Sunday, November 06, 2016

CNBC Dirty Cop on the Take: John Harwood

Latest wikileaks shows slimy John Harwood checking in with John Podesta for instructions on which questions he should ask Jeb Bush when CNBC’s John Hardwood was acting as a moderator on early debate.

WikiLeaks: John Harwood is such a sycophantic hack

My thoughts on the CNBC debate
The WikiLeaks Pedestal emails are chock full of sycophantic groveling from CNBC’s John Harwood.

Good grief, this guy is such a ass-kisser, it’s nauseating.

While combing through today’s release, I found a September 21, 2015 email from Harwood to John Podeta with the subject line what should I ask Jeb….
…in Speakeasy interview tomorrow?
You get it?

John Harwood is going to be interviewing Jeb Bush and he is checking in with John Podesta to find out what questions the Clinton campaign wants him to ask.
For crying out loud. What a hack.

But don’t worry. The Enslaved Press isn’t carrying Hillary’s water.
They’re not trying to help get Hillary elected.


That’s just crazy talk! And anybody who thinks that is just a whacked-out right winger.

Asking the campaign director for Hillary Clinton to provide him with questions for an interview with a Republican candidate is just John Harwood’s idea of hard-hitting journalism.

Why not just drop the pretense and ask Pedestal to conduct the interview, you sniveling suck-up?!

Honestly. I really hate these people. 



  1. Honestly. I really hate these people.

    “Hatred, O Nobly Born, does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule. Hatred does not conduce to Liberation”

    ― Gautama Buddha, The Dhammapada: The Sayings of the Buddha

    A hard saying, indeed, foreign to farmers, and other 'normal' people....

    1. Fuckin' Hillary and Company.....the bastards.....

  2. John Harwood, the Rollo Tomasi of so-called US “Journalists”.

    1. I had to look that one up -

      What does Rollo Tomasi mean?
      Edmund Exley (Guy Pearce) told him about the meaning of the term 'Rollo Tomasi' -- (Exley had made up the name after his legendary cop-father was shot and killed by a purse-snatcher in the line of duty - and he now realized that the chief was a corrupt mastermind crime boss ("You're the guy who gets away with it...

  3. Continuing the 8 year effort to turn the USA into the Third World:

    SHOCK: Obama Encourages Illegals to Vote...
    Promises No Repercussions...

    1. The tacos, legal or not, are lined up for miles to vote in Clark County, Nevada, according to on the ground reports from Vegas.

    2. They belong to La Raza, which is, yes, an uber racist group, and intend to put gringo down, and run things their way, like in Mexico. Indeed, as a part of Mexico.

      We are losing our country.

    3. Savage had it right years ago.

      The Turd World.

      It's US

  4. .

    Couldn't get these comments to post properly on the last stream...

    Hillary, Bill and Podesta linked to child sex trafficking.

    Do you actually believe this stuff?

    And I didn't say would you like to believe it. I asked if you actually believe it.


    1. .

      I can't believe the amount of bullshit that has been passed around in this election on BOTH sides.

      What's interesting about the stream on John Harwood was not that he did it but that no one who has watched him lately should have been the least bit surprised.

      I was watching NBC Nightly News a couple nights ago and Lester Holt came on with a BREAKING NEWS ALERT. NBC News had acquired a TOP SECRET US government document outlining a strategy for election day in response to any Russian cyberattacks. Holt reported the government is prepared, the have infiltrated much of Russia's top assets including major infrastructure, their grid, and various communication and transportation systems. And if it's judged that (supposedly by our crack cybersecurity agencies, all 17 of them) that Russia tried to interfere with our elections, we are ready to respond at the 'place and time' we choose.

      What the fuck? Does anyone actually believe this stuff? Are we all that stupid?

      More importantly, does the current administration really believe that we are all that stupid?

      A top secret file? Hell, they have been announcing the same things since the day after the DNC leaks came out.

      Top Secret? Yet, there was no government response, no complaints about top secrets being put out in the press. And this wasn't some fringe blog putting out this story it was NBC News. Do you really think NBC would have put it out without the government approving it? Is Holt a useful idiot or just plain stupid?

      The story was obviously a government plant. Why? Was it a stupid attempt to scare Russia off or was it part of this administrations attempts to push the 'Russia for Trump' meme? If the former, it's stupid and dangerous for all the reasons I have pointed out here before; and if the latter, it is one more low point in what is and has been the most disgusting, sordid US election I can remember.


