Wednesday, October 26, 2016



  1. The Trump D.C. Hotel will be the only thing that works in Washington, D.C.

  2. 1 sentence nutshell, please.

    1. .

      Thai Women Seek Dating, Chat and Marriage so Join Free Now!


    2. .

      Oh, and Trump's message was his new hotel was 'under budget and ahead of schedule', a metaphor for what he will do for the government and taxpayers if elected.


    3. .

      The best part was an interview Trump did with Dana Bash afterwards in which he ripped her a new one.


    4. .

      He also had kind words for Newt Gingrich on Newt's interview on Fox with Megyn Kelly. I saw it today and it was priceless.

      Everyone is saying Newt lost the exchange and that it hurt Trump further with women. I didn't see it that way.

      You could see Kelly was shaken up at the end of it.


    5. .

      I doubt Megyn Kelly will be on FOX much longer. She looks like she is getting ready to move on to bigger and better things. She's been hitting the talk show circuit and I heard she will be co-hosting at least one show on Kelley and Company.


  3. 'target rich' (from Quirk last thread).


  4. Britain says it will send fighter jets to Romania while the United States has promised troops, tanks, and artillery to Poland in what will mark NATO's biggest military build-up on Russian borders since the Cold War.


    Diplomats said it would also send a message to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who has complained that European allies do not pay their way in the alliance.

  5. Quirk is averaging less than one thought per comment so far this thread.

    1. This might finally get him into university but won't get him a job.

    2. He's got a new ad on social media:

    3. :)

      Hillary got to him, for sure.

  6. Ever since I put up the link to the Honolulu Cookie Company I've had ads for the Honolulu Cookie Company all over my computer.

  7. .

    Trump University was begging me to attend.


    1. They wanted to use you as advertising material.

      We at Trump U can make even a dunce seem functional !

    2. .

      At least, I wasn't asked to pose in the 'Before' side of the ad like you.


  8. Russia has withdrawn its request to Spain to refuel a fleet of Russian warships, amid pressure from Britain and NATO who raised concerns that the ships could be used to ramp up air attacks in Syria.


    The Spanish foreign ministry said in a statement that Russian Navy ships have been stopping in Spanish ports for years and that requests "are approved case by case, depending on the characteristics of the vessel".

  9. Newt Gingrich Kicked Off ‘Fox & Friends’ Guest List After Megyn Kelly Blowup

    1. “You can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them, Mr. Speaker,” she said. “Thanks for being here."


      Modest Megyn, the Humble Cunt.

    2. Megyn is on my shit list and no longer invited in my home.

      And, she's taken up these little hand gestures, facial ticks, and cutey cutey little moves.

      That is to say, she often acts like a smartdumbass thirteen year old.

      Gee, she thinks she's neat.

      The little asshole.

    3. Gingrich was still on O'Reilly and Hannity tonight.

    4. I like Judge Jeanine best of the whole bunch, with Ebony Williams high up there.

    5. Eboni.

      Don't know if she's a Trump supporter.

      Not really outwardly anyway.

      Like her anyway.

    6. Diamond and Silk

    7. .

      Deplorable before deplorable was cool.


    8. Hey, pretty neat.

      I clicked on the:


      and typed in Quirk at 2164th Elephant Bar, and left my email as required.

      We will see what happens.

    9. "All advertising is good advertising"

    10. I didn't tell 'em why, but if they get hold of me, I will.

      I'll suggest SMIRK, too.

    11. I can add, and truthfully too, that SMIRK already made The Dunce Chair here.

    12. A solid 7 day week, as I recall.

    13. .

      As long as the 'dunce chair' is higher than the bar stools and I can design the cap, I have no problem ruling over this mangy lot as 'King of Fools'.


    14. I always did say you were born to be a King of something.

  10. A series of strong earthquakes has rocked a wide area of central Italy, striking fear among residents rattled by a deadly tremor in August, but there were no reports of casualties and few serious injuries.


    Wednesday's earthquakes caused more damage to already precarious structures in Amatrice, the town worst hit by the magnitude 6.2 tremor in August, officials said, but there were no injuries.

  11. .

    Clarence Thomas has been a SCOTUS Justice for 25 years now. He took the opportunity to comment that DC is broken and lacks civility.

