Monday, December 19, 2016

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished


The driver of the big rig that barreled into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin on Monday — killing at least 12 people and injuring scores more — is a Pakistani refugee who arrived in Germany earlier this year, local reports say.

Sources told the German newspaper “Die Welt” that the suspected terror suspect came into the country on February 16, according to the Telegraph.

The man has been arrested in the past for minor criminal offences unrelated to terrorism, the sources said.

Another Berlin paper, Der Tagesspiegel, reported earlier that he was believed to be either Pakistani or Afghan.

Two senior German officials later confirmed to The Washington Post that the man was, in fact, believed to be a Pakistani national who arrived as an asylum seeker.

German authorities have yet confirm the identity of the driver or his nationality.

The fact that he is an alleged asylum seeker from Pakistan will surely spark widespread outrage in Germany following Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision last year to allow nearly 1 million migrants from the Middle East enter the country.

“When will German rule of law strike back? When will this accursed hypocrisy end? These are Merkel’s deaths!” tweeted Marcus Pretzell, European parliament member from the right-wing Alternative for Germany, according to the Washington Times.

Germany has been a popular target for terrorists in 2016.

The Islamic State has already claimed responsibility for at least two attacks in the country — both of which were committed by asylum seekers.

Just last week, German prosecutors revealed that they were probing an incident involving a 12-year-old boy who allegedly planned to use a nail-bomb attack to slaughter people at a Christmas market in the southern city of Ludwigshafen.

According to the Washington Post, investigators told local media that they believed the youngster — who holds dual German and Iraqi citizenship — was being directed by a member of ISIS.


  1. Politicus USA
    Reacting to the news that 12 people were killed and dozens more were injured after a truck drove into a Christmas market in Berlin, Germany, President-Elect Donald Trump issued a statement capitalizing on the tragedy and blaming “ISIS and other Islamist terrorists” for the attack – before any hard facts about motives have been released.

    Full statement from Trump:

    Our hearts and prayers are with the loved ones of the victims of today’s horrifying terror attack in Berlin. Innocent civilians were murdered in the streets as they prepared to celebrate the Christmas holiday. ISIS and other Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad. These terrorists and their regional and worldwide networks must be eradicated from the face of the earth, a mission we will carry out with all freedom-loving partners.

    As he did frequently throughout his campaign, Trump is again exploiting a tragedy in order to push an anti-Muslim narrative. After all, blaming an entire religion for the senseless violence of a few is a whole lot easier than actually knowing what you’re talking about. It’s a simple way to frame what is a much more complex issue – one Trump likely doesn’t know how to address in a thoughtful, honest way.

    Like many of Trump’s “shoot first, aim later” statements following various world tragedies, this one was rooted in no hard evidence. It’s only been hours since news of the attack broke and very little known information has come out.

    As Germany’s own interior minister said a short time ago, “There is a psychological effect in the whole country of the choice of words here, and we want to be very, very cautious and operate close to the actual investigation results, not with speculation.”

    Caution? Allowing an investigation to play out without running your mouth? What a novel concept.

    1. It is hard to believe what it will take for some people to see the obvious.

  2. Dear Politicus USA -

    Kindly quit with the mangling of the word 'tragedy'.

    It's wasn't a tragedy, it was a crime, a jihadi crime, a terror attack.

    Thank you and sincerely etc....

  3. A case can be made that the shooting of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey wasn't a terrorist attack.

    It was very targeted, not indiscriminate.

    And against a powerful Russian whose nation has decimated Syria....etc

  4. Islamic State has now claimed responsibility for the truck terror attack in Germany.

  5. A truck crashed through a crowded Christmas market in central Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring nearly 50 on Monday evening. The German government said the horrific incident was an 'attack' but the White House termed it a terrorrist attack.


    The United States condemned the attack saying it was an apparent "terrorist attack". "We have been in touch with German officials, and we stand ready to provide assistance as they recover from and investigate this horrific incident," National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said in a statement.

  6. Merry Christmas from Jerry Lewis

    What did Erdogan know, and when did he know it?

    December 20, 2016 Robert Spencer

    An off-duty police officer named Mevlut Mert Altintas, screaming “Allahu akbar” and making the raised index finger gesture that has come to be a signal of allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS), murdered Andrey Karlov, the Russian ambassador to Turkey, at an art exhibit in Ankara on Monday. Altintas was reportedly a “member of the special ops unit in Ankara” – raising the question of what did Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan know, and when did he know it?

