Sunday, November 20, 2016

Premature Celebration by The Clintons on Election Night


  1. Erdogan’s Turkey votes to make child rape LEGAL for men who MARRY their victims

    By Pamela Geller - on November 19, 2016

    Obama has boasted on more than one occasion that he calls President Recip Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey for his advice on how to raise his daughters, Malia and Sasha. Obama praised Erdogan and said this: “And I also appreciate the advice he gives me, because he has two daughters that are a little older than mine — they’ve turned out very well, so I’m always interested in his perspective on raising girls.”

    Obama has said Erdogan was his “favorite” and “most trusted” ally.

    Erdogan has spoken out against contraception, describing it as “treason” when speaking at a wedding ceremony. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said women cannot be treated as equal to men and now Erdogan calls women who work, “half-persons.”

    Obama goes to him for advice on raising girls. This is who has been running our country for the last eight years.

    Donald Trump appointed Steve Bannon to a senior position, and there is a chorus of condemnation from the media.

    Barack Obama considering a friend and confidante someone who will legalize statutory rape — no problem. That’s the hypocrisy of the media.....

  2. Did you enjoy the Victory Party, Ash ?

    Lots of excitement, huh ?

  3. According to a new accident report, which is said to be the final report from Yellowstone National Park officials (the media obtained the final report via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request) regarding the deadly incident, the young man’s tragic death was actually caught on video. When Scott ventured into the Norris Geyser basin area of the park, he was with his sister, Sable Scott. She recorded their adventure, included Colin’s final moments, on her cell phone.

    The official report states that the victim’s sister told investigators that Colin Scott had reached down to test the water temperature of a thermal feature when he slipped, falling into the super-heated, acidic water. When first responders arrived back at the scene, they found the victim’s body and personal effects in the hot spring, but were unable to proceed with their recovery efforts due to inclement weather.

    Officials say that what happened next, an event caught on tape, was so horrific that the have refused to release the video or even a written description of the events captured by the cellphone camera. The official report is also full of redacted areas, portions that have been blacked out to protect the family of the victim and out of sensitivity to their feelings in the aftermath of the unspeakably shocking Yellowstone National Park Death.

    The official report states that the victim’s sister told investigators that Colin Scott had reached down to test the water temperature of a thermal feature when he slipped, falling into the super-heated, acidic water. When first responders arrived back at the scene, they found the victim’s body and personal effects in the hot spring, but were unable to proceed with their recovery efforts due to inclement weather.

    When a recovery team came back the next day, all traces of the victim’s remains were gone, presumably dissolved in the hot, churning, acidic water of the Yellowstone thermal feature.

    “In a very short order, there was a significant amount of dissolving.”

    1. I've been right at that spot three or four times.

      I don't understand why they have it bridged and laned so sloppily.

      I was walking around on those little bridges as a kid.

      Maybe more have slipped in and we don't know it as all that remained of the remains was nothing.

      Great place for the Mafia types to dump a body.

    2. Surely you didn't follow this morons path:

      "His death reportedly took place at the Norris Geyser basin area of Yellowstone National park, an area that is marked as being off limits and even secured with a closure to keep people on the appropriate path and away from what is known to be an incredibly dangerous area of the park.

      “There’s a closure in place to keep people from doing that for their own safety and also to protect the resources because they are very fragile. But, most importantly for the safety of people because it’s a very unforgiving environment.”

    3. Reportedly, the siblings walked a couple hundred feet uphill after they left the path near Pork Chop Geyser. Their hike took them further into the forbidden Norris Geyser basin area of Yellowstone.
      Strictly speaking, she didn't lose her brother, he just dissolved on her.

    4. I may be a dummy but not so much as to go beyond the closure signs....'a very unforgiving environment' indeed.

    5. Yeah, I almost wrote that, but tried to improve on it but couldn't.

      Boiling Acid

      Unforgiving, indeed.

      You'd think in today's World, Sis would sell the video.

      ...maybe in 5 or 10 years our "culture" will demand that sort of thing.

    6. I've got a few magma impressions of Wahine skeletons in my Magma Tube.

    7. ...not that I do anything untoward with them.

    8. Some YouTube Entrepreneur should drop a frankfurter in boiling acid as a teaching tool.

    9. That was my favorite family vacation as a kid:
      Took a train to Bryce, Yellowstone, and the Grand Canyon. (Bus to the canyon, actually.)

