Thursday, December 15, 2016

The "High Confidence" Confidence Game

I Got your high confidence, right here.

Questions for the Electors on Russian Hacking

It is being reported that John Podesta, Chairman of the defeated $1.2 billion Clinton presidential campaign, is supporting the call by various officials, including at least forty Electors, that the members of the Electoral College be given a classified intelligence briefing on the alleged Russian hacking before the College votes on December 19.
In the event such a briefing comes to pass, it might be helpful if the Electors had some informed questions to ask the CIA.
1/ The DNC hackers inserted the name of the founder of Russian intelligence, in Russian, in the metadata of the hacked documents.  Why would the G.R.U., Russian military intelligence do that?
2/ If the hackers were indeed part of Russian intelligence, why did they use a free Russian email account, or, in the hack of the state election systems, a Russian-owned server?  Does Russian intelligence normally display such poor tradecraft?
3/ Why would Russian intelligence, for the purposes of hacking the election systems of Arizona and Illinois, book space on a Russian-owned server and then use only English, as documents furnished by Vladimir Fomenko, proprietor of Kings Servers, the company that owned the server in question, clearly indicate?
4/ Numerous reports ascribe the hacks to hacking groups known as APT 28 or “Fancy Bear” and APT 29 or “Cozy Bear.” But these groups had already been accused of  nefarious actions on behalf of Russian intelligence prior to the hacks under discussion.  Why would the Kremlin and its intelligence agencies select well-known groups to conduct a regime-change operation on the most powerful country on earth?
5/ It has been reported in the New York Times, without attribution, that U.S. intelligence has identified specific G.R.U. officials who directed the hacking. Is this true, and if so, please provide details (Witness should be sworn)
6/ The joint statement issued by the DNI and DHS on October 7 2016 confirmed that US intelligence had no evidence of official Russian involvement in the leak of hacked documents to Wikileaks, etc, saying only that the leaks were “consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts.”  Has the US acquired any evidence whatsoever since that time regarding Russian involvement in the leaks?
7/ Since the most effective initiative in tipping the election to Donald Trump was the intervention of FBI Director Comey, are you investigating any possible connections he might have to Russian intelligence and Vladimir Putin?
Andrew Cockburn is the Washington editor of Harper’s Magazine.  An Irishman, he has covered national security topics in this country for many years.  In addition to publishing numerous books, he co-produced the 1997 feature film The Peacemaker and the 2009 documentary on the financial crisis American Casino.  His latest book is Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins (Henry Holt).



  1. Krakow,at night, decorated for Christmas, is beautiful. There is no "Happy Holiday" here, no politically correct neutered Christmas celebration. It is also bone chilling cold, but as Trump woud say,"These are tough people."

    1. .

      It's bone chilling cold here too, but the snowflakes are warm and cozy in their 'safe places'.


  2. ...and I do have a "high confidence" call, for the faithless electors and their backers in Hollywood.

    Just try it. We will see how that works for you.

  3. Election deniers one and all. They just cannot believe "somebody done peed in their Cheerios."
    As my grandfather used to say.

  4. .

    The House Intelligence Committee has requested the CIA to brief them in closed session on the evidence they have that supports their 'high confidence' that Russia

    1. Hacked Democrats (and Republicans) and tried to interfere with the US elections
    2. They did so with the specific intent to help Trump

    The CIA refused.

    They indicated they would not be briefing Congress until they had briefed the President (presumably the day before Trump is sworn in).

    And people ask why the process and conclusions are questioned.


  5. Assad, and his Russian helpers, ought to be tortured to death for their behavior.


    Foot and a half of snow here, 17 degrees.

  6. Trump, Thanking You Pennsylvania in Hershey, Pennsylvania, seems to have said something about 'safe zones' in Syria, but I didn't catch exactly he coming late to this idea ?

