Sunday, October 30, 2016

Two FBI Criminal Investigations Against The Clinton Crime Syndicate Opens Path for Trump Presidency



  1. Just watched Martin O’Malley get his dumb ass handed to him by Tucker Carlson.

  2. The Democrats are coming unhinged.

  3. The Clinton criminal enterprise is collapsing in front of our eyes.

  4. NY POST

    We must forgive Mark Twain for his error when he declared that “history never repeats itself but it often rhymes.” After all, he’d never met the Clintons.

    If Twain were alive now, he would be astonished at how the headlines over the e-mail scandal roiling the presidential race are virtual repeats of the family’s 1990s saga in power.

    The headlines are also an omen. A restoration of the Clinton presidency would be a restoration of the national and moral chaos they invariably create.

    They can’t help themselves. They are corrupt and corrupters, the ­Typhoid Mary of politics.

    Whether by nature or nurture, they are programmed to ruin. Friends, allies, institutions — all are stained by their touch.

    And always, the Clintons blame somebody else. Now it’s FBI Director James Comey’s turn to embody their all-purpose bogeyman, the vast right-wing conspiracy. Somebody, sometimes everybody, is out to get them, unfairly of course.

    The victim card is a Clinton family heirloom, but there are major problems playing it over Comey’s sudden reopening of the e-mail probe.

    Clinton created the mess with her incredibly stupid decision to use a private server as secretary of state. Virtually every major issue dogging her, including her reputation for chronic dishonesty, was started or exacerbated by that decision, including the current one.

    Even as her top aides remain mystified about why she did it, the result fits the family pattern now that Huma Abedin, her most loyal “body” person, is on the hook. It was, by all accounts, the FBI’s criminal investigation into Abedin’s pervy husband, Anthony Weiner, that led to the new cache of suspect e-mails found on a computer the couple shared.

    Still, Clinton is understandably panicked because the timing of Comey’s announcement could cost her the election. Her demand that he release everything immediately is also understandable, even as she knows it is impossible for him to release potential evidence before it is examined.

    Her attacks on him play well to her base, and her media handmaidens are amplifying the complaint that he has gone rogue. But, as usual, there is less than meets the eye here, for Clinton could solve the problem herself without Comey doing anything to help.

    She could simply order Abedin to hold a press conference and answer any and every question about the newest batch of e-mails. Let reporters ask Abedin directly: What’s in those e-mails? Did any contain classified material?

    Why didn’t you turn that computer over to the FBI during its initial investigation? Did you lie to the FBI about having work-related e-mails on it?

    Also, did Weiner have access to classified material? Was the computer ever hacked?

    The potential upside is huge. If Abedin can answer “no” to all the key questions about classified material and her own conduct, Clinton could credibly declare Comey’s announcement much ado about nothing.

    She could even hold her own press conference to answer questions and conclude by saying: We have been as transparent as we can be, and we are not afraid of a new investigation because we have nothing to hide.


    1. {...}


      Hillary won’t do any of that because the potential downside is also huge. My guess is she fears the worst, and may secretly subscribe to the idea that Comey wouldn’t have acted in such a bold and controversial way without some conviction that he had stumbled on a potential bombshell.

      And Clinton, a former litigator used to playing defense, probably already knows what’s in the e-mails. Or perhaps she has concluded that, if indeed there are thousands of them, as is being reported, at least some are bound to re-fuel suspicions that she and her team are guilty of mishandling national secrets.

      Then, instead of putting the issue to bed, any substantive discussion, including an Abedin press conference, would actually fan the fire just as voters are going to the polls.

      Moreover, even if Abedin’s answers would help Clinton, taking her public would be effectively betting the presidency on her performance. Abedin’s always worked behind the scenes, and has little experience in front of a camera, not to mention a forest of them that would assemble for such an extraordinary event.

      To top it off, this professional crisis is coming as Abedin’s personal world is in turmoil. Weiner is a certified creep, but he is still the father of their young child, and now faces the possibility of federal prison.

      Against that backdrop, what if Abedin were to stumble or crack in public? What if she has a lawyer who advises her to say nothing because she might also be a federal target and risks incriminating herself by speaking publicly?


    2. {...}

      The stress for everybody involved must be enormous. The race with Donald Trump was tightening even before this, and now Comey’s wild card scrambles the prepared end game and closing arguments.