    He could be right. Joe Biden says he would like to take Trump out behind the barn. Trump said he would enjoy seeing him try.



    1. My high school mates and I drove 30 miles to see the first Cassius Clay/Sonny Liston fight in 1964.

      Wasn't on TV in our home town so we drove south and knocked on the first and they let us in to watch....

      I'd WALK that far to see Biden/Trump.

    2. Biden tried to round him up in a high tech lynching.

      Double sigh.

    3. First door. Young lady with a child.

      Nice gal.

    4. It was me, Oggie, Suds, Carlson and Hemrick.

    5. .

      Sounds like a troupe of German circus performers from the 30's.


    6. Make it Nordic/German and you'd have it right.

  12. .

    Russia touts ‘Satan 2,’ its latest, greatest nuke

    Just a reminder...

    ICBM with 10,000-kilometer range, capable of wiping out Texas or France, to go into production in 2018


    1. Capable of wiping out Texas, or France ?

      OK, I'll click on the article.

    2. We need a couple hundred of those ourselves.

      So do the Israelis, and the Hindus.

      Hey thanks, Quirk.

      I got signed up to the Times of Israel, too.

    3. I'm not buying into that about capable of wiping out Texas or France, though.

      Not yet.

      I'd want to see a couple of test blasts first.

      Maybe at the test range down in Southern Nevada.

      I was in a hotel in Las Vegas late 50s or early 60s with Dad and Roscoe, and the hotel shook from a test blast.

      Dad got a worried look on his face, I remember that.

      I'll monitor the Satan 2 test from North Idaho.

      Maybe Quirk would go down to Vegas and cover the story for us.

  13. Confirmation of my entry suggestion for the "Bowl of Stupid" by Diamond and Silk -

    Thank you for letting us know who you think should go into the "BOWL OF STUPID"

    Diamond and Silk


  14. Really good speech by The Donald, by the way.

    Short too, which always is a plus with political speeches.


  16. Replies
    1. Background in agriculture and the military and university, lives in a lava tube on Maui.....politically astute, world class sense of humor.....loves pineapples.....

    2. Grew up in California when it was still great.....

    3. I believe Ash was the first to comment on The Elephant Bar, but Doug worked the night shift along with Sam, Trish, and Habu.

    4. Really? First. I'd love to see a link to that.

      Been hanging here for a while though...

    5. I sure was keen to put the Belmont Club behind!

  17. M Kelly is in contract negotiations with Fox. Murdoch wants to keep her. She makes 20 mil a year and wants 25. She is good at what she does and I think she treats both sides equally. IMO. Her husband is a successful novelist. They are deeply entrenched in NYC society. We shall see if CNN has enough money to lure her away.

    1. Treating both sides equally would have included covering Hillary's defense of Bill's predations, and Hillary's trashing of his victims.

    2. She didn't, she has a new agent and is in pursuit of MSM cash, so we can be assured she never will.

    3. Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998

    4. Her first husband was an anesthesiologist.

  18. .

    Full interview with Trump and Stephanopoulos...

    One of the main reasons I have opposed Trump is that I considered him felony stupid, that is he worried more about small shit and personal insults than he did responding to the big stuff with specifics and pointing out the lies.

    In this interview he does exactly what I thought he should be doing right along.

    He remains calm throughout the interview.

    He stays on message.

    He actually makes logical arguments for his positions.

    He refuses to let Stephanopoulos divert the conversation and move to the Clinton line.

    He attacks Dem lies and diversionary tactics ('Trump supported the Iraq war', 'The Russians did it', etc.)

    He attacks the sacred cows of the Dems, Obama and Michelle, and he does it convincingly.

    He attacks the establishment, the DOJ and the oxymoron we call the intelligence community.

    In short, he hits all the bases and stays on message.

    Had he done this for the last year, he would have been ahead by 5 points right now.

    Although I have no regrets about the way I voted, given the choices, I would love to see Trump beat that lying bitch. The bullshit factor over the past two weeks from the Dem supporters has become claustrophobic. It makes you want to spit.


    1. .

      Had he done to Hillary what he did to Stephopoulos, he would have won the debates.


    2. .

      Way too late, I suspect.