    1. Listening to Trump, it's surprising Hershey Bars are still Made in America.....they are, aren't they ?

    2. Hershey manufactures European brands in Pennsy.

  7. The way I see things, Trump is working to cleave the Chinese relationship with Russia.

    He should sit down with Putin to review a set maps of the China and Russian border:

    !. Satellite showing infrastructure
    2. Population density map, present and projected 50 years
    3. Political map
    4. Mineral and natural resources

    China will devour Russia's east without the US and EU.

  8. First, you can discover literally lots of that all claim to be the pinnacle. 2d, the guy working the register in those stores does not have a clue what you may want

    1. What, not even a 'Hey, I love your blog!'?

    2. How do you expect people to go visit your site without saying something kind about the blog you're spamming first?

    3. Unless she praises the virtues and values of Quirk I'm not clicking on her link !

    4. .

      Ms Ramsey does not have clue what we want.


  9. President-elect Donald Trump wants him. But many Russia-phobic Republicans and arguably not a single Democratic in the Senate will vote for Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State.


    Tillerson's appointment was applauded by Russian fund managers and some oil industry investors who are hopeful that sectoral sanctions get removed at some point next year.


    Market consensus is that sanctions are retained next year, and that an Executive Branch controlled by Trump wouldn't give Russia sanctions relief without getting something in return.

    1. .

      Haven't you heard, Trump already got it.


  10. The Seasquaks look like some sort of internal organ bile in their new uniforms -

    1. .


      I saw them in the pregame show. Crazy.


  11. The Four-Letter Code to Selling Just About Anything

    What makes things cool?

    Derek Thompson

    Loewy believed that consumers are torn between a curiosity about new things and a fear of anything too new.

    "Optimal Newness"

    The most-novel proposals got the worst ratings. Exceedingly familiar proposals fared a bit better, but they still received low scores. “Everyone dislikes novelty,” Karim Lakhani, a co-author, explained to me, and “experts tend to be overcritical of proposals in their own domain.” The highest evaluation scores went to submissions that were deemed slightly new. There is an “optimal newness” for ideas, Lakhani said—advanced yet acceptable.

    1. .

      The highest evaluation scores went to submissions that were deemed slightly new. There is an “optimal newness” for ideas, Lakhani said—advanced yet acceptably new.

      Like the Seahawks new uniforms?


  12. Obama is pretending to be a badass about the Russian hacking. First time? All the sudden he has balls. What fun.


  14. Keith Olbermann has become a revolutionary !

    Basically calling for the overthrow of the election results by any means necessary.

    Trying to think of good nom de guerra for Keith....

  15. ‘Get out, devils. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast you out.’

    Davenport was in a relationship with Miss Hines, who was found in front of her apartment building on West 162nd Street and pronounced dead at Harlem Hospital, officers added.

    George Hudacko, 65, who saw the 3am attack from his window and called 911, said Davenport was stabbing Hines and screaming: ‘Get out, devils. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast you out.’

  16. Islamic State recaptures Palmyra, displays severed heads of Assad forces


    “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)

    Note how the Islamic State’s characterization of the Assad regime is entirely religious, not political.

    Meanwhile, reports of the Islamic State’s imminent demise in Iraq and Syria may be premature. The U.S. presidential election is over, aside from attempts to steal it, and so now the forces arrayed against the Islamic State can safely go back to losing without significant loss to Obama and co. of what really matters to them: political capital.

    “PHOTOS: ISIS Beheads ‘SAA Sympathizers’ After Recapturing Palmyra, Syria,” by S. J. Prince, Heavy, December 12, 2016:

    While nearly all of the extremist organizations in Syria are Sunni, the Syrian government is run by Bashar al-Assad, an Alawite or “Nusayri Shia.” According to The Believe Project, Nusayri Shia doctrine developed in the mountains of Syria in the 9th century by Abu Shu’ayb Muhammad ibn Nusayr. ISIS derives its propagandistic name for the Assad from Nusayr as “Nusayris.” However, the term in modern times has come to be viewed as derogatory. Above, one of the “loyalists” is shown with his decapitated head on a spike.

