Monday, November 07, 2016



  1. If you were going to vote for Clinton tomorrow, don’t bother.

  2. .

    Better hope not.

    Otherwise, Rufus will be back to gloat.


    (Although that wouldn't be all bad and I have no horse in the race.)


    1. "I have no horse in the race"

      Well doesn't that say it all !

      Our white gloved angel of disengagement has no horse is the race.

      The truth is he doesn't have the two bucks to buy a ticket, Quirk's Qwik Cure Medical Clinic, an on line medical provider, having, predictably, been run out of town by the AMA and the State Attorney.

    2. .


      My little filly simply got left at the gate.


  3. I wish I had Deuce's confidence.

    1. Does he have enough confidence to short the market?

  4. RCP:

    Florida - Trump +0.2
    New Hampshire - Clinton +0.6
    President - Clinton +3.2

  5. Under the federal Hatch Act, Justice Department employees may not engage in partisan political activity while on duty.

    On Sunday, Democratic Representative Adam Schiff said Comey's "original letter" telling Congress that Clinton's emails were once again under investigation "should never have been sent so close to an election."

    Republican Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley called on the Justice Department's inspector general on Nov. 2 to examine the FBI's investigation.

    1. .

      The Hatch Act doesn't apply.

      The only court Comey will be prosecuted in is the court of public opinion.


  6. You DUMB URBAN ILLITERATE DISPHIT, Quirk, the LATimes/USC Tracking Poll is entirely different from a couple of progressive liberal apparatchiks writing propaganda for the LATimes Newspaper by the names of David Lauter and Mark Barabak, political hacks par excellence.

    You dumb fuck.

    1. Correction:


    2. I was, admittedly, pissed, and typing while pissed....

    3. I did get dumb fuck right, though.

    4. .

      My. My. My.

      You do get testy when you lose. Have they ever taken the t-shirt back from you on t-shirt night?


  7. The only thing I know for certain is that if Hillary wins our Republic loses BIG TIME and you can kiss the Rule of Law away, The Criminals having finally gained power.

    The whole thing becomes a tragifarce.

    At that point an intelligent man turns his total attention to his wife and kids and niece.....

    And Aristotle will have been proved correct.

    1. His niece who really isn't his niece.


    2. Fuck off, TurdBoy

      She's the one with the Ph.D. from Max Planck in brain science, which actually means something and is a true accomplishment, not you.

      And she calls me Uncle.

    3. You little disgusting cretan.

    4. Just stay in Canada, never come back here, and keep your stupid ass out of our business.

      You little dipshit.

  8. Here is my strategy for tomorrow.

    Sometime in the morning I will move 75% into cash. When Trump wins and the non-deplorables scurry under the bed, I will buy deep in the money , January 2018 calls in the same companies I sell tomorrow.

    Trump wins big league tomorrow.

    1. .

      I took a little out on Friday to raise some cash.

      I expect Clinton will win so I'll probably lose a little.

      I'll wait until the end of the week and start looking at what's happening before getting back in.

      Most still expect Yellen to raise rates in December. And who knows what will happen if the computers go down at some dam or a transformer goes out somewhere in the grid in Russia and the US gets blamed for it rightly or wrongly.


  9. And all you deplorable muthafukas, get out early and vote for a real American legend, Donald Trump and Attorney General Rudy Giuliani.

    Oorah Assholes! OOrah

    1. .


      I'll have a couple of what he's drinkin barkeep and keep em coming.

      Come tomorrow, we are going to need it.


  10. Rudy will make a GREAT ATTORNEY GENERAL !



    1. .

      Rudy's a screwball.



    2. But of course, that's because he makes lots of good sense.

      Let's see, now, it wasn't you that lowered the crime rate in NYC so dramatically, making the streets more or less safe on which to travel, unlike the situation in your drear Detroit, Michigan.

    3. .

      Rudy did some good things in New York. He spent money on the police. He increased the size of the force by almost 40%. He brought in new systems and made people accountable. All good. He brought down the overall crime rate dramatically.

      That being said, he is a mini-Trump, a self-promoter with delusions of grandeur, always tooting his own horn. He claims that the decrease in crime during the 90's was all due to his policies which of course is silly. One, crimes rates had been dropping since the 80's. The trend in NY was already improving starting in 1990, four years before Rudy came into office. Part of it was because the economic conditions across the country improved substantially during the Clinton years and the internet boom.

