Sunday, November 13, 2016

Lock Her Up - How the Neocons Lost - Trump Fought Them, Beat Them and Better Not Waiver Against Them

Neocons Trying to Sneak Into Trump Administration

Fiercely Opposed to His Election,  Never Trump Crowd Now Seeks Influence

by Jason Ditz, November 11, 2016

It’s a cliche to say that the cushiest positions of influence in any US administration go to figures who were seen to have brought something to the table during the campaign. Yet with the election of Donald Trump, a lot of high-ranking neoconservatives are expecting the exact opposite, figuring that they can step right into positions of power and influence despite openly campaigning against Trump.

There are more than a few people who would normally be in line for top positions in a Republican White House, but who were very publicly part of the “Never Trump” crowd, attacking him throughout the primary and the general election. These same people are now making public their “willingness” to work with Trump.

In other words, they want the usual spoils of victory, but having positioned themselves as so firmly in opposition to Trump’s worldview, and to Trump in general, it’s not at all clear how willing Trump’s transition team is to consider such candidates for important positions.

The early indications are that a lot of the foreign policy-related positions are going to be going to high-ranking former military officials who backed Trump’s candidacy, with officials noting that long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have left them with a lot of such officials to choose from.

For many of the neocons, this is likely less about getting cushy jobs or fancy titles and more about ensuring that the US remains aggressively interventionist abroad. Indeed, many of these people split with Trump in the first place over concerns he was insufficiently hawkish, and now want jobs that would put them in a position to shift he new administration in those same hawkish directions.


  1. Fire whomever is supporting John Bolton

    On top of all this, Bolton, who endorsed Trump soon after he clinched the Republican nomination in the spring, is respected by all factions of the party. (He is a long-time friend of this magazine and serves on the board of the National Review Institute.) In short, John Bolton is an ideal pick, and his appointment would be a sign that the Trump administration intends to get off to a strong start.

    Read more at:

  2. Even Mitt Romney is wishing Trump well.


    If totalitarianism comes to the USA it will come from the left not the right

    The protests and riots are spreading.

    November 13, 2016
    About those rioters...
    By Patricia McCarthy

    Conservatives have never marched or rioted when they have lost an election. Never. But the left can be counted on to do so when offended by anything they can define as a grievance against their "group," such as the votes of others with which they disagree. These protests are not spontaneous, as anyone who read the Podesta emails and watched the O'Keefe videos knows. They are planned and paid for, by Soros, ANSWER, etc. – far-left trolls like those in Ferguson, who, with Soros dollars, launched the thuggish Black Lives Matter group, so affectionately embraced by Hillary Clinton.

    Since the 1920s, it has always been leftists who fomented and promoted violence as a means to their endgame. But our media for months gleefully warned that Trump supporters would riot in the streets if he lost. That never would have happened and they know it. These tactics are wholly the province of the left. Anarchy is and has always been a strategy of the progressives to make civilized people fear them. Trump voters finally had enough and voted for a new direction, and we are seeing riots in the streets organized by radical, anti-democratic groups. One can assume they want to make people regret their votes for Trump, but they are only making them more certain they made the right choice.


  3. Dave Chapelle to one of the Hollywood types that were going to leave the country if Trump were elected:

    "Hey, how are ya ? Where are you going and when are you going to be leaving ?"

    "Ah, Dude, I've decided to hang around and see how the tax breaks work out."


    1. .

      Dave Chapelle is one of the better comics around. What you put up is from his opening routine n SNL last night.

      You, sir, are an nitwit.


    2. ?

      I know he's a good comic.

      I thought it was funny.

      I may not have told it exactly right but even you can get the gist of it, if you try hard.

      Perhaps you misread -

      I did not say David Chapelle IS one of the Hollywood types, I said David Chapelle TO one of the Hollywood types....

      Are you OK ?

    3. I think you drive him nutz.

    4. Maybe HE should have taken more English.

    5. .

      At least when I make a mistake I have the decency to admit it and apologize unlike the Bobbsey Twins who when exposed double down on the ignorance.


    6. :)

      I give you the last word, then.


  4. .

