Friday, October 14, 2016

Trump is Leading Revolution, a Real Threat to the Disgusting Corruptocracy Occupying Washington and They Know It!



  1. My opinion of Jill has risen.

    Now she needs to drop out for the good of the planet and the USA.

    Take Jill's advice:


    VOTE TRUMP !!!!

    I did, and I feel great about it !

    1. Rasmussen shows Trump getting 24% of the black vote !

      Hope it is true.

      That would be outstanding !!

  2. Washington knows that if Trump wins, Clinton will be indicted and all hell will break loose.

  3. Many folks, Charles Krauthammer being one, argue that jailing Hillary would somehow weaken our Republic.

    I heartedly disagree. On the contrary it is a necessity step to keep our Republic functioning.

    We want a country of laws, not men and women. If there is one law for the elite and another for everyone else we are doomed to third nation status.

    Jailing Hillary would affirm no one is above the law, restore some faith in the system.

    In our talks today my Lady Lawyer reaffirmed her belief that Hillary ought to be jailed for treason, and for a half dozen others crimes, she named them, perjury, etcetcetc, destruction of evidence, on and on, and said most in her legal circles felt the same way.

    Jailing Hillary would restore faith in and strengthen our Republic.

    And elite people would quit giving the middle finger to our laws, or at least think deeply about it first.

    State Department - corrupted
    Justice Department- corrupted
    FBI - corrupted
    Presidency - will be corrupted under Hillary, more than it is now
    IRS - corrupted

    All the levers of power corrupted.


    Vote like your nation depends on it, because it does.

    I did, and I felt GREAT after, and still do.

  4. Hell, he's being serious.

    Hillary and The Fly

    Hillary's Psycho Moment

    Tough reading. Only for the stout of heart.

    The incident really bothered me. Why didn't she shake her head or swat at it ? These are reflexive actions, right ? Oh, some attributed her inaction to her 'professional training', her leadership quality of 'powering through'. But we all know that's pure crap. If you have a filthy fly on your face, get it off.

    Then it hit me, where I've seen this before: the movie Psycho. The last scene shows a fly landing on the killer's face, and he doesn't swat it away.

    Of course now that I think about it, that's not the only similarity between the psycho in the movie and Hillary Clinton.....

    1. Alfred Hitchcock's classic film is the story of a woman, Marion Crane, who's on the run after stealing $40,000.  She pulls into the Bates Motel for the night and is stabbed to death by a psycho, Norman Bates, or rather Norman's mother.  Norman's a schizophrenic.  He has two personalities: his own and that of his dead mother. 

      Well, Hillary hasn't chopped anyone up (that we know of, anyway – see Wikileaks).  But Clinton's path to the White House is nonetheless littered with dead bodies. 
      As New York senator, Hillary Clinton voted for the Iraq war, where over 4,500 American service members died in battle.  Yet she now says it was a mistake.  In a September town hall, (Military Forum), Matt Lauer asked Hillary about her remarks.
      "Look, I think that the decision to go to war in Iraq was a mistake," she said.  "I also believe that it is imperative that we learn from the mistake."  So Hillary didn't apologize – she just qualified her support as a mistake.  I'm sure the  mothers, fathers, wives, and children of these 4,500 dead soldiers will take comfort from that fact that Hillary used their deaths as a teachable moment.

      Then we have the Benghazi terror attack.  Ambassador Christopher Stevens, information management officer Sean Smith, and Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were all left for dead by then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton.  She ignored 600 calls for help, worked on an illegal and insecure server that may have exposed the embassy location and activities, and failed to send help when the compound came under attack.  She then joined President Obama and lied to the American people and the victims' families that a video triggered the attack.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. But she doesn't want to keep going over Benghazi; it's old news.  As Hillary said in the Benghazi hearings, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"  To the victims' families, Hillary, it will never stop making a difference.

      We have the Obama-Clinton policies that have resulted in tens of thousands of American deaths.
      Open borders.  Men, women, and children killed by illegal immigrants, drunk drivers, gang members, murderers, and drug dealers.  No, it's not all illegals, but as many as 7,500 Americans – 20 per day – are killed annually by unlicensed drivers alone.  That's a pretty high number if it's your teen behind the wheel.  Add to that frightening statistic the fact that  illegal alien crime accounts for over 30% of murders in many states, and that approximately two million teens between the ages of 12 and 17 are currently in need of treatment for a substance abuse problem, and you begin to realize that your kids are in real danger from illegal immigration.