    As he murdered Karlov, Altintas shouted: “Allahu akbar (God is greatest). Do not forget Aleppo! Do not forget Syria! Do not forget Aleppo! Do not forget Syria!” Russia, of course, has greatly aided the Assad regime to retake Aleppo and driving jihadi “rebels” back. Altintas’ Islamic State signal, unless it was a deliberate feint, could have indicated that he was loyal both to Erdogan and to ISIS, both of which are arrayed against Russia.

    Erdogan hates Assad and has vowed to unseat him; what’s more, there are numerous indications that he wants to co-opt the Islamic State into a new Ottoman caliphate. His contempt for Kemalist secularism, and consistent and determined efforts to erode it away, have been noted for years. Also frequently noted is the fact that Erdogan has frequently been accused of “neo-Ottoman” tendencies – that is, of wanting to restore the caliphate. Turkey, after all, was the home of the last caliphate, the Ottoman Empire. It is highly possible, therefore, that Erdogan sees the Islamic State less as an enemy than an opportunity: he may envision it defeating his other enemies, such as the Kurds and Assad’s Alawite regime in Damascus, or at least holding them at bay until the opportunity arises for him to move in and reap the benefits of the Islamic State’s activities, transferring the seat of its caliphate to Istanbul, and perhaps even installing himself as the caliph.

    1. That scenario would explain why in September 2014, Erdogan’s Turkey refused to sign a pledge committing the nations of the Persian Gulf region to fighting the Islamic State, even though that pledge was so toothless as to specify that the participating nations were only committing to fighting ISIS to the extent that each deemed “appropriate.”

      Around the same time, Barack Obama and John Kerry have failed in repeated efforts to persuade the Turkish government to move against the Islamic State’s black market in oil. Turkish authorities explained that 49 Turkish diplomats were being held hostage in the Islamic State, and claimed that if Turkey struck ISIS too hard, those diplomats would be endangered. The Pentagon even spotted oil tanker trucks moving Islamic State oil in Turkish territory, but declined to strike them for fear of further weakening what was not much more than a paper alliance at that point and is even weaker now.

      But Erdogan is clearly much more concerned about the Russians than about the Americans. After all, Barack Obama agrees with him that Assad must be toppled before there can be any effective action against the Islamic State. The Russians, on the other hand, are aiding Assad as a bulwark against the Islamic State, thereby thwarting Erdogan’s caliphate dreams and eroding what he would take over if he were able ultimately to co-opt the ISIS caliphate.

      So did Erdogan order the assassination of Andrey Karlov? After Erdogan was widely accused, with considerable justification, of engineering a coup attempt against himself several months ago so as to give himself a pretext to move against his political enemies, this possibility cannot be dismissed.

      And even if none of this is the case, and Erdogan had nothing to do with Karlov’s murder, the rapid re-Islamization of Turkey, and its fundamental realignment as an Islamic state rather than a Western-oriented secular one, cannot be denied. Accordingly, even the fact that Turkey is still considered by U.S. officials to be an ally against the Islamic State manifests the crying need for a thoroughgoing reevaluation and realignment of U.S. foreign policy, which is still based on old Cold War models, procedures, and alliances that not only do not apply to the struggle against the global jihad and against the Islamic State in particular, but are actively counterproductive.

      As the swamp is drained in Washington, the sham alliance with Turkey needs to be seriously reexamined.

  8. 12 tourists were killed in Jordan the other day too.

  9. Londonistan is the model, going forward.

    1. Keith Ellison Is a Muslim—and the Man to Lead the Democrats Into the Future

      Clean, grassroots, and progressive, this option is a party outsider. He is pro-choice, pro-gay rights, and a human rights campaigner. As the second congressman to endorse Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primaries, he has shown that he saw what the Democrat-elite fatefully failed to see.

      This option therefore has the backing of the Sanders revolution that never was, and has the chance to resurrect some of that hope the young then felt when they asked us all to Feel the Bern, and we didn’t listen.

      Keith Ellison is an African-American and currently co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Despite being elected in a post 9/11 world, he was the first Muslim Congressman. And all of this sends a perfect message to President-elect Trump, symbolizing the opposite of the worst excesses of the Trump campaign.

