama has vetoed the first bill sent to him by Congress this year, a symbolic attempt by Republicans to repeal the ...
      Obama vetoes GOP push to kill climate rules | TheHill
      Dec 19, 2015 - “Climate change poses a profound threat to our future and future generations,” the president said in a statement about Republicans' attempt to ...
      Obama vetoes GOP attempt to repeal Obamacare - The News-Press
      Jan 8, 2016 - WASHINGTON — President Obama has vetoed the first bill sent to him by Congress this year, a symbolic attempt by Republicans to repeal the ...
      Obama vetoes GOP-led repeal of Obamacare - Washington Times
      Jan 8, 2016 - Obama vetoes measure to repeal Obamacare ... Mr. Obama chastised lawmakers for having tried to “undermine” Obamacare more than 50 times. ... to reach a consensus on “patient-centered” reforms to replace Obamacare.
      Obama Vetoes Anti-Obamacare Bill, Obviously | The Huffington Post
      Jan 8, 2016 - “Republicans in the Congress have attempted to repeal or ... the party plans to unveil — such as a health care plan to replace Obamacare, ...
      Obama uses eighth veto to reject GOP lawmakers' attempt ... -
      Jan 8, 2016 - Obama uses eighth veto to reject GOP lawmakers' attempt to scrap ... that someone named Obama vetoed a bill repealing 'Obamacare.' But we ...
      Obama vetoes Obamacare repeal bill - -
      Jan 8, 2016 - President Barack Obama on Friday vetoed legislation that would ... Republicans have tried to "repeal or undermine the Affordable Care Act.".
      House votes to repeal Obamacare; sends bill to Obama - CNNPolitics ...
      Jan 6, 2016 - House sends Obamacare repeal bill to White House ... Conway: Repeal and replace may not be together ... But it won't stay there long; President Barack Obama has vowed to veto any Republican bill that guts his signature ...

      3,748,000+ to go.

      You do the work.

    2. Quirk pays attention to the Inaugural Address, and the Farewell Address, but nothing in between.

  17. PETA's founder, Ingrid Newkirk: "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy."

  18. Well ...

    Los Angeles Times - ‎

    President-elect Donald Trump blamed Europe's acceptance of Mideast refugees - as he put it, “all of these illegals” - for the decision by Britain to leave the European Union, and predicted the organization would disintegrate ...


  19. And the WaPo reports really good news, too.

    BRUSSELS — European leaders said Monday that they may have to stand alone without the United States once Donald Trump enters office, raising the prospect of an unprecedented breach in transatlantic relations after Trump’s comments that the European Union is bound for a breakup and that NATO is obsolete.

    Trump said in a weekend interview with the Times of London and Germany’s Bild newspaper that the 28-nation European Union was a vehicle for German interests and said that he was indifferent to the bloc’s fate. He also said he was committed to European defense even as he expressed skepticism about NATO’s current configuration.

    Trump’s attitudes have alarmed Europe, which is facing a wave of elections this year in which anti-immigrant, Euroskeptic leaders could gain in power.


  20. From what the President-elect would classify as a "Real News" source ...

    Breitbart News - ‎

    ISTANBUL (AFP) - Turkey was a key step closer on Monday to dramatically expanding the powers of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after parliament approved, on first reading, a bill critics fear will lead to one-man rule. ...


  21. ...
    In an interview with German newspaper Bild, published on Monday, Trump criticized German carmakers such as BMW (BMWG.DE), Daimler (DAIGn.DE) and Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) for failing to produce more cars on U.S. soil.

    "If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax," Trump said in remarks translated into German.

    "I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that," Trump said.

    Volkswagen (VW) shares closed down 2.2 percent, while BMW and Daimler's shares ended 1.5 percent lower.

  22. Trump seems to like waving his tax threat about. The POTUS can't impose the tax can he? Paul Ryan has a "border adjustments" tax plan...

    1. Honestly, Ash, after all these decades, even you should know by now that the Congress has the power of the purse.

      No, a President cannot impose a tax all by his little lonesome.

      Canadian education must suck.

      Do you recall the phrase 'No taxation without representation' ?

      Otherwise the President would be a KING, like George the Third, the Turd.

    2. Maybe you're talking about tariffs ?

    3. Can POTUS implement a tariff at will?

  23. Martin Luther King's niece voted for Trump.

    Have a good Martin Luther King Day.

    He had it right - judge character, not color, and, no violence.

    Thank you, Dr. King.

  24. Quirk, you can get free food from NutriSystem if you log in here:

    right now.

    Shipped to your door.