      All of which points to Clinton’s most likely strategy: say nothing while trying to make the issue about Comey’s unorthodox move. A hint of it came Friday evening in her first public reaction.

      After falsely accusing him of sending his congressional letter only to Republicans — congressional Democrats also got it — Clinton dodged a direct question about whether she had spoken to Abedin. Instead of saying yes or no, she avoided it entirely.

      According to reporters, Abedin was on the campaign plane, but disappeared when it landed. And she hasn’t been seen since; hence the “Huma in Hiding” headlines.

      We’re likely to see more of those headlines in coming days. It’s the Clinton way, where truth is always the enemy.

  5. ABC

    A slim point separates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll results, cementing Trump's resurgence in the past week and marking the potentially critical role of turnout in the election’s outcome.

    The race stands at 46-45 percent, Clinton-Trump, in the latest results, so tight that the draw by third-party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein could matter. Clinton, +1 vs. Trump in a four-way trial heat, is +3 head-to-head –- not a significant difference, but suggestive.

  6. Biden: Clinton didn’t recognize “gravity” of setting up private email server.

  7. Google, Twitter and US Media are trying to tamp this down.


    Go to Google News and do not put in a subject. It shows a story (15 hours ago):


    New York Times
    See realtime coverage
    Hillary Clinton Assails James Comey, Calling Email Decision 'Deeply Troubling'
    New York Times - ‎15 hours ago‎

    Mrs. Clinton called the decision by the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to notify Congress about the discovery of some of her emails "strange" and "deeply troubling.
    Hillary Clinton »
    Federal Bureau of Investigation »
    I broke the news to the Clinton campaign about the new FBI emails probe. Here's what happened nextLos Angeles Times
    'This Week' Transcript: Sen. Tim Kaine and Kellyanne ConwayABC News
    Highly Cited:Politics|Emails in Anthony Weiner Inquiry Jolt Hillary Clinton's CampaignNew York Times
    Fact Check:The Clinton email probe: Questions and answersWashington Post

    BBC News

    Times of Oman

    Daily Times
    Italy earthquake: 6.6-magnitude tremor rocks nation's center
    CNN - ‎1 hour ago‎
    (CNN) A powerful 6.6-magnitude earthquake rocked central Italy on Sunday morning, injuring at least 20 people, in the strongest tremor to hit the country in more than three decades.

    Washington Post
    EU-Canada sign long-delayed trade pact
    Washington Post - ‎26 minutes ago‎
    BRUSSELS - The European Union and Canada signed Sunday a landmark trade pact, ending days of drama after a small Belgian region refused to endorse the agreement and deeply embarrassed the EU.

    Attorney: Cocaine was out of character for Jose Fernandez
    USA TODAY - ‎7 hours ago‎
    MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Miami Marlins pitcher Jose Fernandez had cocaine and alcohol in his system when his boat crashed into a Miami Beach jetty, according to toxicology reports released Saturday.

    Bill would ban refugees from settlement in Australia, PM says
    CNN - ‎3 hours ago‎
    (CNN) Refugees who make the harrowing journey by sea to Australia might want to think twice about that perilous voyage. They won't be allowed to settle if a new law gets passed.

    Icelanders vote for stability as Pirates fall short of expectations
    Reuters - ‎1 hour ago‎
    Oddny Hardardottirof the Social Democratic Alliance votes during the parliamentary election in Kopavogur, Iceland October 29, 2016.

  9. Corrupt, Rigged, Dishonest ( take your pick)


    Anthony Weiner is cooperating with feds investigating his sexting scandal — turning over his laptop to the FBI — even as Hillary Clinton has not bothered to ask her top aide, Huma Abedin, what’s on the device she shared with her estranged husband.

    The laptop that Weiner may have used for communicating with a 15-year-old North Carolina girl also had emails of Abedin’s that are relevant to the Clinton email investigation.

    Fox News’ Bret Baier reported Sunday that Weiner had given that laptop to the FBI — and that therefore a warrant may not be necessary to search the device.

    Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, confirmed on “Fox News Sunday” that his boss “hasn’t” asked Abedin about the content of that laptop.

    Asked by Chris Wallace, the host of “Fox News Sunday,” why Clinton hadn’t asked Abedin, Mook said, “You and I are on the same page.”

    “I want to know what’s in these emails, too,” Mook said.