      Rudy claims it was his get tough policies like 'stop and frisk' which gave New York such a bigger drop in crime compared to the national average which was also dropping. However, while NY had a tremendous drop in total crime under Juliani, San Fransisco had a larger drop in total violent crimes (murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault) than New York did and it did it without all the controversy of New York. Rudy did have more arrests for vagrancy, j-walking, soliciting, etc. though; but that's what the 'broken window' policy is all about.

      It's true Juliani did a great job dropping the crime rate. He did a great job dropping the violent crime rate. But others found a way of doing it without all the drama. Juliani was taken to court 26 times for civil rights violations. He lost 22 of the cases. As for his 'stop and frisk' approach, I'll pass. We had it here in Detroit during the 70's and was one of the reason Coleman Young was voted into office. A bad thing.

      By the way, as mayor, Juliani was all for illegal immigration. He said these people provided a service New York needed. In 1994...

      "Some of the hardest-working and most productive people in this city are undocumented aliens. If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you're one of the people who we want in this city.

      And don't even get me started on his views on gun control.

      And heck, the damn guy is a ferretophobe. That's right, I said it, a ferret-o-phobe.

      No, thank you.


  11. Trump is going to win:

    1. The military and veterans
    2. A big chunk of traditional rank and file non-AFSCME, non-teacher union workers. Union men have union families and they will support their spouse
    3. Law enforcement, their families and those concerned with justice and fairness
    4. 85% of Republicans and real conservatives
    5. Entrepreneurs and small business people
    6. The majority of Catholics
    7. The majority of Episcopal’s
    8. 15-17% black vote
    9. The majority of middle income families where $1000 a year is big money
    10. Families of workers that lost their jobs to closing factories
    11. Anyone and everyone that knows anything about the cumulative felonious Clintons.
    12. The vast majority of people that care about the absurd wars and the pretensions of empire
    13. Anyone with a brain that disagrees with a pointless antagonism towards Russia
    14. Anyone that hates liars, felons, scam artists and phonies
    15. Anyone that despises the shit birds in Saudi Arabia and The Gulf States
    16. Anyone that is outraged over illegal immigrants gaming the system

    Trump is going to won!

    1. .

      Wave those pom poms, girls.


    2. *14. Anyone that hates liars, felons, scam artists and phonies

      B I I G turnout is expected in all the states in this category.

      People have had it with the little flip off rip off artists.

    3. It's been estimated that fully 97% of the People have had it with internet scam artists.

    4. When you think about it you know you are getting scammed when some fast talker is trying to talk you into some painless internet surgery.

    5. Not my main reason for voting Trump - I want a reduction in the capital gains tax so I can contribute to American manufacturing by buying a made in America Ford Pick and a made in Montana camper, but it is a consideration.

      Some guy once told me he could cure my prostate cancer through radiation treatments sent through my I-phone. Never have to leave the comfort of home, he said.

      If I'd fallen for that one I'd have joined Dale and Jack by now.

    6. Said his group was called Qwik Cure Alternatives To ObamaCare or some such.

  12. Trump's final rally speech can be found on line now.


    Ripper !

  13. Hoft has it Trump 315, Hillary 200 !

  14. .

    Juliani (1994)...

    "Some of the hardest-working and most productive people in this city are undocumented aliens. If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you're one of the people who we want in this city.

    Hmmm. Who does that sound like?


    1. 22 years without a readjustment to your thinking is somethings to be admired? Why? Only a dolt or a fool, would ignore experiences in life, new facts, changed conditions, and observations, never changing his views, thinking and intellectual positions. To do so and be proud of never changing, sad.

    2. Human experience.

      Which usually takes a while.

  15. November 8, 2016
    Prediction for tonight: Trump by 5 (still)

    By Andrew Grant White

    Crunch time! So suck it up and vote!

    Okay, even I admit to butterflies right now. Who wouldn't? But the song remains the same: Trump +5%. Simply have confidence, and make it so.

    Flawed MSM polls have come in from Clinton +8% to Clinton +4%. Color me surprised. It wasn't majority Comey impact; it was reality intruding close to the election. Funny how the preferred three daily polls (L.A. Times/USC, IBD/TIPP, and Rasmussen) have all held their ground or shown Trump to be net gaining. Specifically, they have risen to collective net Trump +2%.

    To read about my prior reasoning, click here. In the meantime, let's summarize how we add three more points to Trump's popular vote.

    Polls are lies invented to influence voters and create their own news, which calls for focus on the logical (historically) outperforming ones. Party sampling is using 2012 turnout, which even absentee ballots have put the lie to already. And then there's the Bradley Effect (yes, it's real – or are you talking pro-Trump at the office and at parties and keeping your Trump signs?).