      Stayed at the Yellowstone Lodge, which was a treat, and walked those same planks as a tyke, never suffering any urges to dive in, or even stray off the planks.

  4. Keith Ellison:

    1. Supported Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam

      Says that Farrakhan “is a role model for black youth,” “is not an anti-Semite,” and “is a sincere, tireless, and uncompromising advocate of the black community and other oppressed people around the world”
      Spoke favorably of the high-profile murderers and leftist icons Mumia Abu Jamal, Assata Shakur, and Geronimo Pratt

      Former steering committee member of the National Lawyers Guild's Minnesota chapter

      Publicly defended former Symbionese Liberation Army terrorist Kathleen Soliah

      Supported the activities of the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011

    2. Ellison is a shit head and very bad man and only the dope smoking Swedes in Minnesota have degenerated so far as to elect such a man to Congress.

      I hope the Democrats elect him to be Chairman of the DNC.

      They couldn't do any worse.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The heads of the Pentagon and the nation’s intelligence community have recommended to President Obama that the director of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, be removed.

    The recommendation, delivered to the White House last month, was made by Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., according to several U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

    Action has been delayed, some administration officials said, because relieving Rogers of his duties is tied to another controversial recommendation: to create separate chains of command at the NSA and the military’s cyberwarfare unit, a recommendation by Clapper and Carter that has been stalled because of other issues.

    The news comes as Rogers is being considered by President-elect Donald Trump to be his nominee for director of national intelligence to replace Clapper as the official who oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies. In a move apparently unprecedented for a military officer, Rogers, without notifying superiors, traveled to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday at Trump Tower. That caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal personnel matters.

    The White House, Pentagon and Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment. The NSA did not respond to requests for comment. Carter has concerns with Rogers’s performance, officials said. The driving force for Clapper, meanwhile, was the separation of leadership roles at the NSA and U.S. Cyber Command, and his stance that the NSA should be headed by a civilian.

    1. .

      Don't know much about Rogers; however, a few things in his favor. He replaced Kieth Alexander who was a real flaming a-hole. Two, the two people recommending his dismissal are both dicks. Both have announced they are retiring. Three, he's only been head of the NSA for a couple years so he really hasn't had time to screw up the NSA any more than it already was. Four, he's stated that what Snowden did was illegal and wrong but that he didn't think he was working for any foreign government which to me is a legitimate opinion though I disagree that the actions were wrong.

      As to Clapper's claim that the NSA should be headed by a civilian, there might be something to it; however, from what I've seen of our defense and intelligence agencies, there seems to be as many civilian morons as there are military ones. Anyway, what's probably got Clapper and Carter pissed off most is the reports that Rogers was secretly meeting with Trump to talk about taking over Clapper's job, not an action you would normally expect from a military guy.

      Hard to say how it will play out. Hard to say whether Rogers is any good. One thing we do know is the US cybersecurity effort is a giant clusterfuck. The focus has been all wrong from the beginning. All the money has been going into offensive capabilities rather than defensive ones.

      IMO, the major effort should have been placed on defensive programs to assure the security of the programs, systems, and hardware that run our critical infrastructure, defense systems, and economic structure including the personal information and accounts of US citizens. What we got were offensive systems that did nothing more than launch the whole cyber war we are in right now. The perfect and first example is the Stuxnet malware developed by the US and Israel and used against Iran.

      Stuxnet is an example of the hypocritical thinking of our political and defense establishment which amounts to (to paraphrase Nixon) 'no action is wrong as long as we do it'. In truth, a cyber attack is an act of war. Stuxnet also proved the level of our arrogance. It was designed to take down the Iranian nuclear structure, well at least, to delay it for a good time. It was also supposed to be targeted and specific. In fact, it did neither. It may have affected a fifth of Iran's centrifuges but it did little to slow down Iran's nuclear program. Likewise, though the virus mainly affected Iran, as with any of these 'good viruses' it was hard to contain and there were incidents of it infecting systems throughout the world.

      Some have argued that Stuxnet actually helped Iran's nuclear program by alerting Iran to vulnerabilities in the program they might not have been aware of for some time. It also provided impetus for Iran to develop their own cyber warfare capabilities.

      Worse, it launched the era of the cyber weapon. Once again, the US is first.


    2. An upbeat, optimistic report.

    3. .

      Almost as much as stories of dissolving bodies and bears. Oh my.


    4. You ought to tip off your pals at The ol' Mafia Barber Shoppe that it's a great place to park bodies, if they're not already onto it.