    From the WaPo...

    As Donald Trump begins the task of filling 4,100 federal jobs, many seasoned civil servants are wrestling with whether to join his administration or refuse service.

    Many current and former officials are being urged by peers to serve a president they thought was unfit — and to “keep a signed but undated letter of resignation in their desk.”

    By Philip Rucker, Dana Priest and Karen DeYoung

    The elites being elitist. Those 'seasoned civil servants' and 'current and former officials' are the very ones who have brought us and Washington to the states we are in. Fuck em.

    How many of these dolts do you think would actually refuse a job, to once more jump on the gravy train? How many do you think will take the job 'not because they want it' but 'because it is their duty as a patriot' to help 'guide' the country during these troubled times.

    The pomposity is appalling.


    1. Bomb them, bomb them, and bomb them again.

      Bolton for Minister of the Mustache.

  5. Quirk is the fastest draw against nittwittery in the Midwest.

    Real, or imagined.

    1. .

      Got any more undocumented reports from those alt-right sources of yours Doug?


    2. Waiting for your next non-alt MSM rehash, Quirk.

    3. .


      Well, at least you seem to be making progress.


  6. Kimberly Kagan

    Kimberly Ellen Kagan (born 1972) is an American military historian. She heads the Institute for the Study of War and has taught at West Point, Yale, Georgetown University, and American University. Kagan has published in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Weekly Standard and elsewhere.[1] She supported the surge in Iraq and has since advocated for an expanded and restructured American military campaign in Afghanistan.[2] In 2009 she served on Afghanistan commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal's strategic assessment team.[2]

    Kimberly Kagan is the daughter of Kalman Kessler, an accountant and school teacher from New York City and his wife Frances.[3][4][5] She received her B.A. in Classical Civilization and her Ph.D. in History from Yale University. At Yale, Kagan met her husband Frederick Kagan, who is an American resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI),[6] son of Donald Kagan, a well-known historian and brother of Robert Kagan, another well-known writer and publicist. Robert Kagan's wife is Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.
    Kagan held an “Olin Postdoctoral Fellowship in Military History” at Yale in International Security Studies from 2004-2005. She is an affiliate of Harvard’s Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, where she was a National Security Fellow from 2002-2003.[7]

    Drs. Frederick and Kimberly Kagan touring Basra in 2008.

    The Kagans:

    1. Robert Kagan's wife is Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

    2. ‘Fuck the EU’: US diplomat Victoria Nuland's phone call leaked - video

    3. During her confirmation hearings, she faced "sharp questions" about a memo she had sent outlining the talking points that would be used by the Obama administration in the days shortly after the 2012 Benghazi attack.

  7. Nigel Farage - Elephant Bar - 2012

    1. AnonymousMon Apr 23, 05:03:00 PM EDT

      I distinctly recall Trish saying war would be more, not less, likely with Obama at the helm.

    2. .

      Do you distinctly recall anything these days, Doug?


  8. " It is muzz central in Sweden. In many areas the Police do not enter. It's turned into a hell hole. The women are afraid to go out at night and in the day are told by the 'Government' to walk in two and threes."


    Quirk response:


    1. Sweden Opened Its Doors To Muslim Immigration, Today It’s The Rape Capital Of The West. Japan Didn’t.

      Sweden began opening its doors to Muslim immigrants in the 1970s. Today it pays a high price for having done so. The group suffering the severest consequences of such an open door policy has been Swedish women.

      As Muslim men immigrated to Sweden, they brought with them an Islamic culture sanctioning rape. It is a culture bad enough inherently in the treatment of its own women. Under sharia, Muslim women serve little more purpose beyond catering to their husbands’ sexual demands. A non-submissive wife runs the risk of being raped by her husband.

      A 1996 Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention report bears this out. It noted that Muslim immigrants from North Africa were 23 times more likely to commit rape than Swedish men. It is no wonder why today Sweden is deemed the rape capital of the Western world.

      Even more shocking, however, is the political correctness overshadowing the reporting of these crimes. Sensitive about accusations of Islamophobia, the Swedish press refuses to sound a warning alarm for native women about who these sexual predators are. Thus, when a Muslim commits a rape, the media only refers to him as a Swedish male.