    1. If you're in jail right now you might try your jail and cell number, not your cell phone number, but your cell number.

  25. Meanwhile, in Ashland, Venezuela -

    How Venezuela’s corrupt socialists are looting the country to death

    By Thor Halvorssen January 10, 2017 | 8:19pm | Updated

    Modal Trigger How Venezuela’s corrupt socialists are looting the country to death
    Hugo Chavez AP

    Venezuela is no longer a country with a government, institutions and a civil society. It’s a geographic area terrorized by a criminal enterprise that pretends to govern, with a civil society made up of two sets of people: accomplices and victims.

    More than 30 million of the latter.

    The Hugo Chavez-led looting spree began in 2000. By “looting,” I mean fraudulent government contracts, a celebration of bribery, phantom payrolls across all government ministries, bogus government grant programs, the sacking of Venezuela’s gold reserves and a massive currency exchange scam.

    More than $1 trillion has disappeared — some of it wasted on social programs that produced nothing — and a staggering amount has ended up in bank accounts in Andorra, Panama, New York, Hong Kong and Switzerland.

    And the pillaging has turned Venezuela into a dystopian landscape. There are shortages of every imaginable foodstuff and basic necessity; diseases once thought eradicated are back with a vengeance; and a crime wave that has given Caracas the highest murder rate in the world.

    Loving parents are putting their children up for adoption because they have nothing to feed them; the elderly are starving; patients with treatable conditions are dying in hospitals that lack basic medicine like insulin and oxygen, where vital equipment has been pilfered and emergency rooms operate without electricity. In a gruesome twist, even the morgues can’t handle the number of unclaimed bodies, so they rot in hallways.

    In one city just before Christmas, more than 80 percent of supermarkets, bodegas and food stores were looted. The ransacking spread to private homes....

  26. .

    3,748,000+ to go.

    You do the work.

    Bob, you moron. How stupid are you?

    Every one of the bills sent by the GOP to Obama was designed to eliminate Obamacare in whole or in part. Hell, the House passed over 50 of them.

    The GOP never once sent up a bill offering one positive proposal to improve healthcare in this country.

    Damn, boy, you are as dumb as a rock. Trying to converse with you is so frustrating I have to leave ever so often to go spit.


    1. What fuck you expect the GOP to send up, a bill praising ObamaCare ?

      What's happened to your mind, son ?

      Damn, son, you is dumb as moon rock.


    2. The GOP never once sent up a bill offering one positive proposal to improve healthcare in this country.

      This is of course all a matter of opinion.

      Go way, gnat.

    3. .

      You idiot.

      This merely shows what dicks the GOP are. They whine. They grouse. They complain. But it's a struggle to find one positive thing they have done in the past 20 years.

      And it shows you for what you are when you try to make excuses for their ineptitude.



  27. I alerted Quirk to the GOP ACA Dick Move prior to the "Dead Chicken" incident.

  28. Peter Thiel ‘not a gay man’ for supporting Donald Trump: LGBT magazine

    Peter Thiel may be attracted to men, but a prominent LGBT magazine says he’s “not a gay man” because he supports Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

    In a rambling article for The Advocate, Connecticut College history professor Jim Downs posits that there is more to being gay “than just having sex with someone of the same gender.”

    Mr. Downs argues the Silicon Valley billionaire reaffirmed his personal “sexual choices” by supporting Mr. Trump, but separated himself from the broader “gay identity” rooted in class struggle against oppression.

    By the logic of gay liberation, Thiel is an example of a man who has sex with other men, but not a gay man,”
    Mr. Downs wrote.
    Because he does not embrace the struggle of people to embrace their distinctive identity.”

    Mr. Downs also accuses Mr. Thiel of supporting...

    1. ie, supporting Trump is an inoculant against being gay. defined by these miserable Faggots.

    2. .

      He may not be gay but he is whimsical.


    3. Quirk's got a limp lip, but this doesn't imply anything sexual. Just a malfunction of information flows in his noggin.


  29. Milo presents a lecture on feminism and Islam to Western Carolina University

    1. .

      Speaking of drag queens with attitude.

      Or, were you talking about Milo the dog?


  30. Quirk's limp lip also explains the drool bucket on his chest, if you were wondering, but were too polite to ask.

  31. If Peter Thiel gets his way, California won’t be a state by 2020

    Since donating $1.25 million in support of Donald Trump, Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel has been disrupting politics on a national level. He graced the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and has since had a hand in the president-elect’s transition team. His taste for politics could extend to making a run for office. According to Politico, he’s been polling advisors about running for governor of California in 2018.