      The Syrian migration.  Hillary admits they have no idea who these migrants are.  (Some of the young, strong men have cell phones with beheadings and cage drownings in their favorites, Hillary.  That might be a clue.)  But the truth is, Hillary fully understands the danger of unvetted migrants, and she knows that per the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), there is "no way" to vet the refugees.  Hillary even admits that terrorists can infiltrate the migration, yet she still wants to increase the invasion by 550%.

      That's who Hillary Clinton is: a schizophrenic psychopath who has two very separate, very different personalities.  She said as much in her Wall Street speeches, where she said she has "both a public and a private position." 

      Her public persona – a polished politician, experienced and steady, a sweet, smiling grandmother.  Her private persona – a greedy, corrupt, politician who stepped over the bodies of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi.  The woman who let 4,500 of our finest fight and die in Iraq, their sacrifice cheapened as a mistake, a learning experience for Hillary.  The private persona who sold out American interests to the highest bidder (20% of our uranium to Russia), for whom no betrayal is out of reach for the right price – a Clinton Cash donation.

      In the end of the movie Psycho, the Norman Bates personality is gone, overcome by the mother's personality.  Police psychiatrist Dr.  Richmond explains:

    4. Norman Bates no longer exists.  He only half-existed to begin with.  And now, the other half has taken over.  Probably for all time.

      So it is with this election.  If Hillary Clinton wins, she and her ilk will rule "for all time."  This is America's last chance to get these evil tyrants out of our government.  If we lose, whether by votes, fraud, or government intervention, it will be over. 

      During the second presidential debate, Donald Trump did a masterful job of prosecuting Hillary.  He called her on her lies, the lives lost due to her corrupt dealings, open borders, the Syrian migration, our disappearing jobs, her plan to dismantle the 2nd Amendment, and so on. 

      Though Hillary kept her practiced smile throughout the debate, she knew that her mask was slipping.  She struggled to portray herself as a caring leader, a sweet, warmhearted grandmother who only wants to make the world a better place.  But her alter ego bled through the wholesome image.
      This was Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare, stranded out on that stage, alone, no rapid response team to spin Trump's facts, no media gang-bang to shut Trump up.  It was just she and Trump, and she was losing.
      Then opportunity arrived in the unlikely form of an ordinary housefly.  Hillary's mind raced – does she swat it, take the chance of smashing the little SOB into her forehead?  Does she shake her head and risk a seizure, try to flick it off but maybe lose balance?  There's danger at every turn.  Finally, like Benghazi, like her 30 years in politics, Hillary decides to do nothing.
      Norman Bates's mother:

      Let them see what kind of a person I am.  I'm not even going to swat that fly.  I hope they are watching.  They'll see.  They'll see, and they'll know, and they'll say, "Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly…"


    Hillary Clinton privately said the US would “ring China with missile defense” if the Chinese government failed to curb North Korea’s nuclear program, a potential hint at how the former secretary of state would act if elected president.

    Clinton’s remarks were revealed by WikiLeaks in a hack of the Clinton campaign chairman’s personal account. The emails include a document excerpting Clinton’s private speech transcripts, which she has refused to release.

    A section on China features several issues in which Clinton said she confronted the Chinese while leading the US State Department.

    Psycho Clinton thinks it is a good think to plonk ballistic missile systems around the nuclear armed 1.4 billion Chinese. Sheer genius. There is a risk reward for you. She is doing it for the children, of course.

    Push China and Russia even closer. Remind me why we reengaged with China and outsourced our manufacturing to them. Anyone recall “triangulation”? In one of Hillary’s bobble-head fits, she must have confused it with strangulation. Lock her up.

  6. I think Trump could use trade to get China to put a lid on North Korea.


    "Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small;
    Though with patience He stands waiting, With exactness grinds He all."

    by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Retribution, Poetic Aphorisms, 1846.

    I had falsely attributed 'the mills of the gods grind slowly, but exceeding fine'
    to Ernest Hemingway.

    “The mills of the gods grind slowly;
    But this mill
    Chatters in mechanical staccato,
    Ugly short infantry of the mind,
    Advancing over difficult terrain,
    Make this Corona
    Their mitrailleuse.*”

    * An old style version of the modern gattling gun

    Ernest Hemingway

    Ernie later lost his Corona typewriter or it was destroyed in an accident.