      But this failure to shine the light on Muslim male rapists leaves them hiding in the shadows to commit even more egregious sex crimes. With no fear of accountability, these predators have adopted a pack mentality. A crime non-existent in Sweden in the 1970s is now commonplace today as the country has become a breeding ground for gang rapes.

      Interestingly, between 1995-2006, the Swedish government tracked gang rapes, identifying a drastically increasing trend. Unbelievably, after discovering the problem, it then adopted an ostrich-like “head in the sand” approach, terminating any further studies on them.

    2. .

      Sweden Opened Its Doors To Muslim Immigration, Today It’s The Rape Capital Of The West. Japan Didn’t.


      Doug's response:



  9. "Canada’s Kurdish allies accused of war crimes by unlawfully destroying Arab homes as Islamic State retreats"

  10. I don't doubt the reports Ash but the Kurds are one of the lesser offenders. They've been pushed around by everyone.

    They deserve their own state.

  11. Iraqi Kurdish forces have demolished Arab homes and buildings and in some cases entire villages in disputed areas in the country's north, Human Rights Watch said.


    The destruction occurred in 17 villages and towns in Kirkuk and four in Nineveh governorate, Human Rights Watch said.

  12. The interview kicked off with Wilkinson asking how many refugees the US has promised to take from Nauru and Manus Island in the one-off deal announced yesterday.

    “We have not set a number on it,” Mr Turnbull said.

    “The Americans will assess the refugees from a security and health point of view as referred to them ... but ... a substantial number would be eligible for resettlement in United States.”

    When Mr Turnbull refused to provide more details on the arrangement, Wilkinson quotes the figure of up to 1600 people awaiting resettlement.

    Mr Turnbull defended not discussing the deal made with the Obama administration with President-elect Donald Trump during a wideranging phone call last week.

    “It’s because we deal with one administration at a time,” he said.

    “There’s only one President of the United States at any time. Until January 20 when Donald Trump is inaugurated the President is Barack Obama.”

    Wilkinson pushed the PM: “You did talk to Donald Trump and other issues came up. Why isn’t this important enough?”

    “You don’t discuss confidential matters with one administration with a future administration. Look, it’s fairly straightforward,” he said, stumbling over his words.

  13. Tight Rope

    I'm up on the tightrope , one sides hate and one is hope
    It's a circus game with you and me.
    I'm up on the tightwire , linked by life and the funeral pyre
    But the tophat on my head is all you see.

    And the wire seems to be the only place for me
    A comedy of errors and I'm falling
    Like a rubber neck giraffe, you look into my past
    Well, baby you're just too blind to see.

    I'm up in the spotlight, oh does it feel right
    The altitude seems to really get to me.
    I'm up on the tightwire linked by life and the funeral pyre
    Putting on a show for you to see.

    1. That was a great song. The sixties generation is having a tough time making it through their seventies.

    2. Wait 'til (some of) today's fatties make it to their sixties.

      Diabetic Heaven for them.

  14. Turnbull has urged Labor to listen to the electorate and reverse course.

    The United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, is not a party to the deal, but will support it with concerns.

    The UNHCR also points out refugees and asylum seekers have been "immensely damaged" by the years in detention.

  15. Classes Being Canceled Because Trump Won Is Why Trump Won

    Sooner or later, these people will have to realize that no one owes it to you to care, and that expecting society to revolve around your own personal feelings means you have an even bigger ego than the Donald himself.

  16. France has marked one year on from the Paris attacks with a series of sombre events, including a silent tour of the sites where 130 people were killed by Islamic extremists.


    Families of victims, security and rescue forces and some still trying to heal were among those present at the ceremonies.


    "This anniversary is a further reminder of the volatile terrorist threat faced in Europe today," said a statement by Europol, the European police agency.

  17. Prince Riebus of the Insiders is the new incoming Chief of Staff.

    Trump picks Reince Priebus as chief of staff...