    Collectively, then, the most accurate polls are currently at Trump +2%, and the rest of the polling errors I suspect add up to at least another 3% differential. That's Trump +5%...still.

    Don't come all this way to give up now. Summon up the courage and vote. History is watching rather close on this one. Be counted.


  16. O my God -

    November 8, 2016
    Donald Trump: Hero with a thousand faces
    By Lynne Lechter

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    Whether it's the liberals or the conservatives, everything divine gets degraded and debauched in our idiot culture.

    Quirk, if you're withdrawing a few hundred to go drinking tonight, care if I come along ?

  17. How many times have we all heard this the last month -

    "The only poll that counts is the one on November 8th."

    Which isn't even true given there's about, according to some liberal whizkid, a 5% cheating factor this year.

    Keep your eye on Michigan and Pennsylvania and Florida for evidence of a rigged election this.

    Or, Idaho, where something like 70% of the folks will be voting for Trump ! :)

  18. The Hispanics are said to be turning out big time in Florida and other places but what isn't mentioned is that the average white is turning out at or above the same inflated rate.

    In Florida more votes have been cast before the polls open today than in all of the last election.

    Black turnout meanwhile seems down considerably everywhere.

    Trump wins.

  19. It may all come down to New Hampshire.

  20. Here at The Corner Club Dinner and Bar, where Rocky Mountain Oysters are on the Breakfast Menu, so far no Hillary voters have been identified.

    Place is open 24 hrs/day.

  21. My prediction: landslide for Hillary but down ballot the demo won't do all that well.

    1. even if she somehow wins the election? she will not last 4 years.

    2. All demographics that supported Obama are down.

      Blacks, Jews both down, turnout and enthusiasm, down. In the parking lot of the temple there were scores of obama stickers, their is one hillary, there is a pushback in the jewish community, hillary will take a majority, but just that, majority, not 90 or even 80, or even 70%

      Turn out will be down, apathy has set in.

      Then there are the jews for trump. There are a bunch of us. We have been rallying against obama/jarrett/clinton/kerry/moslembrotherhood cabal....

      TRUMP 2016.

  22. Big Lines in Pennsylvania. That indicates enthusiasm. Who the hell is turned on by Hillary?

  23. The problem in Pennsylvania is Philadelphia. There are almost a million more Democrats registered in Pa than Republicans.


  24. BillyGoat is chewing on his tongue again.

    Time for the pasture. He can chew on barbed wire.


    Quirk, did you ever get hold of Madonna ?

    I know you were trying.

    1. .


      Sure, in her Like a Virgin stage. She' from the same town I live in now.

      Now, I'd need a haz-mat suit before getting close to her. She's toxic in her old age.


    2. .

      Trying to hang on and stay relevant, I guess.


    3. She was giving inducements to vote for Hillary.

      Just wondered if you took her up on her offer.

      Good boy, sounds like you turned away from temptation, or toxicity.

    4. I am extremely surprised, but pleased.

  25. Still no Hillary voters identified at the The Corner Club.

    1. .

      Wait until the boys from the militia move on and normal folks start drifting in.


    2. The normal folks ARE the militia.

    3. What's the talk at The Mafia Barber Shoppe ?

      The must be aware Comey caved again, and Hamas 'Hummer' Huma has moved back in with Hillary ?

  26. .

    Looks like Deuce went through with his threat to pull out of the market big time. It moved the market. They're down right now.


  27. .

    Only a dolt or a fool, would ignore experiences in life, new facts, changed conditions, and observations, never changing his views, thinking and intellectual positions. To do so and be proud of never changing, sad.

    True, in a general sense. However, we are talking about politicians. Different world. How can you trust anything any one of them says? Honestly.

    Juliani is among the worst of them. I find myself grinding teeth when right wing talk show hosts refer to him as America's Mayor. What bull. The real problem is the pompous, self-promoting twit seems to actually believe it himself. How many times have the words 'nine eleven' passed his lips? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? More.

    However, I can't help noting the irony here.

    The editorial board here bemoans the militarization of law enforcement in this country and some of their tactics. Yet, he seemingly ignores Juliani's fascist approach to law enforcement something that 'hasn't changed'.

    And more to the point, it is willing to excoriate Clinton for changing her positions like she changes her pant suits, but it seemingly finds it a virtue in Juliani.

    You'll pardon me for thinking the differences are based more on politics than conviction.