    3. Q to a T -

      Although I have no regrets about the way I voted, given the choices, I would love to see Trump beat that lying bitch. The bullshit factor over the past two weeks from the Dem supporters has become claustrophobic. It makes you want to spit.

      Where to start......ah well, I give up......let him spit his guts out.....

      grrrrr.....he's frustrating

      The problem The Donald has had, and it seems to be his first experience at this, is being in a situation where he needs to sometimes please other people, and it doesn't come naturally to him....

  19. Stephopoulos is a living human turd.

    Said once the Clintons shouldn't ever be allowed near the White House again, and here he is shilling for them once again.....

    Disgusting irredeemable.......

  20. Our First Lady is running her mouth off on Fox, giving a speech, wearing the equivalent of Queen Lizzy One's peacock spy dress, eyes everywhere....

    She looks to be wearing a dress with listening devices or some such all over it.....

    Says she 'admires and respects Hillary Clinton' which tells you all you need to know about the woman....

    She's giving The Witch big old hugs.....

    Makes me want to throw up and spit.....

  21. Hillary has, in addition to all her other problems, a very bad drinking problem.

    She occasionally get truly soused.

    The Donald doesn't drink or smoke.

    He does have a line of wine or champagne though....

    He ought to send Hillary a couple cases....

    For his age, he is an amazing human energy machine.

  22. See Drudge right now for pics of Hillary drinking her guts out.....

    That's what this nation needs.....a corrputocrat drunken Parkinson's Disease patient who can't climb two stairs without help suffering from frequent brain freezes and who looks at you cross-eyed.....

    1. No wonder she needs BBD two feet away at all times with his syringe....

    2. And NOW Brilliant Q seems to be having some voting regrets.....

    3. He may be finally waking up to the fact that if Clinton wins he OWNS the results by doing zero to stop her.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Support seems to be growing this morning over at Diamond and Silk to induct Q into its Bowl of Stupid.

      The competition is fierce.

    6. .

      He may be finally waking up to the fact that if Clinton wins he OWNS the results by doing zero to stop her.

      Gosh, I'll be devastated. Not.

      One, he's a nitwit and hardly someone I'd want for president.

      Two, you can't help someone who won't help himself.

      Three, the thing I blame him for most is his preventing someone else from literally skating into the presidency running against Clinton (of course, he shares my disdain on this account with the morons that voted for him in the primaries).

      Fourth, you, sir, are many nits short of a nitwit.


    7. Fourth, you, sir, are many nits short of a nitwit.

      I take that as a real compliment !

      And thank you, Sir.

    8. .

      That's because you are less than a nitwit, much less, a halfwit. You, sir, are just marginally north of witless.

      However, I can see how you would take the comment as a 'real compliment'.

      You're welcome.


  23. It’s not over yet: Donald Trump will win, says top forecaster

    Donald Trump at a rally in Tampa, Florida (Photo: Getty) Jonathan Owen 21:42 Wednesday October 26th 2016

    Hillary Clinton’s confidence could cost her the US presidency, according to a leading American political scientist who claims that Donald Trump is on course to win the US election in 12 days. The warning comes amid concerns from the Clinton campaign team that voter turnout will yet prove critical, despite many polls suggesting that the Democratic candidate is ahead of her Republican rival. More: We’d publish report about Donald Trump suing but we’re too afraid he’d sue us, say lawyers The latest results from the poll considered to have most accurately predicted the results of the last three elections, by IBD/TIPP, suggest that Ms Clinton may have a lead of just 0.6 per cent over Mr Trump, with 41.8 per cent backing the former US Secretary of State compared with 41.2 per cent for Mr Trump. ’87 per cent likelihood’ In Florida, a key state for signalling the winning candidate in previous elections, Mr Trump may be ahead of Clinton, with 45 per cent compared with 43 per cent for his opponent, according to a Bloomberg Politics poll released yesterday. More Jon Voight: Donald Trump did not hurt anyone unlike Robert De Niro Professor Helmut Norpoth, from the Department of Political Science at Stony Brook University in New York, has correctly predicted the past five US presidents. Using a statistical model based on previous election results, he is predicting that Mr Trump will triumph next month. Professor Norpoth told i: “My forecast says that he’s going to win 52.5 per cent of the two-party vote, that would give Hillary 47.5 per cent. I attach something like 87 per cent certainty that he’s going to win.”