  7. Never stayed at Yellowstone Lodge but been there a few times. Nowadays you need about a year's advance reservation.

    Really impressive place. Most of the employees are younger people.

    They have a perpetual bear problem there, always wandering in looking for free food.

    They are always trying to break them of the habit, always failing...

    Down around the boiling acid areas, as I recall, one can look way off an see some of the mountains in the distance that are part of the rim of the caldera....

    1. Hope Quirk's report when that blows matches the high standards of his Clapper Memo.

      ...if Michigan still exists.

  8. Times of Israel reports a post Trump election building boom in Jerusalem.

    1. .

      No doubt, Jewish building as they don't allow building permits to the Arab residents there.


    2. It's the eternal Jewish capital, my good man, and Trump is going to recognize it as such.

    3. Even if most American Jews voted against him.

    4. .

      If he does, the US will be the only country with an embassy there which will no doubt inflame opposition throughout the ME, but at least it would remove the hypocrisy of the US posing as an honest broker.

      Of course, both Clinton and Bush promised to do the same but upon reflection didn't do it.

      We shall see.


    5. QuirkSun Nov 20, 01:33:00 PM EST

      No doubt, Jewish building as they don't allow building permits to the Arab residents there.

      Bullshit. You really don't KNOW shit about the topic do you?

  9. Hindus/Trump

    In other Hindu news, my Niece, with whom I just spoke, should have her Ph.D next month. She is studying for the oral defense of her thesis right now, which is all that is left to be done.


    1. .

      You once told me she was a supporter of Modi.

      Hopefully, she will be able to provide a more credible defense on her thesis than was her opinion of Modi.


    2. I don't know I said that. I would like to see my quote if I did.

      I think maybe the information flows in your noggin got reversed once again, which seems to work on the principle of an intermittent windshield wiper.

      I am aiming to ask her what might be done about that disability.

      I do know she took part in some demo in Germany, but not sure what it was about.

      Modi seems an upstanding fellow to me.

      Beats whoever the leaders are over in Pakistanishit these days....

      What do you have against Modi ?

    3. I recall she did say one time she felt for the farmers in India.

    4. .

      What do you have against Modi ?

      Do you mean other than his part in the 2002 riots and mayhem or his current ignoring (or as some would say condoning) of the sectarian and religious cleansing going on by Hindus against Christians and other minorities?


    5. The rash of outbreaks led humanitarian groups like the ICC to campaign in Washington to put pressure on Modi and the BDP to stop the wave of extreme nationalism.

      “His silence is tacit approval,” King of the ICC said. “Push came to shove once before and he [Modi] had to come out and say that India is tolerant and the nationalists backed down.

      “And the most of the populace is very tolerant, but he needs to come out again and rein in his party.”

      Late last month, a bipartisan letter was sent to Modi by eight U.S. senators and 26 members of Congress, requesting that he strongly and publicly condemn the acts of persecution.

      But so far, there has been no response.

      “The BJP will be silent unless there is political pressure,” King added. “With Congress coming out with this letter, with that rise in pressure, the party will have to address the issue.”

    6. The 2002 Gujarat riots, also known as the 2002 Gujarat violence and the Gujarat pogrom,[2][3][4][5] was a three-day period of inter-communal violence in the western Indian state of Gujarat. Following the initial incident there were further outbreaks of violence in Ahmedabad for three weeks; statewide, there were further outbreaks of communal riots against the minority Muslim population for three months.[2][6] The burning of a train in Godhra on 27 February 2002, which caused the deaths of 58 Hindu pilgrims karsevaks returning from Ayodhya, is believed to have triggered the violence.[7][8]

      According to official figures, the riots resulted in the deaths of 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus; 2,500 people were injured non-fatally, and 223 more were reported missing.[9] Other sources estimate that over 2000 people died.[10] There were instances of rape, children being burned alive, and widespread looting and destruction of property. The Chief Minister at that time, Narendra Modi, has been accused of initiating and condoning the violence, as have police and government officials who allegedly directed the rioters and gave lists of Muslim-owned properties to them.[11]

      In 2012, Modi was cleared of complicity in the violence by a Special Investigation Team (SIT) appointed by the Supreme Court of India. The SIT also rejected claims that the state government had not done enough to prevent the riots.[12] The Muslim community was reported to have reacted with anger and disbelief, although Teesta Setalvad of the Citizen for Peace and Justice stated that the legal process was not yet complete as there existed a right to appeal.[13] In July 2013 allegations were made that the SIT had suppressed evidence.[14] That December, an Indian court upheld the earlier SIT report and rejected a petition seeking Modi's prosecution.[15] In April 2014, the Supreme Court expressed satisfaction over the SIT's investigations in nine cases related to the violence, and rejected as "baseless" a plea contesting the SIT report.[16]

      The matter has been appealed to the Court of Quirk, Detroit, Michigan for review.