    “Islamic State may be losing ground, but its recapture of Palmyra in Syria shows it is still a threat,” by Nabih Bulos, Los Angeles Times, December 12, 2016:

    When the Syrian army, backed by relentless Russian airstrikes, beat back Islamic State from the ancient city of Palmyra early this year, it marked the first in a string of significant defeats against the extremist group in the country.

    But that victory appeared to have been short-lived. On Sunday, almost nine months after the jihadists’ retreat, Islamic State overran Palmyra once more, the group and activists said. The advance raises questions about recent pronouncements of the group’s weakness — as well as Damascus’ ability to hold territories for which it has paid heavily in men and materiel.

    It also suggests a doubling down on Syria by Islamic State and a return to the time before it proclaimed its “caliphate” in 2014. It had been all but defeated in Iraq then, but regrouped around the Syrian-Iraqi border before launching a blitz offensive that claimed a large swath of Iraqi and Syrian territory.

    A statement released by Islamic State on social media Sunday said the “soldiers of the caliphate had secured their control over all of Palmyra city… after three days of violent clashes.”

    It also issued a series of images showing its fighters with tanks, and pickups mounted with heavy guns, attacking what it said was the Jazal oil fields, northwest of Palmyra…..

  17. December 16, 2016
    Anyone Else Getting Hacked Off about the Russian Hacking Story?
    By Brian Joondeph

    ....The latest story is that Russia hacked the U.S. presidential election, handing the win to Mr. Trump. The N.Y. Times is all over the story with a headline, "How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the US."

    The only thing that has been hacked is honest journalism and reporting. Is anyone else getting hacked off over this continued nonsensical narrative?

    What exactly is hacking? The definition is "[t]he practice of modifying or altering computer software and hardware to accomplish a goal that is considered to be outside of the creator's original objective." So how was the election hacked? What specifically did the Russians do, and where is the proof? And where is any evidence that such hacking changed the election outcome?

    Foreign governments hacking each other is nothing new. Several years ago, the Russians hacked the White House, but it wasn't news, fake or otherwise, as it didn't serve the media's agenda.

    Even election interference is has precedence. Just ask President Obama, who spent U.S. taxpayer dollars trying to influence the Israeli election. Any media outrage? Hardly even mentioned....


  18. ...Anonymous allegations that Russian government hackers interfered with the US elections are “evidence-free,” several retired intelligence professionals argued in an open letter. Any hack would have been noticed by the NSA, which has stayed silent, they say.
    Last Friday, the New York Times and the Washington Post cited anonymous sources claiming the CIA believed Russia was behind hackers who exposed emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, with the intent of aiding the campaign of Donald Trump. Several Democratic senators have called for a special investigation into the allegations, while Trump dismissed it as a “conspiracy theory.”

  19. {...}“Reading our short memo could save the Senate from endemic partisanship, expense and unnecessary delay,” wrote the former CIA and NSA spies, part of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), adding that “harder evidence of a technical nature points to an inside leak, not hacking – by Russians or anyone else.”

    A hack, the group explained, is when someone remotely enters a computer system and extracts data. Any such attempt, however, would have been detected by the NSA.

    “Thanks largely to the material released by Edward Snowden, we can provide a full picture of NSA’s extensive domestic data-collection network including Upstream programs like Fairview, Stormbrew and Blarney,” they wrote. This gives the agency “unparalleled access to data” being transmitted both inside and outside the US.

    Pointing out that the statements by anonymous intelligence officials contain equivocating phrases such as “our best guess” or “our opinion” or “our estimate,” the veterans argued that the NSA has not produced evidence of hacking. Such evidence can be easily produced “without any danger to sources or methods,” they added.