    2. I am so so sorry you are so disgusted, you poor baby sordiphobe.

      It has been so hard on you that you couldn't soil your noble self to vote against a crime family.

      It's a miracle to me that you can get through a day living as your are fated to do in this world so not worthy of you.

      It must suck.

      Need to borrow a gun ?

    3. How about a gun and a pair of immaculate white gloves ?

    4. I can up the offer if need be.....

    5. .

      If you want to send me another gun, dipshit, I'll take it.

      However, save the white gloves, I already have a drawer full of them. You might want to use yours for cleaning up the deer shit in your yard.


  5. .

    Why is it ok to bomb Mosul but not Aleppo?

    Assad and his allies have carried out war crimes. But so have the rebels. For the past few weeks, British news-papers have been informing their readers about two contrasting battles in the killing grounds of the Middle East. One is Mosul, in northern Iraq, where western reporters are accompanying an army of liberation as it frees a joyful population from terrorist control. The other concerns Aleppo, just a few hundred miles to the west. This, apparently, is the exact opposite. Here, a murderous dictator, hellbent on destruction, is waging war on his own people.

    Both these narratives contain strong elements of truth. There is no question that President Assad and his Russian allies have committed war crimes, and we can all agree that Mosul will be far better off without Isis. Nevertheless, the situations in Mosul and Aleppo are fundamentally identical. In both cases, forces loyal to an internationally recognised government are attacking well-populated cities, with the aid of foreign air power. These cities are under the control of armed groups or terrorists, who are holding a proportion of their population hostage...


    This episode highlighted the double standard about western reporting of these terrible problems. In Mosul, western reporters travelling with the invading Iraqi army publish pictures of joyful populations liberated from the jihadists. In Aleppo, the attempt to free the city from al-Qaeda control is portrayed as a remorseless attack on the civilian population...


    Western reports about the fighting in Mosul have made much of the liberated churches. Yet exactly the same narrative applies across Syria...


    A further double standard concerns the reporting of Russian and Syrian atrocities. Much has — rightly — been made of the so-called barrel bombs dropped on Aleppo by the Russians. Yet rebel commanders in eastern Aleppo use equally hideous weapons. Last April, fighters from Jaish al-Islam, backed by Saudi Arabia and considered moderate enough that American diplomats retain relations with them, admitted to using chemical weapons against the Kurds in Aleppo. This attack received almost no attention from the media, and failed to generate the faintest outrage in Britain...

    Jaish al-Islam employ a so-called ‘hell cannon’ to fire gas canisters and shrapnel weighing up to 40 kilograms into civilian areas. These are every bit as murderous as the barrel bombs...


    Yet another double standard applies to the destruction of hospitals...


    There is a wider pattern at work here. When opponents of the West try to reclaim urban areas from terrorists, they are denounced. When our allies do the same — think of Israel in Gaza or the Saudis in Yemen — we defend them. We judge Assad by one set of rules, and ourselves and our own allies by another.


    1. I've been sick, I know sick, this is worse.

    2. If I was a young photojournalist, I'd do a coffee table book showing before and after pictures of Libya and Syria.

    3. I wrote my "sick" reply before knowing the context:

      I thought you were referring to the Coronation of Queen Hillary.

      Disasters all, nevertheless.


    I go to

    I Type: FBI

    The results:

    Search Results

    Story image for fbi from Politico
    Franken expects hearings on FBI conduct
    Politico-3 hours ago

    Franken, a Democrat, told CNN's Jake Tapper that it was “troubling” that FBI Director James Comey decided to inform congressional leaders ...

    Franken: FBI's Comey should face Senate hearings
    CNN International-5 hours ago

    Franken: We Will Have Hearings on the 'Rogue FBI'
    Breitbart News-5 hours ago

    Story image for fbi from Huffington Post
    Tim Kaine: Some FBI Employees Are 'Actively Working' To Help Trump
    Huffington Post-16 hours ago

    Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine accused people in the FBI of “actively working” in support of Donald Trump's presidential ...

    Why did the FBI just tweet a bunch of old documents about the ...
    Christian Science Monitor-3 hours ago

    Why We Should All Fear the Rot Inside the FBI
    Opinion-Daily Beast-Nov 4, 2016

    The FBI looks like Trump's America
    In-Depth-Politico-Nov 4, 2016

    The Theory That the FBI Is Out to Get Clinton Is Becoming More ...
    Blog-Slate Magazine (blog)-Nov 3, 2016

    FBI Director James Comey Needs to Resign Over Clinton Emails
    Opinion-U.S. News & World Report-Nov 4, 2016

    1. We need a post where we can come up with all the institutions, individuals, countries, courts, and etc have joined in this unprecedented
      Coronation of Queen Hillary.