    And for god sake, the man doesn't like ferrets, no doubt the result of childhood bullying and physically oriented taunts.

    Ferrets. Think about it.



    1. What all this shit about ferrets ?

      We had a math prof at the U of Idaho that looked like a ferret, and because he was such a nasty little shit everyone called him The Ferret, many to his face too.

  28. The normal folks ARE the militia, Quirk,

    Quirk, sometimes I think you were born lacking a helix or 25 of our Constitutional genes.

    Did your doctor, your mom, your family ever mention anything like this to you when you were growing up ?

  29. First formal returns in from Driftwater, Idaho, where the polls have closed because the entire township has voted:

    Trump - 435
    Hillary -0


    This sort of stuff doesn't happen in Driftwater, Idaho where the ballots are paper, open to inspection, and the people honest.

  31. If the election is stolen it will be back east.

    It only takes 5%.

  32. Trump takes 32-25 lead in New Hampshire after midnight voting....DRUDGE

  33. Trump files Nevada voting lawsuit

    Leave Hispanic voting areas open later than others!

    1. What's wrong with correcting for Siesta Time ?

    2. Maids are busy printing out top secret Docs all day.

    3. Yes, indeed there are lots of proper reasons to keep the polls open.

  34. More than 80 ballots mysteriously landed at one address in San Pedro

    “Our preliminary assessment is that this appears to be an isolated situation related to a system error that occurred, causing duplicate ballots to be issued to an address entered for a single voter,” he said. “We are working directly with the system vendor to ensure the issue is addressed and to identify any similar occurrences.”

    1. In a separate case, a Gardena woman told the Daily Breeze that her husband, who crossed into the country from Mexico illegally eight years ago, had received a vote-by-mail ballot for Tuesday’s election.

      While he is now petitioning the U.S. government for citizenship, she said he does not have any papers or even a driver’s license, leaving him stumped about how he would receive an official ballot. His name and address on the ballot were both correct, his wife said, adding that he had never even tried to register to vote.

      “I think it’s a huge deal,” she said. “Something is definitely wrong with the system.”

      Asked by a reporter about the incident, the county registrar said it would be investigated once more information is received from the couple.

      “It is important for the public to know that we have a full accounting of ballots issued and returned in the election,” Logan said in the statement responding to the large bundles of ballots found by Mosna.

      “Under California election law, all voted mail ballots are signature-checked against the signature on the voters’ original registration prior to being cleared for processing and tabulation, providing a safeguard against someone other than the registered voter completing and submitting a ballot.”
      They are also offering a special deal this week on the Golden Gate Bridge.

  35. Early Voting Reshapes Campaign

    A record number of Americans have already voted, changing how campaigns are waged and how voters see the race.

  36. Official DNC Election Results

  37. Why I Am Voting for Trump

    I am a white, college-educated woman. I am much closer in age to Hillary Clinton than I am to Chelsea Clinton. I am a mother, a Catholic Jersey girl, raised in a pro-union household.

    And I am voting for Donald J. Trump.

    My 89-year-old mother is appalled, as are many of my friends who are also white, college-educated women.
    I don’t care. For me it was an easy choice.

  38. Fat Mexican Pollworker wearing Defeat Trump Shirt in Nevada

    1. .

      Fat Mexican Pollworker?

      That sounds an awful lot like cyber bullying, sir.


    2. Deplorable.

      At least I'm not racist:

      I deplore fat folks in general.

    3. .

      That, sir, is a microagression.

      I demand whoever owns this place set up a serious of 'safe places' where those who want can escape this sort of thing.


    4. .

      Actually, I demand they set up a series of serious 'safe places'...


    5. A Fat Mexican Poleworker. Now that I'd like to see.

    6. I shirley am serious and don't call me Polish.

  39. .

    Why I am grumpy.

    While driving to an appointment, I heard that the NAACP is having their members fan out to polling places in our area to assure the fairness of the election process, this after the entire nation heard Hillary, the DNC, the Dems, and President Obama arguing that Trump's urging his supporters to monitor the polls for fraudulent practices was an existential threat to our nation.

    And on my least favorite bete noire, I heard that Commonwealth University has put out a list for its students providing 'coping' suggestions for getting through the 'stress' of election day.

    What the f***? I'm surprised they didn't offer to set up a 'safe place' for them where they could be locked in with others of their persuasion and/or identity until after the election results are confirmed at which point, if their candidate loses, they can elect to be moved to an alternate 'safe grieving and reflection space' where they may come to terms with their loss and decide how to move forward. Counselors will be available. Volunteer hand holders available upon request.