    “In sum, given what we know of NSA’s existing capabilities, it beggars belief that NSA would be unable to identify anyone – Russian or not – attempting to interfere in a US election by hacking,” the group wrote, drawing the conclusion that servers allegedly hacked “were, in fact, not hacked” and that the emails disclosed by WikiLeaks and other sites were leaked.


  20. {...}

    Former NSA technician and whistleblower Bill Binney, one of the letters signers told RT Wikileaks Julian Assange had already said publicly it was not the Russians but “a leaker inside,” and that the leaks might be political motivated.

    “Certainly that’s behind some of it. Hillary Clinton and a number of people were going that way, and certainly the military intelligence complex fosters that because that means for a 'new cold war' trillions of dollars going into the coffers of those people, they would certainly be advocates for this thing. There is a lot of vested interest to keep this kind of thing going,” Binney added.

    Binney said previously when there was allegations about a hack from China, the NSA showed trace route evidence, even the building where the hack originated in China

    “There is no reason to withhold this kind of information especially if they [CIA] can prove it, and so far as I can see they won’t even brief the House Intelligence Committee on the evidence they are using to make this statement that tells me that what they are saying is a pack of crap,” said Binney.

    In one example of such equivocating, three anonymous officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) told Reuters on Monday that their agency did not dispute the CIA’s reported opinions, yet it would not accept them either.

  21. {...}

    Clinton, who was considered to be a hands-down favorite to win the election, lost the Electoral College vote to Trump, garnering only 232 electors to his 306. The electors are scheduled to assemble on December 19 and formally cast their votes. However, a number of Democratic electors have requested an intelligence briefing concerning the accusations of “Russian hacking.”

    With the CIA depending on NSA for communications intelligence, “it remains something of a mystery why the media is being fed strange stories about hacking that have no basis in fact,” the veteran intelligence officials wrote.

    The letter was signed by retired NSA technical director and whistleblower William Binney, former Senator and counterintelligence agent Mike Gravel, former CIA intelligence officer Larry Johnson, former CIA and military intelligence analyst Ray McGovern, retired CIA intelligence officer Elizabeth Murray, and former NSA SIGINT analyst Kirk Wiebe.

  22. I sincerely hope that Obama does not let the task of pardoning Hillary get in the way of a golf game or three weeks vacation to Hawaii.

    1. Obama is body surfing in Hawaii right now. (See Drudge)

    2. The deficit will drop just on the money saved on Obama's vacations once Trump is settled in....

  23. All of a sudden, Obama is a bad ass.

    He wants to hand over to Trump a stirred up hornets nest.

    Trump ought to make a phone call to Putin and wish him and the Russian people "Merry Christmas".

    1. :)


      Putin has, indeed, 'taken the Cross'.

      I saw it on his chest once, when he was relaxing, fishing, in between bumping off Russian journalists and invading other countries

  24. I just took a nice long walk for coffee here in Krakow. I put up a photo at the end of this post of the street outside my hotel. Beautiful city. It starts getting dark here by 3:30 pm.

    All is good.

    1. We're gonna have 2 feet of snow by the end of this day.

      No walking or driving here.

      Snowbound !

    2. Deuce, have you visited that Pub on the left in your photo? If so, what is the atmosphere of it? Can you take a picture inside?

  25. Rep. Elijah Cummings (The senile Uncle Remus of the US Congress) says Russian hacking is a "struggle for the soul of our democracy.",

    A new 911 says the doddering old fool on the hill.

    1. He got me worried about Guam sinking under the sea from the weight of our presence there.

      No one else had thought of that....guy is an original thinker, in addition to being a doddering old fool.

      Ah, Democracy !

  26. Clinton wasn't hacked. A Bernie Sanders supporter leaked them to Wikileaks. Shitbird Obama knows the CIA report is crap.