      Our first Royal, who also happens to be our first "female" "President"

      Ash may repatriate.

  7. QuirkSun Nov 06, 12:58:00 PM EST
    This comment has been removed by the author.


    QuirkSun Nov 06, 01:33:00 PM EST
    This comment has been removed by the author.

    QuirkSun Nov 06, 01:34:00 PM EST
    This comment has been removed by the author.

    QuirkSun Nov 06, 01:36:00 PM EST
    This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I find this dull, repetitive, and uninteresting.

    2. .

      Scrolling for Idiots

      How to scroll...

      Since the four deletes were consecutive (if you don't know the meaning of the word, you might want to go to, the easiest way to avoid the dullness, repetitiveness, and uninterestingness is a simple downward movement of the eye to the next post past the offending deletes.

      Since you appear to be too anal and compulsive to avoid reading each individual delete, the next best choice would be to use the downward arrow key on the QWERTY keyboard to scroll past the deletes. I suspect you will still complain of the wear and tear on your ancient index finger but at least you would eventually scroll past the deletes. Also, it should give you some sense of accomplishment in actually learning how to scroll as well as what is probably your only exercise for the day.


    3. I'll pull down the page with my finger on the touch screen while you look up the meaning of "repetitive."

    4. ...actually, I'll pull it up.

    5. .


      Are you sure you don't want a little more time to think about it, old timer?


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. .

    I went to

    The Top Stories were...

    Trump's path to White House lined with false, misleading statements

    Criticized by Candidates, Comey Has Tense Days Ahead After Election

    The man behind the Trump rally disturbance in Reno

    Bond denied for suspect in 7 murders, kidnapping in South Carolina

    Syrian Kurds Begin Campaign to Oust Islamic State From Raqqa

    Clinton Foundation Memo: Donor Killed 'Unfavorable' Bill Clinton Tabloid Stories

    Under Election...

    Governor's Races Could Be A Bright Spot For GOP On Election Night

    Trump seeks to turn Iowa red

    Pence: 'Republicans are coming home'

    'I don't trust Mr. Crazy': Motivated by opposition to Trump, Hispanics are poised for historic turnout

    In the non-highlighted stories under both headings, Top Stories and Elections, if not equally divided the story headlines were favorable to Trump.


    1. "The man behind the Trump rally disturbance in Reno"

      A Republican for Hillary.

    2. Free as a bird.

      Guilty as Hell.

  9. "or was it part of this administrations attempts to push the 'Russia for Trump' meme? If the former, it's stupid and dangerous for all the reasons I have pointed out here before; and if the latter, it is one more low point in what is and has been the most disgusting, sordid US election I can remember."
    The latter, obviously:

    Did you watch the beginning of the Podesta Video?

  10. At least 4 Million ineligible and dead people on the voter roles.

    1. ...According to the Pew Charitable Trust.

      League of Women voters defends dead people voting, as does the SEIU.

  11. CBS/YouGov Poll,
    Among Those Who Plan Voting On Election Day:

    Trump 49 (+8)
    Clinton 41

    Trump 51 (+16)
    Clinton 35

    — Political Polls (@PpollingNumbers) November 6, 2016

  12. Quirk is busy researching Spirit Cooking.

  13. .

    Just watched to Obama video above.

    The man is truly a slime ball. Why isn't Trump putting up this video when he makes his claims about the system being rigged?

    Another reason to add to the reasons I'm pissed off at Trump, opportunities missed.


  14. Nate Silver goes off on Huffington Post reporter in tweetstorm: 'This article is so f---ing idiotic'

  15. Imagine Trump having these symptoms and the MSM plastering them all over their headlines:

    Instead they are left unsaid by the MSM for Hillary. tm

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You have really and truly lost it ole doug. Enjoy your sojourn in LA La land. The guy is mad as a hatter and yet you drool over his every word. On top of that you've taken to going 'all in' on the fascist program of government dictating what the media should say.

      You appear to be losing it old man.

  16. Take hearty, folks, Quirk-O the Dipshit is improving at removing his posts.

    I'd only hint to him, the dipshit, that if he didn't put them up in the first place the necessity of removing them would disappear.

    When he finally figures that out, The Golden Age will have returned !

    1. I'm starting to worry that he's on Levodopa.

    2. Some kind of dopa, that fore sure.

      I can't figure his large collection of white gloves.