    Bannon named chief strategist, senior counselor....DRUDGE

    1. Prince Riebus of the Insiders will shake things up, drain the swamps, but never kill any alligators.

    2. 'The choice is meeting with high praise by establishment Republicans' Fox just reported.

    3. We can count on the Prince to fill all those 4,000 jobs with newly minted 'outsiders' who have been around forever and now have shed the label 'insider'.

  18. Woman who campaign with lesbian friend unsatisfied by polls.

    - Confucius

  19. I am announcing that Prince Riebus of the Insiders is NOT MY CHIEF OF STAFF and that I am going to hold a protest and burn my Republican Party Card.

  20. U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse has written an open letter to President-elect Donald Trump.

    The letter begins, "I want you to know that America expects better of you as President than what it saw in the campaign you ran. You are now to be our President, and that brings new responsibilities.


    Whitehouse concludes, "The campaign is over, and real responsibilities lie ahead. For all our sakes, I wish you well."

  21. The first step in draining the swamp is to put the insider's insider in as Chief of Staff.

    Granted, it beats whatever Hillary would have come up with, but that's about it.

  22. More than 250 survivors and victims' family members attended the concert.

    On Sunday local time, President Francois Hollande and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo will unveil plaques outside the Bataclan as well as the other locations that were targeted – the national stadium, restaurants and bars.

    One year on, nine people out of the around 400 injured in the rampage are still in hospital.

  23. Michael Savage is with me.

    Michael Savage Warns Donald Trump: ‘Rinse’ Reince; He’s ‘Everything the Voters Rejected’

    1. “I call him ‘Rinse,'” Savage said of Priebus, adding that’s “what Trump should do with his advice.”

      Prince Rinse

  24. "On Thursday Trump went to the White House and showed us how brave he is by meeting face-to-face with the man who founded ISIS."

  25. Noisy political theater is in full swing: protest marches over President-elect Donald Trump’s victory have warranted considerable coverage by the media. But does the nation as a whole share in the protesters’ angry insistence that Mr. Trump is “not my president?”


    The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies has rumbled to life, hammering out the complicated schedule for President-elect Donald Trump’s big moment, now 67 days off. There’s a morning worship service, a procession to the U.S. Capitol, swearing-in ceremonies, Mr. Trump’s inaugural address, a formal luncheon, a parade and of course the evening’s galas — typically 14 official inaugural balls.


    “Liberalism, for all its virtues, has begun to develop a sense of entitlement, and needs time to rediscover its soul,” writes Stephen L. Carter, a columnist for Bloomberg News.

    1. typically 14 official inaugural balls

      I want to see the guest list.

    2. Searching for somebody named Everyperson...

      Nope, checked all the 'E's.....

  26. Although Trump Tower is considered a public building, there are now security checkpoints, metal detectors, and the secret service agents inside. Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore discovered this when he went to visit president-elect Trump as an act of protest.

    The “Bowling For Columbine” creator was blocked off by the secret service and told to talk to Trump’s team about a meeting.
    Because extra security and personnel are required, most presidents choose to live at the White House for their own convenience and the convenience of their staff. However, Trump’s love for Trump Tower may supersede his responsibilities to anything else during his time as president.

  27. Just saw Trump on 60 minutes- what a dolt!

    1. Nonsense. I watched it as well. I saw a serious CEO humbled by where he is.

  28. Trump is going to do it his way. The Right Wing Conservative Establishment did nothing for Trump. Trump is a pragmatist. He always has been. I had to laugh listening to Mark Levin giving him advice when a few short months ago, he couldn’t stand him. Has Hugh Hewitt given him advise lately? How about John McCain and Lindsey Graham?

    1. Hewitt advised him to suck off Jake Tapper.

  29. But if President Trump, Vice President Pence, Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell move quickly and purposefully, the country can indeed spring into a new era of "energy in the executive" — to borrow from the suddenly popular Alexander Hamilton's Federalist 78 — balanced by a renewed Article 1 power in the Congress and a sustained, reasonable and originalist overwatch from the Article III courts, especially the Supreme Court. With one vacancy at the top and 99 below and the "Reid Rule" that ended the filibuster on appointments in place, the courts can recover quickly where just a week ago I thought the originalism movement near death.