  27. Russian Hacking Conspiracy Theory Implodes
    The Left’s quest to overturn Trump’s election isn’t going very well.

    December 16, 2016 Matthew Vadum

    The Left’s crusade against Republican presidential electors is kicking into high gear even as the CIA-attributed story that Russian hackers won the White House for Donald Trump is going up in flames.
    There is still no evidence –at least none that has been made publicly available– that the Russian government or Russian-backed cyber militias hacked anything to help Trump win the election but that’s not halting the Left’s efforts to delegitimize his presidency before it even begins.
    Against this backdrop, members of the Electoral College are preparing to gather this Monday in the 50 states and the District of Columbia to fulfill their constitutional duty. Adding to the drama, some electors are demanding intelligence briefings on the alleged hacking before they vote.
    But sometimes not everyone on the Left gets the memo.

    Attorney General Loretta Lynch yesterday undermined the Left’s post-election jihad against Trump by rejecting the proposition that the Russian government (or anyone) hacked into voting machines used in the recent election.

    “We didn’t see any sort of technical interference that people had concerns about, in terms of voting machines and the like,” she said at an event hosted by Politico.

    While community organizers across America whip their followers into a state of frenzy, stories are still being planted in the media by the Central Intelligence Agency or sources claiming to speak for the spy agency. Yet the CIA refuses to be held to account.

    When federal lawmakers did their job this week and demanded proof of the Russian hacking allegations, intelligence agencies refused to show up to provide congressional testimony.

    Most reasonable people would infer from this appallingly arrogant behavior by the CIA, which has long been home to left-wing Democrats and squishy moderate Republicans, that all this damning evidence we keep hearing about does not actually exist.

    House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) blasted “Intelligence Community directors” for their “intransigence in sharing intelligence with Congress [which] can enable the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes.”

    Intelligence overseer Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) is hopping mad over the CIA’s obstructionism. It is “absolutely disgraceful,” he said, that the intelligence community is refusing to brief lawmakers about the alleged Russian hacking program while false information is being surreptitiously funneled to the media to discredit Donald Trump....

    1. The thought saunters in that the USA might be better off without the CIA.



    China's reply to Trump's Taiwan phone call....


  29. Our Belle is losing Hope, probably on her way to losing her pride again:

    Her husband repeatedly used messages of hope in his presidential campaigns and during his time in office.

    But US First Lady Michelle Obama has struck a much less upbeat tone in her last TV interview before the family leaves the White House.

    Speaking to talk show host Oprah Winfrey, Mrs Obama said America's outlook had changed since Donald Trump won November's election.

    "Now we're feeling what not having hope feels like," she said.


  30. President Obama and his family will be taking Air Force One to Honolulu on Friday to embark on their annual Christmas vacation.

    The president does have one work-related event planned for his vacation, which usually consists of golf, parties with friends and dinners out. Obama later this month will greet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Pearl Harbor for his planned historic visit.

    The president and his family won’t return to Washington until after the new year.

    Before departing Friday evening, Obama will host reporters for his annual end-of-year news conference, scheduled for 2:15 p.m.

    There’s just over a month remaining before Obama turns the White House keys over to Donald Trump.

    1. He has had an exhausting year, reading all those intelligence reports and all.

    2. I can't think of a creative thing he's done in the last eight years.

    3. Wait, there was something....about wildlife or something, long ago....I'll try to think of it.

  31. .

    Obama once, as in the current 'hacking' kerfuffle, Obama fail to act as president...

    Obama allows Iran sanctions renewal, but doesn’t sign bill
    In surprise move, president decides to let law take effect without putting ink to paper after White House calls legislation unnecessary

    What a bullshit response. Instead of going on record and vetoing the legislation and taking any heat that comes with that decision, Obama chooses to do nothing and try to slide out the door in a month where he will try to assume plausible deniability for whatever happens.


    1. O'bozo should have vetoed the bill !

      The Iranians, being such upstanding honest as angels peace seeking folks without the hint of a thought of cheating....

    2. .

      I'm glad you've FINALLY seen the light.