    Read more at:

  24. Heck seems to have regained the lead in the Senate race in Nevada.

  25. Oh Heck, I need to take a Crapo.

    1. Crapo doesn't need your vote.

      He's ahead by 33+.


  26. Tim Kaine Cancels Florida Rally....DRUDGE

    He drew 30 people last time so they figured it wasn't worth the money.

    Spend it on more ads, maybe.

  27. Video
    Wingsuit flyer hits tree at 90 mph: 'I should have died'

    In an interview for Topgunbase, Dossantos said he lay in the forest for three hours before being rescued. He was told that he sheared off an 8-inch-diameter tree and left a 300-foot trail of "blood, tree carnage and debris."

    1. Sounds like a normal landing for Quirk in his Ultra-Light 'The Crash and Burn'.

      I had to haul his cactus thorned ass out of the Nevada desert one time.

      Took him to Vegas where he took off in my car.....

  28. Trump Diversity Adviser: Voters Will Speak "Loud And Clear" On Election Day; Black Vote Will Be 16%+

    Posted By Ian Schwartz
    On Date October 26, 2016

    Donald Trump's adviser for African-American outreach predicts the Republican nominee will receive more black votes than the 5% projected in a new FOX News poll. Brunell Donald-Kyei, vice-chair of diversity outreach for the Trump campaign, estimated support from the black community will be between 16 and 25% on election day.

    On Wednesday's edition of Special Report, Donald-Kyei talked about "backlash" in the black community when you say you're a Trump supporter. She expects blacks will use the election booth to "speak up."

    "I'm going to tell you there's backlash when you say hey, I'm a Trump supporter and I'm black," Donald-Kyei told host Bret Baier. "So what I suspect is going to happen is on November 8th, black people who have been quiet and afraid to speak up are going to speak up louder than ever in that voting booth on November 8th."

    "They are afraid to speak up, but you'll definitely see on November 8th that it is greater than 6%. More like 16% to 25% black vote," she said.

    "Black people who have been quiet and afraid to speak up are going to speak up louder than ever in that voting booth on November 8th," she said.

    RELATED: Trump Proposes "New Deal For Black America" In Charlotte

    Donald-Kyei also spoke about the economic "hurt" and suffering facing Americans. She said we must make sure our borders are safe and that Americans are not fighting illegal aliens and refugees for jobs.

    1. "We want tougher immigration, to make sure that our borders are safe," Donald-Kyei said. "That we are not fighting illegal aliens and refugees for jobs. Americans are tired of fighting other people for jobs. And so that frustration is real. That hurt is real. And for the polls and different people to try to dismiss that, it's not right. It's not right. We're hurting."

      "America first," she concluded.

      Donald-Kyei also said the nation needs to "heal" and the races need to come together.

      "Our nation needs to heal," Donald-Kyei said on the FOX News Channel. "We want to heal. We want peace between the races. We want to make sure that our youth, whether they're white, back, Hispanic, have jobs."

      BRUNELL DONALD-KYEI: I would say God bless you and God bless America first. What I would say is that Donald Trump is the people's candidate. He is the person who is saying jobs. That is he going to give school choice. And those are big issues, even in the African-American community.

      So I'm going to tell you there's backlash when you say hey, I'm a Trump supporter and I'm black. So what I suspect is going to happen is on November 8th, black people who have been quiet and afraid to speak up are going to speak up louder than ever in that voting booth on November 8th. They're going to vote Trump, and then they may vote for Democrats straight down the ticket. But there are a lot of black people who are contacting me. They are afraid to speak up, but you'll definitely see on November 8th that it is greater than 6%. More like 16% to 25% black vote.

      BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL: Brunell, on the issues, you think that Donald Trump is well positioned here as the change candidate. You think, I guess, that these polls, the majority of the polls are not catching that?

      BRUNELL DONALD-KYEI: What I would say is, yes. I mean, the American people, the hurt, the pain, the suffering, the struggling that's going on on the ground, it's heart-breaking. And I believe that so many Americans poor and middle class are veterans who have felt hopeless in this last eight years are going to walk in to that voting booth on November 8th and they're going to express that hurt. They're going to express that pain in a mighty way, in a mighty voice in favor of Donald Trump, the change agent.