  11. Justice will find a way to not allow a full search. Spousal privilege, they were married, WHATEVER!

    Justice Department seeks approval for email search

    1. Probly end up destroying the computer.


  12. Fact Check:Trump's bizarre claim that the Clinton email controversy is 'bigger than Watergate'

    Washington Post

    Opinion:Trump scandals make Clinton look good:

    Max BootUSA TODAY

    1. Max needs a boot up his ass.

    2. Carl Bernstein ✔ @carlbernstein

      Not to minimize her reckless and mendacious handling of email-server matters --but altogether different league than watergate.

    3. reckless and mendacious - BUT NOT ILLEGAL !

  13. .

    NSA is the latest Obama agency to publicly display its incompetence.

    This latest embarrassment reflects the shortcomings of the oxymoron that Clinton cites as the 17 'intelligence' agencies that say the Russians are behind the e-mail leaks released by Wikileaks.

    WASHINGTON — Year after year, both in his messy personal life and his brazen theft of classified documents from the National Security Agency, Harold T. Martin III put to the test the government’s costly system for protecting secrets.

    And year after year, the system failed.

    Mr. Martin got and kept a top-secret security clearance despite a record that included drinking problems, a drunken-driving arrest, two divorces, unpaid tax bills, a charge of computer harassment and a bizarre episode in which he posed as a police officer in a traffic dispute. Under clearance rules, such events should have triggered closer scrutiny by the security agencies where he worked as a contractor.

    Yet even after extensive leaks by Pfc. Bradley Manning in 2010 and Edward Snowden in 2013 prompted new layers of safeguards, Mr. Martin was able to walk out of the N.S.A. with highly classified material, adding it to the jumbled piles in his house, shed and car.

    A federal judge in Baltimore ruled on Friday that Mr. Martin, 51, must remain jailed on charges of stealing government documents and mishandling classified information over two decades. Prosecutors say they will add new charges under the Espionage Act. Mr. Martin, whose arrest in August was disclosed by The New York Times this month, has admitted to taking the material but denies giving secrets to anyone else.

    His actions, which prosecutors described in court as “breathtaking,” have already cast a harsh light on the government’s ability to police the 3.1 million employees and 900,000 contractors who hold clearances — or even the much smaller number who work inside the most closely guarded programs, as Mr. Martin did. His case appears to show serious breakdowns in personnel evaluation, technology designed to detect leaks and the basic job of inspecting people leaving secure buildings.

    I have yet to see any evidence that the tens of billions of dollars we waste on these agencies, especially on the NSA, or how many rights have had stripped from us under the rubric of security.


  14. “Donald Trump’s statement that this is bigger than Watergate is totally absurd. There is no evidence of any violation of law.

    For Trump to reach that conclusion based on a total lack of evidence is reminiscent of the innuendo spread by Joseph McCarthy in the early 1950s.”

    1. There is no evidence of any violation of law.


      Orwell spins.

    2. .

      More spin. Divert and ignore the claims.

      Suddenly, Trump's hyperbole becomes more important than Clinton's crimes.

      In the same way, Hillary diverted from the e-mail's substance by stating it was all a Russian plot to interfere with the US election and help Trump.

      If you don't like the story, ignore it. If you don't want to answer a question, answer a question you want to answer instead.

      Those supporting Clinton will accept it no matter what she says. Many of the sheeple will simple nod their heads, mutter that it sounds good, and then, go back to grazing.


    3. And voting for the First Female President.

  15. I'm getting a big joyous kick out of whole thing I can assure you all.

    Little concerned about Quirk though.

    But the joy is overcoming the concern....

    1. I'm getting queasy, I think they'll have the good stuff burned and buried.

    2. .

      I assume the FBI has the computer in question and all they are waiting on is the proper warrant worse case.

      Best case, I can't believe Comey would have come out with his letter unless he had some idea of what was on the computer, at least, in general terms.


    3. .

      Wouldn't the FBI have to have the computer since they are investigating Weiner on sex charges over the internet?


    4. It a biggie, YUUUUGE, Comey knows it, he had to spill the beans.....

  16. Huma

    1. .

      She cleans up good. I like the picture in the limo.



    2. If I had a second daughter, it would be Huma.

      - HRC

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Birthday call from my Niece puts all in perspective. Only has to defend her thesis. She's out to dinner today with people. Doing GREAT.

      SHE does NOT have Hillary/Huma/Carlos Danger problems !!!!