  32. With China openly and shamelessly stealing our drone, and the Philippines threatening to kick us out, it's time to chum up with our old friends the Ho Chi Minh Folk, who will slowly welcome us, and station troops and nukes in Hanoi.


    O'bozo presser coming up....O'bozo will know what to do....kick the can to The Donald.


  34. .

    From the Federalist...

    For those unfamiliar with the way Progressives 'actually' talk among themselves. [Sullivan is Andrew Sullivan a lib who isn't batshit crazy.]

    The Progressive Echo Chamber

    On Obama hand's being tied because he is black.

    SULLIVAN: He won more white voters in 2012 than Hillary Clinton just did, OK? He was always popular with white people in the Midwest. This whole racial thing is just so myopic.

    GORDON-REED: No, it’s not myopic. We’re talking about his responses to things. We’re talking about why an individual maneuvers in a particular way. If you are an African American person and you are in this setting, you can’t maneuver like a white person. Sure, there are white people who like him—that’s not the question. The question is, why did he act in a particular way?

    SULLIVAN: What should he have done otherwise and didn’t because he’s black? … They keep saying that because he’s black he couldn’t move left.

    PAINTER: Andrew, that is so gross, in the sense of using such a big club. You’re not hearing what we’re saying in terms of context, psychology, and culture. It’s not a toggle switch of racism, or ‘because he’s black.’ It’s because of the fine-grained nature of our society. What he could accomplish changed month by month, week by week, congressman by congressman, senator by senator. What I’m trying to say is that there’s more going into this than just the policy and the politics.

    [Editorial note: Lordy]

    I’m not entirely convinced that “because he’s black” isn’t being used as a “big club” in


    On Hillary Clinton Lost Because She Was an ‘Older Woman’

    When Sullivan suggested that Hillary Clinton might, in fact, be “a dreadful candidate, and someone almost no one can imagine being president of the United States,” the floodgates opened:

    SULLIVAN: She’s a terribly unpopular person. Horrible: no inspiration, no political skills, complete mediocrity. So that’s the mistake—allowing the Clintons to keep control of the party and then allowing this mediocrity to be his successor.

    PAINTER: [Gesturing to the other women around the table] Can we just say: We entirely disagree with that.

    JAFFE: Well, I don’t know. I think Hillary Clinton was a lousy candidate.

    GORDON-REED: I don’t think she was a lousy candidate. But for a candidate to lose to someone who’s never been in the military, who’s never held public office—he’s not like any candidate who’s ever run before. So there were other forces at play here, most notably her gender.

    PAINTER: She’s an older woman.

    GORDON-REED. That’s right. It’s clear that many people have a hard time paying attention to older women as anything other than mothers or grandmothers.

    SULLIVAN: She’s just a bad candidate and a terrible politician whom large numbers of people despised. You can see it in the polls: She represented everything that people hate about Washington.

    PAINTER: Yeah, because she’s an older woman.

    You can't make it up.


    1. They can't see the forest for the trees. Her loss had NOTHING to do with being a woman (young or old or ugly).

    2. IMO, she knows why she lost the election. It's because she was too aligned with Obama. Everyone is sick of Obama. But saying so would be a death wish. Instead, we hear Comey, Fake News, Russia, a hang nail, and Lies, lies, and more lies.

    3. I woulda voted for her if she looked like Gabby Reece, turned me into Laird Hamilton, and married me.

  35. We’re talking about why an individual maneuvers in a particular way. If you are an African American person and you are in this setting, you can’t maneuver like a white person.

    And I've always heard blacks were great dancers....


    More seriously, Obama can dance. He said, just one of two hundred examples, he had no idea Hillary had a private server, yet he was emailing to it....

    No one really has ever called him on it....

    Guy can dance on the head of a pin like an angel.

    (a subservient press does help a lot)

  36. "Trump taps David Friedman as Israel envoy, eyes embassy move to Jerusalem

    WASHINGTON — The Associated Press
    Published Friday, Dec. 16, 2016 10:29AM EST

    Donald Trump’s selection of a hard-line pro-Israel advocate as his U.S. ambassador to the Jewish state could signal the end of decades of American support for the establishment of an independent Palestine.