    2. We know that he is not part of the corruption that we are seeing in our government. Even with our media he is not part of the corruption. And so America is going to speak loud and clear. Whites, blacks, Hispanics, Arabs, Chinese, we're going to speak loud and clear that we are tired of the corruption and we're with Donald Trump. We want to drain the swamp that's going on in Washington, D.C...

      BRUNELL DONALD-KYEI: The most important issue to me is economics because the last eight years the economy, the poor people of this nation have suffered. The middle class have suffered and let me tell you something, the American people don't want to be dealing with a presidential person going into office with all the baggage, with all the investigations that are going to be on top of Hillary Clinton.

      Our nation needs to heal. We want to heal. We want peace between the races. We want to make sure that our youth, whether they're white, back, Hispanic, have jobs. We want to make sure that the Supreme Court, you know, that the constitution is protected. Those are American issues. That has absolutely nothing to do with your race. That's to protect this nation.

      And then we want tougher immigration, to make sure that our borders are safe. That we are not fighting illegal aliens and refugees for jobs. Americans are tired of fighting other people for jobs. And so that frustration is real. That hurt is real. And for the polls and different people to try to dismiss that, it's not right. It's not right. We're hurting. America first.

      Vote Trump !

    3. Don't miss the VIDEO in the article above.

  29. Russian President Vladimir Putin says American politicians are whipping up hysteria about a mythical Russian threat in the US presidential campaign as a ploy to distract voters from their own failings.


    Mr Putin however said it was hard for him to work with the current US administration because it did not stick to any agreements, including on Syria.


    Asked about Mr Trump, whom he once described as "very talented", Mr Putin said the Republican candidate was deliberately adopting a showy style because he wanted to get his message across and that he represented ordinary voters fed up with the US political elite.


    (some of the best people in the world)

    Vote Trump !

    "We will be better friends. We will be best friends. We will fight Islamic Radical Terrorism together"

    1. I can't recall a time when a Hindu or Hindu American blew up a bomb or fired a gun killing Americans.

      Can you ?

      Goooood People !

  31. WikiLeaks reveals grifters sparring with each other over spoils at the Clinton Foundation - 10/27/16

    Yesterday saw what could be the most meaningful release in the ongoing WikiLeaks saga. It so big that the New York Times, Washington Post, and other MSM pilot fish are devoting lots of space to it. More

    Even Chelsea was horrified.

    October 27, 2016
    WikiLeaks reveals grifters sparring with each other over spoils at the Clinton Foundation
    By Thomas Lifson

    Yesterday saw what could be the most meaningful release in the ongoing WikiLeaks saga. It so big that the New York Times, Washington Post, and other MSM pilot fish are devoting lots of space to it. In it was a 13-page memo written by Doug Band, defending his overlapping roles as fundraiser, agent for Bill Clinton speaking fees, honorary chancellorships, and other cash-generating activities and honors, and hustling founder of a big bucks consulting firm coincidentally signing up clients who are also donating to the Clinton Foundation and hiring the former president, via Band’s solicitations.

    The Band Memo came as an outgrowth of Chelsea Clinton’s horrified response when she discovered how Band, an obvious grafter in my opinion and probably hers, too, was lining his pockets.

    Joseph Tanfani of the Los Angeles Times noted that in 2011:

    Chelsea Clinton had written Podesta, saying it was time to professionalize the foundation’s operations and complaining that her father had heard of “multiple examples of Teneo ‘hustling’ business” at Clinton Global Initiative meetings.

    This led to a formal inquiry by a white shoe law firm, as James V. Grimaldi and Anupreeta Das write in the Wall Street Journal:.....

    1. Sounds more like the Borgias than a U.S. president, doesn't it?

      Why, yes, now that you mention it, it does.

  32. A handful of the emails and documents hacked from the private email account of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, detail the at-times uncomfortable overlap between the family charity and the public and private sector careers of the Clintons, dating back long before Clinton's formal campaign for president began.


    Campaign manager Robby Mook began to get his arms around the foundation as early as October 2014, emailing Mills to ask how closely Clinton would be tied to it going forward.


    "We've taken on a lot of water that won't be easy to pump out of the boat," Podesta wrote. "Most of that has to do with terrible decisions made pre-campaign, but a lot has to do with her instincts."