      This appeal is thought of as a jest around the world, as Quirk's Court is known for it's Mafia ties, and it's general prejudice in favor of all things muzz.

      Quirk's Court once held, for instance, against all evidence, that the Israelis were occupying Gaza.

    7. Ahmedabad is where my Niece lived.

    8. The Court of Quirk sits every three years for one week at The Ol' Mafia Barber Shoppe, Detroit, Michigan.

  10. The 12 Step Abstinence Program didn't work - overdone by Trump victory -

    Blair is back! Former PM announces 'returning to British politics'....DRUDGE

    Thy are all dicks and are all addicted.

  11. Maybe Hillary could return following an Addadicktome Procedure.


  12. The volume of hair present when Romney met with Trump is unequaled.

    1. They both need to get All-American crew cuts.

  13. Idaho Elevator Report: (from Trump National)

    Chris Christie has just been greeted by The Donald and ushered through the big brown door.

  14. Mexico Norte:

  15. NewsWorldEurope

    Marine Le Pen takes huge lead over Nicolas Sarkozy in French first round presidential election poll
    Results likely to add to growing fears far-right leader could be on course for victory in wake of shock Brexit and US presidential votes

    Lucy Pasha-Robinson

    1. If Sark came back we could have a runoff between Melania and Carla Bruni.

  16. East Aleppo’s last hospital destroyed by airstrikes
    Russian-led attacks on Syria’s second city leave up to 250,000 people without access to surgery

    Moment of impact: children’s hospital bombed in east Aleppo

    Martin Chulov, Kareem Shaheen and Emma Graham-Harrison
    Saturday 19 November 2016 13.30 EST

    The last operating hospital in east Aleppo has been destroyed by airstrikes, leaving up to 250,000 residents without access to surgery or specialist care, and rebel-held districts at the point of collapse.

    Another four hospitals were hit and forced to close on Friday, before the Omar bin Abdul Aziz facility was struck just after 8.30pm, capping the most deadly day yet for the medical system in Syria’s second city, which has been systematically targeted by Russian and regime jets over the past year.

    “They have all been repeatedly attacked over the last few days,” said David Nott, a surgeon with decades of experience working in war zones, who has been supporting the Aleppo doctors.

    “I don’t think in all my years of doing this I’ve seen such dreadful pictures of injuries, of people lying on the floor in an emergency room, the dead mixed with the living,” said Nott. At least two doctors were among the dead, he said, and he feared hospitals that had kept operating under attack and with dwindling supplies might now have been shut down permanently.

    “The Aleppo hospitals have been re-opened so many times, underground or in new locations, but between the bombing and the siege I don’t know if it will be possible to resurrect them this time.”....

  17. Jean-Marie Le Pen, 87, was charged last year by French prosecutors with genocide denial, which is forbidden in France, in connection with his statement originally made in 1987 and reiterated last July that the Nazi gas chambers were “just a detail of World War II.”

    Marine Le Pen has sought to gain mainstream acceptance for the National Front by distancing herself and the anti-immigrant party from her father’s anti-Semitic rhetoric. Jean-Marie Le Pen has since disowned his daughter.

  18. Those Mysterious Buses in Austin

    1. Tableau Software is just a Soros front group.

      I insist.

      You believe the NYTimes ?

      Or Bob ?

  19. There may be more than one reason for the stance of New York-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) National Director Jonathan Greenblatt against former Breitbart News CEO Stephen Bannon than just his deep concern about possible anti-Semitism on behalf of the organization he now leads, according to critics.


    Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama himself has declined to rein in the “protesters,” telling reporters overseas that he “wouldn’t advise them to be silent” because “that’s not how a democracy works.”

    The ADL’s attacks on Steve Bannon are harming the ADL’s credibility, and that is a shame when it has important work to do in the fight against real anti-Semites.

  20. The picture of the Clinton Celebration at the beginning of this post ?

    Doesn't seem to be much happening.

    Not even Ash showed up.

    Here's why:

    America Called Bullshit on the Cult of Clinton

    The one good thing about Trump’s win? It shows a willingness among Americans to blaspheme against saints and reject the religion of hollow progressiveness.