      Being an honest farmer, I have lots of gloves, but no white ones.

      What's he up to, filching money out of the collection plate ?

      Whatever it is, "white gloves leave no fingerprints", as the old true saying has it.

    3. .

      I put posts up and remove them simply to irritate Doug. He seems to be fixated on it. I'm thinking of submitting a paper on it to the Psychiatry Science journal.


    4. .

      Being an honest farmer, I have lots of gloves, but no white ones.

      That should read 'an honest faux farmer'. Of course, this takes it that you come by your ignorance 'honestly'.


    5. Do so !

      Maybe they can figure out what's going on with you and offer some solution !

      "Dear Psychiatry Journal

      My name is Quirk. I have a problem. Can you help ?

      Here it is......I love to irritate people and can't seem to stop....."

    6. .

      What I do is simply therapeutic. I am simply trying to get Doug past his stick point so that his fixation doesn't become an obsession.

      I can hardly be blamed for enjoying the effects of this ameliorative therapy.


  17. RCP:

    Florida - Clinton +1.0
    North Carolina - Trump +1.5
    President - Clinton +2.2

  18. Mrs Clinton would have somewhat broader appeal if she won, but 46% said they would not be comfortable and prepared to support here. Some 52% said they would support her.

    That is a much higher level of post-election unease even than in the bitter 2000 fight between Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush.

    Journal/NBC News polling in the week after that election found that more than two-thirds of voters said they were comfortable with Mr. Gore if he won and prepared to support him as the new president; more than two-thirds said the same about Mr. Bush.

    1. .

      Mrs Clinton would have somewhat broader appeal if she won, but 46% said they would not be comfortable and prepared to support here. Some 52% said they would support her.

      Unfortunately, this is unlikely to make a difference. The GOP have already given us an idea of what her presidency will amount too.


  19. I'm still with IBD and LATimes Tracking on the grounds they have the best record.

    They have Trump up, in the LATimes case by 5%.

    1. .


      Hopefully, there are 3 life vests in that rainbow colored life boat.


  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The End Is Nigh

    Hillary Clinton could also have run without indulging her worst instincts.

    People have been telling her since Wellesley that she should be the first woman in the Oval Office. And after Barack Obama usurped her in 2008, she had eight years to figure out how to run and govern without surrendering to traits that have so often proved self-defeating and exhausting.

    But the first day of her Senate confirmation hearings for secretary of state is the day she registered her server domain name:

    It was a reckless and entitled move that drew the F.B.I. into the election and set off a frenzy among House Republicans, who are now threatening years of investigations during a Clinton administration and talking impeachment months before she would even be inaugurated.

    Hillary started as a young lawyer on the House Watergate committee, yet she never learned how paranoia can act as an acid on dreams. She couldn’t dismantle her wall of secrecy and defensiveness and level with the public and the press; instead, she built the wall higher and clung to attack dogs like David Brock and Sidney Blumenthal, needing to surround herself with people, no matter how dubious, who would walk the plank for her.

    In the hacked emails, the candidate’s advisers Neera Tanden and John Podesta recoil from the Hillary henchmen.

    When Brock attacked Bernie Sanders about his health during the primaries, Tanden worried about Hillary’s trust in the “kind of a nut bar” Brock: “Hillary. God. Her instincts are suboptimal.”

    About Blumenthal, the Hillary consigliere who helped smear Monica Lewinsky and was part of the ethically blurry Clinton Inc., Podesta said to Tanden: “It always amazes me that people like Sid either completely lack self-awareness or self-respect. Maybe both. Will you promise to shoot me if I ever end up like that?”

    And why didn’t Hillary retire the Smithsonian-worthy tin cup? The Clintons have earned $230 million over the last 15 years, and if Hillary becomes the first woman president and Bill becomes the first first lad, they will reap many tens of millions more in book money and speeches afterward. So why buckrake on the eve of her campaign with Goldman Sachs speeches?

    On the cusp of becoming Hillary’s campaign manager, Robby Mook called it “troubling” that Goldman Sachs was going to host a Clinton Foundation event.

    In the leaked emails, Hillary’s advisers also worried that she has an apology “pathology,” as Tanden put it to Podesta, fretting about Hillary’s inability to offer a sincere apology for putting classified information at risk with rinky-dink servers.

    They worry that her battles have made her so guarded that she can’t convey authentic emotions.

    “Eventually she will sound like a human,” Tanden said.

    Her staff tried to script spontaneity. Tanden suggested having a party where Hillary could “let loose” to music and have a beer and maybe it would go viral.