    I checked google and sure enough there are a number of Universities across the country offering similar programs to those of Commonwealth including one offering a '12 step program' for coping if your candidate loses.

    The country is going to hell in a hand basket.

    It's become a choice between the Morlocks and the Eloi. Not a sane person left in the country.



    1. Might as well have been hatched on another planet from my K-12 experience.

  40. Trump leading New Hampshire.

  41. European condemnation of the crackdown in Turkey that followed the attempted coup in July has come too late, with the country now "burning", the former editor of a leading opposition newspaper says.


    For his part, Erdogan said in a speech on Sunday that he did not care being labelled a dictator: "Europe has been on a course that is leading to its own demise," he said.

  42. I didn't think any of the other Republicans could beat Hillary.

    I think Pence could.


  43. Election Day 2016: PJ Media's First Ever All-Day Drunkblog

  44. Florida, Trump 59, Hillary, 30.

    1. Now tied:
      Better Map:

      Miami, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Palm Beach, Orlando, all Hillary, the rest, Trump.

  45. Live Senate results, as they come in:

    Live House results, as they come in:

  46. Times Map shows Trump leading Virginia.

  47. Fox calling Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia for Trump.

  48. 71 percent in in Florida, Hillary up by 3.


  49. Celia Hayes •

    "The decade sold out everyone it could -- including Bernie Sanders. It aborted babies; betrayed the white working class, impoverished the black inner cities, destroyed health insurance, started a campaign against every form of decency even in public bathrooms, presented blatant liars as the most qualified candidates and demanded that we greet it with hails and hossanas."


    Yes, the US was formerly one of those high-trust societies. No longer - no matter who winds the presidential election. And an establishment press which sees itself as the obedient servants of the Uniparty Ruling Class ... yes, that is the unkindest cut of all.

  50. Tenessee, Missouri, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Mississippi - Trump


  52. NY Times now giving Trump 59% chance:

  53. I am not counting my chickens, but

    Deuce ☂Mon Nov 07, 11:03:00 PM EST
    Trump is going to win:

    1. The military and veterans
    2. A big chunk of traditional rank and file non-AFSCME, non-teacher union workers. Union men have union families and they will support their spouse
    3. Law enforcement, their families and those concerned with justice and fairness
    4. 85% of Republicans and real conservatives
    5. Entrepreneurs and small business people
    6. The majority of Catholics
    7. The majority of Episcopal’s
    8. 15-17% black vote
    9. The majority of middle income families where $1000 a year is big money
    10. Families of workers that lost their jobs to closing factories
    11. Anyone and everyone that knows anything about the cumulative felonious Clintons.
    12. The vast majority of people that care about the absurd wars and the pretensions of empire
    13. Anyone with a brain that disagrees with a pointless antagonism towards Russia
    14. Anyone that hates liars, felons, scam artists and phonies
    15. Anyone that despises the shit birds in Saudi Arabia and The Gulf States
    16. Anyone that is outraged over illegal immigrants gaming the system

    Trump is going to win!


  54. Replies
    1. .

      If Trump wins, I'll start taking your advice on the markets.

      Dow futures currently down 488.


    2. Believe it or not I shorted the NASDQ on Thursday of last week.

    3. The point was , there was too much risk in shorting the market and no capital risk in going to 75% cash,

    4. I thought your approach was quite intelligent. For myself I'm already over weight cash (by a lot) and the short (particularly of NASDQ) was a shits and giggles swing for the fences. Not too much capital at risk but enough to make it interesting. I've been waiting for a big dip to get back in the market but it has keeps going up and up...

  55. Ash challenged me to short the market. That would not have been smart. I said that sometime this past morning I was going to take profits on 75% of the portfolio and go to cash. I did that right before noon when the DOW went north of 80. I said that tomorrow I was going to purchase January 2018 deep in the money calls of the same stocks I sold today. I peaked at the DOW futures for tomorrow and they are down 450. Now,that could all evaporate by midnight and if it does I will have lost nothing. If it holds, Holy Shit!

  56. The only way this country could be saved is if Trump could convince Hispanics here that it is in their interest to restrict immigration.

  57. Hillary leads popular vote, Dems go nuts.

  58. Republicans now will likely control the Senate and House. A bad night for the Clintons

    1. Peso plunges 10% and Hilllary just may be lawyering up.

    2. Imagine Hillary trying to get an attorney general approved. She may have to throw a Hail Mary and nominate Rudy.

    3. According to the Times, she's not gonna get the chance.

  59. Stock futures fell on Tuesday night, with Dow futures briefly falling 500 points, as the presidential race between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton remained much tighter than analysts and pollsters had expected.