      In a call Thursday night with members of the liberal grassroots group Democracy for Action, Rep. Ellison said he was keen to help the party move forward: “My shoelaces are tied up tight, and I’m ready to get out on that court.” He announced his candidacy on Monday., a major progressive network, also said in a statement that Ellison would be “an excellent DNC chair.” Bernie Sanders has already declared his hand, backing Ellison.

    2. Ellison’s value is in the potential for the DNC to show that it has learned its lesson, and that it is finally—better late than never—listening to the outsiders who want change, and who are not stained by spending too many years greasing palms.

      And Ellison’s value is in the signal his selection could send to the rest of the world.
      His selection would be a beautiful reminder to concerned citizens everywhere that the USA is not only the inward-looking America of Donald Trump, but that it is also the America of this outward-looking, progressive black Muslim from Minnesota, who swore his Congressional oath of allegiance on the Holy Quran.

  10. The driver is suspected to have hijacked a Polish truck driver before ploughing into crowds. The Polish driver was found dead inside his vehicle.

    Police are questioning an Afghan refugee who is believed to have entered Germany on New Year's Eve last year.

    Special forces are also reported to have raided a temporary refugee accommodation centre at an airport hangar on the outskirts of the city, where the suspect is said to have lived


    1. ... the same New Year's Eve where other grateful brave men of Islam ravaged the German women of their sheltering host nation, by the hundreds, at the base of the Cathedral of Cologne.

    2. Left-wing German politician who was raped by migrants admits she LIED to police about her attackers' nationality because she did not want to encourage racism

      Selin Gören was attacked by three men in January in the city of Mannheim

      She went to police but did not reveal the ethnic make-up of the suspects

      Instead, the 24-year-old said she had been robbed by German speakers

      Refugee activist had feared there would be a backlash against migrants


    Ronald Reagan:

    Remarks on Signing the Afghanistan Day Proclamation
    March 10, 1982

    Public Papers of the Presidents
    Ronald Reagan - 1982: Book I
    Ronald Reagan
    1982: Book I

    District of Columbia

    The American Presidency Project

    I can't help but say—thank you all very much—but I can't help but recall that I was in Iran on the day that the first coup took place by the Soviet Union in their overthrow there of the government.

    I take particular satisfaction in signing today the proclamation authorized by Joint Resolution No. 142, which calls for the commemoration of March 21st as Afghanistan Day throughout the United States. This resolution testifies to America's deep and continuing admiration for the Afghan people in the face of brutal and unprovoked aggression by the Soviet Union.

    A distinguished former Secretary of State, William P. Rogers, is coordinating the observance of Afghan Day in the United States. He not only has my strong support but that of former Presidents Carter, Ford, and Nixon and former Secretaries of State Muskie, Vance, Kissinger, and Rusk.

    The Afghans, like the Poles, wish nothing more, as you've just been so eloquently told, than to live their lives in peace, to practice their religion in freedom, and to exercise their right to self-determination. As a consequence, they now find themselves struggling for their very survival as a nation. Nowhere are basic human rights more brutally violated than in Afghanistan today.

    I have spoken on occasion of the presence of unsung heroes in American life. Today, we recognize a nation of unsung heroes whose courageous struggle is one of the epics of our time. The Afghan people have matched their heroism against the most terrifying weapons of modern warfare in the Soviet arsenal. Despite blanket bombing and chemical and biological weapons, the brave Afghan freedom-fighters have prevented the nearly 100,000-strong Soviet occupation force from extending its control over a large portion of the countryside...

    1. Magnificent Ronald changes history for the worse

      ...34 years later, an innocent Polish driver is murdered in his truck so that one of the "men of God" could slaughter host nation German Christians practicing their culture during Christmas.

      Good intentions, punished all around, the ironic consequence of our unique ability to not mind our own business.

    2. Allah you magnificent cocksucker in the sky. You are the greatest.

    3. "A distinguished former Secretary of State, William P. Rogers, is coordinating the observance of Afghan Day in the United States.

      He not only has my strong support but that of former Presidents Carter, Ford, and Nixon and former Secretaries of State Muskie, Vance, Kissinger, and Rusk.

      Group Think

  12. Swedish Police Stop Reporting Suspects’ Ethnicity For Fear of Being Branded Racist

    From now on, crimes must be reported on the police website without mentioning basic descriptive information such as “height, skin colour, nationality and race, etc.” the memo, seen by Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), reads. According to the paper, the new regulation could be applied to everything “from minor traffic accidents to serious crimes like muggings, beatings and murder.”