    And even Chelsea was concerned about the foundation’s ethical morass.

    The problem with Donald Trump is: We don’t know which of the characters he has created he would bring to the Oval Office.

    The trouble with Hillary Clinton is: We do know. Nobody gets less paranoid in the White House.

  22. And even Chelsea was concerned about the foundation’s ethical morass.

    Chelsea used 'Clinton Foundation Charity Money' to fund her uber fancy wedding.

    * Don't believe everything you read in the New York Times

    ** Don't believe anything you read in the New York Times.

    1. Scan Drudge for a more accurate picture of the world -

      Chelsea Clinton Accused Of Using Foundation Money To Pay For Her Wedding, Lifestyle....DRUDGE

      The Apple, as they say, doesn't fall far from the Tree.


  23. HILLARY Clinton may be leading in the polls but a Donald Trump victory is not impossible.
    Latest polls reveal the gap is increasingly tightening between the Democrat nominee and her Republican rival with one expert warning Ms Clinton is literally one state away from losing.


    Professor Simon Jackman, chief executive officer, at the US Studies centre at the University of Sydney, said while most national polls put Ms Clinton in the lead, even if it was a small one, it wasn’t impossible for Mr Trump to lose.


    Most polls give Clinton a narrow national lead.
    NBC/Wall Street Journal’s final election poll showed Clinton with a four-point lead over Trump, 44 per cent to 40 per cent, AFP reported.

  24. Comely just proved that Trump is right, the systems rigged. The FBI investigated 650,000 emails in 8-9 days and came to a conclusion that there is nothing left to see? You v=can’t investigate a parking ticket in 9 days.

    I simply cannot or refuse to believe that there are a majority of voting Americans that wantHillary clintons president and they are at ease with the status quo.

    Find out soon enough.

    1. .

      There was a poll in the last five days that said that 85% of the voters polled said they expected to be dissatisfied on November 9 no matter which candidate wins.

      It's a sorry state of affairs.


    2. Maybe Team Clinton has a pic of Comey having a lark on Pedophile Isle ?

      That is, so far, the only thing that makes any sense of it to me.

  25. my fingers are too big to type on an iPhone.

    1. I'm too old to put up with the nonsense of typing on an iphone.

      ...if I used my Galaxy for much more than Uber, I'd buy a keyboard for it.

  26. A ruling on Monday from a top committee of China's parliament, the National People's Congress, is expected to effectively bar the recently elected lawmakers Yau Wai-ching, and Baggio Leung from taking office in Hong Kong's legislature.


    Earlier on Sunday, thousands – including Ms Yau and Mr Leung – marched to the city's financial district. Several hundred then pressed on to Beijing's Liaison Office.

    Organisers put the numbers at 11,000; police said 8,000 turned out.

  27. Comey ?

    The word must have come down again.

    He obeyed.

    I wondered if someone has something on Comey ?

    He looks like such a nice young man.

  28. 650,000 emails investigated in 9 days.


    And they interviewed the Filipino maid too.

    What's it called, way out there far beyond farce ?

    1. Maybe there's a pic circulating in certain circles of Comey on Pedophile Isle ?

  29. Australia Markets Live:

    The yuan has dropped the most in a month after the central bank weakened the currency's reference rate as the US dollar rebounded.

    The yuan declined 0.3 per cent to 6.7738 a US dollar, the most since October 10. The currency rallied 0.4 per cent last week, its best performance since July, as a tightening race for the US elections dragged down the greenback.

    While markets are rallying on the firming odds of another Clinton presidency, Westpac chief Brian Hartzer today said that whoever wins on Wednesday, it may be bad news for global trade.

    "One thing that's concerning has been the discussion about trade and trade barriers, and I think if there's one thing the world needs right now, it's more trade, and more global trade," Hartzer said in Sydney.

    Steelmaking commodities coking coal and coke are extending their rally, with coking coal surging by its 10 per cent limit and coke hitting its strongest since 2013, amid tight supply among Chinese steel producers.

    Beijing's big push to curb overcapacity in coal has led to closure of many mines across the country, limiting available supply to domestic consumers and fuelling a rally this year.

  30. "Comely just proved that Trump is right, the systems rigged. The FBI investigated 650,000 emails in 8-9 days and came to a conclusion that there is nothing left to see? You v=can’t investigate a parking ticket in 9 days."
    "650,000 emils investigated in 9 days.
    And they interviewed the Filipino maid too.
    What's it called, way out there far beyond farce ?"