    Many "springs" have come and gone in recent years, and just these past two months there was silly progressive talk about a "Catholic spring," which is just shorthand for changing the church.

    But the prospect of a "Constitution spring" is very, very real. Let's hope everyone tends that particular shoot while putting aside their jitters.

    - Hewitt

  30. Reince Priebus will be chief of staff and Stephen Bannon, who was chief executive of Donald Trump’s winning campaign, will serve as chief strategist and senior counselor when the Republican takes over as U.S. president in January.


    Priebus is a close ally of House Speaker Paul Ryan, a fellow native of Wisconsin, and is a familiar figure to lawmakers and long-time Republican leaders.


    “We at @ADL_National oppose the appt of Steve Bannon to sr role at @WhiteHouse bc he and his alt-right are so hostile to core American values,” Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive officer of the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish civil rights group, said on Twitter.

    1. Who, in the Elephant Bar, considers themselves an "Alt-Right"?

    2. Haven't looked up the definition yet, but the way it's thrown around and by whom leaves me cold.

      Perhaps they could say "you've got Cooties" to better effect.

  31. Dave Chapelle compared to Richard Pryor:


  32. SNORE'n'MORE

    Researchers have found surprisingly powerful effect of sleeping more: Bigger Paycheck....DRUDGE

  33. Who would fit the description of an Alt-Right political bent?

    What happened to Jack Hawkins?

  34. AshSun Nov 13, 10:57:00 PM EST
    Just saw Trump on 60 minutes- what a dolt!

    Embrace the fact, you lost.

    Lost BIG.

    It's time you learned to just shut the fuck up...

    Or dont, and now be viewed as the retarded moron you are.

  35. .

    Winning Friends and Influencing People in the ME: The Hypocrisy of the Nobel Peace Prize

    SANA, Yemen — For decades, Mustafa Elaghil’s family produced snack foods popular in Yemen, chips and corn curls in bright packaging decorated with the image of Ernie from “Sesame Street.”
    But over the summer, a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia sent warplanes over Yemen and bombed the Elaghils’ factory. The explosion destroyed it, setting it ablaze and trapping the workers inside.
    The attack killed 10 employees and wiped out a business that had employed dozens of families.
    “It was everything for us,” Mr. Elaghil said.

    The Saudi-led coalition has bombed Yemen for the last 19 months, trying to oust a rebel group aligned with Iran that took control of the capital, Sana, in 2014. The Saudis want to restore the country’s exiled president, Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who led an internationally recognized government more aligned with its interests.

    But instead of defeating the rebels, the campaign has sunk into a grinding stalemate, systematically obliterating Yemen’s already bare-bones economy. The coalition has destroyed a wide variety of civilian targets that critics say have no clear link to the rebels.

    It has hit hospitals and schools. It has destroyed bridges, power stations, poultry farms, a key seaport and factories that produce yogurt, tea, tissues, ceramics, Coca-Cola and potato chips. It has bombed weddings and a funeral.

    The bombing campaign has exacerbated a humanitarian crisis in the Arab world’s poorest country, where cholera is spreading, millions of people are struggling to get enough food, and malnourished babies are overwhelming hospitals, according to the United Nations. Millions have been forced from their homes, and since August, the government has been unable to pay the salaries of most of the 1.2 million civil servants.

    Publicly, the United States has kept its distance from the war, but its decades-old alliance with Saudi Arabia, underpinned by tens of billions of dollars in weapons sales, has left American fingerprints on the air campaign.

    Many strikes are carried out by pilots trained by the United States, who fly American-made jets that are refueled in the air by American planes. And Yemenis often find the remains of American-made munitions, as they did in the ruins after a strike that killed more than 100 mourners at a funeral last month.

    Graffiti on walls across Sana reads: “America is killing the Yemeni people.”


    1. Iran still flies some American jets, F-14s I think, maybe with pilots trained here.

  36. "Because of the nebulous nature of anonymous online communities, nobody’s entirely sure who the alt-righters are and what motivates them. It’s also unclear which among them are true believers and which are smart-ass troublemakers trying to ruffle feathers."[6] Many of its own proponents often claim they are joking or seeking to provoke an outraged response"

    Well we have plenty of smart-ass troublemakers here, don't we?