      The world is at her feet now !!!!!!

      whoopie !

      We are going on a trip after she is finished there....

      Life doe NOT suck !

  18. "Wouldn't the FBI have to have the computer since they are investigating Weiner on sex charges over the internet?"
    Yeah, but they only have permission to search the sex stuff.

    They need a warrant (OK'ed by JUSTICE, I THINK.) to search the emails.

    That's what this CNN article is about.

    Justice Department seeks approval for email search

    1. Do we believe JUSTICE will deliver justice for Hillary and OBAMA?

    2. .

      Is it DOJ or a judge the FBI would go to? I might be wrong but I would think it was the ladder.

      Would DOJ have the balls to delay it if it's their call?



    3. I think FBI has to get OK from Justice to get a judge.

      Would Loretta Lynch allow an email that discloses Obama's lies to go free if she had the opportunity?

    4. Mutiny Within The FBI: Resignation Letters Piling Up As Comey Tries To Right His Ship:

      "‘The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced
      last July that he wouldn’t recommend an indictment against Hillary,’
      said the source, a close friend who has known Comey for nearly two
      decades, shares family outings with him, and accompanies him to Catholic
      mass every week.

      ‘Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and
      even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,’ said the
      source. ‘They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the
      bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.’

      According to the source, Comey fretted over the problem for months and
      discussed it at great length with his wife, Patrice.

      He told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation
      letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents. The letters
      reminded him every day that morale in the FBI had hit rock bottom."

    5. Woman who play chess for sex may have checkered past.

      - Confucius

    6. I think any sitting US Attorney can flip it over to a sitting federal grand jury.

      (but once in a blue moon I am wrong)

    7. Quirk must be up on grand jury proceedings by now.

  19. John Kass:

    I've always figured that, as secretary of state, Clinton kept her home-brew email server — from which foreign intelligence agencies could hack top secret information — so she could shield the influence peddling that helped make the Clintons several fortunes.

    The Clintons weren't skilled merchants. They weren't traders or manufacturers. The Clintons never produced anything tangible. They had no science, patents or devices to make them millions upon millions of dollars.

    All they had to sell, really, was influence. And they used our federal government to leverage it.

    If a presidential election is as much about the people as it is about the candidates, then we'll learn plenty about ourselves in the coming days, won't we?


    Listen to the Chicago Way podcast with John Kass and Jeff Carlin.

  20. Raise your hand if obsessing over political shifts is ruining your sleep or other daily doings such as enjoying life.
    We've gone through worse than this and we'll get through this too.

    Keeping it light for my brother that passed way too soon.

    1. I use it as a distraction from my wife who passed too soon.

      Alone after fifty years is...

    2. The volume of crap I paste is testament to that.

    3. Sorry to hear that your better half is gone.

  21. Abedin told lawyers in June in a deposition that, like millions of internet users who don't manage their inboxes, she never deleted old emails on her devices, either at work with Clinton or at home with Weiner.

    "I didn't have a practice of managing my mailbox other than leaving what was in there sitting in there," Abedin said. "I didn't go into my emails and delete emails.
    They just lived on my computer.
    That was my practice for all my email accounts.

    I didn't have a particular form of organizing them. I had a few folders, but they were not deleted. They all stayed in whatever device I was using at the time or whatever desktop I was on at the time."

  22. I can only imagine the loss and heartache...

    Honey, I miss you...


  23. After all his talk, Deuce is gonna let us down in PA:

    Things are tougher in Pennsylvania, a state that performs a quadrennial fan dance to tease the GOP, but then reverts to type as after-hours votes from Philly and Pittsburgh come flooding in. The RCP averages show Clinton with a healthy 5.2-point lead, but savvy observers know you have to also figure in a small but significant vigorish for the Democrats as last-minute poll irregularities are discovered, Democrat lawyers get emergency injunctions to keep polling places open and boost minority turnout, and ballots fall off trucks or are discovered in locked rooms.
    A Trump wave, especially among disaffected Dems and outsourced steel workers, could flip the state, but it will still be hard.

  24. RCP has Clinton +5.8 in Penn.

  25. “Everything collapsed. I can see columns of smoke, it’s a disaster, a disaster,” Marco Rinaldi, the mayor of Ussita, one of the pretty mountain villages hit hardest by the last quake, told journalists.

    “I was sleeping in my car, I saw hell break out,” he was quoted as saying.