    1. They have the software and the manpower to do it, from what I understand.

      Here's what I think happened:

      Following what DOJ told them to do, they only were looking at the security side, not the Clinton Foundation side.

      No matter what they found on the Security Side "No Reasonable Prosecutor Would..."


  31. If there's nothing in the 650,000 emails, why not, as Newt Gingrich just said, release them to the public, so the public can look over these 650,000 emails of nothing ?

    We got nothing else to do.

  32. I think the American Crime Family has Comey by his short hairs.

  33. I wonder how Weiner is getting along with his Therapy Horse today.

    It was reported yesterday he went a-therapy riding.....

    1. Meanwhile, Huma remains unaccounted for.....

    2. the wife of that terrorist.

      Muzzie women got a different set of rules to live by, too.

    3. Actually, why would a staffer being laid off be big news anyway?

  34. Time has proven me right:

    We'd probly be better off if that plane had not gone down in a field in Pennsylvania.

    1. If it had been their asses instead of all the civilians in NY City...

  35. WIKILEAKS=> CNN BUSTED! Got Complete List of Questions for TRUMP Interview from DNC

  36. It pisses me off that I, and people like me, are the only ones in the world that don't have all the emails.

    Even the Filipino maid has the emails.

    What about me, what about me ??

  37. Karl 'The Architect' Rove says, in a new analysis just on Fox, that Trump is winning in Florida....AND, for the first time, is ready to say, Trump is likely to win the White House.

    1. Rove has been pessimistic most of the way through, till now.....

  38. November 6, 2016

    Comey just caved

    By William H. McClure

    This just in: FBI Director James Comey just reversed himself again. The Daily Mail reported that The FBI has announced it will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton's emails, meaning the Democratic nominee will not be charged. The UK Daily Mail:

    The FBI has announced it will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton's emails, meaning the Democratic nominee will not be charged.

    Congressman Jason Chaffetz tweeted out the massive news on Sunday afternoon.

    'FBI Dir just informed us "Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Sec Clinton",' Chaffetz wrote.

    Speaking to reporters with Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio, Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri confirmed the camp had seen Comey's letter.

    The Trump camp of course has resumed the "rigged" charge, while Clinton and company may renew their love affair with the FBI once again.

    Thomas Lifson adds:

    Someone got to Comey. The timing of this stinks, issued after the Sunday talk shows, just before the election. It will be claimed Hillary is exonerated, which is not true. All this means is tyhat for the moment, Comey is not recommending prosecution. That he does not have access to subpoenas and other grand jury tools such as wiretaps, means that the investigation has been and remains superficial.

    This just in: FBI Director James Comey just reversed himself again. The Daily Mail reported that The FBI has announced it will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton's emails, meaning the Democratic nominee will not be charged. The UK Daily Mail:

    The FBI has announced it will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton's emails, meaning the Democratic nominee will not be charged.

    Congressman Jason Chaffetz tweeted out the massive news on Sunday afternoon.

    'FBI Dir just informed us "Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Sec Clinton",' Chaffetz wrote.

    Speaking to reporters with Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio, Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri confirmed the camp had seen Comey's letter.

    The Trump camp of course has resumed the "rigged" charge, while Clinton and company may renew their love affair with the FBI once again.

    Thomas Lifson adds:

    Someone got to Comey. The timing of this stinks, issued after the Sunday talk shows, just before the election. It will be claimed Hillary is exonerated, which is not true. All this means is tyhat for the moment, Comey is not recommending prosecution. That he does not have access to subpoenas and other grand jury tools such as wiretaps, means that the investigation has been and remains superficial.


      "Someone got to Comey"

      Hmmm....I wonder who that could be ?

    2. Hey you lazy shit:
      Take out the duplicates, repost, delete that disaster.

    3. Yeah, Quirk, do as Doug says.

  39. It wouldn't surprise me if the driver of the Scooby Van was handling Hillary's top secret State Department emails on the Scooby computer while Hillary was napping on the Scooby bunk.

    The formal name of the Scooby Van is the 'Scooby-Doo' Van.

    Many have called it the 'deep do-do' van.

  40. Team Hillary is insisting the Maid made her do it.

    The Maid insists Team Hillary made her do it.

    It is up to The American People to decide, as FBI Director Comey has been blackmailed and coerced into silence.

    1. All that is missing and needed now is bloody murder most foul for a complete tragifarce.

      Where is Huma ?

      Has she gone missing ?

    2. Meanwhile, The Donald's Butler remains committed to his duties, is tight lipped, polite, professional and civilized.