    Brendan O'Neill | November 20, 2016

    1. Also here:

      House of Clinton Finished

  21. China's Xi has set himself up as the anti-Trump at this week's summit, defending open markets and offering leadership on rival agreements.


    As alternatives to the TPP, China is backing a free trade zone across APEC, which accounts for nearly 40 percent of the world's population and nearly 60 percent of the global economy.

    It is also pushing a 16-member Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) that excludes the United States.


    Netanyahu draws fire from right for okaying Arab construction in JerusalemDecision to build 600 housing units in Beit Safafa criticized by Bennett as ‘Palestinian arrow in the heart’ of the capitalBY STUART WINER July 4, 2016, 1:50 pm 2

    Up Yours Quirk you ignorant slut.

    1. QuirkSun Nov 20, 01:33:00 PM EST

      No doubt, Jewish building as they don't allow building permits to the Arab residents there.

    2. Amid fierce opposition from right-wing leaders, the Interior Ministry’s District Planning and Building Committee approved preliminary plans for the construction of 2,200 Arab housing units in southeast Jerusalem’s Jebl Mukaber neighborhood.

      The committee, also on Monday, retroactively approved 300 illegally built Arab homes in the area.

      Another story proving Quirk is a moron.

    3. Now on the other hand...

      Fatah and the Palestinian Authority celebrated yesterday’s murder of Taylor Force, an American tourist who was visiting Israel with Vanderbilt University. Fatah’s official Facebook page posted a drawing of a knife held over the PA map of “Palestine” that includes all of Israel and the PA areas.

    4. Quirk often has his facts wrong.

    5. He often shoots from the hip and hits his boots.

  23. The Lebanese military has started building a tall cement wall and watchtowers around parts of the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp, near the southern city of Sidon, inspiring popular protest on social media.


    Azzam al-Ahmed, a Fatah Central Committee member and former PLO ambassador to Lebanon, told The Jerusalem Post that he does not have details about the construction of the wall, but said the security situation in the camp is stable.

  24. Ah the silence of some is amazing... and welcomed

  25. November 21, 2016
    Oh-oh! Donations plunge to Clinton Foundation as Hillary speech money dries up
    By Thomas Lifson

    Even before her defeat for the presidency, Hillary Clinton’s departure from the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation crippled its fundraising for that “good work” we have repeatedly been assured the foundation does. Like hiring members of the Clinton machine to plot...Chelsea’s rise as a candidate for Congress.

    It turns out that when you lack influence, it’s hard to peddle it.

    Khaleda Raman reports for the U.K. Daily Mail:

    Donations to the Clinton Foundation plummeted amid Hillary Clinton's failed presidential run, it has been revealed.

    The non-profit organization's latest tax filings show contributions fell 37 per cent to $108million - down from $172million in 2014, according to the New York Post.

    Donations fell as the former Secretary of State left the group in April last year shortly after announcing her run for the White House.

    Her departure also meant that revenue brought in from paid speeches plunged from $3.6million in 2014 to just $357,500.

    Why, it’s almost enough to make you believe that Hillary’s speeches weren’t about wonderfully entertaining and enlightening presentations at all, but rather about bribing a future president.

    I sure hope those Clinton Foundation fundraisers aren’t paid a percentage, but rather are on full salary. It’s going to be slim pickings.

    As for the Clintons, they are not in danger of starvation. Chelsea is now the family’s only hope for continued political influence. Lots of luck with that, guys.


      Click on link to see pic of why Chelsea is going nowhere, politically.

    2. She's as pleased with herself as Megyn Kelly.

      ...but looks more like Webster Hubbell.

  26. November 21, 2016
    Will the left actually incite a civil war?
    By Robert Arvay

    Read more:

  27. What Is the World's Weirdest Language? Ida Kvittingen, ScienceNordic
    Oldest Alphabet Identified as Hebrew Bruce Bower, ScienceNews
    If We Find E.T., We May Not Want to Talk to It Charley Lineweaver, Conversation

    All at RealClearScience

    Always expanding our horizons, Bar Mates !

    1. Also -

      How The Ancient "Q People" Made Sex Fun And Panhandling Poplular


    3. What Is the World's Weirdest Language?
      By Ida Kvittingen
      November 21, 2016

      The world renowned American linguist Noam Chomsky is famous for his theories about a universal grammar behind all languages.

      “So this has led to some seriously heated discussions amongst researchers,” says Theil.