    1. I was going to say I don't know for sure what an alt-right is and after reading the wiki I see no one else does either, nor they themselves, whoever they are.

    2. I got it right the first time you asked, above.

  38. And Trump weakening, even making nice towards Hillary, ticks me off too.

  39. Trump protesters shipped in by bus ?

    Blocks Of Anti-Trump Protest Buses Caught On Tape

    Tyler Durden's picture
    by Tyler Durden
    Nov 13, 2016 11:53 PM

    From where ?

  40. Po' po' Tom Friedman says he now feels 'homeless in America'.

    Po' Tom's Place (photographed from the air) -

    November 14, 2016
    Homeless Tom Friedman
    By Doug Mainwaring

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  41. AAAAAAAAAHH !!!!


  42. "Mr. Trump loves debt. He built his casino and hotel empire on debt (a strategy that did not always work, as several bankruptcy filings have shown). He wants to use debt to fill in the low-growth holes in the U.S. economy. While his economic plan lacks details, he has pledged to spend $1-trillion to rebuild America’s clapped-out infrastructure and reduce personal and corporate tax rates. The latter would fall to 15 per cent from 35 per cent, making the United States, in effect, a low-tax haven. Deficits would soar, though the lower tax rates would encourage companies to repatriate some or all of the $2.5-trillion of cash they hold overseas, handing the Treasury a one-time boost.

    The big spending plans have spooked bond investors, who evidently think the long era of low interest rates and benign inflation might be coming to an end. Estimates made by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget say that Mr. Trump’s economic plan, such as it is, would push the United States debt load to 105 per cent of gross domestic product, up from 75 per cent. That would be substantially higher than the average debt in the euro zone, home of the “debt crisis,” which was about 90 per cent at last count."

    He's got Bannon as his ideological strategist and Priebus as his point man for the Republican civil war. Hold on to your hats as reality meets the blowhard.

  43. Who knows ? Doesn't that leave out of account the possible deficit benefits of a higher growth rate ?

    I just want to know if the Capital Gains tax rate is coming down.

  44. I didn't realize Bannon is so highly educated. I probably unconsciously sucked up some of the views of the MSM concerning the man. Wait and watch.

  45. Satellites show Earth cooling at record rate....DRUDGE

    1. New Ice Age theorists like me may be right.

      Idle your cars all night.

      Stop it !
      Stop the cooling !


  47. Why does this billionaire insist on moving into a federally-subsidized public housing facility currently occupied by an African-American family? Does he have no decency and compassion?

    1. And a family whose bread earner just got fired and kicked out, too.

  48. Donald Trump Will Prove to Be One of the Greatest and Most Consequential Presidents

    1. ...if interest rates don't bury the economy, sez I.

  49. ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A woman who was accused of killing her twin sister by driving their vehicle off a Hawaii cliff in May was being held in a New York jail Monday after again being charged with murder.

    1. Witnesses said there was screaming and hair-pulling in the SUV before the driver made a sudden sharp left turn into a rock wall and continued over the cliff. Police traffic investigators reported the accelerator of the vehicle was pushed to the floor, and there were no signs of braking before the plunge.

  50. Thelma is being charged with murdering Louise ?

    1. That's as crazy as this -

      Man arrested for ramen noodle attack on boyfriend....DRUDGE

    2. I hadn't mentioned it till now, but I had noticed an upsurge in ramen noodle attacks starting right after the election, particularly on college campii.

    3. Police: Ex-Con Arrested For Ramen Noodle Attack On His Boyfriend

      A Florida man was arrested for domestic battery after striking his live-in boyfriend with a cup of ramen noodles, police report.

      The 12:30 AM dispute in the couple’s Pinellas Park home turned violent when Herrick threw a cup of ramen noodles at the victim, who was struck in the neck by the noodles. Herrick, cops noted, said that “water was thrown on him” prior to his noodle tossing.

