Wednesday, November 02, 2016

It all depends on what the meaning of “Is” is


  1. SCUM

    George P. Bush said Tuesday that his uncle, former President George W. Bush, may join his grandfather George H.W. Bush in casting his ballots for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, according to the Associated Press.

    The Texas land commissioner made the comments while addressing a small Republican rally in San Marcos, Texas, on Tuesday night, saying that both former presidents in the family may "potentially" vote for the Democratic presidential ticket come Election Day.
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  2. Drain the Swamp



    Vote TRUMP !

  3. NYSlimes is going broke -

    NYT reports 95.7% fall in quarterly profit...

    Ads drying up....DRUDGE


    If you want to sign the petition or possibly give a donation to stop the Dakota pipeline.

  5. Trump Tops Clinton In Statewide High School Vote....DRUGE


    1. I see mostly Trump signs up this way :)

    2. School kids vote what mom and pop are thinking.

  6. What in the world is The Hag doing writing about national security secrets to Anthony 'Tony the Weiner' Weiner ?

    This is coming out today.

    I know !

    I'll ask SMIRK'n'QUIRK.

    They always have answers for everything.

    1. I heard Quirk give a dissertation on the 'dispersal of national security secrets' once.

      It was 'new thought'.

      The idea seemed to be the more you spread the knowledge around the less of it any one person has, so the security increases.....

      You be the judge....

      Was a new theory....

    2. Quirk finally got pulled off the stage when he began advocating for publishing national security secrets on the internet.

      Poor guy, he was just ahead of of time....

      A prophet is never respected in his own town and in his own time...

      ....unless he turns a profit on his speeches in which case the village poor and the children coming running....

  7. Top Hillary donor compliments the nation's blacks -

    Top Clinton Donor: Blacks 'F*cked in Head'....DRUDGE

  8. A Grand Jury would have discovered the infamous 'Weiner Laptops'.

    Loretta Lynch is really really dirty.

    She, at least, is fucked in the head.

  9. George H. W. And George W equals exactly one vote each with a grand total of 2 votes. I know, I did the math! In other words, big deal.

    1. 2 votes, yes, but in which State? which Gerrymandered district?

  10. .

    Having watched Donna Brazile for many years, I had a generally positive impression of her. She expressed her views as a commentator but she did so quietly and without a lot of passion. The deal with her passing on debate questions to Hillary seemed out of character from what I had seen although these days little surprises.

    The Megyn Kelly interview with her changed all that. Her defensiveness was embarrassing. Her evasiveness aggravating. The Kelly interview moved her in my opinion from that of passionate partisan to just another political slug like most of the others.

    For any who hasn't seen the interview...


    1. You just like to persecute Christian Women.

  11. It's the RUSSIANS, I tell ya, the RUSSIANS!!


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    Nothing on Wikileaks.

    Nothing on Clinton falling in the polls.


  14. US big media needs to be broken up Big League.

    1. I'm perplexed by your worry about Google News. It is just one source among many biased ways to sort through the news. Google search is different as well and here you choose to publish on googles blogspot. Personally I use Bing as my default search engine but I even then I don't expect that it's searches will yield 'the perfect unbiased result' - it's just a tool to see what's out there.

      What's the alternative - some sort of government regulated 'no-bias' committee to ensure that all is kosher at the worlds media outlets?

    2. Break up the ownership.

      Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Saturday he opposes the $85 billion merger between AT&T and Time Warner, arguing the major media deal would result in “too much concentration of power” and vowing if elected to undo the deal.

      “We’ll look at breaking this deal up,” Trump said at a policy speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, amid a Wall Street Journal report that an agreement between the companies had been reached.

      Trump, who has recently said during his campaign that the liberal media has “rigged” the election against him, argued Saturday that such a deal is another example of too few people disseminating information to Americans.

      “Too much power in the hands of too few,” said Trump, who also pointed to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ purchase several years ago of The Washington Post. “They are trying to tell voters what to think and do.”

      The telecom giant AT&T's purchase of Time Warner would likely include the ownership of CNN and HBO.

    3. We should start a list of ownerships that should be broken up, starting with Bezos/WaPo.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. .

      If you've got a problem with google and don't like the results of Page 1 of a search simply click on Page 2, or 3, or...