      A lot is at stake.

      “If Pirahã really does lack this, it could be curtains for Chomsky’s system.”

      Beginning to look like Chomsky was as full of shit about language as everything else.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.


      Trump’s Win Has Ad Agencies Rethink How They Collect Data, Recruit staff
      Trump’s win spurs concerns that ad agencies are out of touch with consumers

      I've said all along that we need a new Department of Advertising, with Quirk as its first Secretary.

      Commerce is the beating heart of America, and advertising is the life blood of commerce.

      We need to continually spur irrational desires for unnecessary shit at high prices to KEEP AMERICA GREAT !.

  29. November 21, 2016
    Muslim Nationalist Keith Ellison bad news for women, children, gays, golden retrievers
    By Ed Straker

    As a progressive, Prius-driving, NPR-listening, Birkenstock-wearing, fair trade coffee-buying intellectual, I am constantly concerned about the most vulnerable people in our society. That's why I'm terribly concerned about the nomination of Muslim Nationalist Keith Ellison for chairman of the Democratic Party. If he is appointed chairman, that will send a terrible signal to the most vulnerable people in our community, notably women, children, gays, cocker spaniels, people of color, people without color, climate change activists, transgendered he/she/theys, and even homeless people with persistent body odor.

    Keith Ellison has links to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Nation of Islam, and Hamas, through his affiliations with CAIR. These groups have terrible track records.

    Hamas executed one of its own leaders for sexual activity with another man. Homosexuality carries the death penalty. That's a little more serious than refusing to make a cake for a gay wedding, don't you think? Hamas not only teaches children to be terrorists from a young age, but actually recruits children to be suicide bombers. Ellison has spoken at numerous CAIR events, and CAIR is closely linked to Hamas.

    As for women, the Muslim Brotherhood supports the subjugation of women, including supporting violence against women and cutting off their clitorises.

    Even dogs are not spared this savagery, used as unwilling suicide bombers by Hamas.

    Ellison refuses to criticize these groups and continues to associate with them:

    Ellison has spoken before several groups that have ties to Hamas, and has accepted money from a Muslim Brotherhood group; Hamas styles itself the Muslim Brotherhood for Palestine... Hamas repeatedly demonstrates genuine and murderous anti-Semitism, and Ellison has repeatedly shown himself willing and even eager to associate himself with Hamas-linked groups.

    I call Ellison a "Muslim Nationalist" even though technically, radical Islamists want one pan-national caliphate. Wikipedia offers no entry for "Muslim Nationalist," though they do have one for "White Nationalist":

    It ranges from a preference for one's specific white ethnic group, to feelings of superiority, including calls for national citizenship to be reserved for white people.

    Well, that sounds like Ellison's views about Islam: he defends radical Islamists and wants to bring more Middle Eastern Muslims into America, no matter what the risk to the rest of us. I think that would show that he classifies the needs of Muslims as superior to the needs of everyone else.

    If Ellison becomes chairman of the DNC, what message will that send to women? And think about the children! They will go to bed crying at night, knowing that this powerful man who consorts with terrorists now has a gigantic microphone and organization to peddle his hate. I am sure CBS, ABC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and NPR will feature wall-to-wall stories of crying children worried about his ascent to power and the hate he represents.

    Let me know in the comments section if I have successfully created the perfect "Mirror Mirror" version of a HuffPo or NYT article about Donald Trump.

    Ed Straker is the senior writer at


      OOOooo I so hope the Dems select this turdo to Chair the DNC.

      What a wonderful nail in their coffin....

  30. "I felt it important to take the opportunity to meet with the President-elect now before the drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating drag us..."

    Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) vowed to work with Donald Trump on the issues that matter to the American people, following a meeting between the two Monday at Trump Tower.

    She did not, however, comment on whether she would join his administration.

    Gabbard and Trump met in New York City to discuss U.S. policy in Syria, she said in a statement, though some have speculated she is under consideration to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
    "President-elect Trump asked me to meet with him about our current policies regarding Syria, our fight against terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and [the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria], as well as other foreign policy challenges we face," Gabbard said.

    "I felt it important to take the opportunity to meet with the President-elect now before the drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating drag us into an escalation of the war to overthrow the Syrian government—a war which has already cost hundreds of thousands of lives and forced millions of refugees to flee their homes in search of safety for themselves and their families."

    Gabbard said that while the "rules of political expediency" would suggest she not take a meeting with the president-elect, she refuses to "play politics" with American and Syrian lives...