    Charles Beard, the influential historian of the first half of the 20th Century was asked if would write a book about the Lessons of History. Beard replied that he didn’t need to write a book because he could summarize the lessons of history in four sentences: 

    1. Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power. 
    2. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine. 
    3. The bee fertilizes the flower it robs.
    4. When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. 

    The ancient Greeks were the ur-source of the saying:

    The mills of the gods grind slowly, but exceedingly fine.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hillary is certainly mad with power now, and is up against the gods.

      I just wish the gods weren't so g-damned slow about it.

      I'd like to see her collapse before I make my exit.

  8. Regarding the previous thread about Michael Obama's horror over Trump's potty mouth. She has no issues bringing gangster rappers to the White House for entertainment. Go read some of their lyrics. What a hypocrite.

  9. .

    Total cost to build a Death Star: $22,452,000,000,000,000,000.

    [Shell only, armaments, communications equipment, etc. optional]

    Note: If the past has any predictive value, for the US to build the Death Star given our purchasing policies and personnel and the usual inefficiencies and corruption the actual cost would likely be 2 to 3 times this estimate.



    1. What hell you wanna build Death Star for ?

      How quickly quirky you forget -

      "Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth," Mitchell wrote. "They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.

      You're just setting yourself up for vaporization, Space Cadet Quirk.

      And my zone for your protection only extends to the edges of our Solar System.

      Beyond that you're on your baby own.

      Spend your time at The Mafia Barber Shop, is my advice.


    2. Space Cadet Quirk, Junior Grade

    3. The Iranians are continuing to look out for our interests in the Gulf, sending in more of their own missile ships to the area.

  10. October 14, 2016
    Michael Issikoff says NBC is sitting on devastating tape of Juanita Broaddrick
    By Thomas Lifson

    The NBC subsidiary of Comcast is reportedly combing its archives for material damaging to Donald Trump, but ignoring requests to air the full interview with Juanita Broaddrick by Lisa Myers 17 years ago.

    According to Brent Schur of the Free Beacon:

    The reporter that first learned about Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky said on Thursday that NBC is sitting on the full tape of its initial interview with Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick and should release it before the election.

    Michael Isikoff, who was a leading reporter during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, said in a Thursday discussion that NBC should release a 17-year-old tape of an interview that it conducted with Broaddrick. Broaddrick has long claimed that the interview that NBC aired edited out her claim that Hillary Clinton was involved in quashing Broaddrick’s rape claims.

    “NBC has the full tape of the original Lisa Myers interview,” Isikoff said during an online discussion on “NBC ought to check its archive and run the full interview. (AS long as they’re now culling their archives!)”

    The network previously ran the tape, but edited out material that was damaging to Hillary. This conspiracy has some history to it.

    “Folks have made much of the fact that her claim about the conversation she had with Hillary wasn’t in the interview that run,” Isikoff said. “Broaddrick said it got cut out; Lisa Myers has since agreed Broaddrick said this then—and NBC chose to cut it out.”

    NBC has never released an unedited version of its interview with Broaddrick.

    Both NBC and the Washington Post “closely vetted” Broaddrick’s claims at the time and chose to run with stories on her claims, Isikoff said.

    If we believe the cover-up is always worse than the crime (which has been media gospel since Watergate, regarded as the high point of American journalism by most journalists themselves), then Hillary’s suspected intimidation of a woman raped by her husband in order to keep him silent, surely outweighs any of the accusations of boorishness lobbed at Donald Trump.

    This time, there is tape. Tape is what made the difference in focussing public attention on Trump's alleged misbehavior.

    1. Maybe it is time for the torches and pitchforks to start parading in front of 30 Rock.
      The NBC subsidiary of Comcast is reportedly combing its archives for material damaging to Donald Trump, but ignoring requests to air the full interview with Juanita Broaddrick by Lisa Myers 17 years ago.

      According to Brent Schur of the Free Beacon:

      The reporter that first learned about Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky said on Thursday that NBC is sitting on the full tape of its initial interview with Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick and should release it before the election.

      Michael Isikoff, who was a leading reporter during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, said in a Thursday discussion that NBC should release a 17-year-old tape of an interview that it conducted with Broaddrick. Broaddrick has long claimed that the interview that NBC aired edited out her claim that Hillary Clinton was involved in quashing Broaddrick’s rape claims.

      “NBC has the full tape of the original Lisa Myers interview,” Isikoff said during an online discussion on “NBC ought to check its archive and run the full interview. (AS long as they’re now culling their archives!)”