      After cops concluded that Herrick was the incident’s primary aggressor, he was arrested for domestic battery. The 6’ 7”, 200-pound Herrick was booked into jail on the misdemeanor count and released from custody yesterday afternoon on his own recognizance.

      Herrick’s rap sheet includes prior convictions for grand theft, passing bad checks, and violating probation.

      That guy definitely has the demented look of a noodle attacker.

    4. Herrick fights off a water attack with noodles, and HE gets busted - where's the justice ?

  51. Arab states send complaint letter against Iran to UN

    Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, top center, reviews army troops marching during a parade marking National Army Day in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, April 17, 2016. (File photo: Reuters)
    Staff writer, Al Arabiya EnglishSunday, 13 November 2016 Text size A A A

    Eleven Arab countries have sent a letter of complaint to the United Nations voicing their concerns of Iran’s continuous expansion of their policies in the region, Al Arabiya News channel reported.

    The letter condemned Iran's role in Yemen and their support and training of Houthi militias, as well as the smuggling of arms to them.

    The Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Sudan and Yemen sent the letter to Peter Thomson, the president of the UN General Assembly 71st session, and was distributed to UN state members.

    The letter comes in response to the false allegations which the Iranian delegation made on September 26 during the general debate of the UN General Assembly.

    The letter voiced concerns of Iran’s calls for a revolution, adding that Iran sponsors terrorism in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen and supports terrorist cells and groups in Bahrain, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other countries.

    It also said that the operation Decisive Storm was launched upon the request of the legitimate government in Yemen and slammed Iran's attempts to stir sectarian strife in the region.

  52. .

    The letter comes in response to the false allegations which the Iranian delegation made on September 26 during the general debate of the UN General Assembly.


    What Iran said on September 26 at the UN...

    - HASSAN ROUHANI, President of Iran, recalled that the war in Iraq had sown the seeds of the borderless terrorism which had spread across the world. The question of why the world was facing such a problem should be on the agenda of international forums. “The genesis of borderless violent extremism and terrorism could be attributed to the security strategies developed by major Powers in the past 15 years,” he said, adding that security in one region at the cost of insecurity in other was impossible; it could lead to more insecurity everywhere.

    It was regrettable that “some Powers” had provided covert and overt support for Takfiri groups or had condoned their formation, he said, adding that such Powers were now committing atrocities against innocent people and their defenders “under the guise of fighting terrorism”. In particular, the Saudi Government must cease and desist from divisive policies, spreading hate and hateful ideology and trampling upon the rights of its neighbours.

    His Government opposed any kind of sectarianism, he went on to say. Muslims, whether they be Sunni or Shi’a, had lived in harmony for centuries and would continue to do so. He affirmed his country’s commitment to prevent a dismemberment of the region, recalling such a situation which had occurred a century ago.

    Finally, he expressed his concerns about the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which his country had reached with the P5+1 [China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United States and Germany]. While the Plan of Action offered a model of the success that could be achieved through constructive interaction and dialogue, the United States had not met all of its commitments under the agreement. That failure would erode the United States’ credibility in the world and should be rectified immediately. Furthermore, he condemned recent measures by the United States Supreme Court to seize billions of dollars of Iranian assets.

    While some may argue about the last item, only a fool or one of the accused would deny the others were true.


    1. This here is so so obviously true -

      His Government opposed any kind of sectarianism, he went on to say. Muslims, whether they be Sunni or Shi’a, had lived in harmony for centuries and would continue to do so.

      - that only a fool would say so.

      Yes sir ee har mo nee has prevailed for centuries. 14 centuries.

      My post succeeded in its task, which was to get you up off the couch and your blood circulating.

    2. I'm interested in your opinion of the Herrick/Herrick's boyfriend imbroglio above.

      Does a dose of water justify retaliation with a cup of ramen noodles ?

      On such a question I am inclined to respect your views.

    3. On a question such as what has Iran been doing messing around for so long in Lebanon I do not.

    4. Iran in Lebanon

    5. .

      Your 'foolish' remarks prove my point.

      Thank you.