    6. Look at page 22 of the Washington Post to find what should be a front page headline.

      But first make Jeff divest.

    7. .

      The NYT (among many others) has been attacking the latest Comey statement to Congress reopening the Clinton e-mails case. Like all the others, they like that of Obama's are based on faulty (and sometimes comical) reasoning. Any normal person with a reasonable amount of intelligence, should be able to figure this out for himself. However, there are always alternate sources prepared to offer an alternate view to point out any flaws.

      The following is an article from the The Weekly Standard which illustrates the point. It offers a rather sardonic rebut to one of the NYT front page articles.

      The New York Times Invents a Narrative on Comey

      The reincarnation of J. Edgar Hoover?

      Anyone with a brain ought to be able to see the same faults in the Times' thinking that are pointed out by the WS reporter. However, if you lack the ability it's still easy dig up the information.

      Anyone who suggests controlling the internet is nutz.


    8. .

      Every day reading through the partisan bullshit that is out there, including on this blog, reminds of Menchen's observation that 'you'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.'


    9. VIDEO: Broaddrick, Willey, Jones Slam Mainstream Media...
      CNN Leaked Questions 'Explanations' Falling Apart...

    10. Divestment isn't "controlling the internet," nut.

    11. Regarding AT&T and Time Warner: The problem, in my view, comes when producers of content own the distribution system - the pipes into the home. I think they should change the law BACK to where they couldn't do that. I believe it was part of the de-regulation(s) that the Republicans (and Democrats for that matter) so touted.

    12. DougWed Nov 02, 05:44:00 PM EDT

      Look at page 22 of the Washington Post to find what should be a front page headline.

      Why shouldn't the WaPo do what the hell they want in the placement of a story? Should we tell you what you can and cannot say?

  15. May Obama's legacy reside with the barbers and beauticians for years to come!

  16. The Morons of Waukesha

    WAUKESHA, Wis. — Donald Trump got the big October surprise. The momentum seems to be going his way. Hillary Clinton is again on the defensive, again over her emails. But in this enclave of white, upper-middle-class Republicans, the party’s presidential nominee still faces a barrier that will be difficult to clear.

    “It’s a moral choice,” Dick Radder, a 68-year-old Republican, said as he cupped a black coffee outside a Starbucks here Tuesday. “I can’t get there. I can’t get to Trump. I’m a husband and a father. And I can’t convince myself to vote for a person who is weakening the fiber of the country.”

    Most of the well-kept lawns here are dotted with signs for Sen. Ron Johnson (R) and for other down-ballot candidates, but support for Trump is less evident.

    “You’re in a town that’s about going to college and raising a family. People are polished and hard-working. He’s not one of us,” said Andy Schwichtenberg, a 28-year-old stockbroker.

    “I did try,” Schwichtenberg added with a sigh. “I went to a rally.” But he was not swayed and he was turned off by the crowd, which he noted was packed with men and women “who came there on Harleys.”

    "I can’t convince myself to vote for a person who is weakening the fiber of the country.”"

    So vote for a continuation of the DC Mafia.

    Harley was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1880 to William Harley Sr. and Mary Smith from Littleport, Cambridgeshire, England who emigrated to the United States in 1860.

    In 1901, Harley drew up plans for an engine to be mounted on an ordinary bicycle. Over the next few years, Harley and his childhood friend Arthur Davidson worked on their motor-bicycle with the help of Henry Melk, who owned a machine shop in northside Milwaukee. They later received help from Ole Evinrude, who was then building gas engines of his own design for automotive use on Milwaukee's Lake Street.

    Harley received a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1907.[5][6] He co-founded Harley-Davidson with Arthur Davidson in 1903 and served as chief engineer until his death in 1943.[5][7] While in college he worked at a Madison architect's office and as a waiter for the Kappa Sigma fraternity house.

    1. Morons
      Maybe too many Trumpers drive cars built in the USA for Quirk's taste.

    2. .

      What does that even mean?

      Another senseless murmur from the Trumpette choir.

      It brings to mind George Carlin's comment, “Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of them are even stupider.”


    3. It means that POLISHED Wisconson Stockbroker is a stupid twit.

      Surprised you couldn't make the connection.