  31. NOT Megyn Kelly

    (see above)

    1. Hillary should have fucked someone whose lower lip didn't look like a life-raft.

    2. John McCain once joked in 1998 that Chelsea was the offspring of Hillary and Janet Reno (the dad). McCain actually said “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father.”

      Before we get to the evidence that Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton, let’s take an extended tour through the war zone of the Bill and Hillary relationship as well as Bill’s lifetime of unhinged sexual promiscuity and even rapes and serial sexual assaults. Several of Bill’s sex assaults have involved biting the victim’s lips. I can think of at least 3 cases of Bill biting lips of his women victims. It is important to learn about Hillary’s bisexual adulteries as well and her sexual affairs with both Webb Hubbell and Vince Foster. Even though Hillary had Chelsea with Hubbell in 1980 (Feb. 27, 1980 precisely), by the late 1980’s and early 1990’s Vince Foster had become Hillary’s “significant other” – so close that the best description of Hillary and Vince is that they were emotional husband and wife and in a very hot and heavy affair.

  32. .

    What is "Occupation"Mon Nov 21, 08:34:00 AM EST

    Ah the silence of some is amazing... and welcomed


    Damn, WiO, I spent this morning out looking for a second dog but if I'd known you were here wetting you pants in anticipation of my return, I would have cut the search short.

    I really hate disappointing my fans.


    1. You've got the name, Miscue, or MissQue, perhaps, and searching the pounds for a mutt to match, eh ?

    2. You'll find an appropriate one soon, the dog pounds are filled with multiple breed mixed mutts of all descriptions.

      Sounds like fun to a dog lover like me.

    3. As near as we can tell, with some input from the vet, our new Raul is Great Dane/German Shepard/Doberman. Got the Doberman ears. /\ when he goes on alert.

    4. Not a mean bone in his body and man does he love to run.


    5. Only had one dog:
      Small Black Lab Mongrel.
      Best Friend from 2 to 20.

    6. Carolla has a 112 pound Black Lab that eats everything from slippers to jump ropes.
      ...and shits up the house accordingly.

      My dog had her own house in the back yard.

      MOME likes to mix the races:

    7. .

      Got to get another one. Old Red passed about a year ago and my other dog hasn't been the same. This despite the fact she gets to go to the Metro Park almost every day that the weather allows, she has every dog toy ever produced, gets petted constantly, our back yard and woods are filled with every woodland creature short of the major carnivore's, she's got a dog run I constructed that allows her access to the entire back yard, and she gets to bark at every dog that passes. But does this keep her amused? No. She spends half the day moping as only a beagle mix can mope. When she's not either eating or out walking she looks like she's planning to commit suicide.


    8. .

      I'm too old to get another big dog though. I'm looking for some mutt about 2 to 4 years old weighing no more than maybe 50 pounds.

      The trouble is for some reason all the shelters around her seem to be populated by pit bulls and pit bull mixes. The are a gazillion of them. A lot of them seem like really good dogs but most are big and I'm not sure how the neighbors would take it.

      There are a lot of other large dogs too but not a lot of smaller ones.

      Unless you want a chihauha. I haven't stooped to that level.





    10. Stay away from the pit bull thing.

      You will find something.

      Have fun !

  33. Secessionists formally launch quest for California's independence

    Supporters of a plan for California to secede from the union took their first formal step Monday morning, submitting a proposed ballot measure to the state attorney general’s office in the hopes of a statewide vote as soon as 2018.

    Marcus Ruiz Evans, the vice president and co-founder of Yes California, said his group had been planning to wait for a later election, but the presidential election of Donald Trump sped up the timeline.

    1. California, Oregon, Washington, all want out, some of them are saying.

      I say good riddance, with this exception - I want Oregon, and most of Washington, east of the Cascades.

      I will cut a deal on those terms.

      This will save me the time and money of the leading Idaho, Montana, Wyoming out of USA, and in with B.C., newly departed from Canada.....Alaska will soon join our new grouping.

      We will continue our relationship with NATO.

    2. VANCOUVER BC ???

      Like SF, a beautiful city, but what about the population?

    3. .

      I thought the Chinese already own Vancouver.

      And they're moving into Seattle.


    4. .

      Anyway, Bobo, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

      Will you have 'extreme vetting'?



    5. I'M staying, THEY'RE leaving, Dodo.

      Did your door hit you in the head, or what ?