    Italy’s civil protection department said there were “checks underway in all the towns affected by this morning’s quake to determine whether there has been any damage to people or buildings.” Images aired by Italy’s Sky News 24 showed monks on their knees praying silently in front of the outdoor statue of St Benedict of Norcia, while scared residents stood by.




    It would take me 40 lifetimes to send that many emails.

  27. Hillary ought to do the right thing and commit hari kari.

    1. Think how much debt she could pay off with that one video !

  28. I believe we can all have optimism that Trump may win now !

  29. In final sprint, Donald targets Dem states...
    Thousands Rally in New Mexico...
    Colorado Dems Complain Clintons 'Sold Country Down River'...
    PAPER: Party should ask her to step aside...
    Unwelcome Return...
    How campaign allowed hacking of Podesta's e-mail account...
    SUNDAY MORNING: Hillary Hits Bar....DRUDGE

  30. SMIRK'S 'gone missing', like Huma.

  31. Senate minority leader Harry Reid accuses FBI director Comey of breaking the law and 'sitting on explosive' information about Donald Trump's 'connection to Russia'

    Good old "Romney Paid No Taxes" Reid

  32. FBI obtains warrant to start search of 650,000 emails found on sexting Weiner's laptop shared with his wife Huma as the race begins to determine how many are from Hillary's private server

    1. FBI now has warrant needed to read private emails from Huma Abedin
      Those emails - found on Anthony Weiner's laptop - may include some to Clinton's private server
      FBI agents have said it could take weeks to go through emails
      They have found 650,000 in total; thousands could be related to server
      Analysis of metadata turn up hits for ' and HRC emails'
      Means Clinton could still be subject of en FBI probe if elected president
      A jubilant Trump thanked Weiner for preserving the emails in a speech
      Told fans in Las Vegas it showed the Clintons had poor judgement
      The latest poll says the gap between Trump and Clinton is just one point
      A third of voters said the FBI's announcement has affected their support
      Clinton's friends and allies are urging her to distance herself from Abedin
      Abedin stayed behind in New York while Hillary campaigned in Florida

    2. In early October, agents told FBI heads they'd found emails from Abedin on the laptop that may have been deleted from Clinton's private server.

      But their warrant did not allow them to read emails that were not linked to the Weiner investigation.

  33. Trump's pre-show warmup acts whipped the Las Vegas crowd into a frenzy.
    Right-wing radio talk show host Wayne Allyn Root drew screams of 'Lock her up!' when he promised that a conservative revolution was – figuratively – descending on America's political elites 'with pitchforks, jackhammers and blowtorches.'
    'We're coming to tear it up,' he said, directing his fire at Clinton.
    'We're coming to kick your ass. And we're coming to put you in prison!'

    'Hillary and Huma have been done in by a leaking Weiner,' he mocked.
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


  34. Why can't Hillary admit she deserves death?

    The Latest: Woman in S. Korea scandal says 'deserves death'

    The woman at the center of a scandal roiling South Korea says she "committed a sin that deserves death."

    Choi Soon-sil is meeting with prosecutors who are examining whether she used her close ties to President Park Geun-hye to pull government strings from the shadows while amassing a fortune.

    According to Yonhap news agency, Choi told reporters Monday on her way to meet with the prosecutors, "Please, forgive me. I'm sorry. I committed a sin that deserves death."

    The scandal exploded last week when, after weeks of speculation, Park acknowledged that Choi had edited some of her speeches and provided public relations help.

    Widespread media reports have speculated that Choi, who has no official ties to the administration, had a major role in government affairs.

    The woman at the center of a scandal roiling South Korea is meeting with prosecutors who are examining whether she used her close ties to President Park Geun-hye to pull government strings from the shadows while amassing a fortune.

    Choi Soon-sil, a cult leader's daughter with a decades-long connection to Park, was nearly knocked off her feet several times Monday as she tried to walk through a massive crowd of media, protesters and security surrounding the entrance to the Seoul prosecutor's office.

    Wearing a bucket hat and scarf, she held her hand to her mouth and appeared to be gasping as the crowd converged on her.

    Protesters screamed: "Arrest Choi Soon-sil" and "Park Geun-hye should resign."

    The scandal exploded last week when, after weeks of speculation, Park acknowledged that Choi had edited some of her speeches and provided public relations help.

  35. Asshole Asserts His Right to be Loud at 2 am