    The memo makes it clear that the instruction has been handed down to avoid accusations of racism, telling officers: “The police are sometimes criticised for reporting on peoples’ skin colour. We are perceived as racist. As the police are not racist, nor should be perceived as such, from now on, please apply these instructions.”

    Dated 15 September 2015, the memo was written by press officers Wolf Gyllander and Carina Skagerlind just weeks after a number of girls were sexually abused by migrant men at a free youth music festival in Stockholm; crimes which the police have now been accused of covering up. Thefts also occurred at the event.

    Following the outcry over large-scale sexual attacks across Europe on New Year’s Eve, it emerged that 38 separate reports of rape and sexual assault were made to the police in 2014 and 2015, yet the police failed to mention them in their reporting of events, instead telling the public that the festival had passed off without incident.

    “We should certainly have written and told people about this, no doubt. Why it did not happen I do not know,” Mr Gyllander told the press. Claiming that there may have been “legitimate reasons,” he promised to investigate.

  13. The Germans will have their Trump.

    1. ...and on a good day, the Swedes will have theirs'.

    2. I can hardly wait to celebrate, on March 21st, The Ronaldo declared holiday.

    3. ...with all my fellow exceptional muthafukus, one and all.

  14. The US "got it wrong" about Saddam Hussein and Iraq, the CIA analyst who interrogated the former dictator has said.

    US 'got it so wrong' on Saddam Hussein, says CIA interrogator of the Iraq dictator

    'We never thought about using weapons of mass destruction,' former Iraqi ruler told CIA

    John Nixon had numerous conversations with the deposed leader and now says that America was critically mistaken about their intervention Iraq in a number of ways.

    In particular, he claims, the CIA’s view of Hussein’s attitude to using chemical weapons was wrong.

    They were also mistaken about his health, personal habits and his involvement in running Iraq.

    Mr Nixon also criticised the conduct of George W Bush, under whose leadership America invaded Iraq, saying the former president heard “only what he wanted to hear” on the topic.

    During the interrogations, Mr Nixon asked Hussein if he’d ever thought of engaging in a pre-emptive strike with WMDs against US troops based in Saudi Arabia.

    According to Mr Nixon, writing in the Mail on Sunday, the former dictator’s reply was: “We never thought about using weapons of mass destruction. It was not discussed. Use chemical weapons against the world? Is there anyone with full faculties who would do this? Who would use these weapons when they had not been used against us?”


  15. Another exceptional genius, George W. Bush, supported by genius Hillary, the magnificmnt Hillary who learned from exceptional John Paul Bremner, went on to bring our collective wisdom and exceptional experience and expertise to Libya and Syria, under the careful guidance of exceptional Barack, all this collective exceptionalism being rocked by the stone cold moron Trump out to destroy the planet and possibly the galaxy.

    1. Steve

      It is a bit late to reveal all this, after a few million Iraqi civilians dead, the rise of the Islamic Front in Iraq due to the vacuum we created, which then eventually spread its tentacles across Syria and across the Middle East. All thanks to the 'minor' policy misjudgement and the liars, Bush and Blair. The consequences of this are going to be with us a very long time, and nobody knows where it is going to end.

  16. I wonder if god and the great cocksucker in the sky compare notes?

  17. Europe’s Far-Right Anger Is Moving Mainstream

    Anti-immigrant, anti-Europe, anti-Muslim sentiment is resonating with more and more voters in Europe.

    In the wake of the Brexit vote in Britain and the recent Italian referendum, and with national elections looming in 2017 in the Netherlands, France, and Germany, there is concern that Europe may be inundated by a populist wave, driven in large part by right-wing parties exploiting anti-globalization, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim sentiments.

    Indeed, the strategy seems to be working: Polls show that people who have a favorable view of the National Front (FN) in France, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in Germany, and the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands tend to be more negative about immigrants, refugees, and Muslims than their fellow countrymen. In addition, they are more euro-skeptic and more wary of globalization than their compatriots.

  18. Why is it Islamaphobic to complain about Muslims and talk about immigration every time one of those crazy assholes commit a terrorist act?