      The network previously ran the tape, but edited out material that was damaging to Hillary. This conspiracy has some history to it.

      “Folks have made much of the fact that her claim about the conversation she had with Hillary wasn’t in the interview that run,” Isikoff said. “Broaddrick said it got cut out; Lisa Myers has since agreed Broaddrick said this then—and NBC chose to cut it out.”

      NBC has never released an unedited version of its interview with Broaddrick.

      Both NBC and the Washington Post “closely vetted” Broaddrick’s claims at the time and chose to run with stories on her claims, Isikoff said.

      If we believe the cover-up is always worse than the crime (which has been media gospel since Watergate, regarded as the high point of American journalism by most journalists themselves), then Hillary’s suspected intimidation of a woman raped by her husband in order to keep him silent, surely outweighs any of the accusations of boorishness lobbed at Donald Trump.
      This time, there is tape. Tape is what made the difference in focussing public attention on Trump's alleged misbehavior.

      Maybe it is time for the torches and pitchforks to start parading in front of 30 Rock.


  11. Bill Clinton Accusers Fear For Lives...
    GENNIFER FLOWERS: Bill Paid $200 For Me to Abort His Baby....DRUDGE

  12. .

    This election long ago left discussion of policies and issues behind and devolved into a personal catfight like some elongated episode of Bad Girls or a high school run for president at some entitled girl school.

    Trump has only himself to blame for this. Had he stuck to the issues he could have easily beaten Clinton. Anyone could have. But he didn't and everything points to him losing. Not because she is better wrt policy, character, history, or any other relevant issue. She's not. She will win because she is smart (cunning, clever, whatever) enough to listen to her advisors when they tell her to just "Shut up!". Trump on the other hand still eschews all advise and continues to dig the hole.

    Meanwhile as the ship sinks Trump and the Trumpettes keep complaining about the MSM, GOP leadership, the DOJ, the Liberals, and most recently a worldwide conspiracy.


    1. Advisors give advice.

    2. Quirk could run against the Govt Media complex and win easily.

  13. Ah, ha ! - it was Carlos Slim behind the NYT groping stories....Slim owns a big hunk of the Times, and may not like The Donald's idea of a Wall -

    Trump prepares new attack, linking NYT groping story to Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim

    1. Trump needs to get back to talking issues, and nothing else.


  15. College offers round-the-clock counseling for students 'troubled' by Halloween costumes - 10/14/16
    What sort of costumes do you think they're talking about? More

    Dr. Quirk, does your Quirk Qwik Cure, an internet medical clinic, offer some programs, counseling or drug prescriptions to help our people endure this yearly scourge on our Nation ?

  16. FBI revolt reportedly building against Comey letting Hillary’s obvious violations of Espionage Act go unprosecuted - 10/14/16

    Comey's nightmare scenario starts to unfold.


    Comey ought to be run out of D.C. on a rail.

    1. Maybe he could hire on with the new KGB.

    2. Pooty is said to be gearing up a new improved KGB.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Obama decries 'wild west' media landscape

    "There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard, because they just don't have any basis in anything that's actually happening in the world," Obama added.

    1. Truthiness Panel: Obama, James Comey, Quirk, and Ash.

    2. :):):):)


      And throw in Antony Weiner for a little humor.

      And Baghdad Bob is he's still around.

    3. It doesn't have to be the truth, it just has to have that truthiness aroma, taste like truthiness...even if it's fraudulent false fudge.

    4. Quirk's most hilarious comment yet is that if Trump had "stuck to the issues" the Govt/Media Cabal would have been rendered harmless.

      Like Romney woulda won if he hadn't screwed the pooch on the roof.

    5. The ultimate truthiness test is how the fudge is packed.


    1. Jessica Leeds


  20. The Wikileaks released today show that Obama, Lynch and HRC are involved in a criminal conspiracy and that Comey whitewashed it.
    Bigger than Watergate, yet the press doesn't give a damn.

  21. Donald Trump made me suck him off in 1962 when I was still a minor.

  22. Black Doctor Says Delta Flight Attendant Rejected Her; Sought ‘Actual Physician’

    “She said to me: ‘Oh no, sweetie put ur hand down; we are looking for actual physicians or nurses or some type of medical personnel. We don’t have time to talk to you.’ ”

  23. Obama to weigh Syria military options...


  24. The Shoe Salesman