    The president-elect’s transition team already has asked the State Department to assess how to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, according to one official, underscoring Trump’s commitment to back Israel in ways no American leader has before.


    The ambassador-designate, David Friedman, has long ties to Israel’s settler movement and has supported stances on the far-right of Israel’s political spectrum, well beyond those of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Orthodox Jewish lawyer from New York has suggested Trump would support Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank, effectively eliminating the possibility of a Palestinian state. He has served as president of American Friends of Bet El Institutions, which supports a settlement.

    “This is about as sharp a break with past policy as I’ve seen in the last 25 years,” said Aaron David Miller, a Mideast adviser under five American presidents of both parties.


  37. Maybe Arafat shouldn't have given everyone the dirty finger some time ago, and taken the 95% offered him.

    Many people concluded he didn't really have peace in mind at all.

  38. The Donald up in Orlando in a few minutes....maybe he'll mention our stolen drone....his first big pop quiz....

    1. Trump One is on the ground !

      Motorcade on way to Orlando Arena !

      Stay tuned in, Ash !

    2. Now, Ash ! He's in the Arena, will make his entrance soon, you don't want to miss his entrance....go to Fox News immediately !

    3. Trump secretly gets ALL his advice and information from Trudeau X Jr.

    4. Heh....Trudeau X Jr. heheheheh

      The Donald wished you, Ash, YOU ! a Merry Christmas, a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ! to you Ash, and to US ALL !

      All I ever got from Hillary was a fucking snide remark about being a 'deplorable'.

      The Donald did talk about safe zones in Syria, but I didn't hear the term 'no fly zones'. I certainly wish him good fortune in this endeavor that I sorta wish he wouldn't undertake, as being 'problematic, and worrisome'....

      I also noticed he singled out the Hindu/India community of Florida for their support.

      Hindus/Hindu Americans are one of the most upwardly mobile groups in the USA these days. Sane, wish, creative, humorous.....we need more of them...

      There's nothing more fun than a Trump rally, Ash !

    5. The last POTUS who catered to Israel from day one was Dubya and look where that went. Now, Deuce's man Trump, has jumped on Israel's band wagon supremely confident in the righteousness of his conviction.

    6. Both Hamas and the PA are dedicated to driving the Israelis into the sea.

      Also, misogynists, and dedicated to apartheid. "No Jews in our land". "Women = half a man"

      Hard on gays too, and anyone that doesn't toe their line.

      Aggressive, militant.

      Your sympathy is misplaced.

  39. In her youth, Wintour was educated at the independent North London Collegiate School, where she frequently rebelled against the dress code by taking up the hemlines of her skirts.[11] At the age of 14, she began wearing her hair in a bob.[12] She developed an interest in fashion as a regular viewer of Cathy McGowan on Ready Steady Go!,[13] and from the issues of Seventeen which her grandmother sent from the United States.[14] "Growing up in London in the '60s, you'd have to have had Irving Penn's sack over your head not to know something extraordinary was happening in fashion," she recalled.[15] Her father regularly consulted her when he was considering ideas for increasing readership in the youth market.[13]
    At the age of 15, she began dating well-connected older men. She was involved briefly with Piers Paul Read, then 24.[16] In her later teens, she and gossip columnist Nigel Dempster became a fixture on the London club circuit.[17]

    1. Age 15 is way too young to be dating well-connected older men.

  40. It will be interesting to see how much of a bad ass Obama will be over his captive drone.

    1. Obama? That's Trump's inaugural tar baby. He its natural born father.

  41. Obama hasn't been a bad ass yet. He'll hand the badass football to Trump.

    1. He'll hand it off to Mad Dog who will repeat:

      "Some assholes in the world just need a good killing."