    1. I dunno - should one object to condemning all Catholics for the actions of all those pedophile priests?

    2. Be my guest, Ash. You use that straw man response frequently, so it must weigh on you. Merry Christmas, by the way.

    3. Show us a passage in the new testament that calls for priests to act in such a manner.
      The quran spells out the actions of a devout muslim, not radical.

      Qur'an 8:12, 8:60 Terrorize non-muslims...
      (And all the rest of their bullshit.)

    4. I'll simplify this. If a Catholic pedophile or homosexual priest commits a crime, it will be a Catholic that turns him in, charges him and prosecutes him. I have yet to hear of a Catholic priest claiming he did his sordid act for Jesus.

      There is no moral equivalence to the morally squalid death cult of radical Islam. There is no moral or ethical depravity that sinks below the sediment in the human cesspool of radical Islam.

    5. Muslim does not = radical Islam

    6. Ash does not = Ass

      ...but it's a distinction without a difference.

    7. We all know that Ash. You seem to be the only one having a problem separating the 2.

    8. So you misspoke when you wrote: "Why is it Islamaphobic to complain about Muslims"?

  19. I think too many otherwise rational people have been radicalized by the PC and THOUGHT police.

  20. .

    They assimilate here.

    Trust me.

    - Quirk




    1. That's why the USA is so special !

      Their behavior in Sweden, or Germany, or France or anywhere else on earth doesn't ever never happen here !


      We must really be special !!

    2. .

      You silly little man.

      That's all I can say at the moment, I'm getting ready to pick up the new mutt. He was what is euphemistically called neutered yesterday. The shelter says he fine but his bark is now a couple octaves higher and it has a decided lisp. Oh well.

      Anyway, I'll be back. You know I can't pass up the chance to mock (with extreme prejudice) you and your fellow sheeple.



    3. Now please please tell us what kind of mutt has been graced by your presence ?

    4. Ye olde tormentor, sadist for your sealed lips.....

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.


  23. 'Negative ISIS numbers' and insanity and brutality and stupidity all around -

    The Fall of Aleppo Is a Huge Gift to ISIS

    12.18.16 6:00 PM ET

    Yet the likely agents of revenge may well end up being the hardline jihadists, which the U.S. government now claims, absurdly, to have lost 50,000 combat-ready personnel in the last two and a half years of war. ((((The earliest CIA estimate of ISIS’s order of battle, in 2014, was between 22,000 and 30,000, and so we must now be into “negative ISIS” numbers, as one U.S. army colonel witheringly told us last week.))))

    Whatever remains of ISIS’s garrisons, only a few thousand are currently holding their ground in Mosul, where the Iraqi and U.S.-led operation to liberate that provincial capital has stalled and where a staggering 50 percent of Iraq’s elite counterterrorism strike force, the Golden Division, has sustained casualties. This are an integrated corps of professional regulars—Sunnis, Shia, and Christians—doing the heavy lifting against the caliphate. And if this rate or attrition continues, the Golden Division will be rendered combat-ineffective within a month. That would either put the entire battle for Mosul on hold indefinitely or force Baghdad to rely on less reliable units, such as the Shia which have recently become official arms of the Iraqi state.

    Meanwhile, a mere 50 to 200 ISIS fighters managed to overtake the Assad-Putin-Khamenei axis in Palmyra, just as East Aleppo was being stormed by it.

    Islam at its best.

    1. If only they were in the USA they would all assimilate and become good Jeffersonians, according to Quirk.

    2. Rufus would have the statistics to refute you if he were here, and Quirk will be back to affirm your Jeffersonian expectations.


    Rooskie hackers steal $millions per day from advertisers

    About time there's a little Justice & Equity restored to the world !

  25. Angela Quirkel

    1. Heh, I KNEW what that was going to be before I opened it.


      Angela Quirkel, that's great, hope to find openings to use it....and am sure I will.

  26. Hey, we're the majority here:

    What should we do with Quirk and his Muzzie Cuzzies?

    1. ...maybe move them all to Michigan and fence in the place?

      Prior to the Chemical Agents.

    2. Elephant Bar Banned for Hate Speech.

    3. Have them all present their asses to Makkah and be forced to watch Jerry Lewis as the petcocks are opened.

    4. Who's gonna volunteer to adopt Quirk's Mutts?

    5. What shall we do with Quirk and his Muzzie Cuzzies ?

      Move them to Hamtramck, Michigan.