    While some are skeptical that Thiel would swap his privacy for the campaign trail, a tech exec running for office in the Golden State isn’t unprecedented. Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman spent $144 million of her own money in a failed gubernatorial bid in 2010, losing to current California governor Jerry Brown.

    Before vying for the presidency, Carly Fiorina mounted a 2010 US Senate campaign, losing to incumbent Rep. Barbara Boxer. Both Whitman and Fiorina ran as Republicans.
    As a Republican, Thiel would face an uphill battle, despite a net worth of $2.7 billion that would allow him to outspend opponents. Just 30% of voters cast their ballots for Trump during the general election; the state has historically tilted toward Democrats.

    He’s also among a growing number of Californians in favor of a CalExit—California seceding from the union to form its own country, a move supported by Uber and Hyperloop co-founder Shervin Pishevar. “I think it would be good for California, good for the rest of the country,” Thiel said in a recent New York Times interview, adding that “it would help Mr. Trump’s re-election campaign” in 2020. California voters were principally responsible for Hillary Clinton’s win of the national popular vote in the recent presidential election.

  32. In a statement to KCRA, our NBC station in Sacramento, Interim UC Davis Chancellor Ralph Hexter said he was "deeply disappointed" with how the protests transpired.

    “Our community is founded on principles of respect for all views, even those that we personally find repellent," Hexter said. "As I have stated repeatedly, a university is at its best when it listens to and critically engages opposing views, especially ones that many of us find upsetting or even offensive.”

    Police arrested one person inside the venue, but no one else was taken in to custody.

  33. Golly Robert, I sped some time at other activities and ... unbelievably ...

    You actually have gotten appreciably more ignorant in my absence.

    Better go see a GOOD doctor, ASAP

    1. Jack's resume -

      1) Abandoned daughter

      2) Hates Jews

      3) Loves Guns

  34. .

    And back to the subject of dicks, what's with the Dems.

    These guys/gals/non-self-identified-yet dicks are on a par with the GOP in Congress. Maybe worse. Hell, some of them are actually as bad as Faux Farmer Bob as improbable as that seems.

    The usual suspects are in high dudgeon today shouting their umbrage and disgust that Donald Trump would actually have the audacity and ill manners to not only speak back to but also to speak ill of John Lewis a hero of the civil rights movement in the 60's because the man publically accused Trump's pending presidency of being illegitimate and proffered that the only reason Trump beat Hillary was because of help from the Russians.

    And does it make a difference to the Dem toadies that Lewis' assertions were denied by the intelligence agencies and the Obama administration? Not a jot.

    Besides as Katrina vanden Heuvel put it, how can someone who nominated Jefferson Beauregard Sessions for AG have the audacity to challenge John Lewis on Martin Luther King Jr weekend.

    You can't make it up folks.

    However, none of the left's rock stars have yet to explain how being a civil rights activist 50 years ago justifies John Lewis' falsely calling Trump's presidency illegitimate and propagating charges that have never been proven and which have been denied by all US intelligence agencies, key players in his own party, and the president of the US.


    1. I think he should be listened to because of his unequaled ability to turn his history and his ugly repulsive persona into a lifelong positive.

      For some.

    2. That's a hell of a vacant space you left there, Quirk-O.

      Mind wandering again ?

    3. In fact it's so big it covers my entire screen if I scroll it just right.

      Acres of Nothing.....

    4. .

      Acres of Nothing...

      Perhaps, to those with no vision or soul.

      Perhaps, to those with no spirit or imagination.


      Perhaps, to those with small computer screens.


    5. Acres of Nothing

      Sounds like 90 bushel straw, 5 bushel wheat to me.

    6. (that's when, Quirk, the rains don't come at the right time....the crop can look great, but nothing but rice in the wheat heads....)

    7. It's when, if you've had any brains, you've signed up for the Federal Crop Insurance and paid the premium.

    8. .

      Gee, thanks for the info.

      Me and my team are trying to collect odd bits of Americana from our rural past and we're racing the clock to gather as much as we can before you old guys kick the bucket.


      P.S. Do you have any old tintypes of you and Wayne you could pass along so we can illustrate the book we are putting together?


  35. We need to come together as one, and stand together, and not piss on our shoes.

    1. We need to stand together under the same umbrella, rain or shine, and get the job done.

    2. Let's us not abandon the ship before the ship has left the port.

    3. With an eye to our neighbor's lawn, let us mow our own.

      With an eye to our neighbor's wife, let us sow our own.

    4. With healing in our hearts, let us sheath our knives for another day.

  36. At least five people, including four foreigners, have been killed and 15 injured when a gunman opened fire outside the Blue Parrot nightclub in the Mexican resort town of Playa del Carmen during the BPM electronic music festival, officials say.