  42. What's most hilarious to me is all the dumb fuck "conservative commentators" that rejected Trump 'cause he "isn't a conservative."
    But no two previous GOP Presidents Combined have ever chosen as many conservative cabinet members, advisers, and etc.

  43. Elderly French couple convicted over Picasso works kept in garage for decades

    By Jean-Francois Rosnoblet By Jean-Francois RosnobletDecember 16, 2016

    Pierre Le Guennec leaves the courthouse after his appeal trial in the Le Guennec-Picasso case in Aix en Provence, southeastern France, December 16, 2016. REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier
    By Jean-Francois Rosnoblet

    AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France (Reuters) - An elderly French electrician and his wife were convicted on Friday of illicitly procuring hundreds of Picasso artworks that they kept for almost 40 years in the garage of their home.

    An appeals court in the southern city of Aix-en-Provence gave a two-year suspended sentence to Pierre Le Guennec, who carried out electrical work at the home of Pablo Picasso's last wife in the early 1970s, along with his wife, Danielle.

    The two were also ordered to hand the works over to Picasso's heirs and to pay legal and other related costs. The court also upheld an earlier ruling ending six years of legal wrangling that began when the Le Guennecs took out the 180 paintings and other artworks as well as a book of 91 drawings in 2009-10 to get them authenticated, revealing their existence.

    The artworks that were kept in a box in the Le Guennecs' garage have an estimated combined worth of 60-100 million euros ($63-$105 million), according to public prosecutors.

    Pierre Le Guennec, now 77, worked for several years at the Picasso couple's villa in the French Riviera town of Mougins.

    He argued at the trial that he was given the artworks by Jacqueline Picasso upon her husband's death at 91 in 1973, which sparked a succession feud between her and her son-in-law, Claude.

    Claude Picasso's lawyer, Jean-Jacques Neuer, welcomed Friday's ruling and told reporters that the artworks were in perfect condition after almost four decades in storage.

    Picasso, a Spaniard, spent most of his life in France.

  44. Hillary is STILL bullshitting and blaming everyone else for her defeat.

    She's become a sad cartoon, if there is such a thing.

  45. “Putin publicly blamed me for the outpouring of outrage by his own people, and that is the direct line between what he said back then and what he did in this election,” Mrs. Clinton said.

    It is the first time Mrs. Clinton has publicly addressed the impact of the hacks since the intelligence community concluded that they were specifically aimed at harming her campaign.

    “Make no mistake, as the press is finally catching up to the facts, which we desperately tried to present to them during the last months of the campaign,” Mrs. Clinton told the group, which collectively poured roughly $1 billion into her effort. “This is not just an attack on me and my campaign, although that may have added fuel to it. This is an attack against our country. We are well beyond normal political concerns here. This is about the integrity of our democracy and the security of our nation.”

    In her remarks, she endorsed the proposal of a bipartisan group of senators to investigate the hacking and said the inquiry should be modeled on the commission set up after the Sept. 11 attacks. “The public deserves to know exactly what happened, and why, in order for us to prevent future attacks on our systems, including our electoral system,” she said.

    Mrs. Clinton said the hacking was one of two “unprecedented” events that led to her defeat. The other was the release of a letter by James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, shortly before the election disclosing new questions about emails handled by her private server. The letter, she said, cost her close races in several battleground states.

    “Swing-state voters made their decisions in the final days breaking against me because of the F.B.I. letter from Director Comey,” she said.

  46. Trump has been a little hasty in his decision on Hillary. She needs prison time.

    1. Trump ought to turn the whole matter over to Sessions, saying "Just follow the law".

  47. Clinton got what she deserved because she is arrogant, foolish, has bad judgement and has all the caring and warmth that comes with being a world class sociopathic liar.

  48. She needs a garlic wreath and the long stake of justice driven through her black heart.

  49. She burned a billion plus in cash and her donors got the "With Her" T shirt for their judgement and unrequited love, as a souvenir.



    Lock her up.

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