      But Quirk's dogs can't go cause his Muzzie Cuzies hate dogs.

    6. ...and they're innocents.

      Especially the newly adopted and neutered.

    7. .

      Hey, we're the majority here:


      What should we do with Quirk and his Muzzie Cuzzies?


      Elephant Bar Banned for Hate Speech.


      Doug, as a rabble-grouser and mob leader you make a great pastry chef.


    8. Enjoy your stuffing.

      See below.

    9. Name and Breed of New "Q" Mutt Demanded By ALL EB Members !!

    10. Quirk's hanging onto the name and identity of his new mutt like it's a national security secret, or something.

    11. He may be a fool, but he's a compassionate fool:

      He knows that mutt will become Dog Meat if his Muzzie Cuzzies learn of his name and whereabouts.

    12. That's true. Hadn't thought of that, but that's true.

      Good old Quirk....returning friendship to Man's Best Friend.

    13. A compassionate fool....yes, yes, there's something to the idea....

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. There's an outside chance that "Q" is trying to build up his cred with The Intelligence Community, as counter intuitive as that might sound.

    16. If so, it is a fool's attempt.


  28. Turkey and Clostridium perfringens for Ramadan break fast.

  29. Here's a truly hysterical artical -

    The Audacity of Hope
    Trump's win was both a perfect storm and the culmination of long term trends. Can American fascism be stopped?

    The man hasn't spent a day in office yet....

    1. .

      And Robert Kuttner hasn't even spent a day at the EB.


  30. The Turnbull government has made little comment about the Philippine killings or the controversies that have engulfed Mr Duterte since he took office on June 30.

    Mr Duterte has denied police are conducting extra-judicial killings but has repeatedly urged police to shoot-on-sight drug suspects who fail to surrender.

    US President-elect Donald Trump has praised the drug crackdown and invited him to the White House next year, according to Mr Duterte who spoke to Mr Trump after his election victory .


  31. Body found behind WALMART missing head, genitals...

    How did they determine it wasn't Quirk?

    1. "medical investigators will determine how he died."

      probly at, or about the time that he lost his head.

    2. How far can we fly with a broken wing? All the way to the crash site.

  32. "Donald Trump will not be President," George Clooney declared as the giggling Julia Roberts looked on.

    Did they move to Lake Como? Rufus, do you know? Rufus: Get use to saying "Madam President."

  33. I recall that precious 'RufusQuote'


  34. Turkish police detained six people over the killing of the Russian ambassador, state media said on Tuesday evening, widening a probe to relatives of the off-duty policeman who shouted "Don't forget Aleppo" as he gunned the envoy down.


    Turkey faces multiple security threats, including from Islamic State. Earlier this month a spokesman for the hardline Sunni Muslim group urged global sympathisers to carry out new attacks, singling out Turkish diplomatic, military and financial interests as preferred targets.


    The gallery where the shooting occurred is opposite the US embassy. A gun was fired in front of the embassy overnight and the United States said its three missions in Turkey would be closed on Tuesday.

  35. .

    He knows that mutt will become Dog Meat if his Muzzie Cuzzies learn of his name and whereabouts.

    Do you mean my new dog Ali Kassim Muhammad, Mo for short?


    1. NOT Mo.

      Sounds like one of The Three Stooges.


      Try "Mo X" perhaps ?

      Much more militant and serious.


      Might be a barker, even a biter....

    2. .

      Naw, we are going to try 'Chuck' for awhile and see if it sticks.

      Still experimental.


    3. Good Grief !

      Way too pedestrian.

      I'm disappointed, but you've left yourself an out....

    4. We had a Brittany Spaniel named 'Chukar' cause we used him when hunting chukars.

      But that's different.

  36. India Overtakes Britain as the World’s Sixth-Largest Economy

    BY ROBBIE GRAMERDECEMBER 20, 2016 - 12:26

    Score one for the post-colonial underdog. India’s economy has reportedly overtaken the United Kingdom’s for the first time in over 100 years, now standing as the world’s sixth-largest economy by GDP after the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and France. The milestone is a symbol of India’s rapid economic growth and, conversely, the U.K.’s post-Brexit slump.

    Economically, it’s been a banner year for India. In February, it surpassed China as the world’s fastest-growing economy. And in October, the International Monetary Fund predicted India would retain that title for the foreseeable future; its GDP is projected to increase by 7.6 percent through 2017.