  34. Man sets himself on fire over election results....DRUDGE

    This seems an extreme reaction, especially considering he's a Trump supporter and his guy won....

    1. Akron, OH - The Akron Fire Department says that a 69-year-old man set himself on fire Saturday after yelling about the election results in a local coffee shop.

      The department says the man, who was dressed in a U.S. Marine Corps uniform, walked into Angel Falls Coffee on South Highland Ave. yelling about the recent protests over the election results.

      He then left the coffee shop, grabbed a can of gasoline from his car and set himself on fire. A witness in a nearby business ran out and extinguished the flames.

      The man was taken to an area hospital where he is being treated in the burn unit. His condition is unknown at this time.

    2. Nice way to spend your declining years.

  35. What, exactly, does President-elect Donald J. Trump believe? From 1987 until 1999, he was a Republican; that year, he changed to the nearly defunct Reform Party, an obscure New York City legacy party.


    For Trump to undo America’s superpower status, he would have to lose not several hard-to-lose pillars that hold up U.S. power. Moreover, he’d have to allow a near-peer to replace the United States in a significant way in Europe or Asia.


    Trump has been terribly unclear about everything foreign policy-wise minus trade deals. Yet that is telling: Trump is clearly committed to American protectionism and America First economics.

    Next President

  36. Hidden Ipsos Poll: Public Strongly Backs Donald Trump’s Plan To ‘Pause’ Legal Immigration

    just-released poll shows that Donald Trump’s campaign-trail immigration and labor policies have overwhelming public support, and strong opposition from just one-sixth of voters.
    The Ipsos poll shows that only about one-in-six Americans strongly oppose Trump’s policies towards immigrant labor, repatriations, sanctuary cities, Islamic migrants, employer oversight and his ground-breaking proposal to reduce legal immigration.

    Trump’s labor and immigration policies are “strongly” backed by an average 32 percent of the respondents, and are “somewhat” supported by another 25 percent. That is an average support of almost 60 percent, versus strong opposition of just 15 percent. Roughly 10 percent did not answer the questions.

    Ipsos is a highly rated polling firm, but conducted the poll in September and hid the pro-Trump answers until Nov. 16, a week after the election.

  37. Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach was photographed Sunday with proposals for the Department of Homeland Security following his meeting with President-elect Donald Trump in New Jersey.


    Trump held over 20 meetings throughout the weekend as he continues to solicit advice and vet potential Cabinet members.

  38. Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.

    “It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.

    “Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

    “The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.

    A second source confirmed the fireworks.

    “The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks,” the other source said.

    “Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.

    “Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”

    The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration.

  39. The New Yorker’s David Remnick revealed in an interview with Charlie Rose that President Obama was “obsessed” with the rise of fake news websites.
    Remnick described Obama’s concern that the old “fact based universe” had “broken down” and “collapsed.”

    “On Facebook a climate change denier looks exactly the same as the science that says that climate change is caused by human beings,” Remnick explained. “A discussion on Breitbart has the veracity to its audience as a conversation on Charlie Rose.

    He should hire Quirk to straighten things out.

    1. "“If, generally, we’ve got elections that aren’t focused on issues and are full of fake news and false information and distractions, then the issue is not going to be what’s happening from the outside; the issue is going to be what are we doing for ourselves from the inside,” Obama said during a press conference in Peru over the weekend"


    2. Ummm, inside, like inside your tiny Parkinsons obsessed fantasy mind.

    3. Are you still celebrating, Ash ?

  40. The African Development bank is calling for deeper commitment from global fglobal finance mechanisms such as Green Climate Fund and the Global Environmental Facility to support Africa to adapt to climate change and stop the displacement of public spending caused by climate change.


    The Africa Action Summit brought together 50 Heads of State and Government, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as well as representatives of international organizations.

  41. I already have two rescue dogs....

    and no I was enjoying your absence.

  42. Quirk for new Secretary of Advertising !

    That really sounds good, doesn't it ?

    The stock market would rocket to new historical highs.

    1. Or, Keeper of the White House Kennel, perhaps.

      Super qualified for both.

  43. The moment the US gave the world to China

    Peter Hartcher

    Free world ?

  44. Here's a good idea:

    Sedition merits jail.
    November 21, 2016 Matthew Vadum

    1. .

      Welcome to murder city USA!

      "To all those who are, after Tuesday's election, very nervous and filled with anxiety ... you are safe in Chicago, you are secure in Chicago and you are supported in Chicago," Emanuel said at a press conference.


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