    In Asia: the Nikkei fell more than 1 percent. According to The Associated Press, Asian shares have shed early gains, tumbling Wednesday as Donald Trump gained the lead in the electoral vote count in the presidential election.

  60. Still, anything can still happen.

  61. Betting odds are that Trump has 75% chance of being President.

  62. One thing is certain, win or lose, Trump has changed US politics and the GOP>

  63. As traders awaited the election outcome, they watched a lawsuit that Trump filed Tuesday and which a judge subsequently rejected. A Nevada court on Tuesday afternoon rejected the suit, in which the GOP candidate claimed earlier in the day that some early voters were improperly allowed to vote.

    In morning trading, the peso jumped more than 0.5 percent against the dollar. Marc Chandler, chief currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman, pointed at the time to a trend line at 18.50, and strategists said it appeared that markets were getting more comfortable with the idea that Clinton could win.

    "Dollar/peso will be the absolute proxy for the election, and if we see massive moves in dollar/peso by around 8 o'clock in the evening, it will mean the exit polls are strongly indicating she has a wrap on it," said Boris Schlossberg, managing director, forex strategy at BK Asset Management.

  64. Win or lose, Trump can be a kingmaker for 2020. The GOP will not be the same.

  65. Obama abolishes Electoral College by Executive Order.

  66. Replies
    1. Trump is taking 50% of the union vote. LOL

    2. 2. A big chunk of traditional rank and file non-AFSCME, non-teacher union workers. Union men have union families and they will support their spouse

  67. Single-Payer Health Care Dream Dies In Colorado
    Universal health care eludes progressives again.

  68. Markets around the world tumbled Tuesday night as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s chances of winning the presidency improved.


    KEEPING SCORE: Japan’s Nikkei 225 index dropped 2.2 percent to 16,788.90 and the S&P ASX/200 in Australia slipped 2.3 percent to 5,136.50. South Korea’s Kospi skidded 2.6 percent to 1,950.95 and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng tumbled 2.3 percent to 22,382.27.

  69. Good Lord, Trump leads VA with 80 percent counted. Will Northern VA save her?

    1. Fox has called Virginia for Clinton.

    2. CNN says Hillary up by two with 88 percent counted.

    3. thanks to the crooked governor who gave 60K felons pardons using an autopen..

  70. As results began pouring, the U.S. presidential race was simply too close for comfort in the eyes of many in the stock market.


    According to Bloomberg, the U.S. dollar also lots ground on the Japanese yen amid early election results.

    Time bumps Trump up to 93% Can you imagine the amount of flying lamps, crockery and other untethered objects going on at Clinton HQ right now? Will look like the climactic scene of Carrie.

    1. I am holding my powder dry until it's counted and sealed.

      Virginia went for hillary by 60k votes. Funny the exact same number that the governor gave felons pardons and reinstated their right to vote.

      Crooked Hillary is an understatement

    2. Those ain't felons, they're McAuliffe voters.

  72. Replies
      Karl Rove on Fox News heartbroken Trump winning. Bad night for the Bushies

  73. .

    I pulled out some money in the market on Friday. If Trump wins, it looks like I didn't pull out enough. One more reason, with his last minute head fake, Comey pisses me off.

    Hopefully, any disruption will be short term.

    I worry about Rufus.


    1. Shoulda built a solar collector instead of dreaming about Hillary and Ethanol.

  74. Times Headline

    Trump Takes Ohio, Building Nationwide Momentum

  75. Clinton can still win. I hate to say it.

  76. Investors are unloading shares as prospects for a Trump presidency appear to be rising. Dow futures have tumbled 3.5 percent or 643.00 points to 17,647.00 and S&P 500 futures are down 4.1 percent or 86.50 points at 2,049.00.


    The Mexican peso, seen as a proxy for Trump's chances of winning, has fallen 10.7 percent to 20.32 pesos to the dollar.

  77. Big News from NBC:

    Trump takes Ohio, first battleground state to be called.

  78. How are you deplorable muthafukus feeling?

  79. Drudge has Iowa all wrong:

  80. KarlRove is a real 24 ct asshole

  81. Times front page shows electoral tie!

  82. mood in the Javis Center looks like a funeral

  83. I am not celebrating yet... Only if and when hillary is dead and buried (politically) will i let myself smile