    “India may have a large population base but this is a big leap,” Kiren Rijiju, India’s minister of state for home affairs, said of the news earlier this week.

    India’s former colonial ruler, the United Kingdom, is projected to grow by only 1.8 percent in 2016 and 1.1 percent in 2017. Since it voted to leave the European Union in June, which could entail leaving the EU’s lucrative common market, Britain’s economy and currency have struggled.

    India’s economy benefitted from a global commodities price slump through large trade gains and lower-than-expected inflation, according to the IMF. And since elected in 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has driven sweeping market reforms to spur economic growth....

  37. Angus King: Attack in Turkey appears to be political, not religious

    Sen. Angus King, Maine Independent, said Tuesday that the apparent assassination of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey on Monday appears to be primarily political, and not religious, in nature.

    “It appears that the attack in Turkey on the Russian ambassador wasn’t a religious attack, but was a political one — revenge for what’s going on in Aleppo,” Mr. King said on CNN’s “New Day.”
    Mr. King, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said a separate deadly attack in Berlin does appear to be a jihadist one and that a separate attack in Switzerland was actually carried out on a Mosque.

    “It’s a complicated situation, and just to say it’s all Islamic terrorism, I think, is … not the correct answer, as I said, and … will only inflame tensions and could conceivably make [them] worse,” he said.
    Ambassador Andrei Karlov was shot to death while giving a speech at a photo exhibition in Ankara Monday. The assassin shouted about the Syrian city of Aleppo and yelled “Allahu Akbar” before getting killed in a shootout with police.

    “Allahu Akbar” for city council.

  38. Remarks by President Obama at Leaders Summit on Refugees

    If we were to turn refugees away simply because of their background or religion, or, for example, because they are Muslim, then we would be reinforcing terrorist propaganda that nations like my own are somehow opposed to Islam, which is an ugly lie that must be rejected in all of our countries by upholding the values of pluralism and diversity.

    And finally, this crisis is a test of our common humanity -- whether we give in to suspicion and fear and build walls, or whether we see ourselves in another.

    1. ....a test of our common humanity....whether we see ourselves in another....

      Why, yes, indeed, we ought all see ourselves in ISIS, or in some Shia killer.....oughtn't we ????

      Only one more month....

  39. Longest day of the year down here.

    1. :)

      Yup, must be..

      Probably a hot f**ker too.

      Colder 'n a well driller's ass up here...

  40. The End of Angela Quirkel

    Western nations may have finally had enough of the slaughter.
    December 21, 2016 Bruce Bawer

    1. Meanwhile, down in Berniezuela -

      Maduro government turns to stealing currency from its impoverished citizens.

      December 21, 2016 David Paulin

      I'm surprised serious fighting hasn't broken out yet.

  41. "Q"Nit of the Day: Muslim accused of jihad bombs in New York City and New Jersey pleads not guilty


    By his own lights, he isn’t guilty. He isn’t a terrorist; he is an executor of the wrath of Allah: “Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people, and remove the fury in the believers’ hearts.” (Qur’an 9:14-15)

    “Manhattan bomb suspect pleads not guilty to attempted murder,” AP, December 20, 2016 (thanks to Thomas):

    ELIZABETH, N.J. (AP) — The man accused of setting off bombs in New Jersey and New York, injuring more than 30 people, has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder charges.

    Ahmad Khan Rahimi made his first in-person court appearance Tuesday to face charges he tried to kill police officers before they captured him Sept. 19 outside a bar in Linden, New Jersey….

    He’s also accused of detonating a pipe bomb along the route of a Marine Corps charity race in New Jersey’s Seaside Park and a pressure cooker bomb in New York City on Sept. 17. No one was injured in the New Jersey blast; 31 people were hurt in the New York bombing.

  42. Had people around him been more respectful and deferential, he probably would have assimilated.

    These things don't happen in a vacuum:

    In Germany those Krauts were flaunting CHRISTmas traditions in the face of devout followers of Allah.

    In San Bernardino, it was even worse:

    They were celebrating CHRISTmas in the poor man's place of work, for Christ's Sake!



    4. After another tragedy — this time an alligator snatching a toddler from a Disney World beachfront — CNN’s Brooke Baldwin thankfully had the presence of mind to ask a local animal expert what the alligator was thinking.

    1. "I hunger therefore I am"

      Descartes the Gator


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