    Quintana Roo state Attorney-General Miguel Angel Pech told a press conference that two Canadians, an Italian and a Colombian were killed.


    Video footage showed people running from the Blue Parrot club and ducking for cover.

    "This is a very, very sad situation. Tryna (sic) get my head around it still. Thoughts and condolences to all affected," Scottish DJ Jackmaster, who was performing at BPM, said on Twitter.

  37. Is There an Element Zero?

    By Ross Pomeroy
    January 16, 2017

    Is There an Element Zero?NASA/CXC/SAO (X-Ray); NASA/JPL-Caltech (Infrared)
    The periodic table contains a wide array of elements, numbered from one (hydrogen) to 118 (oganesson), with each number representing the number of protons stored within an atom's nucleus. Scientists are constantly working to create new elements by cramming more and more protons into nuclei, expanding the periodic table. The effort sparks curiosity and questions: Can the table be enlarged in the opposite direction? Is it possible to make an element zero? Does it already exist?

    "Element zero" has been a matter of conjecture for nearly a century, and no scientist searched more ardently for it than German chemist Andreas von Antropoff. It was Antropoff who placed the theoretical element atop a periodic table of his own devising, and it was also he who thought up a prescient name for it: neutronium.

    You don't widely hear Antropoff''s name today, as his Nazi leanings earned the scientist international disgrace. You do, however, hear about neutronium. Today, the term commonly refers to a gaseous substance composed almost purely of neutrons, found within the tiniest, densest stars known to exist: neutron stars.

    Harp via Wikimedia Commons

    Neutron stars are the collapsed cores of large stars. Just twenty kilometers wide, they hold the mass of one to three Suns. The incredible mass comes from how they are composed. The stars are made up almost entirely of neutrons clumped together by intense gravity. Neutrons normally exist only within nuclei of atoms, making their congregation an astronomical rarity, and deserving of a cool name, the aforementioned "neutronium". (Image: The structure of a neutron.)

    But is the stuff also worthy of the title "element zero"? Neutronium is theoretically devoid of protons, so on face value it fits the bill, as no protons would mean no atomic number. With that said, such a definition would certainly require some creative thinking. Neutronium only dwells under the crushing gravity of a neutron star. Extract a teaspoon of the stuff (roughly equal to the mass of a mountain) and it will decay almost instantly with "tremendous" radioactivity. To consider neutronium a stable element we'd almost need to think of a neutron star as an atomic nucleus.

    That's a massive stretch.

    (Author's Note: Some learned commenters have correctly pointed out that elements don't have to be long-lasting to be considered elements. This strengthens the case for neutronium as element zero!)

  38. Michelle Obama Praises Hack John Lewis After He’s Caught in Disgusting Lie

    Michelle Obama praises political hack and liar John Lewis.

    Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) told NBC last weekend he will skip the Trump Inauguration.

    “I don’t plan to attend inauguration. It will be the first one I miss since I’ve been in Congress.”

    But that was a lie.
    John Lewis did not attend George W. Bush’s Inauguration in 2001 saying he was not a “true elected president.”

    Imagine my shock, John Lewis lied about this being his first inauguration he skipped since being in Congress. #MLKDAY

    — Asa J 🇺🇸 (@asamjulian) January 16, 2017

    But that didn’t seem to matter to First Lady Michelle Obama
    She praised Rep. Lewis today in a tweet after his horrible remarks against Donald Trump.

    Thinking of Dr. King and great leaders like @repjohnlewis who carry on his legacy. May their example be our call to action. -mo

    — The First Lady (@FLOTUS) January 16, 2017

    1. John just has a poor memory.

    2. .

      Hey, what about that tintype I asked for?


    3. Here:

      But I can't recall you asking for it.

      Maybe it was a tinfoil hat you wanted ?

    4. What's the name of the new Mutt ?

      I am not answering any more of your questions until I know.

  39. Federica Mogherini, the EU’s foreign policy chief, tried to play down the row, saying she did not rule out the EU being able to agree a Middle East statement at a later stage, “when things are a little more mature on the side of the US administration, which for the moment is not yet clear”.

    It was pointed out that the Paris statement had been considerably softened from the original French text. The final statement made no mention of the 4 June 1967 lines as a basis for negotiations, nor did it urge participating countries to distinguish, in all their actions, between Israel and the settlements.

    The clause urging Israeli and Palestinian leaders to dissociate themselves from opponents of two states was also softened; the draft had demanded that they “disavow official voices on their side that reject this solution”.