  53. A mixed Kurdish and Yazidi armed force said on Monday it had dislodged ISIS terrorists from five Yazidi villages west of Mosul in an offensive that began on Saturday.


    The Nineveh region surrounding Mosul is a mosaic of ethnic and religious communities - Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds, Yazidis, Christians, Sunnis, Shia - though Sunni Arabs comprise the overwhelming majority.

  54. The headline is not correct. Quirk is planning another penetration of Area 51 utilizing the lessons learned from his failed first attempt -

    With Trump’s win we’ve probably lost our last chance at learning about the UFOs at Area 51


    My mother was one of those moms who used to remind the kids that charitable behavior is a virtue and that if you can’t find something nice to say about someone… With that in mind I would like to attempt to find the good side of Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and join in, albeit briefly, with the masses of my fellow citizens who are mourning her defeat. As the title implies, Hillary was very likely our last chance to have a president finally reveal the secrets of Area 51 and the UFOs, alien bodies and other secrets of the universe which surely hide there. (If we could only get them to release the anti-gravity technology we’d be on easy street.)

    There were rumors flying around the Ufology community (yes… that’s a word now) that John Podesta and Hillary Clinton were finally going to provide The Big Disclosure on this subject when she got into office. Donald J. Trump has made no such promise, nor do I believe he’s interested in the topic. But as long as the aliens didn’t turn out to be the really good looking, female sort that Captain Kirk so admired (which might have proven too much of a temptation for Bill) Hillary might have opened the vaults. Now it’s too late.

    Or is it? The latest rumor to hit the mill is that Clinton may still convince Barack Obama to provide this disclosure as a parting gift before leaving the White House. Oh… and they’re not giving up on Trump doing it either. (Morning News USA)

    However, a beacon of hope still remains if Clinton and Podesta can convince President Obama to make the big reveal before he leaves office. A statement from the Paradigm Research Group website says “There are 70 days left to persuade Secretary Clinton, John Podesta and President Obama to engage the media on the extraterrestrial issue leading to a White House/Pentagon rapprochement and Disclosure under President Obama.”

    1. Additionally, many alien truth seekers see president-elect Donald Trump wil be the one to reveal the existence of extraterrestrials to the public. According to them, Trump is not an insider and could spill the beans if he deems it necessary for the public to know of their existence.

      I always try to maintain a bit of optimism myself, but as much as I would never question the impeccable research and accuracy of, er… Morning News USA, I’m just not convinced that this is going to happen. You see, Obama still has to work out some sort of income plan for his post-presidency years and he’s fairly young. That government pension can only stretch just so far. If they’ve got hold of some sort of limitless energy or warp speed technology, that’s got to be worth a fortune. You don’t just give something like that away.

      But this may be all for the best. Let’s say that one of these three actually did reveal all the alien bodies and technology. Then we’d have a parade of people demanding that we all get to contact the aliens. And that, at least according to Stephen Hawking, would be a very bad idea. (Science Alert)

      “As I grow older I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone. After a lifetime of wondering, I am helping to lead a new global effort to find out,” Hawking says in the film while exploring Gliese 832c, a planet that lies 16 light-years away and might foster alien life.

      “The Breakthrough Listen project will scan the nearest million stars for signs of life, but I know just the place to start looking. One day we might receive a signal from a planet like Gliese 832c, but we should be wary of answering back.”


      “If so, they will be vastly more powerful and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria,” he says in the film.

      Hawking often uses the example of Columbus’ expedition to the America’s to describe what could happen if an advanced civilisation gets word of our existence, saying that that initial meeting “didn’t turn out so well”.

      I’m not sure how much we should trust Hawking on this one, though. First of all, his theory depends on the idea that we haven’t yet contacted any of the Grays, Zeta Reticulans, Nordics, Pleiadians, Reptilians or Sirians. (Those are all different species flitting around the cosmos, in case you hadn’t heard.) But that’s a pretty hard story to swallow if it turns out that we’ve got dozens of them in a cooler in Nevada. And we probably don’t have much to worry about anyway. If they were going to do anything seriously bad to us, aside from the occasional abduction, anal probe or hybrid cloning experiment, we’d probably know about it by now.