    4. Always hated Carlin.
      Was an exciting full on alky rageaholic as a father, though.

    5. If to many supporters arrive on Harleys, I can't vote for Trump.


    6. Schwichtenberg was turned off by the crowd. Ooh, poor baby.

    7. .

      And why did you bring my name into your little rant, numbnuts?


    8. You didn't vote for Trump, you live in Michigan.

  17. ...and the brilliant Carlin doesn't know the difference between the mean and the average.

    1. .

      I've found most nitpickers fall into the lower half of the intelligence scale.

      Hell, what else do they have to bring to the party?


  18. Weiner, 51, sent bare-chested photos of himself to the underage girl and told her that he woke up 'hard' after thinking about her
    In one particularly lewd message, he told the teen: 'I would bust that tight p***y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week'

    Now THAT'S Polished, Schwichtenberg!

    Hamas Huma for First Lady

    1. Hillary’s staffers knew as early as 2011 that Anthony Weiner had been messaging another underage girl, but they did nothing about it.

  19. GOP Alleges VOTER FRAUD in Broward County – Democrats Opened TENS OF THOUSANDS of Ballots (VIDEO)

  20. Out-of-control Weiner, who has been sending sexually-charged messages and obscene pictures to women and at least one teenage girl for years, is now in a treatment facility, has leaned exclusively.


    The rehab center where Weiner is being treated separates men and women and its program includes counseling for those addicted to cybersex and exhibitionism as well as addictions anonymous sex and porn, can reveal.

    1. .

      I understand the men and women are allowed computers.


    2. Probably heavily restricted in what they have access to 'though.

    3. .

      And they let you link to the EB?



  21. Andrew McCarthy on Ingraham Podcast:

  22. How to handle the uproar over Comey and the emails has become a delicate balancing act for the White House. The principle of judicial independence dictates that the president shouldn’t risk the perception of influencing investigations by commenting about whether they are appropriate or how they are conducted.

    On the other hand, White House aides and other Democrats are concerned that Clinton could be unfairly disadvantaged by the disclosure that the FBI is looking into her emails again, even it if ultimately amounts to nothing.
    In the closing days of the race, there also has been speculation and contradictory reports about whether the FBI is investigating Donald Trump’s possible connections with Russia.

    1. .

      How to handle the uproar over Comey and the emails has become a delicate balancing act for the White House.

      Obama lost his balance today.


    2. Bill Clinton appointed Lorreta Lynch.

      Lynch appointed everyone in the Eastern District.

      They are "investigating" the Clinton Foundation.

      The Southern District asked for the Eastern District email files.

      Loretta Lynch denied them access.


    WASHINGTON — A Justice Department official offered Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta a "heads-up'' last year to a pending congressional hearing where a Justice colleague was likely to be questioned about Hillary Clinton's email use as secretary of State, according to hacked communications released Wednesday by WikiLeaks.

    In the exchange, Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik, writing on a personal email account, appears to alert Podesta to a House Judiciary Committee hearing later that day where the Justice Department's Civil Division chief was slated to testify.

    "Likely to get questions on State Department emails,'' Kadzik wrote May 19. The message goes on to inform Podesta of an update in a Freedom of Information Act request for State Department communications that "indicates it will be awhile (2016) before the State Department posts the emails.''

    Attached to the Kadzik communication was a message that appears to be forwarded by Podesta to various Clinton staffers, stating: "Additional chances for mischief.''

    Kadzik also was the author of a letter earlier this week providing the Justice Department's response to questions posed by House and Senate leaders about the FBI's new review of recently discovered emails that could have a bearing on the previously closed investigation into Clinton's handling of classified information at the State Department.

  24. The Clinton E-mails Are Critical to the Clinton Foundation Investigation


    The FBI agents on the so-called Hillary email classified document team, have now asked for permission from Loretta Lynch to see Clinton emails dealing with the foundation, and Loretta Lynch is blocking them.

    That's what this is all about.

    1. Bill Clinton appointed Loretta Lynch.

      Lynch appointed everyone in the Eastern District.

  25. 'I would bust that tight p***y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week'

    Front page news for a week if it had been Trump.

  26. The Big Mo is with The Donald everywhere.....Nevada, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Florida. Arizona, New Hampshire.....all over the country the People are voting for TRUMP !!!!

    1. Only in the most illiterate parts of Michigan outside of Detroit does this trend not hold.
